Slides Chapter 1. Measure Theory and Probability

Slides Chapter 1. Measure Theory and Probability

Slides Chapter 1. Measure Theory and Probability


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<strong>1.</strong>7. DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION<br />

Theorem <strong>1.</strong>13 A finite measure µ on Borel subsets of the real<br />

line is absolutely continuous with respect to Lebesgue measure if<br />

<strong>and</strong> only if the point function<br />

F(x) = µ((−∞,x])<br />

is a locally <strong>and</strong> absolutely continuous real function.<br />

If µ is absolutely continuous, then the Radon-Nikodym derivative<br />

of µ is equal almost everywhere to the derivative of F. Thus,<br />

the absolutely continuous measures on IR n are precisely those that<br />

have densities; as a special case, the absolutely continuous d.f.’s<br />

are precisely the ones that have probability density functions.<br />

Definition <strong>1.</strong>37 (Absolutely continuous d.f.)<br />

A d.f. is absolutely continuous if <strong>and</strong> only if there is a nonnegative<br />

Lebesgue integrable function f such that<br />

∫<br />

∀x ∈ IR,F(x) = fdλ,<br />

(−∞,x]<br />

where λ is the Lebesgue measure. The function f is called probability<br />

density function, p.d.f.<br />

Proposition <strong>1.</strong>16 Let f : IR → IR + = [0,∞) be a Riemann<br />

integrable function such that ∫ +∞<br />

∫ −∞<br />

f(t)dt = <strong>1.</strong> Then, F(x) =<br />

x<br />

−∞f(t)dt is an absolutely continuous d.f. whose associated p.d.f<br />

is f.<br />

All the p.d.f.’s that we are going to see are Riemann integrable.<br />

Proposition <strong>1.</strong>17 Let F be an absolutely continuous d.f. Then<br />

it holds:<br />

(a) F is continuous.<br />


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