Open Watcom FORTRAN 77 Language Reference

Open Watcom FORTRAN 77 Language Reference

Open Watcom FORTRAN 77 Language Reference


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<strong>Language</strong> <strong>Reference</strong><br />

[lo:] hi<br />

where:<br />

lo<br />

hi<br />

is the lower dimension bound.<br />

is the upper dimension bound.<br />

The lower and upper dimension bounds must be integer expressions and the upper dimension bound must<br />

be greater than or equal to the lower dimension bound. The upper dimension bound of the last dimension<br />

may be an asterisk (*). The meaning of this will be discussed later. If the lower dimension bound is not<br />

specified then a default of 1 is assumed. The size of a dimension is defined as hi − lo + 1. Note that if<br />

the lower dimension bound is not specified the size of the dimension is just hi. The size of the array (or<br />

the number of elements in the array) is defined as the product of all the sizes of the dimensions of the array.<br />

The maximum number of elements in any dimension is limited to 65535. The maximum size of an array is<br />

limited by the amount of available memory.<br />

Arrays are defined by the appearance of an array declarator in a DIMENSION statement, a type statement<br />

or a COMMON statement.<br />

Example:<br />

DIMENSION A(10), B(-5:5,-10:10)<br />

INTEGER C(10,20)<br />

COMMON /DATA/ X,Y(30,30),Z<br />

In the previous example, B is a 2-dimensional array with 11 rows and 21 columns and has 231 elements<br />

(i.e. 11 * 21).<br />

Each array has a data type associated with it. This data type is inherited by all elements of the array.<br />

4.3 Array Elements<br />

Each array is comprised of a sequence of array elements. An array element is referenced by following the<br />

array name with a subscript. Different elements of the array are referenced by simply changing the<br />

subscript. An array element has the following form:<br />

<br />

a(s[,s]...)<br />

where:<br />

a<br />

(s[,s]...)<br />

s<br />

is the array name.<br />

is a subscript.<br />

is a subscript expression.<br />

160 Array Elements

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