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The World’s Guide to Commercial Remote Sensing<br />

Fall 2004 Vol. 19 No. 4<br />

Gaza<br />

Strip<br />

images<br />

of<br />

destruction<br />

Hydroelectric<br />

Re-licensing<br />

Commercial Air<br />

Transportation<br />

Gains Critical<br />

New Service<br />

© 2 0 0 4 S P A C E I M A G I N G w w w . i m a g i n g n o t e s . c o m<br />

Civil Crisis<br />

Information for<br />

Humanitarian<br />

Relief<br />

S P R I N G 2 0 0 4<br />


contents vol.19 no.4<br />

fall 2004<br />

departments<br />

4<br />

Cover Image<br />

Merrill Pass in Alaska<br />

6 MarketScan<br />

Industry Info<br />

8<br />

31<br />

Policy Watch<br />

Fresh Water: Political and Social Tensions<br />

Events Calendar<br />

12<br />

26<br />

16<br />

features<br />

12<br />

Enhancing Commercial<br />

Air Transportation<br />

International Air Transport Association<br />

offers invaluable service<br />

16<br />

21<br />

26<br />

Verifying Destruction in the<br />

Gaza Strip<br />

Imagery provides objective view<br />

Civil Crisis Information<br />

Providing emergency mapping and<br />

disaster monitoring for humanitarian relief<br />

Hydroelectric Re-licensing<br />

PG&E’s use of imagery<br />

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cover image<br />

Merrill Pass, Alaska<br />


Fall 2004 / Vol. 19 / No. 4<br />


Myrna James Yoo<br />

Publishing Partnerships LLC<br />

my rna @ publishingpartnerships.com<br />


Jürgen Mantzke<br />

Enfineit z LLC<br />

jmant zke @ earthlink.net<br />

w w w.enfineit z.com<br />


<strong>Imaging</strong> <strong>Notes</strong> welcomes contributions<br />

for feature articles. We publish articles on<br />

the remote earth imaging industry, including<br />

applications, technology, and business.<br />

Please see Contributor’s Guidelines on<br />

www.imagingnotes.com, and email proposals<br />

to editor@publishingpartnerships.com.<br />


To subscribe, please go to<br />

www.imagingnotes.com, and click on ‘subscribe.’<br />

Subscriptions are free for those<br />

who qualify. For changes, please submit<br />

changes with old and new information to<br />

imagingnotes@spaceimaging.com.<br />

<strong>Imaging</strong> <strong>Notes</strong> is published quarterly by<br />

Publishing Partnerships LLC<br />

PO Box 11569, Denver CO 80211<br />

This pass was named for Russ Merrill, who in 1927 was the first pilot<br />

to cross the Alaska Range and fly over the remote Kuskokwim River. It is considered<br />

by many to be one of the most dangerous passes in the Alaska Range due to marginal<br />

weather and a multitude of box canyons surrounding it. Pilots must maintain a minimum<br />

altitude of 4,500 feet through the Pass, and in the past have had to rely on clear<br />

conditions for marginal safety.<br />

Accurate flight simulation training modules using satellite imagery and DEMs are being<br />

developed to mitigate these risks.<br />

The image is a 1-meter color IKONOS image, collected March 6, 2002.<br />


The editors apologize for an error in the Summer issue of <strong>Imaging</strong> <strong>Notes</strong>, within the feature<br />

story, “Renewable Energy.” Figure 3 is labeled as reflected solar energy. It actually shows<br />

strength and direction of sea-surface winds, and it was derived from the SeaWinds radar<br />

scatterometry instrument on the QuickSCAT satellite from NASA.<br />

<strong>Imaging</strong> <strong>Notes</strong> (ISSN 0896-7091)<br />

Copy right © 2004<br />

by Space <strong>Imaging</strong> LLC<br />

12076 Grant Street<br />

Thornton, CO 80241<br />

A lthough trademark and copy right sy mbols<br />

are not used in this publication, they are<br />

honored.<br />

© 2004 Space <strong>Imaging</strong> L LC<br />

w w w.imagingnotes.com<br />

<strong>Imaging</strong> <strong>Notes</strong> is printed on 20% recycled<br />

(10% post-consumer waste) paper. All inks<br />

used contain a percentage of soy base. Our<br />

printer meets or exceeds all federal<br />

Resource Conservation Recovery Act<br />

(RCRA) Standards.<br />

4 F A L L 2 0 0 4 w w w . i m a g i n g n o t e s . c o m

market scan<br />

Companies and Contracts<br />

MWH Soft, Inc. Signs<br />

New Customers<br />

MWH Soft, Inc., a global provider<br />

of water resources applications<br />

software (Broomfield, Colo.), has<br />

recently signed several contracts,<br />

including the City of Dallas Water<br />

Utilities, Orlando Utilities Commission<br />

(Florida’s second-largest<br />

municipal utility), Massachusetts<br />

Water Resources Authority,<br />

Anchorage Water and Wastewater<br />

Utility (the State of Alaska’s largest<br />

water and wastewater utility),<br />

and Mohawk Valley Water Authority<br />

in the central New York state area.<br />

In addition, the top-ranked<br />

Civil Engineering Department<br />

at Colorado State University<br />

(Fort-Collins, Colo.) is training its<br />

undergraduate students in advanced<br />

hydraulic infrastructure<br />

modeling with MWH Soft H2ONET<br />

software, the industry’s leading<br />

CAD-based water distribution<br />

systems analysis and management<br />

package.<br />

www.mwhsoft.com<br />

Industry Info<br />

Peace Parks Foundation of South Africa<br />

Acknowledged, Provides Inspiration<br />

The Peace Parks Foundation of<br />

South Africa has won the ESRI Presidential<br />

Award. The Presidential Award is<br />

presented as a special recognition by<br />

ESRI President Jack Dangermond to an<br />

organization that is a model for others<br />

to follow in implementing GIS successfully,<br />

while making a positive impact on<br />

the environment and society.<br />

The organization was selected<br />

for its leadership in establishing<br />

peace parks, which are trans-frontier<br />

conservation areas (TFCAs), large<br />

tracts of land that cross international<br />

boundaries, the purpose of which is<br />

Space <strong>Imaging</strong> Sells Federal Civil/Commercial<br />

Solutions Business Unit<br />

Geo360 Corporation (Denver, Colo.) has<br />

agreed to purchase Space <strong>Imaging</strong>’s Federal<br />

Civil/Commercial Solutions business unit.<br />

The group provides mapping and GIS services<br />

to federal, state and local government<br />

customers.<br />

Space <strong>Imaging</strong> will focus on its core business<br />

of selling commercial satellite imagery to<br />

all markets, providing geospatial solutions to<br />

defense and intelligence agencies, and in addition<br />

will continue to serve the international<br />

markets through its Regional Affiliate and<br />

International Alliance programs. The company<br />

will be increasing the scope and diversity of<br />

its defense offerings that include mapping<br />

production, R&D and system engineering<br />

services.<br />

Space <strong>Imaging</strong>’s Federal Civil/Commercial<br />

Solutions line of business was created with<br />

the March 2000 acquisition of Pacific Meridian<br />

Resources. During the last two years<br />

this line of business has exceeded revenue<br />

projections with an annual growth rate of<br />

20 percent while tripling its profitability.<br />

Geo360 is well poised to continue this aggressive<br />

growth.<br />

www.spaceimaging.com<br />

to employ conservation as a land use<br />

option to benefit local people.<br />

Peace Parks Foundation CEO Willem<br />

van Riet said, “GIS has helped fulfill<br />

the vision of peace parks because<br />

of its ability to . . . provide a common<br />

language through geography.”<br />

Professor van Riet has been involved<br />

with GIS since the early 1970s<br />

and used the technology to introduce<br />

the idea of peace parks to South African<br />

President Nelson Mandela, who<br />

founded the Peace Parks Foundation<br />

in 1997 with Dr. Anton Rupert and<br />

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands.<br />

www.esri.com<br />

Applications<br />

Hurricane Imagery Compelling<br />

This image of Hurricane Frances<br />

was collected by OrbImage’s OrbView-2<br />

“SeaWiFS” satellite on Thursday, Sept. 2<br />

at approximately 1 p.m. EST, when it was<br />

a category 4 storm. The image shows<br />

Frances heading west-northwest over<br />

the Bahamas.<br />

Vexcel Ground Station Systems Assist in<br />

Hurricane Early Warning<br />

Vexcel (Boulder, Colo.) remote sensing<br />

systems at the Center for Southeastern<br />

Tropical Advanced Remote<br />

Sensing (CSTARS) captured and processed<br />

MODIS satellite images of Hurricane<br />

Frances as it moved in a westnorthwest<br />

path through the Bahamas<br />

and towards the Florida coastline. The<br />

images provided early information about<br />

the hurricane’s cloud and convection<br />

patterns as well as the size of the eye,<br />

allowing agencies such as the National<br />

Hurricane Center (NHC) and the National<br />

Weather Service (NWS) to monitor its<br />

size and shape in near real-time.<br />

Using satellite imagery, researchers<br />

have discovered that the size of a storm<br />

is not as important as the shape; the<br />

greater the degree of spiraling in a hurricane,<br />

the more mature and intense it is.<br />

CSTARS advanced imaging techniques<br />

assist regional engagement support for<br />

emergency planning and natural disaster<br />

response and relief. The facility’s ground<br />

system was designed by Vexcel for<br />

autonomous operation with little manual<br />

intervention, high reliability and minimal<br />

downtime.<br />

In addition to MODIS, the Vexcel<br />

system at CSTARS supports low-Earth<br />

orbiting satellites that include RADARSAT,<br />

SPOT, TERRA/AQUA, ERS-2 and Envisat,<br />

enabling the center to provide critical<br />

data for environmental monitoring of<br />

the Southeastern U.S., northern South<br />

America, Central America, the Gulf of<br />

Mexico, and the Caribbean Basin.<br />

www.vexcel.com<br />

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Hurricane Frances (OrbImage)<br />

Detail of Merrill Pass in Alaska (IKONOS)<br />

Alaska Aviation Safety Project Improves<br />

Navigation of Key Mountain Passes<br />

The Alaska Department of Military and<br />

Veterans Affairs (ADMVA) will work with<br />

IKONOS imagery for the new Alaska Aviation<br />

Safety Project (AASP). The ADMVA has contracted<br />

with E-Terra (Anchorage, Alaska)<br />

to use $1.6 million of IKONOS imagery in<br />

developing accurate flight simulation<br />

training modules of 12 mountain passes<br />

for the AASP. Under a Federal Grant administered<br />

by NASA, the project’s purpose is<br />

to provide the general aviation community<br />

an enhanced air navigation safety tool<br />

depicting these Alaska mountain passes<br />

in 3-D rendering. The project plan included<br />

acquisition of two types of digital imagery<br />

data sets to aid in the research and development<br />

of an aviation safety and training<br />

product for use by the Rescue Coordination<br />

Center rescue aircraft. The Medallion<br />

Foundation, a non-profit aviation safety<br />

organization that provides management<br />

resources, training and support to the<br />

commercial and private Alaskan aviation<br />

community, will also utilize the E-Terra<br />

training modules.<br />

Alaska is one of the world’s most heavily<br />

aviation-dependent regions, with approximately<br />

600 public airports and more<br />

than 3,000 airstrips. Although Alaska has<br />

approximately 10 percent of the nation’s<br />

air carriers or commercial operators, it<br />

generates 35 percent of the nation’s air<br />

carrier and commercial operator accidents.<br />

A disproportionate number of these<br />

accidents occur when pilots fly these 12<br />

mountain passes, most of which connect<br />

Anchorage with the Alaskan interior.<br />

Several types of three-dimensional<br />

visualizations were created, from animations<br />

with two and three-dimensional<br />

viewing capabilities to full free-flight<br />

simulations and cockpit control. These<br />

visualizations involved fly-through views<br />

of Lake Clark Pass and Merrill Pass. All<br />

of the three-dimensional visualizations<br />

were created by overlaying two types<br />

of remote sensing data: IKONOS satellite<br />

imagery draped over digital elevation<br />

models from IfSAR (Interferometric Synthetic<br />

Aperture Radar) aircraft-mounted<br />

sensors collected by Intermap.<br />

F A L L 2 0 0 4<br />


policy watch<br />

Fresh water<br />

The stuff of life<br />

and the focus of<br />

future political<br />

and social tensions<br />

Water — essential to life and to<br />

national economies; clean, fresh water is<br />

becoming increasingly difficult to obtain,<br />

especially in arid and semi-arid climates. In<br />

the near future, ensuring adequate supplies<br />

of fresh water to support all the competitive<br />

water needs is likely to be one of the most<br />

crucial and contentious issues facing global<br />

society. Governments will face tensions<br />

in the future that are now very evident in<br />

southeastern Australia, where they appear<br />

in microcosm in the disputes among the<br />

states of the Murray-Darling River Basin.<br />

The crucial need to secure fresh<br />

water sufficient to the needs of southeastern<br />

Australia is what prompted the<br />

Australian hosts of this year’s International<br />

Space University’s Summer Session<br />

Program (ISU’s SSP) in Adelaide to<br />

request a study of what space systems<br />

can bring to the management of this<br />

enormous river system. The study, one of<br />

three team projects, illustrated how satellite<br />

remote sensing can contribute to<br />

the resolution of thorny political issues.<br />

Stretching from north of Sydney westward<br />

across southeast Australia to the<br />

mouth of the Murray River near Adelaide,<br />

the Murray and Darling Rivers drain most<br />

of southeastern Australia. This river basin<br />

area makes up 40 percent of Australia’s<br />

agricultural production, and grazing income<br />

sustains some 30 percent of its population,<br />

including four of its five largest cities:<br />

Adelaide, Canberra, Melbourne, and Sydney.<br />

Sydney, Australia (IKONOS)<br />

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policy watch<br />

Originally settled by different groups of<br />

Aboriginal Peoples from South Asia some<br />

50,000 years ago, Australia was explored<br />

and settled by Northern Europeans<br />

beginning in the 17th century. These new<br />

arrivals conquered the native groups and<br />

appropriated the best of their traditional<br />

lands, while generally ignoring the lessons<br />

that thousands of years of settlement had<br />

taught Aboriginal communities about land<br />

and water stewardship.<br />

Among the many new technologies<br />

and societal constructs that these settlers<br />

brought with them were European<br />

notions of water management to the<br />

ecologically different Murray-Darling<br />

Basin. In an effort to spur economic<br />

development and support agriculture,<br />

manufacturing, and tourism, successive<br />

federal and state governments<br />

built dams and weirs along the rivers,<br />

streams, and tributaries of the basin in<br />

an attempt to control the river.<br />

Unfortunately, these methods are often<br />

unsustainable in the Australian environment.<br />

In the process of building agriculture<br />

and other water-intensive industries, such<br />

efforts have led to increased soil salinity,<br />

loss of wild habitat, and decreased biodiversity.<br />

They have also made the basin<br />

more vulnerable to climatic changes and<br />

increased anxiety over assuring sufficient<br />

fresh water supplies to serve the nation’s<br />

major urban centers.<br />

This July and August, 37 SSP program<br />

participants took part in STREAM (Space<br />

Technologies for the Research of Effective<br />

Water Management), a detailed study of<br />

fresh water supply and demand in the<br />

region. They especially examined the contributions<br />

that space technologies could<br />

make to the assessment and management<br />

of fresh water sources and distribution.<br />

Residents of the Murray-Darling Basin<br />

face problems of securing adequate water<br />

to support their growing needs, and an<br />

uncertain future climate.<br />

Although the project focused primarily<br />

on the Murray-Darling Basin, the lessons<br />

drawn from this case study can be extrapolated<br />

to nearly every other area in the<br />

world where the supply and management of<br />

fresh water is at issue.<br />

Centered in Strasbourg, France, ISU<br />

holds a professional, graduate-level<br />

international educational program each<br />

year for professionals and students<br />

wishing to expand their knowledge of<br />

the world’s space efforts. This year, 114<br />

participants from 27 countries met in Adelaide<br />

for nine weeks to take part in an<br />

intensive, interdisciplinary, intercultural<br />

program of space studies. About onethird<br />

of that program is devoted each<br />

year to two or three team projects.<br />

Space-based remote sensing clearly<br />

provides certain advantages for monitoring<br />

Earth’s environmental systems over<br />

time. The synoptic view, repeatability and<br />

consistency of view, and digital format<br />

make space systems especially constructive.<br />

Thanks to private sector as well as<br />

government investment, the world now has<br />

sufficient operational satellites of different<br />

spatial and spectral resolutions to monitor<br />

the entire basin at different scales in order<br />

to examine vegetation health, water quality,<br />

and water distribution. A vibrant valueadded<br />

industry has emerged that can turn<br />

these data into useful information.<br />

In time, the research community will<br />

develop sensors to monitor rainfall, soil<br />

moisture, and soil salinity, which are all<br />

crucial information needs for long term<br />

water management. However, to be used<br />

for operational purposes in support of<br />

crucial environmental needs, successful<br />

sensors need to be incorporated into<br />

operational satellite systems. Increasingly,<br />

as the water shortages in the Murray-Darling<br />

Basin illustrate, large regional<br />

environments will have to be managed.<br />

Remotely-sensed data from satellites<br />

provide one of the means for doing so.<br />

Developing additional operational sensors<br />

for environmental management will<br />

require governments to admit that investments<br />

in operational satellites for public<br />

needs is part of their responsibility. The<br />

SSP04 participants hope that their study<br />

will help convince policymakers that investments<br />

in satellite-derived information<br />

will provide enormous long-term benefits.<br />

Yet potential users of the information<br />

that satellite systems provide generally<br />

do not care about the systems from which<br />

the information comes, as long as it is<br />

reliable and capable of fulfilling their information<br />

needs. The issue becomes how to<br />

convince them to invest greater resources<br />

in the use of data from space systems.<br />

Not only did the ISU report highlight<br />

the strong importance of satellite remote<br />

sensing in monitoring, assessing, and<br />

managing fresh water resources, it also<br />

underlined the enormous contributions<br />

that a dedicated set of professionals can<br />

bring to a complex subject in a short time.<br />

The study highlighted the need for<br />

the Australian government at both the<br />

federal and state levels to establish<br />

clear, integrated policies for the acquisition<br />

and distribution of satellite data in<br />

the development and delivery of water<br />

resources information. Australia did not<br />

reach its present difficult stage overnight.<br />

It will take considerable foresight<br />

and close attention to the basin’s information<br />

needs to make progress on this<br />

difficult, contentious problem.<br />

Unfortunately, the water problems<br />

experienced in the Murray-Darling Basin<br />

have become all too familiar to many other<br />

parts of the world. The study’s results are<br />

applicable to numerous regions where<br />

burgeoning populations and industrial<br />

development strain water resources — for<br />

example, the Middle East, the Southwest<br />

United States, and parts of Africa.<br />

As policymakers at all levels grow<br />

more comfortable with the use of<br />

information gathered by remote sensing<br />

satellites, they will increasingly be used<br />

to adjudicate environmental disputes<br />

such as access to clean water, clean air,<br />

and other life-sustaining components of<br />

daily life. The task before satellite data<br />

and information providers is to make this<br />

information more accessible and available<br />

to a broader range of the population<br />

— to all equities within society.<br />

RAY A. WILLIAMSON is research professor<br />

of space policy and international affairs<br />

in the Space Policy Institute of The George<br />

Washington University, Washington, D.C.<br />

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IATA<br />

offers<br />

new<br />

critical<br />

service<br />


Domain Manager<br />

Air & Marine<br />

Transportation<br />

Space <strong>Imaging</strong><br />

Thornton, Colo.<br />

www.spaceimaging.com<br />

Figure 1. Example of<br />

an IKONOS image of a<br />

commercial airport<br />

— Brussels<br />

Figure 2. Example<br />

of Airport Mapping<br />

Database (AMDB) of<br />

Brussels, derived from<br />

the image in Figure 1<br />

Figure 3. Example of a<br />

3D visualization of the<br />

island of Madeira off<br />

the coast of Portugal,<br />

a challenging destination<br />

to fly into for<br />

commercial airlines<br />

due to the significant<br />

terrain<br />

The commercial airlines of the world<br />

increasingly have been required to perform a daunting<br />

task — reduce the costs of airline service by whatever<br />

means possible, yet increase the number of destinations<br />

that they can service, in order to grow their revenue<br />

streams and operate as fiscally viable companies. As the<br />

first-world countries and their air services become saturated,<br />

the sole remaining opportunities for growth exist<br />

in servicing the second and third-world countries that<br />

lack extensive air transportation networks.<br />

As the number of destinations increases, so does<br />

the need for training all pilots to fly to more destinations,<br />

which then places upward pressure on training<br />

costs. However, the challenges of the post-9/11 world<br />

have forced the world’s airlines to be very aggressive<br />

about cost containment or cost cutting. This dual<br />

problem is driven in part by the ups and downs of<br />

international fuel prices and by wide fluctuations in<br />

demand for commercial air travel due to events such<br />

as 9/11 and the SARS epidemic in China.<br />

Remote sensing has the capabilities to address<br />

many of the challenges described above by taking<br />

advantage of the unique abilities of high-resolution<br />

satellites. The challenges involved in moving to new<br />

routes in second and third-world countries are not<br />

dissimilar to those that occur in the military when<br />

mission planning to new destinations is done for humanitarian<br />

or military missions. This planning typically<br />

involves the use of satellite information to plan<br />

better the routes to those destinations. Stereo photogrammetry<br />

from in-track stereo imagery is used<br />

to collect 3-D models of the departure and arrival<br />

routes in and out of the new destinations.<br />

The second step that occurs in the military is the<br />

use of mission rehearsal to train pilots actually to fly<br />

in and out of those new destinations. This may be<br />

done on complete full-motion flight simulators, on<br />

desktop procedures trainers, or on laptops or workstations<br />

with a monitor and joystick. Again, highresolution<br />

imagery can be used to build complete<br />

visual simulation databases in order to train pilots<br />

in what is known as “photo-real” visual databases<br />

— where the view in the simulator is exactly the same<br />

as the view out the window in the real aircraft.<br />

Constructing moving map display systems is the<br />

third step, so that, when the pilots fly to and from the<br />

airports, they can use precise vector or raster moving<br />

map display systems to monitor their progress and can<br />

plan for alternate routes in case of adverse weather or<br />

maintenance challenges. These moving map systems are<br />

also derived from high-resolution satellite imagery, superimposed<br />

onto the GPS position of the aircraft in the<br />

air or on the ground.<br />

While all of the above is fine for military air forces<br />

with large discretionary budgets, this procedure has not<br />

been feasible for the world’s commercial airlines, due to<br />

the cost of satellite imagery required for each destination<br />

— it is not uncommon for an airline to serve upwards<br />

of 50-100 individual destinations. A better model<br />

had to be found.<br />

Enter the International Air Transport Association<br />

(IATA). IATA represents some 95 percent of the<br />

world’s commercial airlines. At the end of the Second<br />

World War, the creators of the United Nations formed<br />

an organization known as the International Civil Aviation<br />

Organization (ICAO), to regulate commercial<br />

air transportation worldwide. ICAO’s mandate was to<br />

help all the UN countries to open the airspace of countries<br />

wanting to travel in the new world finally free of<br />

the shackles of World War II. ICAO was headquartered<br />

in Montreal, Canada, and provided the necessary<br />

regulatory framework for all national Civil Aviation<br />

Administrations (ICAO), to control commercial air<br />

transportation. Examples of such national organizations<br />

are the FAA in the U.S., NavCanada in Canada,<br />

and Airservices Australia in Australia.<br />

In order for the commercial airlines to have an<br />

appropriate voice in the conduct of that air transportation,<br />

IATA was created in 1945 with 57 members<br />

from 31 founding nations. Today, IATA has 270<br />

members from 140 countries around the world. Its<br />

primary activities are to promote inter-airline cooperation<br />

on routes and to provide common best practices<br />

for airlines and commercial airports to ensure<br />

12 F A L L 2 0 0 4 w w w . i m a g i n g n o t e s . c o m

safe and efficient operations. IATA also published a<br />

significant amount of tabular data on obstacles in the<br />

vicinity of airports, but without any independent satellite<br />

imagery to validate those obstacle locations.<br />

In early 2002, IATA recognized that its member<br />

airlines could also benefit from the use of remote<br />

sensing to expand route structures, to find more economical<br />

route structures, and to enhance the quality<br />

and fidelity of flight training by the use of high-resolution<br />

satellite imagery. Mutual colleagues at IATA<br />

and Space <strong>Imaging</strong> brainstormed the notion of a<br />

partnership to introduce remote sensing to benefit all<br />

member airlines. For a satellite company individually<br />

to market remote-sensing products and services to<br />

270 airlines would not be cost-effective. However, if<br />

the customer point of contact were a single organization<br />

such as IATA, then the cost of providing those<br />

remote-sensing products would be feasible.<br />

Thus in July of 2004, a partnership agreement was<br />

signed that would enable Space <strong>Imaging</strong> and IATA to<br />

produce a new line of remote-sensing-derived products<br />

to solve many of the problems described above. These<br />

new products, marketed and sold under the IATA brand<br />

name, will increase air transport safety and efficiency<br />

for the world’s airlines and airports. Space <strong>Imaging</strong> will<br />

manufacture the products by utilizing the company’s<br />

multi-source satellite imagery, imagery-derived products,<br />

IATA’s proprietary geospatial information and<br />

other public domain sources.<br />

The agreement allows for four categories of products<br />

to be sold under the IATA brand:<br />

Figure 1<br />

Figure 2<br />

Figure 3<br />

a. Satellite imagery of airports that includes visual<br />

representations of ground obstacles (see Figure 1).<br />

b. Aeronautical terrain and obstacle databases,<br />

manufactured from IATA’s obstacle information and<br />

terrain data derived from stereo imagery.<br />

c. Airport Mapping Databases (AMDB) that conform to<br />

the aviation industry’s international standard (DO-<br />

272/ED-99)(see Figure 2).<br />

d. Aviation visual simulation databases for desktop flight<br />

training devices (FTD) and full-motion simulators.<br />

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High-resolution satellite imagery and its derived products<br />

would assist in these efforts in the following ways.<br />

Mission Planning: Planning for New Routes<br />

One of the most significant possible new markets for<br />

IATA to pursue is the provision of additional imagery,<br />

vector maps and operational information for all of the<br />

new remote airfields being used as alternates by airlines<br />

flying Extended Twin-engine Operations over water<br />

(ETOPS), or by airlines flying conventional three-engine<br />

and four-engine aircraft over the North Pole area.<br />

Russia, China and other countries are now opening<br />

their airspace in order to collect more over-flight charges,<br />

but the level of data available for flight operations<br />

is still less than optimal. The use of the new product<br />

line at those remote alternate airfields will greatly enhance<br />

the level of information available to existing Polar<br />

Routes, and new Polar Routes still being developed.<br />

In-track Stereo IKONOS is used to develop 3-D maps<br />

of the airports and to extract digital elevation models<br />

(DEMs) for the surrounding areas of the airfields. The<br />

3-D maps can be used to calculate the optimum climb<br />

and descent profiles in and out of those airfields.<br />

Figure 4<br />

Figure 5<br />

Mission Rehearsal: Training for New Routes<br />

Once new route information has been developed, the<br />

same imagery can be put into flight simulators to train<br />

the pilots in actually flying to and from those destinations.<br />

Figure 3 shows what such a 3-D visualization would<br />

look like — truly photo-real!<br />

Mission Execution: Flying the New Routes<br />

Six current trends in global air transportation are:<br />

a. Migration to GPS navigation, away from groundbased<br />

navigation aids.<br />

b. Required Navigation Performance (RNP) Flight<br />

Operations.<br />

c. Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) Flight<br />

Operations.<br />

d. Increased data-linked air traffic control instead of<br />

voice air traffic control.<br />

e. Runway incursion prevention technologies.<br />

f. More rigorous computation of Engine-Out Procedures.<br />

All of these will demand significant redesign of existing<br />

NAVAID-based terminal procedures and company<br />

routings, as well as major urban area terminal redesigns<br />

to accommodate local changes and noise abatement requirements<br />

(especially in European Community countries).<br />

Most countries of the world will be looking at better<br />

data to accomplish this, and so will many of IATA’s<br />

members who fly into those countries.<br />

14 F A L L 2 0 0 4 w w w . i m a g i n g n o t e s . c o m

Information within the realm of global Civil<br />

Aviation Authorities in second and third-world<br />

countries at present is described as “best available”<br />

due to lack of funding. At present there is not<br />

enough quality information concerning operational<br />

content relating to airports and their surroundings.<br />

Operators and service providers are using<br />

whatever they can find, information which may be<br />

completely out-of-date or unapproved by the necessary<br />

authorities. If performance, obstacle, or flight<br />

path data are non-existent in relation to needed<br />

analysis, operators are forced to develop their own<br />

contingency data in order to provide safe obstacle<br />

clearance during engine-out, missed approach or<br />

engine failure during a missed landing.<br />

Any discussion of new sources of geospatial information<br />

for aviation must include a complete life-cycle<br />

to monitor changes at all affected airports. Space<br />

<strong>Imaging</strong> has developed some powerful proprietary<br />

tools that allow them to re-acquire new imagery, reextract<br />

new vectors, and compare those to the old<br />

vectors previously constructed in earlier versions of a<br />

particular airport. This will provide a complete sub-<br />

Figure 4. Advances<br />

scription-type arrangement, to ensure that changes<br />

on automatic runway<br />

acquired over time would be passed from Space <strong>Imaging</strong><br />

to IATA, and then by IATA to their members creation<br />

markings vector<br />

via their existing communication channels.<br />

Figure 5. Newest work<br />

As shown in Figures 3, 4, and 5, the types of airport<br />

on automatic closed<br />

change that would be acquired automatically could include<br />

runway and taxiway closures and obstructions, annotation<br />

runway detection and<br />

changes in runway threshold and taxiway segments, as<br />

well as ramp and apron changes.<br />

Benefits for airport authorities include those<br />

within planning for changes to their facilities, emergency<br />

procedures and noise abatement; within operations,<br />

such as tracking of ground vehicles with<br />

airport moving maps systems; and within training,<br />

such as for new procedures with simulators.<br />

In the years to come, the commercial airlines of<br />

the world will have a reliable source of remote sensing<br />

information for all of their advanced mapping needs.<br />

As they move the frontiers of new destinations farther<br />

and farther out, high-resolution satellite imagery,<br />

airport mapping databases, and terrain and obstacle<br />

information will be available to enhance the safety of<br />

operations to those new MM locations. <strong>Imaging</strong> notes Ad 2/19/04 10:42 AM Page<br />

<br />

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F A L L 2 0 0 4<br />



Consultant<br />


Sr. Military<br />

Analyst<br />

DARRY L LI<br />

Finberg Fellow<br />


Consultant<br />

Human Rights Watch<br />

New York, N.Y.<br />

www.hrw.org<br />

Satellite imagery is being<br />

used by Human Rights Watch to provide verification<br />

of the physical condition of sensitive geographic areas<br />

within the Gaza Strip.<br />

Since the beginning of the Intifada in September of<br />

2000, Human Rights Watch estimates that the Israel Defense<br />

Force (IDF) has destroyed more than 2,400 houses<br />

in the Gaza Strip. About two-thirds of the destroyed<br />

structures were located in and near the Rafah refugee<br />

camp at the southern end of the Gaza Strip along the border<br />

with Egypt.<br />

<strong>Imaging</strong> satellites are ideal tools for observing and<br />

recording this destruction, as they document, map and<br />

provide quantitative data on the actual physical condition<br />

of the area. Human Rights Watch obtained eight satellite<br />

photographs from the IKONOS satellite of the southern<br />

Gaza Strip spanning the time period of April 21, 2000<br />

through May 29, 2004. These remotely-sensed data supplemented<br />

field research and interviews conducted by a<br />

Human Rights Watch team in Gaza during July of 2004<br />

as described in a forthcoming report (www.hrw.org).<br />

Rafah lies at the center of the 12.5 kilometer-long<br />

border between the Gaza Strip and Egypt. It is a dusty<br />

city and refugee camp of sprawling concrete homes —<br />

one of the poorest and worst-affected areas in the Palestinian-Israeli<br />

conflict. The 1979 Camp David Peace<br />

Treaty bisected the town between Egyptian Sinai and<br />

the Israeli-occupied Gaza Strip, with the result that<br />

houses, fields and orchards, at that time, lay very near<br />

the border. This was still largely the case in April of<br />

2000, as can be seen in the satellite photograph displayed<br />

in Figure 1 – upper.<br />

This border area with Egypt is known to the Israelis<br />

as the “Philadelphia Corridor” after the IDF designation<br />

for the patrol road visible in Figure 1. In 2000 the<br />

Philadelphia Corridor was approximately 20 to 40 meters<br />

wide, and included a three-meter high concrete wall<br />

topped with barbed wire. By May 2, 2003, the corridor<br />

was 80 to 90 meters in width (Figure 1 – lower).<br />

Imagery provides objective view<br />

16 F A L L 2 0 0 4 w w w . i m a g i n g n o t e s . c o m

International border<br />

Figure 1<br />

Rafah Block O<br />

Cement wall<br />

April 21, 2000 (Space <strong>Imaging</strong>)<br />

May 2, 2003 (Space <strong>Imaging</strong> Eurasia)<br />

Rafah Block O<br />

Metal wall<br />

International border<br />

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Beginning in late 2002, after destroying hundreds<br />

of homes along the border, the IDF built an eight-meter<br />

high metal barrier in front of a long section of the border<br />

with Egypt to facilitate the movement of Israeli troops<br />

without exposure to hostile fire. This metal wall also<br />

extends two meters under ground. The satellite photographs<br />

of Figure 1 show Rafah’s “Block O,” one of the<br />

most damaged areas of the camp.<br />

The satellite imagery obtained by Human Rights<br />

Watch of the destruction of Palestinian homes and agriculture<br />

displays a clear pattern: the creation of a substantial<br />

buffer zone by the Israelis between the border with<br />

Egypt and Rafah. Between 10 and 20 percent of the refugee<br />

camp has been destroyed in the creation of this zone.<br />

Figure 2<br />

The main stated reason for the destruction of homes<br />

in Rafah has been described by the Israeli military as<br />

operations to find and destroy tunnels between Rafah<br />

and Egypt. Tunnels are both a longstanding acknowledged<br />

fact in Rafah and a phenomenon immersed in<br />

rumor. In the 1980s Palestinian smugglers began to<br />

dig tunnels in the soft sand to facilitate the transfer of<br />

goods, mostly cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs. The tunnels<br />

were an economic venture at the time, and their<br />

value increased as Israel tightened its controls around<br />

the Gaza Strip. As resistance to the occupation increased,<br />

the tunnels were used for arms and ammunition.<br />

Today, the tunnels are operated by a small group<br />

of smugglers who plan, dig and maintain the passages,<br />

transporting goods for whoever pays.<br />

While in Gaza, Human Rights Watch compiled<br />

case studies on Israeli tunnel interdiction. Residents<br />

of Rafah protested the excessive and indiscriminate<br />

nature of the Israeli military’s destruction, but many<br />

also had contempt for the profiteers who dig tunnels<br />

in their neighborhoods, thereby providing the IDF<br />

with a pretext to demolish homes.<br />


On May 12, 2004, an IDF armored personnel carrier<br />

heavily laden with explosives was destroyed in the<br />

Rafah buffer zone near Block O, apparently by a rocket-propelled<br />

grenade. The powerful explosion killed<br />

five soldiers and showered the area with fragments. The<br />

military wing of Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility.<br />

Israeli tanks, Caterpillar D9 armored bulldozers<br />

and helicopters moved against Rafah’s Block O on the<br />

evening of May 12, firing shells and missiles as residents<br />

fled. At the end of the operation on May 15, 88 houses<br />

in Block O and the neighboring “Qishta” area had been<br />

destroyed. On May 17, the IDF launched “Operation<br />

Rainbow,” the first division-level offensive in the Gaza<br />

Strip during the Intifada.<br />

Operation Rainbow primarily targeted two areas:<br />

Tel al-Sultan, on the northwest outskirts of Rafah;<br />

and the Brazil and Salam neighborhoods, in eastern<br />

Rafah, closer to the border (see Figure 2). The IDF did<br />

not enter the densely populated center of Rafah. Tel<br />

al-Sultan is a newer neighborhood several kilometers<br />

northwest of Rafah’s center. Israeli forces seized control<br />

of Tel al-Sultan on May 18 and imposed a 24-<br />

hour curfew. D9 bulldozers extensively tore up roads<br />

in Tel al-Sultan, causing severe damage to sewage and<br />

water networks. On May 19, a group of several hundred<br />

Palestinians marched towards Tel al-Sultan from<br />

the center of Rafah, demonstrating against the incursion<br />

there. Israeli tanks and helicopters opened fire on<br />

the crowd, killing nine people, including five people<br />

aged 18 or younger.<br />

Israeli troops pulled back from Tel al-Sultan on<br />

May 21. Over the next few days, the most extensive<br />

property destruction was at two large agricultural<br />

areas full of greenhouses, both more than one kilometer<br />

from the border and not near any settlements.<br />

’Ala al-Din Faiz Buraika watched the destruction<br />

from his home adjacent to the western-most agricultural<br />

area when it began on May 20. “No one could get out<br />

or in, tanks were surrounding the area,” he told Human<br />

Rights Watch. “They surrounded Tel al-Sultan and cut<br />

it from the town. They used bulldozers and tanks, with<br />

Apaches [helicopters] protecting them from above. They<br />

spent three days destroying the greenhouses, which grew<br />

onions, melons and flowers.” Human Rights Watch inspected<br />

both agricultural areas in Tel al-Sultan. Both<br />

were devoid of any greenhouses; only ruptured earth<br />

littered with metal and glass remains. Figure 3 contrasts<br />

before and after satellite images of the agricultural area<br />

west of Tel al-Sultan, illustrating this damage.<br />

The IDF accelerated Operation Rainbow by launching<br />

an offensive deep into the Brazil and Salam areas of<br />

Rafah, also for the first time in the Intifada. Two patterns<br />

18 F A L L 2 0 0 4 w w w . i m a g i n g n o t e s . c o m

Greenhouses<br />

Figure 3<br />

Dec. 16, 2003 (Space <strong>Imaging</strong> Middle East)<br />

May 29, 2004 (Space <strong>Imaging</strong> Eurasia)<br />

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Figure 4<br />

Rafah Zoo<br />

Metal wall<br />

Brazil Quarter<br />

Brazil Quarter<br />

International border<br />

Dec. 16, 2003 (Space <strong>Imaging</strong> Middle East)<br />

May 29, 2004 (Space <strong>Imaging</strong> Eurasia)<br />

of house demolition are evident in Brazil from the satellite<br />

imagery. In the interior of the camp, the IDF bulldozed<br />

paths through blocks of one-story houses. Closer to the<br />

border, destruction seems to have been more indiscriminate,<br />

leveling wider swathes of housing. Figure 4 contrasts<br />

a before and after image of the Brazil quarter. The Rafah<br />

Zoo marked the deepest point of penetration into Rafah,<br />

where Israeli forces set up a perimeter to isolate Brazil.<br />

The demolition continued throughout much of May 20<br />

and resumed periodically until the redeployment of the<br />

IDF out of Rafah Brazil on May 24. According to United<br />

Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the IDF<br />

demolished 154 houses in Brazil and Salam.<br />


Satellite imagery of the southern Gaza strip during<br />

the Intifada provides a quantitative assessment of damage<br />

over time to building structures and to agriculture.<br />

This data was used in conjunction with field research by<br />

Human Rights Watch to better understand the cumulative<br />

impact of IDF operations in Rafah and neighboring<br />

areas and to document the damage that occurred over<br />

several days in May, 2004. In contrast to the house demolitions<br />

since 2000 that have gradually expanded the<br />

Rafah buffer zone, Operation Rainbow involved widespread<br />

destruction deep inside Rafah, far from the border.<br />

In both patterns of damage to Rafah, satellite imagery<br />

has provided a uniquely objective and comprehensive<br />

window into the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.<br />

A full report is scheduled to be released this fall<br />

by the Human Rights Watch.<br />

20 F A L L 2 0 0 4 w w w . i m a g i n g n o t e s . c o m

satellite-based<br />

civil crisis<br />

information<br />


Team lead for<br />

Natural Hazards<br />

and Crisis Information,<br />

DLR<br />


Scientific Staff<br />

DLR<br />


Unithead for<br />

Environment and<br />

Geoinformation,<br />

DLR<br />

figure 9<br />

w w w . i m a g i n g n o t e s . c o m<br />

Providing<br />

civil crisis<br />

information,<br />

emergency<br />

mapping<br />

and disaster<br />

monitoring<br />

for humanitarian<br />

relief<br />

Due to the increasing occurrence of natural<br />

disasters, humanitarian emergency situations and civil<br />

endangerment, there is a rising need for near-real-time<br />

information. The experiences of the past few years also<br />

show the demand for timely, extensive and wide-area<br />

earth observation data for various crisis situations.<br />

The German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) as<br />

part of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) has been<br />

active in the field of crisis analysis for several years and<br />

has recently set up the Center for Satellite Based Crisis<br />

Information (ZKI). It serves as interface and front-end<br />

for the comprehensive satellite data acquisition, processing<br />

and analysis capacities available within DFD and<br />

ZKI, Center for<br />

Satellite Based<br />

Crisis Information,<br />

an initiative of the<br />

German Remote<br />

Sensing Data<br />

Center (DFD), Oberpfaffenhofen<br />

near<br />

Munich German<br />

Aerospace Center<br />

(DLR), Köln<br />

www.dlr.de<br />

www.zki.caf.dlr.de<br />

www.disasters<br />

charter.org<br />

F A L L 2 0 0 4<br />


figure 1 figure 2<br />

Figure 1. Forest fires<br />

in the Algarve Region<br />

of central Portugal,<br />

Aug. 17, 2003<br />

Figure 2. Collected<br />

on July 28, 2004, this<br />

image shows burned<br />

areas in Monchique,<br />

southern Portugal<br />

other DLR institutions in order to serve the operational<br />

civil protection and humanitarian relief communities.<br />

Besides response and assessment activities, ZKI focuses<br />

on geoinformation about medium term rehabilitation,<br />

reconstruction and prevention activities.<br />

DFD operates in national, European and international<br />

contexts, closely networking with public authorities<br />

(civil protection and civil security) and non-governmental<br />

organizations (NGO’s such as humanitarian relief<br />

organizations and the United Nations), as well as satellite<br />

operators and space agencies. DLR through DFD<br />

supports and participates in the International Charter<br />

on Space and Major Disasters, which is a major cooperative<br />

activity in the context of natural and man-made<br />

disasters providing complimentary satellite imagery for<br />

civil protection worldwide. In case of a natural disaster<br />

in Germany, and also where required globally, DFD coordinates<br />

the acquisition and analysis of satellite imagery<br />

as project manager in the scope of the International<br />

Charter on Space and Major Disasters.<br />

As the promotion of the application of spacebased<br />

information within the international relief<br />

community is a long-term effort, DFD has formulated<br />

long-term goals for ZKI as follows:<br />

a. Bundling existing technical and scientific resources<br />

and capacities at DLR to increase their effectiveness<br />

and coordination for crisis management<br />

b. Developing and establishing methods to generate<br />

specific information products and services in the<br />

range of disaster management, humanitarian relief<br />

and civil security<br />

c. Developing and establishing a distributed European<br />

network for civil satellite-based crisis information<br />

d. Enhancing relevant information technology and<br />

infrastructure<br />

In order to meet these goals DFD makes use of the<br />

full fleet of scientific and commercial satellites available<br />

partially through its own receiving stations. These<br />

include optical satellites like Spot, IRS, Landsat, IKO-<br />

NOS, and QuickBird, and radar satellite imagery like<br />

ENVISAT, ERS and RADARSAT. A very efficient and<br />

successful cooperation has been established between<br />

DFD and European Space <strong>Imaging</strong> to provide extremely<br />

fast acquisition and analysis of IKONOS imagery over<br />

Europe and worldwide. The IKONOS system is unique<br />

in that it allows regional operations centers around the<br />

world to locally task the satellite and directly <strong>download</strong><br />

the information. This makes the system highly efficient<br />

for near real-time crisis and disaster relief purposes.<br />

In various crisis situations and emergencies, DFD<br />

and these partners provide image maps with pinpoint<br />

accuracy to disaster relief organizations. Examples<br />

include maps made during last winter’s flooding in<br />

southern France; after earthquakes in Iran in December<br />

2003 and in North Morocco last February;<br />

and during forest fires in Portugal in the summers of<br />

2003 and 2004.<br />

22 F A L L 2 0 0 4 w w w . i m a g i n g n o t e s . c o m



w w w . i m a g i n g n o t e s . c o m<br />

figure 3 figure 4<br />

The<br />

experiences<br />

of the past<br />

few years<br />

also show<br />

the demand<br />

for recent,<br />

extensive<br />

and widearea<br />

earth<br />

observation<br />

data for<br />

various<br />

crisis<br />

situations.<br />


At the beginning of August 2003,<br />

the Portuguese Servicio Nacional<br />

de Bombeiros e Protecçào Civil<br />

requested activation of the International<br />

Charter on Space and<br />

Major Disasters. The Center for<br />

Satellite Based Crisis Information<br />

of DFD took over the project<br />

management for this call from<br />

Portugal at the request of ESA<br />

and coordinated data distribution<br />

and analysis. During the 18 days<br />

of charter activation, 52 image<br />

products were delivered through<br />

DFD to the fire control forces. In<br />

cooperation with European Space<br />

<strong>Imaging</strong>, DFD conducted a fastmapping<br />

activity to assess the extent<br />

and damage of forest fires in<br />

the Algarve Region. See Figure 1.<br />

The satellite images were used<br />

for different purposes during the<br />

fire fighting and recovery phase.<br />

While the high resolution satellite<br />

images helped to assess the damage<br />

and the mapping of burnt areas in<br />

different provinces and communities,<br />

daily medium resolution thermal<br />

NOAA/AVHRR images helped<br />

to redirect fire fighting efforts to the<br />

places where they were needed most<br />

urgently. DFD acquired and processed<br />

those images daily during<br />

early morning hours and provided<br />

the results to the Portugese agency<br />

only a few hours after acquisition.<br />

This allowed the fire fighting teams<br />

to make their decision on where to<br />

concentrate the fire fighting efforts<br />

based on timely and up to date information.<br />




Again in July 2004, forest fires in<br />

Spain and Portugal were recorded<br />

and analyzed at DFD, which produced<br />

a detailed satellite map of<br />

the affected area in the Monchique<br />

region. In addition, MODIS imagery<br />

was analyzed to obtain an overview<br />

of the current distribution of<br />

fires across the entire Iberian Peninsula.<br />

The maps show orchards,<br />

forests and agricultural-use areas.<br />

The local road and path network,<br />

as well as settlements and houses<br />

are clearly visible. Burned areas<br />

Figure 3. Explosion<br />

in southern Ukraine<br />

destroyed arms dump,<br />

shown here on May 8,<br />

2004. Fires were still<br />

burning at the time of<br />

acquisition<br />

Figure 4. The explosion<br />

site detail taken<br />

by IKONOS, 46 hours<br />

after the disaster,<br />

May 8, 2004<br />

F A L L 2 0 0 4<br />


figure 5 figure 6<br />

Figure 5. The Rhone<br />

river flood in southern<br />

France<br />

Figure 6. Bangladesh<br />

map in the Dhaka<br />

region were used for<br />

the management of<br />

drinking water after<br />

flooding<br />

can be distinguished in the satellite image. See Figure<br />

2. Using geometrically high-resolution images, the demarcation<br />

of the fire front can be identified in detail.<br />

On this account, these datasets can be used for the<br />

localization of damaged infrastructure.<br />



On May 6, 2004, a military arms dump southeast<br />

of the village of Novobogdanovka in southern<br />

Ukraine exploded. According to press statements,<br />

10,000 people in the surrounding villages had to be<br />

evacuated and a major highway and railway line connecting<br />

the cities of Melitopol and Zaporizhya had<br />

to be blocked. The satellite image in Figure 3 shows<br />

that the arms dump was completely destroyed. Large<br />

amounts of debris were hurled hundreds of meters<br />

and even kilometers into the neighboring villages<br />

and agricultural land. The satellite imagery shows<br />

that some fires were still burning in the explosion<br />

area during the time of acquisition. The second map<br />

in Figure 4 shows the explosion site in detail, approximately<br />

46 hours after the onset of the disaster.<br />



The French Civil Protection authorities called the<br />

International Charter on Space and Major Disasters<br />

in December 2003 for the severe flooding situation<br />

on the Rhone river. Various flood analysis products<br />

were generated in the Charter context, and DFD supported<br />

the relief activities by generating a high-resolution<br />

flood map for the northern parts of Arles on<br />

Dec. 6. See Figure 5. This activity showed how bundling<br />

existing technical and scientific resources and<br />

capacities helps to increase effectiveness and coordination<br />

in crisis management.<br />



At the emergency request of the Technische Hilfswerk<br />

(THW, The German Disaster Relief Organization)<br />

DFD compiled IKONOS satellite imagery from Space<br />

<strong>Imaging</strong>’s extensive archive to create an image base<br />

map of the area around the capital Dhaka. The maps<br />

were used for planning purposes during a joint humanitarian<br />

assessment campaign in August 2004 by<br />

THW and the United Nations Office for the Coordination<br />

of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) with a focus<br />

on drinking water management and supply after heavy<br />

flooding damage during July 2004. See Figure 6.<br />


Figure 7 shows an Envisat radar image of the Elbe<br />

Valley in Sachsen, Germany was taken on August<br />

19, 2002. It depicts the flooded areas at that time<br />

in black or blue. The flooded areas are particularly<br />

large around the city of Riesa.<br />

24 F A L L 2 0 0 4 w w w . i m a g i n g n o t e s . c o m

figure 7<br />

figure 8<br />

This image demonstrates the increased capabilities<br />

of the Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR)<br />

onboard the Envisat spacecraft as compared with the<br />

SAR sensors on the earlier ERS generation of satellites.<br />

Envisat’s ASAR instrument is the first permanent<br />

space-borne radar to incorporate dual-polarization capabilities<br />

— the instrument can transmit and receive<br />

signals in either horizontal or vertical polarization.<br />

This Alternating Polarization (AP) mode can improve<br />

the capability of a SAR instrument to classify different<br />

types of terrain. Because the reflective properties of a<br />

surface are dependent on the polarization of the incoming<br />

radar signal, the use of more than one type of polarization<br />

provides valuable extra information.<br />

A sequence of seven MODIS images were used for<br />

analyzing and mapping of the dynamics of the Elbe<br />

flooding event from July 28 to Aug. 22, 2002. See<br />

Figure 8. It allowed analysts to better understand the<br />

spatial and temporal behavior of the flood. Due to<br />

the fact that MODIS imagery can be processed and<br />

acquired in-house at DFD, these images often serve<br />

as reference for further planning and optimization of<br />

high resolution satellite data acquisitions.<br />

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Supporting the international relief activities undertaken<br />

by various humanitarian organizations in the area<br />

around the city of Bam, Iran, in December 2003 and in<br />

the area of Al Hoceima, Morocco, in February 2004,<br />

DFD generated damage assessment maps from satellite<br />

imagery and provided them to the international relief<br />

community. See Figure 9 (page 21).<br />

The maps were very helpful for the relief teams as<br />

they provided a first overview of the affected areas. Mapping<br />

of damages in earthquake areas can be very difficult<br />

if houses are partially damaged or the affected houses<br />

are spread out over large rural areas. In many cases international<br />

rescue teams start out from their home bases<br />

without any topographic or road map of the affected areas.<br />

Even archived imagery often helps to provide a planning<br />

and decision base. If satellite maps can be provided<br />

to in-field coordination teams they can be of great help<br />

for avoiding duplication and misunderstanding. Areas<br />

already searched can be clearly marked on the maps,<br />

thus saving precious time.<br />

The formation of the International Charter on Space<br />

and Major Disasters is an important example of space<br />

agencies and participating nations working together for<br />

the greater good. Satellite imagery has proven to be extremely<br />

beneficial for regions affected by disaster and<br />

suffering from crisis in many cases, especially whenever<br />

it was possible to provide up-to-date and high quality<br />

information to decision makers and relief workers in a<br />

timely manner.<br />

Figure 7. Envisat<br />

image of Elbe Valley,<br />

Germany flooding on<br />

Aug. 19, 2002. Spatial<br />

resolution = 25 m;<br />

Incidence angle =<br />

around 23 degrees;<br />

(IS2) Red channel =<br />

HH polarization;<br />

Green channel =<br />

HV polarization;<br />

Blue channel =<br />

difference between HH<br />

and HV polarization.<br />

Figure 8. MODIS images<br />

were used in<br />

sequence for analyzing<br />

and mapping of the<br />

dynamics of the Elbe<br />

flood. Left: August 16,<br />

2002; right: August<br />

20, 2002<br />

Figure 9. Map of<br />

earthquake in Morocco,<br />

February 2004. See<br />

page 21.<br />

F A L L 2 0 0 4 25

Remote<br />

sensing for<br />

hydroelectric<br />

re-licensing<br />



Senior Scientist<br />

Technical & Ecological<br />

Services Department<br />

Pacific Gas and<br />

Electric Company<br />

San Ramon,<br />

California<br />

www.pge.com<br />

Figure 2<br />

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E),<br />

a California Public Utility, operates extensive hydroelectric<br />

facilities on the Pit River of northern California,<br />

controlling a network of dams, tunnels, powerhouses<br />

and electrical transmission lines.<br />

The Pit 3, 4, 5 Hydroelectric Project is a 325-megawatt<br />

hydroelectric facility located on the Pit River, in<br />

Shasta County, California (Figure 1). The project occupies<br />

746 acres of lands of the United States administered<br />

by the Forest Supervisors of the Shasta-Trinity and Lassen<br />

National Forests. The Pit 3, 4, 5 Project consists<br />

of three hydraulically connected developments, with a<br />

total of four dams, four reservoirs, three powerhouses,<br />

associated tunnels, surge chambers, and penstocks.<br />

The project has a combined average annual generation<br />

of 1,913.7 gigawatt-hours. The Pit 3, 4, 5 Project is<br />

operated by PG&E under Federal Energy Regulatory<br />

Commission (FERC) License No. 233.<br />

The Pit River is a noted trout-fishing stream and is<br />

home to diverse communities of wildlife and vegetation.<br />

In 2002 a remote sensing program was conducted as<br />

26 F A L L 2 0 0 4 w w w . i m a g i n g n o t e s . c o m

w w w . i m a g i n g n o t e s . c o m<br />

Figure 1<br />

one element of a major study of the potential effects of<br />

future hydroelectric power operations on the river ecosystem.<br />

This project and other studies were conducted<br />

as part of the FERC re-licensing process for the Pit 3,<br />

4, 5 Project. Hydro re-licensing is a federally mandated<br />

process typically conducted once every 30 to 50 years<br />

for hydroelectric projects.<br />

The process of hydroelectric generation impounds<br />

water behind dams and diverts it through tunnels and<br />

canals to lower-elevation power stations (Figure 2). Water<br />

that would normally flow down the natural river<br />

channel may be reduced compared to pre-project conditions.<br />

This loss of flow in the natural river channel<br />

is mitigated by releasing very precise water flows from<br />

each of the dams situated along the river (Figure 3).<br />

These flow releases are referred to as “instream flows”<br />

and their magnitude and timing are major issues.<br />

A controlled flow study was conducted in the spring<br />

and summer of 2002 to evaluate the effects of various<br />

potential mitigation flow releases on aquatic resources,<br />

including assessments of fish habitat, fish strand-<br />

Figure 1. Location<br />

of the Pit 3, 4 and 5<br />

hydroelectric project.<br />

Figure 2. The Pit 3<br />

dam is only one of four<br />

dams located within<br />

the project area (photo<br />

by author).<br />

F A L L 2 0 0 4 27

Figure 3. Instream<br />

flows are augmented<br />

by precise water<br />

releases from project<br />

dams like this 1,200<br />

cfs test release from<br />

the Pit 3 dam (photo by<br />

author).<br />

Figure 4. Three-meter<br />

resolution image<br />

mosaic of RGB bands<br />

produced by the HyMap<br />

hyperspectral flight<br />

over the entire 37 km<br />

length of the project<br />

area (image by HyVista<br />

Corporation).<br />

Figure 5. Ground truth<br />

involved above-water<br />

and underwater evaluations<br />

with portable<br />

spectrometers and<br />

ground control point<br />

locations (photo by<br />

author).<br />

Figure 6. Aquatic and<br />

terrestrial habitats<br />

were classified and<br />

mapped to determine<br />

baseline conditions<br />

and to estimate the<br />

effects of altered flow<br />

releases (image by<br />

Itres Inc.).<br />

ing, amphibian habitat, mollusk habitat, filamentous<br />

algae movement, and sediment transport. Recreation<br />

concerns were also assessed with whitewater boating<br />

and fishability evaluations. Due to the diverse range<br />

of environmental studies requiring overhead imagery,<br />

several remote sensing methods were chosen to examine<br />

the full 37 km project length of the river encompassing<br />

all three power stations located within the Pit<br />

3, Pit 4 and Pit 5 reaches.<br />

In 2002 several remote sensing datasets were collected,<br />

including satellite panchromatic, terrestrial lidar,<br />

bathymetric lidar, airborne hyperspectral (Figure<br />

4), and seven acquisitions of high-resolution color airborne<br />

stereophotography. A ground truth dataset was<br />

collected to support each acquisition of remotely sensed<br />

data (Figure 5). All data were tied to the same horizontal<br />

and vertical datum for precise co-location between datasets<br />

in all three dimensions. The remote sensing datasets<br />

enabled mapping and modeling of the river and river<br />

basin morphology, classification of vegetation, and<br />

detection of several water quality parameters. Aquatic<br />

and terrestrial habitats were classified and mapped to<br />

determine baseline conditions and to estimate the effects<br />

of altered flow releases (Figure 6). These data were<br />

integrated into two-dimensional instream flow models<br />

of the river system, which simulate the spatial impact of<br />

different flow release rates and relate them to changes<br />

in aquatic habitat.<br />

The results of these models are helping a collaborative<br />

team consisting of PG&E, public interest groups,<br />

and several regulatory agencies to determine specific<br />

mitigation flow release rates that approach an optimal<br />

compromise between habitat health and cost-effective<br />

power generation.<br />

Figure 3<br />

Figure 4<br />



Terrestrial Lidar , ± 15 cm vertical, 3-meter posting<br />

a. Bare earth DEM<br />

b. Canopy DEM<br />

c. Test measurements of water surface elevations<br />

Figure 5<br />

Figure 6<br />

Color Stereophotography, 10 cm resolution, 1:7200 scale<br />

a. Precise river boundary vectors from stereo analysis<br />

b. Base map for traditional ground surveys<br />

Satellite Panchromatic Imagery<br />

a. Watershed overview and terrain assessment<br />

b. Planning for sampling locations and access<br />

28 F A L L 2 0 0 4 w w w . i m a g i n g n o t e s . c o m

Hyperspectral Imagery, 1.5-meter and 3.0-meter,<br />

126 spectral bands, 450 nm (nanometer) to 2480 nm<br />

a. Water quality maps (chlorophyll content,<br />

total suspended solids)<br />

b. Exposed and submerged substrate classification<br />

c. River depth<br />

d. Riparian vegetation classifications<br />

Bathymetric Lidar, 4-meter posting<br />

a. River bathymetry<br />

b. Water surface elevation<br />

Ground Surveys<br />

a. GPS and total station positions<br />

b. Spectral measurements<br />

c. Water quality samples<br />

d. Depth measurements<br />

e. Site descriptions<br />

The lidar data were used to create a digital elevation<br />

model of the river canyon at a 3-meter spatial resolution.<br />

The lidar dataset contains classified returns<br />

of the bare earth, the vegetation canopy, the water and<br />

infrastructure. In addition, a successful test was conducted<br />

in the use of terrestrial lidar to map river water<br />

surface elevations (Figure 9).<br />

Bathymetric lidar was used on an experimental basis<br />

to assess performance in a narrow, boulder-strewn<br />

river canyon. Not all of the project area was mapped,<br />

but the valid returns agree with the elevation measurements<br />

from traditional lidar and ground surveys.<br />

Hyperspectral imagery was used to map riparian<br />

vegetation, river depth and benthic substrate type<br />

(Figure 10). Spectral analyses and numeric models<br />

estimated the spatial concentrations of chlorophyll,<br />

total suspended solids and colored dissolved organic<br />

material in the Pit River.<br />

List of Project Participants:<br />

Technical & Ecological Services Department (TES)<br />

of Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E,<br />

San Francisco, Calif.)<br />

CSIRO Land and Water (Sydney, Australia)<br />

DigitalGlobe Inc. (Longmont, Colo.)<br />

EarthData International Inc. (Washington, D.C.)<br />

HJW GeoSpatial Inc. (Oakland, Calif.)<br />

HyVista Corporation (Sydney, Australia)<br />

ITRES Limited (Calgary, Canada)<br />

Joint Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Technical Center of<br />

Expertise (USACE JALBTCX, Mobile, Ala.)<br />

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory<br />

(LLNL, Livermore, Calif.)<br />

University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) Earth and<br />

Marine Sciences Department (Santa Cruz, Calif.)<br />

Remote sensing techniques<br />

are perceived as costly due to the<br />

high cost of aircraft, scanners,<br />

and data analysis, but actually<br />

compare favorably to more<br />

conventional techniques which<br />

are typically labor intensive.<br />


Satellite Panchromatic Imagery was collected in<br />

the initial planning stages of the study to provide<br />

an overview of the river basin (Figure 7). QuickBird<br />

panchromatic imagery was used to identify specific<br />

stream segments that would overlap project facilities<br />

and to select ground control points for subsequent<br />

airborne activities.<br />

High Resolution (10 cm) Color Stereophotography<br />

was collected seven times, once each at test flow releases<br />

from 150 cfs (cubic feet per second), 250 cfs,<br />

400 cfs, 600 cfs, 800 cfs, 1200 cfs and 1800 cfs (Figure<br />

8). The precise river boundaries at each river flow rate<br />

were digitized in stereo analysis to create 3-D river<br />

boundary vectors accurate to the centimeter level. The<br />

stereophotography was also used as a basemap for a<br />

vegetation survey on the ground.<br />

w w w . i m a g i n g n o t e s . c o m<br />

Ground data collection to support this project<br />

included GPS and total station surveys, underwater<br />

and above-water spectral measurements, water depth<br />

measurements and water quality samples.<br />

The application of remote sensing techniques for<br />

the environmental evaluation of hydroelectric projects<br />

is still developing. The value derived by using remote<br />

sensing will vary depending on the specific area<br />

of interest. Certainly, where access is difficult or impossible,<br />

the value of using remote sensing becomes<br />

extremely high. Aerial photography has been used<br />

for many decades for remote area mapping and remains<br />

an important remote sensing tool. New tools,<br />

such as high-resolution satellite imagery, airborne<br />

hyperspectral imagery, and lidar for topographic and<br />

benthic mapping are now available and enable many<br />

new ecosystem assessment approaches.<br />

F A L L 2 0 0 4<br />


Figure 7. High<br />

resolution (0.6 meter)<br />

panchromatic imagery<br />

was used for initial<br />

study planning, for terrain<br />

assessment, and<br />

for locating key project<br />

features such as the Pit<br />

4 powerhouse shown<br />

here (satellite image by<br />

DigitalGlobe Inc.).<br />

Figure 8. High resolution<br />

(10 cm) color<br />

stereophotography<br />

was used for aquatic<br />

habitat mapping and<br />

for a variety of ground<br />

truth applications (air<br />

photo by HJW Inc.).<br />

Remote sensing techniques are perceived as costly<br />

due to the high cost of aircraft, scanners, and data<br />

analysis, but actually compare favorably to more conventional<br />

techniques, which are typically labor intensive.<br />

As remote sensing techniques improve, with better<br />

spatial and wavelength resolution, expensive on-theground<br />

fieldwork requirements will be reduced. Ultimately,<br />

however, it will be the unique point of view provided<br />

by remote sensing that will be the most valuable.<br />

Remote sensing not only allows a broad overview of<br />

landscapes of interest, it can also provide comprehensive<br />

analysis of critical areas that might be missed by<br />

conventional approaches.<br />

It will be the<br />

unique point of view<br />

provided by remote<br />

sensing that will be the<br />

most valuable.<br />

Figure 7<br />

Figure 8<br />

Figure 9. Realistic 3-D<br />

views of the project<br />

area provide environmental<br />

scientists with<br />

a unique perspective<br />

of aquatic habitats.<br />

Lidar topographic<br />

maps were fused with<br />

vectors derived from<br />

hyperspectral data<br />

and high resolution<br />

aerial photos (image<br />

by Itres Inc.).<br />

Figure 10. Hyperspectral<br />

imagery was<br />

classified into vectors<br />

that describe riparian<br />

vegetation, river depth,<br />

and benthic substrate<br />

types (image by Itres<br />

Inc.).<br />

Geospatial analyses of the variety of image data<br />

can produce a wealth of detailed specialized maps.<br />

Various layers can be superimposed and overlaid to<br />

show the distribution of plant species, the extent of<br />

aquatic habitats, and the juxtaposition of energy infrastructure<br />

in a compelling format.<br />

Regulatory agencies, non-governmental organizations,<br />

and the general public have all responded<br />

favorably to the remote sensing products developed<br />

by this study, which has enhanced the environmental<br />

planning and decision making processes.<br />


Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) makes no warranty<br />

or representation, expressed or implied, with respect to the<br />

accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information<br />

contained in this document, or that the use of any information,<br />

apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this document<br />

may not infringe upon privately owned rights. Nor does PG&E<br />

assume any liability with respect to use of, or damages resulting<br />

from the use of, any information, apparatus, method, or<br />

process disclosed in this document.<br />

Figure 9<br />

Figure 10<br />

30 F A L L 2 0 0 4 w w w . i m a g i n g n o t e s . c o m

events calendar<br />

october 2004<br />

6 - 8<br />

GIS in the Rockies<br />

Denver, Colo.<br />

www.gisintherockies.org/index.htm<br />

12 - 14<br />

GEOINT 2004 Symposium<br />

New Orleans, La.<br />

www.usgif.org/symposium/<br />

index.html<br />

18 - 22<br />

RADAR 2004<br />

Toulouse, France<br />

www.radar2004.org/<br />

november<br />

7 - 10<br />

URISA 42nd Annual Conference<br />

Reno, Nev.<br />

www.urisa.org/annual.htm<br />

december<br />

6 - 9<br />

I/ITSEC Conference<br />

Orlando, Fla.<br />

www.iitsec.org/confinfo.cfm<br />

Vancouver<br />

february 2005<br />

1-3<br />

ESRI Federal User Group<br />

Washington D.C.<br />

www.esri.com<br />

13-16<br />

GeoTec Event<br />

Vancouver, B.C., Canada<br />

www.geoplace.com<br />

15-18<br />

URISA 9th Annual Integrating GIS and<br />

CAMA Conference<br />

Savannah, Ga.<br />

www.urisa.org/cama<br />

22-23<br />

AFCEA Homeland Security Conference<br />

Washington D.C.<br />

www.afcea.org<br />

march<br />

6-9<br />

GITA’s Annual Conference 28<br />

Denver, Colo.<br />

www.gita.org/events/annual/28<br />

7-11<br />

ASPRS 2005 Annual Conference<br />

Baltimore, Md.<br />

www.asprs.org/baltimore2005<br />

Washington D.C.<br />

w w w . i m a g i n g n o t e s . c o m<br />

F A L L 2 0 0 4<br />


12076 Grant Street<br />

Thornton, CO 80241 USA<br />

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