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THE STATE OF AMERICA'S CHILDRE YEARBOOK 199 8 TABLE B3 AFDC/TANF Benefit Levels and Participation- Maximum monthly benefit for a three-person family 1970 maximum 1997 maximum Number of welfare Inflation- Asa (AIDCrrANF) recipients adjusted percentage 1997 Percentage Actual value in Actual of poverty state change January August Percentage State dollars 1997 dollars line rank' 1970-97 1993 1997 change Alabama $ 65 $ 265 $164 14.8% 50 -38.2% 141,746 70,851 -50.0% Alaska 328 1,338 923 66.5 I -31.0 34,951 33,082 -5.3 Arizona 138 563 347 31.2 33 -38.4 194,119 136,706 -29.6 Arkansas 89 363 204 18.4 45 -43.8 73,982 47,480 -35.8 California 186 759 565 50.9 6 -25.5 2,415,121 2,269,558 -6.0 Colorado 193 787 356 32.0 30 -54.8 123,308 59,634 -51.6 Connecticut 283 1,154 636 57.2 4 -44.9 160,102 151,542 -5.3 Delaware 160 653 338 30.4 35 -48.2 27,652 20,560 -25.6 District of Columbia 195 796 398 35.8 24 -50.0 65,860 63,627 -3.4 Florida 114 465 303 27.3 38 -34.8 701,842 394,343 -43.8 Georgia 107 437 280 25.2 41 -35.9 402,228 241,478 -40.0 Hawaii 226 922 712 55.7 2 -22.8 54,511 74,480 36.6 Idaho 211 861 317 28.5 36 -63.2 21,116 6,846 -67.6 Illinois 232 946 377 33.9 26 -60.2 685,508 555,668 -18.9 Indiana 120 490 288 25.9 40 -41.2 209,882 107,436 -48.8 Iowa 201 820 426 38.3 19 -48.0 100,943 75,106 -25.6 Kansas 222 906 429 38.6 18 -52.6 87,525 47,860 -45.3 Kentucky 147 600 262 23.6 43 -56.3 227,879 148,609 -34.8 Louisiana 88 359 190 17.1 47 -47.1 263,338 129,273 -50.9 Maine 135 551 418 37.6 23 -24.1 67,836 45,138 -33.5 Maryland 162 661 377 33.9 26 -43.0 221,338 149,028 -32.7 Massachusetts 268 1,093 565 50.9 6 -48.3 332,044 195,473 -41.1 Michigan 219 893 459 41.3 14 -48.6 686,356 419,777 -38.8 Minnesota 256 1,044 532 47.9 11 -49.1 191,526 152,765 -20.2 Mississippi 56 228 120 10.8 51 -47.5 174,093 86,910 -50.1 Missouri 104 424 292 26.3 39 -31.2 259,039 179,955 -30.5 Montana 202 824 438 39.4 15 -46.8 34,848 24,573 -29.5 Nebraska 171 698 364 32.8 28 -47.8 48,055 37,985 -21.0 Nevada 121 494 348 31.3 32 -29.5 34,943 28,854 -17.4 New Hampshire 262 1,069 550 49.5 9 -48.5 28,972 16,952 -41.5 New Jersey 302 1,232 424 38.2 21 -65.6 349,902 252,200 -27.9 New Mexico 149 608 389 35.0 25 -36.0 94,836 61,435 -35.2 New York 279 1,138 577 51.9 5 -49.3 1,179,522 989,200 -16.1 North Carolina 145 592 272 24.5 42 -54.0 331,633 222,883 -32.8 North Dakota 213 869 431 38.8 16 -50.4 18,774 10,404 -44.6 Ohio 161 657 341 30.7 34 -48.1 720,476 433,792 -39.8 Oklahoma 152 620 307 27.6 37 -50.5 146,454 73,837 -49.6 Oregon 184 751 460 41.4 13 -38.7 117,656 54,083 -54.0 Pennsylvania 265 1,081 421 37.9 22 -61.1 604,701 417,881 -30.9 Rhode Island 229 934 554 49.9 8 -40.7 61,116 54,628 -10.6 South Carolina 85 347 200 18.0 46 -42.3 151,026 78,316 -48.1 South Dakota 264 1,077 430 38.7 17 -60.1 20,254 12,233 -39.6 Tennessee 112 457 185 16.7 49 -59.5 320,709 157,924 -50.8 Texas 148 604 188 16.9 48 -68.9 785,271 468,611 -40.3 Utah 175 714 426 38.3 19 -40.3 53,172 30,990 -41.7 Vermont 267 1,089 639 57.5 3 -41.3 28,961 22,048 -23.9 Virginia 225 918 354 31.9 31 -61.4 194,212 117,360 -39.6 Washington 258 1,053 546 49.1 10 -48.1 286,258 237,198 -17.1 West Virginia 114 465 253 22.8 44 -45.6 119,916 75,313 -37.2 Wisconsin 184 751 517 46.5 12 -31.1 241,098 97,383 -59.6 Wyoming 213 869 360 32.4 29 -58.6 18,271 4,279 -76.6 United States b 184 751 377 33.9 -49.8 14,115,000 9,995,000 -29.2 •AFDC-Aid to Families with Dependent Children. TANF-Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. a. States are ranked by ratio of maximum monthly benefit to poverty line, from highest to lowest. b. Median for benefits; total for enrollment. Source; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Office of Family Assistance, and U.S. Congress, Congressional Research Service. Calculations by Children's Defense Fund. 110 CHILDREN'S DEFENSE FUND

CHILDREN I N THE STATES TABLE B4 Number of Children Participating In Food Stamps and Child Nutrition Programs, FY 1997* Supplemental Food Program for Women, Scbool Cbild and Infants, and Cbildren (WIC) Scbool break- Adult Care Summer luncb fast Food Program food State Food stamps' Women Infants Cbildren Total program" program (CACFP) program Alabama 273,000 26,989 35,549 56,361 118,899 548,170 147,312 36,080 57,017 Alaska 27,000 5,393 5,109 13,035 23,537 47,912 7,961 6,814 0 Arizona 233,000 34,222 38,507 73,920 146,649 420,221 129,561 41,031 23,410 Arkansas 136,000 22,682 23.007 41,622 87,311 310,676 115,492 22,006 11,483 California 2,042,000 287,832 278,318 658,074 1,224,224 2,487,706 819,476 280,312 189,236 Colorado 125,000 18,882 19,059 37,127 75,068 308,628 48,183 38,394 14,347 Connecticut 107,000 11,111 15,383 32,874 59,368 241,378 48,833 20,515 23,092 Delaware 30,000 3,242 4,383 7,958 15,583 67,048 16,013 11,974 8,862 District ofColumbia 48,000 3,713 5,003 8,075 16,791 50,994 32,734 4,630 16,614 Florida 715,000 79,278 95,124 180,526 354,928 1,267,613 379,753 80,678 234,033 Georgia 422,000 56,162 59,292 114,700 230,154 1,024,717 345,287 85,750 92,370 Hawaii 53,000 6,876 7,746 16,185 30,807 144,518 37,584 8,753 3,628 Idabo 40,000 6,982 7,895 16,597 31,474 139,532 23,318 6,362 2,843 Illinois 545,000 47,505 71,615 116,835 235,955 995,916 187,614 81,176 122,587 Indiana 188,000 33,770 37,508 61,430 132,708 598,357 100,022 43,623 14,851 Iowa 84,000 14,625 14,294 37,374 66,293 387,053 53,776 27,794 5,785 Kansas 88,000 12,688 13,449 28,817 54,954 307,851 64,534 53,319 6,943 Kentucky 212,000 28,469 29,479 64,753 122,701 521,347 172,461 26,983 28,400 Louisiana 362,000 33,782 41,111 64,363 139,256 666,607 235,975 56,621 55,838 Maine 51,000 5,942 5,864 14,886 26,692 104,290 23,514 14,744 5,759 Maryland 200,000 22,381 26,182 42,957 91,520 375,663 79,562 51,659 32,926 Massachusetts 190,000 26,937 27,392 64,490 118,819 484,069 96,612 50,856 39,707 Michigan 460,000 48,391 52,548 117,013 217,952 762,515 158,503 75,773 38,700 Minnesota 152,000 19,815 21,300 53,155 94,270 544,936 75,501 94,339 23,213 Mississippi 220,000 22,051 29,914 48,159 100,124 402,540 169,024 27,094 34,291 Missouri 276,000 32,823 33,425 65,390 131,638 578,146 142,312 42,833 32,359 Montana 37,000 4,831 4,265 12,583 21,679 84,130 14,516 12,660 3,845 Nebraska 52,000 7,555 9,190 16,795 33,540 211,318 24,496 39,273 6,815 Nevada 52,000 9,193 9,545 18,576 37,314 101,692 28,843 5,147 5,148 New Hampshire 27,000 4,038 4,834 10,307 19,179 94,454 14,523 6,776 2,008 New Jersey 282,000 33,686 34,826 72,979 141,491 542,470 75,811 38,418 58,966 New Mexico 125,000 11,407 11,971 30,305 53,683 189,730 69,621 45,158 53,273 New York 964,000 101,776 118,805 258,682 479,263 1,706,622 444,614 173,792 424,203 North Carolina 304,000 49,193 51,992 93,307 194,492 790,030 235,418 92,890 39,327 North Dakota 17,000 3,632 3,601 9,659 16,892 83,940 10,984 17,853 2,014 Ohio 488,000 58,666 75,630 120,034 254,330 971,432 168,182 74,590 38,549 OkJaboma 164,000 26,118 27,475 54,815 108,408 366,567 124,007 44,443 14,892 Oregon 131,000 22,075 17,067 50,242 89,3g4 255,736 72,504 36,132 13,678 Pennsylvania 513,000 53,816 56,800 147,521 258,137 1,006,874 170,170 63,369 120,155 Rhode Island 48,000 4,706 5,318 12,551 22,575 57,291 7,861 6,602 12,419 South Carolina 191,000 30,193 30,349 58,425 118,967 458,361 161,442 26,304 68,635 South Dakota 24,000 4,852 5,059 12,023 21,934 104,657 14,114 11,909 5,390 Tennessee 284,000 36,575 37,814 76,507 150,896 605,239 180,131 38,595 37,310 Texas 1,320,000 166,057 174,519 343,030 683,606 2,279,760 784,624 155,199 120,764 Utab 58,000 14,866 14,712 27,747 57,325 258,104 26,866 40,720 20,766 Vermont 27,000 3,762 2,959 9,412 16,133 51,118 11,897 8,593 2,811 Virginia 261,000 29,623 33,563 66,905 130,091 632,961 162,611 39,993 28,332 Washington 247,000 34,117 35,330 75,967 145,414 439,792 104,229 53,954 27,887 West Virginia 124,000 12,657 12,457 29,599 54,713 209,778 87,714 11,808 18,027 Wisconsin 159,000 23,403 24,566 60,929 108,898 518,083 42,050 51,765 20,930 Wyoming 17,000 3,112 2,843 6,482 12,437 55,976 7,494 7,392 656 Uniled States 13,195,000 1,662,452 1,803,946 3,712,058 7,178,456 25,864,518 6,755,639 2,393,448 2,265,094 'Data renec! average panicipalion each month thaI the program operates. a. State enrollmenls are rounded to the nearesl 1,000; the U.S. total may not equallhe sum ofthe stale numbers because ofthis rounding. b. All cbildren receiving a federal subsidy for lunch, including children receiving free and reduced-price lunches. Source: U.S. Department ofAgriculture, Food and Consumer Service. CHILDREN'S DEFENSE FUND 111


TABLE B4<br />

Number of Children Participating In Food Stamps and Child Nutrition<br />

Programs, FY 1997*<br />

Supplemental Food Program for Women,<br />

Scbool Cbild and<br />

Infants, and Cbildren (WIC) Scbool break- Adult Care Summer<br />

luncb fast Food Program food<br />

State Food stamps' Women Infants Cbildren Total program" program (CACFP) program<br />

Alabama 273,000 26,989 35,549 56,361 118,899 548,170 147,312 36,080 57,017<br />

Alaska 27,000 5,393 5,109 13,035 23,537 47,912 7,961 6,814 0<br />

Arizona 233,000 34,222 38,507 73,920 146,649 420,221 129,561 41,031 23,410<br />

Arkansas 136,000 22,682 23.007 41,622 87,311 310,676 115,492 22,006 11,483<br />

California 2,042,000 287,832 278,318 658,074 1,224,224 2,487,706 819,476 280,312 189,236<br />

Colorado 125,000 18,882 19,059 37,127 75,068 308,628 48,183 38,394 14,347<br />

Connecticut 107,000 11,111 15,383 32,874 59,368 241,378 48,833 20,515 23,092<br />

Delaware 30,000 3,242 4,383 7,958 15,583 67,048 16,013 11,974 8,862<br />

District ofColumbia 48,000 3,713 5,003 8,075 16,791 50,994 32,734 4,630 16,614<br />

Florida 715,000 79,278 95,124 180,526 354,928 1,267,613 379,753 80,678 234,033<br />

Georgia 422,000 56,162 59,292 114,700 230,154 1,024,717 345,287 85,750 92,370<br />

Hawaii 53,000 6,876 7,746 16,185 30,807 144,518 37,584 8,753 3,628<br />

Idabo 40,000 6,982 7,895 16,597 31,474 139,532 23,318 6,362 2,843<br />

Illinois 545,000 47,505 71,615 116,835 235,955 995,916 187,614 81,176 122,587<br />

Indiana 188,000 33,770 37,508 61,430 132,708 598,357 100,022 43,623 14,851<br />

Iowa 84,000 14,625 14,294 37,374 66,293 387,053 53,776 27,794 5,785<br />

Kansas 88,000 12,688 13,449 28,817 54,954 307,851 64,534 53,319 6,943<br />

Kentucky 212,000 28,469 29,479 64,753 122,701 521,347 172,461 26,983 28,400<br />

Louisiana 362,000 33,782 41,111 64,363 139,256 666,607 235,975 56,621 55,838<br />

Maine 51,000 5,942 5,864 14,886 26,692 104,290 23,514 14,744 5,759<br />

Maryland 200,000 22,381 26,182 42,957 91,520 375,663 79,562 51,659 32,926<br />

Massachusetts 190,000 26,937 27,392 64,490 118,819 484,069 96,612 50,856 39,707<br />

Michigan 460,000 48,391 52,548 117,013 217,952 762,515 158,503 75,773 38,700<br />

Minnesota 152,000 19,815 21,300 53,155 94,270 544,936 75,501 94,339 23,213<br />

Mississippi 220,000 22,051 29,914 48,159 100,124 402,540 169,024 27,094 34,291<br />

Missouri 276,000 32,823 33,425 65,390 131,638 578,146 142,312 42,833 32,359<br />

Montana 37,000 4,831 4,265 12,583 21,679 84,130 14,516 12,660 3,845<br />

Nebraska 52,000 7,555 9,190 16,795 33,540 211,318 24,496 39,273 6,815<br />

Nevada 52,000 9,193 9,545 18,576 37,314 101,692 28,843 5,147 5,148<br />

New Hampshire 27,000 4,038 4,834 10,307 19,179 94,454 14,523 6,776 2,008<br />

New Jersey 282,000 33,686 34,826 72,979 141,491 542,470 75,811 38,418 58,966<br />

New Mexico 125,000 11,407 11,971 30,305 53,683 189,730 69,621 45,158 53,273<br />

New York 964,000 101,776 118,805 258,682 479,263 1,706,622 444,614 173,792 424,203<br />

North Carolina 304,000 49,193 51,992 93,307 194,492 790,030 235,418 92,890 39,327<br />

North Dakota 17,000 3,632 3,601 9,659 16,892 83,940 10,984 17,853 2,014<br />

Ohio 488,000 58,666 75,630 120,034 254,330 971,432 168,182 74,590 38,549<br />

OkJaboma 164,000 26,118 27,475 54,815 108,408 366,567 124,007 44,443 14,892<br />

Oregon 131,000 22,075 17,067 50,242 89,3g4 255,736 72,504 36,132 13,678<br />

Pennsylvania 513,000 53,816 56,800 147,521 258,137 1,006,874 170,170 63,369 120,155<br />

Rhode Island 48,000 4,706 5,318 12,551 22,575 57,291 7,861 6,602 12,419<br />

South Carolina 191,000 30,193 30,349 58,425 118,967 458,361 161,442 26,304 68,635<br />

South Dakota 24,000 4,852 5,059 12,023 21,934 104,657 14,114 11,909 5,390<br />

Tennessee 284,000 36,575 37,814 76,507 150,896 605,239 180,131 38,595 37,310<br />

Texas 1,320,000 166,057 174,519 343,030 683,606 2,279,760 784,624 155,199 120,764<br />

Utab 58,000 14,866 14,712 27,747 57,325 258,104 26,866 40,720 20,766<br />

Vermont 27,000 3,762 2,959 9,412 16,133 51,118 11,897 8,593 2,811<br />

Virginia 261,000 29,623 33,563 66,905 130,091 632,961 162,611 39,993 28,332<br />

Washington 247,000 34,117 35,330 75,967 145,414 439,792 104,229 53,954 27,887<br />

West Virginia 124,000 12,657 12,457 29,599 54,713 209,778 87,714 11,808 18,027<br />

Wisconsin 159,000 23,403 24,566 60,929 108,898 518,083 42,050 51,765 20,930<br />

Wyoming 17,000 3,112 2,843 6,482 12,437 55,976 7,494 7,392 656<br />

Uniled States 13,195,000 1,662,452 1,803,946 3,712,058 7,178,456 25,864,518 6,755,639 2,393,448 2,265,094<br />

'Data renec! average panicipalion each month thaI the program operates.<br />

a. State enrollmenls are rounded to the nearesl 1,000; the U.S. total may not equallhe sum ofthe stale numbers because ofthis rounding.<br />

b. All cbildren receiving a federal subsidy for lunch, including <strong>child</strong>ren receiving free and reduced-price lunches.<br />

Source: U.S. Department ofAgriculture, Food and Consumer Service.<br />


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