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THE STATE OF AMERICA'S CHILDREN YEARBOOK 1998 Child Protection: Building Community Partnerships-Getting/rom Here to There. 70 Child Protecti,V! Services: Complex Challenges Require New Strategies, 69-70 Child support. 13. 14; state enforcement of. 112 Child tax credit. 6-7 Child Trends. 95. 96. 97. 124 Child welfare. 63-75; agenda for action on. 74-75; community partnerships for protecting. 69-70. 71, 73-75; facts and figures about. 64; and the media. 80 Child Welfare League of America. 71, 72, 124 Children in Adult Jails. 78 Children alii 0/School in America. 48 Children's Defense Fund. ix. x. xi. 51. 78; reports of. ix. xii. 4. 124 Children's Mental Health Services Grant Program. 70. 75 CHIP. see State Children's Healtb Insurance Program Clinton Administration: on after-school programs. 84-85; on child care. 42; on child tax credit. 6; and CHIP. 26; on education, 49; on food stamps, 56, 61; on guns. 81-82; on housing, 18; immunization initiative of. 23; on SSI. 12 College graduates. 48, 49; income of. 2 Colorado. 10,45. 107-123 Columbus Health Plan (0H). 35 Communications Decency Act (1995).80 Community Development Block Grant. 19 Community Partnership for Protecting Children (KY). 73-74 Community partnerships to' protect children. 69-70, 71. 73-75. 85-86 Community service, 84, 90. 91. 100 Comprehensive Child Development Act ( 1971). 37 Congressional Research Service. 3 Connecticut. 9. 30. 44. 107-123 Consequences 0/Growing Up Poor, 4 Contraceptives. 94. 96-97. 98 Convention on the Rights of the Child. xix Corporate Champions program (TXl. 46 Cost, Quality, and Child aU/comes in Child Care Centers. 39. 40 Council of Large Public Housing Authorities. 16 Crack cocaine. 79. See also Drug abuse Crime: agenda for action on, 86-87; facts and figures about. 78; juvenile. 40, 78, 79. 82-84; prevention. 84-85. 86; violent. 77.78.79-81,83.84; and youth unemployment. 89 Davidson County (TN) Juvenile Court. 85 Dayton Area Health Plan (DAHP, OH). 35 Deaths: accidental. xiv. 81; asthma-related, 24; gun, 77. 78-79. 81,82. 123; homicide. 77. 78-79, 81. 82. 83. 123; by state. 123; suicide, 78, 81, 82. 83.123. See also Infant mortality Delaware, 9. 72, 107-123 Dependent Care Tax Credit, 41 Developmentally Disabled Assistance and BiU of Rights Act. 64 Disabilities, children with: educational opportunities for, ix. 48, 64, 120; health of. 36; and link to poverty. xiv; and Medicaid managed care. 32; SSI benefits for. 12-13. 120 District of Columbia, 10.38,39, 107-123 Doc4Kids Project (MAl. 17 DOE. see V.S. Department of Education Domestic violence. 8. 63, 65. 71. 72. 74-75. See also Violence "Doubling up· housing. 17 Dropouts. high school, xiv. 48. 49; income of. xiii, 2. 5. 11,88; in Job Corps. 90; and teen pregnancy. 96. 98; unemployment among. 88 Drug abuse. 49. 63, 64, 71-72. 74. 79. 91 Duncan. Greg. 4. 5 Dwyer. Kathleen. 40 Ear infections. 29 Early and Periodic Screening. Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT). 22. 27. 29. 30, 31 Early Head Start Program. 41-42. 45 Earned Income Tax Credit (EITCl. 3. 6-7. 13; state. 14-15 Econontic Policy Institute, 6 Edelman. Marian Wright. 78 Edna McConnell Clark Foundation. 73 Education: ofchildren. xiv, 48-51; and income. 2. 5. 88; and unemployment. 88; of welfare recipients, 10. II. 14. See also Schools Education for AJI Handicapped Children Act( 1975), ix, 48. 64 Education Trust, 49 Eisenhower. Dwight, xvii EITC, see Earned Income Tax Credit Emotional disturbances, children With. 16. 63. 64. 66. See also Mental health Employment: barriers to. 8. 74; earnings from. 1.2.5, 13; and health insurance, 21. 25, 27. 30. 36; minimum wage, 5-6, 14; of welfare recipieots, 7,10-11, 13-14; youth. 88-91 Enterprise Foundation, 19 EPSDT. see Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment Extended day programs in scbools. by state. 119. See also After-scbool programs; Before-school programs Fair Labor Standards Act. 10-11 Families and Work Institute. 37, 39 Families for Kids (NY). 68 Family and Medical Leave Act (1993). ix. 46-47 Family Preservation and Support Services Program. 66. 70 Family Violence Prevention Fund (CA). 72 Fathers. teen. 99 Federal Communications Commission (FCC). 80 Festinger. Trudy. 67 Florida. 9.12.25-26.30.45,57,61.70.107-123 Food programs. see Food stamps; Child and Adult Care Food Program; Schools, breakfast program in; Schools. lunch program in; Summer Food Service Program; Supplemental Food Program for Women. Infants. and Children Food Stamp Act, 58 Food stamps, 11-12.53; cuts in, 53. 54-57, 59; facts and figures about. 56; for immigrants, 57. 61; fewer recipients of. 58, 59; participation in states, I II; state procedures for. 58. 61 Fort Worth. TX. 46 Foster care. 32. 63, 64, 65. 66. 69, 73; providing permanent families for children in. 66-68; with relatives, 68-69; by state. 122; and substance abuse. 71. 72 Freedom Schools. 60 126 CHI L D R E 'S D E FEN S E F V D

IN D EX Galinsky, Ellen, 39 Gardner, Sid, 72 General Accounting Office (GAO), xvi, 8, 11,44.50,54,67, 69-70 Georgia, 9, 45. 107-123 Georgia School-Age Care Initiative, 45 GI Bill, 16, 17 Grandparents. children living with, 64, 68, 69, 75 Greenstein. Robert, 53 Grogger. Jeffrey, 89 Gulf Coast Trade Center (TX). 91 Guns, xvii, 77, 78-79, 81-82, 86, 87, 123 Handgun Control, Inc., 8I Harvard University: Joint Center for Housing Studies, 16, 17-18; Kennedy School. 70 Hatch, Orrin, xxi, 26 Havel, Vaclav, xxi Hawaii, 10,26, 107-123 HCFA, see Health Care Financing Administration Head Start, ix, xi, xvii, 37. 46. 50. 51; food programs for, 42; mental health strategies of, 70; participation in, 41, Jl8; race of enrollees in. 118; state support for, 43, 44 Health: 'agenda for action on, 35-36; effects of poor housing on, 17; effects of undernutrition on, 55-56; facts and figures about, 22; immunizations, 23-24; insurance, 2, 21, 22. 23, 25-30,35,36, 117; managed care plans for, 22-23, 31-33, 35, 36; maternal and child. 23, 33-34, 36, 104; and Medicaid, 21-22, 27, 28, 30-31, 35; services in schools, 35, 97,101 Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA). 31, 32, 35 HealthChoice Program (MD), 35 HealthPartners (MN), 35 Healthy Kids (FL), 25-26 HHS, see U.S. Department of Health and Human Services High school graduates, 48. 49, 88 Higher Education Act, 49 Hispanics; child poverty among, 4, 108; educational achievement of, 48-49; and food stamps. 56; Head Start enrollment of, 118; income of, 2; and infant mortality, 33; maternal and child health among, 23; teen births to, 95; unemployment among, 88 HIV,24 HOME program, 19 Homelessness. 16-20. 44, 63 Homicide, 77, 78-79. 81, 82, 83; by state, 123 Hornbeck, David, 51 House of Representatives, see U.S. House of Representatives Housing, 16-20,25, 56 HUD. see U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development "I Am Your Child" campaign, 42 Idaho, 9, 107-123 IDEA. see Individuals with Disabilities Education Act lIlinois. 43, 45, 57, 107-123; foster care in. 67; and TANF, 8, 9, 12; Work Pays program in, 13-14 Immediate Response Early Truancy Program (TN), 85 Immigrants, 15,55; effect of 1996 welfare law on, 12,53-54; and food stamps, 55, 57, 61; and WIC, 57-58 Immunizations, 22, 23-24; state rates of, 117 Implications ofIncreased Work Participation for Child Care. 44 Income: agenda for increasing, 14-15; and child poverty, I, 3-5; from child support, 13; of corporate CEOs, xi; inequality, xi-xii, 2, 3; ratio of rent to, 16; sources for poor families, 5; from welfare, 4, 7-11, 13-14; from work, 1-7, 13-14 Indian Child Welfare Act, 64 Indiana, 8-10, 30, 107-123 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), ix, 48; state participation in, 120 Infant mortality. xiii, 21, 23. 34, 58; national trends, 104; and race, 22, 23, 33; rates by state, 116 Insurance, see Health Internal Revenue Service, 19 Internet. 80 Iowa. 8, 10. 107-123 Jails, children in adult, xvii, xxi, 77-78, 82-83, 87 Jefferson County (KY) Family Court. 73 Job Corps. 90 Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), 89 Jobs for Youth (NY), 91 lTPA, see Job Training Partnership Act "Junk guns," 79, 82 Juvenile crime, see Crime Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (1974).64, 77-78 Kaiser Permanente Interstate West (OR), 35 Kansas, 10,72.73.107-123 Kempe, Henry, 63 Kennedy, Edward, xxii, 26 Kentucky, 10,73-74,83,107-123 Kentucky Youth Advocates (KYA), 73, 83 Kessler, David, xviii Kids These Days, 42 King, Martin Luther, Jr., ix, xi, xvi Kinship Care in California: The Challenges and Opportunities Facing Relatives and the Children Placed in Their Care, 68 Kinship care of children, 68-69, 75 Kirby, Douglas, 97, 98 Koop, C. Everett, xviii Lou v. Nichols, 48 Law Enforcement Agency Directors (LEAD, PAl, 86 Lead poisoning, 17 Leave, fantil~ix,46-47 Leave No Child Behind movement, xv, xxi, xxii Lessons from the Field: Head Start Mental Health Strategies to Meet Changing Needs, 70 Local Initiatives Support Corporation, 19 Louisiana, 9. 26, 107-123 Louisville, KY,73-74 Low birthweight, xiii, 23, 24, 33, 54, 58, 97-98; national trends, 104; state rates. 114, surgeon general's goals, 34 Low Income Housing Tax Credit, 19 Ludtke, Melissa, 93 Maine, 8, 10, 107-123 Males: arrest rates for, 79-81, 83; in jail, xii-xiii, 89; and teen pregnancy, 97, 99; unemployment among, 88 CHILDREN'S DEFENSE FUND 127

IN D EX<br />

Galinsky, Ellen, 39<br />

Gardner, Sid, 72<br />

General Accounting Office (GAO), xvi, 8, 11,44.50,54,67,<br />

69-70<br />

Georgia, 9, 45. 107-123<br />

Georgia School-Age Care Initiative, 45<br />

GI Bill, 16, 17<br />

Grandparents. <strong>child</strong>ren living with, 64, 68, 69, 75<br />

Greenstein. Robert, 53<br />

Grogger. Jeffrey, 89<br />

Gulf Coast Trade Center (TX). 91<br />

Guns, xvii, 77, 78-79, 81-82, 86, 87, 123<br />

Handgun Control, Inc., 8I<br />

Harvard University: Joint Center for Housing Studies, 16,<br />

17-18; Kennedy School. 70<br />

Hatch, Orrin, xxi, 26<br />

Havel, Vaclav, xxi<br />

Hawaii, 10,26, 107-123<br />

HCFA, see Health Care Financing Administration<br />

Head Start, ix, xi, xvii, 37. 46. 50. 51; food programs for, 42;<br />

mental health strategies of, 70; participation in, 41, Jl8; race<br />

of enrollees in. 118; state support for, 43, 44<br />

Health: 'agenda for action on, 35-36; effects of poor housing<br />

on, 17; effects of undernutrition on, 55-56; facts and figures<br />

about, 22; immunizations, 23-24; insurance, 2, 21, 22. 23,<br />

25-30,35,36, 117; managed <strong>care</strong> plans for, 22-23, 31-33,<br />

35, 36; maternal and <strong>child</strong>. 23, 33-34, 36, 104; and<br />

Medicaid, 21-22, 27, 28, 30-31, 35; services in schools, 35,<br />

97,101<br />

Health Care Financing Administration (HCFA). 31, 32, 35<br />

HealthChoice Program (MD), 35<br />

HealthPartners (MN), 35<br />

Healthy Kids (FL), 25-26<br />

HHS, see U.S. Department of Health and Human Services<br />

High school graduates, 48. 49, 88<br />

Higher Education Act, 49<br />

Hispanics; <strong>child</strong> poverty among, 4, 108; educational<br />

achievement of, 48-49; and food stamps. 56; Head Start<br />

enrollment of, 118; income of, 2; and infant mortality, 33;<br />

maternal and <strong>child</strong> health among, 23; teen births to, 95;<br />

unemployment among, 88<br />

HIV,24<br />

HOME program, 19<br />

Homelessness. 16-20. 44, 63<br />

Homicide, 77, 78-79. 81, 82, 83; by state, 123<br />

Hornbeck, David, 51<br />

House of Representatives, see U.S. House of Representatives<br />

Housing, 16-20,25, 56<br />

HUD. see U.S. Department of Housing and Urban<br />

Development<br />

"I Am Your Child" campaign, 42<br />

Idaho, 9, 107-123<br />

IDEA. see Individuals with Disabilities Education Act<br />

lIlinois. 43, 45, 57, 107-123; foster <strong>care</strong> in. 67; and TANF, 8, 9,<br />

12; Work Pays program in, 13-14<br />

Immediate Response Early Truancy Program (TN), 85<br />

Immigrants, 15,55; effect of 1996 welfare law on, 12,53-54;<br />

and food stamps, 55, 57, 61; and WIC, 57-58<br />

Immunizations, 22, 23-24; state rates of, 117<br />

Implications ofIncreased Work Participation for Child Care. 44<br />

Income: agenda for increasing, 14-15; and <strong>child</strong> poverty, I,<br />

3-5; from <strong>child</strong> support, 13; of corporate CEOs, xi;<br />

inequality, xi-xii, 2, 3; ratio of rent to, 16; sources for poor<br />

families, 5; from welfare, 4, 7-11, 13-14; from work, 1-7,<br />

13-14<br />

Indian Child Welfare Act, 64<br />

Indiana, 8-10, 30, 107-123<br />

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), ix, 48; state<br />

participation in, 120<br />

Infant mortality. xiii, 21, 23. 34, 58; national trends, 104; and<br />

race, 22, 23, 33; rates by state, 116<br />

Insurance, see Health<br />

Internal Revenue Service, 19<br />

Internet. 80<br />

Iowa. 8, 10. 107-123<br />

Jails, <strong>child</strong>ren in adult, xvii, xxi, 77-78, 82-83, 87<br />

Jefferson County (KY) Family Court. 73<br />

Job Corps. 90<br />

Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA), 89<br />

Jobs for Youth (NY), 91<br />

lTPA, see Job Training Partnership Act<br />

"Junk guns," 79, 82<br />

Juvenile crime, see Crime<br />

Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (1974).64,<br />

77-78<br />

Kaiser Permanente Interstate West (OR), 35<br />

Kansas, 10,72.73.107-123<br />

Kempe, Henry, 63<br />

Kennedy, Edward, xxii, 26<br />

Kentucky, 10,73-74,83,107-123<br />

Kentucky Youth Advocates (KYA), 73, 83<br />

Kessler, David, xviii<br />

Kids These Days, 42<br />

King, Martin Luther, Jr., ix, xi, xvi<br />

Kinship Care in California: The Challenges and Opportunities<br />

Facing Relatives and the Children Placed in Their Care, 68<br />

Kinship <strong>care</strong> of <strong>child</strong>ren, 68-69, 75<br />

Kirby, Douglas, 97, 98<br />

Koop, C. Everett, xviii<br />

Lou v. Nichols, 48<br />

Law Enforcement Agency Directors (LEAD, PAl, 86<br />

Lead poisoning, 17<br />

Leave, fantil~ix,46-47<br />

Leave No Child Behind movement, xv, xxi, xxii<br />

Lessons from the Field: Head Start Mental Health Strategies to<br />

Meet Changing Needs, 70<br />

Local Initiatives Support Corporation, 19<br />

Louisiana, 9. 26, 107-123<br />

Louisville, KY,73-74<br />

Low birthweight, xiii, 23, 24, 33, 54, 58, 97-98; national trends,<br />

104; state rates. 114, surgeon general's goals, 34<br />

Low Income Housing Tax Credit, 19<br />

Ludtke, Melissa, 93<br />

Maine, 8, 10, 107-123<br />

Males: arrest rates for, 79-81, 83; in jail, xii-xiii, 89; and teen<br />

pregnancy, 97, 99; unemployment among, 88<br />


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