Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon

Agenda Package - City of Vernon


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4-<br />

Many <strong>of</strong> the properties in the Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre are impacted by<br />

airpórt safety height restrictions. The proposed expansion <strong>of</strong> the runway towards<br />

Okanagan Lake has been taken into account in the preparation <strong>of</strong> the plan. The height<br />

restrictions associated with the runway expansion has impacted the development<br />

potential for some <strong>of</strong> the plan area. The increased noise <strong>of</strong> lower airplanes could also<br />

negatively impact the neighbourhood centre's livability and its appeal as a destination.<br />

Thè Airport Master Plan will be reviewed this year and options for the runway<br />

expansion will be explored that minimize the impact on the Waterfront Neighbourhood<br />

Centre.<br />

Proposed Consultation Process<br />

Two public open houses are proposed for March 2010. One would be held on a<br />

weekday evening and the second on a weekend afternoon, to maximize resident<br />

participation. The public would have the opportunity ask questions <strong>of</strong> staff and to<br />

provide written comments regarding elements <strong>of</strong> the plan that they support or do not<br />

support.<br />

A report outlining the results <strong>of</strong> this public consultation would be provided to Council<br />

following these public open houses, along with a revised draft plan if warranted.<br />

c.<br />

Attachments:<br />

1. Attachment I -<br />

Draft Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre Plan<br />

D.<br />

Strateqic Plan Obiectives:<br />

The update <strong>of</strong> this neighbourhood plan involves the following objective in Council's<br />

Strategic Plan:<br />

E.<br />

Policv (Existing/Relevance/None) :<br />

The update <strong>of</strong> the Tourist Commercial Waterfront Neighbourhood Plan is consistent<br />

with several policies from the Official Community Plan 2008 and the Environmental<br />

Management Areas Strategy, including the Growth Strategy and Land Use Plan,<br />

Transportation, Agriculture and Food Access, and Commercial policies.<br />

F.<br />

Relevant Historv:<br />

At its Regular Meeting <strong>of</strong> June 22, 2009, Council authorized staff to undertake a<br />

review <strong>of</strong> the Tourist Commercial Waterfront Neighbourhood Plan.<br />

t.'.<br />

Applicant's Response:<br />

N/A<br />


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