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SERMON NOTES Jeremiah: The Persistent Prophet Ninth in the Series The Bible in 90 Days July 21, 2013 Dr. Tom Pace preaching Jeremiah 32:36–44 1. The story of Jeremiah 2. God always finds prophets a. You have worshipped other gods • personal betrayal • gods “of your own hands” b. You have claimed religion instead of righteousness (7:4–11) • social • spiritual 3. How do we hear the prophetic word? a. Resistance b. Repentance c. Restoration Mealtime Conversation Who has been a personal prophet to you, and said things you did not want to hear? Who do you think are prophets in our midst, speaking words which challenge your values and opinions? What might lead to your own repentance rather than resistance? What do you think are the consequences of your/our refusal to listen? How have you experienced restoration after repentance? Prayer for the Week O God, speak through your prophets, that I may repent and be restored. Amen.

<strong>SERMON</strong> <strong>NOTES</strong><br />

Jeremiah: The Persistent Prophet<br />

Ninth in the Series<br />

The Bible in 90 Days<br />

July 21, 2013<br />

Dr. Tom Pace preaching<br />

Jeremiah 32:36–44<br />

1. The story of Jeremiah<br />

2. God always finds prophets<br />

a. You have worshipped other gods<br />

• personal betrayal<br />

• gods “of your own hands”<br />

b. You have claimed religion instead of<br />

righteousness (7:4–11)<br />

• social<br />

• spiritual<br />

3. How do we hear the prophetic word?<br />

a. Resistance<br />

b. Repentance<br />

c. Restoration<br />

Mealtime Conversation<br />

Who has been a personal prophet to you,<br />

and said things you did not want to hear?<br />

Who do you think are prophets in our<br />

midst, speaking words which challenge<br />

your values and opinions? What might<br />

lead to your own repentance rather than<br />

resistance? What do you think are the<br />

consequences of your/our refusal to listen?<br />

How have you experienced restoration<br />

after repentance?<br />

Prayer for the Week<br />

O God, speak through your prophets, that<br />

I may repent and be restored. Amen.

A Historical/Biblical Review<br />

Prehistory: Adam/Eve, Cain/Abel,<br />

Noah, Babel.<br />

1800? 1500? BC: The Patriarchs–<br />

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph; God<br />

forms a holy family.<br />

1300 BC: The Exodus and conquest of<br />

Canaan; Moses, Joshua, Judges; God<br />

forms a holy people.<br />

1020 BC: The Kings; Saul, David,<br />

Solomon; God forms a holy nation; The<br />

golden age of Israel. First temple built.<br />

927 BC: The divided kingdom; Israel<br />

struggles to be faithful; good and not so<br />

good kings.<br />

• 722 BC: Northern kingdom of Israel<br />

falls to Assyrians. Jerusalem is spared.<br />

• 587 BC: Exile–southern kingdom of<br />

Israel (Judah) falls to Nebuchadnezzar<br />

and the Babylonians; Jerusalem and<br />

temple are destroyed; Jews are taken<br />

to Babylon in exile.<br />

537 BC: Persian (second temple) period;<br />

Cyrus II of Persia defeats Babylon, allows<br />

Jews to return home, while still ruling<br />

Israel; Ezra, Nehemiah build the second<br />

temple.<br />

332 BC: Hellenistic (Greek) period;<br />

Alexander the Great conquers the<br />

Persians and Israel (332).<br />

167 BC: Hasmonean period; Jewish<br />

“Maccabean” Revolt after Antiochus<br />

Epiphanes (Greek) desecrates the temple,<br />

and Jewish Hasmonean Kings rule a<br />

semi-independent Israel.<br />

67 BC: Roman/Herodian period; Pompey<br />

of Rome annexes Israel. Herod the Great<br />

is made Jewish King by Rome; restores<br />

temple; sons succeed him.<br />

4 BC: Birth of Jesus.<br />

30 AD: Crucifixion.<br />

64 AD?: Execution of St. Paul.<br />

66–73 AD: Jewish Revolt, Jerusalem<br />

destroyed, Jews fall at Masada.

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