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Safe Schools and Violence Prevention <br />

All California Department of Education (CDE) programs have an effect on the learning<br />

environment and therefore on school safety. The programs described below are the<br />

primary activities that have the improvement of school safety as their principal goal.<br />

• School Safety Block Grant. This program provides approximately $95 million<br />

annually for a block grant to school districts serving youths in grades eight through<br />

twelve, based primarily on student enrollment. Another $1 million is allocated to<br />

county offices of education, also based on enrollment. These funds may be used<br />

for all violence-prevention strategies, including implementing science-based<br />

violence-prevention programs, hiring personnel trained in conflict resolution,<br />

providing on-campus communication devices, establishing staff training programs,<br />

and establishing cooperative arrangements with law enforcement.<br />

• Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (S&DFSC). This program,<br />

funded by the No Child Left Behind Act, provides approximately $32 million<br />

annually for school- and community-based alcohol-, drug-, and violenceprevention<br />

programs. The two primary elements of the program are (1) the<br />

maintenance of a statewide leadership program operated through county<br />

S&DFSC coordinators who provide training, technical assistance, and leadership<br />

to school districts in the implementation of a prevention program; and (2) CDE<br />

leadership of the statewide transition to the use of research-based prevention<br />

programs. The program is administered by the Safe and Healthy Kids Program<br />

Office. For more information regarding the S&DFSC, visit the Safe and Drug-Free<br />

Schools and Communities Act Web site at http://www.cde.ca.gov/51969.<br />

• School Community Violence Prevention (SCVP). Assembly Bill 825 of 2004<br />

created a new school violence-prevention grant program by collapsing all previous<br />

appropriations for school violence-prevention grants into one program. Grants are<br />

for as much as $500,000 spread over a five-year period, and they may be used to<br />

address any violence-prevention needs. Successful applications will have<br />

demonstrated:<br />

1. A strong collaborative process that includes school staff, local law <br />

enforcement, families, students, and community members; <br />

2. Significant school safety needs as identified by a needs analysis conducted by<br />

the collaborative group;<br />

3. A plan, created by the collaborative, which uses prevention programs of<br />

demonstrated effectiveness to address the identified needs; and<br />

4. Coordination of the SCVP grant with existing school safety activities funded by<br />

other fund sources.<br />

• School/Law Enforcement (S/LE) Partnership. Since 1983 the State<br />

Superintendent of Public Instruction and the State Attorney General have unified<br />

their efforts and resources through the S/LE partnership. The S/LE Partnership<br />

highlights collaborative programs that involve members of the entire school<br />


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