Več - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani

Več - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani

Več - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani


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prof. dr. Žiga Turk, univ. dipl. inž. grad.<br />

izbirni predmeti elective subjects<br />

V tem teèaju se študente seznani z elementi raèunalniške strojne in programske opreme, postopkovnim grafiènim jezikom in izvedbo<br />

specifiènih grafiènih podob, vkljuèno z animacijo in simulacijo.<br />

In this course students are introduced to the elements of computer hardware and software, procedural graphic language and the<br />

realisation of specific graphic images including animation and simulation.<br />

dodiplomski študij<br />


doc. dr. Igor Kalèiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />

Detajl je najmanjši element arhitekturnega jezika. Detajl je najprej tehnièna, inženirska kategorija, šele potem tudi estetska kategorija. Parametri<br />

<strong>za</strong>snove in oblikovanja detajlov so: anatomski, psihološki, funkcionalni, fizikalni, kemièni, tehnološki, ekonomski in estetski. Predmet Detajl 1<br />

uvaja študenta v tektonsko <strong>za</strong>snovo in izdelavo detajlov v bolj enostavnih, elementarnih materialih: les, kamen, kovina , steklo. Pri tem posveèa<br />

pozornost sestavljanju teh materialov v sklope z upoštevanjem teorije stikov, geometrije sestavljanja, ekonomike in estetskih kvalitet. Predmet<br />

skuša razèistiti pojme kot so nosilni in nenosilni deli zgradbe, ovojne konstrukcije, notranji in zunanji prostor, odprtine v ovojnih konstrukcijah in<br />

znotraj stavbe, lupina-fasadni plašè, streha... predvsem s strani tehnièno inženirske izobrazbe. Šele potem predmet vzpostavi dialog med<br />

tehnièno inženirskim znanjem in arhitekturno konpozicijskimi kreativnimi naèeli. Pri tem obravnava elemente arhitekturne kompozicije: narava,<br />

mesto, hiša, interier, podstavek, stena, streha, steber, vogal, napušè, venec, okna, vrata, stopnice, dimnik, dekoracija ...<br />

Študentje morajo v okviru predmeta z mentorskim nadzorom, multidisciplinarno, osvešèeno in po vseh naèelih sodobnega evropskega<br />

inženirstva, izdelati detajlni projekt enostavne zgradbe (ki vsebuje AB konstrukcije, lesene konstrukcije, jeklene konstrukcije in uporabo<br />

enostavnih materialov), prezentiran na sodoben naèin v eni od splošno priznanih programskih oprem, ki se uporabljajo v inženirski arhitekturi<br />

(AllPlan FT Nemetschek, AutoCad, ArchiCad, 3D S tudio Max ... ).<br />

The detail is the smallest element of architectural language. It is primarily a category of engineering and then also aesthetics. The<br />

parameters of concept and design of details are: anatomical, psychological, functional, physical, chemical, technological, economical<br />

and aesthetical. The subject introduces students to tectonic conceptualisation and execution of details in simple, elementary materials;<br />

wood, stone, metal and glass, whereby emphasis is given to composition of these materials into complexes by using theories of joints,<br />

geometry of joining, economics and aesthetic qualities. The subject tries to clarify terms, such as load-bearing and non-load-bearing<br />

parts of buildings, covering constructions, internal and external space, openings in the covering structure, the shell – façade envelope,<br />

roof etc., mainly from the aspect of technical and engineering education. Only then does the subject establish dialogues between<br />

technical, engineering knowledge and creative principles of architectural composition. The latter deals with these elements: nature, city,<br />

house, interior, base, wall, roof, pillar, corner, overhanging, eaves, window, door, stairs, chimney, decoration etc. Within the framework<br />

of the subject and under tutorage by a mentor, while abiding to principles of multi-disciplinary work, awareness and contemporary<br />

European engineering, students have to design a detailed project of a simple building (which includes reinforced concrete, timber and<br />

steel constructions, and use of simple materials) and present it in a contemporary fashion by using generally acknowledged software<br />

programmes used in architectural engineering (AllPlan FT Nemetschek, AutoCad, ArchiCad, 3Dstudio Max etc.).<br />

72<br />

dodiplomski študij graduate course

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