FIVB Official Volleyball Rules

FIVB Official Volleyball Rules FIVB Official Volleyball Rules


15.10.4 If a team intends to make simultaneously more than one substitution, all substitute players must enter the substitution zone at the same time to be considered in the same request. In this case, substitutions must be made in succession, one pair of players after another. If one is illegal, the legal one(s) is/are granted and the illegal is rejected and subject to a delay sanction. 15.11 IMPROPER REQUESTS 15.11.1 It is improper to request any regular game interruption: 15 during a rally or at the moment of or after the whistle to serve, 12.3 1.4.3, 15.2.2 by a non-authorized team member,, for a second substitution by the same team during the same interruption, except in the case of injury/illness of a player in play. after having exhausted the authorized number of time-outs and substitutions. 15.11.2 The first improper request by a team in the match that does not affect or delay the game shall be rejected, but it must be recorded on the score sheet without any other consequences. 15.11.3 Any further improper request in the match by the same team constitutes a delay. 16 GAME DELAYS 16.1 TYPES OF DELAYS An improper action of a team that defers resumption of the game is a delay and includes, among others: 15.2.2, 15.2.3, 16.1, 15.1 16.1, 16.1.4 16.1.1 delaying regular game interruptions; 15.10.2 16.1.2 prolonging interruptions, after having been instructed to resume the game; 16.1.3 requesting an illegal substitution; 15.9 16.1.4 repeating an improper request; 15.11.3 16.1.5 delaying the game by a team member. 15 1.4.3 15.2.2 15 12. 3, 15.2.2,15.2.3 16.1, 15 . 1 16 . 1, 16.1.4 15 . 10 . 2 15 15 . 9 15 . 11 . 3 c a c ,GaG Ga H cG cG GC GE F G c aG F cG F AG G G H La ,GaG cG AGE c G gJ a ,G )cG( cG Fc ,dFaF KF C H GEa ,G .G AG k Haca dFaFG ca dFaFG v v v G v v v : a jC G H Hac v G 15 . 10 . 4 15 . 11 15 . 11 . 1 . IG F aC aGG AFC 15 . 11 . 1 . 1 .MG cG a Ga 15 . 11 . 1 . 2 G ,aG F cG F Ga H c 15 . 11 . 1 . 3 .G G /DG .cGa G a \ MaG G FE 15 . 11 . 1 . 4 aG c jGa cG Ga IGG aG @G G c 15 . 11 . 2 .iC F Ha cG IE \c c Ha ,G c .G k c cG F Ga IGG B @ jC 15 . 11 . 3 Hca G k v v vG Gvc v v Gcv v v vG YGa Fv C G FE c jG c @G AGG Hac : c .cG G a .G FD E HC aG E .dFaF c .@G G G .cG a Ga G 16 . 16 . 1 16 . 1 . 1 16 . 1 . 2 16 . 1 . 3 16 . 1 . 4 16 . 1 . 5 38 38

PART 2 - SECTION 1: GAME G :aG AG - dFG G 16.2 DELAY SANCTIONS D9 16.2.1 “Delay warning” and “delay penalty” are team sanctions. Delay sanctions remain in force for the entire match. 6.3 All delay sanctions are recorded on the score sheet. 16.2.2 The first delay in the match by a team member is sanctioned with a “DELAY WARNING”. 16.2.3 The second and subsequent delays of any type by any member of the same team in the same match constitute a fault and are sanctioned with a “DELAY PENALTY”: a point and service to the opponent. 16.2.4 Delay sanctions imposed before or between sets are applied in the following set. 17 EXCEPTIONAL GAME INTERRUPTIONS 17.1 INJURY/ILLNESS 8.1 17.1.1 Should a serious accident occur while the ball is in play, the referee must stop the game immediately and permit medical assistance to enter the court. The rally is then replayed. 17.1.2 If an injured/ill player cannot be substituted legally or exceptionally, the player is given a 3-minute recovery time, but not more than once for the same player in the match. 4.1.1, D11 (25) 6.1.3, D11 (25) 18.1 15.6, 15.7, 24.2.8 If the player does not recover, his/her team is declared incomplete. 6.4.3, 7.3.1 17.2 EXTERNAL INTERFERENCE If there is any external interference during the game, the play has to be stopped and the rally is replayed. 17.3 PROLONGED INTERRUPTIONS 17.3.1 If unforeseen circumstances interrupt the match, the 1 st referee, the organizer and the Control Committee, if there is one, shall decide the measures to be taken to re-establish normal conditions. 17.3.2 Should one or several interruptions occur, not exceeding 4 hours in total: if the match is resumed on the same playing court, the interrupted set shall continue normally with the same score, players (except expelled or disqualified ones) and positions. The sets already played will keep their scores; 6.1.3, D11 (23) 6.1.3, D11 (23) 23.2.3 17.3.1 1, 7.3 D.9 6.3 4.1.1, D . 11 (25) 6.1.3 D . 11 (25) 18 . 1 8.1 6.1.3, D.11(23) 15 . 6, 15 . 7, 24.2.8 6.4.3 7.3.1 6.1.3, D11 (23) 23.2.3 17.3.1 1. 7.3 cv v v v G GAG v 16 . 2 .c GAG " GFE " a F Hac 16 . 2 . 1 .IGG Ga aG c G GAG 16 . 2 . 1 . 1 .cG IG G GAG c c 16 . 2 . 1 . 2 ." F " cG a Ga IGG aG G ic 16 . 2 . 2 a jC Ga YaF jC H cG GGa dFG G c 16 . 2 . 3 F :" GFE" ica IGG F a cG F .F DGa .G aG GaG aC aG G GAG 16 . 2 . 4 cv vFv vvvDG v vvG v v a v G/v v DG 17 . 17 . 1 G cE G c ,G IG Fc a GE 17 . 1 . 1 .G a cG I ca G k a .aGG c G bc , k cFE aC k cFaF cG/G G c GE 17 . 1 . 2 G F IGa I H c Ha L a 3 .IGG .aGvG vca G avc ,G AvFC .\c E Hc ,G c GE d v v vG v v v G dv v jC v GE v vcavvG v va v v G F ,FG ,aG G c a ,IGG cE E a C GE .ccG aG ID dG GAGDG ,JC Ga GE ,GG 4 H Kva c I a I aC Ga a a : F k cc aG aG c ,G F IGG FE GE a ,GGa )Ga aG AF( Ga cFG .KF aG GaG 17 . 2 17 . 3 17 . 3 . 1 17 . 3 . 2 17 . 3 . 2 . 1 OFFICIAL VOLLEYBALL RULES 2013-2016 39 39 2016 - 2013 IG I cG GaG

15.10.4 If a team intends to make simultaneously more than one substitution,<br />

all substitute players must enter the substitution zone at the same time<br />

to be considered in the same request. In this case, substitutions must<br />

be made in succession, one pair of players after another. If one is illegal,<br />

the legal one(s) is/are granted and the illegal is rejected and subject to<br />

a delay sanction.<br />


15.11.1 It is improper to request any regular game interruption: 15<br /> during a rally or at the moment of or after the whistle to serve, 12.3<br />

1.4.3, 15.2.2<br /> by a non-authorized team member,,<br /> for a second substitution by the same team during the same<br />

interruption, except in the case of injury/illness of a player in play.<br /> after having exhausted the authorized number of time-outs and<br />

substitutions.<br />

15.11.2 The first improper request by a team in the match that does not affect<br />

or delay the game shall be rejected, but it must be recorded on the<br />

score sheet without any other consequences.<br />

15.11.3 Any further improper request in the match by the same team constitutes<br />

a delay.<br />

16 GAME DELAYS<br />

16.1 TYPES OF DELAYS<br />

An improper action of a team that defers resumption of the game is a<br />

delay and includes, among others:<br />

15.2.2, 15.2.3,<br />

16.1,<br />

15.1<br />

16.1,<br />

16.1.4<br />

16.1.1 delaying regular game interruptions; 15.10.2<br />

16.1.2 prolonging interruptions, after having been instructed to resume the<br />

game;<br />

16.1.3 requesting an illegal substitution; 15.9<br />

16.1.4 repeating an improper request; 15.11.3<br />

16.1.5 delaying the game by a team member.<br />

15<br />

1.4.3<br />

15.2.2<br />

15<br />

12. 3<br />,<br />

15.2.2,15.2.3<br />

16.1,<br />

15 . 1<br />

16 . 1,<br /><br />

16.1.4<br />

15 . 10 . 2<br />

15<br />

15 . 9<br />

15 . 11 . 3<br />

c a c ,GaG Ga H cG cG GC GE<br />

F G c aG F cG F AG G<br />

G H La ,GaG cG AGE c G gJ a ,G<br />

)cG( cG Fc ,dFaF KF C H GEa ,G <br />

.G AG k Haca dFaFG ca dFaFG<br />

v v v G v<br />

v v<br />

: a jC G H Hac<br />

v G<br />

15 . 10 . 4<br />

15 . 11<br />

15 . 11 . 1<br />

. IG F aC aGG AFC 15 . 11 . 1 . 1<br />

.MG cG a Ga 15 . 11 . 1 . 2<br />

G ,aG F cG F Ga H c 15 . 11 . 1 . 3<br />

.G G /DG<br />

.cGa G a \ MaG G FE 15 . 11 . 1 . 4<br />

aG c jGa cG Ga IGG aG @G G c 15 . 11 . 2<br />

.iC F Ha cG IE \c c Ha ,G c<br />

.G k c cG F Ga IGG B @ jC 15 . 11 . 3<br />

Hca G k <br />

v<br />

v vG Gvc v v<br />

Gcv v v vG<br />

YGa Fv C<br />

G FE c jG c @G AGG Hac<br />

: c<br />

.cG G a <br />

.G FD E HC aG E<br />

.dFaF c <br />

.@G G G<br />

.cG a Ga G <br />

16 .<br />

16 . 1<br />

16 . 1 . 1<br />

16 . 1 . 2<br />

16 . 1 . 3<br />

16 . 1 . 4<br />

16 . 1 . 5<br />

38<br />


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