Rezumatul tezei de doctorat - USAMV Cluj-Napoca

Rezumatul tezei de doctorat - USAMV Cluj-Napoca Rezumatul tezei de doctorat - USAMV Cluj-Napoca


- extension 90 seconds at 68°C - final extension: 7 minutes at 68°C (after Coalo Maria Chiara, 1999). The amplification performed on 69 samples, developed on Potato Dextrose Broth (PDB) medium, using an adapted method after Ristaino and al., 1998. I.3.8.2. PCR-RFLP techique - Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism The amplified fragments were digested with 3 restriction enzymes from Fermentas: RsaI, HindIII and AluI. The digestion protocol was pursuant to the manufacturer ( The PCR products were overnight incubated, at 37ºC, and at the end at 65ºC for 10 minutes. The digestion products were then separated by electrophoresis, in a 3% agarose gel, in 1x TBE buffer, for 2 hours at 60V. The DNA was stained with Sybr Safe (Invitrogen), for the observation of amplified fragments polymorphism, under UV light (Biorad). There was used a DNA Ladder Low Range (700 bp), for the fragment comparison (Fermentas). I.3.9. Methods used in establishing the phylogenetic diversity and relationship of Saprolegniaceae family fungi species I.3.9.1. Automatic sequencing The DNA strand was sequenced with universal primers ITS1 (forward) and ITS4 (reverse), by Mycrosinth (Switzerland). The sequencing results were interpreted using a specific software called Chromas Lite. For the establishing of genetic diversity there were used specific genetical software. CHAPTER II PERSONAL RESEARCH RESULTS 56

II.1. THE RESULTS OF SAPROLEGNIA CULTURE IN LABORATORY CONDITIONS We expressed in percentage from the total number of analyzed samples, every infestational score from each temperature level, regardless the fishponds and fisheries (table 1). Spawns infestation degree with Saprolegnia based on temperature percentage estimated from the total number of samples (207) Temperature Infestational degree Table 1 0 1 2 3 4 10°C 4,34 38,64 54,58 2,41 0 15°C 0,96 11,11 32,36 51,20 4,34 22°C 0,96 0,96 12,56 45,41 40,09 Legend: 0 – uninfested; 1 - very weak infested; 2 - weak infested; 3 – medium infested; 4 – strong infested. From the table data results the fact that saprolegniasis development is different from one incubation temperature to another. At 10°C, 38,64% from the samples had the score of 1, which indicates a very weak infestation at 144 hours of incubation. A percentage of 54,58%, more than half of the analyzed samples, are weak infested, and only 2,41% are medium infested. At 15°C, only 0,96% from the samples do not manifest any infestation sign, comparative to 4,34% uninfested samples at 10°C. A weak infestation degree, of 32,36% from samples is reached at 15°C, and the infestation medium level at 51,20%. Compared to the temperature gradient of 10ºC, at 15°C there is a percentage of 4,34% with strong infestation. At 22ºC, 40,09% from the samples have a strong infestation degree, 45,41% have a medium infestation, and only 0,96% are uninfested. Those data indicate the fact that regardless the fishpond, the area and the time of the year, saprolegniasis as disease spreads with a high intensity and a shorter period at 20°C. This result confirms the literature data regarding the carp spawns and larvae losses, communicated by fishery owners and 57



We expressed in percentage from the total number of analyzed samples, every<br />

infestational score from each temperature level, regardless the fishponds and fisheries (table<br />

1).<br />

Spawns infestation <strong>de</strong>gree with Saprolegnia based on temperature<br />

percentage estimated from the total number of samples (207)<br />

Temperature<br />

Infestational <strong>de</strong>gree<br />

Table 1<br />

0 1 2 3 4<br />

10°C 4,34 38,64 54,58 2,41 0<br />

15°C 0,96 11,11 32,36 51,20 4,34<br />

22°C 0,96 0,96 12,56 45,41 40,09<br />

Legend: 0 – uninfested; 1 - very weak infested; 2 - weak infested; 3 – medium infested; 4 –<br />

strong infested.<br />

From the table data results the fact that saprolegniasis <strong>de</strong>velopment is different from<br />

one incubation temperature to another. At 10°C, 38,64% from the samples had the score of<br />

1, which indicates a very weak infestation at 144 hours of incubation. A percentage of<br />

54,58%, more than half of the analyzed samples, are weak infested, and only 2,41% are<br />

medium infested.<br />

At 15°C, only 0,96% from the samples do not manifest any infestation sign,<br />

comparative to 4,34% uninfested samples at 10°C. A weak infestation <strong>de</strong>gree, of 32,36%<br />

from samples is reached at 15°C, and the infestation medium level at 51,20%. Compared to<br />

the temperature gradient of 10ºC, at 15°C there is a percentage of 4,34% with strong<br />

infestation.<br />

At 22ºC, 40,09% from the samples have a strong infestation <strong>de</strong>gree, 45,41% have a<br />

medium infestation, and only 0,96% are uninfested. Those data indicate the fact that<br />

regardless the fishpond, the area and the time of the year, saprolegniasis as disease spreads<br />

with a high intensity and a shorter period at 20°C. This result confirms the literature data<br />

regarding the carp spawns and larvae losses, communicated by fishery owners and<br />


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