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48 Richard Kelly<br />

Terry Gilliam called this film “Walter Mitty meets Franz Kafka.” How<br />

would you describe it?<br />

Kelly: I would best describe Brazil as a portrait of bureaucracy run amok, or<br />

capitalism run amok. It’s probably the most visionary example of an alternate<br />

universe portrayed with such incredible logic. It’s incredibly absurd, but it’s<br />

incredibly accurate to the system that exists in our world.<br />

I would call it one of the most profound social satires that has ever been<br />

filmed. It is unlike any film that has ever been made before or after. It is<br />

also incredibly difficult to describe to someone who has never seen it. You<br />

just have to say to someone, “This is a film you must see, and you must<br />

experience it without any preconceived notions of what you’re going to be<br />

watching.” I wouldn’t even know how to explain it to someone or sell it to<br />

someone. <strong>That</strong>’s what’s so great about it.<br />

Brazil is about this character who is part of this corporate, Big Brother<br />

institution known as the Ministry of Information, and he works in information<br />

retrieval and he’s offered a promotion. His boss, played by Ian Holm,<br />

doesn’t want to lose him because he is such a valuable employee. This entire<br />

circumstance is thrown out of whack because a dead beetle has fallen into<br />

a typewriter and mistakenly replaced the letter T in Tuttle with B in the last<br />

name Buttle. And in a case of misidentification, the Big Brother government<br />

has tortured and killed the wrong man. <strong>The</strong>se circumstances are set<br />

in motion by something as arbitrary and absurd as a dead beetle.<br />

Brazil had several different edits and cuts, including a completely different<br />

American television version . . .<br />

Kelly: . . . the “Love Conquers All” version, which was pretty hilarious.<br />

So which one did you see when you first saw it?<br />

Kelly: It was Brazil on LaserDisc at the University of Southern California<br />

<strong>Film</strong> School in my freshman year of college, in the cinema library. It really<br />

changed my life. It blew my mind. When it was over, I found myself affected<br />

emotionally by what I experienced. <strong>The</strong> world that Gilliam created didn’t<br />

even completely make sense on a logical level but somehow hit me on an<br />

emotional level. I then immediately went back and watched the film two or<br />

three more times, and started putting the pieces together and putting the

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