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254 Neil LaBute<br />

Such a small portion of our life is dedicated to really physically expressing<br />

ourselves, to really investing in a hug, to holding someone’s hand and thinking<br />

about it while you’re doing it. It’s much easier just to have that distance<br />

between someone and say, “I love you” or “I’ve been thinking about you” to<br />

your child or to your wife or to your friend.<br />

But rarely, and especially outside the immediate circle of your family,<br />

do you physically show someone how you care for them. In Europe, you<br />

see the tendency to kiss on the cheek. <strong>The</strong>re’s the tendency for two men to<br />

hug. I think in this country in particular, we’re still quite Puritanical about<br />

the physical side of things. And I think it suggests sort of the beauty of that,<br />

the beauty of the skin and that kind of longing for that physical element in<br />

a relationship—and yet how little time we actually spend enjoying it when<br />

it’s happening. So I think that’s a huge part of the title, at least in my translation<br />

of it.<br />

It’s interesting that you bring that up, because my next batch of questions<br />

is about the role of language. One of the critics wrote that in this<br />

film, language is used to hide emotion rather than to convey it, and all<br />

the passions and tensions are portrayed visually.<br />

LaBute: I think that’s true, but it’s not only seen with the spoken word. It’s<br />

the written word as well. <strong>The</strong>re’s this moment where he runs back into the<br />

airport. He’s in a panic; he’s driven out to the airport and is kind of wild.<br />

Even at that time in Paris, are you going to just drive out to the airport in<br />

order to run into this person? And, of course, he does.<br />

You know, love is that way. It’s sort of an insane proposition at times. But<br />

he writes out that kind of desperate telegram to her, and he ends up slipping<br />

it into his pocket when he sees her. Rather than giving it to her and saying,<br />

“Hey, this is what I was thinking about you,” he destroys it; he throws it in a<br />

wastebasket, embarrassed by this kind of display. Instead it’s just like, “Oh,<br />

hey, gosh, I saw you, that’s so great; I thought you’d be on that other plane,”<br />

when on that piece of paper in his hand is “I love you, you’ve changed my<br />

life.” And his first impulse when she’s there is to toss it in. It’s a difficulty<br />

that we have in person, that closeness, that place where you can actually feel<br />

skin, the softness of it we’re very embarrassed by. What we’re embarrassed<br />

by is opening up, being vulnerable.

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