Več - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani

Več - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani

Več - Fakulteta za arhitekturo - Univerza v Ljubljani


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prof. Marjan Ocvirk, univ. dipl. inž. arh.<br />

izbirni predmeti elective subjects<br />

Študentje se seznanijo z arhitekturno poselitvijo slovenskega prostora s poudarkom na arhitekturno oblikovalnih in tehniènih<br />

spremembah skozi èas. Sledi arhitekturno tehnièna anali<strong>za</strong> osnovnih gradbenih elementov slovenske hiše skozi èas in njihov vpliv na<br />

oblikovanje arhitekture in prostora.<br />

Razgovori s študenti o možnih metodah adaptacije obstojeèe arhitekture ali njene dogradnje v prostoru se vršijo v obliki predavanja v<br />

predavalnici ali v obleki ogledov na terenu, s tem, da se teme vsako leto, z ozirom na aktualnost, menjajo. Med najpomembnejše<br />

teme se vsakoletno vkljuèujejo Pleènikova dela pri nas in na tujem in njihov vpliv na oblikovanje slovenskega prostora. Sledi tudi<br />

vsakoletni izbor vkljuèevanja sodobne arhitekture v zgodovinski prostor pri nas in tudi drugje.<br />

Eno od vsakoletnih arhitekturno tehniènih tem predstavlja sanacija stavb ob primeru potresne varnosti ob razgovoru z vabljenimi<br />

strokovnjaki.<br />

Študenti po lastni izbiri izberejo nalogo v obliki strokovnega referata ali manjše projektne naloge <strong>za</strong> adaptacijo objekta ali njegovega<br />

dela.<br />

Students will learn about the architectural settlement in Slovenia, with emphasis on architectural design and technical changes in<br />

time. An architectural technical analysis of basic building materials of Slovenian houses through time follows, with a review of<br />

their effects on architectural and spatial design.<br />

Discussions with students about possible renewal or addition methods applied to extant architecture are conducted as lectures in<br />

the lecture-hall or by observation in fieldwork, whereby themes change each year according to actuality. One of the most<br />

important themes permanently included in the course are Pleènik’s works in Slovenia and abroad, and their effects on the design<br />

of Slovenian space. Another is the annually changed selection of contemporary architecture, which is introduced into historical<br />

places domestically and abroad. An architectural and technical theme, conducted by invited experts presented each year, is the<br />

renewal of buildings, which abides to earthquake safety regulations.<br />

Students independently select tasks, which can be carried out as thematic papers or smaller building renewal projects or certain<br />

details.<br />

102 dodiplomski študij graduate course smer /orientation: ARHITEKTURA / ARCHITECTURE

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