Več - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani

Več - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani

Več - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani


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III. letnik 60 ur<br />

prof. Janez Koželj, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />

- Koželj, J.: Tipologija mestne stanovanjske arhitekture in njena sovisnost z morfologijo mestnega<br />

prostora, KRT, Ljubljana 1987<br />

- Lynch, K.: Slika jednog grada, Graðevinska knjiga, Beograd 1973<br />

- Sitte, C.: Umetniško oblikovanje mest, CZ, Ljubljana 1997<br />

- Panerai P., Castex J., Depaule J.: Urbane forme, Graðevinska knjiga, Beograd 1989<br />

- Rossi, A.: The Architecture of the City, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1982<br />

- Schultz, Ch. Nor.: Genius loci, Electa, Milano 1981<br />

- Gosling, D.& Maitland, B.: Concepts of Urban Design, Academy Editions, London 1984<br />

- Mestomorfoze, zbornik, razni avtorji, Žepna, Ljubljana 1999<br />

- Corner, J.: Eidetic operations and new landscapes, Wall A., Programming the Urban Surface,<br />

Recovering Landscapes, Princeton Architectural Press, N.Y. 1999<br />

- Allen, Stan: Points+Lines, New York, Princeton Architectural Press 1999<br />

- Koolhaas, Rem, Mau, Bruce: S, M, L, XL, New York, The Monacelli Press 1995<br />

- Turner, T.: City as Landscape, E&FN Spon, London 1996<br />

- Cosgrove, Denis: Mappings. London: Reaction Books 1999<br />

Cilj predmeta je razviti okvir, ki naj vodi študente k razumevanju mesta kot strateškega prostora <strong>za</strong> udejanjanje arhitekture. Študenti se bodo<br />

seznanili z najbolj relevantnimi teorijami sodobnega mesta in preizkusili najnovejše operativne metode strateškega projektiranja. Predmet bo<br />

omogoèil, da bodo študenti lahko prepoznali znaèilnosti modela strnjenega in razpršenega mesta ter razumeli naravo razlik med obema<br />

modeloma. Pri predmetu se bodo seznanili s teoretiènim o<strong>za</strong>djem in operativnimi orodji <strong>za</strong> raziskovanje in interpretacijo vsakršne urbane<br />

situacije. Nauèili se bodo iz izsledkov analitiènih postopkov postaviti ustrezno strategijo posegov v specifièno urbano realnost. Pri tem bodo<br />

razvili sposobnost <strong>za</strong> kritièno presojanje in odgovorno odloèanje s primerjanjem med razliènimi razvojnimi alternativami, ki so med<br />

prilagoditivijo in inovacijo v odnosu do obstojeèega.<br />

Struktura predmeta: arhitektura strnjenega mesta: mesto kot sistem krajev, mesto kot prostorska; arhitektura razpršenega mesta: mesto kot<br />

urbana krajina, mesto kot odprt sistem; projektiranje.<br />

The subject’s goal is to develop a framework that can lead students to understanding the city as a strategic space for enacting architecture.<br />

Students will become acquainted with the most relevant theories of contemporary city and test the newest operative methods of strategic<br />

design. The subject will enable students to recognize characteristics of compact and dispersed models of cities and to understand differences in<br />

the model’s natures. During the course students will learn about the theoretical background and operative tools for research and interpretation<br />

of any urban condition. They will learn to position adequate project strategies to specific urban realities from results of analytical procedures.<br />

Hereby they will develop capacities for critical evaluation and responsible decision making by comparing different development alternatives,<br />

which range from adaptation to innovation of the space itself.<br />

Subject structure: architecture of the compact city: the city as a system of places, the city as a spatial structure; architecture of the dispersed city:<br />

the city as an urban landscape, the city as an open system; design.<br />

leto year<br />

01<br />

02<br />

03<br />

04<br />

05<br />


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