The extra-ordinary Plan 2007-2009

The extra-ordinary Plan 2007-2009

The extra-ordinary Plan 2007-2009


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Expert Conference Accompanying the Informal Meeting<br />

of Ministers for Family and Gender Equality:<br />

"Mechanisms for reconciling professional and family<br />

roles for women and men as a chance to actively<br />

participate in the labour market"<br />

Cracow 20-21 October 2011<br />

This conference is supported by the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Solidarity – PROGRESS (<strong>2007</strong>-2013)

"Mechanisms for reconciling professional and family roles for women and men<br />

as a chance to actively participate in the labour market "<br />

Increasing the childcare supply: the Italian example<br />

Roberta Ceccaroni, Senior Adviser, Department for Family Policy, Italy

<strong>The</strong> Institutional Context in Italy<br />

<strong>The</strong> Department for Family Policies<br />

From 2006, a Department for Family Policies (DFP) of the Presidency of Council of<br />

Ministers was established. At present, a Secretary of State, member of the<br />

Government, Senator Carlo Giovanardi, is responsible for the Department.<br />

A special plan has been launched from <strong>2007</strong>,<br />

Extra-<strong>ordinary</strong> three-year plan <strong>2007</strong> <strong>2009</strong>,<br />

through an agreement between central and local authorities<br />

(Intesa in Conferenza Unificata – Government Regions and autonomous areas)

<strong>The</strong> Institutional Context in Italy<br />

<strong>The</strong> new constitutional rules identify three sectors of legislative power:<br />

a) exclusive State legislative power<br />

b) combined legislation (State and Regions share the competence)<br />

c) residual legislative power<br />

<strong>The</strong> State identifies the essential levels of social services and benefits concerning civil<br />

and social rights that should be guaranteed in the entire national territory, the<br />

fundamental principles and the general norms<br />

Everything else is under the Regions’ competence<br />

<strong>The</strong> Local Government manages the administrative activities

<strong>The</strong> Italian Context<br />

• Fertility rate: 1,41 Italy 2,23 OCSE (<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

– In 1963: 978.110 newborns, in 2010: 561.944 newborns<br />

one out of every three women born in the baby boom years has no children<br />

• Female employment rates (15-64) - Eurostat <strong>2009</strong>:<br />

– Italy 46,4%<br />

– UE27 58,6 %<br />

After the birth of a child 25% of mothers resident in the South of<br />

Italy and 15% of the residents in the North of Italy stop working (“To<br />

be a mother” - ISTAT 2005)

Cross-country relation between female employment rates and total fertility rates<br />

1980 <strong>2009</strong><br />

Sources: Employment rates - OECD Employment Outlook UN World Statistics Pocketbook, 2010; Fertility rates -<br />

National statistical authorities, UN Statistical Division and Eurostat Demographic Statistics, 2010..

Relationship between the female employment rate in <strong>2009</strong> and the<br />

change in the fertility rate in the period 1997-<strong>2009</strong> (Del Boca and Rosina,<br />


<strong>The</strong> female employment rates decrease strongly with the increasing of<br />

the number of children:<br />

From 0 to 1 child value drops by 5 points, from 0 to 2 children by 10 points and<br />

from 03 children by 25 points<br />

Female employment rate by number of children (under 15 years) OCSE

Female employment rate by age of youngest child<br />

(OECD 2006)

Childcare services<br />

<strong>The</strong> evolution trend during the last 40 years<br />

• Firts legislative experience: law n.1044 of 6 december 1971<br />

• Before: health care and assistance services <strong>The</strong>n: social services and<br />

assistance, Now: an educational and welfare vocation (educational aim)<br />

• A better articulation of the supply system, has been realized by making<br />

the nido d’infanzia (the most important and consolidated typology of<br />

education service) more flexible and by developing other integrative<br />

services (in particular, the play-areas, the centers for children and parents<br />

and home-based education and care facilities):<br />

– integrated educational services<br />

• A progressive differentiation among the main actors involved in the<br />

creation and management of these facilities, with a growing presence of<br />

non profit private subjects:<br />

public-private integrated system of services

Childcare services<br />

Territorial range (Istat 2004)<br />

• <strong>The</strong> general dynamics of the system during the last years not only do not mitigate the<br />

differences between territories but, on the contrary, tend to foster them<br />

• Low supply at national level, with an average coverage of 11.4%, and a strong territorial<br />

inhomogeneity coverage with average values equal to 4% in the South<br />

% di bambini accolti<br />

(numero di regioni nell'intervallo)<br />

• Children who use the early<br />

childhood services by geographical<br />

area (out of 100 children aged<br />

between 0 and 2 years):<br />

19,4 a 24 (2)<br />

14,8 a 19,4 (1)<br />

10,2 a 14,8 (7)<br />

5,6 a 10,2 (2)<br />

1 a 5,6 (8)<br />

11,4% Italy<br />

27,5% Emilia Romagna<br />

1,7% Campania<br />

(Year 2004 - National Institute of Statistics<br />


<strong>The</strong> <strong>extra</strong>-<strong>ordinary</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />

Aims and Tools<br />

Incrementing socio-educational services for early childhood by launching a<br />

special plan, an <strong>extra</strong>-<strong>ordinary</strong> three-year plan <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2009</strong>, through an<br />

agreement between central and local authorities (Intesa in Conferenza<br />

Unificata – Government Regions and autonomous areas)<br />

<strong>The</strong> aim of the agreement is to set up a “large, integrated, qualified and<br />

varied” national network of early childhood services and to provide<br />

complementary and innovative services at the workplace, in order to:<br />

- promote children's wellbeing and development<br />

- to support the parents' role as educators<br />

- reconciling working life and caring for the family<br />

<strong>The</strong> aims of the <strong>extra</strong>-<strong>ordinary</strong> plan are connected to the Lisbona objectives<br />

(target of 33%), thus weakening the existent imbalances between the<br />

difference parts of the country

<strong>The</strong> <strong>extra</strong>-<strong>ordinary</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />

Budget<br />

Agreement in Unified Conference (<strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

l- 340 million euros of state resources<br />

l- 264 million euros of co-financing<br />

Additional resources with Agreement 2008 (2008)<br />

- 106 million euros of state resources<br />

- 17 million euros of co-financing<br />

TOTAL: 727 million in three years,<br />

446 state resources and 281 local resources<br />

Additional resources with Agreement 2010 (Family policies)<br />

- 100 million euros o state resources

<strong>The</strong> <strong>extra</strong>-<strong>ordinary</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />

Monitoring: first results achieved<br />

● All state resources have been reserved (446 milion euros)<br />

● According to the monitoring, up to now 88% of the state resources have<br />

been allocated to the regions (394 million)<br />

● Twenty regions and autonomous provinces have received the three<br />

planned annual resources<br />

● Latest ISTAT data in <strong>2009</strong>: increase of 43,000 places in public childcare<br />

services and services coverage of 13.6% (only pubblic services)<br />

● MONITORING latest data in 2010: 17.9% estimated coverage



School year <strong>2009</strong>/2010

Children who use the early childhood services<br />

by geographical area - Years 2004-<strong>2009</strong> ISTAT<br />

(out of 100 children aged between 0 and 2 years)

250.000<br />

Children cared in childcare services (ISTAT 2004-<strong>2009</strong>)<br />

231.341<br />

215.063<br />

200.000<br />

188.324<br />

185.048<br />

194.803<br />

201.559<br />

176.262<br />

192.944<br />

150.000<br />

146.152<br />

150.110<br />

159.909<br />

165.214<br />

100.000<br />

nidi<br />

Serv.Int.<br />

totale<br />

50.000<br />

42.172<br />

34.938 34.894 36.345 38.801 38.397<br />

-<br />

2004 2005 2006 <strong>2007</strong> 2008 <strong>2009</strong>

Percentage of municipalities that have implemented childcare services<br />

by geographical area (ISTAT Years 2004-<strong>2009</strong>)

<strong>The</strong> <strong>extra</strong>-<strong>ordinary</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />

Co-ordinated interventions of national policies<br />

• Monitoring: quantitative, qualitative and managerial<br />

• Survey on operating expenses and set up of a national statistic<br />

•Technical assistance activity in the Southern regions of Italy (2 milion euros)<br />

• Creation of nurseries in public administration: a pilot project to increase the early<br />

childhood education an care services especially intended for public servant’s<br />

children (25 million euros)<br />

•Pilot <strong>Plan</strong> of “sezioni primavera”, experimental sections for children from 24 to 36<br />

months <strong>2007</strong>- 2010 (116 millions euros)<br />

•AGIRE POR <strong>2007</strong>-2013: best practices

<strong>Plan</strong> – Italy 2020<br />

Co-ordinated interventions of national policies<br />

• Italy adopted a National Action <strong>Plan</strong> for access and inclusion of women in the labour<br />

market, entitled “Italia 2020”, in December <strong>2009</strong>.<br />

•This was later supplemented, on April 29 2010, by the National <strong>Plan</strong> on reconciliation<br />

between work and family, by which to allocate 40 million Euros for relevant projects.<br />

Both achievements encourage the presence of women in the labour market, by<br />

introducing concrete new measures, such as the creation of child-care services,<br />

economic support for those who work from home, through tele-working; and tax<br />

breaks for Southern Italian women.<br />

•This extensive program, together with the implementation of further positive actions<br />

which provide for the possibility to pay contributions to private employers who<br />

intended to introduce any reconciliation tools on the workplace (art. 9 of law no<br />

53/2000) has paved the way to many projects making effective the principles of<br />

gender equality, gender mainstreaming and higher living standards by promoting,<br />

inter alia, female entrepreneurship, especially in the regions of Southern Italy - where<br />

women experience particular hardships.

<strong>The</strong> <strong>extra</strong>-<strong>ordinary</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2007</strong>-<strong>2009</strong><br />

Challenges and perspectives<br />

In the next months we will measure the first results<br />

by monitoring the use of resources in the different Italian Regions<br />

and the quantity of seats.<br />

<strong>The</strong> goal is reducing the gap in South Italy.<br />

<strong>The</strong> problem is to ensure high quality standards and affordable costs<br />

We have experience that we have best practices that the world envies us<br />

and severe shortage of quality services as well:<br />

the prior challenge for national policy is to develop<br />

the entire system,<br />

while respecting the autonomy of the territories,<br />

with a shared vision that focuses on the child, his welfare and growth.

"Mechanisms for reconciling professional and family roles for women and men<br />

as a chance to actively participate in the labour market "<br />

Dziękujemy! Thank you! Grazie!<br />

Roberta Ceccaroni<br />

Department for Family Policy, Italy<br />

Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri<br />

www.politichefamiglia.it<br />

Via della Mercede 9, 00187 ROMA<br />

06.67795395 fax 06.67796841 cell 3348184373<br />


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