Female Infertility (bu yun zheng) - CatsTCMNotes

Female Infertility (bu yun zheng) - CatsTCMNotes

Female Infertility (bu yun zheng) - CatsTCMNotes


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<strong>Female</strong> <strong>Infertility</strong> (<strong>bu</strong> <strong>yun</strong> <strong>zheng</strong>)<br />

Differential Disgnosis & Treatment<br />

– always a disorder of RN & Chong (Regulate REN & Chong)<br />

Basic Points REN-4, 6; Zigong; SP-4, 6, 9, 10<br />

KID Xu<br />

(Yin, Yang, Qi,<br />

or Essence)<br />

HT & SP Xu<br />

(HT Xue Xu &<br />

SP Qi Xu)<br />

Cold in Uterus<br />

- Yang Xu: can’t conceive = functional d.o.<br />

- Cold extremities, aversion to intercourse<br />

- Qi Xu: weakness of lower back or knees,<br />

fatigue …<br />

- Yin Xu Sx …<br />

- Prolonged or shortened menstrual cycle;<br />

scanty pale menstrual discharge<br />

- Frequent, copious urination; nighttime<br />

urination; dizzy; tinnitus<br />

T: Pale, swollen, wet<br />

P: Weaker, deeper in rear positions<br />

- <strong>Infertility</strong> lasting for long time<br />

- Inability to conceive<br />

- Palpitations, insomnia, poor memory, bad<br />

concentration, scanty light menses,<br />

dizziness, pale complexion, blurred vision<br />

- Poor app, fatigue, SOB, depression…<br />

T: Pale, thin C: Thin white<br />

P: Weak, thin [fine, choppy]<br />

- Typically, caught cold and severe<br />

dysmenorrhea: cold sensation, severe pain,<br />

retarded/late menses, dark red clots<br />

- Inability to conceive<br />

- Pain relieved by heat, worse w/ cold<br />

- Cold extremities<br />

- If still has ext. cold pathogen: shivering,<br />

chills …<br />

- Pale face<br />

T: Normal, or pale, swollen<br />

C: Thin, white coat<br />

P: Slow, deep (if more Yang: slow, weak)<br />

Strengthen KID,<br />

Strengthen Chong & REN Channels<br />

------------------------------------<br />

Basic +<br />

KID-3; GB-39; UB-23, 52; DU-4<br />

Also:<br />

ST-36; ST-29 (for prolonged cycles)<br />

KID-13 (nourish Chong; tonify KID; strengthens uterus)<br />

UB-52 (tonifies KID; nourishes Essence)<br />

LU-7 (regulates REN; strengthen uterus & KID)<br />

>Yu Lin Zhu (Unicorn Rearing Pill)<br />

Tonify SP Qi, Nourish HT Blood,<br />

Strengthen Chong and REN<br />

---------------------------<br />

Basic +<br />

ST-28; UB-20, 21<br />

UB-17, 15; REN-14<br />

--<br />

ST-36; KID-13; UB-23; REN-12<br />

> Ba Zhen Tang (Eight Precious Decoction)<br />

Warm Uterus, Expel Cold epf,<br />

Regulate Chong and REN<br />

--------------------------<br />

Basic +<br />

DU-4; REN-4 w/ moxa<br />

UB-12, 13 w/ moxa<br />

Moxa: REN-2 (scatters cold),<br />

KID-7; UB-23 (tonify KID Yang)<br />

REN-7 (nourishes KID, strengthens uterus)<br />

> Ai Fu Nuan Gong Wan (Artemisia-Cyperus<br />

Warming The Uterus)<br />


Obstruction<br />

by Phlegm-<br />

Dampness<br />

overweight,<br />

high cholesterol<br />

LIV Qi Yu<br />

Blood Stasis<br />

Treatment<br />

Principles:<br />

4 phases of<br />

Menstrual Cycle<br />

- Profuse vaginal discharge<br />

- Blockage of fallopian tubes<br />

- Inability to conceive<br />

- Prolonged menstrual cycle; amenorrhea in<br />

severe cases<br />

- May be overweight<br />

- Chest distention w/ profuse mucous, phlegm<br />

- Heaviness sensation; n, v<br />

- Dizziness & vertigo<br />

T: Normal or Pale, swollen<br />

C: Thick, white or yellow, greasy coat<br />

P: Slippery<br />

- Clearly related to emotional disorder<br />

- <strong>Infertility</strong> w/ PMS, irritability<br />

- Irregular, late or absent periods; premenstrual<br />

depression/ tension; painful periods<br />

- Sighing, depression<br />

- Breast tenderness, …<br />

T: Normal<br />

P: Wiry<br />

- Inability to conceive; irregular or delayed<br />

menses; painful periods; lower abdominal pain<br />

worse with pressure; dark blood (purplishblack)<br />

with clots<br />

- Irritability; mental restlessness or manic<br />

behavior<br />

T: Dark purple w/ spots or patches<br />

P: Wiry or choppy<br />

Basic+<br />

Remove Damp-Phlegm,<br />

Open Chong & REN<br />

-----------------------<br />

ST-40; REN-12, 17; P-6<br />

REN-3 (strengthen uterus; resolve damp)<br />

ST-28; SP-9; SP-6; REN-9 (resolve damp)<br />

LU-7 + KID-6 (regulate REN; strengthen uterus)<br />

ST-30 (reg. chong; invigorate Blood to transform<br />

water)<br />

UB-32 (drains damp from genital system)<br />

> Qi Gong Wan (Uterus Opening Pill)<br />

Soothe LIV; Promote circulation;<br />

Regulate Chong and REN<br />

-------------------------------<br />

Basic +<br />

4 gates, GB-34; LIV-14; UB-18<br />

> Jia Wei Xiao Yao San<br />

> Kai Yu Zhong Yu Tang (Depression<br />

Opening Jade-Plant Decoction)<br />

Invigorate Blood; Remove Stasis;<br />

Soothe LIV; Regulate menses<br />

-------------------------<br />

Basic +<br />

UB-17; ST-29; LU-7 + KID-6<br />

LIV-3; GB-34; KID-14<br />

> Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang (Lesser Abdomen<br />

Stasis-Expelling Decoction)<br />

1. Period phase: regulate menstruation: stop period if heavy or invigorate Blood if<br />

scanty<br />

2. Post-menstrual phase: nourish Blood & tonify KID<br />

3. Inter-menstrual phase: tonify KID & consolidate REN & Chong<br />

4. Pre-menstrual phase: tonify yang and move LIV Qi<br />

Herbal Therapy:<br />

Placenta powder (from sheep or goat)<br />

Take 3-5 d before ovulation<br />

> Ba Zhen San / 8 Treasure Decoction (sometimes called Nu Zhe Ba Zhen San)<br />


Basic Points<br />

Impotence (yang wei)<br />

[Yang Wei = Yang Flaccidity Syndrome]<br />

Differiential Diagnosis & Treatment<br />

REN-4, 6<br />

Jing gong (“sperm palace” = same as zi gong! [3 cun lateral to REN-3])<br />

BL-23, DU-4, Ba liao (BL-31 to 34: esp. BL-31, 32 on both sides)<br />

SP & KID<br />

Qi Xu<br />

Chronic<br />

Qi Xu w/ SP & KID Qi Xu signs:<br />

- Impotence, infertility<br />

- Fatigue; tiredness; poor appetite; loose stool<br />

or diarrhea; gas & bloating in the abdomen<br />

- Incontinence or profuse, frequent urination;<br />

low back pain; worse after orgasm<br />

- Sinking sensation in the lower abdomen<br />

- Pale face; may have SOB<br />

- “Palace therapy” – qigong to prevent loss of Qi<br />

T: Pale, swollen w/ tm C: Thin, white<br />

P: Deep, weak<br />

Tonify SP & KID Qi;<br />

Benefit/Strengthen External Kidneys<br />

---------------------<br />

Basic +<br />

KID-3; SP-6; ST-36; UB-20, 21<br />

If impotence is predominant Sx:<br />

Use moxa for preventative tx<br />

[not for long term: if begin to feel: 1) thirsty,<br />

2) have insomnia/poor sleep, 3) dark, yellow<br />

urination or constipation – stop moxa! B/c the<br />

P T is not Yang Xu yet!]<br />

UB-52; REN-17<br />

SP & KID<br />

Yang Xu<br />

LIV Qi Yu<br />

- Worse than Qi Xu<br />

- Impotence, failure to achieve erection<br />

- Premature ejaculation<br />

- All of the above Qi Xu Sx, plus:<br />

- Cold extremities, cold pain in the lower back or<br />

abdominal, desire for warm drinks<br />

- Profuse, clear, frequent urination<br />

- Morning diarrhea<br />

- Incontinence (more severe)<br />

- No desire or aversion to sexual intercourse<br />

- May have edema<br />

T: Pale swollen tongue body<br />

C: Wet/moist<br />

P: Deep, weak, slow<br />

- Hx of relationship or emotional disorder, or<br />

personality (introverted, scared)<br />

- Impotence, failure of erection<br />

- Stress & depression; prefers to be alone<br />

- Sighing time to time<br />

- Distention of the hypochondriac region or<br />

breast<br />

- Distending sensation or pain (esp. after<br />

intercourse) at root of penis or scrotum &<br />

radiates to perineum, groin or hypochondriac<br />

region<br />

T: Normal<br />

P: Wiry<br />

Warm SP & KID Yang;<br />

Benefit the external kidneys<br />

------------------------<br />

Basic +<br />

Same points as above<br />

Add moxa (moxa box is very good on the<br />

lower back over DU-4, UB-23 area, or<br />

over the Baliao pts)<br />

SI-3 + UB-63 for the DU<br />

May add:<br />

SP-6; ST-36; REN-17; DU-20; REN-8<br />

Basic +<br />

Soothe LIV Qi;<br />

Promote circulation;<br />

Benefit the external kidneys<br />

--------------------<br />

4 gates; GB-34 (hui of sinews)<br />

UB-18, 19<br />


Lower Pouring<br />

of Damp Heat<br />

Acute stage of<br />

prostatitis<br />

- Related to UTI-type Sx: <strong>bu</strong>rning, urgent,<br />

frequent and/or painful urination; itchiness<br />

- Impotence, failure of erection<br />

- Dark yellow/brown tea/may even be pink urine<br />

(if bleeding)<br />

- Wetness of the scrotum w/ itching or skin rash<br />

- Bitter taste<br />

- If more H: thirsty; If more D: no desire to drink<br />

- May have temporal headaches; restlessness<br />

T: Red, w/ red spots, tm<br />

C: Yellow greasy, may be thick<br />

P: Slippery, wiry, fast<br />

Basic +<br />

Remove D-H from LJ;<br />

Benefit the external kidneys<br />

-------------------<br />

REN-3; UB-28, 22, 39<br />

ST-28; SP-9; SJ-5<br />

If more Heat: LI-11<br />

Herbal therapy – Yang tonifying:<br />

- “King’s Therapy” or “Spring Therapy” [Spring is a very active and upgoing season]<br />

• Can warm Yang temporarily, <strong>bu</strong>t can lead to Yin damage<br />

• Animal penises soaked in alcohol for 6 months<br />

- Dong Chung Xiao Tiao formula<br />

- Silk worm cocoon soaked in alcohol<br />

Qigong therapy<br />

Tie Dan gong (sp?): Qi gong & massage to tx male infertility<br />


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