Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon


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6722 Apollo Rood<br />

<strong>Vernon</strong>, B.C. VlT 1J3<br />

250-549-t332<br />

Februory 5, 2010<br />

Corporote Officer<br />

<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Vernon</strong><br />

3400 - 30th Street<br />

<strong>Vernon</strong>, B.C. V1T 5Eó<br />

Deor ÂÂoyor ond Council Members,<br />

Re: Off iciol Public Heoring for Rezoning Bylaw #5?34 (ZONOO148)<br />

(ó500 Okonogon Avenue)<br />

Fiveyears o9o I wrote to <strong>City</strong> Council with my objections in regords to<br />

removing thã Hesperio Londs from the Agriculturol Lond Reserve. T f eel<br />

just os strongly now os I d¡d then. This oreo should 6efree from<br />

áevelopment ond ollowed to be kept os ogriculturol lond. f om soddened<br />

knowing the serenity <strong>of</strong> my neighborhood will be forever chonged.<br />

r moved to Apollo Rood eighleenyeors o9o with my husbond qnd we bought<br />

this home specif icolly becouse there we?e open f ields behind the property.<br />

During this time the city has used this lond for sproy irrigotion qnd o local<br />

roncher hos used the lond lor grozing cottle. At the some time, the bird ond<br />

wildlife in this oreq hove flourished. These fields ore now home to deer qnd<br />

coyotes ond o voriety <strong>of</strong> birdlife including howks ond greot horned owls. The<br />

loss <strong>of</strong> hqbitot in this oreo will no doubt severely impoct this importont ond<br />

diverse ecosystem.<br />

The objectives for the pnoposed development by the Hesperio Development<br />

corporotion is to provide on odeguote supply <strong>of</strong> ottoinoble housing units, to<br />

curb urbqn sprowl ond to ccpitolize on its proximity to Morsholl Fields,<br />

Poddlewheel Pork, Kin Beoch, the oirport, schools, ond the Woterf ront<br />

Developm ent Areo. While there is no guestion thqt <strong>Vernon</strong> needs <strong>of</strong>fordoble<br />

housing, this development in no woy curbs urbqn sprowl. This development<br />

hos o potentiol for 1485 dwelling units with a populotion opprooching 3000<br />

people on just ó9 ocres.<br />


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