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<strong>Macromolecules</strong><br />

Carbohydrates,Proteins,<br />

Lipids, and Nucleic Acids<br />

Chapter 2

• Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen make up<br />

96% of living things. Sulfur and phosphorus are also<br />

important.<br />

• Organic compounds-compounds that contain carbon.<br />

-All organisms are organic.<br />

-Because Carbon has 4 valence electrons, it can<br />

form many types of molecules.

• <strong>Macromolecules</strong>-”giant” molecules<br />

• molecules with many carbon atoms joined<br />

together by polymerization-building a polymer.<br />

• monomer-single molecule that can combine<br />

with other monomers to form polymers<br />

-the order, number, and type of monomers<br />

combined, allows many types of polymers to be<br />

formed.<br />

• polymer-large molecule formed when many<br />

monomers bond together in various ways. Energy is<br />

stored in the bonds of polymers.<br />

Methane Acetylene Butadiene Benzene Isooctane

• condensation (dehydration synthesis)-when<br />

an –H and an –OH are removed from 2<br />

monomers to form a water (H 2<br />

O) molecule and<br />

build a polymer<br />

• hydrolysis-breaking apart a polymer by adding<br />

a water molecule. An -H and an -OH attach to<br />

the bonds between monomers in a polymer.<br />

-takes place in the digestion of<br />

food to break down polymers. The stored<br />

energy is released when these bonds are<br />

broken and is used to power daily functions.

1. Carbohydrates=Sugars<br />

•made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in<br />

the proportion of 1:2:1<br />

-general formula is (CH 2<br />

O) n<br />

where n is the<br />

number of carbon atoms.<br />

-product of photosynthesis<br />

-store and transport energy in the bodies of living<br />

things<br />

-monosaccharides (monomer)-one sugar molecule<br />

(ex-glucose, galactose, and fructose)-quick<br />

energy<br />

-disaccharide-made of two sugar molecules<br />

(ex-sucrose or table sugar)

-polysaccharides-made of many sugar molecules. Larger<br />

so provide us with more energy than do other types of<br />

carbs.<br />

-examples<br />

1. starch-food storage product in plants<br />

2. glycogen-supplies the energy for muscle<br />

contraction in animals<br />

3. cellulose-forms the cells walls of plants and makes<br />

them rigid. Animals can’t digest cellulose but it is<br />

necessary in our diets for digestion and the elimination of<br />

waste. Known as fiber.<br />

4. chitin-forms cell wall of fungal cells and exoskeleton<br />

of arthropods

Polymer<br />

Starch<br />

Glucose<br />


2. Lipids<br />

• made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen----have less<br />

oxygen than carbohydrates<br />

•Ex-fats, oils, waxes, cholesterol, and chlorophyll-molecule<br />

that collects sunlight for photosynthesis<br />

•Nonpolar so insoluble in water<br />

•used for long-term energy storage, metabolic reactions,<br />

insulation, and protective coatings (ex-plasma membrane)<br />

• triglyceride-most common type of lipid, consists of 3 fatty<br />

acids bonded to a molecule of glycerol<br />

-glycerol-a 3-carbon molecule that serves as a backbone<br />

for the lipid molecule

Glycerol<br />

3 Fatty acid chains

-saturated lipids vs. unsaturated lipids-<br />

-saturated lipids have carbon chains with single bonds of carbon<br />

and hydrogen atoms. They have the maximum number of these<br />

bonds and maximum amount of hydrogen (saturated with<br />

hydrogen). These are usually solid at room temperature (ex-butter<br />

and steak)<br />

-this is the “bad” fat. The more hydrogen a fat molecule<br />

has, the worse it is for your body<br />

-unsaturated lipids have carbon chains with double or triple bonds<br />

between carbon atoms. Fewer hydrogens can bond to carbon due to<br />

the double bonds.<br />

-since less hydrogen can bond here, these are better for you<br />

and are liquid at room temperature

3. Proteins<br />

•polymer of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen,<br />

and sometimes sulfur.<br />

-perform most functions in bodies of organisms and<br />

control the expression of traits<br />

-examples-enzymes, hair, muscles, spider's web,<br />

collagen fibers in skin, tendons, ligaments, and bones<br />

(support and structure…we don’t metabolize them for energy)<br />

-amino acids (monomer)-the basic building blocks<br />

of proteins. There are 20 amino acids.<br />

-more types of proteins than any other<br />

macromolecule because there are so many<br />

amino acids.

-peptide bond-bond formed between amino acids to<br />

make a protein<br />

-proteins are also called polypeptides because<br />

there are “many” of this type of bond in a protein<br />

-enzymes-proteins that act as a catalyst to speed up<br />

the rate of a chemical reaction. In some cases it<br />

allows some reactions to take place in a cell that<br />

normally would need very different conditions.<br />

Amino<br />


4. Nucleic Acids<br />

-composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, & phosphorus<br />

-macromolecule that stores hereditary information in a code that can be<br />

translated to form new proteins. Long chains of repeating monomers<br />

called nucleotides.<br />

-nucleotides-consist of a 5-carbon sugar with a phosphate group<br />

attached to one side of the sugar and a base attached to the other side.<br />

-DNA and RNA<br />

1. DNA is the genetic information---determines everything<br />

about an organism.<br />

2. DNA serves as the template for RNA. RNA is used to<br />

make proteins.

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