Woodstock School Alumni Magazine Vol CIV, 2011

Woodstock School Alumni Magazine Vol CIV, 2011

Woodstock School Alumni Magazine Vol CIV, 2011


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Leave a legacy<br />

for future<br />

generations<br />

www.woodstockschool.in/lts<br />

The Lyre Tree Society includes alumni,<br />

current and former staff, parents,<br />

and friends who have remembered<br />

<strong>Woodstock</strong> <strong>School</strong> in their will or estate<br />

plan.<br />

Members of The Lyre Tree Society<br />

share a love for <strong>Woodstock</strong>, the belief<br />

that its future is important to our world,<br />

and the desire to leave a financial legacy<br />

that will help ensure that future. Their<br />

legacies are the source of permanent<br />

endowments that will support future<br />

generations of <strong>Woodstock</strong> students and<br />

teachers.<br />

Most members of The Lyre Tree<br />

Society are people of modest means<br />

who have planned for <strong>Woodstock</strong> along<br />

with the needs of their children and<br />

grandchildren.<br />

Bequests that benefit <strong>Woodstock</strong>,<br />

both modest and major, often<br />

memorialize beloved parents or family<br />

members, or a revered <strong>Woodstock</strong><br />

teacher or friend.<br />

Have you considered how your will<br />

or estate plan can benefit <strong>Woodstock</strong>?<br />

Please let us know so that we may<br />

be sure to include you as an honored<br />

member of The Lyre Tree Society. Your<br />

membership will inspire and serve as an<br />

example to others.<br />

Please note that in order to qualify<br />

for charitable tax benefits in the United<br />

States, bequests and other gifts for<br />

<strong>Woodstock</strong> <strong>School</strong> should be made to<br />

Friends of <strong>Woodstock</strong> <strong>School</strong>, a taxexempt,<br />

501(c)(3) corporation whose<br />

mission is to support and encourage<br />

<strong>Woodstock</strong> <strong>School</strong>.<br />

For further information contact:<br />

Jane Cummings,<br />

Institutional Advancement, Friends of<br />

<strong>Woodstock</strong> <strong>School</strong><br />

Email: jcummings@fwsfoundation.org<br />

Phone: (303) 963-5427<br />

Mobile: (360) 770-4361

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