The Wedding Feast (~19.49) - Moriel Ministries

The Wedding Feast (~19.49) - Moriel Ministries The Wedding Feast (~19.49) - Moriel Ministries


Guest Author ognize it when it’s coming about? Because something took place that we’re seeing take place again in these final hours. What happened then is happening again, and the biblical term for it is “apostasy” – the great, spiritual falling away. It’s important to distinguish the difference between “apostasy”, “heresy”, and generic disbelief. A heretic is someone who denies some essential part of the faith in order to foster false teaching or join a different religious group, whereas an apostate is someone who having at one time believed and sided with God, now turns against Him and abandons those beliefs. It’s not a state of ignorance or mistaken knowledge but a deliberate renouncing of the faith. A nonbeliever can’t renounce what they never subscribed to in the first place. What took place leading up to Christ’s First Coming is again taking place as a prelude to His Second Coming: a great spiritual falling away. Let no one in any way deceive you, for it [the day of the Lord] will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, — 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Danny Isom The star was most certainly a sign from God, an indication in the heavens that spiritual events were taking place, but it was not a natural phenomena that everyone recognized. Only the spiritually prepared saw and interpreted the sign correctly; everyone else was blind to both its presence and proper context. It’s the real-life occurrence of what Jesus taught in the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins [1] – only the biblically prepared are ready when He comes. The most repeated End Times issue that has been brought up by every major figure of the Old and New Testaments — including Christ Himself — is that the Last Days are marked by great deception and even greater apostasy. It’s those who hold fast to a faithful relationship with Christ to whom the true meaning of such things is revealed. It doesn’t come about by “knowledge”, but “faith”. • At the First Coming, the signs were only visible and understood by those who were faithful to Him. So it will be at His Second Coming. • At the First Coming the established religious authorities had become so institutionalized and corrupt that although they possessed knowledge of God’s Word, they did not know how to apply it or use it to recognize the signs of the times. Likewise at the Second Coming the great apostasy will render such authorities completely ineffective, even working on Herod’s behalf in his day, a major type of Antichrist. • At the First Coming those who recognized the signs of the times first went to those most likely to be interested but were not only rejected but actually found to persecute the Son of the God they professed to serve. Instead of welcoming Him, they sought to kill Him. At the Second Coming, much of the persecution of true believers comes from those claiming authority and position within the church, not to mention outright war waged against the Son. • At the First Coming a one-world system of government that embraced all religions as being part of a diluted whole ruled the earth under a single ruler in the form of the Roman Empire. So at the Second Coming the merging of religious institutions within a single organization under the world rule of the Antichrist will arise in the spirit of the revived Roman Empire. • At the First Coming the world’s ruler instituted a worldwide census to “mark” all its citizens. At the Second Coming the Antichrist will “mark” all of its citizens. • At the First Coming the followers of Christ rejoiced at His coming and responded by worshiping Him. At the Second Coming the Antichrist will lead a war against Christ and His followers and will do everything in his power to get everyone to worship him instead of Christ, but in the end every knee will bow and every tongue confess. • At the First Coming the signs of the times provided Believers with the time frame and general context that assured them that Christ’s appearance was imminent. So at the Second Coming we shall know not the exact date and time but the certainty and nearness of His arrival. With more examples I suppose I could go on and on, but this is the sure point to take with you: If you want to know about the Second Coming, learn everything you can about His First Coming. And not according to the distilled holiday stories or even elaborate scientifically-based theories that have become so popular, but according to His Word, which was the very thing God gave to the earth at His First Coming. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. — John 1:1-5 Just as it was then, so it is now. The difference between those who saw and responded to the signs and those blinded to them came down to the fact that such things are not a test of knowledge but faith. Knowledge of the Scriptures was enjoyed by all, but only those who were putting it into practice, who were doers of His Word and not merely hearers were the ones who passed the test of faith requisite for spiritual clarity. There are many things foretold in Scripture that have and are coming true. But there is no greater confirmation that we are living in the shadow of Christ’s imminent return than the apostasy that is presently taking place within the church. In His Love, Danny Isom American Priest Says, “No Peace Without Syria” Syrian Arab News Agency American Protestant Pastor Rick Warren on Monday said there was no peace in the region without Syria, noting that 80 percent of the American people rejected what the US Administration is doing in Iraq and considered the US policy in the Mideast as wrong. Syria’s Grand Mufti Sheikh Badr al- Din Hassoun received the American Pastor in Damascus in which he referred to the importance of spreading culture of amity, peace and coexistence instead of the ‘clash of civilizations’. The Mufti called for conveying the real image of Syria, national unity and its call to spread peace, amity and justice to the American people which the US administration has distorted their image before the world. Pastor Warren expressed admiration of Syria and the coexistence he saw between Muslims and Christians, stressing that he will convey this image to his church and country. Quote of the QUARTER ! Winston Churchill, said: “The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you can see.” 18 Moriel Quarterly • December 2009

Paul M c Guire Guest Author DEATH OF THE OIL DOLLAR and ISLAMIC ECONOMIC WARFARE AGAINST THE U.S. here are radical changes about to happen in the U.S., Great Britain, and European nations that have at their root Islam’s war against the U.S. dollar as the world’s oil currency. Russia, China, Brazil, and the EU. A future economic war is raging between the US and China over Middle East oil. New currency, competing world currencies and gold will act as transitional currencies. Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar currently have an estimated 2.1 trillion dollars in reserves. What will happen when these nations move from the dollar to another currency? The global economic crisis was spoken of by the World Bank president Robert Zoellick: “One of the legacies of this crisis may be recognition of changed economic power relations,” he said in Istanbul ahead of meetings this week of the IMF and World Bank. Interestingly, the Word Bank and the International Monetary Fund are the organizations an International Federal Reserve is using to create a new world currency. Bible prophecy tells us about the rise of the Fourth Beast mentioned in Daniel Chapter 9, or a Revived Roman Empire. In other words a new world order is being birthed by a world currency and the European Union. America, which has been Israel’s only friend, now finds itself betrayed by a new administration in Washington D.C. which appears to favor relationships with Muslim nations. The Abrahamic Covenant is clear about what happens to a nation that stops blessing Israel and begins to curse Israel. As a student of Bible prophecy I take the Abrahamic Covenant very seriously. I believe America has sowed to the wind and is about to reap the whirlwind. God’s hand of protection has been lifted off America, and now we are vulnerable to either a catastrophic calamity or something on the order of a nuclear attack. It is my personal opinion that America will suffer a catastrophe of unprecedented proportions and that this catastrophe will be directly related to the violation of the Abrahamic Covenant. I am not setting a date or the nature of the event; I am simply basing it on “Those that curse thee I will curse.” In fact, America’s current economic crisis could be related to this covenant. To compound these problems, America is under an invasion by Islam. It is a longterm invasion that has been planned for at least twenty years. I am deeply troubled by Evangelical Christians who are ignorant to the reality of this invasion and how it will affect their lives in America. Let me list a few of the long-term plans of this Islamic Invasion against America. 1. Elect presidents, congressmen, senators and politicians who are pro-Islam and will vote to further the agenda of Islam. Part of this implies covertly financing their campaigns. 2. A strategic ownership of media and other corporations through the buying of a controlling interest of stocks. Media companies are the primary target. 3. The Islamic financing and backing of all sorts of laws and bills that do not seem related to the cause of Islam. Islam backing “hate crime” legislation and other laws that will enable Islam to “piggy back” on those laws and grant special rights to Muslims and Islamic groups. 4. Strategic immigration and birth rates by Islamic men and women. While Western Christians buy into the lie of 1.5 children per household and abortion, Muslims do not practice abortion and have soaring birth rates. This is happening as well in Europe where Europeans have almost a zero population growth. Muslims through births and immigration have established controlling minorities in many nations. They have created a powerful and unified political lobby. 5. The strategic infiltration of college campuses for the purpose of conversion and spreading anti- Jewish propaganda. In America and European nations we have a convergence of powerful forces – the forces of globalization which favor Islam over Judaism and Christianity. There is a long-term plan for invasion by Islam with the endgame of converting Western nations into Muslim nations. This puts Christianity and Israel in jeopardy. Biblebelieving Christians will be attacked and targeted through “hate crime” legislation. Until the Lord returns, what strategy can be employed by the Body of Christ to deal with this problem? Jesus Christ said, “Occupy until I come.” The Body of Christ is not to be in retreat until the return of Christ. It is an indictment on the theology of the Christian churches that the forces of materialism, hedonism and atheism have driven them into retreat. These same forces are now at work in America! The latest statistics in America reveal that the Christian churches in America will soon be like the churches in Europe. What is the solution? The solution is uncompromised preaching and communication of the entire Word of God. Men whose hearts are on fire by the power of the Holy Spirit preaching without shame the full Word of God. The answer is not to water down the Gospel in order to appeal to sinners! The “Seeker Friendly” and “Emergent Churches” are the spiritual December 2009 • Moriel Quarterly 19

Guest Author<br />

ognize it when it’s coming about? Because<br />

something took place that we’re seeing<br />

take place again in these final hours. What<br />

happened then is happening again, and<br />

the biblical term for it is “apostasy” – the<br />

great, spiritual falling away.<br />

It’s important to distinguish the difference<br />

between “apostasy”, “heresy”, and<br />

generic disbelief. A heretic is someone who<br />

denies some essential part of the faith in order<br />

to foster false teaching or join a different<br />

religious group, whereas an apostate is<br />

someone who having at one time believed<br />

and sided with God, now turns against Him<br />

and abandons those beliefs. It’s not a state<br />

of ignorance or mistaken knowledge but a<br />

deliberate renouncing of the faith. A nonbeliever<br />

can’t renounce what they never<br />

subscribed to in the first place. What took<br />

place leading up to Christ’s First Coming is<br />

again taking place as a prelude to His Second<br />

Coming: a great spiritual falling away.<br />

Let no one in any way deceive<br />

you, for it [the day of the<br />

Lord] will not come unless<br />

the apostasy comes first,<br />

and the man of lawlessness<br />

is revealed, the son of destruction,<br />

— 2 <strong>The</strong>ssalonians 2:3<br />

Danny Isom<br />

<strong>The</strong> star was most certainly a sign from<br />

God, an indication in the heavens that spiritual<br />

events were taking place, but it was<br />

not a natural phenomena that everyone recognized.<br />

Only the spiritually prepared saw<br />

and interpreted the sign correctly; everyone<br />

else was blind to both its presence and<br />

proper context. It’s the real-life occurrence<br />

of what Jesus taught in the Parable of the<br />

Wise and Foolish Virgins [1] – only the biblically<br />

prepared are ready when He comes.<br />

<strong>The</strong> most repeated End Times issue<br />

that has been brought up by every major<br />

figure of the Old and New Testaments<br />

— including Christ Himself — is that the<br />

Last Days are marked by great deception<br />

and even greater apostasy. It’s those who<br />

hold fast to a faithful relationship with<br />

Christ to whom the true meaning of such<br />

things is revealed. It doesn’t come about<br />

by “knowledge”, but “faith”.<br />

• At the First Coming, the signs were<br />

only visible and understood by those<br />

who were faithful to Him. So it will be<br />

at His Second Coming.<br />

• At the First Coming the established<br />

religious authorities had become so<br />

institutionalized and corrupt that although<br />

they possessed knowledge of<br />

God’s Word, they did not know how to<br />

apply it or use it to recognize the signs<br />

of the times. Likewise at the Second<br />

Coming the great apostasy will render<br />

such authorities completely ineffective,<br />

even working on Herod’s behalf<br />

in his day, a major type of Antichrist.<br />

• At the First Coming those who recognized<br />

the signs of the times first went<br />

to those most likely to be interested<br />

but were not only rejected but actually<br />

found to persecute the Son of the<br />

God they professed to serve. Instead<br />

of welcoming Him, they sought to kill<br />

Him. At the Second Coming, much<br />

of the persecution of true believers<br />

comes from those claiming authority<br />

and position within the church, not to<br />

mention outright war waged against<br />

the Son.<br />

• At the First Coming a one-world<br />

system of government that embraced<br />

all religions as being part of a diluted<br />

whole ruled the earth under a single<br />

ruler in the form of the Roman Empire.<br />

So at the Second Coming the merging<br />

of religious institutions within a single<br />

organization under the world rule of<br />

the Antichrist will arise in the spirit of<br />

the revived Roman Empire.<br />

• At the First Coming the world’s<br />

ruler instituted a worldwide census to<br />

“mark” all its citizens. At the Second<br />

Coming the Antichrist will “mark” all<br />

of its citizens.<br />

• At the First Coming the followers<br />

of Christ rejoiced at His coming and<br />

responded by worshiping Him. At the<br />

Second Coming the Antichrist will<br />

lead a war against Christ and His followers<br />

and will do everything in his<br />

power to get everyone to worship him<br />

instead of Christ, but in the end every<br />

knee will bow and every tongue confess.<br />

• At the First Coming the signs of the<br />

times provided Believers with the time<br />

frame and general context that assured<br />

them that Christ’s appearance was imminent.<br />

So at the Second Coming we<br />

shall know not the exact date and time<br />

but the certainty and nearness of His<br />

arrival.<br />

With more examples I suppose I could<br />

go on and on, but this is the sure point to<br />

take with you: If you want to know about<br />

the Second Coming, learn everything you<br />

can about His First Coming. And not according<br />

to the distilled holiday stories or<br />

even elaborate scientifically-based theories<br />

that have become so popular, but according<br />

to His Word, which was the very thing God<br />

gave to the earth at His First Coming.<br />

In the beginning was the Word, and<br />

the Word was with God, and the Word was<br />

God. He was in the beginning with God.<br />

All things came into being through Him,<br />

and apart from Him nothing came into being<br />

that has come into being. In Him was<br />

life, and the life was the Light of men. <strong>The</strong><br />

Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness<br />

did not comprehend it. — John 1:1-5<br />

Just as it was then, so it is now. <strong>The</strong><br />

difference between those who saw and<br />

responded to the signs and those blinded<br />

to them came down to the fact that such<br />

things are not a test of knowledge but faith.<br />

Knowledge of the Scriptures was enjoyed<br />

by all, but only those who were putting it<br />

into practice, who were doers of His Word<br />

and not merely hearers were the ones who<br />

passed the test of faith requisite for spiritual<br />

clarity.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are many things foretold in<br />

Scripture that have and are coming true.<br />

But there is no greater confirmation that<br />

we are living in the shadow of Christ’s<br />

imminent return than the apostasy that is<br />

presently taking place within the church.<br />

In His Love,<br />

Danny Isom<br />

American Priest Says,<br />

“No Peace Without Syria”<br />

Syrian Arab News Agency<br />

American Protestant Pastor Rick Warren<br />

on Monday said there was no peace in the<br />

region without Syria, noting that 80 percent<br />

of the American people rejected what the US<br />

Administration is doing in Iraq and considered<br />

the US policy in the Mideast as wrong.<br />

Syria’s Grand Mufti Sheikh Badr al-<br />

Din Hassoun received the American Pastor<br />

in Damascus in which he referred to the importance<br />

of spreading culture of amity, peace<br />

and coexistence instead of the ‘clash of civilizations’.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Mufti called for conveying the real<br />

image of Syria, national unity and its call to<br />

spread peace, amity and justice to the American<br />

people which the US administration has<br />

distorted their image before the world.<br />

Pastor Warren expressed admiration of<br />

Syria and the coexistence he saw between<br />

Muslims and Christians, stressing that he will<br />

convey this image to his church and country.<br />

Quote of the QUARTER !<br />

Winston Churchill, said:<br />

“<strong>The</strong> farther backward you<br />

can look, the farther forward you can see.”<br />

18 <strong>Moriel</strong> Quarterly • December 2009

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