GUELPH, ONTARIO - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

GUELPH, ONTARIO - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada GUELPH, ONTARIO - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
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I. Till Composed of Grey Materials (i) Good Drainage Dumfries Loam (11,700 acres) The Dumfries series is the well drained member of the Dumfries catena and is found in the southern part of Carrick Township. The profile exhibits the characteristics of the Grey-Brown Podzolic Great Soil Group. The following is a profile description of Dumfries loam developed under hardwood vegetation: A,, - Thin etc. layer of partially decomposed leaves, twigs, A1 - O-3 inches loam; dark brown (10 YR 4/3); fine granular structure; friable consistency; frequent stones; pH - 6.5. AZ1-- 3-11 inches loam; yellowish brown (10 YR 5/4) ; weak platy Structure; friable consistency; fen stones; pH - 6.3. Azz- - - 11-14 inches loam; pale brown (10 YR 6/3)-; weak platy structure; friable consistency; occasional stones; pH - 6.0. 14-20 inches loam; dark yellowish brown (10 YR 4/4) ; fine nucif orm structure ; friable consistency ; moderately stony; pH - 6.5. 20-27 inches clay loam; dark brown (10 YR 4/3) ; medium nuciform structure; friable consistency; very stony; pH -- 7.0. Stony sandy loam till; light grey (10 YR 7/2); single grain structure; Ioose consist’ency ; calcareous; pH 8.0. The t)opography of Dumfries loam is steeply sloping, the slopes being irregular. Both external and internal drainage are good. However, imperfectly and poorly drained potholes which are too small to be delineated on the map, the scale of which is one inch to the mile, occur, which are included with the well drained member. Stones occurring throughout the profile usually interfere with cult’ivation. The soil is susceptible to sheet erosion which is severe in many sections. Dumfries loam has a medium to low fertility level, being low to very low in phosphorus and medium to low in potash and nitrogen. The organic matter content is medium to low. Most, of the Dumfries loam has been cleared and present forest’ed areas consist of small woodlots. Beech and sugar maple occur most frequent,ly, with basswood, ironwood and elm occurring in lesser amounts. Agriculture Most of the Dumfries loam has been cultivated and is used chiefly for general farming. Cereal grains, legumes, hay and pasture are fairly well adapted to this soil. 36

Stones in the Dumfries profile usually interfere with cultivation. The loamy texture and porous nature of the parent material permit early cultivation. Erosion and the large number of stones occurring throughout the profile are the greatest hazards to cultivation. Since the steep irregular slopes prohibit the use of special conservation practices such as contour plowing, long rotations should be used to prevent erosion. The steeper slopes would be better left under a permanent cover of grass or trees. The type is well supplied with lime and suited to the growing of legumes. This is particularly desirable in areas where cattle are raised for dairying or beef, since large amounts of forage crop materials are needed. This soil requires additions of barnyard manure and fertilizers high in phosphorus and nitrogen. (ii) Imperfect Drainage Killean Loam (100 acres) Killean loam is the imperfectly drained member of the Dumfries catena. It is developed on limestone till materials and is a Grey-Brown Podzolic soil. A commonly occurring Killean loam profile exhibits the following characteristics: 37

Stones in the Dumfries profile usually<br />

interfere with cultivation.<br />

The loamy texture <strong>and</strong> porous nature of the parent material permit early<br />

cultivation. Erosion <strong>and</strong> the large number of stones occurring throughout the<br />

profile are the greatest hazards to cultivation. Since the steep irregular slopes<br />

prohibit the use of special conservation practices such as contour plowing, long<br />

rotations should be used to prevent erosion. The steeper slopes would be<br />

better left under a permanent cover of grass or trees.<br />

The type is well supplied with lime <strong>and</strong> suited to the growing of legumes.<br />

This is particularly desirable in areas where cattle are raised for dairying or<br />

beef, since large amounts of forage crop materials are needed.<br />

This soil requires additions of barnyard manure <strong>and</strong> fertilizers high in<br />

phosphorus <strong>and</strong> nitrogen.<br />

(ii) Imperfect Drainage<br />

Killean Loam (100 acres)<br />

Killean loam is the imperfectly drained member of the Dumfries catena.<br />

It is developed on limestone till materials <strong>and</strong> is a Grey-Brown Podzolic soil.<br />

A commonly occurring Killean loam profile exhibits the following characteristics:<br />


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