Open Watcom FORTRAN 77 Language Reference

Open Watcom FORTRAN 77 Language Reference

Open Watcom FORTRAN 77 Language Reference


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<strong>Language</strong> <strong>Reference</strong><br />

The next example demonstrates the use of a GO TO statement to control execution of all or part of a<br />

DO-loop.<br />

Example:<br />

I = 1<br />

DO WHILE( I .LE. 3 )<br />

J = 1<br />

DO WHILE( J .LE. 5 )<br />

PRINT *, ’INNER LOOP - J=’, J<br />

IF( J .LE. 3 )GO TO 20<br />

PRINT *, ’J > 3’<br />

20 END DO<br />

PRINT *, ’OUTER LOOP - J=’, J<br />

END DO<br />

A result of this example is that the character string J > 3 is printed 6 times (i.e., twice for each iteration<br />

of the outer loop). Of course there is a much better way of coding this algorithm using the IF-END IF<br />

construct. The example is included to illustrate the behaviour of transfers of control to an END DO<br />

statement. The following example is an equivalent algorithm to the one above but the intent is much<br />

clearer.<br />

Example:<br />

I = 1<br />

DO WHILE( I .LE. 3 )<br />

J = 1<br />

DO WHILE( J .LE. 5 )<br />

PRINT *, ’INNER LOOP - J=’, J<br />

IF( J .GT. 3 )THEN<br />

PRINT *, ’J > 3’<br />

END IF<br />

END DO<br />

PRINT *, ’OUTER LOOP - J=’, J<br />

END DO<br />

9.6 LOOP - END LOOP<br />

LOOP [: block-label]<br />

statement(s)<br />

END LOOP<br />

This extension to <strong>FORTRAN</strong> <strong>77</strong> causes the statements between the LOOP and END LOOP statements to be<br />

repeated until control is transferred out of the loop, usually by an EXIT or QUIT statement. An optional<br />

block label may be specified (see the CYCLE, EXIT or QUIT statement for more information). An<br />

example follows:<br />


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