Več - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani

Več - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani

Več - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani


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postgraduate specialist course in urban planning<br />

The programme leaders at the Faculty of Architecture are as follows:<br />

prof. dr. Peter Fister (Preservation and renewal of settlements)<br />

prof. mag. Peter Gabrijelèiè (Detailed urban design)<br />

prof. dr. Fedja Košir (Development of urban planning)<br />

prof. Janez Koželj (New urban design paradigms)<br />

prof. dr. Aleš Vodopivec (Urban designing)<br />

Visiting professors:<br />

senior lecturer mag. Dušan Blagajne – Ministry of environment and physical planning (Environmental and spatial legislature)<br />

prof. dr. Andrej Èerne – Faculty of Philosophy, Department of geography (Planning methodology)<br />

dr. Kaliopa Dimitrovska Andrews – Urban Planning Institute – in habilitation process (Instruments for controlling urban form)<br />

prof. dr. Tomaž Kastelic – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Traffic management and design of traffic surfaces)<br />

prof. dr. Andrej Kirn – Faculty of Social Sceinces (Environmental ethics)<br />

doc. Jurij Kobe (Ambiental design)<br />

doc. dr. Drago Kos – Faculty of Social Sciences(Topics from spatial sociology)<br />

prof. dr. Bogomir Kovaè – Faculty of Economics (Project management, controle)<br />

prof. dr. Ivo Lavraè – Faculty of Economics (Management in the public and private sector)<br />

doc. dr. Srna Mandiè – Faculty of Social Sciences (Housing economy)<br />

prof. dr. Ivan Marušiè – Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Landscape Architecture(Protective planning)<br />

doc. dr. Jože Panjan – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Sanitary hydrotechnical infrastructure)<br />

prof. dr. Rajko Pirnat – Faculty of Law(Legal foundations of spatial planning)<br />

prof. dr. Dušan Plut – Faculty of Philosophy, Department of geography (New ecological paradigms)<br />

prof. dr. Andrej Pogaènik – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Urban Planning)<br />

doc. mag. Boštjan Radej – Faculty of Economics (Environmental economics)<br />

prof. dr. Albin Rakar – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Communal and Housing Economics, Communal infrastructure<br />

design)<br />

prof. dr. France Rihtar – Faculty of Architecture(Environmental planning)<br />

senior lecturer dr. Maruška Šubic – Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Land policies and real estate evaluation)<br />

prof. dr. Tomaž Valena – Technical University Munich (Contextual design)<br />

Lecturers from the “Faculta D’architecttura, Dipartimento per l’urbanistica, Universita’ Gabriele D’Annunzio”, Pescara and<br />

“Oxford Brookes University”, Oxford.<br />

118 podiplomski študij postgraduate course

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