Open Watcom FORTRAN 77 Language Reference

Open Watcom FORTRAN 77 Language Reference

Open Watcom FORTRAN 77 Language Reference


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<strong>FORTRAN</strong> Statements<br />

2.56 INTEGER Statement<br />

The INTEGER statement is a type declaration statement and can be used to declare a name to be of type<br />

integer. The implicit type of the name, whether defined by the "first letter rule" (see the chapter entitled<br />

"Names, Data Types and Constants" on page 151) or by an IMPLICIT statement, is either confirmed or<br />

overridden. However, once a name has been declared to be of type integer, it cannot appear in another type<br />

declaration statement.<br />

There are various forms of the INTEGER statement. The following sections describe them.<br />

2.56.1 Standard INTEGER Statement<br />

<br />

INTEGER name [,name] ...<br />

where:<br />

name<br />

is a variable name, array name, array declarator, symbolic name of a constant, function name or<br />

dummy procedure name.<br />

This form is the standard form of the INTEGER statement.<br />

Example:<br />

DIMENSION C(-5:5)<br />

INTEGER A, B(10), C<br />

In the previous example, A is defined to be a variable of type integer and B and C are defined to be arrays of<br />

type integer.<br />

2.56.2 Extended INTEGER Statement: Length Specification<br />

INTEGER[*len[,]] name [,name] ...<br />

where:<br />

name<br />

is one of the following forms:<br />

v[*len]<br />

a[*len](d)<br />

a(d)[*len]<br />

v<br />

is a variable name, array name, symbolic name of a constant, function name or dummy<br />

procedure name.<br />

INTEGER Statement 99

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