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The funds appropriated under IMFRP are to be allocated based on the prior year K–12<br />

enrollment as reported by the California Basic Educational Data System (CBEDS)<br />

count.<br />

The IMFRP (EC Chapter 3.25, sections 60420—60424) provides that:<br />

1. Districts or county offices of education must use funds to ensure that each pupil,<br />

grades K–12, is provided with a standards-aligned textbook or basic instructional<br />

materials.<br />

For grades K–8, the standards-aligned instructional materials must come from the<br />

state standards-aligned adoption lists for reading/language arts, mathematics,<br />

science, and history–social science.<br />

For grades 9–12, the materials must be adopted by the local governing board and<br />

aligned to the state academic content standards.<br />

2. Once a local governing board certifies that it has provided each pupil with<br />

standards-aligned instructional materials, the district or county office of education<br />

may use 100 percent of any remaining IMFRP funds to purchase other<br />

instructional materials consistent with the content and cycles of the curriculum<br />

frameworks.<br />

• For grades K–8 the local educational agency may purchase instructional<br />

materials from other state-adopted materials lists.<br />

• For grades 9–12 the local educational agency may purchase instructional<br />

materials adopted by the local governing board in any other subject area<br />

covered by a state curriculum framework.<br />

3. The local governing board is required to hold an annual public hearing (pursuant<br />

to EC Section 60119) and make a determination by resolution as to whether each<br />

pupil in the district has sufficient instructional materials in reading/language arts,<br />

mathematics, science, and history–social science that are consistent with the<br />

content and cycles of the curriculum frameworks. This hearing is required in any<br />

year in which the statewide base revenue limit increases by at least one percent.<br />

Governing boards are also required to make written determination as to whether<br />

pupils enrolled in foreign language or health courses have sufficient instructional<br />

materials and whether there is sufficient science laboratory equipment for grades<br />

9–12 science laboratory classes. The findings regarding foreign language, health,<br />

and science equipment are not a condition of receipt of funds.<br />

If the governing board determines there are insufficient instructional materials, the<br />

board must take the following actions:<br />

• Provide information on the reasons for insufficient materials.<br />

• Take measures to ensure that each pupil will have sufficient materials within a<br />

two-year period by the second month of the academic year.<br />


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