11.10.07 bulletin latest Oct.07.p65 - City Montessori School

11.10.07 bulletin latest Oct.07.p65 - City Montessori School

11.10.07 bulletin latest Oct.07.p65 - City Montessori School


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(Continued from page 3)<br />

66. Unique features of CMS introduced by<br />

Jagdish Gandhi<br />

(1) Student Quality Control Circle concept<br />

in education (2) All Religions Prayer (3)<br />

World Peace Prayer Ceremony (4) Children’s<br />

World Parliament (5) Teachers' Home Visit<br />

Scheme (6) Model Class Presentation (6) FM<br />

Radio Stations and Film Division for<br />

promotion of meaningful education (8)<br />

World Citizen’s dress, an exquisitely<br />

designed dress containing national flags of<br />

all UN member nations (9) Children’s<br />

International Summer Village (CISV) Camps<br />

(10) International <strong>School</strong> to <strong>School</strong><br />

Experience Exchange (ISSE) programme (11)<br />

CISV mini camps are some of the regular<br />

features of CMS education introduced by<br />

Jagdish Gandhi.<br />

67. A new dimension in education<br />

Thus the second daughter of Mr Gandhi, Dr<br />

Geeta Gandhi Kingdon, became the saviour<br />

of his soul. On her advice, as his spiritual<br />

mother, he renounced politics forever and<br />

committed himself totally to the noble cause<br />

of education. This has enabled him to make<br />

continuous efforts for building a bright and<br />

safe future of the 32,000 children of CMS as<br />

well as two billion children of the world and<br />

the generations yet-to-be born. Jagdish<br />

Gandhi wants to make children Good and<br />

Smart, a Gift of God to Mankind, a Pride of<br />

the Human Race and a potential Light of the<br />

World. The idea which appears utopian<br />

today will become a reality tomorrow.<br />

68. Message of World Unity on Eid and<br />

Deepawali<br />

Jagdish Gandhi believes in Unity of God,<br />

Unity of Mankind, Universal Brotherhood<br />

and World Peace. Being a Baha'i, he believes<br />

in the teachings of the founder of Baha'i<br />

religion, Baha'u'llah, who said 'So powerful<br />

is the light of unity that it can illumine the<br />

whole world.'<br />

On the occasion of Deepawali and Eid he<br />

conveys his greetings to all Principals,<br />

teachers, parents of CMS and people of<br />

Lucknow for their happiness and prosperity.<br />

May these festivals illumine our souls and<br />

unite us in their luminosity.<br />

—Ratan Chandra Gupta<br />

Former Joint Secretary, Law and<br />

Parliamentary Affairs, Government of U.P.<br />

General Secretary, CMS<br />

(Mr. Ratan Chandra Gupta is a close friend<br />

of Mr. Jagdish Gandhi since childhood. They<br />

studied together in school and university).<br />

(Continued from page 1)<br />

Speech of Chief Guest<br />

Hon Mr Justice Sirpurkar,<br />

Judge, Supreme Court<br />

Advocates Supreme Court attending the<br />

Seminar on Empowering the Interntional<br />

Court of Justice at New Delhi<br />

Gandhism and Gandhi thought for the rest<br />

of the year — but that is a different matter.<br />

What I am trying to point out is that an idea<br />

when it is conceived, there has to be a<br />

visionary to develop that idea. I congratulate<br />

Mr Gandhi for developing this idea. Now<br />

see how beautifully he has picked up. We<br />

have England, we have America, Bosnia,<br />

Serbia and what not. But one thing is very<br />

common in all the countries and that is<br />

children. There is yet to be a father or there<br />

is yet to be a mother born who doesn't love<br />

his child. What Mr Gandhi probably has<br />

thought in developing a beautiful school is<br />

that feeling of love, the parental love that<br />

every person has. I him, you, everybody<br />

— we all have that parental love and any<br />

idea if it is to be developed has to be based<br />

not on hatred, but on love. Unless an idea,<br />

a concept is based on love, it can never<br />

develop. Because, the moment the idea is,<br />

say, based on competition, based on hatred,<br />

'I want your head, you want mine', 'I want<br />

this state of yours, you want mine' — if this<br />

is the idea, then that idea can never become<br />

a global idea. Parental love, love of the<br />

mother, whether she is a Serbian mother,<br />

whether she is an Afghan mother, whether<br />

she is a Bangladeshi mother, she remains<br />

a mother.<br />

And therefore, the focal point of the<br />

brotherhood had to, and very rightly had to,<br />

begin with children. Therefore, he created<br />

a beautiful school.<br />

Now if the idea had to be international, there<br />

had to be some other factor which is<br />

common in all the countries. Apart from<br />

other aspects, which is the most common<br />

aspect governing all countries? That<br />

common aspect was law. And, that is how<br />

probably Mr Gandhi turned to law. The<br />

development of law, the adherence of law<br />

— no country says that we are a jungle<br />

country. Every country will say, we are<br />

governed as per our own laws. Law is a<br />

common aspect for all the countries of the<br />

world. There are 192 countries including<br />

veto countries and non-veto countries are<br />

also included.<br />

Once you catch one common aspect, then<br />

only you can continue. So here are now two<br />

common points. One point was the children<br />

— everybody would care for the child, his<br />

or her own child. The second common point<br />

was law. And then how to bring that law<br />

together was the idea of calling of the<br />

conference of the chief justices. This was<br />

probably what was in his mind and while<br />

Mr Gandhi was speaking, I was thinking as<br />

to why should this man who is living in<br />

Lucknow, running a school, is a teacher,<br />

should call for an<br />

International<br />

Conference of<br />

Chief Justices<br />

and the judges of<br />

the World. This<br />

was probably the<br />

idea: the<br />

children linked<br />

with law, the law<br />

linked with<br />

judges, the<br />

judges linked<br />

with society, the<br />

society linked to<br />

the whole world.<br />

This is how he has<br />

created this chain. And truly who could<br />

have thought of all this? I had laughed at<br />

Justice Desai when Justice Desai called<br />

me. I said, 'What is going to happen? People<br />

will come, eat, drink and be merry'. Justice<br />

Desai told me: 'No brother, it will not be just<br />

eat, drink and be merry.' No. There will be<br />

deliberations. Each judge who represents a<br />

country, be it African country, European<br />

country or Asian country is concerned<br />

about his child and therefore, he will be<br />

concerned for the world, because today's<br />

children are going to be tomorrow's world.<br />

When I became the Chief Justice of<br />

Uttaranchal and I had an invitation to attend<br />

this Conference. I have an invitation now<br />

and I want to see how these persons from<br />

different cultures, different civilizations,<br />

different political thoughts, different<br />

backgrounds, different economic and<br />

financial positions — how do they come<br />

together and yet do not fight, yet live for<br />

good long 5-6 days, deliberate with each<br />

other and bring out something.<br />

See, unless you churn the butter milk, the<br />

butter does not come. There has to be a<br />

churning process started. What happened<br />

when the atomic power was invented. They<br />

went on, they went on and on. It was a<br />

churning of thoughts and ultimately they<br />

found a tremendous atomic power. This is<br />

the power that we are in search of, through<br />

the children. We want an atomic power, our<br />

atom is the child. And we want that power.<br />

Mahatma Gandhi was also once a child,<br />

Nelson Mandela was also once a child,<br />

Lincoln was also once a child. Yet these<br />

children when they developed they effected,<br />

they impressed and they were relevant to<br />

the whole world.<br />

We will, therefore, have to take this idea<br />

further. And then came the idea of<br />

empowering the International Court of<br />

Justice. You all are lawyers. You know<br />

something was spoken about enforceability.<br />

You all know, day in and day out that section<br />

9 decree under Hindu Marriage Act can<br />

never be executed'. Section 9, the restoration<br />

of conjugal rights decree can never be<br />

executed. I am yet to see a lawyer who has<br />

not filed a suit under Section 9. All lawyers<br />

do go after that. You forget about the legal<br />

nuances and legal complications,<br />

enforceability is not everything and all. The<br />

whole idea of bringing these judges together<br />

is to start a thought in the world, which<br />

thought will translate via the International<br />

Court of Justice. The International Court of<br />

Justice will act as the vehicle, as the conduit<br />

and the International Court of Justice would<br />

be impressed by these thoughts and ideas<br />

which are noble ideas.<br />

Mr Gandhi spoke about the vetoing<br />

countries, non-vetoing countries. Well, as<br />

George Orwell said: All animals are equal,<br />

some are more equal than others. Similarly,<br />

all the 192 countries are equal, but the veto<br />

countries are probably more equal. We have<br />

to bring that equality together. We have to<br />

distribute that equality in a most equitable<br />

manner. But how are we going to do it. The<br />

only way you can do it is through the law.<br />

And again, let me tell you, merely because<br />

there is no enforceability to the judgments,<br />

that doesn't become less relevant.<br />

We are in a country and we are in an era<br />

when, brothers and sisters, don't forget<br />

today every sixth person living in the world<br />

is an Indian. If we<br />

start thinking,<br />

then one-sixth of<br />

the world thinks<br />

in this way. Let's<br />

not be afraid of<br />

our numbers. Our<br />

number is our<br />

strength. Let's<br />

use our numbers<br />

as the strength,<br />

as this is how we<br />

will be able to use<br />

our tremendous<br />

numbers as our<br />

strength.<br />

Much has been<br />

spoken about pending litigation and this<br />

and that. I am a very positive man. I look at<br />

only the good side, the bright side and I see<br />

the number of Indians in the world as the<br />

strength of India. Again, the idea to catch<br />

the children — very recently we have won<br />

the 20-20 World Cup, a matter of great<br />

pride. But what was the idea? The idea was<br />

'catch them young'. Catch the young<br />

persons, catch your Sreesanth who is 17<br />

years, catch that Pathan who is 20 years<br />

and so on and so forth. So, when we catch<br />

them young, we will be able to make a strong<br />

team. Whether it is hockey, whether it is<br />

cricket, humanity also, catch them young.<br />

If 32,000 children understand what the<br />

humanity is, understand what the human<br />

rights are, understand the importance of<br />

peace and see their thoughts reverberate<br />

in not one, not two, not three, but 100-200<br />

chief justices and judges of the world. See,<br />

we have created them as lifetime<br />

ambassador for peace. The idea is also,<br />

'What am I going to do alone'. It's such a<br />

tremendous task. If I am not able to do, what<br />

this one man Jagdish Gandhi, or one man<br />

Gupta or one man Justice Qureshi or one<br />

man can do? What are they going to do in<br />

this world?<br />

Rabindranath Tagore has written a beautiful<br />

poem. I don't know how many of you are<br />

Bengalis. I'll translate the poem. He said: Ke<br />

loibe amaar kaaj, bollo sandha roobi<br />

(Who will take my job, asked the setting<br />

sun), Suniya saara jagat niruttar (When<br />

this question was thrown to the world, the<br />

Mr Justice I. Venkatanarayanan, Mr Justice A.S.<br />

Qureshi & Mr Jagdish Gandhi attending the<br />

Seminar on Empowering the Interntional Court of<br />

Justice at New Delhi<br />

whole world remained silent). Who can<br />

answer, who will do the job of the sun.<br />

Mateer tore deep chhilo (There was an<br />

earthen lamp). The lamp said: “Whatever I<br />

can do, I will be able to do”. See, that earthen<br />

lamp answered the mighty sun, that well, 'I<br />

may not be the sun, I may not be able to<br />

light the whole world, but whatever I can<br />

do, I will do. My dear brothers and sisters,<br />

all of you have to be the lamps, that earthen<br />

lamp. Don't think that you alone cannot<br />

light the whole world. Think what you can<br />

do. By coming here, you have proved that<br />

you are those potential lamps. And if those<br />

lamps, if those students who have come from<br />

Afghanistan, who have come from Dhaka,<br />

who have come from Mauritius and Fiji and<br />

other far off countries, if they go back with<br />

a lighted heart, then we have been able —<br />

these wise persons sitting here, or those<br />

wise persons who are going to come for<br />

that conference — have lighted so many<br />

lamps, who are prepared to think for the<br />

world. This takes me to the issues. Much<br />

has been said about the issues. When<br />

would the question of enforceability come?<br />

When the issues are such, in which there is<br />

a conflict amongst two nations.<br />

Then you know the present International<br />

Court of Justice has, for example: it's not<br />

Justice Sirpurkar Vs so and so, or Justice<br />

Venkatanarayanan Vs Justice Qureshi. It<br />

has to be India Vs so and so – some country.<br />

Now if the issues are such which create a<br />

conflict or have the potential to create a<br />

conflict, then of course, the question of<br />

enforceability will come because then there<br />

will be I Vs You, He Vs She. It will not be I<br />

and You. It will not be You and Him. I was<br />

thinking that somebody will touch the issue<br />

of the environment. Each of us, each country<br />

is suffering from loss of ecology. Supreme<br />

Court came out with the doctrine of trust in<br />

that hotel matter. The Kyoto Protocol has<br />

also been signed for the purchase of carbon<br />

credits. Some countries are left to grow the<br />

jungles, while others say that we will<br />

industrialize ourselves and leave carbon in<br />

this world, causing global warming. We are<br />

told everyday that because of global<br />

warming, the Arctic area is melting and soon<br />

a day will come when the sea level at Chennai<br />

or at Bombay will go up by about two<br />

metres. I have seen the devastating results<br />

that happen when the sea level goes up.<br />

This was when I was the Chief Justice of<br />

Calcutta High Court and Andaman Islands<br />

came within the jurisdiction of Calcutta High<br />

Court. So in order to give morale to my<br />

officers who were serving in, say, Campbell<br />

Bay or Carr Nicobar, I went up to Campbell<br />

Bay. I am telling you the story of Campbell<br />

Bay.<br />

What has happened is, because of this<br />

tsunami, one plate in the Indonesian-<br />

Sumatra has come up. With the result, the<br />

water level in Campbell Bay, Carr Nicobar<br />

and Port Blair has also gone up. We had a<br />

court in Campbell Bay. My junior division<br />

clerk who has to go in the day of high tide,<br />

has to wade through this deep water.<br />

Brothers, till we are sitting in Delhi, in this<br />

beautiful air-conditioned hall, we are not<br />

going to realize what the people have gone<br />

through. It's all right to see the TV, it's further<br />

all right to see next day the papers along<br />

with a very tasty cup of tea and then think<br />

about as to what had happened. You have<br />

(Continued on page 8)<br />

Foreign students with the Chief Guest<br />

Hon'ble Mr Justice Sirpurkar, Judge,<br />

Supreme Court attending the Seminar on<br />

Empowering the Interntional Court of<br />

Justice at New Delhi<br />

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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