1 Sand, surf not enough - Marshall Islands Journal

1 Sand, surf not enough - Marshall Islands Journal

1 Sand, surf not enough - Marshall Islands Journal


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Volume 38, Number 44 • Friday, November 2, 2007 • 75¢ on Majuro<br />

<strong>Sand</strong>,<br />

<strong>surf</strong> <strong>not</strong><br />

<strong>enough</strong><br />


Pacifi c <strong>Islands</strong> have been counting<br />

on their beautiful scenery,<br />

white sand beaches and turquoise<br />

waters to attract tourists from<br />

around the world.<br />

But Japan-based travel industry<br />

experts say emerging Pacifi c markets<br />

such as the <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong><br />

have to offer more than sand, <strong>surf</strong>,<br />

and in the case of the <strong>Marshall</strong><br />

<strong>Islands</strong>, diving, if they expect to<br />

attract the hard-to-please Japanese<br />

traveler. This is a particularly critical<br />

issue for Majuro as it looks to<br />

expand the number of charter<br />

fl ights by Japan Airlines.<br />

“Generally, the Japanese traveler<br />

likes the white beaches because we<br />

don’t have this in Japan. But at the<br />

same time they want to eat good<br />

food, do some activities like sight<br />

seeing, water sports and some<br />

Continued next page<br />

With just over two weeks to go before<br />

the November 19 election, candidates<br />

are raising concerns about the voting<br />

lists containing names that are <strong>not</strong><br />

eligible to vote.<br />

A Majuro candidate told the <strong>Journal</strong><br />

this week that there are at least seven<br />

deceased people listed on the Ajeltake<br />

voter list and more than 10 dead people<br />

listed on the Delap voting list.<br />

The Ajeltake listing includes a<br />

number of people who died, including<br />

people who have been dead for more<br />

than 10 years.<br />

Among others who died but who are<br />

still listed as currently registered voters<br />

for Ajeltake is former Majuro Mayor<br />

Tarmile Ishoda.<br />

“I’m aware of it,” Chief Electoral<br />

Offi cer Carl Alik told the <strong>Journal</strong> this<br />

week. Electoral staff is attempting to<br />

clean up the voter lists as much as<br />

1<br />

The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> — Friday, November 2, 2007<br />

www.marshallislandsjournal.com<br />

journal@ntamar.net<br />

Ghosts haunt<br />

the voting lists<br />

INSIDE<br />

Norman nomination<br />

challenged: Page<br />

MEC targets<br />

US Navy fuel<br />

sales: Page 10<br />

<strong>Journal</strong> election<br />

results: Pages , 8<br />

‘We’re working<br />

on it,’ says Carl<br />

possible over the next few days before<br />

printing the “master lists” next week,<br />

he said.<br />

The Electoral Administration released<br />

the voter lists more than a<br />

month ago.<br />

When the <strong>Journal</strong> began requesting<br />

information from Electoral on voter<br />

registration in the April and May period<br />

of this year, the <strong>Journal</strong> was told<br />

by Electoral staff that they were still<br />

going through the lists to remove those<br />

who were deceased and otherwise <strong>not</strong><br />

eligible to vote.<br />

The voter registration deadline was<br />

December 31 last year, more than 10<br />

months ago.<br />

Crafty<br />

ladies<br />

sell<br />

big at<br />

Kwaj<br />

on hand to promote<br />

handicraft sales at<br />

the Ebeye trade<br />

fair were, from left,<br />

Matilda Capelle, Mio<br />

Candle, Juana Bellu<br />

and Mary Korok.<br />

Majuro vendors said<br />

that they were happy<br />

with the fi nancial<br />

results of the<br />

combined Kwajalein<br />

and Ebeye fairs.<br />

More photos and<br />

story, P16-17.<br />

Alik said that he had attempted to get<br />

a list of deaths from the Internal Affairs<br />

registrar’s offi ce, but it was never provided<br />

despite repeated requests.<br />

So earlier in October, he asked the<br />

Ministry of Health’s statistics offi ce<br />

for a list of deaths, which was provided<br />

to him on the same day of his request,<br />

Alik said. The list of deaths includes<br />

information dating to 1981.<br />

“We’re about half way through the<br />

list,” Alik said on Tuesday. “We’re trying<br />

to eliminate (people who are dead)<br />

as much as possible.”<br />

He said that the main protection<br />

against people voting more than once<br />

is that this election, all voters after they<br />

cast their vote will stamp their index<br />

fi ngers with indelible ink that can<strong>not</strong><br />

be washed off for a few days, so that<br />

election offi cers will be able to tell if a<br />

person has already voted.

Friday, November 2, 2007 — The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> <strong>Journal</strong><br />

Japanese want<br />

more than diving<br />

From previous page<br />

shopping,” says Kazuo Ito, president of<br />

JALPak’s Micronesia division.<br />

Ito says bluntly that if emerging Pacific<br />

markets want to compete for the<br />

Japanese traveler, they are going to have<br />

to look at Japan’s current top five travel<br />

destinations. The first is China, with 3.8<br />

million visitors. South Korea is second<br />

with 2.3 million Japanese. Hawaii attracts<br />

1.4 million Japanese, down from the 2<br />

million-plus tourists who used to travel<br />

to those islands.<br />

Thailand attracts 1.3 million Japanese,<br />

as does Hong Kong. Taiwan is<br />

the destination of choice for 1.1 million<br />

Japanese, and Guam has about one million<br />

visitors.<br />

Ito’s warning is a red flag for the <strong>Marshall</strong><br />

<strong>Islands</strong>. JALPak has this year started<br />

selling package tours on Japan Airline’s<br />

direct charter flight to the <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong>.<br />

It is promoting the RMI as a new<br />

travel destination.<br />

The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong>, however, has<br />

been promoting itself as a dive destination,<br />

hoping to attract some of Japan’s 3<br />

million certified divers.<br />

Senior Editor Takashi Shigiya of<br />

Japan’s Marine Dive Magazine, which<br />

has a circulation of 170,000, says that the<br />

The writer was a 2007<br />

Sasakawa Pacific Island<br />

<strong>Journal</strong>ism Fellow. This<br />

story was written while on<br />

the fellowship in Japan.<br />

<strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> ranks number 17 out of<br />

the publication’s top 29 dive destinations<br />

in the world and “its ranking is climbing<br />

up each year.” The magazine’s top three<br />

diving destinations for Japanese are the<br />

Maldives, Palau and Saipan respectively.<br />

According to Shigiya these top three<br />

destinations offer something unique to<br />

divers. In the Maldives it’s their luxury<br />

resorts coupled with other attractions<br />

such as cruising and guaranteed sightings<br />

of whales, sharks and manta rays. Palau<br />

attracts divers with its rich variety of marine<br />

life. Meanwhile, Saipan is popular<br />

because its proximity to Japan and affordability.<br />

The common factor that sets<br />

the top three destinations apart from the<br />

rest is that “they all have Japanese speaking<br />

staff and for Japanese that’s important<br />

for divers,” says Shigiya.<br />

For Japan Air Lines and JALPak,<br />

however, Japan’s dive market alone is <strong>not</strong><br />

<strong>enough</strong> to sustain its new charter service<br />

to the <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong>. The reason: of<br />

the 3 million certified Japanese divers<br />

only 1 million are active divers. Of those<br />

active divers, only some 100,000 actually<br />

travel abroad and they prefer 16 other dive<br />

destinations over the <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong>.<br />

“The (Japan) dive market is too small,”<br />

says Ito. “We need to attract general tourist<br />

to sustain the charter.”<br />

Awareness of the <strong>Marshall</strong> Island is<br />

high in the dive market but to the general<br />

Japanese tourist “it’s very low,” warns Ito.<br />

During the first two direct JAL charter<br />

flights to Majuro earlier this year, Masako<br />

Ninomiya of JALPak’s Purchasing and<br />

Tour Planning Group for the Micronesia<br />

Company, was on board to inspect the<br />

tours. “There is too much focus on diving,”<br />

<strong>not</strong>es Ninomiya. “The <strong>Marshall</strong><br />

<strong>Islands</strong> should follow the example of<br />

Palau which has been attracting non-divers<br />

by offer other activities.” Ninomiya<br />

and Ito say promoting the <strong>Marshall</strong> Island<br />

for now is easy because JALPak is able<br />

to sell it as a new destination. However,<br />

the wholesaler expects it can sustain this<br />

promotion for only a few more years.<br />

“The destination is under pressure but<br />

it needs to pick up as a destination,” says<br />

Ito. “(The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong>) have to get<br />

used to providing a service and offer other<br />

activities.”<br />

In the listing of mayor<br />

candidates published in last<br />

week’s newspaper, the <strong>Journal</strong><br />

did <strong>not</strong> include Henry<br />

ARE YOU AWARE? journal@ntamar.net<br />

THAT there are 13,700<br />

parking meters in Manhattan?<br />

THAT a gaggle of liberal<br />

students-cum-teachers visiting<br />

Majuro from Skagway,<br />

Alaska, took over control of<br />

the TV remote at Flame Tree<br />

Wednesday and switched<br />

from balanced Fox news<br />

to “slightly left of extreme<br />

left” Al Jazeera network<br />

while taking breakfast?<br />

THAT in Japan, when<br />

children lose a tooth, they<br />

throw it onto the roof and<br />

wish for a strong replacement<br />

tooth to grow in?<br />

THAT Venezuela’s Angel<br />

Falls is the world’s tallest<br />

waterfall, plunging 3,212<br />

feet (which is two and half<br />

times the height of the Empire<br />

State Building)?<br />

THAT anyone with information<br />

regarding the<br />

whereabouts of the vessel<br />

Litakbouki (formerly located<br />

off Delap beach by<br />

the Public Service Commission)<br />

should contact the<br />

Environmental Protection<br />

Authority?<br />

THAT American Airlines<br />

charges $80 to check the<br />

following items: Antlers<br />

(must be as free of residue as<br />

possible; the skull must be<br />

wrapped and tips protected),<br />

a bicycle, a hang glider,<br />

a <strong>surf</strong>board, and a javelin<br />

(sorry, vaulting poles <strong>not</strong><br />

accepted)?<br />

THAT the Hundred Years’<br />

War between England and<br />

France lasted 116 years?<br />

THAT in the small publication<br />

‘Taiwan Technical<br />

Mission Brief Introduction’<br />

crops being grown here include<br />

the ‘Spring Swallow’<br />

variety of cucumber, the<br />

‘Summer Bright’ variety of<br />

Chinese cabbage, and, best<br />

THAT Miriam Hickson (outgoing legal<br />

man Richard’s mom) is donating a<br />

fresh Xmas tree to the Youth to Youth in<br />

Health office so that it will look bright<br />

and cheery over the holiday season?<br />

of all, the ‘Passion Heart’<br />

variety of bell pepper?<br />

THAT Cuba’s Ambassador<br />

to the United Nations,<br />

Rodrigo Maimierca,<br />

recently said that if just<br />

10 percent of the world’s<br />

military expenditure was<br />

sidetracked, all the “millen-<br />

Election correction<br />

— Henry is running<br />

nium development goals”<br />

could be reached?<br />

THAT local historian<br />

Matt Holly has in his possession<br />

reprints of photos<br />

of American airmen who<br />

crashed on the reef off Laura<br />

during WWII and that these<br />

photographed men, apparently<br />

snapped by Japanese<br />

personnel, were never heard<br />

from after the incident?<br />

THAT the hot new phrase<br />

around town is “kottar ta”<br />

and it means “whatcha waitin’<br />

for” and you say it to<br />

people who are just hanging<br />

around?<br />

THAT in our ripper column<br />

On the Waterfront last<br />

week the call went out for<br />

foolproof ideas on rat bait,<br />

with the most unusual suggestion<br />

coming from garbologist<br />

Alice Leney who<br />

swears by pumpkin seeds to<br />

get rid of the dirty rats?<br />

Kili voters<br />

questioned<br />

A Kili/Bikini council candidate has filed<br />

a complaint to get 39 Kili-registered voters<br />

who live at Ebeye off the election list for this<br />

month’s national election.<br />

The complaint, filed earlier this week, seeks<br />

to get the Electoral Administration to remove<br />

the 39 voters who the High Court ordered removed<br />

from the list in 2003.<br />

Attorney General Posesi Bloomfield said the<br />

complaint was requesting the matter to be put<br />

before the High Court to disqualify these 39<br />

voters. He expected to obtain the petition from<br />

the Electoral Administration on Wednesday this<br />

week, and was preparing to refer it to the High<br />

Court for action. He said he hoped that a hearing<br />

could be held on Ebeye so that the voters could<br />

present themselves for the challenge.<br />

In 2003, Kili/Bikini officials testified that<br />

the 39 voters in question who live on Ebeye<br />

were <strong>not</strong> on the Kili/Bikini authorized list for<br />

quarterly payments, and so they were disqualified<br />

from voting.<br />

Lometo, who is a candidate<br />

for mayor of Namdrik Atoll.<br />

The <strong>Journal</strong> apologizes for<br />

the error.<br />

Attorney<br />

General<br />

Posesi<br />

Bloomfield<br />

No<br />

news<br />

isn’t<br />

good<br />

news<br />

Majuro’s BBC radio listeners<br />

have been deprived as<br />

of late with the unannounced<br />

and unexplained cancellation<br />

of the 24-hour international<br />

news program.<br />

V7AB officials, who<br />

manage the broadcasting<br />

of the BBC locally, told the<br />

<strong>Journal</strong> they don’t know the<br />

exact cause of the problem<br />

though they believe it may<br />

be a satellite positioning<br />

problem.<br />

“We don’t know what’s<br />

wrong and can’t explain<br />

why we’re <strong>not</strong> able to receive<br />

it,” explained one<br />

V7AB official.<br />

V7AB technicians are doing<br />

what they can to troubleshoot<br />

the problem.<br />

If <strong>not</strong> fixed by this weekend,<br />

BBC will have been off<br />

the air for two weeks.

Funky<br />

forklift<br />

The fact of the<br />

matter is that<br />

vehicles that have<br />

died mechanically<br />

still have an<br />

important function<br />

in Majuro — they<br />

offer an ad hoc<br />

jungle gym for the<br />

local kids to have<br />

some fun playing<br />

on as can be seen<br />

from the happy<br />

faces of these back<br />

road Uliga boys.<br />

<strong>Journal</strong> poll shows<br />

25% Nitijela shift<br />

There will be eight new faces in Nitijela, including<br />

two in Majuro, following the November 19 national<br />

election, if the informal poll conducted by the <strong>Journal</strong><br />

is borne out.<br />

A ballot with all Nitijela candidates listed on it was<br />

provided as an insert in last week’s <strong>Journal</strong>, with a<br />

deadline for submitting it to the <strong>Journal</strong> of Tuesday<br />

this week. There are only a few surprises with most<br />

incumbents being backed by local voters.<br />

Of the 33 seats, the <strong>Journal</strong> poll shows eight seats<br />

changing hands (including Wotho, which has no<br />

incumbent).<br />

In the <strong>Journal</strong> poll readers chose Hilda Heine over<br />

Rien Morris at Jaluit, with Heine getting 66 percent<br />

of the votes cast, incumbent Alvin Jacklick getting 63<br />

percent and Morris 31 percent; Jerakoj Bejang narrowly<br />

beat incumbent Irumne Bondrik by getting 52<br />

percent of the vote for Lib; David Kramer and Amatlain<br />

Kabua, getting 58 and 52 percent of the votes cast,<br />

respectively, were the two new faces for Majuro, while<br />

incumbents Jurelang Zedkaia (84 percent), Brenson<br />

Wase (58 percent) and Wilfred Kendall (55 percent)<br />

were picked by <strong>Journal</strong> readers.<br />

At Mejit, Dennis Momotaro defeated incumbent<br />

Helkena Anni by a wide margin of 71-29 percent. At<br />

Ujae, Frederick Muller beat incumbent Caios Lucky<br />

42-32 percent, with two other candidates splitting the<br />

rest at 13 percent each.<br />

At Utrik, Amenta Matthew gained 75 percent of the<br />

votes from <strong>Journal</strong> readers to outdistance incumbent<br />

Hiroshi Yamamura.<br />

David Kabua easily won Wotho in the <strong>Journal</strong> poll,<br />

picking up 73 percent of the votes.<br />

All other current incumbents were picked by <strong>Journal</strong><br />

readers, with the closest contest being Rongelap<br />

with incumbent Abacca Anjain-Maddison getting 44<br />

percent to Kenneth Kedi’s 41.<br />

President Kessai Note was supported by 58 percent<br />

of the ballots, with 36 percent for Anono Loeak.<br />

Two women<br />

for President<br />

Four people — including two women — tied<br />

with most votes for President<br />

in the <strong>Journal</strong>’s poll of readers<br />

conducted earlier this week.<br />

Asked, “if the RMI President<br />

was elected to office by popular<br />

vote, who would you vote for?”:<br />

Four people gained 15 percent<br />

of the votes each — President<br />

Kessai Note, Tony deBrum,<br />

Hilda Heine and Amatlain Kabua.<br />

Next highest, at six percent,<br />

were Speaker Litokwa Tomeing<br />

and Ben Graham (who is <strong>not</strong> a<br />

candidate).<br />

Others who received a vote<br />

each: Carl Heine, Phillip Muller,<br />

Brenson Wase, Donald Capelle,<br />

Alik Alik, Patrick Langmoir,<br />

Gerald Zackios, John Silk and<br />

Jerry Kramer (also <strong>not</strong> a candidate).<br />

By the <strong>Journal</strong>’s count, the<br />

poll results show 13 for the Ailin<br />

Kein Ad party, 17 for the United<br />

Democratic Party (which includes<br />

Speaker Litokwa Tomeing) and<br />

three independents.<br />

See poll results, page 12<br />

The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> — Friday, November 2, 2007<br />

Danny<br />

pushes his<br />

complaint<br />

Despite an initial rejection by<br />

the Chief Electoral Office, Aur<br />

Atoll Nitijela candidate Danny<br />

Jack is continuing to press his<br />

complaint about the validity of the<br />

people who nominated incumbent<br />

Norman Matthew to stand for the<br />

November 19 election.<br />

Jack’s campaign chairman Timos<br />

Basin sent a second letter<br />

of complaint to CEO Carl Alik<br />

last week further challenging the<br />

Matthew’s nomination paper.<br />

“Some of the signatures are<br />

forged,” Basin told the <strong>Journal</strong> on<br />

Tuesday this week of the 30 names<br />

and signatures on the nomination<br />

form filed for Matthew. He further<br />

said that it was obvious to even<br />

the casual observer that several of<br />

the names and signatures listed on<br />

the form were written by the same<br />

person, <strong>not</strong> the actual individuals<br />

named.<br />

Attorney General Posesi Bloomfield<br />

told the <strong>Journal</strong> Wednesday<br />

that a meeting was held Tuesday<br />

to address the new complaints. He<br />

said the issue had been narrowed<br />

down to three people who were<br />

alleged to <strong>not</strong> exist, and this was<br />

being checked by the Electoral<br />

Administration.<br />

In response to Basin’s first complaint,<br />

Chief Electoral Officer Carl<br />

Alik wrote him on October 17 that<br />

although Basin had claimed that<br />

only 18 of the names on the list<br />

were registered Aur voters, in fact<br />

“I am confirming that…25 names<br />

in the paper are registered voters<br />

of Aur.”<br />

Alik said that some of the names<br />

on the list were spelled slightly<br />

differently from the names on<br />

the voter registration list, or used<br />

a maiden name instead of their<br />

married name. Two examples<br />

he cited were a first name was<br />

spelled “Ruty” on the nomination<br />

paper but was listed as “Ruthy”<br />

on the voter list, and a different<br />

person’s last name “Hanson” on<br />

the nomination paper compared to<br />

“Hensen” on the voter list.<br />

“For instance, once you find<br />

your name in the voters list,” Alik<br />

told Basin, “you will recognize the<br />

difference. Your name in the letter<br />

that was written to me is Timos<br />

Basin while your name in the voters<br />

list is Timus K. Basin.”

Friday, November 2, 2007 — The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> <strong>Journal</strong><br />

The RMI Riddle No. 163: Sponsored by CopyMasters<br />

ACROSS<br />

1. International comp. (3,4)<br />

5. Grins.<br />

10. Writer F. Scott Fitzgerald<br />

wrote: “The easiest way to get<br />

a reputation is to go outside<br />

the fold, shout around for a<br />

few years as a violent atheist<br />

or a dangerous radical, and<br />

then crawl back to the -------.”<br />

11. A ten Ann found on radio.<br />

12. Church officer.<br />

14. Game, dress, or pooper.<br />

15. Scan animal?<br />

17. Powerful puffs.<br />

19. Letters for Mary and Kessai.<br />

21. Dylan curtsy?<br />

22. Compact colleague. (abb.)<br />

23. Molar or incisor.<br />

24. Picture this IA gem!<br />

25. Perish.<br />

26. Lamp.<br />

28. 4. Down’s home .<br />

30. Quest.<br />

31. Senior sailor.<br />

33. Auto blokes know WUTMI<br />

lady.<br />

34. Lib and Maui.<br />

DOWN<br />

2. RMI example of 8. Down.<br />

3. Engine.<br />

4. Minna’s man. (4,5)<br />

6. Mayor.<br />

7. Delap school. (abb.)<br />

Need a pen to do the puzzle?<br />

Buy your stationery needs at:<br />

8. Dot on the map.<br />

9. Locks.<br />

13. Sickness.<br />

15. Green vegie.<br />

16. Manners, salt, or cloth.<br />

17. Cemented.<br />

18. Moon or space lab.<br />

20. SP people.<br />

27. Bad band.<br />

28. Aquatic authority. (abb.)<br />

29. Greases.<br />

30. Administrator of 1. Across.<br />

32. Buroro.<br />

Answers to Riddle No. 162<br />

Note: (abb.) = abbreviation<br />

(3,4) = indicates the number of<br />

letters in words.<br />

copymasters<br />

majuro<br />

Dash-8 landing<br />

gear corroded<br />

Air <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> kept its two month<br />

run of bad luck unbroken this week, when<br />

mechanics discovered additional problems<br />

with the Dash-8 that mean it is <strong>not</strong> going to<br />

get back in the air anytime soon.<br />

Although the Dash-8 has been grounded<br />

since October 10, it wasn’t until Wednesday<br />

this week that mechanics found additional<br />

problems — corrosion — in the landing<br />

gear of the plane, which means the entire<br />

landing gear, <strong>not</strong> just some parts, need to<br />

be replaced.<br />

AMI general manager Dan Fitzpatrick<br />

called said it will result in a huge replacement<br />

cost and much more down time for the<br />

Dash. “It should have been known in the first<br />

few days after the plane was first grounded,<br />

<strong>not</strong> three weeks later,” he said.<br />

But this followed the equally “devastating<br />

news” that Fitzpatrick received earlier on<br />

Wednesday this week that a key part for the<br />

Stardom for Wisdom<br />

The <strong>Journal</strong>’s band of RMI Riddlers were hard at work<br />

this past week, with entries being received from the Public<br />

Works Boys, Debra Burnsworth, Po’Oino Roa (with a little<br />

help from Suka), Team Western Union, the Cristobal Folks,<br />

Grantpa Gordon, and AMI Accounting. As per usual, the<br />

puzzles were numbered, numbers were scribbled on scraps<br />

of paper, the scraps were tossed in the air and Douglas Henry<br />

plucked out the winner, which is newcomer Debra!<br />

Foot<strong>not</strong>e: Following a few technical problems last week,<br />

at right is the missing answer grid for Riddle No. 161.<br />

Dash that just arrived is the wrong one.<br />

Because of these new problems, AMI has<br />

changed its plan of action from attempting<br />

to get the Dash in the air first to getting the<br />

Dornier fixed.<br />

All the parts needed to fix the Dornier<br />

are here, and it could be in the air in as few<br />

as 10 days if “we get all hands on deck,”<br />

Fitzpatrick said.<br />

All of the mechanical woes have been<br />

complicated by the move from the old hangar<br />

and airport office area out to the lagoon<br />

side hangar, Fitzpatrick said. The computer<br />

that housed the parts inventory for the airline<br />

blew up when it was plugged in at the<br />

hangar, he said — just one of the problems<br />

they’ve faced.<br />

“I can’t believe our run of bad luck,” he<br />

said, adding that AMI’s woes since August<br />

have resulted in essentially two months of<br />

no revenue for the airline.<br />

Answers to Riddle No. 161<br />

Juon jorren ilo Delap en<br />

Ekar wor ruo wa rar kuraaj ibben dron ilo iman in convention center eo ilo<br />

Delap ilo raan in Juuje, ekoba juon wa SUV kaal eo rekar bwilli lok ilo kar iien<br />

eo wot ri pija eo ad ear tobar lok ijo ear walok jorren eo ie.<br />

Shoniber ej<br />

fiscal opiija<br />

eo an MEC<br />

Secretary eo an kar Finance mokta<br />

lok Saeko Shoniber ej fiscal opiija eo<br />

ekaal nan <strong>Marshall</strong>s Energy Company<br />

eo nan board of director ro.<br />

Jen ke ekar etal jen Finance ilo<br />

2005 eo, Shoniber ej kijon kar jerbal<br />

nan Majuro Water and Sewer<br />

Company eo im bareinwot jiban<br />

lok <strong>Marshall</strong>s Energy Company eo<br />

ekoba imon jarom eo an Ebeye ak<br />

KAJUR bwe en bojak nan aer maron<br />

in bune.<br />

Ilo kar raan in Taije ilo wiik in,<br />

board eo ekar kautiej lok Shoniber<br />

bwe en kio bok jerbal in fiscal opiija<br />

eo.<br />

KAJUR ear itok iumwin pein MEC<br />

ilo kar iio eo lok; MWSC ekar bed<br />

iumwin pein MEC jen kar 1993 eo.<br />

MEC general manija Billy Roberts<br />

ear ba bwe board eo ear kanuij<br />

in monono in kejerbal Shoniber ilo<br />

jerbal kaal in an, ilo aer kar ba bwe<br />

“enaaj kommane juon jerbal eo emman.”<br />

Lein ear kwalok bwe jerbal<br />

kaal in ej nan kommani ta jibarbar<br />

ko an company in jarom im dren<br />

kein im nan repoote lok tobrak in<br />

jibarbar kein nan ippen board eo, ilo<br />

an manija ro kajojo aikuij in repoot<br />

lok nane ikijien jerbal in bonbon im<br />

kab kotbalbal ko aer.<br />

Ilo an company kein jilu kio bed<br />

iumwin pein, board eo an MEC ej aikuiji<br />

juon armij eo im ewor an kapeel<br />

ikijien jerbal in bonbon nan an jerbal<br />

ippen board eo. Lein ear kwalok an<br />

lap an liki ri jerbal in bonbon im jeen<br />

ko an company kein jilu botaap ekar<br />

ba bwe ejjelok juon iaan ro uwaan<br />

board in ewor aer kapeel in bonbon<br />

im kejerbal jeen innem ear juon men<br />

eo emman nan boktok Shoniber bwe<br />

en jerbal nan board eo im lelok naan<br />

in rejan ko nan board eo ikijien jabdrewot<br />

kajjitok kin kejerbal jeen im<br />

kab bonbon ikotaan company kein im<br />

board in ej lorlorjaki.<br />

Saeko<br />

Shoniber<br />

Saeko elap<br />

an jiban mon<br />

jarom ko ad<br />

Ri kabiloklok eo an MEC board eo ikijien jeen<br />

Saeko Shoniber ear jolok jet ien ko ion Ebeye ilo<br />

jemlok in Oktoba eo nan lelok kaminene ko nan<br />

ri jerbal in accounting department eo aer nan aer<br />

keboje repoot im lokan jerbal ko nan iio eo kio<br />

bwe ren bojak in bonbon ilo 2007.<br />

Company in jarom eo an Ebeye ear rumij ikijien<br />

bonbon ko an kin jilu iio ko mae ien eo im Shoniber<br />

ear jino an jerbal ippaer jino jen raan ko lok, im<br />

kin menin bonbon ko an 2005, 2006 renanin in<br />

dredrelok jen ippen Deloitte and Touche.<br />

MEC general manija eo ear watwate bwe bonbon<br />

eo an FY2007 ikijien KAJUR enaaj ijjino ilo allon<br />

in Tijemba in.<br />

Bonbon ko an MEC im kab Majuro Water and<br />

Sewer Company eo emoj aer karoki bwe ren ijjino<br />

ilo jemlok in lok wiik in im renaaj dredrelok ilo<br />

jemlok in Nopemba.<br />

Antone bwe bonbon eo an KAJUR enaaj ijjino<br />

ilo Tijemba, menin enaaj melele in bwe ej kab<br />

naaj iten juon katten ilo bwebwenato jen ke ekar<br />

ijjino Compact II ilo 2004, aolepen company in<br />

jarom im dren kein renaaj maron in kijone menin<br />

aikuij eo bwe bonbon ko aer ren dredrelok iloan<br />

wot jiljino allon ko ilo jemlok in fiscal iio eo, ej<br />

melele in bwe ren dredrelok en jab rumij lok jen<br />

allon in Maaj.

The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> — Friday, November 2, 2007<br />

RMI votes no to Cuba<br />

An aerial shot of Kwaj.<br />

Bar lo yuk Yokwe Yuk<br />

A landmark of significance is slated<br />

to bite the dust at Kwajalein.<br />

The Yokwe Yuk Club held its last<br />

functions this past weekend, and its<br />

doors are now closed.<br />

For well over 30 years, the club<br />

has been the US Army Kwajalein<br />

Atoll’s primary site for formal dinner<br />

functions, as well as providing<br />

the only non-cafeteria style food<br />

service on the island. It is <strong>not</strong> only<br />

being closed, but will be bulldozed<br />

shortly, and with it will go a modest<br />

bit of Kwajalein’s history.<br />

JoREENY<br />

ALLEN<br />

12th grade<br />

I like to listen<br />

to 99.9 FM<br />

because it’s<br />

a Christian<br />

radio station.<br />

I don’t want to<br />

listen to other<br />

radio stations<br />

because they<br />

are <strong>not</strong> as good.<br />

The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> joined the United<br />

States and only two other nations in voting<br />

against a United Nations resolution<br />

that called for an end to the US economic<br />

blockade against Cuba.<br />

The resolution was endorsed by the<br />

UN’s General Assembly 183-4 last week<br />

to end the nearly 50-year-old US economic<br />

embargo on Cuba, which is located<br />

90 miles south of Florida.<br />

In addition to the RMI and US, Israel<br />

and Palau voted ‘no’ and the Federated<br />

States of Micronesia abstained on the<br />

issue.<br />

The three US-affiliated islands vote<br />

with the US at the UN nearly 100 percent<br />

of the time.<br />

StatiOns thaT put a<br />

sMiLe oN thEir diALs<br />

<strong>Journal</strong> intern reporter Selvenious Marvin, a freshman at <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong><br />

High School, asked MIHS students:<br />

“What radio station do you<br />

listen to and why?”<br />


12th grade<br />

V7AB, ’cuz I really<br />

love to listen to<br />

the unforgettable<br />

birthday dedications,<br />

broadcast news,<br />

and the <strong>Marshall</strong>ese<br />

traditional songs.<br />

Also, it’s my pleasure<br />

to listen to important<br />

announcements.<br />

SoLINA<br />

JoRMELU<br />

9th grade<br />

99.9 FM It is a<br />

Christian radio<br />

and I am a<br />

Christian. There<br />

are no bad songs<br />

but only good and<br />

gospel songs. It<br />

also gives word<br />

of God.<br />


9th grade<br />

I like to listen<br />

to 99.9 FM<br />

because the<br />

songs are for<br />

Christians<br />

and because<br />

I am a<br />

Christian.<br />

God bless<br />

you all.<br />

RoNI<br />

KoNELIoS<br />

9th grade<br />

I like to listen<br />

95.5 FM<br />

because I<br />

am much<br />

interested in<br />

the music that<br />

Fred Pedro is<br />

playing.<br />

<strong>Journal</strong> intern reporter<br />

Selvenious Marvin<br />

JUNIoR JoEL<br />

9th grade<br />

I like to listen to<br />

V7AB because<br />

it tells news<br />

about the<br />

weather and it<br />

also tells about<br />

our relatives<br />

who died. It also<br />

tells us about<br />

outside news on<br />

the BBC.

Friday, November 2, 2007 — The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> <strong>Journal</strong><br />

Sitting or<br />

standing by?<br />

A slew of Majuro’s standby<br />

engines seemed to be in a<br />

“sitting” mode on Monday,<br />

when a fault at the power<br />

plant shut down power to the<br />

island. Normally quick to<br />

respond generators weren’t<br />

doing much by way of<br />

pumping out power around<br />

town. We heard that while<br />

MEC crews were busy trying<br />

to sort out its own power<br />

problem, NTA officials rang<br />

up and asked MEC if it could<br />

send some guys over to fix<br />

their standby generator.<br />

Meanwhile, some football<br />

hopefuls who know that<br />

Monday mornings are when<br />

you watch gridiron doings in<br />

Majuro, figured they could<br />

beat the power outage by<br />

heading over to Tide Table<br />

because of RRE’s standby.<br />

Well, turned out it took a<br />

while for that one to come<br />

on, though it did after a<br />

while.<br />

Then V7AB, which is<br />

usually up and running during<br />

an outage with its own<br />

power pack, couldn’t get on<br />

the air because its generator<br />

was down.<br />

Last but surely <strong>not</strong> least,<br />

as soon as MEC got some of<br />

the island back up, they got a<br />

call from the airport that its<br />

backup generator was down,<br />

so MEC dispatched a crew<br />

to help out there.<br />

Where was Moses when<br />

the lights went out? In Majuro.<br />

Ugly people<br />

You wanna make some<br />

money Around Town in the<br />

next couple of weeks? If you<br />

have more than a modicum<br />

of political savvy pay attention.<br />

As you know the<br />

<strong>Journal</strong> last week provided<br />

a national ballot choice page<br />

in the paper (the results are<br />

on page 3). Well, one guy<br />

came up with the idea of<br />

making a pool to see who<br />

could make the highest percentage<br />

of rights choices for<br />

winners in the upcoming<br />

November 19 election.<br />

If you want to enter the<br />

pool, bring in five dollars to<br />


Welcome to the <strong>Journal</strong>’s world<br />

As a subscriber to the <strong>Journal</strong> online,<br />

Heather Wilson had to dig into the<br />

<strong>Journal</strong>’s past to have her photo taken<br />

with a hard copy version. The paper<br />

she’s holding as she sits outside the<br />

University of California Los Angeles<br />

the Flame Tree and get an<br />

official pool form. Highest<br />

number of correct choices<br />

takes the pot, and if there is a<br />

tie, the pot gets split evenly.<br />

If you don’t want to join the<br />

pool, just don’t join. It’s that<br />

simple.<br />

We do remind readers<br />

of one significant fact they<br />

may wish to consider before<br />

deciding to enter the pool<br />

or <strong>not</strong>: a recent worldwide<br />

survey of people over the Internet<br />

indicated that people<br />

who participate in pools are<br />

considered five times more<br />

sexually attractive than individuals<br />

who don’t.<br />

We realize this is an inconvenient<br />

truth for all you<br />

ugly people out there, but<br />

what the hell, we didn’t<br />

make you look like Michael<br />

Moore.<br />

Oh boy!<br />

We think it was a taxi with<br />

the number 0853 on it right<br />

at Assumption. Passenger<br />

swung open his door, leaned<br />

out, and dropped a large,<br />

juicy film of spit “kabilo!”<br />

right on the road. But what<br />

happened next was beautiful.<br />

Guy in the car right<br />

behind the spitter jumped<br />

out of his car and ran to the<br />

spitting taxi and pulled the<br />

spitter out, slammed him<br />

up against the side of the<br />

taxi and asked him roughly,<br />

“Why you spit so I drive<br />

over your spit?”<br />

The nitwit spitter then<br />

started a bunch of “jolok<br />

bwir, jolok bwir” like a<br />

frightened infant. Knows<br />

how to spit, but then can’t<br />

defend his actions when<br />

shove comes to push.<br />

Spitters, it turns out, are<br />

cowards who cry “jolok<br />

bwid” when confronted.<br />

It doesn’t<br />

work<br />

Jenrok problem: church<br />

on the side of the road right<br />

in Jenrok near Ambulin’s<br />

restaurant and store location.<br />

Ladies are energetic and<br />

nice <strong>enough</strong> as they fundraise<br />

with car washing. But<br />

the carwash soapy water<br />

only goes into roadside<br />

drain and the only place<br />

that soapy water could go<br />

is right into the lagoon. But<br />

<strong>not</strong> Jenrok only place we<br />

see the roadside drains getting<br />

misused: Chinese lady<br />

down in Small Island area<br />

has been seen dumping her<br />

library dates back to sometime in<br />

2006. Heather’s a grad student at the<br />

university focusing on linguistics and<br />

as part of her program spent the last<br />

two summers in Majuro. “I miss it a<br />

lot,” she wrote.<br />

table leftovers through the<br />

grate into the drain. Not so<br />

good, eh? Face it, the drains<br />

don’t work, are clogged to<br />

the point of being a major<br />

project to clean out, and<br />

should simply just be filled<br />

in with concrete and forgotten.<br />

Whose dumb idea was it<br />

to put drains along the road<br />

anyway?<br />

Hi, Doug<br />

Monday night was a scene<br />

of quiet welcoming at the<br />

popular Melele Room of<br />

<strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> Resort.<br />

According to the general<br />

manager Bill Weza, a welcoming<br />

do was prepared<br />

for Doug Morris, deputy<br />

chief of mission at the US<br />

Embassy. Doug arrived in<br />

Majuro with three additional<br />

enrollees in tow at the Coop<br />

School and, according to<br />

Bill, he was a very impressive<br />

background in diplomatic<br />

assignments.<br />

President Note took the<br />

opportunity to show up and<br />

nod his recognition of the<br />

new assignee, along with<br />

about 50 guests who were<br />

on hand for the affair.<br />

Now this brings up a<br />

thought or two with regard<br />

to the US Embassy presence

Miles of<br />

smiles<br />

at<br />

WUTMI<br />

meet<br />

Lijon Eknilang<br />

(right) shakes<br />

hands with<br />

Leroij Likwor<br />

Litokwa at the<br />

opening of<br />

the WUTMI<br />

executive<br />

board meeting<br />

last Saturday.<br />

Next to Leroij<br />

Likwor is<br />

Leroij Takbar<br />

Ishiguru.<br />

Full report,<br />

see page 14<br />

here in the <strong>Marshall</strong>s and the<br />

evolved way in which it interacts<br />

with the community.<br />

Those useless twits known<br />

as fundamental Islamists<br />

have ruined the whole personality<br />

of embassy life, <strong>not</strong><br />

just here, but throughout the<br />

world.<br />

These humorless, jealous<br />

globs of cranky insufficiency<br />

have managed to ruin the<br />

enjoyment level of millions<br />

of people throughout the<br />

world. Now, because of the<br />

fundamental Islamists, you<br />

have to go through a serious<br />

security pat-down just to get<br />

into Embassy property.<br />

Before, like on the July 4<br />

Independence Day celebrations,<br />

you could just saunter<br />

up to the Embassy, wag<br />

your tennis racket around<br />

the court, and put your<br />

mouth onto a serious hot<br />

dog. Now, however, the immature,<br />

uneducated, easily<br />

manipulated, weak headed<br />

fundamental Islamists have<br />

ruined celebrations <strong>not</strong> only<br />

for the many millions of<br />

moderate Islamists who<br />

share the globe with us, but<br />

also Christians, Jews and<br />

atheists alike. They are a vile<br />

and cancerous set of mortals<br />

and should be exterminated.<br />

Everyone knows they sweat<br />

so much they heat up the<br />

environment causing global<br />

warming. Just ask Al Gore,<br />

if you don’t believe us.<br />

Jump for<br />

her life<br />

A <strong>Journal</strong> staffer was having<br />

a chat in a taxi on Monday<br />

when a co-passenger<br />

groaned and complained<br />


about his sore back. “What<br />

happened?” the scribe<br />

asked. “I was on the fourth<br />

floor of the MIDB building<br />

when the power went out,”<br />

explained the staffer’s new<br />

pal, Jimmy. “The elevator<br />

was stuck, so we pulled the<br />

doors open and there was a<br />

woman with her baby.<br />

“But the floor was up<br />

here (pointing to the roof of<br />

the taxi).” Jimmy retrieved<br />

the child with no problem<br />

and was just explaining to<br />

the woman that she should<br />

hurry up and jump down<br />

before the power came back<br />

on when ... whoomf... she<br />

did just that, flattening our<br />

poor Jimmy.<br />

Our staffer suggested he<br />

find someone to give him<br />

a back massage that night.<br />

“Worrorr!” he exclaimed.<br />

“My wife is going to Jaluit<br />

tonight.” We guess that<br />

meant no massage anytime<br />

soon.<br />

“Perhaps,” our staffer<br />

said, “she’s leaving because<br />

she heard that women are<br />

always jumping at you from<br />

elevators?”<br />

Ooops! “Ij to ijane” and<br />

with that the staffer left behind<br />

a taxi full of giggling<br />

lakatus.<br />

The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> — Friday, November 2, 2007

8 Friday, November 2, 2007 — The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> <strong>Journal</strong><br />

Stand by for<br />

Ebon debate<br />

A debate is being planned for Ebon Atoll Nitijela and<br />

Mayor candidates.<br />

The Ebon Local Council is reported to have met earlier<br />

this week and scheduled a debate for Saturday, November<br />

17 — two days before the election.<br />

The debate will be held in Majuro, at a time and place<br />

to be announced. In a<strong>not</strong>her development, the council is<br />

reported to have voted to set up a trust fund for Ebon with<br />

the leftover money from the 150th anniversary celebration<br />

of Christianity’s arrival to RMI.<br />

From the fundraising for the event, $9,000 was left. The<br />

council has put the money in an interest-bearing TCD account,<br />

and plans to set up a trust fund for future community<br />

benefi t.<br />

<strong>Journal</strong> poll results<br />

(Percentage of votes after<br />

the candidates’ names)<br />

Ailinglaplap<br />

Gordon Note, 19<br />

Christopher Loeak, 81<br />

Harney Paul, 13<br />

Ruben Zackhras, 69<br />

Francis Horiuchi, 19<br />

Ailuk<br />

Hackney Takju, 29<br />

Maynard Alfred, 58<br />

Hemos Jack, 13<br />

Arno<br />

Nidel Lorak, 77<br />

Gerald Zackios, 65<br />

Jiba Kabua, 32<br />

Juan Lokot, 10<br />

Mike HAlferty, 13,<br />

Ruman Jorbal, 0<br />

Weiner Kattil, 3<br />

Aur<br />

Danny Jack, 23<br />

Norman Matthew, 77<br />

Ebon<br />

Heran Bellu, 44<br />

John Silk, 56<br />

Enewetak<br />

Mishael John, 20<br />

Jack Ading, 80<br />

Jabat<br />

Abo Loeak, 6<br />

Anono Loeak, 36<br />

Kessai Note, 58<br />

Jaluit<br />

Frederick deBrum, 19<br />

John Bungitak, 9<br />

Hilda Heine, 66<br />

Jokane Bisentha, 0<br />

Rien Morris, 31<br />

Alvin Jacklick, 63<br />

Lenest Lanki, 13<br />

Kili<br />

March Samuel, 23<br />

Tomaki Juda, 76<br />

Kwajalein<br />

Ataji Balos, 25<br />

Jeban Riklon, 63<br />

Michael Kabua, 88<br />

Sato Maie, 22<br />

Stephen Dribo, 31<br />

Tony deBrum, 69<br />

Lae<br />

Charles deBrum, 32<br />

Joblo Samuel, 6<br />

Rellong Lemari, 39<br />

Rino Phillip, 23<br />

Lib<br />

Irumne Bondrik, 48<br />

Jerakoj Bejang, 52<br />

Likiep<br />

Donald Capelle, 53<br />

Tom Kijiner, 47<br />

Majuro<br />

Carl Heine, 13<br />

Biuma Samson, 13<br />

Amatlain Kabua, 52<br />

Edwin Lakien, 6<br />

Jurelang Zedkaia, 84<br />

Witten Philippo, 26<br />

Rosalie Konou, 6<br />

Brenson Wase, 58<br />

Jack Jorbon, 13<br />

Jakeo Relang, 3<br />

Phillip Muller, 42<br />

Wilfred Kendall, 55<br />

Melvin Narruhn, 29<br />

Alik Alik, 45<br />

David Kramer, 58<br />

Maloelap<br />

Emil deBrum, 30<br />

Hemlen Langmoir, 3<br />

Michael Konelios, 60<br />

Patrick Langmoir, 7<br />

Mejit<br />

Dennis Momotaro, 71<br />

Luckner Abner, 0<br />

Helkena Anni, 29<br />

Mili<br />

Alee Alik, 16<br />

Kejjo Bien, 22<br />

Billy Billy, 19<br />

Tadashi Lometo, 31<br />

Homer Graham, 12<br />

Namdrik<br />

Rod Nakamura, 39<br />

Mattlan Zackhras, 61<br />

Namu<br />

Kaiboke Kabua, 50<br />

Anna Anien, 17<br />

Tony Aiseia, 33<br />

Rongelap<br />

Abacca Anjain-Maddison,<br />

44<br />

Atbi Riklon, 16<br />

Kenneth Kedi, 41<br />

Ujae<br />

Caios Lucky, 32<br />

Frederick Muller, 42<br />

Marcella Sakaio, 13<br />

William Swain, 13<br />

Utrik<br />

Amenta Matthew, 75<br />

Hiroshi Yamamura, 25<br />

Wotho<br />

Elmer Langbata, 17<br />

Namar Nashon, 10<br />

David Kabua, 73<br />

Wotje<br />

Litokwa Tomeing, automatic<br />

Note: Not all totals add up<br />

to 100 percent as they’ve<br />

been rounded off or refl ect<br />

multiple seat constituencies.<br />

Honeymooners<br />

mad at airline<br />

LETTERS PO Box 14, Majuro, MH 96960<br />

The following letter, dated October<br />

10, was sent to Air <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong><br />

general manager Dan Fitzpatrick by<br />

Rhiannon and Andrew Pitkin, residents<br />

of Gainesville, Florida:<br />

My husband and I have just returned<br />

from Bikini Atoll, having spent our<br />

honeymoon diving the nuclear fl eet.<br />

We were scheduled to leave Bikini on<br />

fl ight 555 to Majuro in order that we<br />

make our connection to Honolulu and<br />

onto Newark. We were due to spend<br />

the last four days of our honeymoon<br />

in Manhattan before traveling home to<br />

Florida on Sunday, October 7.<br />

Late afternoon on Tuesday, October<br />

2 we were informed by the head divemaster<br />

of Bikini Atoll Divers that the<br />

scheduled AMI fl ight was postponed<br />

“indefi nitely due to pilot issues.” We<br />

were later told that these issues were<br />

related to an excess of pilot hour<br />

and the fl ight would arrive Tuesday,<br />

October 9 — six days late. I fi nd it<br />

incredible to believe that this was <strong>not</strong><br />

predicted until 16 hours before the<br />

fl ight was due to leave Majuro and<br />

that a back up plan was <strong>not</strong> already<br />

in place, particularly with no second<br />

plane available.<br />

Following a meeting in Majuro when<br />

the pilot issues were addressed, the<br />

fl ight was rescheduled to leave early<br />

Thursday, October 4. We were told<br />

the fl ight was late leaving but had left<br />

the runway on Thursday en route to<br />

Kwajalein.<br />

However, we were then informed<br />

that the fl ight had <strong>not</strong> in fact ever taken<br />

off due to technical diffi culties. It was<br />

tentatively rescheduled for some time<br />

on Friday. We eventually left Bikini on<br />

Friday morning — two days late and<br />

having missed our connections from<br />

Majuro and Honolulu.<br />

Bikini Atoll Divers arranged for<br />

our flights on from Majuro to be<br />

rescheduled and we arrived in New<br />

York on Saturday, October 6. We had<br />

only 18 hours of our four-day-stay in<br />

Manhattan left before we had to return<br />

to Florida.<br />

I am therefore writing for compensation<br />

for the loss of our four-day holiday<br />

in New York and for the signifi cant<br />

inconvenience we experienced as a<br />

direct result of the two-day delay of<br />

Air <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> fl ight 555. My<br />

husband has no more vacation allowance<br />

for the year, having used it all for<br />

this honeymoon. He also had to return<br />

to work without any opportunity to<br />

recover from the inevitable considerable<br />

jetlag.<br />

I have copied this letter to the<br />

<strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> following<br />

the article of October 5 and to Bikini<br />

Atoll Divers. We spent two weeks of<br />

diving spectacular shipwrecks and<br />

were looked after very well by the dive<br />

team during this time and during the<br />

delay. However, the diver operation’s<br />

reliance on Air <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> to<br />

transport customers to and from Bikini<br />

means that we are unlikely to return.<br />

We traveled with a<strong>not</strong>her couple that<br />

were similarly inconvenienced and feel<br />

the same way in this regard.<br />

We look forward to hearing from<br />

you shortly with an appropriate compensation<br />


The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> — Friday, November 2, 2007<br />

LETTERS PO Box 14, Majuro, MH 96960, Fax 625-3136, email journal@ntamar.net<br />

Hard-working kids get ripped off<br />

Fake $20<br />

bill used<br />

in Laura<br />

store<br />

I live in Lomar, Laura. My younger<br />

brother Jim and I have owned a small momand-pop<br />

store for about five years now, with<br />

the intent of saving up money for college.<br />

On Thursday evening, October 25, someone<br />

came up and bought with a $20 dollar<br />

bill. The next morning, upon closer inspection,<br />

we realized the money was counterfeit;<br />

unfortunately, we could <strong>not</strong> remember who<br />

had used the bill.<br />

The bill was smaller than a regular $20<br />

bill, and the ink was starting to smear.<br />

When held up to the light, there was no<br />

watermark of President Andrew Jackson’s<br />

face.<br />

We knew the incident took place at night-<br />

Eta in Bethany Fisher, im ij jokwe ilo<br />

Lomar, Laura. Lalem year emootlok kõmro<br />

ear laddik eo jatiõ kajutak juon mon wia bwe<br />

kõmin kapok wonan college.<br />

Boñin Taije eo, October 25 raan, juon<br />

armej ear itok im wia kõn $20 dollar. Inem<br />

lak jibbõñ in raan eo juon, kõmij kab kile<br />

bwe riab in jããn men eo, ak kõmij jab<br />

kememej wõn eo ear wia kõn $20 dollar<br />

eo. Unin ad jelã bwe riab in tala men eo ej<br />

kõnke edikrik jidik jãn mool in tala, kab uno<br />

eo e jamej. Barãinwõt ke komar lale dollar<br />

eo ilo meram, komar jab lo annañin mejan<br />

time, when the store is usually very busy.<br />

We were able to remember almost everyone<br />

who had come up and bought that night.<br />

My mom and I spent the next evening interviewing<br />

some of the customers that had<br />

made purchases on the night of the crime,<br />

so that we could ascertain who had bought<br />

with the bogus bill.<br />

We have been spreading the word about<br />

this criminal act in hopes that we will nab<br />

the suspect and warn people to keep an eye<br />

out for any suspicious-looking money.<br />

I hope this article will be of help to people<br />

and that it will raise awareness about counterfeit<br />

money here in the RMI.<br />

Bethany Fisher<br />

Loe jaan riab ilo<br />

Laura imon wia<br />

Sam Smith<br />

President Andrew Jackson.<br />

Komar kememej bwe ri nana eo ear itok<br />

im wia ke ejota, im komar kememej enañin<br />

aolep ro im raar wia boñin eo. Komro kar<br />

jinõ etal im bwebwenato ippãn ro im raar<br />

wia, bwe kõmin etale wõn eo ear wia kõn<br />

riab in jããn eo.<br />

Komij kajelaik aolep armej kõn men in<br />

me ear walok bwe ren mejmej karuo im<br />

kejparok er jãn ro ri nana. Ij kejatdikdik bwe<br />

article in enaaj jipañ elõñ armej ikkijien riab<br />

in jããn, ak counterfeit, ilo RMI in.<br />

Bethany Fisher<br />

Head ‘lion’<br />

roars komol<br />

to <strong>Journal</strong><br />

On behalf of the Lions Club of the <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong>,<br />

we would like to express our sincere appreciation to<br />

the <strong>Journal</strong> for covering the Charter Night Induction<br />

Ceremony in your October 19 issue. The Lions Club<br />

is a humanitarian NGO that concentrates its efforts<br />

to help the community. We will look for needs that<br />

should be fulfilled and we will try to help.<br />

Your contribution and support in the form of publicity<br />

helps to promote this effort and will enable us to<br />

gain individual and private sector support to realizes<br />

our mission to develop programs and projects that will<br />

be of service to those in need in our community.<br />

Samuel L. Smith, President, Lions Club<br />

A big breakthrough in<br />

talks with the European<br />

Union (EU) will pave the<br />

way for fish exports from<br />

the <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> for<br />

the first time.<br />

R&D Minister John<br />

Silk told the <strong>Journal</strong> Saturday<br />

that the opening of<br />

the EU market to the <strong>Marshall</strong><br />

<strong>Islands</strong> and other<br />

small islands in the region<br />

promises a big economic<br />

boost for the islands.<br />

Up until last month, the<br />

EU — which represents<br />

27 European countries<br />

— had set fish export<br />

regulations that prevented<br />

most Pacific islands from any possibility of<br />

ever exporting the one big resource available<br />

for export: fish.<br />

This is because the EU was demanding<br />

that for fish to be exported into the EU it had<br />

to meet “rules of origin” that included that<br />

50 percent island ownership of the fishing<br />

boats and a 50 percent local crew.<br />

Silk said for the <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> and other<br />

small islands, this requirement prevented<br />

any possibility of exports to EU countries,<br />

despite the fact that fish handled and processed<br />

in Majuro is now being exported to<br />

the US and Japan.<br />

Bethany Fisher holds up the counterfeit $20 bill,<br />

which was ‘spent’ at her Laura store. Above, a<br />

real $20 <strong>not</strong>e, with the false one underneath.<br />

EU okays RMI<br />

fish exports<br />

Minister for<br />

Resources and<br />

Development<br />

John Silk.<br />

<strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> Fishing<br />

Venture, which handles<br />

the export of sashimigrade<br />

tuna from Majuro to<br />

the US and Japan, has for<br />

several years been keen<br />

to gain access to the big<br />

EU market.<br />

Last month, the EU<br />

negotiators changed their<br />

position, and dropped the<br />

requirement of 50 percent ownership and<br />

crew.<br />

“We’ve been negotiating with them for<br />

three years on this,” Silk said. “It’s a big<br />

breakthrough.”<br />

An agreement is expected to be signed<br />

next month that will open the EU doors<br />

to fish exports from the RMI and other<br />

islands.<br />

Silk said it has the potential for increasing<br />

employment to <strong>Marshall</strong> Islanders as the<br />

demand for fish transshipped out of Majuro<br />

will grow tremendously with the opening of<br />

the EU market.

10 Friday, November 2, 2007 — The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> <strong>Journal</strong><br />

MEC targets the navy<br />

The <strong>Marshall</strong>s Energy Company<br />

is stepping up its efforts to get the<br />

US Navy to use Majuro as a regular<br />

refueling stop, with the hiring<br />

of a new staff member to push its<br />

fuel services.<br />

Former Micronesian Shipping<br />

Agency chief Phil Welch is the<br />

new safety officer and bunkering<br />

manager for MEC, who officially<br />

started this week.<br />

“The bonus with hiring Phil is<br />

that he’s a qualified fireman and<br />

he knows the shipping business,”<br />

MEC general manager Billy Roberts<br />

said. “We’re getting two for<br />

one.”<br />

Welch’s work with MEC will be<br />

two-fold, Roberts said.<br />

A major initial focus of Welch’s<br />

work with MEC will be to upgrade<br />

fire safety systems at the<br />

power plant and tank farm, Roberts<br />

said.<br />

This is part of MEC’s goal to<br />

improve its tank farm operations.<br />

“Our guys (tank farm staff) are doing<br />

a great job, but it needs refining<br />

to meet international standards,”<br />

Roberts said.<br />

“We’ve started the process, but<br />

there’s been too much going on.<br />

Phil will bring the focus that we<br />

need.”<br />

On the fuel side, Welch’s exten-<br />

sive knowledge of and contacts in<br />

the shipping world will help MEC<br />

attract more fuel sales opportunities,<br />

<strong>not</strong> only with the US Navy,<br />

but also with fishing boats.<br />

“There are lots of fishing boats<br />

out there that don’t fuel in Majuro,”<br />

Roberts said.<br />

“Now we’ve got someone to<br />

focus on it (getting the fishing<br />

companies to come to Majuro).”<br />

Public Works Minister and MEC<br />

board chairman Matt Zackhras<br />

Phil Welch poses<br />

for the camera<br />

with his daughter<br />

Andrea.<br />

has already sent a letter to the US<br />

Navy about future ongoing use of<br />

MEC fuel and tank farm storage<br />

opportunities.<br />

“If we could get one Navy ship<br />

a month, it would be a big boost<br />

for the economy,” Roberts said.<br />

“Forget fuel, these (Navy) guys<br />

spend money in town. There are a<br />

lot of benefits.”<br />

But it’s <strong>not</strong> only the Navy that<br />

MEC is aiming to bring in on a<br />

more regular basis to increase its<br />

Saeko helps to sort<br />

out KAJUR’s finances<br />

New MEC board fiscal advisor Saeko<br />

Shoniber spent time on Ebeye in late<br />

October to train KAJUR accounting<br />

staff and organize financial documents<br />

for the current fiscal year 2007 audit.<br />

Ebeye’s utility company was three<br />

years behind on audits until Shoniber<br />

began working with the KAJUR accounting<br />

staff earlier this year. The<br />

FY2004 audit was published recently,<br />

and the 2005 and 2006 audits are nearly<br />

completed by Deloitte and Touche.<br />

MEC general manager said he anticipates<br />

the FY2007 audit for KAJUR<br />

Ad maron in wia<br />

kake ek nan EU<br />

Juon tobrak laplap<br />

ikijien kenono ko ippen<br />

European Union eo ak<br />

(EU) enaaj kebelok ial<br />

eo nan jerbal in wia<br />

kake ek ko jen Aelon<br />

Kein ej kab naaj juon<br />

katten ilo bwebwenato<br />

nan ijokein ba kaki.<br />

R&D Minister John<br />

Silk ear jiron tok <strong>Journal</strong><br />

eo ilo raan in Jadredre<br />

eo ke bellok in an<br />

jikin makit ko an EU<br />

tok nan Aelon Kein<br />

ekoba lal jidrik ko mottan<br />

eletok juon kallimur<br />

laplap ikijien an laplok<br />

jonan jerammon eo nan<br />

lal kein ijokein. Mae<br />

kar allon eo lok, EU eo – im<br />

ej jutak kake 27 lal ko ilo<br />

aelon in Europe kan – ekar<br />

bobrae jerbal in wia kake ek<br />

nan ippaer nan elon wot iaan<br />

lal ko woj ilo belakin Pacific<br />

in ikijien men in jerammon<br />

eo elaptata ippaer: EK.<br />

Wawein in ear eindrein<br />

kinke EU eo ear karoke<br />

im kakiene bwe jabdrewot<br />

ek ko im rej wia kake lok<br />

Minister John Silk<br />

nan ippaer ren aikuij in loor<br />

juon men eo rej ba “rules<br />

of origin” ak kakien ikijien<br />

jikin eo ej itok jene, eo im<br />

ej kemlet bwe ej aikuij in<br />

jonan in 50 bojjan waan ri<br />

aelon kein waan eonod ko<br />

im ej aikuij wor 50 bojjan ri<br />

aelon kein rej jerbal ilo waan<br />

eonod kein.<br />

Silk ear ba bwe <strong>Marshall</strong><br />

<strong>Islands</strong> ekoba lal jidrik ko<br />

jet mottan rekar jab<br />

maron in teru kin kar<br />

jekjek in nan aer maron<br />

in kar wia kake<br />

lok ek nan lal ko an<br />

EU, mene ek ko im<br />

rej keboji im kommani<br />

ion Majuro in rej wia<br />

kaki lok nan US im<br />

kab Japan.<br />

<strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong><br />

Fishing Venture, eo<br />

im ej keboji kanniek in<br />

ek lap kein im rej wia<br />

kaki lok nan US im<br />

kab Japan, iumwin kar<br />

jet iio ko kio ear kanuij<br />

in konan kar komman<br />

bwe en maron in wia<br />

kake lok ek nan jikin<br />

makit ko rellap ilo EU eo.<br />

Ilo allon eo lok, ri bebe<br />

ro jen droluul eo an EU<br />

rekar ukot karok in aer kar<br />

mokta lok im jolok wawein<br />

in ikijien 50 bojjan aikuij<br />

bwe en waan wa eo im 50<br />

bojjan aikuij bwe en wor ri<br />

jerbal in ijokein ion waan<br />

eonod eo.<br />

“Kimar kenono ippen<br />

EU kin wawein in iumwin<br />

jilu iio ko kio,” Silk ear ba.<br />

“Menin ej juon dreblok eo<br />

ekanuij in lap.” Juon kon<br />

rekar kotmene bwe renaaj<br />

jaini iloan allon in lal im<br />

enaaj maron in kebeloke<br />

kejem ko an EU nan jerbal in<br />

wia kake ek lok nan lal kan<br />

aer jen Aelon Kein ekoba lal<br />

ko jet jen belaak in ijokein.<br />

Silk ear kwalok bwe enaaj<br />

lonlok jerbal ko rebellok ilo<br />

Aelon Kein jen wot an naaj<br />

laplok jerbal in wia kake<br />

im ijilok lok ek kein jen<br />

Majuro in ilo an naaj maron<br />

in laplok jerbal in wia kake<br />

in lok nan jikin makit ko an<br />

EU eo.<br />

fuel sale volume. An important<br />

consideration for purse seine fishing<br />

operators is the need for both<br />

diesel for the vessels and jet fuel<br />

for the helicopters on board.<br />

“A lot of purse seiners are interested<br />

to come to Majuro but they<br />

want a one-stop-shop,” Roberts<br />

said.<br />

“If we’ve got jet, they’ll come<br />

in. So we’re talking with several<br />

fishing companies about supplying<br />

jet fuel.”<br />

will begin in December. Audits for<br />

MEC and Majuro Water and Sewer<br />

Company are scheduled to start later<br />

this week and be completed by the end<br />

of November.<br />

Assuming KAJUR is ready for the<br />

audit to start in December, it should<br />

mean that for the first time since Compact<br />

II was implemented in 2004, all<br />

three RMI utility companies will meet<br />

the Compact’s requirement that audits<br />

be completed within six months of<br />

the end of the fiscal year, meaning by<br />

March.<br />

He said MEC is looking at several<br />

options, including having a<br />

fishing company buy the jet fuel<br />

with MEC storing and delivering<br />

it when needed.<br />

Currently only Mobil sells jet<br />

fuel in Majuro, but that is reserved<br />

for sales to airplanes.<br />

The bottom line for MEC is that<br />

increasing fuel sales to ships and<br />

fishing boats increases its overall<br />

revenues, which can help to crosssubsidize<br />

electric costs.

Team XXXX<br />

crew member<br />

Karness Kusto<br />

holds up a<br />

wahoo at the<br />

Shoreline dock<br />

as the sun sinks<br />

slowly in the<br />

west.<br />


Yahoo! It was a<br />

wahoo weekend<br />

Weatherman<br />

Reggie<br />

White<br />

and RMI<br />

Ambassador<br />

to RoC<br />

Alex Bing<br />

pose with a<br />

barracuda<br />

caught on<br />

Lady Lu.<br />

If you didn’t eat some<br />

fresh wahoo this week, you<br />

were sitting at the wrong<br />

dining table.<br />

That’s because Majuro’s<br />

champion fisherfolk<br />

brought home 443.1 qualifying<br />

pounds of the scrumptious<br />

species (and a bunch<br />

more smaller fry that also<br />

found their way into kitchens<br />

around town).<br />

One place you could definitely<br />

have dined on some<br />

wonderful wahoo is the<br />

<strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> Resort’s<br />

Enra Restaurant, because<br />

food and beverage manager<br />

Edward Fowler always<br />

makes sure he has a fish<br />

dish available for clients.<br />

“We buy about 360 pounds<br />

of fish a week,” Ed said.<br />

Take advantage<br />

of vegetables<br />

If you think the only people who like to eat veggies in<br />

Majuro are Liz Rodick, Jack Niedenthal and Giff Johnson,<br />

you’d be wrong.<br />

What we were amazed to find out the other day is that<br />

items like veggie pizzas and pumpkin-spinach pasta are getting<br />

traction with lots of carnivorous types around town.<br />

Don’t believe us? Then just watch what people are ordering<br />

at places like MI Resort, Flame Tree and Tide Table.<br />

Could it be a trend?<br />

The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> — Friday, November 2, 2007 11<br />

“Mostly we buy yellowfin<br />

tuna, mahi mahi and wahoo.”<br />

The restaurant’s main<br />

supplier is the fish base, but<br />

Edward also buys from local<br />

fishermen such as Robin<br />

Reimers and Bwiji Aliven.<br />

“We pay about $3 a pound<br />

for their fish if they give it<br />

to us already filleted.”<br />

And speaking of Robin<br />

and Bwiji, they were just two<br />

of 15 skippers who headed<br />

out to the waters around<br />

Majuro in last Saturday’s<br />

<strong>Marshall</strong>s Billfish Club Reef<br />

Runner Tournament.<br />

Bwiji, fishing on Celinda,<br />

came out the big winner on<br />

the day, with 163 pounds of<br />

tuna, wahoo and barracuda.<br />

Second place went to Kyle<br />

Aliven on Dragon, with 110<br />

pounds of target fish, plus<br />

a 300-pound marlin (giving<br />

him a cool 410 points<br />

towards the President’s Cup<br />

competition). Third place<br />

went to Team True Blue,<br />

skippered by Melvin Aliven,<br />

with 106 pounds of fishy<br />

flesh (plus 250 points for a<br />

tag-and-release billfish).<br />

Only three boats came<br />

back to the Shoreline dock<br />

with <strong>not</strong>hing to weigh, so all<br />

in all it was a seafood weekend<br />

for many Majuro-ites.

1 Friday, November 2, 2007 — The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> <strong>Journal</strong><br />


Iron men<br />

Long Island Hotel is becoming Majuro’s<br />

sports spot. The inn has long been<br />

the in place for tennis and now golf is<br />

on the agenda. Photographer Douglas<br />

Henry stopped by the hotel on Monday<br />

at lunch and found a squad of VIPs<br />

— including (front row) Ambassador<br />

Bruce Linghu, President Kessai Note,<br />

and Minister Witten Philippo — talking<br />

up tee-offs and bragging about birdies<br />

at the inaugural meeting of the <strong>Marshall</strong><br />

<strong>Islands</strong> Golf Club Federation.<br />

Rice is nice<br />

but don’t frown at brown<br />

What can you do with rice to make it<br />

more exciting than just a glob of white<br />

stuff on your plate?<br />

Well, as long as you’re <strong>not</strong> Japanese,<br />

you can pick up the bottle of soy sauce<br />

and pour it on the white rice, turning it<br />

brown and salty tasting — a habit that<br />

many locals, <strong>Marshall</strong>ese and ribelle<br />

alike, follow.<br />

Or you can locate your hamburger<br />

with gravy on top of the rice to spice<br />

up the taste of your carbs.<br />

If you’re interested in changing<br />

people’s thinking toward eating brown<br />

If we were to start a column featured<br />

in our monthly restaurant guide<br />

for Majuro and chose the first word<br />

identifying the eatery as “AL”, you’d<br />

probably think we were about to push<br />

something on you about the restaurateur<br />

Al Wong (the guy who leads<br />

the charge at Flame Tree). And since<br />

we have begun our series of reviews,<br />

those of you with long memories and<br />

discriminating minds will have quite<br />

possibly come to the conclusion that<br />

the <strong>Journal</strong> has run out of places to<br />

review: From RRE’s Tide Table,<br />

<strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> Resort’s Enra, Long<br />

Island Hotel’s restaurant, Flame, Lathbern,<br />

White House, Chit Chat, Kitco,<br />

Won Hai, Special, Uliga Restaurant,<br />

Monica’s etc, just about every potential<br />

eatery has been evaluated.<br />

All we claim, except one. And, like<br />

we said, (or at least hinted at above)<br />

this one begins with the appellation<br />

“AL”.<br />

The dining experience we are targeting<br />

for this week, sadly, is limited to<br />

a once-a-week affair, that is, open for<br />

business only one day each week. And<br />

rice, you can be sneaky to get your<br />

way. Instead of trying to foist a bowl<br />

of brown rice on suspecting customers,<br />

there’s a<strong>not</strong>her way to get your<br />

way. Start out with two-thirds white<br />

rice, one-third brown, mixed together<br />

in the rice cooker so when it’s cooked<br />

it doesn’t show so much. Guaranteed<br />

everyone will eat it and likely without<br />

any comment at all.<br />

Do this for a few meals till your<br />

home eaters are accustomed. Then up<br />

the amount of brown rice periodically.<br />

It’s been scientifically proven to work!<br />

So try it.<br />

But how about brown rice out in the<br />

open, no subterfuge about it?<br />

We were amazed with a concoction<br />

produced in a local kitchen the other<br />

day. Check this: brown rice mixed with<br />

bits of spinach, raisins and thin slices<br />

of almonds. Wiz-wow. That was pretty<br />

exciting stuff.<br />

So interesting in fact that when it<br />

was out on our table at the Tide Table,<br />

a next table neighbor looked over and<br />

asked the waitresses to change her<br />

order so she could try it, too.<br />


We suggest you<br />

try ‘Eating AL’<br />

‘It is a veritable font<br />

of fresh produce and<br />

cookery, resplendant<br />

with “doctor<br />

recommended” antidiabetes<br />

vitamins.’<br />

you can’t exactly talk about this restaurant<br />

in terms of the owner because, you<br />

see, there are many owners involved<br />

in this eating phenomenon. Yet it is<br />

in terms of quality food (fresh beyond<br />

the capability of Payless or Formosa to<br />

import) our eating experience for this<br />

week beats every other restaurant in<br />

town for simple freshness; right out of<br />

mother nature and into your tummy.<br />

And talk about variety! Wow! Giant<br />

clam, bananas (both eating and cooking),<br />

octopus, fresh reef fish, pickled<br />

papaya, ground-baked breadfruit, fresh<br />

prepared likor (grated baby coconut<br />

with sweetened milk), ready to drink<br />

coconuts, bwiro, boiled pandanus,<br />

baked “bao in lal” (locally raised<br />

chicken) and jirol.<br />

The restaurant is spread from about<br />

midway Ajeltake to the end of Laura<br />

and appears in the form of little stands<br />

discreetly located along the road to and<br />

through Laura Village.<br />

It is a veritable font of fresh produce<br />

and cookery, resplendant with<br />

“doctor recommended” anti-diabetes<br />

vitamins.<br />

Enjoy a full, cold glass of freshly<br />

milked “jakaro”, so high in vitamin C<br />

content that it normally scores off any<br />

regular scale designed to compare nutritional<br />

value of different fruits. And<br />

taste? Absolutely invigorating!<br />

Yes, this is all yours at “Al Fresco”,<br />

the magnificent outdoor eating experience<br />

set up each Sunday for visitors<br />

from Rita who hanker for a nice jambo<br />

to the other end of the atoll from town.<br />

The “Al Fresco” experience is a great<br />

way to enjoy Majuro, spread some<br />

moolah around the local community,<br />

and treat your body to a refreshing<br />

bombardment of healthy, tasty food.<br />

It’s truly a worthwhile experience.

<strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> High School’s library was jam packed with students who<br />

showed up to take the US military entrance test that was conducted last week<br />

in Majuro. Tests were also given at Assumption and Laura High School.<br />

ADB: Good<br />

governance<br />

is the key<br />

There is a direct link between<br />

“good governance” and economic<br />

growth in Pacific island countries,<br />

Asian Development Bank officials<br />

told the seventh annual Pacific Region<br />

Investment Conference held in<br />

Manila last month.<br />

Craig Sugden and Rashiel Velarde<br />

of ADB’s Pacific Regional<br />

Department described the Solomon <strong>Islands</strong>,<br />

Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea and Palau as<br />

“recent recoveries” — the economies of<br />

which all have projected growth this year<br />

around five percent, which is considered<br />

good. Meanwhile, the Cook <strong>Islands</strong>, Tuvalu<br />

and Samoa, all of which were at or above<br />

five percent growth in the early 2000s, have<br />

dropped down and are projected to remain in<br />

the two-to-three percent range in 2007-08.<br />

By comparison, the <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong>,<br />

Kiribati and Federated States of Micronesia<br />

saw about two percent growth in 2005-06<br />

and are expected to remain at this same<br />

modest level of growth in 2007-08.<br />

Fiji and Tonga have had numerous internal<br />

problems — a military coup in Fiji, riots<br />

and unrest in Tonga — and their growth is<br />

projected to be negative in 2007-08.<br />

The ADB officials said that “government<br />

effectiveness” has a big influence on making<br />

economic growth possible and increasing<br />

per capita gross domestic product (GDP).<br />

While this is true globally, it also applies<br />

in the Pacific, the said. They tracked island<br />

economies among ADB member nations in<br />

the Pacific, showing that those with better<br />

control of corruption had higher average<br />

levels of growth.<br />

The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> was one of eight<br />

islands that had negative growth over the<br />

most recent 10-year period, at an overall<br />

10-year rate of minus one percent per year.<br />

Timor-Leste had the worst economic growth<br />

at minus seven percent per year for the past<br />

10 years, while Nauru was next worst at<br />

minus four percent.<br />

On the positive side are Cook <strong>Islands</strong>,<br />

with an average growth rate of about six<br />

‘The ADB sees tourism,<br />

remittances, offshore<br />

investments and offshore<br />

fishing as the main areas with<br />

potential for growth.’<br />

percent over 10 years, followed by Tuvalu<br />

at five percent and Samoa at about three<br />

percent. Kiribati, Tonga and Fiji were the<br />

three other islands with positive growth<br />

over 10 years.<br />

The ADB officials said that among the<br />

causes of poor governance in the Pacific<br />

are:<br />

• Poorly developed systems, which result<br />

from a lack of trained workers, weak ability<br />

to make policies, and people who don’t get<br />

behind and support changes or reforms.<br />

• Tension between traditional and modern<br />

systems.<br />

• Weak links between people and their<br />

governments, which is caused by a lack<br />

of information being shared with the community<br />

that translates further into people<br />

<strong>not</strong> having much of a voice in their government.<br />

“Pacific island economies can grow,” the<br />

ADB officials said. But local economies<br />

need to be led by the private sector and allow<br />

for foreign investment to prosper.<br />

One of the real challenges in the Pacific<br />

“is a deep inertia (unwillingness to move)<br />

in some economies,” they said.<br />

The ADB sees tourism, remittances<br />

(money sent home by islanders living in the<br />

US, Australia and New Zealand), offshore<br />

investments and offshore fishing as the main<br />

areas with potential for growth.<br />

They emphasized the need to improve<br />

governance in the region, with an emphasis<br />

on:<br />

• Physical infrastructure, including developing<br />

human (people) resources.<br />

• Essential social services.<br />

• Private sector friendly environments.<br />

The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> — Friday, November 2, 2007 1<br />

TALK of TARAWA<br />

Kiribati goes<br />

for Kiwi, Oz<br />

work schemes<br />


Last month, 30 I-Kiribati<br />

trainee nurses went to Australia<br />

to complete their studies,<br />

and after graduation,<br />

they will be employed there<br />

and can apply for Australian<br />

citizenship.<br />

Meanwhile, before the<br />

end of this year, about 1,000<br />

youths will go to New Zealand<br />

to work on farms as part<br />

of the New Zealand government’s<br />

Pacific scheme to<br />

expand the number of work<br />

opportunities for islanders.<br />

The Kiribati Technical<br />

Institute in Betio is to be<br />

upgraded so its graduates<br />

will obtain a standard skill<br />

recognized in Australia,<br />

New Zealand and elsewhere<br />

so that they can successfully<br />

compete for jobs.<br />

These are part of a longterm<br />

plan outlined by President<br />

A<strong>not</strong>e Tong, who told<br />

reporters it’s also to respond<br />

to sea rising.<br />

The continuation of I-<br />

Kiribati nurse training in<br />

Australia is a result of a<br />

bilateral talks between Tong<br />

and Australian PM John<br />

Howard.<br />

“I often talked with Mr.<br />

Howard at the Forum and<br />

other meetings, and asked<br />

him why (Australia is) recruiting<br />

Asians to work in<br />

Australia and <strong>not</strong> Pacific<br />

islanders and in particular,<br />

I-Kiribati.<br />

“Mr. Howard answered<br />

me back and said, our people<br />

don’t have the skills<br />

required.”<br />

The two leaders agreed<br />

to start with nurses, and<br />

Australia has also shown its<br />

interests in the upgrading of<br />

skill standard at the Kiribati<br />

Technical Institute.<br />

New Zealand, Japan,<br />

Taiwan, Canada and other<br />

countries are also interested,<br />

as they have plans to<br />

recruit skilled laborers from<br />

Kiribati.”<br />

Tong, who was just reelected<br />

to his second term,<br />

also told reporters that when<br />

this youth recruitment program<br />

comes to a reality, it<br />

will pave a way for mobi-<br />

Batiri<br />

Bataua<br />

Outer islands men in<br />

Kiribati are against using<br />

condoms when having<br />

sex.<br />

They say it’s unnatural<br />

and interfering. And could<br />

cause a nuisance to both<br />

partners during sex.<br />

Mobile teams from the<br />

Kiribati National HIV/<br />

AIDS and TB Task Force<br />

lizing I-Kiribati to higher<br />

grounds before they get<br />

drowned in 50-100 years<br />

from now, as predicted by<br />

scientists because of global<br />

warming.<br />

“The New Zealand labor<br />

scheme could accept more<br />

than 1,000 people if they<br />

abide by immigration laws<br />

and behave themselves,”<br />

he said. “I-Kiribati are very<br />

much liked in New Zealand,<br />

Australia and elsewhere<br />

because of their obedience<br />

and respect.<br />

“And if the number increased<br />

annually, Kiribati’s<br />

economy could boom in<br />

terms of millions and mil-<br />

‘The New Zealand<br />

labor scheme<br />

could accept more<br />

than 1,000 people<br />

if they abide<br />

by immigration<br />

laws and behave<br />

themselves.’<br />

– Kiribati<br />

President A<strong>not</strong>e<br />

Tong<br />

outer islands men<br />

oppose condoms<br />

visiting six islands this<br />

year recommended in<br />

their reports that more<br />

emphasis should focus<br />

on condom use and demonstration.<br />

Men on Marakei Island<br />

told the visiting team<br />

they don’t know how to<br />

use condoms, and it was<br />

therefore agreed that in<br />

future visits, more time<br />

will be spend on condom<br />

usage and demonstrations.<br />

The mobile teams included<br />

two HIV/AIDS<br />

patients. The number of<br />

AIDS cases this year has<br />

increased from 32 to 50,<br />

with most of them being<br />

I-Kiribati seafarers.<br />

lions of dollars through remittances.<br />

And many people<br />

would be able to pay to<br />

migrate, which I’m encouraging.”<br />

President Tong explained<br />

before Kiribati drowns, a<br />

lot of its people would have<br />

been already shifted abroad,<br />

and government would be<br />

dealing with a few remaining.<br />

When Tong was asked<br />

about grouping I-Kiribati<br />

in one place, he said the<br />

Reserve Fund, which now<br />

stands at more than $670<br />

million, could be used to<br />

purchase a land for I-Kiribati.

1 Friday, November 2, 2007 — The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> <strong>Journal</strong><br />

WUTMI weaves past<br />

lessons into the future<br />

The US Ambassador Clyde<br />

Bishop delivered a strong endorsement<br />

of the work of Women<br />

United Together <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong><br />

(WUTMI) at its annual executive<br />

board opening last Saturday in<br />

Majuro. Excerpts from his key<strong>not</strong>e<br />

speech follow:<br />

“The work you are doing in<br />

the <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> is important<br />

work, and I, the Embassy, and the<br />

United States are proud to support<br />

it, as you should all be proud to be<br />

a part of it.<br />

“I thought about the theme for<br />

this conference (“Iden Mwekun”)<br />

and I liked how poetic and appropriate<br />

the image of the past weaving<br />

the future is to the <strong>Marshall</strong>s<br />

and to the work WUTMI does.<br />

First, I like the image of weaving<br />

as a description of how the future<br />

comes into being. Threads of past<br />

events come together, combining<br />

and forming a pattern that determines<br />

the shape of the future. But,<br />

by describing this as weaving it<br />

also reminds us that these events<br />

do <strong>not</strong> come together by themselves.<br />

Just as in weaving, people<br />

choose the pattern and people lock<br />

the threads together. Every person<br />

has the chance to help weave the<br />

pattern of their own lives and the<br />

lives of those around them. More<br />

than this, you can help choose<br />

the pattern for the entire <strong>Marshall</strong><br />

<strong>Islands</strong>. By being here today and<br />

helping WUTMI do its work in<br />

voter education, outreach to young<br />

parents, and so much more you are<br />

all choosing the pattern and weaving<br />

the threads of the future in the<br />

RMI. What you do today can make<br />

a huge difference for the RMI.<br />

“The past weaving the future<br />

The national women’s organization<br />

WUTMI has emphasized<br />

the participation of both<br />

men and women in its conferences<br />

and workshops, and<br />

this week’s executive board<br />

meeting is no different.<br />

During the introductions<br />

also reminds us of the source of<br />

strength that the past provides.<br />

This is especially true of the efforts<br />

of WUTMI to promote good<br />

governance and women’s issues<br />

in the RMI. <strong>Marshall</strong>ese culture<br />

has always had a strong role for<br />

women and women leaders, and<br />

a strong role for consensus-based<br />

governance to the benefit of all.<br />

As WUTMI works towards its<br />

goals, it can take strength from<br />

this tradition, and use the best<br />

from the past to help weave a<br />

Pictured left to right are<br />

Majuro councilwoman Jouban<br />

Kabua, US Ambassador to the<br />

RMI Clyde Bishop, WUTMI<br />

director Daisy Momotaro,<br />

and Chief Secretary Casten<br />

Nemra, who all spoke at the<br />

opening ceremony of the<br />

WUTMI meeting. Photos: Giff<br />

Johnson.<br />

Neiobwe Anjain-Maddison, Leroij Neimed Loeak Boene,<br />

former First Lady Emlain Kabua, and Rongelap incumbent<br />

Abacca Anjain-Maddison at the WUTMI ceremony.<br />

Lakatus welcome<br />

of the participants from the<br />

various outer islands, while<br />

women were, naturally, in<br />

the majority, there were also<br />

a significant number of men<br />

participating as representatives<br />

of their respective<br />

islands.<br />

better future. I believe the future<br />

WUTMI is working for…embraces<br />

inclusiveness and greater<br />

participation in government, both<br />

of which are vital democratic<br />

values.<br />

“From the perspective of the<br />

United States, one of the most<br />

important things this organization<br />

does is its Gender Equality in<br />

Leadership project. Our high regard<br />

for this project can be seen in<br />

the support that USAID provides<br />

to the project. It is the only, I be-<br />

lieve, voter education program in<br />

the RMI and its importance can<strong>not</strong><br />

be understated. For a democratic<br />

government to work, the people<br />

must know how to participate and<br />

what their rights are in shaping the<br />

path their nation will take. Your efforts<br />

to spread this vital knowledge<br />

will help the RMI stay true to the<br />

democratic ideals that can serve it<br />

so well. As this vital project moves<br />

forward you can rest assured that<br />

the Embassy will continue to support<br />

it however we can.<br />

“WUTMI’s other projects show<br />

this same commitment to good<br />

democratic values. Whether the<br />

projects are educating young<br />

children and their parents, working<br />

to improve the living conditions<br />

of outer islanders, or promoting<br />

human rights and equality, they<br />

are all aimed at a better future for<br />

the <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> through an<br />

educated, prosperous population<br />

committed to keeping a democratic<br />

RMI.”<br />

Members of Youth to Youth in Health entertained<br />

the crowd at the WUTMI conference opening.<br />

Leroij<br />

gather for<br />

opening<br />

WUTMI launched its second<br />

annual executive board meeting<br />

with an opening ceremony<br />

last Saturday that brought out a<br />

large group of leroij (chiefs), a<br />

handful of Nitijela senators, US<br />

and Taiwan ambassadors, and<br />

a large turnout of people in the<br />

community.<br />

Speaking for the RMI government,<br />

Chief Secretary Casten<br />

Nemra said the government<br />

supported non-government organizations<br />

and his office door<br />

was open to assist WUTMI any<br />

time.<br />

Majuro Councilwoman Jouban<br />

Kabua welcomed the WUTMI<br />

executive members on behalf of<br />

Mayor Riley Albertter.<br />

WUTMI executive director<br />

Daisy Momotaro said that three<br />

US government donor programs<br />

helped WUTMI to put on this<br />

year’s event, including the Global<br />

Fund for Women, the Women<br />

Issues Fund and the National<br />

Park Service. Locally, both Bank<br />

of <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> and <strong>Marshall</strong><br />

<strong>Islands</strong> Development Bank are<br />

supporting WUTMI’s conference.<br />

Momotaro told the group<br />

that the meeting is bringing in<br />

a variety of resource people to<br />

lead training sessions during the<br />

week, including Ben Graham,<br />

Ben Chutaro, Fred Pedro, Pohnpei-based<br />

Willy Kotska who<br />

heads the Micronesian Conservation<br />

Trust, McAnthony Keah,<br />

and resource people from the<br />

KIO Club and <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong><br />

Conservation Society.<br />

Among those attending included<br />

Minister John Silk and<br />

Senators Abacca Anjain-Maddison,<br />

Jurelang Zedkaia and Kaiboke<br />

Kabua, Ambassadors Clyde<br />

Bishop and Bruce Linghu, Chief<br />

Justice Carl Ingram, and former<br />

First Lady Emlain Kabua.

RMI edreklok wot kin 2%<br />

Ewor juon koba eo ikotaan “kien emman”<br />

im kab edreklok in jerammon nan elon wot<br />

iaan lal ko woj ibelakin Pacific in, ekkar<br />

nan opiija ro an Asian Development Bank<br />

eo ilo kar kwelok eo an kajojo iio im ej kein<br />

kajiljilimjuon ilo Pacific Region Investment<br />

Conference eo im rekar kommani ilo Manila<br />

allon eo lok.<br />

Craig Sugden im kab Rashiel Velarde jen<br />

department eo an Pacific Region ilo ADB<br />

eo rekar kemelele bwe lal ko an Solomon<br />

<strong>Islands</strong>, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea im kab<br />

Palau rej einwot “wonmanlok ko ilo raan<br />

kein” – ak bwe jonan mweie im jerammon<br />

ko aer rekar maron in edreklok iloan iio ko<br />

kio kin lalem bojjan, menin rej watoke bwe<br />

ej juon jonak eo emman.<br />

Mekarta, ilo Cook <strong>Islands</strong>,<br />

Tuvalu im kab Samoa,<br />

aolepen ijokein im kajojo<br />

iaer rekar bed ilon in lalem<br />

bojjan jonan edreklok ko<br />

aer ilo kar jino in lok 2000<br />

jima ko, bwe emoj aer kio<br />

wotlok im rej kio watwate<br />

bwe renaaj loe jonan in ruo<br />

lok nan jilu bojjan edreklok<br />

ilo 2007-08.<br />

Keidri, <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong>,<br />

Kiribati im kab Federated<br />

States ko an Micronesia bwe<br />

rekar maron in loe wot ruo<br />

bojjan edreklok ilo 2005-06<br />

im rej kotmene bwe renaaj bedwot ilo ejja<br />

jonan in wot im ejjab kanuij in lap ilo naaj<br />

2007-08. Fiji im kab Tonga ekar kanuij in<br />

lon jorrean ko ilowaer – an wor juon military<br />

coup ilo Fiji ak an jarin tarinae ko aer<br />

bok maron jen kien eo im an wor imajaj im<br />

tarbuk ko ilo Tonga – innem jonan edreklok<br />

ko aer jen dron rekar watwate bwe rebed ilo<br />

bonbon ko ilal in ejjelok ak bwe rej negative<br />

ilo jonak ko an 2007-08.<br />

Opiija rein jen ADB eo rekar ba bwe<br />

“jonan an kien jejjet an jerbal” ej men eo in<br />

im elap an lap kilan ilo komman wonmanlok<br />

ko im kelaplok jonan jeen eo kajojo armij<br />

rej mour kake ak rej ba per capita gross<br />

domestic product eo (GDP).<br />

Mene menin emol ilo belaak in lalin,<br />

wawein in ej bareinwot maron jerbal ijokein<br />

ilo Pacific in, rekar ba.<br />

Rekar ekatok kake jonan mweie im kab<br />

jerammon ko nan lal ko ibelakin Pacific<br />

in im rej uwaan ADB eo innem rekar loe<br />

bwe lal ko im emman lok aer kejebarok er<br />

make jen jorrean in kemakitkit kien ko aer<br />

ekar laplok jonan eo ekka aer edreklok kake<br />

ikijien mweie kab jerammon.<br />

<strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> ear juon iaan lal ko<br />

rualitok im bonbon ko an rekar bed ilal in<br />

ejjelok ak rej ba negative growth iloan kar<br />

iio ko jonoul im rej jemlok lok, kin jonan eo<br />

ekka ej driklok kin juon bojjan iloan kajojo<br />

kar iio 10 rej jemlok lok. Timor-Leste ear ijo<br />

im ekar kanuij in nana tata jonan edreklok<br />

in mweie im jerammon eo an kin jonan in<br />

ej driklok kin jiljilimjuon bojjan ilo kajojo<br />

iio iloan iio ko jonoul im rej jemlok lok,<br />

im keidri nan lal eo an Nauru ilal in tok<br />

kin driklok kin emen bojjan iloan iio ko<br />

jonoul.<br />

Ro im rebed ilo bonbon ko remmon rej<br />

Cook <strong>Islands</strong>, jonan eo ej ekka an edreklok<br />

kake ej kin jiljino bojjan iloan kar iio ko<br />

10, elkin tok ej Tuvalu kin lalem bojjan im<br />

Samoa kin jilu bojjan.<br />

Kiribati, Tonga im kab Fiji rekar lal ko<br />

jilu ijelokin im rekar bareinwot bar edreklok<br />

‘Keidri, <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong>,<br />

Kiribati im kab Federated<br />

States ko an Micronesia<br />

bwe rekar maron in loe<br />

wot ruo bojjan edreklok<br />

ilo 2005-06 im rej<br />

kotmene bwe renaaj<br />

bedwot ilo ejja jonan in<br />

wot im ejjab kanuij in lap<br />

ilo naaj 2007-08.’<br />

Jonan<br />

mweie ilo<br />

lal ko an<br />

Pacific in<br />

iloan iio ko jonoul im rej kab jemlok lok.<br />

Opiija rein an ADB rekar ba bwe ibwiljin<br />

wawein ko im rej komman an mojno an<br />

emakitkit kien ko ibelakin Pacific in rej er<br />

kein:<br />

• Jekjek ko rej loori elap aer nana, menin<br />

ej walok tok jen an jabwe ri jerbal ro im ewor<br />

kaminene im kapeel ko ippaer, emojno aer<br />

maron in kommane jibarbar ko aer innem<br />

menin ej komman bwe armij ren jab rie lok<br />

jibarbar im kotobar ko aer nan komman<br />

oktak ko.<br />

• Limotak ko ikotaan manit im kab jekjek<br />

in jerbal ko an raan kein.<br />

• Emojno kwod eo ikotaan armij im kab<br />

kien ko aer, menin ej walok kinke ejabwe an<br />

wor leto letak in melele jen ippen jukjuk in<br />

bed eo im wawein in ej melele in bwe elon<br />

wot armij ejjelok anikieer ilo kien eo aer.<br />

“Jonan mweie im jerammon ilo lal kein ilo<br />

Pacific in remaron in edreklok,” Opiija rein<br />

an ADB rekar ba. Botaap jonan mweie im<br />

jerammon eo ijokein rej aikuij in ijjino jen<br />

ippen raan komman jerbal in business ko aer<br />

im komman bwe jerbal in wonmanlok ko jen<br />

likin ren bareinwot maron in edreklok.<br />

Juon iaan menin jelmae ko rellap ilo Pacific<br />

in “ej juon mejatoto in ejjelok makitkit<br />

ko ak (makoko in komman emakitkit) ilo jet<br />

iaan lal kein,” rekar ba.<br />

ADB eo ej loe bwe jerbal in kanol ri lotok<br />

ro, ijiloktok ko ak (jeen ko ro nukid ilo US,<br />

Austrialia im kab New Zealand rej jilkin<br />

tok), jerbal in wonmanlok ko jen likin ekoba<br />

eonod bwe rej einwot jikin ko im jemaron<br />

in kadrekilok.<br />

Rekar kemlele bwe ej aikuij in emman lok<br />

kilen kotbalbale kien ko ibelakin jokein, ilo<br />

aer kalikare bwe en einwot in:<br />

• Ekkal kein komman wonmanlok ko<br />

ekoba kokajurlok ri jerbal ro.<br />

• Kommani jerbal in jiban ikijien social<br />

services ko nan jukjuk in bed eo.<br />

• En emman wawein im jekjek ko nan<br />

raan komman business ko aer ak nan private<br />

sector ko aer.<br />

The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> — Friday, November 2, 2007 1<br />

No decision<br />

yet about<br />

Kwaj layoffs<br />

An internal Kwajalein<br />

Range Services (KRS) memo<br />

of October 10 said that proposed<br />

worker layoffs “must<br />

wait until after RMI national<br />

elections for RMI employees.”<br />

In response to questions<br />

from the <strong>Journal</strong> as to why<br />

the Army was waiting until<br />

after the elections to announce<br />

layoffs, US Ambassador<br />

Clyde Bishop said this<br />

week, “It would be inappropriate<br />

for US Army Kwajalein<br />

Atoll to speculate on<br />

the fallout that any potential<br />

layoffs might have on the<br />

election.”<br />

He also said that “there<br />

has been no decision to lay<br />

off any RMI employees at<br />

this time. Of course, USAKA does <strong>not</strong> wish<br />

to interfere with the internal politics of the<br />

RMI and would <strong>not</strong> want to influence in any<br />

way the outcome of this upcoming election.<br />

Reciprocally, USAKA will <strong>not</strong> allow politics<br />

to be a driving factor in determining the<br />

best operational course of action for our<br />

installation.”<br />

The KRS memo said that because of<br />

the need to wait until after the election to<br />

announce layoffs, 60-day <strong>not</strong>ice might <strong>not</strong><br />

be possible. “USAKA will always follow<br />

the Status of Forces Sub-Agreement to<br />

the Compact,” Bishop said. “Kwajalein<br />

Range Services, our prime contractor, has<br />

US Ambassador<br />

Clyde Bishop<br />

a policy that applies to all<br />

employees — American and<br />

<strong>Marshall</strong>ese — that gives<br />

them 30-day written <strong>not</strong>ice of<br />

layoffs. That is the standard.<br />

The 60-day <strong>not</strong>ice period is<br />

<strong>not</strong> a standard. It is a courtesy<br />

extended to employees when<br />

the employer determines it to<br />

be appropriate in a particular<br />

case. Again, we have made<br />

no decision to lay off RMI<br />

employees.”<br />

Despite saying that there<br />

has been no decision on laying<br />

off <strong>Marshall</strong>ese workers<br />

ta Kwajalein, Bishop said<br />

that the logistics budget for<br />

KRS is being cut this year.<br />

The logistics contract “has<br />

seen a significant reduction<br />

this year,” he said. “USAKA<br />

is working closely with its contractors to<br />

try to limit the impact of a reduced budget<br />

profile. We are hopeful that we can mitigate<br />

the impacts, especially with regard to our<br />

RMI employees. It is our goal to have no<br />

RMI layoffs if at all possible.<br />

There may be a small number of US<br />

contractor employees that are let go but<br />

that is <strong>not</strong> clear to us right now. We deeply<br />

regret having to impact anyone but it is<br />

necessary in these times of increasing fiscal<br />

constraint.”<br />

The US population at Kwajalein has reportedly<br />

declined from about 2,500 in the<br />

early 2000s to about 1,700 now.<br />

Ladies learn lots<br />

at night school<br />

A team of teachers under the supervision<br />

of Reverends Gary and Marjorie Bixby<br />

(pictured above right) have been providing a<br />

group of about 50 out-of-school girls with a<br />

chance to get back into the academic world<br />

and improve their future. They are running<br />

the special “school” three nights a week at<br />

Assumption’s library.

1 Friday, November 2, 2007 — The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> <strong>Journal</strong><br />

‘Four hours on Kwaj was better<br />

Dollars<br />

pour in<br />

at Kwaj<br />

market<br />

A significant number of Majuro’s “local<br />

producers” — of handicrafts, nin juice and<br />

related products — boxed up their goods and<br />

hopped on the Continental flight to Kwajalein<br />

on October 20 for the latest trade fair.<br />

Despite its abbreviated nature, the event<br />

produced a healthy amount of revenue for<br />

the Majuro and Ebeye sellers.<br />

“Four hours on Kwaj was better than three<br />

days on Guam,” said one of the participants<br />

who had also attended the recent Micronesian<br />

fair in Guam to sell crafts.<br />

Some sellers said they hoped that the next<br />

trade fair at Kwaj will be open for a whole<br />

day, instead of the 1:30 pm cutoff for last<br />

week’s fair.<br />

The following day, the group moved over<br />

to Ebeye for a day-long trade fair that was<br />

well-received by Ebeye residents.<br />

Zita Silk and Merina Ring (above) were<br />

busy selling handicrafts at Kwajalein last<br />

month. The fair gave lots of choice to local<br />

residents (below).<br />

It wasn’t only handicrafts<br />

that got Kwajalein<br />

residents to line up, but<br />

also these tasty lobsters<br />

(left). Meanwhile, the<br />

Tobolar table sold lots of<br />

soap and oil (below left),<br />

and Bank of <strong>Marshall</strong><br />

<strong>Islands</strong> president Patrick<br />

Chen joined with BoMI<br />

Kwaj teller Paulina Abija,<br />

who was busy offering<br />

various bank services<br />

and selling phone cards<br />

and other products.<br />

Photos courtesy by<br />

Bank of <strong>Marshall</strong><br />


than 3 days on Guam’<br />

There was no<br />

“discrimination” against<br />

Ebeye folks last<br />

month, as the trade fair<br />

was held on both Kwaj<br />

and Ebeye, attracting<br />

lots of attention (above<br />

and below). Leroij<br />

Seagull Kabua James<br />

(left in the photo at<br />

right) joined with Mona<br />

Joel at the event on<br />

Ebeye.<br />

Happy customers<br />

were the order of<br />

the day at Kwajalein<br />

(left) as Majuro<br />

vendors (such as<br />

Jeirok Councilman<br />

Bokmej Bokmej,<br />

below left at left)<br />

cashed in on the<br />

high level of interest.<br />

The <strong>Marshall</strong> <strong>Islands</strong> <strong>Journal</strong> — Friday, November 2, 2007 1<br />

Ewor ri mij ilo<br />

lajrak in vote eo<br />

Daniel<br />

Andrew<br />

School leagues<br />

set to start<br />

Elementary and high school basketball for<br />

boys and volleyball for girls will kick off shortly,<br />

with all team registrations due to the Internal Affairs<br />

Sports and Recreation office no later than<br />

November 6.<br />

Sports coordinator Daniel Andrew told the<br />

<strong>Journal</strong> that registration for the leagues closes<br />

on Tuesday next week.<br />

The competitions will be held at the ECC gym<br />

in Delap.<br />

Juon iaan ri jibadrek ro an Majuro<br />

in ear jiron tok <strong>Journal</strong> eo ilo wiik<br />

jab in ke driktata ewor jiljilimjuon<br />

armij ro im emoj aer mij rej bed wot<br />

ilo laajrak in ri vote ro an Ajeltake<br />

im ebar lon lok jen 10 armij ro im<br />

emoj aer bar mij ijoke ej elaajrak<br />

etaer ilo laajrak eo an Delap en.<br />

Laajrak eo an Ajeltake edrelon<br />

woran jet armij ro im emoj aer jako,<br />

ekoba ro im elelok jen 10 iio jen ke<br />

rekar jako.<br />

Ibwiljin rein im rekar jako im<br />

ej walok wot etaer ilo laajrak in ri<br />

vote ro an Ajeltake ej kar Mayor<br />

eo mokta an Majuro in, Tarmile<br />

Ishoda.<br />

Electoral Administration eo ear<br />

kadriwoj tok laajrak in ri vote rein<br />

ilo kar July eo.<br />

Ke <strong>Journal</strong> eo ekar jino an kajjitok<br />

melele jen Electoral ikijien<br />

woran ro im emoj aer register ilo<br />

kar April im May eo in iio jab in,<br />

rekar jiron tok kim bwe rej kar<br />

etale wot laajrak eo kinke rej jolok<br />

etan ro im emoj aer jako ak rejjab<br />

maron in vote.<br />

Ien eo ekar jemlok kadrelon et<br />

nan ekalel ej kar ilo Tijemba 31<br />

raan in iio eo lok.

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