The Wedding Feast (~19.49) - Moriel Ministries

The Wedding Feast (~19.49) - Moriel Ministries The Wedding Feast (~19.49) - Moriel Ministries


News Alert equivalents of waving the white flag of surrender. If the Evangelical churches in America continue to go down the “Emergent Church” and “Seeker Friendly” road, the Church will become extinct in America! The answer is not in retreating from the truth of God’s Word. The answer is preaching and communicating the entire Word of God with no apologies! The answer is not retreat and compromise, the answer is full frontal assault with the Word of God on the powers of darkness. As the Church in American and Europe we must kneel before a Holy God and repent of our apostasy and false doctrine. It is only after true repentance from false doctrine and apostasy is made that the fire of revivals can burn in our hearts. God is Holy and His Word His Holy. When we reject our idolatry in repentance God can send His Holy power on His Church. God is in a supernatural relationship with His Church. Evangelism and ministry in the Holy Spirit cannot occur by any human merit. It is entirely dependent on the work of God. Christ is coming back! His prophetic super-sign is Israel! It is the desire of God to see His Church wage war against the powers of darkness before His return. He said to us, “The fields are white for harvest but the laborers are few.” We are to go out and evangelize the lost. The return of our Lord Jesus Christ has never been closer. "MORIEL" GOD IS MY TEACHER Moriel online: • MORIEL is an evangelistic ministry to people of other faiths, beginning with the Jews and nominal (non-evangelical) Christians, such as Roman Catholics and liberal Protestants. We also hold seminars on Messianic apologetics, and on Islamic evangelism, and cult evangelism • MORIEL seeks to plant Messianic fellowships where none exist. These are “fellowships” and not congregations, designed to evangelize Jews and to provide a practical way for Jewish believers and those called to the Jews to preserve and express their identity in Yeshua as Messiah • MORIEL helps believers to plant churches in situations where bible-based congregations do not exist. We call this Misgav Ladach;a Hebrew term meaning “shelter for the oppressed”. • MORIEL will stand against serious doctrinal error where it threatens the credibility of the gospel or undermines the authority of scripture. This will be particularly true concerning areas likely to prove detrimental to Jewish evangelism - such as “Dual Covenant Theology” and “Christian Anti-Semitic”, and “Anti-Zionism” News Flash . . . . Jews Banned From Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Conference Monday, October 19, 2009, 10:19 PM, Jim Hoft The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Organization is holding a conference this week in Egypt. No Jews are allowed. Israel National News reported: A United States-based organization’s conference on breast cancer awareness, to be hosted in Egypt, has been touted by international news networks as an example of “unprecedented cooperation” in the region. However, according to Channel 2 news, the celebration of unity may be premature, as Israeli doctors were told at the last minute that their invitations to participate had been rescinded. The conference will be held in Alexandria, Egypt this week, under the auspices of the American group Susan G. Komen for the Cure – the world’s largest breast cancer advocacy organization. It is to include meetings between leading researchers from the U.S. and several Mideast countries. Israeli doctors were invited to the event as well, and several had planned to attend. However, on Sunday night, the doctors received brief notices telling them that they were no longer invited to the conference, by order of Egyptian Health Minister Hatem el-Gabali. The notices did not include an explanation of Gabali’s decision. (Hat Tip Ken Solomon) Evidently, boycotting Israel is more important than curing breast cancer. * Susan G. Komen Reverses Decision: Will Allow Israeli Doctors at Egyptian Conference Thursday, October 22, 2009, 9:41 PM, Jim Hoft The Susan G. Komen Foundation reversed their decision and will now allow Israeli doctors to attend their breast cancer conference in Egypt. Atlas posted this update: Sufficient pressure was applied and the decision has been reversed. I was just advised by Doctors Against Racism. Thank you for contacting Susan G. Komen for the Cure. We have new information from our founder, Nancy Goodman Brinker, on this situation. Susan G. Komen for the Cure Pleased to Announce, Egyptian Events to Welcome All Advocates, Including those from Israel. Statement from Nancy Goodman Brinker, Founder, Susan G. Komen for the Cure Breast cancer advocates from the United States and across the Middle East are meeting in Egypt from October 21-27 for breast cancer awareness events. There have been reports that some of the invited participants would not be allowed to attend these events. Susan G. Komen for the Cure has now received confirmation that all advocates, regardless of their country of origin, are invited to fully participate in events to bring breast cancer to the forefront of public discussion in the Middle East. After we received the initial report on the situation, we launched a diplomatic effort to ensure they would be able to participate. I am pleased to report that our efforts led to confirmation that all advocates would be welcome to participate in the events. Susan G. Komen for the Cure remains steadfast in our mission to save lives and end breast cancer forever. More… Reader K. Solomon added: HUGE thanks to Ms. Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs) for starting the ball rolling, Mr. Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit) for accelerating the task at hand, Ms. Joyce Kaufman for the on-air “calmly voiced monologue” and each of you for doing your part in helping some sanity to reign. Notes:Permission given by Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit Blog & Atlas Shrugs(Pamelar Geller),, 20 Moriel Quarterly • December 2009

FYI PERTINENT “ ” October 4, 2009 “Nazi Israel:” Obama’s Official Web Site Equates Israel to Nazi Germany “The majority of the Israeli policies are the exact copies of the Nazi policies” by Bill Levinson Barack Obama’s official Web site, over which Barack Obama’s organization exercises editorial control, carries an entry that equates Israelis to Nazis and their treatment of Palestinians to the Holocaust. Emily and her fellow moderators at Obama for America apparently did not consider an entry that compares Israeli Jews to Nazis as “disrespectful to our other users and detract from a welcoming community where all people can engage in positive discourse.” Here is the material that Obama for America approved for posting.– Nazi Israel … Indeed Richard Falk, the professor of international law at Princeton University and the UN’s special rapporteur on the Palestinian territories, had accused Israel of violating international law, international humanitarian laws, and the Geneva Convention. He described Israel’s policies against Palestinians and its siege of Gaza as “war crimes”, “genocidal tendencies”, “holocaust implications”, and “holocaust-in-the-making”. He urged the International Criminal Court to look into the possibility of indicting Israeli leaders for war crimes. Professor Falk had a little taste of Israel’s Nazi-like crimes and human rights violation when he traveled to Israel, last Sunday December 14th, 2008, to visit the Occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip to report on Israel’s compliance with human rights standards and international humanitarian law. The Israelis “detained” Professor Falk at the airport, treated his as a criminal and a threat to the state, humiliated him and de- ported him next day back to Geneva. …Emboldened by the American blind and unconditional support, defiant Israel wanted to publicly give its finger to Falk and to the UN he represents, declaring itself above all international laws and above any criticism of its crimes and human rights vio- lations even if such criticism comes from a Jew himself. Such defying humiliation of the world political body is meant to distract the UN, and thus the whole world, away from the holocaust it is perpetrating against the 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza, and all its on-going war crimes against the rest of Palestinians throughout the whole Palestine. Falk’s accusations of Is- rael’s Nazi-like holocaustal implications are no differ- ent from those made by John Dugard, his predecessor, in several reports on conditions in occupied Palestine. Many conscientious political figures, as well as regular citi- zens, around the world had described Israel’s policies in occupied Palestine in specific and in the Middle East in general as war crimes and threat to world peace. Comparing the present- day Israel with Nazi Germany one discovers that the majority of the Israeli policies are the exact cop- ies of the Nazi policies. Nazi Germany had invaded its Eu- ropean neighbors extending from England to Russia. Israel had also invaded all its neighboring countries; Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. It is also heavily involved in the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. Its tentacles had also reached African countries as far as South Africa, Somalia, Sudan, Angola, and Sierra Leone. … Worse than the Nazis Israeli forces used to invade peaceful Palestinian towns, execute men, women and children in cold blood everywhere and anywhere they encounter them, dynamite their homes on top of their residents, and finally demolish the whole town making room for new Israeli colonies. Throughout 1948/49 Israelis had committed 70 ugly massacres against Palestinian villagers, and totally destroyed 675 Palestinian towns and villages including their churches and mosques. Such massacres and demolitions followed a set pattern, repeated in one village after the other, indicating a pre-meditated genocidal plan.. The rest of these lies and blood libels are available at Barack Hussein Obama’s official Web site, Organizing for America. Suffice to say that this entry passed muster with Obama’s moderators and is clearly acceptable to Obama for America. Posted by Bill Levinson @ 11:58 pm From the Atlas Shrugs website – Permission given by Atlas Shrugs (Pamelar Geller), December 2009 • Moriel Quarterly 21

FYI<br />

PERTINENT “ ”<br />

October 4, 2009<br />

“Nazi Israel:” Obama’s Official Web Site Equates Israel to Nazi Germany<br />

“<strong>The</strong> majority of the Israeli policies are the exact copies of the Nazi policies”<br />

by Bill Levinson<br />

Barack Obama’s official Web site, over which Barack Obama’s organization exercises editorial control, carries an entry that equates<br />

Israelis to Nazis and their treatment of Palestinians to the Holocaust. Emily and her fellow moderators at Obama for America apparently<br />

did not consider an entry that compares Israeli Jews to Nazis as “disrespectful to our other users and detract from a welcoming community<br />

where all people can engage in positive discourse.” Here is the material that Obama for America approved for posting.– Nazi Israel … Indeed<br />

Richard Falk, the professor of international law at Princeton University and the UN’s special rapporteur on the Palestinian territories,<br />

had accused Israel of violating international law, international humanitarian laws, and the Geneva Convention. He described Israel’s<br />

policies against Palestinians and its siege of Gaza as “war crimes”, “genocidal tendencies”, “holocaust implications”, and “holocaust-in-the-making”.<br />

He urged the International Criminal Court to look into the possibility of indicting Israeli leaders for war<br />

crimes.<br />

Professor Falk had a little taste of Israel’s Nazi-like crimes and human rights violation when he traveled to Israel, last Sunday<br />

December 14th, 2008, to visit the Occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip to report on Israel’s compliance with human rights standards<br />

and international humanitarian law. <strong>The</strong> Israelis “detained” Professor Falk at the airport, treated his as a criminal and a threat to the<br />

state, humiliated him and de-<br />

ported him next day back to<br />

Geneva.<br />

…Emboldened by the<br />

American blind and unconditional<br />

support, defiant Israel<br />

wanted to publicly give its<br />

finger to Falk and to the UN<br />

he represents, declaring itself<br />

above all international laws<br />

and above any criticism of its<br />

crimes and human rights vio-<br />

lations even if such criticism<br />

comes from a Jew himself. Such defying humiliation<br />

of the world political body<br />

is meant to distract the UN,<br />

and thus the whole world,<br />

away from the holocaust it<br />

is perpetrating against the<br />

1.5 million Palestinians in<br />

Gaza, and all its on-going<br />

war crimes against the rest<br />

of Palestinians throughout<br />

the whole Palestine.<br />

Falk’s accusations of Is-<br />

rael’s Nazi-like holocaustal<br />

implications are no differ-<br />

ent from those made by John<br />

Dugard, his predecessor, in<br />

several reports on conditions<br />

in occupied Palestine. Many<br />

conscientious political figures,<br />

as well as regular citi-<br />

zens, around the world had<br />

described Israel’s policies in<br />

occupied Palestine in specific<br />

and in the Middle East<br />

in general as war crimes and<br />

threat to world peace.<br />

Comparing the present-<br />

day Israel with Nazi Germany<br />

one discovers that<br />

the majority of the Israeli<br />

policies are the exact cop-<br />

ies of the Nazi policies. Nazi<br />

Germany had invaded its Eu-<br />

ropean neighbors extending<br />

from England to Russia. Israel had also invaded all its neighboring countries; Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. It is also heavily involved<br />

in the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. Its tentacles had also reached African countries as far as South Africa, Somalia, Sudan,<br />

Angola, and Sierra Leone.<br />

… Worse than the Nazis Israeli forces used to invade peaceful Palestinian towns, execute men, women and children in cold<br />

blood everywhere and anywhere they encounter them, dynamite their homes on top of their residents, and finally demolish the<br />

whole town making room for new Israeli colonies. Throughout 1948/49 Israelis had committed 70 ugly massacres against Palestinian<br />

villagers, and totally destroyed 675 Palestinian towns and villages including their churches and mosques. Such massacres<br />

and demolitions followed a set pattern, repeated in one village after the other, indicating a pre-meditated genocidal plan..<br />

<strong>The</strong> rest of these lies and blood libels are available at Barack Hussein Obama’s official Web site, Organizing for America. Suffice to<br />

say that this entry passed muster with Obama’s moderators and is clearly acceptable to Obama for America.<br />

Posted by Bill Levinson @ 11:58 pm<br />

From the Atlas Shrugs website – Permission given by Atlas Shrugs (Pamelar Geller),<br />

December 2009 • <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly 21

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