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.... T...-HE STATE OF AMERICA'S CHILDREN YEARBOOK 1998 Where America Stands Among industrialized countries, the United States ranks: 1st 1sf 1st 1sf 1st 1sf 10th 16th 17th 18th in gross domestic product in the number of millionaires and billionaires in health technology in military technology in military exports in defense spending in eighth-grade science scores in living standards among the poorest one-fifth of children in rates of low-birthweight births in the income gap between rich and poor children 18th in infant mortality 21 st in eighth-grade math scores Last in protecting our children against gun violence According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. children under age 15 are: 12 times more likely to die from gunfire, 16 times more likely to be murdered by a gun, 11 times more likely to commit suicide with a gun, and 9 times more likely to die in a firearm accident than children in 25 other industrialized countries combined. Good implementation requires massive public awareness and citizen involvement so that children and parents know about and can actually benefit from policies and programs intended to serve them. Bureaucratic leaders and front-line administrators need good training, high expectations, and an ethic of serving children and families rather than bureaucratic convenience. 3. We can counter the idols of our culture and pervasive adult hypocrisy that are confusing and leading so many children astray. Parents, child advocates, and spiritual leaders must become profoundly and doggedly countercultural. We must reject our culture's glorification ofviolence, excessive materialism, and easy feel good-ism. We must know and teach our children the difference between heroism and celebrity, not to confuse money with meaning, educational degrees with wisdom and common sense, or power with worthwhile purpose. Someone has said, "The hero is known for achievements, the celebrity for being well known. Celebrities make the news, heroes make history. Time makes heroes, time dissolves celebrities." Children need heroes and role models with integrity who struggle to live what they preach and admit it when they make mistakes. I would have been devastated as a child to fmd that my parents, teachers, and preachers were not who I believed them to be and that they told me one thing and did another. Adult hypocrisy is the number one cause of family, community, national, and moral disintegration today. Our children are confused because we adults are confused about right and wrong. 4. We can have the courage to try to see and speak the truth like the little boy who cried out that the emperor had no clothes amidst the crowd pretending not to see the naked, preening king. Let's not let the spinmeisters in Washington, state capi- xx CHILDRE 'S DEFENSE FUND

TRaDUCTION COF's 1998 Priorities • Ensuring every-not every other-American child a Healthy Start in life. We seek to ensure effective state implementation of the recently enacted $48 billion State Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), to educate families about CHIP and Medicaid, and to enroll all eligible children. • Ensuring every child a Head Start in life by providing parents quality, affordable child care options for all preschool and school-age children, with the assistance ofemployers, community institutions, and federal, state, and local governments. • Ensuring every child a Fair Start in life by educating the public and policy makers about the unacceptable moral, human, and economic costs of permitting 14.5 million children to grow up poor and by mobilizing the nation to end child poverty as we know it. Jobs with decent wages, community economic development, and a quality education for every child must become overarching national priorities. • Ensuring every child a Safe Start in life by preventing violence against and by children. Every community must be safe from violent adult and youth offenders. But we oppose the growing criminalization of youths, especially minority youths, and the detention of nonviolent youth offenders and children who are truants and runaways in adult jails, a practice forbidden by current law. We support more effective community-based prevention and interventions like after-school and summer programs, mentoring, and parent training. • Ensuring every child a Moral Start in life through creative leadership development and community capacity building to ensure an intergenerational cadre of effective servant-leaders committed to building and sustaining a movement to Leave No Child Behind. tals, or Hollywood blind us to the unjust budgets and laws that enrich the rich and impoverish the poor, increase the gaps between the have-toomuchs and the have-not-enougbs, and maintain the status quo in our society and world. Do not be deterred by critics. Sojourner Truth, an illiterate but brilliant slave woman, when told that the building where she was about to speak would be burned if she attempted to address her waiting audience, replied, "Then I will speak to the ashes." A famous evangelist, confronted by a critic saying "I don't like your way of doing things," replied, "I am not very satisfied with them myself. How do you do it?" "Oh, I don't do that sort of thing," the critic responded. "In that case," the preacher said, "I prefer my way of doing it to your way ofnot doing it." Just keep saying what children need, and keep working and mobilizing until those needs are put first in our nation regardless ofopinion poll politics. S. We must never lose hope and make it contagious. Pass it around. South African President Nelson Mandela in his inaugural speech reminded us, "As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same." Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel defmes hope as an orientation of the spirit that transcends immediate experiences: "It is not the conviction that something will turn out well, but the certainty that something makes sense regardless of how it turns out. The more unpropitious the situation in which we demonstrate hope, the deeper the hope is. It is this hope, above all, which gives us the hope to live and continually try new things, even in conditions that seem hopeless as ours do here and now." Who would have predicted oppressive apartheid's peaceful overthrow in South Africa and Nelson Mandela walking out of prison after 27 years ramrod straight, preaching reconciliation and forgiveness? Who would have believed that the walls of the Soviet and East European communism would crumble in a heap, as much from decay within as from enemies without? Who thought that child advocates could get the legislative dream team ofconservative Utah Republican Orrin Hatch CHI L D R EN' S D E F ESE FUN D xxi


Where America Stands<br />

Among industrialized countries, the United States ranks:<br />

1st<br />

1sf<br />

1st<br />

1sf<br />

1st<br />

1sf<br />

10th<br />

16th<br />

17th<br />

18th<br />

in gross domestic product<br />

in the number of millionaires and billionaires<br />

in health technology<br />

in military technology<br />

in military exports<br />

in defense spending<br />

in eighth-grade science scores<br />

in living standards among the poorest one-fifth of <strong>child</strong>ren<br />

in rates of low-birthweight births<br />

in the income gap between rich and poor <strong>child</strong>ren<br />

18th in infant mortality<br />

21 st in eighth-grade math scores<br />

Last in protecting our <strong>child</strong>ren against gun violence<br />

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,<br />

U.S. <strong>child</strong>ren under age 15 are:<br />

12 times more likely to die from gunfire,<br />

16 times more likely to be murdered by a gun,<br />

11 times more likely to commit suicide with a gun, and<br />

9 times more likely to die in a firearm accident<br />

than <strong>child</strong>ren in 25 other industrialized countries combined.<br />

Good implementation requires massive public<br />

awareness and citizen involvement so that <strong>child</strong>ren<br />

and parents know about and can actually benefit<br />

from policies and programs intended to serve<br />

them. Bureaucratic leaders and front-line administrators<br />

need good training, high expectations, and<br />

an ethic of serving <strong>child</strong>ren and families rather<br />

than bureaucratic convenience.<br />

3. We can counter the idols of our culture and<br />

pervasive adult hypocrisy that are confusing and<br />

leading so many <strong>child</strong>ren astray. Parents, <strong>child</strong> advocates,<br />

and spiritual leaders must become profoundly<br />

and doggedly countercultural. We must reject our<br />

culture's glorification ofviolence, excessive materialism,<br />

and easy feel good-ism. We must know and<br />

teach our <strong>child</strong>ren the difference between heroism<br />

and celebrity, not to confuse money with meaning,<br />

educational degrees with wisdom and common<br />

sense, or power with worthwhile purpose. Someone<br />

has said, "The hero is known for achievements, the<br />

celebrity for being well known. Celebrities make the<br />

news, heroes make history. Time makes heroes,<br />

time dissolves celebrities."<br />

Children need heroes and role models with<br />

integrity who struggle to live what they preach and<br />

admit it when they make mistakes. I would have<br />

been devastated as a <strong>child</strong> to fmd that my parents,<br />

teachers, and preachers were not who I believed<br />

them to be and that they told me one thing and did<br />

another. Adult hypocrisy is the number one cause<br />

of family, community, national, and moral disintegration<br />

today. Our <strong>child</strong>ren are confused because<br />

we adults are confused about right and wrong.<br />

4. We can have the courage to try to see and<br />

speak the truth like the little boy who cried out that<br />

the emperor had no clothes amidst the crowd pretending<br />

not to see the naked, preening king. Let's<br />

not let the spinmeisters in Washington, state capi-<br />


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