11.10.07 bulletin latest Oct.07.p65 - City Montessori School

11.10.07 bulletin latest Oct.07.p65 - City Montessori School

11.10.07 bulletin latest Oct.07.p65 - City Montessori School


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(Continued from page 2)<br />

43. It is obligatory on the part of a Bahai to<br />

be loyal to the Government<br />

A Baha’i should not take part in political<br />

activities. Jagdish Gandhi was an MLA<br />

before accepting the Baha’i faith. He was<br />

inclined to contest polls in 1977 too.<br />

However, he was restrained from doing so<br />

by his daughter Geeta, who was also a Baha’i.<br />

Jagdish Gandhi was reminded by his<br />

daughter that as a Baha’i he was duty-bound<br />

to purify his soul and to unify the hearts of<br />

human beings across the world and<br />

participation in politics would hamper his<br />

spiritual progress. Geeta was merely 14 years<br />

old then. Jagdish Gandhi realized his spiritual<br />

responsibility and felt that he could not serve<br />

the children of his school with total<br />

dedication if he stayed in politics. At last<br />

he realized that he could do better as an<br />

administrator of the school if he quit politics<br />

for ever and devote all his time for promoting<br />

meaningful education. Geeta said that<br />

selfless service done with a resolve to serve<br />

humanity is the true worship of God.<br />

44. Daughter Geeta became his spiritual<br />

mother and saved him from the wrong path.<br />

Thus for his spiritual development, he<br />

sacrificed his political ambition<br />

If someone gets into politics it is difficult to<br />

come out of it. In the political game one puts<br />

everything at stake. Jagdish Gandhi said,<br />

‘I tried to convince my daughter that there<br />

was scope for serving humanity in a political<br />

career too. However, it was difficult to pacify<br />

her since she strongly adhered to her views.’<br />

"My daughter asked me two questions: (a)<br />

'What will happen to my faith in Baha’u’llah<br />

which was implanted by you in me?'<br />

(b) 'What will happen to my faith in my own<br />

father?'These questions shook<br />

Jagdish Gandhi from within.<br />

45. Turning Point in the life of<br />

Jagdish Gandhi<br />

Eventually Jagdish Gandhi decided to quit<br />

politics for ever. He realized that his<br />

daughter had acted as the saviour of his soul.<br />

So Jagdish Gandhi accepted her as his<br />

‘Spiritual Mother’. This was how his<br />

daughter (Geeta) played a major role in<br />

saving the “moral-self” (or soul) of Jagdish<br />

Gandhi. Besides, she also preserved the<br />

unity of the family. Jagdish Gandhi took a<br />

firm resolve to quit politics forever in 1977.<br />

Now he is of the opinion that a teacher<br />

should never participate in politics. If a<br />

teacher gets into active political life, he will<br />

ignore his students and his duty towards<br />

them. As a consequence, education and<br />

character building of children would suffer.<br />

As Baha'i Faith stands for unity of mankind<br />

party politics would run counter to that idea.<br />

Hence Baha'i Faith does not allow its<br />

followers to participate in politics.<br />

46. Jagdish Gandhi was convinced that<br />

Bahai teachings of brotherhood would bring<br />

unity and peace on earth.<br />

On being reminded by his daughter Geeta<br />

about the Bahai teachings his soul was reawakened<br />

and rekindled. He came to the<br />

conclusion that the perennial conflicts and<br />

controversies would come to an end if<br />

humanity accepted the unity of God, unity<br />

of religions and the unity of mankind as<br />

advocated by Bahaullah. Therefore, he made<br />

up his mind to re-dedicate his efforts for<br />

realizing the dream of Bahaullah's teachings<br />

because he found them most appropriate in<br />

the prevailing circumstances to bring an end<br />

to conflicts and wars in the world. He is now<br />

fully convinced that the answer to the<br />

problems of mankind today can come to an<br />

end if we can realize the goal of a single<br />

political world order, which would include<br />

one currency, one educational system, one<br />

language alongwith mother tongue, uniform<br />

weights and measures.<br />

47. Firm belief that meaningful education<br />

can deliver the world from its problems<br />

He wants to begin with education of children<br />

because he believes that the younger<br />

generation alone can deliver the world from<br />

its problems by applying the teachings of<br />

Bahai faith. Therefore, he has introduced and<br />

re-modified the CMS prayer system to<br />

accommodate the great teachings of Bahai<br />

faith in order to bring home to children the<br />

virtues of unity of God, unity of religions<br />

and unity of mankind. His efforts have<br />

brought fruitful results as the students of<br />

CMS fully subscribe to unity of God, unity<br />

of religions and unity of mankind. It would<br />

be no exaggeration to say that CMS students<br />

are the most broad-minded persons in the<br />

world whose conduct and behavior reflect<br />

these great teachings.<br />

48. Promotion of world unity and world<br />

peace the principal aim of life.<br />

Promotion of world unity and world peace is<br />

now the principal aim of his life. To promote<br />

this thinking among the masses he has been<br />

holding weekly world unity satsangs as well<br />

as writing articles in newspapers and<br />

magazines. His speeches and writings have<br />

made a deep impact on the minds of the<br />

people and as the comments of the listeners<br />

or the readers indicate his appeal for Unity<br />

of God, Unity of Religions and Unity of<br />

Mankind has found favour with the inner<br />

souls of the masses.<br />

49. Gandhi dedicates himself completely to<br />

the cause of education<br />

After quitting politics Jagdish focused his<br />

attention entirely on the CMS family. Under<br />

his leadership CMS has made rapid<br />

progress. CMS is his life and blood. Gandhi<br />

has a mission to make every CMS child both<br />

good and smart, a gift of God to mankind<br />

and pride of the human race. He believes<br />

that every child is a potential light of the<br />

world and should try to became a Total<br />

Quality Person (TQP). Nurturing children is<br />

the core of his mission and philosophy.<br />

50. Sometimes, a prize or an award honours<br />

a person and sometimes awards get<br />

honoured by the recipient<br />

Through the movement of World Unity and<br />

World Peace, CMS has gone global and is<br />

recognized by major international<br />

organizations.<br />

(1) Founded with five children in 1959 by<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Jagdish Gandhi, CMS is<br />

already in the Guinness Book of World<br />

Records for having more than 32,000<br />

students on its roll. (2) CMS is also the first<br />

school to be honoured with the UNESCO<br />

Prize for Peace Education in 2002 carrying a<br />

cash component of US $ 30,000. It is to be<br />

noted here that this UNESCO prize was given<br />

to India only thrice. First UNESCO prize was<br />

conferred on General Rikhi of Indian Army<br />

for his services as UN Peace Force<br />

Commander. The second was conferred upon<br />

Mother Teresa in 1992 for her humanitarian<br />

services. CMS was its third Indian recipient.<br />

Later in 2006, CMS was invited by UNESCO<br />

to nominate candidate for this prize because<br />

as a past laureate CMS became eligible to<br />

submit on nomination. Mr Gandhi decided<br />

to nominate Judge C. G. Weeramantry, former<br />

Vice President, International Court of Justice<br />

who was a regular participant of the<br />

International Conference of Chief Justices<br />

of the World that Mr Gandhi convenes every<br />

year in December. Judge Weeramantry got<br />

this prestigious prize becoming the first Sri<br />

Lankan and first judge in the world to be<br />

honoured with this prize in Peace Education.<br />

(3) Third major achievement of CMS was<br />

the Nuclear-Free Future Special<br />

Achievement Award 2004 from Germany. (4)<br />

World’s Children’s Prize for the Rights of<br />

the Child 2004 from Sweden. (5) Jagdish<br />

Gandhi has been declared as awardee of<br />

Aman Peace Prize from Dubai. (6) CMS is<br />

the first and only school organising 24<br />

international events every year to facilitate<br />

promoting world unity and world peace<br />

through education as per Guinness Book of<br />

World Records. (7) Jagdish Gandhi is the<br />

recipient of “Derozio Award” 2000 for his<br />

contributions to education and human<br />

enrichment by the Council for the Indian<br />

<strong>School</strong> Certificate examination (ICSE<br />

Council). It carried rupees 1,00,000/- (one lac)<br />

cash award and a gold medal. He was<br />

declared Peace Representative of Lucknow<br />

by World Peace Prayer Society, Japan. (8)<br />

For promoting communal harmony he was<br />

awarded “Waris Ali Shah Award for<br />

Communal Harmony” and was declared a<br />

U.P. Ratna by the All India Intellectuals<br />

Forum.<br />

51. Gandhi sends Resolution to Secretary-<br />

General of UNO, Dr Kofi Annan with one<br />

lakh signatories<br />

This resolution sent on 1st September 1999<br />

had one lakh signatures of students and<br />

their parents of CMS in which an appeal was<br />

made for world unity. It was also appealed<br />

that a World Government should be formed<br />

and none of its members should have veto<br />

power. It was held that only “World<br />

Government” could save the future of two<br />

billion children and generations yet-to-be<br />

born from the perils of environmental<br />

imbalance, catastrophe resulting from atomic<br />

bombs and world wide terrorism. In their<br />

appeal they urged the Secretary General to<br />

pay attention to article 51 of the Indian<br />

Constitution which relates to international<br />

peace and security and which also lays<br />

stress on fostering respect for international<br />

law.<br />

52. Dr Kofi Annan’s response to Gandhi's<br />

Resolution<br />

Dr Annan replied on 11 th Oct. 1999 and wrote<br />

to Mr Gandhi that UNO has no power of its<br />

own and that its power lay in the decisions<br />

taken by member states. Dr. Kofi Annan<br />

wrote that on 6th, 7th and 8th September<br />

2000, a Millennium Summit would be held in<br />

New York. It would be the biggest gathering<br />

of the Heads of State of all the Governments<br />

of the World. This conference would<br />

consider the global scenario and the leaders<br />

would consider the world situation of the<br />

21 st century and would decide as to what<br />

steps are required to be taken to make the<br />

21 st century more humane, since the 20 th<br />

century had been a century of bloodshed,<br />

chaos and confusion.<br />

53. Letter to Heads of State i.e. the Prime<br />

Ministers and Presidents of all countries.<br />

Mr. Gandhi wrote to the Heads of States of<br />

all countries in which he stated that for<br />

framing international laws and international<br />

arbitration, a "new political and economic<br />

world order” was essential. It was essential<br />

also for the creation of “World Government”<br />

which would safeguard the future of world’s<br />

two billion children and the generations yetto-be<br />

born. However, this Millennium<br />

Summit failed badly as far as creation of a<br />

"new political and economic world order”<br />

was concerned.<br />

54. Enforceable International Law — the<br />

binding thread of all humanity<br />

It is clearly evident that world leaders are<br />

not able to control or stop territorial wars<br />

and terrorism. Global Society finds itself<br />

helpless and disappointed in such a difficult<br />

situation. Their last hope rests on World’s<br />

Judicial System. Every citizen of the world<br />

has lots of hope, faith and respect for world<br />

judiciary. Nobody has any faith on politicians<br />

and rulers, as they have failed in establishing<br />

peace in the world.<br />

55. CMS launched a movement to<br />

safeguard the future of world’s two billion<br />

children and generations yet-to-be-born and<br />

to make the world a family as visualized in<br />

Article 51 of Indian Constitution<br />

Jagdish Gandhi consulted his University<br />

classmate Mr. Justice Syed Saghir Ahmed,<br />

former Judge of Supreme Court of India in<br />

this regard. A round table conference was<br />

organized under the leadership of Mr. Justice<br />

Syed Saghir Ahmed on Article 51 of the<br />

Constitution of India, on 14th January 2001.<br />

The judicial fraternity gave a thumping<br />

support to this conference.<br />

56. An All India Seminar on Article 51 of<br />

Indian Constitution<br />

After this, Jagdish Gandhi organized an All<br />

India Seminar on Article 51 of Indian<br />

Constitution, which was inaugurated by Mr.<br />

Justice R. S. Pathak, Former Chief Justice of<br />

Supreme Court of India and former Judge of<br />

International Court of Justice, Member<br />

Permanent Court of Arbitration, the Hague<br />

and Honorary Member of Gray’s Inn Bench,<br />

London. Mr Justice Rangnath Misra, Former<br />

Chief Justice of India presided over it. It was<br />

also attended by Mr Justice V.R. Krishna<br />

Iyer, former Judge, Supreme Court of India<br />

and a large number of local judges<br />

participated in the seminar.<br />

57. 'International Conferences of Chief<br />

Justices of the World' discuss need for<br />

formation of World Parliament and<br />

enactment of Enforceable International Law<br />

To promote this idea at international level<br />

CMS has been organising an International<br />

Conference of the Chief Justices of the World<br />

and World Judiciary Summit on Article 51 of<br />

the Constitution of India, every year for the<br />

past seven years. Chief Justices, Judges,<br />

jurists, legal experts and peace activists from<br />

all over the world have been taking part in<br />

this conference. There has been a<br />

continuous increase in the number of<br />

participants every year which is a proof of<br />

the popularity and success of the<br />

conference of Chief Justices of the world.<br />

58. Resolution at the end of every<br />

international conference of Chief Justices<br />

of the world.<br />

At the end of every conference a resolution<br />

is passed by the chief Justices of the world.<br />

In the conference held in the year 2006 the<br />

resolution called for giving importance to<br />

peace education in school curricula<br />

throughout the world, compulsory study of<br />

international law in judicial education &<br />

training, popularising international law<br />

among judicial organizations and protect<br />

and promote the best interests of children.<br />

59. Strengthening of UNO and formation<br />

of a World Government<br />

At the same time, CMS idea of strengthening<br />

the United Nations Organisation, formation<br />

of a World Government, enactment of<br />

enforceable international law to deal with<br />

international terrorism and establish world<br />

unity and lasting peace to safeguard the<br />

future of world’s two billion children and<br />

generations yet to be born, is getting<br />

overwhelming support.<br />

60. 8 th International Conference of Chief<br />

Justices of the World in December 2007<br />

Under the guidance and supervision of<br />

Jagdish Gandhi, the 8th International<br />

Conference of Chief Justices of the World<br />

will be organised by CMS at Lucknow during<br />

December 2007, in which a large number of<br />

Chief Justices judges, legal luminaries, peace<br />

organisations and peace activists of various<br />

countries are expected to take part.<br />

61. Mankind does not need atomic weapons,<br />

it needs a global society based on justice<br />

All law courts are the platforms to bring to<br />

light the truth through non-violent methods.<br />

Lawyers and judges all over the world try to<br />

find out the truth through exercise of their<br />

logical minds and settle the issues through<br />

truth and non-violence. In the age of nuclear<br />

bombs, 36,000 nuclear bombs have already<br />

been made by a number of countries and<br />

eighty countries have stockpiled chemical<br />

and biological weapons of mass destruction.<br />

62. Empowering International Court of<br />

Justice<br />

Today there is a Village Panchayat to solve<br />

the problems of a village. There is a District<br />

Court at district level, a High Court at state<br />

level and a Supreme Court at national level.<br />

Similarly the judgements of the International<br />

Court of Justice should be binding on<br />

member countries and individuals. In the<br />

absence of enforceable international law, the<br />

world is heading towards a disaster. UNO<br />

with five privileged veto power nations finds<br />

itself incapable of preventing wars. Under<br />

these circumstances, the provisions of<br />

Article 51 of the Indian Constitution are the<br />

only hope for global justice.<br />

63. Pt. Nehru's quote, "Either the world<br />

will unite or it will perish"<br />

Provision of Article 51 in Indian Constitution<br />

is a unique provision which requires that<br />

the Union of India and its citizens (a) will<br />

promote international peace and security (b)<br />

maintain just and honourable relations<br />

between the nations of the world (c) foster<br />

respect for international law and (d)<br />

encourage settlement of international<br />

disputes by arbitration. The time has come<br />

when humanity should live as one family. If<br />

all of us do not join hands to make the world<br />

an enlarged family, the entire humanity will<br />

perish in animosity. All countries of the world<br />

should come forward and take the initiative<br />

to incorporate the provisions of Article 51<br />

of Indian Constitution in their country’s<br />

constitutions.<br />

64. Jagdish Gandhi has given slogans for<br />

promotion of World Unity<br />

Some of these are (i) Jai Jagat (Let us do<br />

good to the entire world) (2) <strong>School</strong> is a light<br />

house of Society (3) Aao Dosti Karein (come<br />

let us be friends) (4) One day I will Unite the<br />

World (5) Global Tie (Global trends in<br />

Education) (6) Make every child good and<br />

smart, a gift of God to mankind, a pride of<br />

human race and a potential light of the world<br />

(7) Create Enforceable International Law and<br />

empower the International Court of Justice<br />

(8) 'Catch them Innocent' to impart value and<br />

virtue-based education to children. Jagdish<br />

Gandhi organises World Unity<br />

Congregation (Satsang) every Sunday at<br />

CMS, Gomti Nagar.<br />

65. Small house, large occupancy<br />

Jagdish Gandhi hired 12 Station Road house<br />

in 1958 on a monthly rent of Rs. 64/-. But<br />

there was no money to pay the rent. There<br />

was a proposal from a gentleman Mr B.P.<br />

Johari to share the accommodation and pay<br />

50% of the rent i.e. Rs. 32/- per month. Bharti<br />

Gandhi had almost accepted the offer but<br />

Jagdish Gandhi refused. It was God’s will<br />

that he spurned the offer and saved the<br />

house as his residence for over five decades.<br />

The house opens only towards the Station<br />

Road and closed from other three sides.<br />

Living rooms have no attached baths and<br />

toilets and no cross ventilation.<br />

(Continued on page 4)<br />

That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you've understood all your life, but in a new way.<br />

—Doris Lessing

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