Več - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani

Več - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani

Več - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani


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III. letnik 60 ur<br />

prof. Miloš Florijanèiè, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />

- Le Corbusier: Towards a New Architecture, The Architectural Press, London 1946<br />

- Zevi, B.: Saper vedere l’architettura, Einaudi, Torino 1949<br />

- Banham, R.: Theory and Design in the First Machine Age, AP, London 1960<br />

- Giedion, S.: Architecture and the Phenomena of Transition, Harvard UP, Cambridge 1971<br />

- Pevsner, N.: A History of Building Types, Thames & Hudson, London 1976<br />

- Norberg Schulz, C.: Architettura occidentale, Electa, Milano 198<br />

- Scully, V.: Architecture: the Natural and the Manmade, St. Martin Press, New York 1991<br />

- Rowe, C.: The Architecture of good Intentions, Academy Editions, London 1991<br />

Vsebina: Tloris kot razmejevanje prostora v planimetriji; ravninski prostorski koncepti. Odnos med notranjim in zunanjim<br />

prostorom skozi formacijo <strong>za</strong>snove in transparentnost <strong>za</strong>slonov. Enojno, dvojno in trojno kodiranje prostora in<br />

njegovo prehajanje (Mies, Kahn, Le Corbusier, Gehry). Prerez v vertikalni <strong>za</strong>snovi javnega prostora, njegovi<br />

stereotomni naravi in interpenetraciji volumnov in programov. Svobodno prehajanje prostora po vertikali v konceptih<br />

od »Raumplana« do odprte stavbne strukture (Loos, Stirling, Foster). Naris kot odnos med notranjo strukturo in<br />

pojavnostjo stavbe; merilo, hierarhija. Fasada kot prezentacija in razumevanje strukturnega koncepta notranje<br />

zgradbe hiše (Gehry, Nouvel, Koolhaas). Odnos med individualnim in kolektivnim; merilo enote in celote; spomin in<br />

monumentalno. Kreacija javnega prostora kot manifestacija stanja èlovekovega duha v zgodovini in interpretacija<br />

prostora kot humanistiènega koncepta svobode; demokracija vs. avtokracija skozi tipološki pristop v arhitekturi.<br />

Contents: The layout as definition of space in planimetrics; plane concepts of space. The relation between inner and<br />

outer space through concept formation and transparency of screens. Single, double and triple coding of space and<br />

its transition (Mies, Kahn, Le Corbusier, Gehry). The section as vertical design of public space, it’s stereotomic nature<br />

and interpretation of volumes and programmes. Open vertical transition of space in concepts from »Raumplan« to<br />

open building structure (Loos, Stirling, Foster). The elevation as relation between the inner structure and outer image<br />

of building; scale, hierarchy. The facade as presentation and understanding of the structural concept of the interior<br />

(Gehry, Nouvel, Koolhaas). The relationship between individual and collective; scale of unit and whole; memory,<br />

monumentality. Creation of public space as a manifestation of state of mind through history following interpretation<br />

of space in the humanistic concept of freedom. Democracy versus autocracy in the typological approach to<br />

architecture.<br />

leto year<br />

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