August - Mike And Key Amateur Radio Club

August - Mike And Key Amateur Radio Club

August - Mike And Key Amateur Radio Club


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<strong>August</strong> 2007<br />

QSL Manager... [Continued from Page 3]<br />

France, but you are sending the QSL to his QSL<br />

Manager, G3ABC in England – for all QSL Manager<br />

directed cards, just make sure you print the QSL<br />

Managers call sign on both the front and back of all<br />

such QSLs, e.g. F6ABC VIA G3ABC.<br />

Here is a real solid QSL “card” (6”H x 12”L x 2”Thick)<br />

mailed from the South Pole<br />

The ARRL Incoming QSL Bureau is initially<br />

sorted by U.S. call districts. The Incoming QSLs<br />

directed to the 7th Call Area are shipped to someone in<br />

that area, who, in turn, sorts all the cards by the letter<br />

after the “7”. Thus all 26 letters (W7A, W7B, W7C – all<br />

the way to – W7X, W7Y, W7Z) go to as many as 26<br />

different hams in the 7th call area (some fellows handle<br />

more than one letter). The fellow who handles<br />

K7LED’s incoming cards and those of all the “L”s is a<br />

great guy named Russ Fillinger, W7LXR, who lives in<br />

Portland, OR. Before leaving home for Field Day in<br />

Seattle, I contacted Russ and arranged a short visit<br />

when we drove through Portland – I thought it would be<br />

worthwhile meeting him as he is the one who will be<br />

mailing K7LED cards to me. As a side note, for 12<br />

years, I handled the “T”s for the 6th District Incoming<br />

QSL Bureau – Russ, however, has many more years<br />

of service under his belt. It was sure nice to meet him<br />

and as it turned out, he wasn’t very far off the I-5 at all.<br />

For our efforts, Ann and I both received the grand tour<br />

of his card processing routine.<br />

K7LED Relay<br />

Russ, W7LXR, is a real DXer with a sizable<br />

tower behind the house – he has one trophy he<br />

showed me, a special QSL he received from a station<br />

in Antarctica to whom he had given some helpful<br />

assistance (see photo).<br />

Regarding my role as QSL Manager for<br />

K7LED, there are two things to keep in mind. First,<br />

when the club finishes Field Day, there are a number<br />

of hams who following a contact with K7LED, want a<br />

K7LED QSL card and so send their QSL to the <strong>Mike</strong> &<br />

<strong>Key</strong> ARC – my role is to respond to that request.<br />

Second, if K7LED is used for any HF or VHF contest<br />

event, then plan on providing me with a copy of the<br />

associated K7LED log – that allows me to respond to<br />

an incoming QSL request.<br />

I used to QSL everyone I worked and have<br />

accumulated thousands of QSL cards, but when I got<br />

active in contesting, keeping current became an<br />

overwhelming task. You see, each contest<br />

represented between 500 and 1500 contacts. I still<br />

QSL – but my days of 100% QSLing are long gone.<br />

____________________________________________<br />

On The Lighter Side of Ham <strong>Radio</strong>...<br />

Best Behavior<br />

Contributed by Sam Sullivan N7RHE<br />

As we get on the air, some of us with new privileges,<br />

we must be mindful of the shared resource we enjoy.<br />

We must present a good face to all those who listen in<br />

especially the not yet licensed. Hiram Maxim, “The Old<br />

Man”, realized this and created some behavior<br />

warnings which are displayed at ARRL headquarters.<br />

I’ve seen them first hand.<br />

Rettysnitch...at the ready.<br />

The Rettysnitch: Invoked by ''The Old Man'' during the<br />

early years of the hobby to combat poor operating<br />

practices. The Wouff Hong: Every amateur should<br />

know and tremble at the history and origins of this<br />

fearsome instrument for the punishment of amateurs<br />

who cultivate bad operating habits and who nourish<br />

and culture their meaner instincts on the air. We can<br />

only imagine the pain these corrective measures<br />

brought.<br />

This real solid QSL “card” was mailed from the South<br />

Pole to Russ-W7LXR (address in center, return address<br />

in upper left corner, and stamps in upper right corner)<br />

4<br />

Wouff Hong.<br />


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