Drug Misuse Statistics Scotland 2007 - Drug Misuse Information ...

Drug Misuse Statistics Scotland 2007 - Drug Misuse Information ... Drug Misuse Statistics Scotland 2007 - Drug Misuse Information ...

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Psychiatric discharges C2.1 Psychiatric hospital discharges 1 with a diagnosis of drug misuse 2 in any position: 2005/06p NHS board and council area of residence, age group and gender Ratio of discharges Discharges Patients to patients Scotland 3 1 623 1 246 1.3 by previous psychiatric inpatient status First admission 439 432 1.0 Re-admission 4 1 162 792 1.5 by NHS board of residence Ayrshire & Arran 210 154 1.4 Borders 40 37 1.1 Dumfries & Galloway 76 53 1.4 Fife 112 97 1.2 Forth Valley 82 67 1.2 Grampian 62 47 1.3 Greater Glasgow and Clyde 391 317 1.2 Highland 139 94 1.5 Lanarkshire 121 93 1.3 Lothian 219 166 1.3 Orkney - - - Shetland - - - Tayside 169 120 1.4 Western Isles 2 2 1.0 Outside Scotland 5 5 1.0 Other / not known 5 43 42 1.0 Argyll & Clyde 6 132 102 1.3 Greater Glasgow & Clyde part 127 99 1.3 Highland part 5 3 1.7 Greater Glasgow 6 264 218 1.2 Highland 6 134 91 1.5 by council area of residence Aberdeen City 50 35 1.4 Aberdeenshire 3 3 1.0 Angus 23 19 1.2 Argyll & Bute 5 3 1.7 Ayrshire East 78 57 1.4 Ayrshire North 92 66 1.4 Ayrshire South 40 31 1.3 Borders 40 37 1.1 Clackmannanshire 32 26 1.2 Dumfries & Galloway 76 53 1.4 Dunbartonshire East 11 7 1.6 Dunbartonshire West 13 13 1.0 Dundee City 108 71 1.5 Edinburgh City 138 111 1.2 Eilean Siar 2 2 1.0 Falkirk 26 21 1.2 Fife 112 97 1.2 Glasgow City 240 199 1.2 Highland 134 91 1.5 Inverclyde 44 33 1.3 Lanarkshire North 84 63 1.3 Lanarkshire South 43 36 1.2 Lothian East 8 8 1.0 Lothian West 59 36 1.6 Midlothian 14 11 1.3 Moray 9 9 1.0 Orkney Islands - - - Perth & Kinross 38 31 1.2 Renfrewshire 56 40 1.4 Renfrewshire East 21 19 1.1 Shetland Islands - - - Stirling 24 20 1.2 Outside Scotland 5 5 1.0 Other / not known 5 43 42 1.0 Health Impact by age group 7,8 Under 15 years 1 1 1.0 15-19 years 105 83 1.3 20-24 years 242 186 1.3 25-29 years 343 263 1.3 30-34 years 355 266 1.3 35-39 years 274 209 1.3 40-44 years 161 125 1.3 45-49 years 76 58 1.3 50-54 years 37 29 1.3 55-59 years 18 16 1.1 60 years and over 11 10 1.1 by gender 8 Male 1 119 842 1.3 Female 504 404 1.2 1 Excludes acute and maternity hospitals. 2 Excludes misuse of tobacco or alcohol. 3 Includes cases for which the type of admission is not known and cases with a missing or invalid response. 4 Includes readmissions following a break from inpatient care and direct transfers either within a hospital or from other psychiatric inpatient care. 5 Patients with no fixed abode or where NHS board or council area of residence is not known. 6 Former NHS Board areas (before dissolution of Argyll & Clyde on 1st April 2006). 7 Age on admission. 8 Includes Scottish residents only. p Provisional. - (zero) Source : ISD Scotland (SMR04). Data Extracted: 29th September 2007. Drug Misuse Statistics Scotland 2007 123

Psychiatric discharges C2.2 Psychiatric inpatient discharges 1 with a diagnosis of drug misuse 2 : 2001/02 r - 2005/06 p previous psychiatric inpatient status, NHS board and council area of residence, age group and gender Numbers EASR 9 2001/02 r 2002/03 r 2003/04 r 2004/05 r 2005/06 p 2001/02 r Main 10 All 10 Main 10 All 10 Main 10 All 10 Main 10 All 10 Main 10 All 10 Main 10 All 10 Scotland 3 1 122 1 778 1 162 1 830 1 103 1 726 1 061 1 794 943 1 623 23 36 by previous psychiatric inpatient status First admission 373 488 390 537 383 502 381 508 311 439 8 10 Re-admission 4 714 1 240 707 1 212 681 1 184 656 1 248 622 1 162 15 25 by NHS board of residence Ayrshire & Arran 150 219 180 232 172 241 140 214 144 210 48 69 Borders 27 38 36 53 25 40 36 64 24 40 37 53 Dumfries & Galloway 44 65 43 63 32 64 31 63 41 76 41 58 Fife 51 76 58 79 71 105 99 125 90 112 16 24 Forth Valley 52 89 56 99 69 112 59 106 54 82 20 33 Grampian 46 59 72 103 47 66 29 61 31 62 9 11 Greater Glasgow and Clyde 371 581 361 544 358 488 279 430 196 391 . . Highland 44 79 63 128 53 109 61 145 68 139 . . Lanarkshire 121 170 111 157 97 157 124 170 93 121 23 31 Lothian 158 287 129 240 114 219 141 293 119 219 19 34 Orkney 1 2 1 1 - - - 1 - - 5 12 Shetland 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - 12 12 Tayside 51 107 51 129 62 122 61 121 82 169 14 30 Western Isles 4 4 - 1 2 2 - - 1 2 21 21 Outside Scotland 3 3 3 6 2 2 10 12 4 5 . . Other / not known 5 58 88 53 76 56 82 29 62 31 43 . . Argyll & Clyde 6 133 244 135 229 136 217 111 186 68 132 36 65 Greater Glasgow & Clyde part 123 229 122 215 120 195 100 173 64 127 . . Highland part 10 15 13 14 16 22 11 13 4 5 . . Greater Glasgow 6 248 352 239 329 238 293 179 257 132 264 27 39 Highland 6 34 64 50 114 37 87 50 132 64 134 20 37 by council area of residence Health Impact Aberdeen City 29 37 48 64 31 47 22 45 28 50 13 16 Aberdeenshire 10 12 12 18 12 14 6 8 1 3 6 7 Angus 6 17 6 14 6 11 9 21 10 23 8 20 Argyll & Bute 10 15 13 14 16 22 11 13 4 5 15 22 Ayrshire East 64 86 64 73 59 80 40 57 53 78 61 80 Ayrshire North 53 87 77 104 91 131 82 120 66 92 45 73 Ayrshire South 33 46 39 55 22 30 18 37 25 40 36 49 Borders 27 38 36 53 25 40 36 64 24 40 37 53 Clackmannanshire 17 27 17 33 19 25 23 35 22 32 37 58 Dumfries & Galloway 44 65 43 63 32 64 31 63 41 76 41 58 Dunbartonshire East 12 14 15 18 21 23 13 15 11 11 13 16 Dunbartonshire West 22 36 28 47 24 34 29 33 10 13 25 40 Dundee City 24 48 39 91 41 78 39 78 53 108 16 33 Edinburgh City 86 168 62 144 61 129 80 176 77 138 17 33 Eilean Siar 4 4 - 1 2 2 - - 1 2 21 21 Falkirk 23 31 14 22 25 43 24 45 15 26 17 22 Fife 51 76 58 79 71 105 99 125 90 112 16 24 Glasgow City 212 305 199 273 202 249 149 220 116 240 33 48 Highland 34 64 50 114 37 87 50 132 64 134 20 37 Inverclyde 20 51 33 52 17 36 21 45 18 44 25 65 Lanarkshire North 80 111 63 95 75 122 86 126 63 84 25 35 Lanarkshire South 51 73 57 78 33 50 49 58 33 43 18 26 Lothian East 11 15 9 12 7 11 17 19 2 8 13 18 Lothian West 29 60 33 55 24 50 37 83 29 59 18 38 Midlothian 32 44 25 29 22 29 7 15 11 14 49 65 Moray 7 10 12 21 4 5 1 8 2 9 8 12 Orkney Islands 1 2 1 1 - - - 1 - - 5 12 Perth & Kinross 21 42 6 24 15 33 13 22 19 38 19 37 Renfrewshire 79 133 66 123 73 113 43 84 28 56 50 84 Renfrewshire East 16 28 11 15 10 18 13 19 10 21 22 40 Shetland Islands 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 - - 12 12 Stirling 12 31 25 44 25 44 12 26 17 24 15 38 Outside Scotland 3 3 3 6 2 2 10 12 4 5 . . Other / not known 5 58 88 53 76 56 82 29 62 31 43 . . by age group 7,8 Under 15 years 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 15-19 years 106 143 104 143 83 124 73 92 73 105 33 45 20-24 years 270 368 257 356 250 361 213 333 162 242 86 117 25-29 years 284 441 279 438 247 371 261 404 212 343 90 140 30-34 years 209 356 236 407 226 375 201 371 189 355 55 93 35-39 years 143 244 149 259 147 243 163 286 146 274 35 61 40-44 years 59 111 65 115 82 139 82 167 87 161 16 29 45-49 years 18 47 37 56 35 58 33 67 41 76 5 14 50-54 years 15 28 11 19 11 26 20 39 16 37 4 8 55-59 years 5 14 6 11 7 11 7 17 9 18 2 5 60 years and over 12 25 18 26 14 17 7 17 7 11 1 2 by gender 8 Male 791 1247 778 1189 748 1173 711 1174 652 1119 33 52 Female 331 531 384 641 355 553 350 620 291 504 13 21 1 Excludes acute and maternity hospitals. 2 Excludes misuse of tobacco or alcohol. 3 Includes cases for which the type of admission is not known and cases with a missing or invalid response. 4 Includes readmissions following a break from inpatient care and direct transfers either within a hospital or from other psychiatric inpatient care. 5 Patients with no fixed abode or where NHS board or council area of residence is not known. 6 Former NHS Board areas (before dissolution of Argyll & Clyde on 1st April 2006). 7 Age on admission. 8 Includes Scottish residents only. 9 European Age Standardised Rate per 100 000 population. 10 'Main' is the Primary diagnosis; 'All' includes supplementary diagnoses. 124 Drug Misuse Statistics Scotland 2007

Psychiatric discharges<br />

C2.1 Psychiatric hospital discharges 1 with a diagnosis of drug misuse 2 in any<br />

position: 2005/06p<br />

NHS board and council area of residence, age group and gender<br />

Ratio of discharges<br />

Discharges Patients to patients<br />

<strong>Scotland</strong> 3 1 623 1 246 1.3<br />

by previous psychiatric inpatient status<br />

First admission 439 432 1.0<br />

Re-admission 4 1 162 792 1.5<br />

by NHS board of residence<br />

Ayrshire & Arran 210 154 1.4<br />

Borders 40 37 1.1<br />

Dumfries & Galloway 76 53 1.4<br />

Fife 112 97 1.2<br />

Forth Valley 82 67 1.2<br />

Grampian 62 47 1.3<br />

Greater Glasgow and Clyde 391 317 1.2<br />

Highland 139 94 1.5<br />

Lanarkshire 121 93 1.3<br />

Lothian 219 166 1.3<br />

Orkney - - -<br />

Shetland - - -<br />

Tayside 169 120 1.4<br />

Western Isles 2 2 1.0<br />

Outside <strong>Scotland</strong> 5 5 1.0<br />

Other / not known 5 43 42 1.0<br />

Argyll & Clyde 6 132 102 1.3<br />

Greater Glasgow & Clyde part 127 99 1.3<br />

Highland part 5 3 1.7<br />

Greater Glasgow 6 264 218 1.2<br />

Highland 6 134 91 1.5<br />

by council area of residence<br />

Aberdeen City 50 35 1.4<br />

Aberdeenshire 3 3 1.0<br />

Angus 23 19 1.2<br />

Argyll & Bute 5 3 1.7<br />

Ayrshire East 78 57 1.4<br />

Ayrshire North 92 66 1.4<br />

Ayrshire South 40 31 1.3<br />

Borders 40 37 1.1<br />

Clackmannanshire 32 26 1.2<br />

Dumfries & Galloway 76 53 1.4<br />

Dunbartonshire East 11 7 1.6<br />

Dunbartonshire West 13 13 1.0<br />

Dundee City 108 71 1.5<br />

Edinburgh City 138 111 1.2<br />

Eilean Siar 2 2 1.0<br />

Falkirk 26 21 1.2<br />

Fife 112 97 1.2<br />

Glasgow City 240 199 1.2<br />

Highland 134 91 1.5<br />

Inverclyde 44 33 1.3<br />

Lanarkshire North 84 63 1.3<br />

Lanarkshire South 43 36 1.2<br />

Lothian East 8 8 1.0<br />

Lothian West 59 36 1.6<br />

Midlothian 14 11 1.3<br />

Moray 9 9 1.0<br />

Orkney Islands - - -<br />

Perth & Kinross 38 31 1.2<br />

Renfrewshire 56 40 1.4<br />

Renfrewshire East 21 19 1.1<br />

Shetland Islands - - -<br />

Stirling 24 20 1.2<br />

Outside <strong>Scotland</strong> 5 5 1.0<br />

Other / not known 5 43 42 1.0<br />

Health Impact<br />

by age group 7,8<br />

Under 15 years 1 1 1.0<br />

15-19 years 105 83 1.3<br />

20-24 years 242 186 1.3<br />

25-29 years 343 263 1.3<br />

30-34 years 355 266 1.3<br />

35-39 years 274 209 1.3<br />

40-44 years 161 125 1.3<br />

45-49 years 76 58 1.3<br />

50-54 years 37 29 1.3<br />

55-59 years 18 16 1.1<br />

60 years and over 11 10 1.1<br />

by gender 8<br />

Male 1 119 842 1.3<br />

Female 504 404 1.2<br />

1 Excludes acute and maternity hospitals.<br />

2 Excludes misuse of tobacco or alcohol.<br />

3 Includes cases for which the type of admission is not known and cases with a missing<br />

or invalid response.<br />

4 Includes readmissions following a break from inpatient care and direct transfers either<br />

within a hospital or from other psychiatric inpatient care.<br />

5 Patients with no fixed abode or where NHS board or council area of residence is not<br />

known.<br />

6 Former NHS Board areas (before dissolution of Argyll & Clyde on 1st April 2006).<br />

7 Age on admission.<br />

8 Includes Scottish residents only.<br />

p Provisional.<br />

- (zero)<br />

Source : ISD <strong>Scotland</strong> (SMR04).<br />

Data Extracted: 29th September <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

<strong>Drug</strong> <strong>Misuse</strong> <strong>Statistics</strong> <strong>Scotland</strong> <strong>2007</strong><br />


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