Chapter 15--Our Sun - Geological Sciences

Chapter 15--Our Sun - Geological Sciences

Chapter 15--Our Sun - Geological Sciences


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PART<br />

V<br />



<strong>15</strong> <strong>Our</strong> Star<br />


<strong>15</strong>.1 Why Does the <strong>Sun</strong> Shine?<br />

• What process creates energy in the <strong>Sun</strong>?<br />

• Why does the <strong>Sun</strong>’s size remain stable?<br />

• How did the <strong>Sun</strong> become hot enough for fusion<br />

in the first place?<br />

<strong>15</strong>.2 Plunging to the Center of the <strong>Sun</strong>:<br />

An Imaginary Journey<br />

• What are the major layers of the <strong>Sun</strong>, from the<br />

center out?<br />

• What do we mean by the “surface” of the <strong>Sun</strong>?<br />

• What is the <strong>Sun</strong> made of?<br />

<strong>15</strong>.3 The Cosmic Crucible<br />

• Why does fusion occur in the <strong>Sun</strong>’s core?<br />

• Why is energy produced in the <strong>Sun</strong> at such<br />

a steady rate?<br />

• Why was the <strong>Sun</strong> dimmer in the distant past?<br />

• How do we know what is happening inside the <strong>Sun</strong>?<br />

• What is the solar neutrino problem? Is it solved ?<br />

<strong>15</strong>.4 From Core to Corona<br />

• How long ago did fusion generate the energy we<br />

now receive as sunlight?<br />

• How are sunspots, prominences, and flares related<br />

to magnetic fields?<br />

• What is surprising about the temperature of the<br />

chromosphere and corona, and how do we explain it?<br />

<strong>15</strong>.5 Solar Weather and Climate<br />

• What is the sunspot cycle?<br />

• What effect does solar activity have on Earth and<br />

its inhabitants?<br />


I say Live, Live, because of the <strong>Sun</strong>,<br />

The dream, the excitable gift.<br />

Anne Sexton (1928–1974)<br />

Astronomy today involves the study of the<br />

entire universe, but the root of the word<br />

astronomy comes from the Greek word<br />

for “star.” Although we have learned a lot about the<br />

universe up to this point in the book, only now do<br />

we turn our attention to the study of the stars, the<br />

namesakes of astronomy.<br />

When we think of stars, we usually think of the<br />

beautiful points of light visible on a clear night. The<br />

nearest and most easily studied star is visible only<br />

in the daytime—our <strong>Sun</strong>. Of course, the <strong>Sun</strong> is important<br />

to us in many more ways than as an object<br />

for astronomical study. The <strong>Sun</strong> is the source of virtually<br />

all light, heat, and energy reaching Earth, and life<br />

on Earth’s surface could not survive without it.<br />

In this chapter, we will study the <strong>Sun</strong> in some<br />

depth. We will learn how the <strong>Sun</strong> makes life possible<br />

on Earth. Equally important, we will study our <strong>Sun</strong> as<br />

a star so that in subsequent chapters we can more<br />

easily understand stars throughout the universe.<br />

<strong>15</strong>.1 Why Does the <strong>Sun</strong> Shine?<br />

Ancient peoples recognized the vital role of the <strong>Sun</strong> in their<br />

lives. Some worshiped the <strong>Sun</strong> as a god, and others created<br />

elaborate mythologies to explain its daily rise and set. Only<br />

recently, however, have we learned how the <strong>Sun</strong> provides us<br />

with light and heat.<br />

Most ancient thinkers viewed the <strong>Sun</strong> as some type of<br />

fire, perhaps a lump of burning coal or wood. The Greek<br />

philosopher Anaxagoras (c. 500–428 B.C.) imagined the <strong>Sun</strong><br />

to be a very hot, glowing rock about the size of the Greek<br />

peninsula of Peloponnesus (comparable in size to Massachusetts).<br />

Thus, he was one of the first people in history to<br />

believe that the heavens and Earth are made from the same<br />

types of materials.<br />

By the mid-1800s, the size and distance of the <strong>Sun</strong><br />

were reasonably well known, and scientists seriously began<br />

to address the question of how the <strong>Sun</strong> shines. Two early<br />

ideas held either that the <strong>Sun</strong> was a cooling ember that had<br />

once been much hotter or that the <strong>Sun</strong> generated energy<br />

from some type of chemical burning similar to the burning<br />

of coal or wood. Simple calculations showed that a cooling<br />

or chemically burning <strong>Sun</strong> could shine for a few thousand<br />

years—an age that squared well with biblically based estimates<br />

of Earth’s age that were popular at the time. However,<br />

these ideas suffered from fatal flaws. If the <strong>Sun</strong> were a cooling<br />

ember, it would have been much hotter just a few hundred<br />

years earlier, making it too hot for civilization to have<br />

existed. Chemical burning was ruled out because it cannot<br />

generate enough energy to account for the rate of radiation<br />

observed from the <strong>Sun</strong>’s surface.<br />

A more plausible hypothesis of the late 1800s suggested<br />

that the <strong>Sun</strong> generates energy by contracting in size,<br />

a process called gravitational contraction.Ifthe <strong>Sun</strong> were<br />

shrinking, it would constantly be converting gravitational<br />

potential energy into thermal energy, thereby keeping the<br />

<strong>Sun</strong> hot. Because of its large mass, the <strong>Sun</strong> would need to<br />

contract only very slightly each year to maintain its temperature—so<br />

slightly that the contraction would be unnoticeable.<br />

Calculations showed that the <strong>Sun</strong> could shine<br />

for up to about 25 million years generating energy by gravitational<br />

contraction. However, geologists of the late 1800s<br />

had already established the age of Earth to be far older than<br />

25 million years, leaving astronomers in an embarrassing<br />

position.<br />

Only after Einstein published his special theory of<br />

relativity, which included his discovery of E mc 2 ,did<br />

the true energy-generation mechanism of the <strong>Sun</strong> become<br />

clear. We now know that the <strong>Sun</strong> generates energy by nuclear<br />

fusion, a source so efficient that the <strong>Sun</strong> can shine for<br />

about 10 billion years. Because the <strong>Sun</strong> is only 4.6 billion<br />

years old today [Section 9.5],we expect it to keep shining<br />

for some 5 billion more years.<br />

According to our current model of solar-energy generation<br />

by nuclear fusion, the <strong>Sun</strong> maintains its size through<br />

a balance between two competing forces: gravity pulling<br />

inward and pressure pushing outward. This balance is called<br />

gravitational equilibrium (or hydrostatic equilibrium).<br />

It means that, at any point within the <strong>Sun</strong>, the weight of<br />

overlying material is supported by the underlying pressure.<br />

A stack of acrobats provides a simple example of this balance<br />

(Figure <strong>15</strong>.1). The bottom person supports the weight<br />

of everybody above him, so the pressure on his body is<br />

very great. At each higher level, the overlying weight is less,<br />

so the pressure decreases. Gravitational equilibrium in the<br />

<strong>Sun</strong> means that the pressure increases with depth, making<br />

the <strong>Sun</strong> extremely hot and dense in its central core (Figure<br />

<strong>15</strong>.2).<br />


Earth’s atmosphere is also in gravitational equilibrium, with the<br />

weight of upper layers supported by the pressure in lower<br />

layers. Use this idea to explain why the air gets thinner at higher<br />

altitudes.<br />

chapter <strong>15</strong> • <strong>Our</strong> Star 497

pressure<br />

gravity<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.2 Gravitational equilibrium in the <strong>Sun</strong>: At each point<br />

inside, the pressure pushing outward balances the weight of the<br />

overlying layers.<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.1 An acrobat stack is in gravitational equilibrium: The<br />

lowest person supports the most weight and feels the greatest<br />

pressure, and the overlying weight and underlying pressure decrease<br />

for those higher up.<br />

Although the <strong>Sun</strong> today maintains its gravitational<br />

equilibrium with energy generated by nuclear fusion, the<br />

energy-generation mechanism of gravitational contraction<br />

was important in the distant past and will be important<br />

again in the distant future. <strong>Our</strong> <strong>Sun</strong> was born from a collapsing<br />

cloud of interstellar gas. The contraction of the<br />

cloud released gravitational potential energy, raising the<br />

interior temperature higher and higher—but not high<br />

enough to halt the contraction. The cloud continued to<br />

shrink because thermal radiation from the cloud’s surface<br />

carried away much of the energy released by contraction,<br />

even while the interior temperature was rising. When the<br />

central temperature and density eventually reached the<br />

values necessary to sustain nuclear fusion, energy generation<br />

in the <strong>Sun</strong>’s interior matched the energy lost from the<br />

surface in the form of radiation. With the onset of fusion,<br />

the <strong>Sun</strong> entered a long-lasting state of gravitational equilibrium<br />

that has persisted for the last 4.6 billion years.<br />

About 5 billion years from now, when the <strong>Sun</strong> finally<br />

exhausts its nuclear fuel, the internal pressure will drop, and<br />

gravitational contraction will begin once again. As we will see<br />

later, some of the most important and spectacular processes<br />

in astronomy hinge on this ongoing “battle” between the<br />

crush of gravity and a star’s internal sources of pressure.<br />

In summary, the answer to the question “Why does the<br />

<strong>Sun</strong> shine?” is that about 4.6 billion years ago gravitational<br />

contraction made the <strong>Sun</strong> hot enough to sustain nuclear<br />

fusion in its core. Ever since, energy liberated by fusion has<br />

maintained the <strong>Sun</strong>’s gravitational equilibrium and kept the<br />

<strong>Sun</strong> shining steadily, supplying the light and heat that sustain<br />

life on Earth.<br />

<strong>15</strong>.2 Plunging to the<br />

Center of the <strong>Sun</strong>:<br />

An Imaginary Journey<br />

In the rest of this chapter, we will discuss in detail how<br />

the <strong>Sun</strong> produces energy and how that energy travels to<br />

Earth. First, to get a “big picture” view of the <strong>Sun</strong>, let’s<br />

imagine you have a spaceship that can somehow withstand<br />

the immense heat and pressure of the solar interior<br />

and take an imaginary journey from Earth to the center<br />

of the <strong>Sun</strong>.<br />

Approaching the Surface<br />

As you begin your voyage from Earth, the <strong>Sun</strong> appears as a<br />

whitish ball of glowing gas. With spectroscopy [Section 7.3],<br />

you verify that the <strong>Sun</strong>’s mass is 70% hydrogen and 28%<br />

helium. Heavier elements make up the remaining 2%.<br />

The total power output of the <strong>Sun</strong>, called its luminosity,<br />

is an incredible 3.8 10 26 watts. That is, every second,<br />

the <strong>Sun</strong> radiates a total of 3.8 10 26 joules of energy into<br />

space (recall that 1 watt 1 joule/s). If we could somehow<br />

capture and store just 1 second’s worth of the <strong>Sun</strong>’s lumi-<br />

498 part V • Stellar Alchemy

Table <strong>15</strong>.1 Basic Properties of the <strong>Sun</strong><br />

Radius (R <strong>Sun</strong><br />

)<br />

Mass (M <strong>Sun</strong><br />

)<br />

Luminosity (L <strong>Sun</strong><br />

)<br />

Composition (by<br />

percentage of mass)<br />

Rotation rate<br />

Surface temperature<br />

Core temperature<br />

696,000 km (about 109 times the<br />

radius of Earth)<br />

2 10 30 kg (about 300,000 times<br />

the mass of Earth)<br />

3.8 10 26 watts<br />

70% hydrogen, 28% helium,<br />

2% heavier elements<br />

25 days (equator) to 30 days (poles)<br />

5,800 K (average); 4,000 K (sunspots)<br />

<strong>15</strong> million K<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.3 This photo of the<br />

visible surface of the <strong>Sun</strong> shows<br />

several dark sunspots.<br />

nosity, it would be enough to meet current human energy<br />

demands for roughly the next 500,000 years!<br />

Of course, only a tiny fraction of the <strong>Sun</strong>’s total energy<br />

output reaches Earth, with the rest dispersing in all directions<br />

into space. Most of this energy is radiated in the form<br />

of visible light, but once you leave the protective blanket of<br />

Earth’s atmosphere you’ll encounter significant amounts of<br />

other types of solar radiation, including dangerous ultraviolet<br />

and X rays. Your spaceship will require substantial<br />

shielding to protect you from serious radiation burns caused<br />

by these high-energy forms of light.<br />

Through a telescope, you can see that the <strong>Sun</strong> seethes<br />

with churning gases. At most times you’ll detect at least<br />

a few sunspots blotching its surface (Figure <strong>15</strong>.3). If you<br />

focus your telescope solely on a sunspot, you’ll find that it is<br />

blindingly bright. <strong>Sun</strong>spots appear dark only in contrast to<br />

the even brighter solar surface that surrounds them. A typical<br />

sunspot is large enough to swallow the entire Earth, dramatically<br />

illustrating that the <strong>Sun</strong> is immense by any<br />

earthly standard. The <strong>Sun</strong>’s radius is nearly 700,000 kilometers,<br />

and its mass is 2 10 30 kilograms—about 300,000<br />

times more massive than Earth.<br />

<strong>Sun</strong>spots appear to move from day to day along with<br />

the <strong>Sun</strong>’s rotation. If you watch very carefully, you may<br />

notice that sunspots near the solar equator circle the <strong>Sun</strong><br />

faster than those at higher solar latitudes. This observation<br />

reveals that, unlike a spinning ball, the entire <strong>Sun</strong> does<br />

not rotate at the same rate. Instead, the solar equator completes<br />

one rotation in about 25 days, and the rotation period<br />

increases with latitude to about 30 days near the solar<br />

poles. Table <strong>15</strong>.1 summarizes some of the basic properties<br />

of the <strong>Sun</strong>.<br />


VIS<br />

As a brief review, describe how we measure the mass of the<br />

<strong>Sun</strong> using Newton’s version of Kepler’s third law. (Hint: Look<br />

back at <strong>Chapter</strong> 5.)<br />

As you and your spaceship continue to fall toward the<br />

<strong>Sun</strong>, you notice an increasingly powerful headwind exerting<br />

a bit of drag on your descent. This headwind, called the<br />

solar wind, is created by ions and subatomic particles flowing<br />

outward from the solar surface. The solar wind helps<br />

shape the magnetospheres of planets [Sections 11.3, 12.4]<br />

and blows back the material that forms the tails of comets<br />

[Section 13.4].<br />

A few million kilometers above the solar surface, you<br />

enter the solar corona, the tenuous uppermost layer of the<br />

<strong>Sun</strong>’s atmosphere (Figure <strong>15</strong>.4). Here you find the temperature<br />

to be astonishingly high—about 1 million Kelvin. This<br />

region emits most of the <strong>Sun</strong>’s X rays. However, the density<br />

here is so low that your spaceship feels relatively little heat<br />

despite the million-degree temperature [Section 4.2].<br />

Nearer the surface, the temperature suddenly drops to<br />

about 10,000 K in the chromosphere, the primary source<br />

of the <strong>Sun</strong>’s ultraviolet radiation. At last you plunge through<br />

the visible surface of the <strong>Sun</strong>, called the photosphere,where<br />

the temperature averages just under 6,000 K. Although the<br />

photosphere looks like a well-defined surface from Earth,<br />

it consists of gas far less dense than Earth’s atmosphere.<br />

Throughout the solar atmosphere, you notice that<br />

the <strong>Sun</strong> has its own version of weather, in which conditions<br />

at a particular altitude differ from one region to another.<br />

Some regions of the chromosphere and corona are particularly<br />

hot and bright, while other regions are cooler and<br />

less dense. In the photosphere, sunspots are cooler than<br />

the surrounding surface, though they are still quite hot<br />

and bright by earthly standards. In addition, your compass<br />

goes crazy as you descend through the solar atmosphere,<br />

indicating that solar weather is shaped by intense magnetic<br />

fields. Occasionally, huge magnetic storms occur, shooting<br />

hot gases far into space.<br />

Into the <strong>Sun</strong><br />

Up to this point in your journey, you may have seen Earth<br />

and the stars when you looked back, but as you slip beneath<br />

the photosphere, blazing light engulfs you. You are<br />

chapter <strong>15</strong> • <strong>Our</strong> Star 499

solar wind<br />

photosphere<br />

corona<br />

chromosphere<br />

convection<br />

zone<br />

core<br />

radiation<br />

zone<br />

solar wind<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.4 The basic structure of the <strong>Sun</strong>. Nuclear fusion in the solar core generates the <strong>Sun</strong>’s energy.<br />

Photons of light carry that energy through the radiation zone to the bottom of the convection zone. Rising<br />

plumes of hot gas then transport the energy through the convection zone to the photosphere, where it is<br />

radiated into space. The photosphere, at a temperature of roughly 6,000 K, is relatively cool compared to<br />

the layers that lie above it. The temperature of the chromosphere, which is directly above the photosphere,<br />

exceeds 10,000 K. The temperature of the corona, extending outward from the chromosphere, can reach<br />

1 million degrees. Because the coronal gas is so hot, some of it escapes the <strong>Sun</strong>’s gravity, forming a solar<br />

wind that blows past Earth and out beyond Pluto.<br />

inside the <strong>Sun</strong>, and your spacecraft is tossed about by incredible<br />

turbulence. If you can hold steady long enough to<br />

see what is going on around you, you’ll notice spouts of<br />

hot gas rising upward, surrounded by cooler gas cascading<br />

down from above. You are in the convection zone,where<br />

energy generated in the solar core travels upward, transported<br />

by the rising of hot gas and falling of cool gas called<br />

convection [Section 10.2].With some quick thinking, you<br />

may realize that the photosphere above you is the top of<br />

the convection zone and that convection is the cause of<br />

the <strong>Sun</strong>’s seething, churning appearance.<br />

As you descend through the convection zone, the surrounding<br />

density and pressure increase substantially, along<br />

with the temperature. Soon you reach depths at which the<br />

<strong>Sun</strong> is far denser than water. Nevertheless, it is still a gas<br />

(more specifically, a plasma of positively charged ions and<br />

free electrons) because each particle moves independently<br />

of its neighbors [Section 4.3].<br />

About a third of the way down to the center, the turbulence<br />

of the convection zone gives way to the calmer<br />

plasma of the radiation zone,where energy is carried outward<br />

primarily by photons of light. The temperature rises<br />

to almost 10 million K, and your spacecraft is bathed in<br />

X rays trillions of times more intense than the visible light<br />

at the solar surface.<br />

500 part V • Stellar Alchemy


The <strong>Sun</strong> Is Not on Fire<br />

fission<br />

fusion<br />

We are accustomed to saying that the <strong>Sun</strong> is “burning,”<br />

a way of speaking that conjures up images of a giant bonfire<br />

in the sky. However, the <strong>Sun</strong> does not burn in the<br />

same sense as a fire burns on Earth. Fires on Earth generate<br />

light through chemical changes that consume oxygen<br />

and produce a flame. The glow of the <strong>Sun</strong> has more<br />

in common with the glowing embers left over after the<br />

flames have burned out. Much like hot embers, the <strong>Sun</strong>’s<br />

surface shines with the visible thermal radiation produced<br />

by any object that is sufficiently hot [Section 6.4].<br />

However, hot embers quickly stop glowing as they<br />

cool, while the <strong>Sun</strong> keeps shining because its surface is<br />

kept hot by the energy rising from the <strong>Sun</strong>’s core. Because<br />

this energy is generated by nuclear fusion, we<br />

sometimes say that it is the result of “nuclear burning”—<br />

a term that suggests nuclear changes in much the same<br />

way that “chemical burning” suggests chemical changes.<br />

Nevertheless, while it is reasonable to say that the <strong>Sun</strong><br />

undergoes nuclear burning in its core, it is not accurate<br />

to speak of any kind of burning on the <strong>Sun</strong>’s surface,<br />

where light is produced primarily by thermal radiation.<br />

No real spacecraft could survive, but your imaginary<br />

one keeps plunging straight down to the solar core.There<br />

you finally find the source of the <strong>Sun</strong>’s energy: nuclear fusion<br />

transforming hydrogen into helium. At the <strong>Sun</strong>’s center,<br />

the temperature is about <strong>15</strong> million K, the density is more<br />

than 100 times that of water, and the pressure is 200 billion<br />

times that on the surface of Earth. The energy produced<br />

in the core today will take about a million years to<br />

reach the surface.<br />

With your journey complete, it’s time to turn around<br />

and head back home. We’ll continue this chapter by studying<br />

fusion in the solar core and then tracing the flow of the<br />

energy generated by fusion as it moves outward through<br />

the <strong>Sun</strong>.<br />

<strong>15</strong>.3 The Cosmic Crucible<br />

The prospect of turning common metals like lead into<br />

gold enthralled those who pursued the medieval practice<br />

of alchemy. Sometimes they tried primitive scientific approaches,<br />

such as melting various ores together in a vessel<br />

called a crucible. Other times they tried magic. Their getrich-quick<br />

schemes never managed to work. Today we<br />

know that there is no easy way to turn other elements into<br />

gold, but it is possible to transmute one element or isotope<br />

into another.<br />

If a nucleus gains or loses protons, its atomic number<br />

changes and it becomes a different element. If it gains or<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.5 Nuclear fission splits a nucleus into smaller nuclei<br />

(not usually of equal size), while nuclear fusion combines smaller<br />

nuclei into a larger nucleus.<br />

loses neutrons, its atomic mass changes and it becomes a<br />

different isotope [Section 4.3].The process of splitting a nucleus<br />

into two smaller nuclei is called nuclear fission.The<br />

process of combining nuclei to make a nucleus with a greater<br />

number of protons or neutrons is called nuclear fusion<br />

(Figure <strong>15</strong>.5). Human-built nuclear power plants rely<br />

on nuclear fission of uranium or plutonium. The nuclear<br />

power plant at the center of the <strong>Sun</strong> relies on nuclear fusion,<br />

turning hydrogen into helium.<br />

Nuclear Fusion<br />

The <strong>15</strong> million K plasma in the solar core is like a “soup”<br />

of hot gas, with bare, positively charged atomic nuclei (and<br />

negatively charged electrons) whizzing about at extremely<br />

high speeds. At any one time, some of these nuclei are on<br />

high-speed collision courses with each other. In most cases,<br />

electromagnetic forces deflect the nuclei, preventing actual<br />

collisions, because positive charges repel one another. If<br />

nuclei collide with sufficient energy, however, they can stick<br />

together to form a heavier nucleus (Figure <strong>15</strong>.6).<br />

Sticking positively charged nuclei together is not easy.<br />

The strong force,which binds protons and neutrons together<br />

in atomic nuclei, is the only force in nature that can<br />

At low speeds, electromagnetic<br />

repulsion prevents the collision<br />

of nuclei.<br />

At high speeds, nuclei come close<br />

enough for the strong force to bind<br />

them together.<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.6 Positively charged nuclei can fuse only if a highspeed<br />

collision brings them close enough for the strong force<br />

to come into play.<br />

chapter <strong>15</strong> • <strong>Our</strong> Star 501

p<br />

p<br />

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3<br />

p<br />

n<br />

e <br />

gamma ray<br />

Key:<br />

e <br />

electron<br />

gamma<br />

ray<br />

e e <br />

positron p proton<br />

Total reaction<br />

p<br />

p<br />

n<br />

p<br />

p<br />

p<br />

p<br />

n p<br />

gamma ray<br />

n p<br />

p<br />

p<br />

p<br />

n n<br />

p<br />

n<br />

p<br />

p<br />

p<br />

e <br />

n p<br />

p<br />

e <br />

gamma ray<br />

gamma ray<br />

neutrino<br />

gamma ray<br />

p n<br />

n<br />

neutron<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.7 Hydrogen fuses into helium in the <strong>Sun</strong> by way of the proton–proton chain. In step 1, two<br />

protons fuse to create a deuterium nucleus consisting of a proton and a neutron. In step 2, the deuterium<br />

nucleus and a proton fuse to form helium-3, a rare form of helium. In step 3, two helium-3 nuclei fuse<br />

to form helium-4, the common form of helium.<br />

overcome the electromagnetic repulsion between two positively<br />

charged nuclei [Section S4.2].In contrast to gravitational<br />

and electromagnetic forces, which drop off gradually<br />

as the distances between particles increase (by an inverse<br />

square law [Section 5.3]), the strong force is more like glue<br />

or Velcro: It overpowers the electromagnetic force over<br />

very small distances but is insignificant when the distances<br />

between particles exceed the typical sizes of atomic nuclei.<br />

The trick to nuclear fusion, therefore, is to push the positively<br />

charged nuclei close enough together for the strong<br />

force to outmuscle electromagnetic repulsion.<br />

The high pressures and temperatures in the solar core<br />

are just right for fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium<br />

nuclei. The high temperature is important because the nuclei<br />

must collide at very high speeds if they are to come<br />

close enough together to fuse. (Quantum tunneling is also<br />

important to this process [Section S4.5].) The higher the<br />

temperature, the harder the collisions, making fusion reactions<br />

more likely at higher temperatures. The high pressure<br />

of the overlying layers is necessary because without it the<br />

hot plasma of the solar core would simply explode into space,<br />

shutting off the nuclear reactions. In the <strong>Sun</strong>, the pressure<br />

is high and steady, allowing some 600 million tons of hydrogen<br />

to fuse into helium every second.<br />

Hydrogen Fusion in the <strong>Sun</strong>:<br />

The Proton–Proton Chain<br />

Recall that hydrogen nuclei are nothing more than individual<br />

protons, while the most common form of helium<br />

consists of two protons and two neutrons. Thus, the<br />

overall hydrogen fusion reaction in the <strong>Sun</strong> is:<br />

p<br />

p<br />

4 1 H<br />

p<br />

p<br />

p n n<br />

p<br />

1 4 He<br />

energy<br />

However, collisions between two nuclei are far more<br />

common than three- or four-way collisions, so this overall<br />

reaction proceeds through steps that involve just two nuclei<br />

at a time. The sequence of steps that occurs in the <strong>Sun</strong> is<br />

called the proton–proton chain because it begins with collisions<br />

between individual protons (hydrogen nuclei).<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.7 illustrates the steps in the proton–proton chain:<br />

Step 1. Two protons fuse to form a nucleus consisting of<br />

one proton and one neutron, which is the isotope of hydrogen<br />

known as deuterium. Note that this step converts a<br />

proton into a neutron, reducing the total nuclear charge<br />

from 2 for the two fusing protons to 1 for the resulting<br />

deuterium nucleus. The lost positive charge is carried off<br />

by a positron, the antimatter version of an electron with<br />

a positive rather than negative charge [Section S4.2].A neutrino—a<br />

subatomic particle with a very tiny mass—is also<br />

produced in this step.* The positron won’t last long, because<br />

it soon meets up with an ordinary electron, resulting<br />

*Producing a neutrino is necessary because of a law called conservation<br />

of lepton number: The number of leptons (e.g., electrons or neutrinos<br />

[<strong>Chapter</strong> S4]) must be the same before and after the reaction. The lepton<br />

number is zero before the reaction because there are no leptons. Among<br />

the reaction products, the positron (antielectron) has lepton number 1<br />

because it is antimatter, and the neutrino has lepton number 1. Thus,<br />

the total lepton number remains zero.<br />

502 part V • Stellar Alchemy

in the creation of two gamma-ray photons through matter–<br />

antimatter annihilation.<br />

Step 2. A fair number of deuterium nuclei are always present<br />

along with the protons and other nuclei in the solar<br />

core, since step 1 occurs so frequently in the <strong>Sun</strong> (about<br />

10 38 times per second). Step 2 occurs when one of these<br />

deuterium nuclei collides and fuses with a proton. The<br />

result is a nucleus of helium-3, a rare form of helium with<br />

two protons and one neutron. This reaction also produces<br />

a gamma-ray photon.<br />

Step 3. The third and final step of the proton–proton chain<br />

requires the addition of another neutron to the helium-3,<br />

thereby making normal helium-4. This final step can proceed<br />

in several different ways, but the most common route<br />

involves a collision of two helium-3 nuclei. Each of these<br />

helium-3 nuclei resulted from a prior, separate occurrence<br />

of step 2 somewhere in the solar core. The final result is a<br />

normal helium-4 nucleus and two protons.<br />

Total reaction. Somewhere in the solar core, steps 1 and 2<br />

must each occur twice to make step 3 possible. Six protons<br />

go into each complete cycle of the proton–proton chain, but<br />

two come back out. Thus, the overall proton–proton chain<br />

converts four protons (hydrogen nuclei) into a helium-4<br />

nucleus, two positrons, two neutrinos, and two gamma rays.<br />

Each resulting helium-4 nucleus has a mass that is<br />

slightly less (by about 0.7%) than the combined mass of<br />

the four protons that created it. Overall, fusion in the <strong>Sun</strong><br />

converts about 600 million tons of hydrogen into 596 million<br />

tons of helium every second. The “missing” 4 million<br />

tons of matter becomes energy in accord with Einstein’s<br />

formula E mc 2 .About 98% of the energy emerges as<br />

kinetic energy of the resulting helium nuclei and radiative<br />

energy of the gamma rays. As we will see, this energy<br />

slowly percolates to the solar surface, eventually emerging<br />

as the sunlight that bathes Earth. About 2% of the energy<br />

is carried off by the neutrinos. Neutrinos rarely interact<br />

with matter (because they respond only to the weak force<br />

[Section S4.2]), so most of the neutrinos created by the<br />

proton–proton chain pass straight from the solar core<br />

through the solar surface and out into space.<br />

The Solar Thermostat<br />

The rate of nuclear fusion in the solar core, which determines<br />

the energy output of the <strong>Sun</strong>, is very sensitive to<br />

temperature. A slight increase in temperature would mean<br />

a much higher fusion rate, and a slight decrease in temperature<br />

would mean a much lower fusion rate. If the<br />

<strong>Sun</strong>’s rate of fusion varied erratically, the effects on Earth<br />

might be devastating. Fortunately, the <strong>Sun</strong>’s central temperature<br />

is steady thanks to gravitational equilibrium—the<br />

balance between the pull of gravity and the push of internal<br />

pressure.<br />

Outside the solar core, the energy produced by fusion<br />

travels toward the <strong>Sun</strong>’s surface at a slow but steady rate. In<br />

this steady state, the amount of energy leaving the top of<br />

each gas layer within the <strong>Sun</strong> precisely balances the energy<br />

entering from the bottom (Figure <strong>15</strong>.8). Suppose the core<br />

temperature of the <strong>Sun</strong> rose very slightly. The rate of nuclear<br />

fusion would soar, generating lots of extra energy. Because<br />

energy moves so slowly through the <strong>Sun</strong>, this extra<br />

energy would be bottled up in the core, causing an increase<br />

in the core pressure. The push of this pressure would temporarily<br />

exceed the pull of gravity, causing the core to expand<br />

and cool. With cooling, the fusion rate would drop<br />

back down. The expansion and cooling would continue until<br />

gravitational equilibrium was restored, at which point the<br />

fusion rate would return to its original value.<br />

An opposite process would restore the normal fusion<br />

rate if the core temperature dropped. A decrease in core<br />

temperature would lead to decreased nuclear burning,<br />

a drop in the central pressure, and contraction of the core.<br />

As the core shrank, its temperature would rise until the<br />

burning rate returned to normal.<br />

The response of the core pressure to changes in the<br />

nuclear fusion rate is essentially a thermostat that keeps<br />

the <strong>Sun</strong>’s central temperature steady. Any change in<br />

the core temperature is automatically corrected by the<br />

change in the fusion rate and the accompanying change<br />

in pressure.<br />

While the processes involved in gravitational equilibrium<br />

prevent erratic changes in the fusion rate, they also<br />

ensure that the fusion rate gradually rises over billions of<br />

years. Because each fusion reaction converts four hydrogen<br />

nuclei into one helium nucleus, the total number of independent<br />

particles in the solar core is gradually falling. This<br />

gradual reduction in the number of particles causes the<br />

solar core to shrink.<br />

The slow shrinking of the solar core means that it must<br />

generate energy more rapidly to counteract the stronger<br />

compression of gravity, so the solar core gradually gets<br />

hotter as it shrinks. Theoretical models indicate that the<br />

<strong>Sun</strong>’s core temperature should have increased enough to<br />

raise its fusion rate and the solar luminosity by about 30%<br />

since the <strong>Sun</strong> was born 4.6 billion years ago.<br />

How did the gradual increase in solar luminosity affect<br />

Earth? <strong>Geological</strong> evidence shows that Earth’s surface temperature<br />

has remained fairly steady since Earth finished<br />

forming more than 4 billion years ago, despite this 30%<br />

increase in the <strong>Sun</strong>’s energy output, because Earth has its<br />

own thermostat. This “Earth thermostat” is the carbon<br />

dioxide cycle. By maintaining a fairly steady level of atmospheric<br />

carbon dioxide, the carbon dioxide cycle regulates<br />

the greenhouse effect that maintains Earth’s surface temperature<br />

[Section 14.4].<br />

“Observing” the Solar Interior<br />

We cannot see inside the <strong>Sun</strong>, so you may be wondering<br />

how we can know so much about what goes on underneath<br />

its surface. Astronomers can study the <strong>Sun</strong>’s interior in<br />

three different ways: through mathematical models of the<br />

chapter <strong>15</strong> • <strong>Our</strong> Star 503

large decrease in<br />

rate of fusion<br />

slight decrease in<br />

core temperature<br />

slight rise in<br />

core temperature<br />

large rise in<br />

rate of fusion<br />

Solar<br />

Thermostat:<br />

Gravitational<br />

Equilibrium<br />

Because the energy<br />

supply is diminished,<br />

gravity starts to<br />

overcome thermal<br />

pressure.<br />

Increased energy<br />

output enables<br />

thermal pressure<br />

to overcome<br />

gravity.<br />

Gravity compresses<br />

the core, heats it up,<br />

and restores fusion<br />

rate to normal value.<br />

Increased thermal<br />

pressure causes the<br />

core to expand and then<br />

cool, which restores fusion<br />

rate to normal value.<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.8 The solar thermostat. Gravitational equilibrium regulates the <strong>Sun</strong>’s core temperature. Everything<br />

is in balance if the amount of energy leaving the core equals the amount of energy produced by<br />

fusion. A rise in core temperature triggers a chain of events that causes the core to expand, lowering its<br />

temperature to its normal value. A decrease in core temperature triggers the opposite chain of events,<br />

also restoring the normal core temperature.<br />

<strong>Sun</strong>, observations of “sun quakes,” and observations of<br />

solar neutrinos.<br />

Mathematical Models The primary way we learn about<br />

the interior of the <strong>Sun</strong> and other stars is by creating mathematical<br />

models that use the laws of physics to predict the<br />

internal conditions. A basic model uses the <strong>Sun</strong>’s observed<br />

composition and mass as inputs to equations that describe<br />

gravitational equilibrium, the solar thermostat, and the<br />

rate at which solar energy moves from the core to the photosphere.<br />

With the aid of a computer, we can use the model<br />

to calculate the <strong>Sun</strong>’s temperature, pressure, and density<br />

at any depth. We can then predict the rate of nuclear fusion<br />

in the solar core by combining these calculations with<br />

knowledge about nuclear fusion gathered in laboratories<br />

here on Earth.<br />

Remarkably, such models correctly “predict” the radius,<br />

surface temperature, luminosity, age, and many other<br />

properties of the <strong>Sun</strong>. However, current models do not<br />

predict everything about the <strong>Sun</strong> correctly. Scientists are<br />

constantly working to discover what is missing from them.<br />

Successful prediction of so many observed characteristics<br />

of the <strong>Sun</strong> gives us confidence that the models are on the<br />

right track and that we really do understand what is going<br />

on inside the <strong>Sun</strong>.<br />

<strong>Sun</strong> Quakes A second way to learn about the inside of<br />

the <strong>Sun</strong> is to observe “sun quakes”—vibrations of the <strong>Sun</strong><br />

that are similar to the vibrations of the Earth caused by<br />

earthquakes, although they are generated very differently.<br />

Earthquakes occur when Earth’s crust suddenly shifts, generating<br />

seismic waves that propagate through Earth’s interior<br />

[Section 10.2].We can learn about Earth’s interior by recording<br />

seismic waves on Earth’s surface with seismographs.<br />

<strong>Sun</strong> quakes result from waves of pressure (sound waves)<br />

that propagate deep within the <strong>Sun</strong> at all times. These<br />

waves cause the solar surface to vibrate when they reach<br />

it. Although we cannot set up seismographs on the <strong>Sun</strong>,<br />

we can detect the vibrations of the surface by measuring<br />

Doppler shifts [Section 6.5]. Light from portions of the surface<br />

that are rising toward us is slightly blueshifted, while<br />

light from portions that are falling away from us is slightly<br />

redshifted. The vibrations are relatively small but measurable<br />

(Figure <strong>15</strong>.9).<br />

504 part V • Stellar Alchemy

Figure <strong>15</strong>.9 Vibrations on the surface of<br />

the <strong>Sun</strong> can be detected by Doppler shifts.<br />

In this schematic representation, red indicates<br />

falling gas, and blue indicates rising gas.<br />

The speckled region indicates the convection<br />

zone. The vibration pattern illustrated<br />

here is just one of many possible patterns.<br />

The overall vibration pattern of the <strong>Sun</strong> is a<br />

complex combination of patterns similar to<br />

this one.<br />

In principle, we can deduce a great deal about the<br />

solar interior by carefully analyzing these vibrations. (By<br />

analogy to seismology on Earth, this type of study of the<br />

<strong>Sun</strong> is called helioseismology—helios means “sun.”) Results<br />

to date confirm that our mathematical models of the<br />

solar interior are on the right track (Figure <strong>15</strong>.10). At the<br />

same time, they provide data that can be used to improve<br />

the models further.<br />

Mathematical Insight <strong>15</strong>.1 Mass-Energy Conversion in the <strong>Sun</strong><br />

We can calculate how much mass the <strong>Sun</strong> loses through nuclear<br />

fusion by comparing the input and output masses of the proton–<br />

proton chain. A single proton has a mass of 1.6726 10 27 kg,<br />

so four protons have a mass of 6.690 10 27 kg.<br />

A helium-4 nucleus has a mass of only 6.643 10 27 kg,<br />

slightly less than the mass of the four protons. The difference is:<br />

6.690 10 27 kg 6.643 10 27 kg 4.7 10 29 kg<br />

which is 0.7%, or 0.007, of the original mass. Thus, for example,<br />

when 1 kilogram of hydrogen fuses, the resulting helium weighs<br />

only 993 grams, while 7 grams of mass turns into energy.<br />

To calculate the total amount of mass converted to energy<br />

in the <strong>Sun</strong> each second, we use Einstein’s equation E mc 2 .The<br />

total energy produced by the <strong>Sun</strong> each second is 3.8 10 26 joules,<br />

so we can solve for the total mass converted to energy each second:<br />

E mc 2 E<br />

⇒ m c 2<br />

<br />

3.8 10 26 joules<br />

<br />

<br />

3.0 10 8 m s 2<br />

4.2 10 9 kg<br />

The <strong>Sun</strong> loses about 4 billion kilograms of mass every second,<br />

which is roughly equivalent to the combined mass of nearly<br />

100 million people.<br />

Example: How much hydrogen is converted to helium each<br />

second in the <strong>Sun</strong>?<br />

Solution: We have already calculated that the <strong>Sun</strong> loses 4.2 10 9 kg<br />

of mass each second and that this is only 0.7% of the mass of hydrogen<br />

that is fused:<br />

4.2 10 9 kg 0.007 mass of hydrogen fused<br />

We now solve for the mass of hydrogen fused:<br />

mass of<br />

hydrogen fused 4.2 10<br />

9 kg<br />

<br />

0.007<br />

6.0 10 11 kg 1m etric<br />

ton<br />

103<br />

kg<br />

6.0 10 8 metric tons<br />

The <strong>Sun</strong> fuses 600 million metric tons of hydrogen each second,<br />

of which about 4 million tons becomes energy. The remaining<br />

596 million tons becomes helium.<br />

chapter <strong>15</strong> • <strong>Our</strong> Star 505

Key<br />

model<br />

10 7 data<br />

Key<br />

100 model<br />

data<br />

10<br />

temperature (K)<br />

10 6<br />

core<br />

radiation<br />

zone<br />

convection<br />

zone<br />

density (g/cm 3 )<br />

1<br />

0.1<br />

core<br />

radiation<br />

zone<br />

convection<br />

zone<br />

0.01<br />

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0<br />

fraction of the <strong>Sun</strong>’s radius<br />

a Temperature at different radii within the <strong>Sun</strong>.<br />

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0<br />

fraction of the <strong>Sun</strong>’s radius<br />

b Density at different radii within the <strong>Sun</strong>. (The density of water is<br />

1 g/cm 3 .)<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.10 Agreement between mathematical models of solar structure and actual measurements of<br />

solar structure derived from “sun quakes.” The red lines show predictions of mathematical models of the<br />

<strong>Sun</strong>. The blue lines show the interior structure of the <strong>Sun</strong> as indicated by vibrations of the <strong>Sun</strong>’s surface.<br />

These vibrations tell us about conditions deep within the <strong>Sun</strong> because they are produced by sound waves<br />

that propagate through the <strong>Sun</strong>’s interior layers.<br />

Solar Neutrinos Another way to study the solar interior<br />

is to observe the neutrinos coming from fusion reactions in<br />

the core. Don’t panic, but as you read this sentence about a<br />

thousand trillion solar neutrinos will zip through your body.<br />

Fortunately, they won’t do any damage, because neutrinos<br />

rarely interact with anything. Neutrinos created by fusion<br />

in the solar core fly quickly through the <strong>Sun</strong> as if passing<br />

through empty space. In fact, while an inch of lead will stop<br />

an X ray, stopping an average neutrino would require a slab<br />

of lead more than 1 light-year thick! Clearly, counting neutrinos<br />

is dauntingly difficult, because virtually all of them<br />

stream right through any detector built to capture them.<br />


Is the number of solar neutrinos zipping through our bodies<br />

significantly lower at night? (Hint: How does the thickness of<br />

Earth compare with the thickness of a slab of lead needed<br />

to stop an average neutrino?)<br />

Nevertheless, neutrinos do occasionally interact with<br />

matter, and it is possible to capture a few solar neutrinos<br />

with a large enough detector. Neutrino detectors are usually<br />

placed deep inside mines so that the overlying layers of<br />

rock block all other kinds of particles coming from outer<br />

space except neutrinos, which pass through rock easily. The<br />

first major solar neutrino detector, built in the 1960s, was<br />

located 1,500 meters underground in the Homestake gold<br />

mine in South Dakota (Figure <strong>15</strong>.11).<br />

The detector for this “Homestake experiment” consisted<br />

of a 400,000-liter vat of chlorine-containing dry-cleaning<br />

fluid. It turns out that, on very rare occasions, a chlorine<br />

nucleus can capture a neutrino and change into a nucleus<br />

of radioactive argon. By looking for radioactive argon in<br />

the tank of cleaning fluid, experimenters could count the<br />

number of neutrinos captured in the detector.<br />

From the many trillions of solar neutrinos that passed<br />

through the tank of cleaning fluid each second, experimenters<br />

expected to capture an average of just one neutrino<br />

per day. This predicted capture rate was based on measured<br />

properties of chlorine nuclei and models of nuclear fusion<br />

in the <strong>Sun</strong>. However, over a period of more than two<br />

decades, neutrinos were captured only about once every<br />

3 days on average. That is, the Homestake experiment detected<br />

only about one-third of the predicted number of<br />

neutrinos. This disagreement between model predictions<br />

and actual observations came to be called the solar neutrino<br />

problem.<br />

The shortfall of neutrinos found with the Homestake<br />

experiment led to many more recent attempts to detect solar<br />

neutrinos using more sophisticated detectors (Figure <strong>15</strong>.12).<br />

The chlorine nuclei in the Homestake experiment could<br />

506 part V • Stellar Alchemy

Figure <strong>15</strong>.11 This tank of dry-cleaning fluid (visible underneath<br />

the catwalk), located deep within South Dakota’s Homestake mine,<br />

was a solar neutrino detector. The chlorine nuclei in the cleaning<br />

fluid turned into argon nuclei when they captured neutrinos from<br />

the <strong>Sun</strong>.<br />

a Scientists inspecting individual detectors within Super-Kamiokande.<br />

capture only high-energy neutrinos that are produced by<br />

one of the rare pathways of step 3 in the proton–proton<br />

chain (not shown in Figure <strong>15</strong>.7). More recent experiments<br />

can detect lower-energy neutrinos, including those produced<br />

by step 1 of the proton–proton chain, and therefore offer a<br />

better probe of fusion in the <strong>Sun</strong>. To date, all these experiments<br />

have found fewer neutrinos than current models of<br />

the <strong>Sun</strong> predict. This discrepancy between model and experiment<br />

probably means one of two things: Either something<br />

is wrong with our models of the <strong>Sun</strong>, or something is<br />

missing in our understanding of how neutrinos behave.<br />


Although the observed number of neutrinos falls short of<br />

theoretical predictions, experiments like Homestake have<br />

shown that at least some neutrinos are coming from the<br />

<strong>Sun</strong>. Explain why this provides direct evidence that nuclear<br />

fusion really is taking place in the <strong>Sun</strong> right now. (Hint: See<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.7.)<br />

For the moment, many physicists and astronomers<br />

are betting that we understand the <strong>Sun</strong> just fine and that<br />

the discrepancy has to do with the neutrinos themselves.<br />

One intriguing idea arises from the fact that neutrinos come<br />

in three types: electron neutrinos, muon neutrinos, and<br />

tau neutrinos [Section S4.2].<br />

Fusion reactions in the <strong>Sun</strong> produce only electron neutrinos,<br />

and most solar neutrino detectors can detect only<br />

b An image of the <strong>Sun</strong> created by tracing the paths of<br />

neutrinos detected by Super-Kamiokande back to the <strong>Sun</strong>.<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.12 The Super-Kamiokande experiment in Japan is one<br />

of the world’s premier neutrino detectors.<br />

chapter <strong>15</strong> • <strong>Our</strong> Star 507

electron neutrinos. However, recent experiments have shown<br />

that some of the electron neutrinos might change into muon<br />

and tau neutrinos as they fly out through the solar plasma.<br />

In that case, our detectors would count fewer than the expected<br />

number of electron neutrinos. Early results from<br />

the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory in Canada, a new detector<br />

designed to search for all types of neutrinos, suggest<br />

that neutrinos changing type is indeed the solution to the<br />

solar neutrino problem. The observations are ongoing, and<br />

it will probably be several more years before this solution<br />

can be definitively confirmed.<br />

Because of their roles in detecting solar neutrinos and<br />

identifying the solar neutrino problem, Raymond Davis,<br />

leader of the Homestake experiment, and Masatoshi Koshiba,<br />

leader of Super-Kamiokande, shared in the 2002 Nobel<br />

Prize for physics.<br />

<strong>15</strong>.4 From Core to Corona<br />

Energy liberated by nuclear fusion in the <strong>Sun</strong>’s core must<br />

eventually reach the solar surface, where it can be radiated<br />

into space. The path that the energy takes to the surface<br />

is long and complex. In this section, we follow that<br />

long path.<br />

The Path Through the Solar Interior<br />

In <strong>Chapter</strong> 6, we discussed how atoms can absorb or emit<br />

photons. In fact, photons can also interact with any charged<br />

particle, and a photon that “collides” with an electron can<br />

be deflected into a completely new direction.<br />

Deep in the solar interior, the plasma is so dense that<br />

the gamma-ray photons resulting from fusion travel only<br />

a fraction of a millimeter before colliding with an electron.<br />

Because each collision sends the photon in a random new<br />

direction, the photon bounces around the core in a haphazard<br />

way, sometimes called a random walk.With each<br />

random bounce, the photon drifts farther and farther,<br />

on average, from its point of origin. As a result, photons<br />

from the solar core gradually work their way outward (Figure<br />

<strong>15</strong>.13). The technical term for this slow, outward migration<br />

of photons is radiative diffusion (to diffuse means<br />

to “spread out” and radiative refers to the photons of light<br />

or radiation).<br />

Along the way, the photons exchange energy with their<br />

surroundings. Because the surrounding temperature declines<br />

as the photons move outward through the <strong>Sun</strong>, they<br />

are gradually transformed from gamma rays to photons<br />

of lower energy. (Because energy must be conserved, each<br />

gamma-ray photon becomes many lower-energy photons.)<br />

By the time the energy of fusion reaches the surface, the<br />

photons are primarily visible light. On average, the energy<br />

released in a fusion reaction takes about a million years<br />

to reach the solar surface.<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.13 A photon in the solar interior bounces randomly<br />

among electrons, slowly working its way outward in a process<br />

called radiative diffusion.<br />

Radiative diffusion is just one type of diffusion. Another is the<br />

diffusion of dye through a glass of water. If you place a concentrated<br />

spot of dye at one point in the water, each individual dye<br />

molecule begins a random walk as it bounces among the water<br />

molecules. The result is that the dye gradually spreads through<br />

the entire glass. Can you think of any other examples of diffusion<br />

in the world around you?<br />

Radiative diffusion is the primary way by which energy<br />

moves outward through the radiation zone, which stretches<br />

from the core to about 70% of the <strong>Sun</strong>’s radius (see Figure<br />

<strong>15</strong>.4). Above this point, where the temperature has<br />

dropped to about 2 million K, the solar plasma absorbs photons<br />

more readily (rather than just bouncing them around).<br />

This point is the beginning of the solar convection zone,<br />

where the buildup of heat resulting from photon absorption<br />

causes bubbles of hot plasma to rise upward in the process<br />

known as convection [Section 10.2].Convection occurs<br />

because hot gas is less dense than cool gas. Like a hot-air<br />

balloon, a hot bubble of solar plasma rises upward through<br />

the cooler plasma above it. Meanwhile, cooler plasma from<br />

above slides around the rising bubble and sinks to lower<br />

layers, where it is heated. The rising of hot plasma and sinking<br />

of cool plasma form a cycle that transports energy outward<br />

from the top of the radiation zone to the solar surface<br />

(Figure <strong>15</strong>.14a).<br />

The Solar Surface<br />


Earth has a solid crust, so its surface is well defined. In<br />

contrast, the <strong>Sun</strong> is made entirely of gaseous plasma. Defining<br />

where the surface of the <strong>Sun</strong> begins is therefore something<br />

like defining the surface of a cloud: From a distance<br />

it looks quite distinct, but up close the surface is fuzzy, not<br />

sharp. We generally define the solar surface as the layer that<br />

appears distinct from a distance. This is the layer we identified<br />

as the photosphere when we took our imaginary journey<br />

into the <strong>Sun</strong>. More technically, the photosphere is the<br />

layer of the <strong>Sun</strong> from which photons finally escape into<br />

space after the million-year journey of solar energy outward<br />

from the core.<br />

508 part V • Stellar Alchemy

a This schematic diagram shows how hot gas (white arrows) rises<br />

while cooler gas (orange/black arrows) descends around it. Bright spots<br />

appear on the solar surface in places where hot gas is rising from<br />

below, creating the granulated appearance of the solar photosphere.<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.14 Convection transports energy outward in the <strong>Sun</strong>’s convection zone.<br />

b Granulation is evident in this<br />

VIS<br />

photo of the <strong>Sun</strong>’s surface. Each<br />

bright granule is the top of a rising<br />

column of gas. At the darker lines<br />

between the granules, cooler gas is descending below the photosphere.<br />

Each granule is about 1,000 kilometers across.<br />

Most of the energy produced by fusion in the solar<br />

core ultimately leaves the photosphere as thermal radiation<br />

[Section 6.4].The average temperature of the photosphere<br />

is about 5,800 K, corresponding to a thermal radiation spectrum<br />

that peaks in the green portion of the visible spectrum,<br />

with substantial energy coming out in all colors of<br />

visible light. The <strong>Sun</strong> appears whitish when seen from space,<br />

but in our sky the <strong>Sun</strong> appears somewhat more yellow—<br />

and even red at sunset—because Earth’s atmosphere scatters<br />

blue light. It is this scattered light from the <strong>Sun</strong> that makes<br />

our skies blue [Section 11.3].<br />

Although the average temperature of the photosphere<br />

is 5,800 K, actual temperatures vary significantly from place<br />

to place. The photosphere is marked throughout by the<br />

bubbling pattern of granulation produced by the underlying<br />

convection (Figure <strong>15</strong>.14b). Each granule appears<br />

bright in the center, where hot gas bubbles upward, and dark<br />

around the edges, where cool gas descends. If we made a<br />

movie of the granulation, we’d see it bubbling rather like<br />

a pot of boiling water. Just as bubbles in a pot of boiling<br />

water burst on the surface and are replaced by new bubbles,<br />

each granule lasts only a few minutes before being replaced<br />

by other granules bubbling upward.<br />

<strong>Sun</strong>spots and Magnetic Fields<br />

<strong>Sun</strong>spots are the most striking features on the solar surface<br />

(Figure <strong>15</strong>.<strong>15</strong>a). The temperature of the plasma in sunspots<br />

is about 4,000 K, significantly cooler than the 5,800 K plasma<br />

of the surrounding photosphere. If you think about this for<br />

a moment, you may wonder how sunspots can be so much<br />

cooler than their surroundings. Why doesn’t the surrounding<br />

hot plasma heat the sunspots? Something must be<br />

preventing hot plasma from entering the sunspots, and<br />

that “something” turns out to be magnetic fields.<br />

Detailed observations of the <strong>Sun</strong>’s spectral lines reveal<br />

sunspots to be regions with strong magnetic fields. These<br />

magnetic fields can alter the energy levels in atoms and<br />

ions and therefore can alter the spectral lines they produce.<br />

More specifically, magnetic fields cause some spectral lines<br />

to split into two or more closely spaced lines (Figure <strong>15</strong>.<strong>15</strong>b).<br />

This effect (called the Zeeman effect) enables scientists to<br />

map magnetic fields on the <strong>Sun</strong> by studying the spectral<br />

lines in light from different parts of the solar surface.<br />

Magnetic fields are invisible, but in principle we could<br />

visualize a magnetic field by laying out many compasses.<br />

Each compass needle would point to local magnetic north.<br />

We can represent the magnetic field by drawing a series of<br />

lines, called magnetic field lines,connecting the needles<br />

of these imaginary compasses (Figure <strong>15</strong>.16a). The strength<br />

of the magnetic field is indicated by the spacing of the lines:<br />

Closer lines mean a stronger field (Figure <strong>15</strong>.16b). Because<br />

these imaginary field lines are so much easier to visualize<br />

than the magnetic field itself, we usually discuss magnetic<br />

fields by talking about how the field lines would appear.<br />

Charged particles, such as the ions and electrons in the<br />

solar plasma, follow paths that spiral along the magnetic<br />

field lines (Figure <strong>15</strong>.16c). Thus, the solar plasma can move<br />

freely along magnetic field lines but cannot easily move<br />

perpendicular to them.<br />

The magnetic field lines act somewhat like elastic bands,<br />

being twisted into contortions and knots by turbulent motions<br />

in the solar atmosphere. <strong>Sun</strong>spots occur where the<br />

most taut and tightly wound magnetic fields poke nearly<br />

straight out from the solar interior. <strong>Sun</strong>spots tend to occur<br />

in pairs connected by a loop of magnetic field lines. These<br />

chapter <strong>15</strong> • <strong>Our</strong> Star 509

a This close-up view of the <strong>Sun</strong>’s surface<br />

(right) shows two large sunspots and several<br />

smaller ones. Both of the big sunspots are<br />

roughly as large as Earth.<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.<strong>15</strong> <strong>Sun</strong>spots are regions of intense<br />

magnetic activity.<br />

VIS<br />

tight magnetic field lines suppress convection within each<br />

sunspot and prevent surrounding plasma from sliding sideways<br />

into the sunspot. With hot plasma unable to enter the<br />

region, the sunspot plasma becomes cooler than that of the<br />

rest of the photosphere (Figure <strong>15</strong>.17a).<br />

The magnetic field lines connecting two sunspots often<br />

soar high above the photosphere, through the chromosphere,<br />

and into the corona (Figure <strong>15</strong>.17b). These vaulted loops<br />

of magnetic field sometimes appear as solar prominences,<br />

in which the field traps gas that may glow for days or even<br />

weeks. Some prominences rise to heights of more than<br />

100,000 kilometers above the <strong>Sun</strong>’s surface (Figure <strong>15</strong>.18).<br />

The most dramatic events on the solar surface are<br />

solar flares,which emit bursts of X rays and fast-moving<br />

charged particles into space (Figure <strong>15</strong>.19). Flares generally<br />

occur in the vicinity of sunspots, leading us to suspect that<br />

they occur when the magnetic field lines become so twisted<br />

and knotted that they can no longer bear the tension. The<br />

magnetic field lines suddenly snap like tangled elastic bands<br />

twisted beyond their limits, releasing a huge amount of<br />

energy. This energy heats the nearby plasma to 100 million<br />

K over the next few minutes to few hours, generating X rays<br />

and accelerating some of the charged particles to nearly the<br />

speed of light.<br />

The Chromosphere and Corona<br />

The high temperatures of the chromosphere and corona<br />

perplexed scientists for decades. After all, temperatures<br />

gradually decline as we move outward from the core to the<br />

VIS<br />

b Spectra of sunspots can be<br />

used to measure the strength<br />

of their magnetic fields. This<br />

image shows the spectrum<br />

of a sunspot and its surroundings.<br />

The sunspot region<br />

shows up as dark horizontal<br />

bands because it is darker<br />

than the rest of the solar surface<br />

in its vicinity. The vertical<br />

bands are absorption lines<br />

that are present both inside<br />

and outside the sunspots.<br />

The influence of strong magnetic<br />

fields within the sunspot<br />

region splits a single absorption<br />

line into three parts.<br />

Measuring the separation<br />

between these lines tells us<br />

the strength of the magnetic<br />

field within the sunspot.<br />

top of the photosphere. Why should this decline suddenly<br />

reverse? Some aspects of this atmospheric heating remain<br />

a mystery today, but we have at least a general explanation:<br />

The <strong>Sun</strong>’s strong magnetic fields carry energy upward from<br />

the churning solar surface to the chromosphere and corona.<br />

More specifically, the rising and falling of gas in the<br />

convection zone probably shakes magnetic field lines beneath<br />

the solar surface. This shaking generates waves along the<br />

magnetic field lines that carry energy upward to the solar<br />

510 part V • Stellar Alchemy

weaker magnetic field<br />

stronger<br />

magnetic<br />

field<br />

e <br />

e <br />

e <br />

weaker magnetic field<br />

a Magnetic field lines follow b Lines closer together c Charged particles follow<br />

the directions that compass indicate a stronger field. paths that spiral along<br />

needles would point.<br />

magnetic field lines.<br />

e <br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.16 We draw magnetic field<br />

lines to represent invisible magnetic fields.<br />

atmosphere. Precisely how the waves deposit their energy<br />

in the chromosphere and corona is not known, but the<br />

waves agitate the low-density plasma of these layers, somehow<br />

heating them to high temperatures. Much of this heating<br />

appears to happen near where the magnetic field lines<br />

emerge from the <strong>Sun</strong>’s surface.<br />

According to this model of solar heating, the same<br />

magnetic fields that keep sunspots cool make the overlying<br />

plasma of the chromosphere and corona hot. We can test<br />

this idea observationally. The gas of the chromosphere and<br />

corona is so tenuous that we cannot see it with our eyes<br />

except during a total eclipse, when we can see the faint visible<br />

light scattered by electrons in the corona [Section 2.5].<br />

However, the roughly 10,000 K plasma of the chromosphere<br />

emits strongly in the ultraviolet, and the million K plasma<br />

of the corona is the source of virtually all X rays coming<br />

Magnetic fields<br />

trap gas.<br />

T 5,800 K<br />

sunspots<br />

T 4,500 K<br />

T 5,800 K<br />

convection<br />

cells<br />

Magnetic fields of sunspots suppress convection<br />

and prevent surrounding plasma from sliding<br />

sideways into sunspot.<br />

a Pairs of sunspots are connected by tightly wound magnetic<br />

field lines.<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.17 Loops of magnetic field lines can arch high above<br />

the solar surface, reaching heights many times larger than Earth’s<br />

diameter.<br />

b This X-ray photo (from NASA’s<br />

TRACE mission) shows gas trapped<br />

within looped magnetic field lines.<br />

X-ray<br />

chapter <strong>15</strong> • <strong>Our</strong> Star 511

Figure <strong>15</strong>.18 A gigantic solar prominence<br />

erupts from the solar surface at the upper<br />

right of this ultraviolet-light photo (from the<br />

SOHO mission). The gas within this prominence,<br />

which is over 20 times the size of<br />

Earth, is quite hot but still cooler than the<br />

million-degree gas of the surrounding corona.<br />

UV<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.19 This photo (from<br />

TRACE) of ultraviolet light emitted<br />

by hydrogen atoms shows a solar<br />

flare erupting from the <strong>Sun</strong>’s surface.<br />

UV<br />

from the <strong>Sun</strong>. Figure <strong>15</strong>.20 shows an X-ray image of the <strong>Sun</strong>.<br />

As the solar heating model predicts, the brightest regions<br />

of the corona tend to be directly above sunspot groups.<br />

Some regions of the corona, called coronal holes, barely<br />

show up in X-ray images. More detailed analyses show that<br />

the magnetic field lines in coronal holes project out into<br />

space like broken rubber bands, allowing particles spiraling<br />

along them to escape the <strong>Sun</strong> altogether. These particles<br />

streaming outward from the corona constitute the solar<br />

wind, which blows through the solar system at an average<br />

speed of about 500 kilometers per second and has important<br />

effects on planetary surfaces, atmospheres, and magnetospheres.<br />

Well beyond the planets, the pressure of interstellar<br />

gas must eventually halt the solar wind. The Pioneer<br />

and Voyager spacecraft that visited the outer planets in the<br />

1970s and 1980s are still traveling outward from our solar<br />

system and may soon encounter this “boundary” (called the<br />

heliopause) of the realm of the <strong>Sun</strong>.<br />

The solar wind also gives us something tangible to<br />

study. In the same way that meteorites provide us with samples<br />

of asteroids we’ve never visited, solar wind particles<br />

captured by satellites provide us with a sample of material<br />

from the <strong>Sun</strong>. Analysis of these solar particles has reassuringly<br />

verified that the <strong>Sun</strong> is made mostly of hydrogen,<br />

just as we conclude from studying the <strong>Sun</strong>’s spectrum.<br />

512 part V • Stellar Alchemy

Figure <strong>15</strong>.20 An X-ray image of the<br />

<strong>Sun</strong> reveals the million-degree gas of the<br />

corona. Brighter regions of this image<br />

(yellow) correspond to regions of stronger<br />

X-ray emission. The darker regions are<br />

the coronal holes from which the solar<br />

wind escapes. (From the Yohkoh space<br />

observatory.)<br />

X-ray<br />

<strong>15</strong>.5 Solar Weather<br />

and Climate<br />

Individual sunspots, prominences, and flares are short-lived<br />

phenomena, somewhat like storms on Earth. They constitute<br />

what we call solar weather or solar activity.You know<br />

from personal experience that the Earth’s weather is notoriously<br />

unpredictable. The same is true for the <strong>Sun</strong>: We<br />

cannot predict precisely when or where a particular sunspot<br />

or flare will appear. Earth’s climate, on the other hand, is<br />

quite regular from season to season. So it is with the <strong>Sun</strong>,<br />

where despite day-to-day variations the general nature and<br />

intensity of solar activity follow a predictable cycle.<br />

The <strong>Sun</strong>spot Cycle<br />

Long before we realized that sunspots were magnetic disturbances,<br />

astronomers had recognized patterns in sunspot<br />

activity. The most notable pattern is the number of sunspots<br />

visible on the <strong>Sun</strong> at any particular time. Thanks to<br />

telescopic observations of the <strong>Sun</strong> recorded by astronomers<br />

since the 1600s, we know that the number of sunspots<br />

gradually rises and falls in a sunspot cycle with an average<br />

period of about 11 years (Figure <strong>15</strong>.21a). At the time of<br />

solar maximum,when sunspots are most numerous, we<br />

may see dozens of sunspots on the <strong>Sun</strong> at one time. In contrast,<br />

we see few if any sunspots at the time of solar minimum.The<br />

frequency of prominences and flares also follows<br />

the sunspot cycle, with these events being most common<br />

at solar maximum and least common at solar minimum.<br />

Although we’ll call it an “11-year” cycle, the interval<br />

between solar maxima is sometimes as long as <strong>15</strong> years<br />

or as short as 7 years. The number of sunspots also varies<br />

dramatically (Figure <strong>15</strong>.21a). In fact, sunspot activity virtually<br />

ceased between the years 1645 and 17<strong>15</strong>, a period<br />

sometimes called the Maunder minimum (after E. W.<br />

Maunder, who identified it in historical sunspot records).<br />

Another feature of the sunspot cycle is a gradual<br />

change in the solar latitudes at which individual sunspots<br />

form and dissolve (Figure <strong>15</strong>.21b). As a cycle begins at solar<br />

minimum, sunspots form primarily at mid-latitudes (30°<br />

to 40°) on the <strong>Sun</strong>. The sunspots tend to form at lower latitudes<br />

as the cycle progresses, appearing very close to the<br />

solar equator as the next solar minimum approaches.<br />

A less obvious feature of the sunspot cycle is that<br />

something peculiar happens to the <strong>Sun</strong>’s magnetic field<br />

at each solar minimum. The field lines connecting all pairs<br />

of sunspots (see Figure <strong>15</strong>.17) tend to point in the same<br />

direction throughout an 11-year solar cycle (within each<br />

hemisphere). For example, all compass needles might point<br />

from the easternmost sunspot to the westernmost sunspot<br />

in a pair. However, as the cycle ends at solar minimum, the<br />

magnetic field reverses: In the subsequent solar cycle, the<br />

field lines connecting pairs of sunspots point in the opposite<br />

direction. Apparently, the entire magnetic field of the <strong>Sun</strong><br />

flip-flops every 11 years.<br />

The magnetic reversals hint that the sunspot cycle<br />

is related to the generation of magnetic fields on the <strong>Sun</strong>.<br />

They also tell us that the complete magnetic cycle of the<br />

<strong>Sun</strong>, called the solar cycle, really averages 22 years, since it<br />

takes two 11-year cycles before the magnetic field is back<br />

the way it started.<br />

chapter <strong>15</strong> • <strong>Our</strong> Star 513

0.5%<br />

percentage of <strong>Sun</strong>’s surface<br />

covered by sunspots<br />

0.4%<br />

0.3%<br />

0.2%<br />

0.1%<br />

0.0%<br />

1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000<br />

a This graph shows how the number of sunspots on the <strong>Sun</strong> changes with time. The vertical axis shows the<br />

percentage of the <strong>Sun</strong>’s surface covered by sunspots. The cycle has a period of approximately 11 years.<br />

year<br />

90 N<br />

30 N<br />

latitude<br />

Equator<br />

30 S<br />

90 S<br />

1900<br />

1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000<br />

b This graph shows how the latitudes at which sunspot groups appear tend to shift during a single sunspot<br />

cycle. Each dot represents a group of sunspots and indicates the year (horizontal axis) and latitude (vertical<br />

axis) at which the group appeared.<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.21 <strong>Sun</strong>spot cycle during the past century.<br />

year<br />

What Causes the <strong>Sun</strong>spot Cycle?<br />

The causes of the <strong>Sun</strong>’s magnetic fields and the sunspot<br />

cycle are not well understood, but we believe we know<br />

the general nature of the processes involved. Convection<br />

is thought to dredge up weak magnetic fields generated in<br />

the solar interior, amplifying them as they rise. The <strong>Sun</strong>’s<br />

rotation—faster at its equator than near its poles—then<br />

stretches and shapes these fields.<br />

Imagine what happens to a magnetic field line that originally<br />

runs along the <strong>Sun</strong>’s surface directly from the north<br />

pole to the south pole. At the equator, the field line circles<br />

the <strong>Sun</strong> in 25 days, but at higher latitudes the field line lags<br />

behind. Gradually, this rotation pattern winds the field line<br />

more and more tightly around the <strong>Sun</strong> (Figure <strong>15</strong>.22). This<br />

process, operating at all times over the entire <strong>Sun</strong>, produces<br />

the contorted field lines that generate sunspots and other<br />

solar activity.<br />

Investigating how the <strong>Sun</strong>’s magnetic field develops<br />

and changes in time requires sophisticated computer models.<br />

Scientists are working hard on such models, but the<br />

behavior of these fields is so complex that approximations<br />

are necessary even with the best supercomputers. Using<br />

these computer models, scientists have successfully replicated<br />

some features of the sunspot cycle, such as changes<br />

in the number and latitude of sunspots and the magnetic<br />

field reversals that occur about every 11 years. However,<br />

much still remains mysterious, including why the period<br />

of the sunspot cycle varies and why solar activity is different<br />

from one cycle to the next.<br />

Solar Activity and Earth<br />

During solar maximum, solar flares and other forms of<br />

solar activity send large numbers of highly energetic charged<br />

particles (protons and electrons) toward Earth. Sometimes<br />

these particles travel in the smooth flow known as the solar<br />

wind. Other times they come in the form of huge magnetic<br />

bubbles called coronal mass ejections. Do these forms of solar<br />

weather affect Earth? In at least some ways, the answer is<br />

a definitive yes.<br />

514 part V • Stellar Alchemy

e quator<br />

N N N<br />

magnetic<br />

field line<br />

differing<br />

rotation<br />

rates<br />

time<br />

time<br />

S S S<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.22 The <strong>Sun</strong> rotates more quickly at its equator than it does near its poles. Because gas circles<br />

the <strong>Sun</strong> faster at the equator, it drags the <strong>Sun</strong>’s north-south magnetic field lines into a more twisted configuration.<br />

The magnetic field lines linking pairs of sunspots, depicted here as green and black blobs, trace out<br />

the directions of these stretched and distorted field lines.<br />

The magnetic field associated with the solar wind constantly<br />

interacts with Earth’s magnetic field. Occasionally<br />

these fields interconnect. When that happens, large amounts<br />

of energy are released from the magnetic field into the<br />

charged particles near the interconnection zone. Many<br />

of these energized particles then flow down Earth’s magnetic<br />

field lines toward the poles (Figure <strong>15</strong>.23a). Collisions<br />

between the charged particles and atoms in Earth’s upper<br />

atmosphere cause electrons in the atoms to jump to higher<br />

energy levels [Section 4.4].These excited atoms subsequently<br />

emit visible-light photons as they drop to lower energy levels,<br />

creating the shimmering light of auroras (Figure <strong>15</strong>.23b).<br />

Because coronal mass ejections are particularly energetic, the<br />

auroras they stimulate can be especially spectacular.<br />

Particles streaming from the <strong>Sun</strong> after the occurrence<br />

of solar flares, coronal mass ejections, or other major solar<br />

storms can also have practical impacts on society. For example,<br />

these particles can hamper radio communications,<br />

disrupt electrical power delivery, and damage the electronic<br />

components in orbiting satellites. During a particularly<br />

powerful magnetic storm on the <strong>Sun</strong> in March 1989, the<br />

U.S. Air Force temporarily lost track of over 2,000 satellites,<br />


Long-Term Change in Solar Activity<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.21 shows that the sunspot cycle varies in length and<br />

intensity, and it sometimes seems to disappear altogether. With<br />

these facts as background, many scientists are searching for longerterm<br />

patterns in solar activity. Unfortunately, the search for longerterm<br />

variations is difficult because telescopic observations of<br />

sunspots cover a period of only about 400 years. Some naked-eye<br />

observations of sunspots recorded by Chinese astronomers go<br />

back almost 2,000 years, but these records are sparse, and nakedeye<br />

observations may not be very reliable. We can also guess at<br />

past solar activity from descriptions of solar eclipses recorded<br />

around the world: When the <strong>Sun</strong> is more active, the corona tends<br />

to have longer and brighter “streamers” visible to the naked eye.<br />

Another way to gauge past solar activity is to study the amount<br />

of carbon-14 in tree rings. High-energy cosmic rays [Section 19.2]<br />

coming from beyond our own solar system produce radioactive<br />

carbon-14 in Earth’s atmosphere. During periods of high solar<br />

activity, the solar wind tends to grow stronger, shielding Earth<br />

from some of these cosmic rays. Thus, production of carbon-14<br />

drops when the <strong>Sun</strong> is more active. All the while, trees steadily<br />

breathe in atmospheric carbon, in the form of carbon dioxide,<br />

and incorporate it year by year into each ring. We can therefore<br />

estimate the level of solar activity in any given year by measuring<br />

the level of carbon-14 in the corresponding ring. No clear evidence<br />

has yet been found of longer-term cycles of solar activity,<br />

but the search goes on.<br />

Theoretical models predict a very long term trend of lessening<br />

solar activity. According to our theory of solar system formation,<br />

the <strong>Sun</strong> must have rotated much faster when it was young<br />

[Section 9.3].Because a combination of convection and rotation<br />

generates solar activity, a faster rotation rate should have meant<br />

much more activity. Observations of other stars that are similar<br />

to the <strong>Sun</strong> but rotate faster confirm that these stars are much<br />

more active. We find evidence for many more “starspots” on these<br />

stars than on the <strong>Sun</strong>, and their relatively bright ultraviolet and<br />

X-ray emissions suggest that they have brighter chromospheres<br />

and coronas—just as we would expect if they are more active<br />

than the <strong>Sun</strong>.<br />

chapter <strong>15</strong> • <strong>Our</strong> Star 5<strong>15</strong>

particles spiral around<br />

magnetic field lines<br />

stream of solar particles<br />

from solar wind<br />

N<br />

S<br />

a Interactions between Earth’s magnetic field and the magnetic field of the solar wind can<br />

send energetic charged particles toward Earth’s poles.<br />

Figure <strong>15</strong>.23 Particles from the <strong>Sun</strong> cause auroras on Earth.<br />

b Aurora along the coast of Norway.<br />

and powerful currents induced in the ground circuits of<br />

the Quebec hydroelectric system caused it to collapse for<br />

more than 8 hours. The combined cost of the loss of power<br />

in the United States and Canada exceeded $100 million. In<br />

January 1997, AT&T lost contact with a $200-million communications<br />

satellite, probably because of damage caused<br />

by particles coming from another powerful solar storm.<br />

Satellites in low-Earth orbit are particularly vulnerable<br />

during solar maximum, when the increase in solar X rays<br />

and energetic particles heats Earth’s upper atmosphere,<br />

causing it to expand. The density of the gas surrounding<br />

low-flying satellites therefore rises, exerting drag that saps<br />

their energy and angular momentum. If this drag proceeds<br />

unchecked, the satellites ultimately plummet back to Earth.<br />

Satellites in low orbits, including the Hubble Space Telescope<br />

and the Space Station, require occasional boosts to prevent<br />

them from falling out of the sky.<br />

Connections between solar activity and Earth’s climate<br />

are much less clear. The period from 1645 to 17<strong>15</strong>, when<br />

solar activity seems to have virtually ceased, was a time<br />

of exceptionally low temperatures in Europe and North<br />

America known as the Little Ice Age. Did the low solar activity<br />

cause these low temperatures, or was their occurrence<br />

a coincidence? No one knows for sure. Some researchers<br />

have claimed that certain weather phenomena, such as<br />

drought cycles or frequencies of storms, are correlated with<br />

the 11- or 22-year cycle of solar activity. However, the data<br />

supporting these correlations are weak in many cases, and<br />

even real correlations may be coincidental.<br />

Part of the difficulty in linking solar activity with climate<br />

is that no one understands how the linkage might<br />

work.Although emissions of ultraviolet light, X rays, and<br />

high-energy particles increase substantially from solar minimum<br />

to solar maximum, the total luminosity of the <strong>Sun</strong><br />

barely changes at all. (The <strong>Sun</strong> becomes only about 0.1%<br />

brighter during solar maximum.) Thus, if solar activity<br />

really is affecting Earth’s climate, it must be through some<br />

very subtle mechanism. For example, perhaps the expansion<br />

of Earth’s upper atmosphere that occurs with solar<br />

maximum somehow causes changes in weather.<br />

The question of how solar activity is linked to Earth’s<br />

climate is very important, because we need to know whether<br />

global warming is affected by solar activity in addition to<br />

human activity. Unfortunately, for the time being at least,<br />

we can say little about this question.<br />

516 part V • Stellar Alchemy


Putting <strong>Chapter</strong> <strong>15</strong> into Context<br />

In this chapter, we have examined our <strong>Sun</strong>, the nearest<br />

star. When you look back at this chapter, make sure you<br />

understand these “big picture” ideas:<br />

● The ancient riddle of why the <strong>Sun</strong> shines is now solved.<br />

The <strong>Sun</strong> shines with energy generated by fusion of<br />

hydrogen into helium in the <strong>Sun</strong>’s core. After a millionyear<br />

journey through the solar interior and an 8-minute<br />

journey through space, a small fraction of this energy<br />

reaches Earth and supplies sunlight and heat.<br />

● Gravitational equilibrium, the balance between pressure<br />

and gravity, determines the <strong>Sun</strong>’s interior structure<br />

and maintains its steady nuclear burning rate.<br />

The <strong>Sun</strong> achieved its long-lasting state of gravitational<br />

equilibrium when energy generation by fusion in the<br />

core came into balance with the energy lost through<br />

thermal radiation from the surface. If the <strong>Sun</strong> were not<br />

relatively steady, life on Earth might not have been<br />

possible.<br />

● The <strong>Sun</strong>’s atmosphere displays its own version of<br />

weather and climate, governed by solar magnetic fields.<br />

Solar weather has important influences on Earth.<br />

● The <strong>Sun</strong> is important not only as our source of light<br />

and heat, but also because it is the only star near<br />

enough for us to study in great detail. In the coming<br />

chapters, we will use what we’ve learned about the<br />

<strong>Sun</strong> to help us understand other stars.<br />


<strong>15</strong>.1 Why Does the <strong>Sun</strong> Shine?<br />

• What process creates energy in the <strong>Sun</strong>? Fusion of<br />

hydrogen into helium in the <strong>Sun</strong>’s core generates the<br />

<strong>Sun</strong>’s energy.<br />

• Why does the <strong>Sun</strong>’s size remain stable? The <strong>Sun</strong>’s size<br />

remains stable because it is in gravitational equilibrium.<br />

The outward pressure of hot gas balances the<br />

inward force of gravity at every point within the <strong>Sun</strong>.<br />

• How did the <strong>Sun</strong> become hot enough for fusion in the<br />

first place? As the <strong>Sun</strong> was forming, it grew hotter<br />

as it shrank in size because gravitational contraction<br />

converted gravitational potential energy into thermal<br />

energy. Gravitational contraction continued to<br />

shrink the <strong>Sun</strong> and raise its central temperature until<br />

the core became hot and dense enough for nuclear<br />

fusion.<br />

<strong>15</strong>.2 Plunging to the Center of the <strong>Sun</strong>:<br />

An Imaginary Journey<br />

• What are the major layers of the <strong>Sun</strong>, from the center<br />

out? The layers of the <strong>Sun</strong> are core, radiation zone,<br />

convection zone, photosphere, chromosphere, and<br />

corona.<br />

• What do we mean by the “surface” of the <strong>Sun</strong>? We<br />

consider the photosphere to be the surface of the <strong>Sun</strong><br />

because light can pass through the photosphere but<br />

cannot escape from deeper inside the <strong>Sun</strong>. Thus,<br />

photographs of visible light from the <strong>Sun</strong> show us<br />

what the photosphere looks like.<br />

• What is the <strong>Sun</strong> made of ? It is made almost entirely<br />

of hydrogen and helium (98% of the <strong>Sun</strong>’s mass).<br />

<strong>15</strong>.3 The Cosmic Crucible<br />

• Why does fusion occur in the <strong>Sun</strong>’s core? The core<br />

temperature and pressure are so high that colliding<br />

nuclei can come close enough together for the strong<br />

force to overcome electromagnetic repulsion and<br />

bind them together.<br />

• Why is energy produced in the <strong>Sun</strong> at such a steady<br />

rate? The fusion rate is self-regulating like a thermostat.<br />

If the fusion rate increases for some reason, the<br />

added energy production puffs up and cools the core,<br />

bringing the rate back down. Similarly, a decrease<br />

in the fusion rate allows the core to shrink and heat,<br />

bringing the fusion rate back up.<br />

• Why was the <strong>Sun</strong> dimmer in the distant past?<br />

Although the fusion rate is steady on short time<br />

scales, it gradually increases over billions of years,<br />

increasing the <strong>Sun</strong>’s luminosity. The increase occurs<br />

because fusion gradually reduces the number of individual<br />

nuclei in the solar core. Four hydrogen nuclei<br />

are fused to make just one helium nucleus, causing<br />

the core to shrink and become hotter.<br />

• How do we know what is happening inside the <strong>Sun</strong>?<br />

We can construct theoretical models of the solar<br />

interior using known laws of physics and then check<br />

continued <br />

chapter <strong>15</strong> • <strong>Our</strong> Star 517

the models against observations of the <strong>Sun</strong>’s size,<br />

surface temperature, and energy output as well as<br />

studies of “sun quakes” and solar neutrinos.<br />

• What is the solar neutrino problem? Is it solved?<br />

Neutrino detectors capture fewer neutrinos coming<br />

from the <strong>Sun</strong> than models of fusion in the core predict.<br />

This discrepancy is called the solar neutrino<br />

problem. The problem now appears to be solved.<br />

Apparently, neutrinos can transform themselves<br />

among three different types as they travel from the<br />

solar core to Earth, while most detectors can capture<br />

only one type. Thus, the detectors capture fewer<br />

than the expected number of neutrinos.<br />

<strong>15</strong>.4 From Core to Corona<br />

• How long ago did fusion generate the energy we now<br />

receive as sunlight? Fusion created the energy we receive<br />

today about a million years ago. It takes about<br />

a million years for photons and then convection to<br />

transport energy through the solar interior to the<br />

photosphere. Once sunlight emerges from the photosphere,<br />

it takes only about 8 minutes to reach Earth.<br />

• How are sunspots, prominences, and flares related to<br />

magnetic fields? <strong>Sun</strong>spots occur where strong magnetic<br />

fields trap and isolate gas from the surrounding<br />

plasma of the photosphere. The trapped gas cools,<br />

so the sunspots become cooler and darker than the<br />

rest of the photosphere. <strong>Sun</strong>spots tend to occur in<br />

pairs connected by a loop of magnetic field, which<br />

may rise high above the surface as a solar prominence.<br />

The magnetic fields are twisted and contorted<br />

by the <strong>Sun</strong>’s rotation, and solar flares may occur<br />

when the field lines suddenly snap and release their<br />

energy.<br />

• What is surprising about the temperature of the<br />

chromosphere and corona, and how do we explain it?<br />

Temperature gradually decreases from the core to<br />

the photosphere but then rises again in the chromosphere<br />

and corona. These high layers of the <strong>Sun</strong> are<br />

probably heated by energy carried upward along the<br />

magnetic field lines by waves that are generated as<br />

turbulent motions in the convection zone shake the<br />

magnetic field lines.<br />

<strong>15</strong>.5 Solar Weather and Climate<br />

• What is the sunspot cycle? The sunspot cycle, or the<br />

variation in the number of sunspots on the <strong>Sun</strong>’s<br />

surface, has an average period of 11 years. The magnetic<br />

field flip-flops every 11 years or so, resulting<br />

in a 22-year magnetic cycle. <strong>Sun</strong>spots first appear<br />

at mid-latitudes at solar minimum, then become<br />

increasingly more common near the <strong>Sun</strong>’s equator<br />

as the next minimum approaches.<br />

• What effect does solar activity have on Earth and its<br />

inhabitants? Particles ejected from the <strong>Sun</strong> by solar<br />

flares and other types of solar activity can affect<br />

communications, electrical power delivery, and the<br />

electronic circuits in space vehicles. The connections<br />

between solar activity and Earth’s climate are not<br />

clear.<br />

Sensible Statements?<br />

Decide whether each of the following statements is sensible and<br />

explain why it is or is not.<br />

1. Before Einstein, gravitational contraction appeared to be a<br />

perfectly plausible mechanism for solar energy generation.<br />

2. A sudden temperature rise in the <strong>Sun</strong>’s core is nothing to<br />

worry about, because conditions in the core will soon return<br />

to normal.<br />

3. If fusion in the solar core ceased today, worldwide panic<br />

would break out tomorrow as the <strong>Sun</strong> began to grow<br />

dimmer.<br />

4. Astronomers have recently photographed magnetic fields<br />

churning deep beneath the solar photosphere.<br />

5. Neutrinos probably can’t harm me, but just to be safe<br />

I think I’ll wear a lead vest.<br />

6. If you want to see lots of sunspots, just wait for solar<br />

maximum!<br />

7. News of a major solar flare today caused concern among<br />

professionals in the fields of communications and electrical<br />

power generation.<br />

8. By observing solar neutrinos, we can learn about nuclear<br />

fusion deep in the <strong>Sun</strong>’s core.<br />

518 part V • Stellar Alchemy

Problems<br />

9. Gravitational Contraction. Briefly describe how gravitational<br />

contraction generates energy and when it was important<br />

in the <strong>Sun</strong>’s history.<br />

10. Solar Characteristics. Briefly describe the <strong>Sun</strong>’s luminosity,<br />

mass, radius, and average surface temperature.<br />

11. <strong>Sun</strong>spots. What are sunspots? Why do they appear dark in<br />

pictures of the <strong>Sun</strong>?<br />

12. Solar Fusion. What is the overall nuclear fusion reaction in<br />

the <strong>Sun</strong>? Briefly describe the proton–proton chain.<br />

13. Models of the <strong>Sun</strong>. Explain how mathematical models allow<br />

us to predict conditions inside the <strong>Sun</strong>. How can we be<br />

confident that the models are on the right track?<br />

14. <strong>Sun</strong> Quakes. How are “sun quakes” similar to earthquakes?<br />

How are they different? Describe how we can observe them<br />

and how they help us learn about the solar interior.<br />

<strong>15</strong>. Energy Transport. Why does the energy produced by fusion<br />

in the solar core take so long to reach the solar surface?<br />

Describe the processes of radiative diffusion and convection<br />

in the solar interior.<br />

16. The Photosphere. Describe the appearance and temperature<br />

of the <strong>Sun</strong>’s photosphere. What is granulation? How would<br />

granulation appear in a movie?<br />

17. Observing the <strong>Sun</strong>’s Atmosphere. Why is the chromosphere<br />

best viewed with ultraviolet telescopes? Why is the corona<br />

best viewed with X-ray telescopes?<br />

18. An Angry <strong>Sun</strong>. A Time magazine cover once suggested that<br />

an “angry <strong>Sun</strong>” was becoming more active as human activity<br />

changed Earth’s climate through global warming. It’s<br />

certainly possible for the <strong>Sun</strong> to become more active at the<br />

same time that humans are affecting Earth, but is it possible<br />

that the <strong>Sun</strong> could be responding to human activity? Can<br />

humans affect the <strong>Sun</strong> in any significant way? Explain.<br />

*19. Number of Fusion Reactions in the <strong>Sun</strong>. Use the fact that each<br />

cycle of the proton–proton chain converts 4.7 10 29 kg<br />

of mass into energy (see Mathematical Insight <strong>15</strong>.1), along<br />

with the fact that the <strong>Sun</strong> loses a total of about 4.2 10 9 kg<br />

of mass each second, to calculate the total number of times<br />

the proton–proton chain occurs each second in the <strong>Sun</strong>.<br />

*20. The Lifetime of the <strong>Sun</strong>. The total mass of the <strong>Sun</strong> is about<br />

2 10 30 kg, of which about 75% was hydrogen when the<br />

<strong>Sun</strong> formed. However, only about 13% of this hydrogen<br />

ever becomes available for fusion in the core. The rest remains<br />

in layers of the <strong>Sun</strong> where the temperature is too low<br />

for fusion.<br />

a. Based on the given information, calculate the total<br />

mass of hydrogen available for fusion over the lifetime<br />

of the <strong>Sun</strong>.<br />

b. Combine your results from part (a) and the fact that the<br />

<strong>Sun</strong> fuses about 600 billion kg of hydrogen each second<br />

to calculate how long the <strong>Sun</strong>’s initial supply of hydrogen<br />

can last. Give your answer in both seconds and years.<br />

c. Given that our solar system is now about 4.6 billion years<br />

old, when will we need to worry about the <strong>Sun</strong> running<br />

out of hydrogen for fusion?<br />

*21. Solar Power Collectors. This problem leads you through the<br />

calculation and discussion of how much solar power can be<br />

collected by solar cells on Earth.<br />

a. Imagine a giant sphere surrounding the <strong>Sun</strong> with a<br />

radius of 1 AU. What is the surface area of this sphere,<br />

in square meters? (Hint: The formula for the surface<br />

area of a sphere is 4pr 2 .)<br />

b. Because this imaginary giant sphere surrounds the <strong>Sun</strong>,<br />

the <strong>Sun</strong>’s entire luminosity of 3.8 10 26 watts must<br />

pass through it. Calculate the power passing through<br />

each square meter of this imaginary sphere in watts per<br />

square meter. Explain why this number represents the<br />

maximum power per square meter that can be collected<br />

by a solar collector in Earth orbit.<br />

c. List several reasons why the average power per square<br />

meter collected by a solar collector on the ground will<br />

always be less than what you found in part (b).<br />

d. Suppose you want to put a solar collector on your roof.<br />

If you want to optimize the amount of power you can<br />

collect, how should you orient the collector? (Hint: The<br />

optimum orientation depends on both your latitude<br />

and the time of year and day.)<br />

*22. Solar Power for the United States. The total annual U.S. energy<br />

consumption is about 2 10 20 joules.<br />

a. What is the average power requirement for the United<br />

States, in watts? (Hint: 1 watt 1 joule/s.)<br />

b. With current technologies and solar collectors on the<br />

ground, the best we can hope is that solar cells will<br />

generate an average (day and night) power of about<br />

200 watts/m 2 .(You might compare this to the maximum<br />

power per square meter you found in problem 22b.)<br />

What total area would we need to cover with solar cells<br />

to supply all the power needed for the United States?<br />

Give your answer in both square meters and square<br />

kilometers.<br />

c. The total surface area of the United States is about<br />

2 10 7 km 2 .What fraction of the U.S. area would have<br />

to be covered by solar collectors to generate all of the<br />

U.S. power needs? In one page or less, describe potential<br />

environmental impacts of covering so much area with<br />

solar collectors. Also discuss whether you think these<br />

environmental impacts would be greater or less than<br />

the impacts of using current energy sources such as coal,<br />

oil, nuclear power, and hydroelectric power.<br />

chapter <strong>15</strong> • <strong>Our</strong> Star 519

*23. The Color of the <strong>Sun</strong>. The <strong>Sun</strong>’s average surface temperature<br />

is about 5,800 K. Use Wien’s law (see Mathematical Insight<br />

6.2) to calculate the wavelength of peak thermal emission<br />

from the <strong>Sun</strong>. What color does this wavelength correspond<br />

to in the visible-light spectrum? In light of your answer, why<br />

do you think the <strong>Sun</strong> appears white or yellow to our eyes?<br />

Discussion Questions<br />

24. The Role of the <strong>Sun</strong>. Briefly discuss how the <strong>Sun</strong> affects us<br />

here on Earth. Be sure to consider not only factors such as<br />

its light and warmth, but also how the study of the <strong>Sun</strong> has<br />

led us to new understanding in science and to technological<br />

developments. Overall, how important has solar research<br />

been to our lives?<br />

25. The Solar Neutrino Problem. Discuss the solar neutrino problem<br />

and its potential solutions. How serious do you consider<br />

this problem? Do you think current theoretical models<br />

of the <strong>Sun</strong> could be wrong in any fundamental way?<br />

Why or why not?<br />

26. The <strong>Sun</strong> and Global Warming. One of the most pressing<br />

environmental issues on Earth concerns the extent to which<br />

human emissions of greenhouse gases are warming our<br />

planet. Some people claim that part or all of the observed<br />

warming over the past century may be due to changes on<br />

the <strong>Sun</strong>, rather than to anything humans have done. Discuss<br />

how a better understanding of the <strong>Sun</strong> might help us<br />

understand the threat posed by greenhouse gas emissions.<br />

Why is it so difficult to develop a clear understanding of<br />

how the <strong>Sun</strong> affects Earth’s climate?<br />

Web Projects<br />


Take advantage of the useful Web links on www.<br />

astronomyplace.com to assist you with the following<br />

projects.<br />

1. Current Solar Activity. Daily information about solar<br />

activity is available at NASA’s Web site sunspotcycle.<br />

com. Where are we in the sunspot cycle right now?<br />

When is the next solar maximum or minimum expected?<br />

Have there been any major solar storms in<br />

the past few months? If so, did they have any significant<br />

effects on Earth? Summarize your findings in<br />

a one- to two-page report.<br />

2. Solar Observatories in Space. Visit NASA’s Web site<br />

for the <strong>Sun</strong>–Earth connection and explore some<br />

of the current and planned space missions designed<br />

to observe the <strong>Sun</strong>. Choose one mission to study in<br />

greater depth, and write a one- to two-page report<br />

on the mission status and goals and what it has<br />

taught or will teach us about the <strong>Sun</strong>.<br />

3. Sudbury Neutrino Observatory. Visit the Web site for<br />

the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) and learn<br />

how it has helped to solve the solar neutrino problem.<br />

Write a one- to two-page report describing the<br />

observatory, any recent results, and what we can<br />

expect from it in the future.<br />

520 part V • Stellar Alchemy

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