Več - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani

Več - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani

Več - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani


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IV. letnik 90 ur<br />

obvezni predmeti compulsory subjects<br />

prof. dr. Peter Fister, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />

- Fister, P.: Prenova in varstvo arhitekturne dedišèine, Ljubljana 1979<br />

- Fister, P.: Serija strokovnih in teoretiènih èlankov v zbornikih Varstvo spomenikov in drugod<br />

Vsebina: Teorija in metode dokumentiranja: cilji in metode temeljnih strok; interdisciplinarni cilji in metode<br />

konservatorskega dokumentiranja dedišèin; sodobni informacijski sistemi. Anali<strong>za</strong> in ocena dokumentirane dedišèine,<br />

priprava kriterijev varstva in prenove: merial <strong>za</strong> posege v dedišèino, reevaluacija dedišèine, javna dostopnost ocen;<br />

izdelava konservatorskega programa Projekt procesa varstva in prenove dedišèine: teorija naèrtovanja procesa<br />

varstva in prenove, metode izdelave projektov (mednarodno uveljavljene in slovenske posebnosti), projekti<br />

konservacije, prezentacije, likovne, tehnološke in vsebinske sanacije, managementa in prostorske prenove, strokovno<br />

in javno preverjanje projektov. Izvedba konservatorskega programa: organi<strong>za</strong>cija, korektura programov, dodatne<br />

raziskave, izpolnjevanje formalnih <strong>za</strong>htev, odgovornost. Aktualnosti in vzorci: novosti doma in po svetu ter v<br />

posameznih strokah; posebni problemi, vloga novih tehnologij, managementa, ekologije. Vzorèna predstavitev<br />

primerov s kritièno oceno izvedbe.<br />

Contents: Theory and documentation methods: goals and methods of basic professions; interdisciplinary conservation<br />

aims and methods of documenting heritage; modern information systems. Analysis and appraisal of heritage,<br />

preparation of preservation and restoration criteria; standards for interventions on heritage; re-evaluation of heritage,<br />

public accessibility to appraisals, implementation of conservation programmes. Designing the process of preservation<br />

and restoration of heritage: theory of the preservation and restoration planning process, methods of internationally<br />

acknowledged design implementation (and Slovenian particularities), projects of conservation, preservation,<br />

refurbishment of artistic and technological contents; management and spatial restoration, professional and public<br />

evaluation of plans. Execution of conservation programmes: organisation, correction of programmes, additional<br />

research, meeting formal requirements, and responsibility. Actualities and models: domestic and foreign novelties<br />

and novelties in specific professions, special problems, the role of new technologies, management, ecology. Model<br />

presentation of case studies with critical evaluation of execution.<br />

84 dodiplomski študij graduate course orientations: ARCHITECTURE URBANISM DESIGN

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