Is There a Disconnect between Torah Learning and ... - Hakirah.org

Is There a Disconnect between Torah Learning and ... - Hakirah.org

Is There a Disconnect between Torah Learning and ... - Hakirah.org


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<strong>Is</strong> there a <strong>Disconnect</strong> <strong>between</strong> <strong>Torah</strong> <strong>Learning</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Torah</strong> Living? : 19<br />

Rambam, <strong>and</strong> the Magid Mishna teach us that our priorities <strong>and</strong><br />

concerns need to be reversed.<br />

Rambam 12 states in גניבה ‏,הלכות <strong>and</strong> the בית יוסף codified it in<br />

Shulchan Aruch 13<br />

ראוי לבית דין להכות את הקטנים על הגנבה כפי כח הקטן כדי שלא יהיו רגילין<br />

בה וכן אם הזיקו שאר נזקין.‏<br />

It is fitting for Beis-Din to hit the young when they steal,<br />

accordingly with their strength, so that they do not become<br />

habituated to it. And so too when they cause other damages.<br />

On which the מגיד משנה comments:<br />

זה לא מצאתי מבואר אלא נראה פשוט,‏ ואפילו למאן דאמר קטן אוכל נבילות<br />

אין בי"ד מצווין להפרישו ה"מ בעבירות שבין אדם למקום אבל בעבירות שבין<br />

אדם לחבירו ודאי מפרישין אותו כדי שלא יארע תקלה על ידו.‏<br />

I have not found this halacha (of the Rambam) stated clearly (in the<br />

Talmud); however, it seems self-evident. And even according to the<br />

amora who says that “when a child is seen eating non-kosher meat,<br />

beis-din (i.e., the community aside from his parents who have the<br />

obligation of chinuch) has no obligation to separate him from the<br />

non-kosher meat,” that amora is referring only to mitzvot <strong>between</strong><br />

man <strong>and</strong> G-d, but when it comes to mitzvot <strong>between</strong> man <strong>and</strong><br />

his neighbor, beis-din is surely obligated to stop him so that<br />

no harm comes about through the child’s actions.<br />

Clearly, we should be actively engaged in changing our children’s<br />

behavior rather than accepting it with “helpless resignation.” In fact,<br />

research shows that despite the limited nature of self-control, it can<br />

be strengthened <strong>and</strong> built up. Not by letting it go, but by exercising it<br />

at appropriate levels, by granting appropriate rest periods for<br />

rejuvenation <strong>and</strong> then exercising it again. We would do well to learn<br />

how to do this with our students (<strong>and</strong> with ourselves).<br />

יד החזקה - הלכות גניבה פרק א הל'‏ 12<br />

. ‏"מ הלכות גניבה סי'‏ שמ"ט ס"‏ ק ה<br />

. י<br />

חו 13

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