Drug Misuse Statistics Scotland 2007 - Drug Misuse Information ...

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Scottish Drug Misuse Database Annex B1.2 Statistical definitions Median The median is the value above and below which half the cases fall, i.e. the 50th percentile, if the cases are sorted in ascending order, i.e. the 50th percentile. If there is an even number of cases, the median is the average of the two middle cases. The median is a measure of central tendency not sensitive to outlying values unlike the mean, which can be affected by a few extremely high or low values. European Age Standardised Rate (EASR) Comparison of numbers of individuals attending services in different areas may be misleading because of demographic differences. An adjustment can be made for the effect of differing age distributions within populations. An age-standardised rate is the incidence in the population that would have been observed theoretically if the population had the same age structure as a standard population. Age standardisation facilitates the comparison of attendance rates from different populations. In the Scottish Drug Misuse Database tables, the standard population used is the European Standard Population. Confidence Intervals for EASRs The 95% confidence interval of a rate is an estimated range of values calculated from the data in the table. We expect that the true rate for the population will lie within such an interval 95% of the time. For example, we might estimate the rate as 193 and might be 95% confident that the rate lies between 166 and 219 per 100 000 population based on the data available. This information will be presented as follows in the table. Rate = 193 (166,219) Services & Treatment Estimates of error for means based on small numbers For some tables containing small numbers a column of differences is supplied to provide information about the precision of the means presented. The difference is calculated by multiplying the standard error of the mean by the appropriate value from Student’s t-tables. The mean +/- difference is the 95% confidence interval for the population mean. Further information For detail on statistical methods used in the analysis of the Scottish Drug Misuse Database contact substancemisuse@isd.csa.scot.nhs.uk. Drug Misuse Statistics Scotland 2007 91

Scottish Drug Misuse Database Annex B1.3 SMR25 Form Services & Treatment FIRST NAME SURNAME CHI NUMBER SMR25 ASSESSMENT REPORT Introduced April 2006 1) PERSONAL DETAILS First Name Surname First initial only First and fourth letter only Date of Birth Gender Male Female Local Ref ETHNIC GROUP White ADDRESS City/Town Postal Sector Scottish Other British Irish Other White (specify) Asian, Asian Scottish or Asian British Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Chinese Other Asian (specify) Black, Black Scottish or Black British African Caribbean Other Black (specify) Mixed Background Any (specify) 2) PRESENTING INFORMATION (OF THIS EPISODE) MAIN SOURCE OF REFERRAL Self Health CO-OCCURING HEALTH ISSUES Tick all that apply Drug related physical health 3) CONTACT WITH THIS SERVICE Institution code Contact name GP Mental health Date contact first made Primary Care Alcohol (this episode only) - include letter/ phone referrals Mental Health Other Social work Criminal Justice Child and Family Other Criminal Justice DTTO Arrest Referral Drug Court Prison Other Voluntary service Education Housing Other (specify) Other (specify) ISD Ref A Date first appointment offered Please do not enter last two items of postcode Date this assessment completed/ last seen 4) PREVIOUS CONTACT WITH sam OTHER SERVICES Previous contact with any drug treatment services Yes No If yes, year of last contact Age when help first sought years 5) AGE PROFILE Age when first started using illicit drugs Age at onset of problem illicit drug use 6) PRESCRIPTION DRUGS PROFILE (CURRENT) - Give details of current prescription related to treatment of addiction None Not known Details verified? Yes No If none or not known, go to section 7 Main drug Drug 2 Drug 3 Drug 4 Drug 5 Drug name 7) ILLICIT DRUGS PROFILE (PAST MONTH) - Including solvents & OTC medicine taken inappropriately Used in past month? Main Drug Drug 2 Drug 3 Drug 4 Drug 5 Tear here Yes show details No go to section 8 Drug name Route(s) e.g. IV/ IM/ smoke/ swallow/ inhale/ snort How often i.e. daily/ most days/ weekends/ weekly/ fortnightly/ monthly Main route How often Other route How often Please return top copy using envelope provided years years Daily dosage (mg) In a ‘typical’ drug using day Quantity e.g. mg/ ml/oz/binge Spend £ 92 Drug Misuse Statistics Scotland 2007

Scottish <strong>Drug</strong> <strong>Misuse</strong> Database<br />

Annex B1.2 Statistical definitions<br />

Median<br />

The median is the value above and below which half the cases fall, i.e. the 50th percentile, if the cases are sorted<br />

in ascending order, i.e. the 50th percentile. If there is an even number of cases, the median is the average of<br />

the two middle cases. The median is a measure of central tendency not sensitive to outlying values unlike the<br />

mean, which can be affected by a few extremely high or low values.<br />

European Age Standardised Rate (EASR)<br />

Comparison of numbers of individuals attending services in different areas may be misleading because of<br />

demographic differences. An adjustment can be made for the effect of differing age distributions within<br />

populations. An age-standardised rate is the incidence in the population that would have been observed<br />

theoretically if the population had the same age structure as a standard population. Age standardisation<br />

facilitates the comparison of attendance rates from different populations. In the Scottish <strong>Drug</strong> <strong>Misuse</strong> Database<br />

tables, the standard population used is the European Standard Population.<br />

Confidence Intervals for EASRs<br />

The 95% confidence interval of a rate is an estimated range of values calculated from the data in the table. We<br />

expect that the true rate for the population will lie within such an interval 95% of the time. For example, we<br />

might estimate the rate as 193 and might be 95% confident that the rate lies between 166 and 219 per<br />

100 000 population based on the data available. This information will be presented as follows in the table.<br />

Rate = 193 (166,219)<br />

Services & Treatment<br />

Estimates of error for means based on small numbers<br />

For some tables containing small numbers a column of differences is supplied to provide information about the<br />

precision of the means presented. The difference is calculated by multiplying the standard error of the mean<br />

by the appropriate value from Student’s t-tables. The mean +/- difference is the 95% confidence interval for the<br />

population mean.<br />

Further information<br />

For detail on statistical methods used in the analysis of the Scottish <strong>Drug</strong> <strong>Misuse</strong> Database contact<br />

substancemisuse@isd.csa.scot.nhs.uk.<br />

<strong>Drug</strong> <strong>Misuse</strong> <strong>Statistics</strong> <strong>Scotland</strong> <strong>2007</strong><br />


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