Position Study - Matematica e Applicazioni

Position Study - Matematica e Applicazioni

Position Study - Matematica e Applicazioni


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Riccardo ADAMI<br />

“Ricercatore” in Mathematical<br />

Physics<br />

Department of Mathematics and<br />

Applications<br />

University of Milano Bicocca<br />

via Cozzi, 53<br />

20125 Milano<br />

ITALY<br />

e-mail : riccardo.adami@unimib.it<br />

<strong>Position</strong><br />

04/01/2006 Ricercatore (a permanent position involving both research and teaching,<br />

corresponding to Associate Professor) at the Department of Mathematics<br />

and Applications of the University of Milano Bicocca.<br />

09/01/05 - 31/03/06 Junior Visiting Fellow at the Centre of Mathematical Research “Ennio<br />

De Giorgi”, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa.<br />

10/01/03 - 09/30/05 Postdoc “Marie Curie Reintegration Grant” at the Department of<br />

Mathematics of the University of Rome “La Sapienza”.<br />

09/01/03 - 09/30/03 Temporary researcher at the Department of Mathematics of the University<br />

of Rome “La Sapienza”.<br />

06/20/01-06/19/03 “Marie Curie Fellow” at the Department of Mathematics and Applications<br />

of the École Normale Supérieure, Paris.<br />

01/20/01-06/19/01 Temporary researcher at the Department of Mathematics of the University<br />

of Rome “La Sapienza”.<br />

01/12/00-31/12/00 Visiting at the Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics of the University<br />

of L’Aquila.<br />

11/01/96-10/31/00 Ph. D. student at the Department of Mathematics of the University of<br />

Rome “La Sapienza”.<br />

<strong>Study</strong><br />

12/21/00 Defence of the Ph. D. thesis at the Department of Mathematics of the<br />

University of Rome “La Sapienza”.<br />

Title of the thesis: A Class of Schrödinger Equations with Concentrated<br />

Nonlinearities. Board: G. Velo (Univ. Bologna), V. Benci (Univ. Pisa), M.<br />

Grossi (Univ. Rome “La Sapienza”).<br />

Advisor: G. Dell’Antonio (Univ. Rome “La Sapienza” and SISSA-ISAS,<br />

Trieste).<br />


1997-1998 Master courses:<br />

“Statistical Mechanics”, E. Olivieri (Rome Tor Vergata)<br />

“Non linear Analysis I and II”, A. Tesei (Rome La Sapienza)<br />

“Hydrodinamic Limit”, R. Esposito (L’Aquila)<br />

“Geometry and Topology”, R. Salvati Manni (Rome La Sapienza).<br />

1996-1997 Ph. D. student at SISSA-ISAS (International School for Advanced Studies),<br />

Trieste.<br />

12/07/96 Degree en Physics at the University of Pisa.<br />

“Tesi di laurea”: “Estensioni autoaggiunte per la hamiltoniana di Aharonov-<br />

Bohm” (“Extensions auto-adjointes de l’Hamiltonien de Aharonov-Bohm”).<br />

Advisor: G. Dell’Antonio (Rome La Sapienza and SISSA-ISAS Trieste).<br />

Grade: 110 cum laude.<br />

Awards<br />

02/2010 Qualified by Conseil National des Universités to compete for positions of<br />

Professeur des Universités, in the sections<br />

• 25 - Mathématiques<br />

• 26 - Mathématiques appliquées et applications des Mathématiques<br />

06/2006 First ranked in the competition for a fellowship of the Istituto Nazionale<br />

di Alta <strong>Matematica</strong> (INdAM), to be used for a scientific stay abroad (Borsa<br />

per l’estero INdAM).<br />

08/2005 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship for the project MicrotoMESO:<br />

Bose-Einstein condensation and Linear Boltzmann equation, in collaboration<br />

with Prof. László Erdős (Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, München).<br />

Withdrawn, having obtained in the meanwhile a permanent position.<br />

09/2003 Marie Curie Reintegration Grant for the project BECandDECfrom-<br />

SEQ: Bose-Einsein Condensation and Decoherence from Schrödinger Equation,<br />

in collaboration with Prof. Gianfausto Dell’Antonio (Rome La<br />

Sapienza and SISSA-ISAS Trieste).<br />

07/2003 First ranked in the competition for a position of Postdoc on “Mathématics<br />

and applications”, University of Rome “La Sapienza”.<br />

01/2003 Qualified by Conseil National des Universités to compete for positions of<br />

Maître de Conférences, in the sections<br />

• 25 - Mathématiques<br />

• 26 - Mathématiques appliquées et applications des Mathématiques<br />

01/2000 Marie Curie Fellowship for the project Semiclassical Limit for Quantum<br />

Systems with Point Interactions, in collaboration with Dr. Thierry Paul<br />

(École Normale Supérieure, Paris).<br />


Teaching<br />

2009/10 University of Milan Bicocca, Department of Science of materials. Courses:<br />

• <strong>Matematica</strong> III (Advanced Calculus);<br />

• Complementi di <strong>Matematica</strong> (Introduction to the infinite dimensional<br />

analysis ).<br />

2008/09-09/10 University of Milan Bicocca, Department of Mathematics and Applications<br />

- Mathematical Physics (Relativity).<br />

2007/08-08/09 University of Milan Bicocca, Department of Mathematics and Applications<br />

- Courses:<br />

• Mathematical Models and differential equations.<br />

• Exercices on Advanced Calculus (for the degree in Science of Materials).<br />

2006/07 University of Milan Bicocca, Department of Mathematics and Applications<br />

Courses:<br />

• Mathematical Models and differential equations.<br />

• Exercices on Analytical Mechanics.<br />

2004/05 Department of Mathematics - University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Course:<br />

Exercices on Analytical Mechanics.<br />

1999/2000 Department of Physics - University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Course: Exercices<br />

on Analytical Mechanics.<br />

Publications<br />

(1) Riccardo Adami, Alessandro Teta, On the Aharonov-Bohm Hamiltonian, Letters in<br />

Mathematical Physics, n.1, pgg. 43–53, 1998.<br />

(2) Riccardo Adami, Anisotropic Aharonov-Bohm Effect, Physics of Atomic Nuclei, Moscow,<br />

vol. 61, n. 11, pgg. 1954–1959, 1998.<br />

(3) Riccardo Adami, Alessandro Teta, A Simple Model of Concentrated Nonlinearity, Operator<br />

Theory: Advances and Applications, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland, vol.<br />

108, pgg. 183–189, 1999.<br />

(4) Riccardo Adami, Alessandro Teta, A Class of Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with<br />

Concentrated Nonlinearity, Journal of Functional Analysis, vol. 180, pgg. 148–175,<br />

2001.<br />

(5) Riccardo Adami, Blow-Up for Schrödinger Equation with Pointwise Nonlinearity, Contemporary<br />

Math.,AMS, vol. 307, pgg. 1–7, 2002.<br />

(6) Riccardo Adami, Gianfausto Dell’Antonio, Rodolfo Figari, Alessandro Teta, The Cauchy<br />

Problem for the Schrödinger Equation in Dimension Three with Concentrated Nonlinearity,<br />

Ann. I. H. Poincaré - AN 20, 3, 477–500, 2003.<br />

(7) Riccardo Adami, Some simple quantum mechanical models with point interactions,<br />

“Proceedings of the First Junior European Meeting on Control Theory and Stabilization”,<br />

Université de Bourgogne, ed. U.Boscain e L.Faubourg, pgg.19–28, 2003.<br />

(8) Riccardo Adami, Gianfausto Dell’Antonio, Rodolfo Figari, Alessandro Teta, Blow Up<br />

Solutions for the Schrödinger Equation in Dimension Three with a Concentrated Nonlinearity,<br />

Ann. I. H. Poincaré - AN 21, 121–137, 2004.<br />


(9) Riccardo Adami, Claude Bardos, François Golse, Alessandro Teta, Towards a rigorous<br />

derivation of the cubic NLSE in dimension one , Asymptotic Analysis, 40, 2, 93–108,<br />

2004.<br />

(10) Riccardo Adami, Rodolfo Figari, Domenico Finco, Alessandro Teta, On the asymptotic<br />

behaviour of a quantum two-body system in the small mass ratio limit, J. Phys. A:<br />

Math. Gen. 37, 7567–7580, 2004.<br />

(11) Riccardo Adami, On the derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskiĭ equation, Bollettino UMI<br />

(8), 8-B, 359–368, 2005.<br />

(12) Riccardo Adami, Ugo Boscain, Controllability of the Schrödinger Equation via Intersection<br />

of the Eigenvalues, Proc. of Science, CSTNA2005, 007, 2005.<br />

(13) Riccardo Adami, Andrea Sacchetti, Transition from diffusion to blowup for one-dimensional<br />

NLS with a pointwise interaction, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 38, n.39, 8379–8392, 2005.<br />

(14) Riccardo Adami, Rodolfo Figari, Domenico Finco, Alessandro Teta, Asymptotics for a<br />

system of two species of particles in the small mass ratio limit, Comm. Math. Phys.,<br />

268, 819–852, 2006. 2006.<br />

(15) Riccardo Adami, François Golse, Alessandro Teta, Rigorous derivation of the cubic<br />

NLSE in dimension one, J. Stat. Phys. 127 , no. 6, 1193–1220, 2007.<br />

(16) Riccardo Adami, László Erdős, Rate of decoherence for an electron weakly coupled to<br />

a phonon gas, J. Stat. Phys. 132, 2008, 301-328, 2008.<br />

(17) Riccardo Adami, Diego Noja, Existence of dynamics for a 1d NLS with a generalized<br />

point defect, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 42, 495302, 2009.<br />

(18) Riccardo Adami, Diego Noja, Andrea Sacchetti, One dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii<br />

equation with point defects: models and rigorous results, accepted for publication as<br />

a chapter in the book Bose-Einstein Condensates: Theory, Characteristics, and Current<br />

Research, Nova Publisher.<br />

Forthcoming<br />

1. Riccardo Adami, Claudio Cacciapuoti, Domenico Finco, Diego Noja, Fast solitons on starlike<br />

graphs.<br />

Talks in seminars<br />

11/10/2009 Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées, École Polytechnique, Paris. Title:<br />

Décohérence à la limite cinétique<br />

04/01/2009 Departement of Mathematics, University of California at Davis (USA),<br />

Mathematical Physics Seminar. Title: Dechoerence and kinetic regime<br />

03/16/2009 Départment of Mathematics, University of California at Berkeley (USA),<br />

Analysis and PDE Seminar. Title: Dechoerence and kinetic regime<br />

06/03/2008 Department of Mathematics and Applications, University of Milano Bicocca.<br />

Title: Rate of decoherence for an electron weakly coupled to a phonon<br />

gas.<br />

07/11/2007 Institut für Analysis, Dynamik und Modellierung, Universität Stuttgart.<br />

Title: A many-body model for the study of quantum decoherence.<br />

10/30/2006 Dipartimento di <strong>Matematica</strong> e <strong>Applicazioni</strong>, Università Milano Bicocca,<br />

<strong>Matematica</strong> Insieme. Title: Quantum Mechanics, Teleportation and the<br />

Search for a Needle in a Haystack.<br />

07/05/2006 Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Technische Universität München,<br />

Oberseminar Mathematische Physik (Prof. Dürr, Prof. Spohn).<br />

Title: On the asymptotic behaviour of a quantum system composed of heavy<br />

and light particles.<br />


06/20/2006 Mathematisches Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München,<br />

Oberseminar Mathematische Physik.<br />

Title: A Many-Particle Model for the <strong>Study</strong> of Quantum Decoherence.<br />

05/25/2006 Dipartimento di <strong>Matematica</strong> e <strong>Applicazioni</strong>, Università Milano Bicocca,<br />

Seminario di Fisica <strong>Matematica</strong>.<br />

Title: Un modello a molti corpi per lo studio della decoerenza quantistica.<br />

02/16/2006 Dipartimento di <strong>Matematica</strong> e <strong>Applicazioni</strong>, Università Milano Bicocca,<br />

Seminario di Fisica <strong>Matematica</strong>.<br />

Title: The rigorous derivation of the cubic NLS as a scaling limit of a<br />

quantum many-body dynamics<br />

01/20/2006 Dipartimento di <strong>Matematica</strong>, Università di Pisa, Seminario di EDP<br />

Title: The rigorous derivation of the non linear Schrödinger equation<br />

from the dynamics of a many-body quantum system<br />

06/10/2005 Mathematik Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München,<br />

Oberseminar Analysis und Numerik.<br />

Title: A rigorous derivation of the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation<br />

in dimension one.<br />

05/13/2005 Dipartimento di <strong>Matematica</strong>, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Seminario<br />

di Fisica <strong>Matematica</strong>.<br />

Title: Derivazione rigorosa per l’equazione di Schrödinger cubica in dimensione<br />

uno.<br />

03/01/2005 Dipartimento di <strong>Matematica</strong>, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Incontro<br />

Equazioni dispersive della fisica matematica, aspetti teorici e numerici.<br />

Title: A continuous model for quantum control via adiabatic theorem.<br />

01/11/2005 Dipartimento di <strong>Matematica</strong>, Università di Firenze, Seminario di Fisica<br />

<strong>Matematica</strong>.<br />

Title: A model for the study of quantum decoherence.<br />

11/11/2004 Istituto per le <strong>Applicazioni</strong> del Calcolo, Roma, PizzatIAC.<br />

Title: Controllo Quantistico via Teorema Adiabatico.<br />

04/06/2004 Dipartimento di <strong>Matematica</strong>, Università di Modena, Seminario di fisica<br />

matematica.<br />

Title: Sulla derivazione rigorosa dell’equazione di Gross-Pitaevskiĭ.<br />

03/03/2004 SISSA-ISAS, Trieste, Seminario di fisica matematica.<br />

Title: On the rigorous derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskiĭ equation.<br />

11/19/2003 Dipartimento di <strong>Matematica</strong>, Università di Pisa, Incontro Dispersive<br />

Equations in Mathematical Physics, theoretical and numerical aspects.<br />

Title: Some Recent Applications of Point Interactions to the <strong>Study</strong> of<br />

Non Linear Dynamics.<br />

10/17/2003 Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, Università Federico II, Napoli, Seminario<br />

di Fisica Teorica.<br />

Title: Some new applications of singular interactions in Quantum Mechanics:<br />

approximation of non linear dynamics.<br />

12/12/2002 École Normale Supérieure, DMA, Groupe de travail Calcul quantique<br />

organisé par P. Biane and T. Paul.<br />

Title: Chercher une aiguille dans une botte de foin: l’ algorithme de Lov<br />

Grover.<br />

05/28/2001 Département de Mathématiques et Applications, Ecole Normale<br />

Supérieure, Paris.<br />

Title: Blow-up for Schrödinger Equation with Concentrated Nonlinearity.<br />


12/12/2000 Dipartimento di <strong>Matematica</strong> Pura e Applicata, Università di L’Aquila.<br />

Title: Equazione di Schrödinger con Nonlinearità Concentrate.<br />

02/16/2000 Laboratoire d’Analyse Numérique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie,<br />

Paris.<br />

Title: Point Interactions in Quantum Mechanics.<br />

06/20/1997 Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Bologna.<br />

Title: Effetto Aharonov-Bohm con Interazioni Puntuali.<br />

Exposés à l’occasion de conférences<br />

11/12/2009 Three Dsipersive Days - Workshop on dispersive aspects related to linear<br />

and nonlinear Schrödinger equation, Milano.<br />

Title: Stability of ground states for the NLS with a point interaction.<br />

Sur invitation.<br />

09/08/2009 First meeting of the GDR on Quantum Dynamics, Institute de Physique<br />

Nucléaire, Lyon.<br />

Title: Models for the study of the quantum decoherence. Sur invitation.<br />

02/05/2009 Colloque Équations Cinétiques et Applications, Luminy (France).<br />

Title: Decoherence and kinetic regime. Sur invitation.<br />

10/30/2008 Recent advances in Mathematical Quantum Mechanics, Department of<br />

Mathematics, University of Roma “La Sapienza”.<br />

Title: Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with localized defect. Sur invitation.<br />

05/12/2008 Oberwolfach Seminar Feynman Diagrams in Quantum Dynamics, Oberwolfach,<br />

Germany.<br />

Title: Decoherence and Feynman Diagrams.<br />

03/03/2008 Workshop on the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, Department of<br />

Mathematics, University of Milano.<br />

Title: Rigorous derivation of Quantum Decoherence. Sur invitation.<br />

10/26/2007 Multiscale Analysis for Quantum Systems and Applications, Istituto<br />

Nazionale di Alta <strong>Matematica</strong>, Roma.<br />

Title: On computation of quantum decoherence.<br />

09/01/2007 Mathematical Lectures at Lizzanello, Centro Polifunzionale Ennio De<br />

Giorgi, Lizzanello (Italy).<br />

Title: On the rigorous derivation and computation of quantum decoherence.<br />

Sur invitation.<br />

06/04/2006 Workshop on Quantum Mechanics of Complex Systems, Erwin<br />

Schrödinger Institute, Vienna.<br />

Title: A simple many-body system for the study of the quantum decoherence.<br />

Sur invitation.<br />

12/12/05 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control<br />

Conference ECC, Sevilla, Spain.<br />

Title: Adiabatic Quantum Control via Singular Potentials. Sur invitation.<br />


01/27/2005 Oberwolfach Seminar “Entanglement and Decoherence: Mathematics<br />

and Physics of Quantum Information and Computation”, Oberwolfach,<br />

Germania.<br />

Title: Adiabatic Quantum Control via Singular Potentials. Sur invitation.<br />

10/29/2004 Assemblea GNFM, Montecatini Terme.<br />

Title: L’equazione di Gross-Pitaevskiĭ come limite di scala.<br />

09/18/2004 Dynamical Systems: Classical, Quantum, Stochastic, Acireale.<br />

Title: The NLS in dimension one as the limit of a quantum many-body<br />

problem.<br />

09/12/2004 QMATH-9. Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics, Giens<br />

(France).<br />

Title: The NLS in dimension one as the limit of a many-body problem.<br />

12/18/2003 Convegno Nazionale: Problemi Matematici in Meccanica Quantistica,<br />

Modena.<br />

Title: Sulla derivazione di equazioni efficaci nonlineari.<br />

11/14/2003 Workshop on Spectral Problems for Schrödinger Operators II, Berlin.<br />

Title: Asymptotic behaviour of a quantum two-body system in the small<br />

mass ratio limit.<br />

09/10/2003 XVII Congresso UMI, Milano.<br />

Title: Una derivazione rigorosa dell’equazione di Schrödinger non lineare<br />

da una dinamica quantistica a molti corpi. Sur invitation.<br />

03/12/2003 Workshop on Spectral Problems for Schrödinger Operators, SISSA-ISAS,<br />

Trieste.<br />

Title: Towards a rigorous derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskiĭ equation?<br />

Sur invitation.<br />

02/27/2003 Incontro informale per i settant’anni di Gianfausto, Roma.<br />

Title: Verso una deduzione rigorosa dell’equazione di Gross-Pitaevskiĭ.<br />

Sur invitation.<br />

10/2-4/2002 First Junior European Meeting on Control Theory and Stabilization, Dijon.<br />

Title: Quantum Models with Point Interactions. Sur invitation.<br />

06/05-08/2002 Conference on Advances on Nonlinear PDEs, L’Aquila.<br />

Title: The Standard Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation and the Models<br />

with Concentrated Nonlinearities. Sur invitation.<br />

05/16/2002 Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris.<br />

Title: Le Problème de l’Explosion pour l’Équation de Schrödinger avec des<br />

Non-Linéarités Concentrées. Sur invitation.<br />

12/10-14/2001 QMATH-8. Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics, Taxco, México.<br />

Title: Blow-Up Solutions for Three Dimensional Schrödinger Equation with<br />

Concentrated Nonlinearity.<br />

06/19-26/1999 Euroconference “Dynamics of Patterns” , Anogia, Creta.<br />

Title: Schrödinger Equation with δ-like nonlinearities.<br />

22-26/06/1998 QMATH-7. Mathematical Results in Quantum Mechanics, Praga.<br />

Title: The Anisotropic Aharonov-Bohm Effect.<br />

07/29-08/03/1997 VIII International Conference on Symmetry Methods in Physics, Dubna,<br />

Russia.<br />

Title: The Anisotropic Aharonov-Bohm Effect.<br />


Organization of scientific events<br />

February 2011 4th School-Workshop Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics,<br />

Bressanone (Italy).<br />

8-9/12/2010 Workshop on Quantum Control, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris.<br />

16-21/02/09 3rd School-Workshop Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics,<br />

Bressanone (Italy).<br />

2-6/02/09 Colloque Équations Cinétiques et Applications, Luminy, France.<br />

22-23/10/07 Workshop Interacting Particle Systems, Department of Mathematics<br />

and Applications, University of Milano Bicocca.<br />

26/2-3/3/07 2nd School and Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Quantum<br />

Mechanics, Bressanone (Italy).<br />

Participation in other conferences<br />

27-31/07/2008 Summer school in Current Topics in Mathematical Physics, Erwin<br />

Schrödinger Institut, Vienna.<br />

28/03/2008 Workshop Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Istituto<br />

di Studi Filosofici, Naples.<br />

09-11/03/2006 Semiclassical Analysis and Mathematical Quantum Mechanics,<br />

Bologna.<br />

25-27/04/2005 Mathematical Models of Nanostructures: Spectral Problems of Scattering<br />

Properties, Von Humboldt Universität, Berlin.<br />

04-08/04/2005 Problèmes spectraux non-linéaires et modèles de champs moyens,<br />

Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris.<br />

28-29/06/2004 Colloque sur des problèmes en contrôle quantique, Université Paris-<br />

Sud, Orsay.<br />

16-20/12/2002 Multiscale methods in quantum mechanics: theory and experiment,<br />

Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Centro Linceo Interdisciplinare<br />

“Beniamino Segre”, Rome.<br />

22-25/11/2001 International Workshop on Semiclassical Limits: WKB Methods vs<br />

Wigner Transform Methods, Erwin Schrödinger Institut, Vienna.<br />

17-21/09/2001 Euroconference on Asymptotic Methods and Applications in Kinetic<br />

and Quantum Theory, Granada, Spain.<br />

17-19/05/1999 NPDE99, Stochastic Evolution Equations, Lisbon.<br />

13-16/05/1999 NPDE99, Nonlinear Parabolic Problems, Lisbon.<br />

18-22/01/1999 International Conference on Infinite Dimensional (Stochastic)<br />

Analysis and Quantum Physics, Leipzig.<br />


Schools<br />

16/2-21/2/2009 School and Workshop Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics<br />

- III, Bressanone (Italy).<br />

26/2-3/3/2007 School and Workshop Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics<br />

- II, Bressanone (Italy).<br />

10-17/09/2006 Summer school on Quantum transport: modelling, analysis and<br />

asymptotics, Cetraro (Italy).<br />

19-24/09/2005 XXX Scuola Nazionale di Fisica <strong>Matematica</strong>, Ravello (Italy).<br />

21-26/02/2005 School and Workshop Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics,<br />

Bressanone (Italy).<br />

06-12/06/2004 Summer school on Methods and Models of Kinetic Theory, Porto<br />

Ercole (Italy).<br />

30/5-5/6/2004 Oberwolfach Seminar The Mathematics of the Bose Gas and its<br />

Condensation, Oberwolfach (Germany).<br />

09-21/09/2002 XXVII Scuola Nazionale di Fisica <strong>Matematica</strong>, Ravello (Italy).<br />

Title: The Kirkwood-Salzburg Equations.<br />

11-23/09/2000 XXV Scuola Nazionale di Fisica <strong>Matematica</strong>, Ravello (Italy).<br />

Title: The one-dimensional Schrödinger Equation with a Concentrated<br />

Nonlinearity.<br />

26-31/03/2000 Instructional Course in Quantum Computing, ICMS Edinburgh.<br />

20/9-2/10/1999 XXIV Scuola Nazionale di Fisica <strong>Matematica</strong>, Ravello (Italy).<br />

Title:The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process.<br />

05-10/09/1999 Direct and inverse methods in solving partial differential Equation,<br />

CIME School, Cetraro (Italy).<br />

Title: The one-dimensional Schrödinger Equation with a Concentrated<br />

Nonlinearity.<br />

8-20/09/1997 XXII Scuola Nazionale di Fisica <strong>Matematica</strong>, Ravello (Italy).<br />

Title: The Anisotropic Aharonov-Bohm Effect.<br />

Visites<br />

9/09/09-12/09/09 Université de Provence, LATPCMI.<br />

22/02/09-29/04/09 Deparment of Mathematics, University of California at Berkeley.<br />

29/10/07-2/12/07 Université de Provence, LATPCMI.<br />

15/4/07-15/7/07 Mathematisches Institut, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München.<br />

11/3/07-18/3/07 Université de Provence, LATPCMI.<br />

19/6/06-10/7/06 Mathematisches Institut, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München.<br />

1-17/06/2006 Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Vienna.<br />

06/2005 Mathematisches Institut, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München.<br />

10-15/10/2004 SISSA-ISAS, Trieste.<br />

31/08/2004 SISSA-ISAS, Trieste.<br />

05-07/04/2004 Dipartimento di <strong>Matematica</strong> Pura ed Applicata, Università di Modena.<br />

01-07/03/2004 SISSA-ISAS, Trieste.<br />

02/2004 Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Paris.<br />


05/2001 Département de Mathématiques et Applications, École Normale<br />

Supérieure, Paris.<br />

12/2000 Dipartimento di <strong>Matematica</strong> Pura ed Applicata, Università di<br />

L’Aquila.<br />

02-03/2000 Laboratoire d’Analyse Numérique, Université Paris VI.<br />

Students<br />

– Co-advisor (with Diego Noja) of the Ph. D. thesis of Cecilia Ortoleva, University of<br />

Milan Bicocca. The subject of the thesis lies in the properties of (asymptotic) stability<br />

of the stationary states of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation in the presence of point<br />

intercations. The defence is expected in 2012.<br />

– Advisor of 4 “Tesi di Laurea” (Degree thesis) in Mathematics.<br />

(1) Alice Boniolo, Sharkovskii’s theorem for the one-dimensional iterated maps, July<br />

2008.<br />

(2) vs Barbara Galbardi, Mathematical models for the biological evolution, march<br />

2009.<br />

(3) Elisa Nava, Derivation of the Boltzmann equation from microscopic models, march<br />

2009.<br />

(4) Stefano Perna, Shor’s algorithms for quantum computers, expected to be defended<br />

in Fall 2010.<br />

Adminsitration<br />

- Member of the research project “Progetto di Ricerca di Importanza Nazionale 2007”<br />

on “ Complex systems and kinetic theories” led by Prof. Carlo Cercignani and funded<br />

by the italian Ministry of the Education.<br />

- Member of the research project “Progetto Giovani 2009: Nonlinear Schrödinger equation<br />

on graphs”, funded by the “Gruppo Nazionale di Fisica <strong>Matematica</strong>”, 2009.<br />

- Member of the research project “Progetto Giovani 2008: Nonlinear Schrödinger equation<br />

with defects”, funded by the “Gruppo Nazionale di Fisica <strong>Matematica</strong>”, 2008.<br />

- Leader of the research project “Progetto Giovani 2007: Decoherence and Bose-Einstein<br />

condensation”, funded by the “Gruppo Nazionale di Fisica <strong>Matematica</strong>”, 2007.<br />

- Member of the board for the admission exam of the PH. D. in mathematics and<br />

applications, University of Milan Bicocca, 2009/10.<br />

Referee for the following journals:<br />

• Journal of Statistical Physics.<br />

• Journal of Geometry and Physics.<br />

• Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical.<br />

• Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry.<br />

• 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Shanghai, 2009.<br />

• 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, 2007.<br />

Interests<br />


• Point interactions in quantum mechanics.<br />

• Nonlinear Schrödinger equation.<br />

• Semiclassical limit.<br />

• Scaling limits for quantum systems.<br />

• Decoherence and the transition from quantum to classical.<br />

• Bose-Einstein condensation.<br />

• Quantum computing.<br />

• Quantum control.<br />

Languagess<br />

Italian mothertongue<br />

French very good knowledge, oral and written.<br />

English very good knowledge, oral and written.<br />

Spanish good knowledge, oral<br />

German notions<br />

Milan, march 14, 2010.<br />

Riccardo Adami<br />


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