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Including the Stcliorul Nnn Pagci of All Editions<br />

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Publiititd In Nint Stttio.ul Editioni<br />


:cr-m-Chiel and Publisher<br />

jE SHLYEN Manaoing Editor<br />

mOVAS PATRICK ..Equipment EditOf<br />

^YU CASSVO Western Editor<br />

MORRIS SCHLOZMAN ....Business Mor.<br />


. . . . Ad.ertisiiu Director<br />

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SEPTEMBER 6,<br />

Vol. 99<br />

97<br />


By Richard V. Jay, M.A.*<br />

As<br />

SCHOLARS of economics know,<br />

question put to such<br />

"If you have a maximum of<br />

the classical<br />

students is:<br />

supply and a minimum of demand, what<br />

then "do you do?" The expected reply<br />

Is, of course, "Reduce the price of the<br />

commodity or service." The basis for this<br />

reply lies in the fact that if the price is<br />

lowered such that only a marginal profit<br />

over cost is maintained, it will become<br />

attractive to buyers. Thus, demand will<br />

increase to favorable levels bringing<br />

about a rapid turnover of the goods or<br />

service.<br />

Bearing this fundamental principle in<br />

mind, it is time that the motion picture<br />

industry address itself to the question<br />

of declining profits. At this particular<br />

moment, the industry faces a crossroad<br />

of many alternatives: automation,<br />

"minis," video-cassette programs—to<br />

name just a few. Thus, at this time, the<br />

industry finds itself in a cul-de-sac.<br />

However, instead of reaching toward sophisticated,<br />

enlightened principles of<br />

modern business, the industry resolute<br />

ly continues to "stick its head in the<br />

sand" and refuses to come squarely to<br />

grips with the solutions available for its<br />

manifold problems. Instead, the entire<br />

motion picture industry continues to employ<br />

procedures from the nineteenth<br />

century a la P, T, Barnum,<br />

In terms of providing some solution<br />

for this dilemma, before the industry ss<br />

a whole slips further into a quagmire of<br />

red ink, the first measure to be taken<br />

into account is to shake industry leaders,<br />

at all levels, into consciousness of the<br />

situation. Many people right at the top<br />

chains of command refuse even to acknowledge<br />

the fact that any problem<br />

even exists! Furthermore, as one descends<br />

the chain-of-command, it becomes<br />

increasingly evident that far too many<br />

responsible people in this industry harbor<br />

a public-be-damned attitude. If the<br />

situation can then be acknowledged (and<br />

that is a very large "if"—considering industry<br />

complacence) , what solution<br />

or solutions should be applied? No<br />

longer is this industry to be considered<br />

•The writer of the letter on this page is employed in the<br />

industry, holds o Bachelor of Arts degree from Fairleigh<br />


,<br />

Under<br />

Mercantile Industries<br />

To Finance Films<br />

HOLLYWOOD— Mercantile Industries,<br />

Chicago finance firm headed by Le Roy<br />

Kohn, is advancing funds for motion picture<br />

production, with the first major deal<br />

signed here August 24 for the feature<br />

fihn, "For Every Solution There Is a Problem."<br />

a Clarence Greene-Russell Rouse<br />

property with Igo Kantor as executive producer.<br />

Avco Embassy will distribute the picture,<br />

slated to start production in September.<br />

After testing the market with several features.<br />

Mercantile finalized its operation here<br />

with the appointment of George Sidney as<br />

liaison and with Igo Kantor and his Intent<br />

service firm designated to handle technical<br />

completion of the films. All properties submitted<br />

to Mercantile will be screened by a<br />

combine of filmmaker craftsmen, assembled<br />

under the Intent aegis and including Edit-<br />

Rite, Synchrofilm and Producers Sound<br />

Service. No X-rated films will be considered,<br />

it is reported.<br />

Principals in Intent, along with Kantor,<br />

are Gene Corso. Don Minkler and Jim Nelson.<br />

Intent and its three subsidiary companies<br />

are located in the heart of Hollywood,<br />

with three dubbing stages, one looping stage<br />

and 26 cutting rooms. Across the street, the<br />

company is erecting a $750,000 building<br />

with dubbing stages and offices.<br />

Edit-Rite functions as a complete film<br />

editing and editorial post-production service,<br />

with sound-effects editing, and Synchrofilm,<br />

with music editing. There are 15,000 separate<br />

sound effects, cross-filed in an 80,000-<br />

entry master catalog, a music library of more<br />

than 750 hours and materials for reworkng<br />

foreign films.<br />

the new setup, Kantor said, after<br />

he and Sidney have approved a project,<br />

Mercantile requires a guarantor over a threeyear<br />

period. Kantor's group, for an equity in<br />

the picture, for Intent's post-production services<br />

and for a completion guarantee, adds on<br />

its fee and, if the producer has a good distribution<br />

contract, the features can go into<br />

production.<br />

Jack G. Engel Joins Clark<br />

As Branch Op'ns Mgr.<br />

CAMDEN. N. J.— Meyer Adieman, president<br />

of Clark Service. Inc.. announced that<br />

Jack G. Engel has joined the company as<br />

manager of branch operations. Engel will<br />

supervise the eight branches of Albany, Buffalo.<br />

Chicago. Philadelphia. Washington.<br />

Cincinnati. Cleveland and Indianapolis,<br />

serving as liaison between the home office<br />

and the branches. He is returning to the<br />

motion picture industry after an absence of<br />

many years.<br />

Clark Service, which is a theatrical and<br />

television film warehouser and distributor,<br />

recently moved its main offices from Philadelphia,<br />

New address is c/o International<br />

Film House. 1.^0 Ferry Ave., Camden, N. J.<br />

08104. Phone: (215) LO 3-0303.<br />

BOXOmCE :: September 6, 1971<br />

Arkoff Criticizes New Code Head<br />

For 'Changes in Rating System'<br />

HYANNISPORT, MASS.—Samuel Z.<br />

Arkoff, chairman of the board of American<br />

International<br />

Pictures,<br />

speaking before the<br />

Theatre Owners of<br />

New England here<br />

J»V Thursday, August 26,<br />

directed heavy criti-<br />

Lism at Dr. Aaron<br />

Mcrn. new head of the<br />

( ode & Rating Administration,<br />

for setting<br />

up what Arkoff<br />

termed the new "Stern<br />

Samuel Z. Arkoff<br />

S y s t e m." effecting<br />

changes in the code and rating system<br />

"without the consent and approval of the<br />

rest of the industry."<br />

Pointing out that all segments of the industry—exhibition,<br />

production and distribution—were<br />

to discuss proposed alterations<br />

in the system at a meeting in October, Arkoff<br />

blasted at Stern's announced plans for<br />

film ratings, charging, "He is using the<br />

whole country as a guinea pig for his own<br />

psychiatric beliefs. He has even gone so far<br />

as to state that there is no precedent prior<br />

to July 1. 1971. This means that Dr. Stern,<br />

if his own pronouncement is to be believed,<br />

is now the dictator of what teenagers under<br />

17 may see in motion picture theatres in<br />

this country."<br />

Ground rules, Arkoff said, have been<br />

changed in the middle of the ballgame, and,<br />

he added, many millions of dollars worth of<br />

pictures, as yet unrated or in production,<br />

but all based on the old precedent, "must<br />

suffer because, in many cases, the audiences<br />

for which they were and are being made<br />

will not be able to see them.<br />

Admitting that the Code Administration<br />

has made mistakes in its less than three<br />

years of existence, Arkoff continued: "These<br />

past three years have been a trial and error<br />

time which would have been inevitable<br />

under any circumstances. Abandoning the<br />

code because of some mistakes in its application<br />

is like throwing out the baby with<br />

the bathwater."<br />

Arkoff charged that Dr. Stern's "new<br />

Asks Return of Trailers<br />

For Rogers Collections<br />

New York—Robert Mckanna of the<br />

Will Rogers Memorial Fund uffjed theatrcmen<br />

who have completed their audience<br />

collections for the Will Rogers<br />

Hospital to return the Julie Andrews<br />

trailer lo National Screen Ser>'ice as<br />

soon as possible. McKanna said that in<br />

the event theatremen planned to make<br />

additional collections at a later date.<br />

National Screen Service again would<br />

supply them with the trailer and other<br />

materials.<br />

emphasis seems to be in<br />

areas such as questionable<br />

psychiatric motivations which never<br />

have been of concern before" even in the<br />

days of the Will Hays code. "There is good<br />

rea,son," he said, "to believe that certain<br />

action-adventure pictures which in the past<br />

were recommended for family audiences<br />

arc in danger of receiving more restrictive<br />

audiences." and he further charged that<br />

Dr.<br />

Stern "has apparently adopted" the concept<br />

of "thought control." saying. "He has told<br />

me that he feels that any film that questions<br />

the validity of the existing social structure<br />

should not be seen by young people under<br />

17 except in the company of their parents,<br />

"To me." Arkoff said, "this is an absolutely<br />

terrifying concept, alien to America.<br />

Such prohibitions would probably include<br />

taboos on dramatizations of anti-war rebellion,<br />

abortion, new family relationships, minority<br />

rebellion, drugs, etc."<br />

Arkoff asserted that yesterday's controversies<br />

are today's accepted mores and that<br />

films about today's controversies should not<br />

be barred from youth. Youth, he continued,<br />

does not live in a vacuum. They arc more<br />

mature and more educated today than in<br />

past generations. Pointing to current books,<br />

periodicals and television, he said: "It is<br />

ridiculous in this most visual age in our<br />

history that filmmakers alone should be<br />

deprived of presenting thought-provoking<br />

ideas to youth."<br />

Stating that teenagers attend theatres with<br />

each other, rarely with their parents, Arkoff<br />

said the R rating "in effect is censorship<br />

against a very important segment of our<br />

moviegoing public."<br />

Pleading for the industry to determine<br />

and judge the ideas important to it. Arkoff<br />

demanded that Dr. Stern administer the code<br />

and rate pictures in accordance with existing<br />

precedents, until the entire industry agrees<br />

on modifications, and that all elements of<br />

the industry— production, distribution and<br />

exhibition—through their official representatives,<br />

meet as promised originally to decide<br />

how to solve any problems existing in the<br />

established system.<br />

GSF to Premiere Initial<br />

Release in October<br />

NEW YORK—The new U.S,<br />

production<br />

and distribution company. GSF. has set the<br />

premiere date of October 15. at a yet-to-beannounced<br />

local theatre, for its first release,<br />

"It Only Happens to Others," a Films 13-<br />

Claude LeLouch production, written and<br />

directed by Nadine Trintingnant and starring<br />

Marcello Mastroianni and Catherine<br />

Deneuve.<br />

This release will be followed by "Someone<br />

Behind the Door," starring Charles<br />

Bronson and Anthony Perkins, and GSF<br />

announced that shooting has been completed<br />

on "Journey Through Rosebud, " with Robert<br />

Forster and Kristoffer Tabori, produced<br />

by David Gil and directed by Tom Gries.

New World Reports $3.2 Million Net<br />

From II Films In Its First Year<br />

By SYD t ASSYD<br />

HOLLYWOOD—Reporting a net profit<br />

before taxes of $3,200,000. covering the<br />

period of Aug. 12. 1970. to July 31, 1971,<br />

chairman of the board Roger Comian, New<br />

World Pictures, revealed that the excellent<br />

profit picture came from the release of 1<br />

films.<br />

Because this earning record has been<br />

compiled during its first year of business,<br />

making this a unique motion picture production<br />

and distribution company, we discussed<br />

with Corman some of the background.<br />

Seeks Big Domestic Grosses<br />

Looking over the list we noticed the absence<br />

of what is called "star" quality names.<br />

"Wc can"t afford the big ones, and the<br />

medium ones don't help." said Corman. "In<br />

our marketing pattern, however, with new<br />

names and the type of films which our patrons<br />

pay to see, wc did very well without<br />

them."<br />

Corman then pointed out that in the plan<br />

of their operation they were after big domestic<br />

grosses. In the foreign market, big<br />

names, the stars, arc still the drawing cards,<br />

he suggested, but in this area, there may be<br />

detected a certain amount of resistance even<br />

to the superstars. Gene Corman, brother of<br />

Roger, is in charge of foreign production<br />

and distribution for New World.<br />

In the overseas market, they were distributing<br />

"Big Doll House" through Metro-<br />

Goldwyn-Mayer. One film has been completed<br />

in Rome, and several are under way<br />

will produce and distribute a slightly larger<br />

list, with ten of its own productions and<br />

perhaps two to five from outside sources.<br />

"We turned down everything that had<br />

been offered to us for distribution," said<br />

Corman who acts as executive producer on<br />

all films. Larry Woolner, who he characterized<br />

as one of the "great seasoned exhibitors,"<br />

is president of the firm. "Larry is<br />

aware of the strong points of theatre needs<br />

and distribution patterns, and with our combination<br />

of production know-how and present-day<br />

distribution should make our next<br />

year's figure even higher."<br />

Ten Films Slated for 2nd Year<br />

New World will produce ten films for<br />

the second year, five here and the remainder<br />

abroad. The estimated total<br />

for the five<br />

preparation; "All the Brides Come Bloody,"<br />

and an untitled nurse film (the third in the<br />

series which started with "The Student<br />

Nurses" and was followed by "Private Duty<br />

Nurses," both big grossers and made in<br />

Hollywood).<br />

Ihe live to<br />

be produced are "Lady Lrankenstein."<br />

now being edited; "Prescription<br />

Revolution." in preparation; "Island of the<br />

Twilight People," in preparation; "Movine's<br />

Venom," and "Work Camp No. 9," also in<br />

preparation.<br />

The company also will make between<br />

three and four pickups, but the total number<br />

of releases during the second year will<br />

not be more than 15, according to Corman.<br />

Corman started in production in the early<br />

days when American International Pictures<br />

was formed, and distributed a great portion<br />

of his films through that firm. His films of<br />

that period cause him to receive invitations<br />

to many campuses for lectures on filmmaking.<br />

<strong>Boxoffice</strong> Int'l Announces<br />

18 Releases by Yearend<br />

HOLLYWOOD — Harry Novak, <strong>Boxoffice</strong><br />

International, reports on return from<br />

his trip around the world that the company<br />

has experienced its biggest business in its<br />

history and that by the end of the year it<br />

will have 18 pictures in distribution.<br />

"We are very satisfied with the world<br />

market, which we have been building as<br />

an independent over the past four years,<br />

and despite the currency problem, the situation<br />

in the money market works both<br />

ways," he reported.<br />

He opened up new outlets in Beirut, Malayasia<br />

and South Africa and obtained marketing<br />

rights to a Japanese major horrorlight<br />

sex feature; a cartoon series for theatres<br />

and television titled "The Animal<br />

in Manilla.<br />

Corman stated that the firm had more<br />

Kingdom" series, and a major "Underwater<br />

than doubled its investment, in profits,<br />

Safari" featurette made in the Indian Ocean<br />

and he said that this coming year, the firm<br />

for a German company.<br />

Despite the flight from the dollar and the<br />

attendant days of uncertainty while abroad,<br />

Novak noted that it's the American dollar,<br />

based on our economy, which is still the<br />

power in the world market.<br />

Eberson to Chcdr VCI's<br />

Welcoming Committee<br />

NEW YORK — Drew Eberson. noted<br />

industry architect and member of Tent 35.<br />

will serve as chairman of the greetings and<br />

welcoming committee for the 45th annual<br />

Variety Clubs International convention, it<br />

was announced by Frank Yablans and Steve<br />

Ross, general convention chairmen.<br />

In accepting the chairmanship. Eberson<br />

pointed out that members of Tent 35 were<br />

to be made in the U.S. is figured at $1.2 million.<br />

The pictures will be "The Sin of Adam welcoming registrants during convention<br />

eager to participate with his committee in<br />

and Eve." now cutting; "The Final Comedown,"<br />

also cutting; "The Dune Roller," in one. "It is our intention to show<br />

week and to make their stay a memorable<br />

how<br />

thoughtful and hospitable we can be," Eberson<br />

said, "to visiting barkers and their<br />

wives."<br />

The convention will be held in New York<br />

City, April 23-28, 1972, and will be headquartered<br />

in the Hotel Americana.<br />

General Films Plans<br />

One Film Per Month<br />

HOLLYWOOD—Effective September 1,<br />

General Films Corp.. with Arthur Marks,<br />

president, and Don Gottlieb, vice-president<br />

and general sales manager, will produce and<br />

distribute one feature film per month, on a<br />

year-round basis. The firm is a combination<br />

of General and Tempo Associates.<br />

Sales are conducted by the firm's own<br />

sales representatives and through 31 subdistributors.<br />

Pattern of distribution has been<br />

tested during the past year with five films<br />

in release. Titles are "Togetherness," "Dandy,"<br />

"Swinging Summer," "Shotgun Wedding"<br />

and "The Female Bunch." All pictures<br />

are R-rated or better, and range under<br />

$250,000. Starting in September, "Brute<br />

Core" and "Class of '74" will be released,<br />

the latter in October.<br />

FoUowng these are "The Baby," "Cycle<br />

of Vampires" and "Holly Hill Capers."<br />

The two executives stated to <strong>Boxoffice</strong><br />

that "the whole philosophy of our new setup<br />

is to supply the great lack of moderatebudget,<br />

professional-quality pictures for the<br />

theatrical market." Both believe that the<br />

fillers which have come as the result of the<br />

void in the market for lower-budgeted films<br />

did not produce the type of films which<br />

were repeat pullers at the theatre boxoffices.<br />

"We will make inexpensive films compared<br />

with budgets of major distributors,<br />

but not cheap pictures," stated Marks, a<br />

veteran director and screenwriter with numerous<br />

major credits.<br />

Gottlieb, who has produced and distributed,<br />

conies from a commercial background,<br />

including closed-circuit contracts for theatre<br />

distribution and great experience in the music<br />

marketing field.<br />

"Holly Hill Capers," a story of a black<br />

police force in a major city, will be made<br />

in Detroit.<br />

Eight Distributors Charge<br />

Under-Reporting in Idaho<br />

NEW YORK — A lawsuit for under-reporting<br />

grosses has been field by eight major<br />

distributors in the local district court in<br />

Bannock County, Idaho against T. D. Jones,<br />

William B. Jones and Lawrence Jones, former<br />

operators of the Crest, Star and Grand<br />

theatres, all located in the Pocatello area.<br />

The complaint, which seeks a full and<br />

complete accounting of the defendants'<br />

books and records, charges the Joneses with<br />

fraud, conversion and defalcation of trust<br />

monies. The distributors alleged that the<br />

statement of boxoffice receipts submitted<br />

by the defendants during the period covered<br />

by the legal action were intentionally false<br />

and incorrect. Futher, they charged that the<br />

receipts disclosed substantially less than the<br />

amount they had in fact received, for which<br />

actual as well as punitive damages are<br />

sought.<br />

The distributors-plaintiffs are MGM,<br />

Paramount Pictures, Inc., 20th Century-<br />

Fox, Warner Bros., Buena Vista, United<br />

Artists, Universal Films and Columbia Pictures.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: September 6, 1971

They said<br />

it wouldn't fly.<br />

Now they're saying a compact,<br />

inexpensiue deuice that will<br />

rewind film automatically<br />

without rethreading<br />

isn't possible, either.<br />

Meet SUUORD...the "impossible".<br />

If you're among the doubters, we'll give<br />

you names and locations of theatres<br />

that already are making money on the<br />

"<br />

"impossible right now!<br />

Its Eprads SWORD ... the only<br />

compact, automatic Show-WithOut-Rethreading<br />

Device that works with most<br />

regular projectors to give you continuous<br />

projection without rethreading.<br />

Standard floor space and lens height,<br />

too. At a price we think you'll also<br />

agree is somewhat of a miracle.<br />

With just two SWORD-equipped projectors,<br />

you can run a complete show<br />

over and over— completely unat-<br />

Compact SWORD (ilm handling device<br />

measures only 52" long, 24'/2"<br />

wide, and its 49" center of lens to<br />

floor matches existing porthole height.<br />

tended, if you wish. Think what that can<br />

do for your profits. You can even make<br />

money on matinees!<br />

And, with SWORD, total theatre automation<br />

is now a practical reality.<br />

Just team SWORD with Eprad's Programatic<br />

Controls. The combination<br />

gives you a system that will automatically<br />

operate and supervise all mechanical<br />

functions in the programmed<br />

sequence you select. You can even reprogram<br />

any function while the show is<br />

running. Eprad built-in safeguards<br />

keep everything humming nice and<br />

smooth and trouble-free all the way.<br />

Act now. Write us, or call for details<br />

about SWORD. It can help you fly to<br />

new highs in prosperity.<br />

Sold Internationally Thru Selected Theatre Supply Dealers<br />

incorporated<br />

Box 4712«Toledo.Ohio43620«(419) 243-8106<br />



XOmCE :: September 6, 1971

WOMPI Convention<br />

Is Ready to Open<br />

lORONIO- Ml-iuKts Irom .ill 15 cluhs<br />

o\ ilic Women of the Motion Picture Iniliistrv<br />

International<br />

(WOMPI) will gather<br />

at the Royal York<br />

Hotel here for their<br />

ISih annual convention<br />

September 10-12,<br />

with Mrs. Hazel Le-<br />

Noir, Kansas City.<br />

International president,<br />

presiding and<br />

receiving reports from<br />

the various clubs on<br />

Hazel I.eNoir ^^^^^ activities for the<br />

year in which WOMPl's theme was "Action<br />

Plus Teamwork Equals Accomplishment."<br />

Miss Florence Long of Toronto is convention<br />

chairman and Vicki Knight and<br />

Betty Bellamy are convention co-chairmen.<br />

Other current officers of WOMPI expected<br />

to be on hand for convention activities are<br />

Miss Hilda Frishman, New York, vicepresident;<br />

Miss Thelma Jo Bailey, Dallas,<br />

recording secretary: Mrs. Judy Helton, Kansas<br />

City, corresponding secretary: Mrs.<br />

St. Eileen Sessel, Louis, treasurer, and Mrs.<br />

Mary Hart. Jacksonville, past president.<br />

In addition to the various community<br />

projects carried out by the<br />

WOMPI International sponsors a<br />

individual clubs,<br />

room annually<br />

at Will Rogers Memorial Hospital,<br />

Saranac Lake, N.Y. This sponsorship is<br />

made possible by the "Dimes From<br />

WOMPI Dames" program, a dime a week<br />

from each WOMPI member. Presentation<br />

of the check for the sponsored room will<br />

be made to a representative of the hospital<br />

as one of the highlights of the annual installation<br />

banquet.<br />

A total of 500 medical and scientific<br />

volumes for the Montague Memorial Library<br />

and Study center at Will Rogers Hospital<br />

also has been purchased by WOMPI<br />

in recent years. Members also assist with<br />

the annual audience collection drives for<br />

the hospital and many paperback books are<br />

sent to the isolation floor for enjoyment of<br />

the patients. In addition, WOMPI has<br />

adopted a five-year medical journal sponsorship<br />

program costing $242.50 yearly.<br />

Each WOMPI club has its own individual<br />

project, and virtually all clubs participate<br />

in helping the Cancer Society, muscular<br />

dystrophy, Easter seals, March of Dimes,<br />

cystic fibrosis, Veterans Hospitals, American<br />

Heart As.s'n and other national charitable<br />

organizations.<br />

Thomas W. Gerety Dies<br />

CULVER CITY—Thomas W. Gerety.<br />

MGM home office advertising and publicity<br />

executive for more than 30 years, died at<br />

his home in Largo, Fla., August 26. He had<br />

been retired since 1958. He leaves his wife<br />

and three children. A son, Thomas Michael<br />

Gerety, is advertising and publicity manager<br />

for MGM's Dallas division, and another<br />

son David is manager of the Horizon Park<br />

4 Theatres in Tampa, Fla.<br />

MGM Has 100% Interest<br />

In Robbins Music Firm<br />

C LIA IK CI 1 'l Mctro-GoidwNiiMaycr<br />

has acquired 20th Century-Fox's 32.03 per<br />

cent stock interest in Robbins, Feist & Miller<br />

Music Publishing Corp. for $4,500,000<br />

and now has 100 per cent ownership of the<br />

company, also known as The Big 3, exclusively<br />

controlling its management and operations.<br />

The announcement of the purchase<br />

was made by James T. Aubrey jr., MGM<br />

president and chief executive officer.<br />

Aubrey said, "We are most plea.sed that<br />

we have been able to acquire 100 per cent<br />

of Robbins, Feist & Miller which has long<br />

been one of MGM's most valuable and<br />

profitable assets. With complete control of<br />

The Big 3, which we have long desired, we<br />

will be able to capitalize on other promising<br />

avenues of activity in the music field."<br />

Robbins, Feist & Miller is one of the<br />

largest and best known music publishers in<br />

the industry with a catalog that includes<br />

many of the outstanding hits in popular<br />

music.<br />

The MGM purchase completes a consolidation<br />

program begun 16 months ago when<br />

it acquired a 5.62 per cent stock interest in<br />

The Big 3 held by the estate of J. J. Bregman.<br />

Dennis C. Stanfill. president of 20th-Fox,<br />

commented, "Our pa.ssive minority interest<br />

in Robbins is a situation we have been interested<br />

in terminating for some time and<br />

we welcome this opportunity to do so on<br />

terms which we consider fair to both parties.<br />

This sale in no way reflects any diminution<br />

of interest in our music publishing activities;<br />

rather it will now permit us to devote<br />

our full energies to the development of our<br />

wholly owned music publishing subsidiaries<br />

which are 20th Century Music Corp., Fox<br />

Fanfare Music, Inc. and Bregman, Vocco<br />

and Conn, Inc.<br />

Tamet Int'l Acquires Rights<br />

To Olympic Int'l Films<br />

HOLLYWOOD — Bob Cresse sold his<br />

distribution rights of Olympic International<br />

Films product to Target International Films.<br />

Inc. Steve Vincent and Joe Anthony will<br />

expand the list of 63 films, and Republic<br />

Amusements Corp. also is part of the deal.<br />

Vincent told <strong>Boxoffice</strong> that he has just<br />

concluded a 70.000 mile trip during the past<br />

few months, acquainting himself with the<br />

distribution and exhibition pattern. As the<br />

new firm starts its growth it will produce<br />

and distribute films in the G and GP categories,<br />

and with the adult R ratings, as<br />

well.<br />

Cresse moves into foreign distribution<br />

with Counselor Films. Ltd.<br />

Vincent has had a long career in showbusiness,<br />

both as a performer and on the<br />

production side where he has held various<br />

jobs on crews as key grip, and all the areas<br />

where one acquires a profound knowledge<br />

of costs. Joe Anthony, involved in sales, has<br />

much the same background.<br />

Doubleday io Make<br />

Films for Theatres<br />

NEW YORK — Doubleday & Co., Inc.<br />

has announced that it will enter the motion<br />

picture field, initiating major entertainment<br />

films in a new development program.<br />

Doubleday, one of the largest book publishers<br />

in the world, has been producing and<br />

distributing educational films through its<br />

Multimedia Division. The move at this time<br />

to initiate entertainment films of high quality<br />

is a natural evolution for the company<br />

which started in the communications field<br />

as publi,shers of books and magazines<br />

neariy seventy-five years ago. Since then,<br />

the formation of a substantial book club<br />

division which distributes books to millions<br />

of readers, plus the acquisition of radio and<br />

television stations, have put the company<br />

further into the business of informing and<br />

entertaining a large general public.<br />

The first Doubleday entertainment film<br />

being developed is "The Parallax View,"<br />

based on the novel by Loren Singer, a suspense<br />

story with political overtones. The<br />

Doubleday Rights Department, headed by<br />

Robert Banker, is engaged in the venture<br />

with the Ziegler-Ross-Tennant Agency in<br />

Los Angeles, which is helping to assemble<br />

the creative elements.<br />

Michael Ritchie, director of "Downhill<br />

Racer" with Robert Redford, will produce<br />

and direct "The Parallax View." He currently<br />

is directing Lee Marvin in "Prime<br />

Cut" to be released by Cinema Center<br />

Films of CBS.<br />

Lorenzo Semple jr., winner of the New<br />

York Film Critics' Award for his script<br />

for "Pretty Poison," is now engaged in<br />

writing the script for "The Parallax View."<br />

His latest film, "Marriage of a Young<br />

Stockbroker," will be released this year by<br />

20th Century-Fox.<br />

'Walkabout' Theme Music<br />

On Columbia Records<br />

NEW YORK — Tony Bennett has recorded<br />

the theme music from 20th Century-<br />

Fox's unusual drama "Walkabout." A<br />

Columbia Records 45 rpm single is now<br />

being distributed to record dealers across<br />

the country. Music for the title tune is by<br />

Academy winner John Barry, with lyrics<br />

by Don Black. The record has an arrangement<br />

by Robert Farnon, who also conducted<br />

the orchestra. The Australian-filmed<br />

"Walkabout" was directed and photographed<br />

by Nicolas Roeg.<br />

Dalia Release Announced<br />

NEW YORK—Munio Podhorzer, president<br />

of United Film Enterprises, Inc., announced<br />

that Dalia Productions, Inc. has<br />

obtained the distribution rights for the<br />

United States and English-speaking Canada<br />

of "Les Grandes Vacances." A Les Film<br />

Copernic production in color, it was directed<br />

by Jean Girault and features Louis<br />

de Funes, Ferdy Mayne and Maurice Risch.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: September 6, 1971

I<br />

Commonwealth Gross, Net<br />

Up for 39-Week Period<br />

KANSAS CITY — Commonwealth Theatres,<br />

Inc., for the first 39 weeks of its<br />

1971 fiscal year, ended July 3, reported<br />

operating results increased about 63 per<br />

cent over the same period in 1970, with<br />

gross revenues of $13,367,412, compared<br />

$12,358,319 a year earlier.<br />

to<br />

Net income before extraordinary items<br />

totaled $364,347, compared to $223,739<br />

for the 39 weeks in 1970, equal to 30 and<br />

IS' 2 cents per common share, respectively.<br />

Net income after extraordinary items (expense)<br />

for the current 39 weeks totaled<br />

$377,917, compared to $363,062 a year<br />

earlier, equal to 31 and 30 cents per share,<br />

respectively.<br />

The board of directors declared a quarter-<br />

dividend of five cents per share to share-<br />

ly<br />

holders of record September 15, payable<br />

October 1.<br />

Elmer C. Rhoden. chairman of the board,<br />

and Richard H. Orear, president, said that<br />

because the company's business is subject<br />

to seasonal fluctuations, the results for 39<br />

weeks are not indicative of a full year's<br />

operations. They also pointed out that "the<br />

company's gross revenues during the July<br />

to mid-August period exceeded those of the<br />

comparable period last year."<br />

The 39-week report covered a period ten<br />

days in advance of the public stock offering<br />

made by the company on July 13.<br />

Rhoden and Orear reported Commonwealth<br />

is continuing its policy of negotiating<br />

acquisitions for existing theatre<br />

facilities, together with the construction of<br />

new facilities where such acquisitions or<br />

new construction are deemed favorable to<br />

the operating results of the company.<br />

Commonwealth operates 205 theatres in<br />

ten states, 118 of these conventional theatres<br />

and 87 drive-ins.<br />

Derio Productions Moves<br />

Headquarters to L.A.<br />

NEW YORK—Derio Productions announced<br />

that it has moved the company<br />

headquarters from New York to Hollywood<br />

because "Hollywood is where the talent is."<br />

Derio Productions was formed several<br />

years ago by Ralph Desiderio and Don<br />

Schain, both formerly with the Walter<br />

Reade Organization, Inc., and has been successful<br />

from the start.<br />

With Desiderio as producer and Schain<br />

as writer and director, the pair have produced<br />

three films. The first. "The Love<br />

Object," was made for $50,000. The second,<br />

•Ginger," cost $150,000. A third, "The Abductors."<br />

again featuring the Ginger character,<br />

a female James Bond portrayed in both<br />

films by Cheri Caffaro. will be released<br />

shortly and a fourth is on a pre-production<br />

phase and will<br />

be announced soon.<br />

Desiderio. 33. is a graduate of Villanova<br />

University and began his career in<br />

the theatre<br />

division of Walter Reade. later transferring<br />

to the film division. Continental Distributors,<br />

where he was active in foreign<br />

sales, advertising, and finally,<br />

BOXOmCE :: September 6, 1971<br />

as coordinator<br />

of production lor Walter Reade. In the latter<br />

position he was extensively involved in<br />

production and distribution responsibilities<br />

on "Ulysses."<br />

Schain, 30, went to work for the theatre<br />

division of the Walter Reade Organization<br />

after his graduation from the University of<br />

North Carolina and was assistant to the<br />

vice-president in his last post there.<br />

Derio Productions office in Los Angeles<br />

is at 9000 Sunset Blvd. An office is being<br />

maintained in New York under the direction<br />

of Sharon Friedman.<br />

Loews Tags Marshall Stone<br />

As Manager of the Year<br />

NEW YORK — Marshall Stone, city<br />

manager for Loews Theatres in Phoenix,<br />

Ariz., has been named Manager of the<br />

Year by the 112-unit theatre circuit. The<br />

award climaxed a year-long competition in<br />

which managers vied for $250 cash prizes<br />

and Manager of the Month awards. Monthly<br />

winners then competed for the grand<br />

award and the $1,000 cash prize with it.<br />

Stone was twice selected as a monthly winner.<br />

The second prize, $500, went to Carl<br />

Rogers, veteran manager of Loews Theatre<br />

in Tampa, Fla. He also won twice<br />

during the monthly competition. Third prize<br />

went to Rene Roska, manager of Ix)ews<br />

Theatre in Troy Hills, N. J. and the company's<br />

November Showman of the Month<br />

winner.<br />

The $1,000 cash prize to the division<br />

manager whose division produced the<br />

number of monthly winners went to<br />

largest<br />

Tom Elefante, Loews Florida division<br />

manager.<br />

Warren St. Thomas Readies<br />

'Russky' for Sept. Release<br />

SAUSALITO, CALIF. — War re n St.<br />

Thomas & Associates announced last week<br />

that post-production work on its "Russky"<br />

is being handled by Guffanti Labs of New<br />

York and that the picture is expected to be<br />

ready for release about September 15. The<br />

picture was filmed from a location houseboat<br />

in Richardsons Bay, part of the San<br />

Francisco area.<br />

According to St. Thomas, the film takes<br />

place after the Vietnam war and envisions a<br />

country in chaos, everyone out of work and<br />

the hippies thinking they have caused the<br />

situation by their demonstrations. "Russky"<br />

is the name of a dog that belongs to two<br />

waterfront hippies, who have an 80-year-old<br />

tugboat and who have kidnaped an unemployed<br />

electronics worker who hates the<br />

hippies. They take their captive, his wife<br />

and his boat to an island where they get him<br />

high on drugs and make him king of the<br />

freaks.<br />

Correction on 'Doc' Review<br />

Frank Perry is the producer and director<br />

of "Doc," United Artists release. In the<br />

review appearing in Boxoffick. August 30.<br />

Perry's name was misspelled due to a typographical<br />

error.<br />

Paramount Halts Production<br />

Of Two Films in New York<br />

NEW YORK — Paramount Pictures<br />

has<br />

removed two major motion pictures from<br />

production in New York City, due to irreconcilable<br />

labor difficulties. The two films,<br />

•Last of the Red Hot Lovers" and "Play<br />

It Again, Sam," will begin production<br />

within three to four weeks in cities other<br />

than New York.<br />

Both productions were prepared to shoot<br />

entirely in New York City with full New<br />

York crews. The source of the labor difficulties<br />

is with Local 52, Studio Mechanics,<br />

which represents electricians, grips, sound<br />

and construction workers.<br />

Paramount successfully has completed<br />

negotiations with two of the major locals<br />

of the New York craft unions, which have<br />

provided for improved production conditions<br />

New York. Other locals which have<br />

in similar contracts pending, have demonstrated<br />

a willingness to negotiate such contracts.<br />

Frank Yablans, president of Paramount<br />

Pictures, stated, "We are continuously reviewing<br />

the most economic method of<br />

producing motion pictures and although<br />

Paramount would normally look forward<br />

to filmmaking in New York City, the<br />

current labor climate makes any such production<br />

economicallv unfeasible. The withdrawal<br />

of both productions from New York<br />

will not increase the production budget of<br />

either and. indeed, may result in cost savings.<br />

Paramount Pictures has no intention<br />

of scheduling any additional production in<br />

New York City until such time as it is<br />

satisfied that production in New York can<br />

be done on a competitive basis with other<br />

MGM to Release 'Knievel'<br />

For Foreign Market<br />

CULVER ClIY—MOM has acquired,<br />

for worldwide foreign release, Joe Solomon's<br />

Fanfare production. "Evel Knievel,"<br />

based on the real life exploits of the American<br />

motorcycle stuntman. it was announced<br />

by Andre Pietcrse. MGM vice-president in<br />

charge of international operations.<br />

^<br />

Tor<br />


I> you're not a PIPELINE subscriber<br />

better hurry! S33 tor 25 Issues. PIPEproduct<br />

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HOLLYVWJOD, M. 90069 • 213 -i- 27W900

^oUcfMwtd ^eftont<br />

ProJiiction starts tor September so tar<br />

number 20. compared with 25 for the same<br />

month last year. Nine films this month are<br />

fronj major companies and 1 1 from independents.<br />

Columbia leads with the most<br />

three.<br />


Hi 1 n Ki 1 IIS Are Free. Mike Frank-<br />

OMch. sl.irring Goldie Hawn in this film,<br />

just signed Eileen Heckart to re-create her<br />

stage role in the film version. The actress<br />

play the part of the mother of the blind<br />

will<br />

boy in the hit comedy to be directed by<br />

Milton Kat.selas. who also directed the play.<br />

The screenplay was written by Leonard<br />

Gershe. with filming being done in Hollywood<br />

and New York.<br />

Stand Up and Be Counted. Steve Lawrence<br />

makes his motion picture debut for<br />

producer Mike Frankovich in this contemporary<br />

comedy on women's liberation.<br />

Lawrence and his wife Eydie Gorme are one<br />

of the most successful husband and wife<br />

teams in the entertainment world. Co-starring<br />

in the film arc Jacqueline Bisset. Stella<br />

Stevens. Gary Lockwood and Loretta Swit.<br />

Jackie Cooper directs from an original<br />

screenplay by Bernard Slade. Principal photography<br />

begins September 7 in Denver and<br />

Hollywood.<br />

The Widower. Co-starring Maggie Smith<br />

and Timothy Bottoms, Alan J. Pakula is<br />

directing this film in Spain with David<br />

Lange producing. The story, based on an<br />

original idea and screenplay by Alvin Sargent,<br />

deals with the poignant love affair of<br />

an older woman and a young man. The film<br />

is<br />

the third for the Pakula-Lange production<br />

team, whose most recent Warner Bros, release<br />

is "Klute."<br />


Every Litti r. Crook and Nanny. This<br />

Leonard Ackcrman-Cy Howard production,<br />

which Howard is directing, co-stars Lynn<br />

Redgrave and Victor Mature. Howard, Jonathan<br />

A.xelrod and Robert Klane wrote the<br />

-screenplay ba.sed on the novel by Evan<br />

Hunter. It is a satiric comedy dealing with<br />

the attempted kidnaping of the son of a<br />

mob-boss. It is being shot in Italy.<br />


Last or tiik Rhd Hot Lovers. With<br />

Alan Arkin in the starring role and Gene<br />

Saks directing for producer Howard W.<br />

Koch, this is the movie version of Neil<br />

Simon's newest Broadway comedy, for<br />

which he wrote the screenplay. In it Arkin<br />

portrays a Don Juan in reverse, giving it<br />

many comic overtones.<br />

Play It Again, Sam. An APJAC-Rollins-<br />

Joffe production starring Woody Allen, for<br />

which Allen and Charles Grodin wrote the<br />

screenplay. This is a film version of Allen's<br />

Broadway success, in which he re-creates the<br />

same role, that of a guy who fancies himself<br />

as Humphrey Bogart, enjoying all Bogart's<br />

portrayals with the beautiful women he en-<br />

By<br />


countered m his career. Herbert Ross directs<br />

and Charles Ji'lfe is the executive producer.<br />


The Other. Producers Robert Mulligan<br />

and Thomas Tryon are co-starring Diana<br />

Muldaur with Uta Hagen, one of Broadway's<br />

most distinguished actresses, making<br />

her film debut in this spine-chilling tale in<br />

which Miss Hagen essays the pivotal role of<br />

the grandmother of the ill-fated twin boys.<br />

Filming will be done on location in Murphys,<br />

Calif., with Robert Mulligan directing.<br />

Tryon will serve as executive producer,<br />

as well as adapt the screenplay from his<br />

own novel, currently on the nation's bestseller<br />

list.<br />

Salzburg Connection. Barry Newman<br />

was signed for the starring role in the Ingo<br />

Preminger production, which Lee H. Katzin<br />

will direct on location in Salzburg. Austria.<br />

The screenplay is by Oscar Millard, adapted<br />

from Helen Maclnnes' best-selling novel.<br />

Shooting will start September 13.<br />


Dr.\cui.a Chelsea '72. Christopher Lee<br />

and Peter Cushing will co-star in this tentatively<br />

titled new horror film. It is the latest<br />

of the highly successful Hammer productions<br />

and will be directed by Alan Gibson,<br />

produced by Josephine Douglas with Michael<br />

Carreras as executive producer. Filming<br />

will commence at Elstree Studios in<br />

London, and marks the renewal of a longterm<br />

association between Hammer Films<br />

and Warner Bros.<br />


Capital Productions<br />

The Date. Sol Fried, president and executive<br />

producer, has Stafford Repp and<br />

Evelyn King starring, with Lance Fuller costarred<br />

in this lonely hearts story with a<br />

different approach. Hubie Kerns produces,<br />

based on an original story idea by David<br />

McMonagle. Robert Hensley, who codirected<br />

with Tom Anthony, wrote the<br />

screenplay.<br />

Fanfare Corp.<br />

Tower of Evil. A Grenadier Films production,<br />

which will be released in the U.S.<br />

and Canada by Fanfare. Produced by Richard<br />

Gordon, it is a horror-suspense drama,<br />

filmed under Tim O'Connolly's direction<br />

from an original story and screenplay by<br />

George Baxt. John Pellatt is the associate<br />

producer.<br />

Metromedia Producers Corp.<br />

Tales From the Crypt. This is the first<br />

full-length feature film for theatrical release<br />

to be made by Metromedia Producers Corp.,<br />

scheduled to be distributed worldwide by<br />

Cinerama. It will be produced in association<br />

with Max Rosenberg and Milton Subotsky's<br />

English producing company. Amicus Productions,<br />

Ltd.. with Freddie Francis directing.<br />

Charles W. Fries, executive vice-president<br />

in<br />

charge of production for MPC, will<br />

be the executive producer. The film will<br />

shot in England.<br />

Motion Pictures Int'l<br />

Way of an E.^gi e. President Steve Broidy<br />

has selected Dan Potter's novel for the basis<br />

upon which this film will be made. Arthur<br />

Broidy, who will produce and Steven H.<br />

Stern, who writing the screenplay and<br />

is<br />

will direct, have chosen Toronto locations<br />

for the background. The story incorporates<br />

the youth religious movement, but will not<br />

be a preachment.<br />

Jean-Louis Bertucelli<br />

Pauline 1880. Maximilian Schell has<br />

been selected by Jean-Louis Bertucelli to<br />

play the lead in his new film, that will mark<br />

Schell's first picture in French. Filming will<br />

be done on locations in the north of Italy,<br />

with Olga Karlatos and Michel Bouquet in<br />

supporting roles. "Pauline 1880" is the story<br />

of an aristocratic Italian, played by Schell,<br />

whose love for a young girl leads to a tragic<br />

destiny.<br />

The Manipulator. Stephen Boyd was<br />

signed by producer Stanley Norman to star<br />

in this picture, which goes before the cameras<br />

in Paris, with Sylva Koscina and<br />

Michael Kirner co-starred.<br />

Baron Blood. Joseph Gotten is currently<br />

in Austria playing the male lead opposite<br />

co-star Elke Sommer in this horror film,<br />

which Alfred de Leone is producing and<br />

Vincent Fotre directing.<br />

Radnitz/ Mattel Productions<br />

Sounder. Martin Ritt is directing this<br />

location story being lensed in Louisiana with<br />

Robert Radnitz producing from a script by<br />

Lonne Elder. The story about the South in<br />

the 1930s is based on a novel by William<br />

Armstrong. Kevin Hookes, a 12-year-old,<br />

stars in the drama about a black sharecropper<br />

family, whose money runs out and<br />

the father is jailed with the youngster taking<br />

the responsibility of caring for his family.<br />

Hookes is the son of actor Robert Hookes.<br />

Scotia International<br />

Pancho Villa. Clint Walker is starring<br />

for executive producer Milton Sperling to<br />

portray a "soldier of fortune" in this film,<br />

which is currently shooting in Madrid with<br />

Telly Savalas in the title role. Eugene Martin<br />

directs for producer Bernard Gordon.<br />

Signature Films<br />

Man Who Watched the Trains Go By.<br />

This is a remake of a film originally produced<br />

with Claude Rains in 1952 from<br />

Georges Simenon's story. The script was<br />

written by two UCLA students, Michael<br />

Claro and George Pitney, and it is the story<br />

of a bank clerk who steals money. The picture,<br />

a melodrama, stars Marcel Franquet.<br />

Shan Sayles is producing.<br />

Speed Limit Productions, Inc.<br />

Speed Limit—Yaphet Kotto, who costars<br />

in the soon-to-be-released Bill Cosby<br />

picture, "Man and Boy," is producing, directing<br />

and starring in his own film. Sean<br />

Cameron wrote the original and the script<br />

about the adventures of two motorcycle<br />

cops, one black and one white. Filming is<br />

in Los Angeles with a mixed black and<br />

white cast and crew.<br />

be<br />

BOXOFFICE :: September 6. 1971

.evtecu^ > ><br />

< < 'pCa^AeA<br />

BIACK JESUS (Plaza Pictures)—Although<br />

Inspired by the assassination of Congo<br />

leader Patrice Lumumba, "Black Jesus"<br />

is a modern allegory relating to the crucifixion<br />

of Christ. Woody Strode, a popular<br />

Negro actor usually in rugged parts,<br />

is an ideal choice as the martyr and plays<br />

it with sincerity and conviction. Emphasis<br />

is on torture—Strode's hands are nailed<br />

to a table—and there are some extraneous<br />

nude bits. The Italian-made film was produced<br />

at Cinecitta in 1968 under the title<br />

"Seated at His Right." Plaza Pictures is<br />

releasing a dubbed version in Technicolor<br />

and Techniscope. Valeric Zurlini directed<br />

and co-scripted with Franco Brusati.<br />


With motorcycle movies still in plentiful<br />

supply, the exhibitor may well ask what<br />

makes one different from another. In the<br />

case of "Chrome and Hot Leather," nothing<br />

very much aside from a good title<br />

and an intriguing premise: Green Berets<br />

hunt a motorcycle gang that caused the<br />

deaths of two girls. As directed and photographed<br />

by Lee Frost, the action moves<br />

furiously at times with Bud Ekins doing<br />

a good job on the stunt work. Color by<br />

Movielab. Producer Wes Bishop also doubles<br />

as the sheriff. Rated GP by the<br />

MPAA.<br />


Critically acclaimed abroad, the first directorial<br />

effort of playwright Frank D.<br />

Gilroy stars Shirley MacLaine and Kenneth<br />

Mars in a rare dramatic performance<br />

which will help the film in its domestic<br />

bookings. Gilroy produced, directed<br />

and wrote "Desperate Characters,"<br />

based on the novel by Paula Fox, and was<br />

financed by Sir Lew Grade's International<br />

ITC-ATV company (making its feature<br />

film bow). The story is completely New<br />

York-oriented and filming was necessarily<br />

done entirely on location. R rating is for<br />

a couple of nude love scenes. Color by<br />

TVC. Paul Leaf was co-producer.<br />


(Para)—Every once in a while, a completely<br />

unknown film comes along with<br />

no names and no budget and instantly<br />

develops into a "sleeper" to reckon with.<br />

Such is the potential of Paramount's<br />

"Let's Scare Jessica to Death," a horrorsuspenser<br />

which marks the feature film<br />

debuts of producer Charles B. Moss jr.<br />

(of the famed theatre clan) and director<br />

John Hancock (from the stage). The<br />

small but competent cast is headed by<br />

Zohra Lampert. In De Luxe Color. Rated<br />

GP by MPAA.<br />


Unless the average rock musical documentary<br />

has run its course, there should<br />

be good returns on this one. The locale<br />

BOXOmCE :: September 6, 1971<br />

isn't confined to one geographical area<br />

conmion to most rock festi\als, as 154<br />

hippies (for want of a better term) travel<br />

across the U.S. spreading peace and love.<br />

French director Francois Reichenbach<br />

and crew filmed Tom Donahue and his<br />

crew attempting to relate to all levels of<br />

society, even getting responses from passing<br />

motorists. This is a Fred Weintraub<br />

Family Production, produced by Reichenbach<br />

and Donahue. While B. B. King is<br />

the top name among the performers, the<br />

bizarre antics of Doug Kershaw and Alice<br />

Cooper attract attention. In widescreen<br />

and Technicolor, with split screen and<br />

multiple images utilized. Rated R by<br />

MPAA.<br />


This second feature based on the daytime<br />

TV drama, "Dark Shadows," is a disappointing<br />

effort as it does not have enough<br />

horrific elements to tingle the spine or<br />

hold the viewer's attention. Producerdirector<br />

Dan Curtis does as well as can<br />

be expected with Sam Hall's screenplay,<br />

which is painfully short on gore and terror.<br />

Pretty Kate Jackson makes a promising<br />

debut as the long-suffering wife of<br />

the possessed Charles Collins, played by<br />

David Selby. Also appearing are serial<br />

regulars Grayson Hall, Lara Parker, Nancy<br />

Barrett and John Karlen.<br />


(Para)—Out-of-the-ordinary fare is offered<br />

by a British film that will probably<br />

be referred to as "the one with the funny<br />

names in the title." The names refer to<br />

the last<br />

three members of an unruly class<br />

at an English boys' school and their sinister<br />

doings make for an absorbing if<br />

overly lengthy 100 minutes. Specialized<br />

houses can provide the best outlet, with<br />

second-run bookings in the general market<br />

a possibility. David Hemmings stars,<br />

providing the only marquee lure. Locations,<br />

in widescreen and Eastman Color,<br />

are the rugged and bleak regions of Berkshire<br />

and Caernarvonshire. Some male<br />

nudity and an attempted rape scene don't<br />

give too much validity to the GP rating,<br />

which is otherwise about right.<br />

These reviews will appear in full in<br />

a forthcoming issue of BOXOFFICE.<br />

Schlozmon Daughter Weds<br />

KANSAS CITY— Mr. and Mrs. Morris<br />

Schlozman announce the marriage of their<br />

daughter Deborah Eve of Niles, 111., to Arthur<br />

H. Rotstcin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold<br />

Rotstein of Skokie. 111. The father of the<br />

bride is business manager and treasurer of<br />

BoxoMicE. The marriage ceremony, which<br />

was performed Sunday. August 22. at Beth<br />

Shalom Synagogue, marks the fifth and last<br />

child of the Schlozman household taking the<br />

vows.<br />

The bride, who is a school teacher, is<br />

completing work toward a master's degree in<br />

learning disabilities at the University of Chicago.<br />

The groom is a journalist and has<br />

completed an urban journalism fellowship at<br />

the University of Chicago.<br />




The following feature-length motion pictures<br />

have been reviewed and rated by the<br />

Code and Rating Administration pursuant<br />

to the Motion Picture Code and Rating<br />

Program.<br />

Tltl» DIttribiitor ««M—<br />

Ihe Animals (Leviti-l'ickman)<br />

Carry on Camping (AIP)<br />

[r]<br />

House of 1,000 Dolls (AIP) [rJ<br />

See No Evil (Columbia) GP<br />

.Something Big (NGP)<br />

GP<br />

.Song of the South (BY) (reissue)<br />

g<br />

[g]<br />

Vanessa (Variety Films) (x)<br />

Welcome Home Soldier Boys [r)<br />

(20th-Fox)<br />

'Insomnia or Bust!' Cartoon<br />

Acquired by Schoenfeld<br />

NEW YORK. — Schoenfeld Film Distributing<br />

Corp. has acquired the color cartoon<br />

"Insomnia or Bust!," produced and<br />

directed by Peter Adamakos for Disada<br />

Productions of Montreal. The film uses<br />

full animation techniques and intricate<br />

backgrounds usually considered economically<br />

prohibitive but necessary to the<br />

unique form of humor inherent in the story.<br />

Disada Productions plans a Christmas<br />

television special, to begin production as<br />

soon as sponsors are lined up.<br />

AIP Film Retitled<br />

•Dagmar's Hot Pants. Inc." is the new<br />

title for the Trans-American comedy, formeriy<br />

entitled "Dagmar & Co." Stars are<br />

Diana Kjaer ("Fanny Hill"). Anne Grete<br />

("Without a Stitch"). Inger Sundh ("I a<br />

Woman No. 3") and Robert Strauss. It was<br />

produced and directed in Stockholm by<br />

Vernon P. Becker and written by Becker<br />

and Louis M. Heyward. National release<br />

will be October 13, obtainable from American<br />

International exchanges.<br />

You can now CUT YOUR<br />

CARBON COSTS with lopquality<br />

LASER-LITES and<br />

still get all of the advantages<br />

of local servicing and<br />

supplies through your fa-<br />

]jj/<br />

Inl vorite dealer.<br />

GET THE LASER-LITE FACTS NOW! Call your local<br />

Theatre Supply Dealer or drop us a line for the name<br />

of your nearest Laser-Lite Stocking Distributor.<br />

AUENTION: MR. DEALER-Contact<br />




This chart records the pcrformoncc of current ottractiont in the opening we«k of tfieir first runs in<br />

cities five listed. the 20 key checked. Pictures with fewer thon engagements ore not As new runs<br />

is arc reported, rotings are added and ovcroges revised. Computation in terms of percentage in<br />

relation to normol grosses as determined by the theatre managers. With 100 per cent as "normol,"<br />

the figures show the gross rotings above or below that mark. (Asterisk denotes combinotion bills.)<br />

*<br />


Plan Lewis Cinemas<br />

In Central NY Area<br />

SYRACUSE — Approximately 20 Jerry<br />

Lewis cinemas are planned in an 11-county<br />

central New York area, representing an investment<br />

of nearly $3.2 million. It is anticipated<br />

that four of the theatres, a franchise<br />

operation of Network Cinema Corp., will be<br />

in Onondaga County, according to Joseph<br />

Siracusa and Anthony Garuccio, who have<br />

formed Syracuse Cinema, a new corporation.<br />

Final sites have not been decided. However,<br />

locations may be in Camillus, the Syracuse<br />

University area and Baldwinsville. Syracuse<br />

Cinema will build the theatres and<br />

direct operations in this area.<br />

Siracusa is an attorney and also an assistant<br />

professor at Onondaga Community College.<br />

Garuccio is vice-president of Onondaga<br />

Suburban Foods.<br />

Jerry Lewis units have a seating capacity<br />

of approximately 350 and are fully automated.<br />

Cost per theatre is estimated at<br />

Si 170,000.<br />

Minsky, Kirshner and Silva<br />

Jointly to Produce 'Jory'<br />

NEW YORK—Howard G. Minsky and<br />

Don Kirshner, on behalf of Minsky-Kirshner<br />

Productions, together with Leopoldo<br />

this fall.<br />

Minsky recently formed Minsky-Kirshner<br />

Productions with Don Kirshner, head of<br />

Kirshner Entertainment Corp., who in the<br />

past directed the activities of the music<br />

and record division of Columbia Pictures-<br />

Screen Gems Television, and currently<br />

manages the Beatles" publishing rights in the<br />

United States, Mexico and Canada. Silva is<br />

a noted Mexican industrialist who recently<br />

became involved in motion pictures and is<br />

responsible for three films to date. Laiter<br />

is a prominent film director in Mexico,<br />

who has won awards for his pictures at the<br />

International Festival at Locarno and the<br />

International Film Festival of Gdevorg.<br />

Late Ted Lewis Appeared<br />

In Several Musical Films<br />

NEW YORK—Ted Lewis, 81, the famed<br />

orchestra leader who died of a heart attack<br />

August 26. appeared in several films, including<br />

"Is Everybody Happy?", "Song<br />

of Norway." "Here Comes the Band."<br />

"Manhattan Merry-Go-Round," "Hold That<br />

Ghost" and "Follow the Boys."<br />

Lewis's real name was Theodore Leopold<br />

Friedman. He leaves his wife of 49 years,<br />

former dancer Ida Becker.<br />

'Knowledge' to Premiere<br />

In London September 16<br />

NEW YORK — I<br />

he eagerly awaited<br />

European premiere of Mike Nichols' "Carnal<br />

Knowledge" will be held Thursday (16)<br />

at the Leicester Square Theatre in London.<br />

Producer-director Nichols and stars Jack<br />

Nicholson and Ann-Margret are in London<br />

for the event, accompanied by Joseph<br />

Friedman, Avco Embassy's vice-president in<br />

charge of advertising and public relations.<br />

This marks the first time that Nichols has<br />

attended a foreign opening.<br />

Domestically, "Carnal Knowledge" is<br />

rolling up record-breaking grosses in subsequent<br />

bookings across the nation. The Milburn<br />

Theatre in Milburn, N.J.. scored a<br />

record opening day. The State Theatre in<br />

Harrisburg, Pa., outgrossed "The Graduate"<br />

on opening day. The Americana Theatre in<br />

Austin, Tex., reported a new first-week<br />

house record. "Carnal Knowledge" topped<br />

"The Graduate" grosses in the first week<br />

at the Century Theatre in San Jose, Calif.,<br />

and impressive figures were racked up in<br />

Toronto and Vancouver, Canada.<br />

Initial engagements for the Avco Embassy<br />

release began June 30. Now in its tenth<br />

week in New York, Los Angeles. Chicago.<br />

Detroit. Boston and San Diego, the film is<br />

doing a booming business. In San Diego, the<br />

seventh week gross was higher than that of<br />

the fifth or sixth week.<br />

Silva, on behalf of Marco Polo Productions<br />

of Me,\ico, have announced a joint venture<br />

New Appointments Made<br />

in a new company, Jory Corp., S.A., which<br />

wiU produce "Jory," based on the novel For Col-WB UK Operation<br />

by Milton R. Bass.<br />

LONDON—With Columbia and Warner<br />

This will be Minsky's first film since his Distributors beginning joint operations here<br />

production of the record-breaking "Love on October 3, Patrick M. Williamson, managing<br />

Story." Minsky will produce "Jory" with<br />

director of the company, made these<br />

Silva serving as executive producer. Solomon<br />

new appointments; Lionel Chetwynd, a.ssistant<br />

Laiter will direct the motion picture<br />

which begins initial photography in Mexico managing director; R. M. Branchette,<br />

company secretary; Frank Chapman, sales<br />

manager; Stanley Darlington, deputy sales<br />

manager.<br />

Donald Murray, supervising Columbia<br />

Pictures, and Julian Senior, supervisor of<br />

Warner Bros, product, will handle publicity,<br />

and each company will continue to establish<br />

individual sales, advertising and publicity<br />

policies for its respective product. Marion<br />

F. Jordan, executive vice-president of Columbia<br />

Pictures International, will direct<br />

these activities for his company and Myron<br />

D. Karlin, vice-president for European distribution<br />

of Warner Bros. International, will<br />

handle such activities for that firm.<br />

Meetings will be held by the new sales<br />

team here Thursday and Friday (16, 17),<br />

when details of branch and circuit sales<br />

plans will be announced.<br />

Theatre in Pa. Center<br />

DOYLE.STOWN, PA.—The plans of<br />

Kenilworth Associates of New York to develop<br />

an 18-acre prestige shopping center<br />

at the intersection of Route 309 and Route<br />

113 have been received enthusiastically by<br />

Hilltown Township residents. The mall will<br />

contain a movie theatre, major department<br />

stores, a supermarket, a bank and several<br />

satellite<br />

shops.<br />

Schary Will Receive<br />

ADL Balaban Award<br />

NEW YORK- Dore Schary, playwrightproducer-director<br />

and honorary national<br />

chairman of the Anti-Defamation League of<br />

B'nai B'rith, has been chosen to receive the<br />

first Barney Balaban Human Relations<br />

Award of the Motion Picture and Amusement<br />

Division of the ADL Appeal, it was<br />

announced by David V. Picker, president of<br />

United Artists and chairman of the division.<br />

The presentation to Schary will be made at<br />

the Motion Picture Division's annual luncheon<br />

in the New York Hilton October 14.<br />

Picker has called an organizational luncheon<br />

of the division to plan for the testimonial<br />

Thursday (16) in the Tower Suite of the<br />

Time-Life Building.<br />

Balaban, who died last March, was a<br />

founder of the Anti-Defamation League in<br />

New York and also a founder of the Motion<br />

Picture and Amusement Division of the<br />

Appeal. At the time of his death he was<br />

serving as honorary vice-chairman of the<br />

league's national commission.<br />

Schary, former Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer<br />

studio head, served as ADL's national<br />

chairman from 1963 to 1969 and is closely<br />

identified with a wide range of civic, artistic<br />

and philanthropic causes. He is the author<br />

of .some 40 screenplays, several of which<br />

won Academy Awards, and was the producer<br />

and/ or executive in charge of more than<br />

350 films.<br />

Since 1957 .Schary has been active with<br />

the Broadway theatre. He has been the recipient<br />

of 150 professional, charitable and<br />

community awards, including an Oscar, two<br />

Tony Awards and the Louis Marshall<br />

Award. He has received honorary degrees<br />

as Doctor of Humane Letters from both the<br />

College of the Pacific and Wilberforce University<br />

and the Doctorate of Fine Arts from<br />

Lincoln College.<br />

Court Bans Exploitation<br />

Films at Liberty Theatre<br />

PITTSBURGH—Judge J.<br />

Frank .VlcKenna<br />

jr. held that the Liberty Theatre exhibited<br />

"obscene movies" and he issued a temporary<br />

injunction or "freeze" against the showing<br />

of similar films at this theatre, as petitioned<br />

for by District Attorney Bob Duggan.<br />

Counsel for the Liberty immediately appealed<br />

the ruling to the Pennsylvania Supreme<br />

Court, asking a reversal.<br />

The case against the L'Amoure Theatre,<br />

charged with showing "skin flicks," was to<br />

be heard after local court disposal of the<br />

Liberty legality.<br />

Assistant Dist. Atty. Mike Fisher said<br />

that the showing of "hard-core pornography<br />

has done irreparable damage to Liberty<br />

Avenue businesses and the community" and<br />

attorney Marjorie Matson, representing the<br />

Liberty, said that the "ban" on alleged<br />

"obscene movies" was under an 1836 statute<br />

and not up-to-date or compatible with the<br />

Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling.<br />

The Liberty continued in operation and<br />

brought in a new film program August 17.<br />

BOXOmCE :: September 6, 1971 E-l

Carnal<br />

—<br />

The<br />

Carnal Knowledge/ Love-In '72<br />

Sfay One-Two on NY Barometer List<br />

NEW -^ORk— C.irn.il Krunv ledge" ami<br />

"Love-In '72" were closer together than<br />

ever before bui still retained their respective<br />

one and two positions. "Carnal Knowledge"<br />

scored 530 in the ninth round of its Cinema<br />

I run, while "Love-In '72" was just behind<br />

with 520 for the third week at Rialto IL<br />

Third place was held by "The Go-Between,"<br />

440 in its fifth week at 68th Street Playhouse.<br />

A newcomer, "Let's Scare Jessica to<br />

Death." took fourth place with a composite<br />

290 at the Criterion (170) and Juliet I<br />

(410). "Soul to Soul" slipped from third to<br />

fifth spot, doing 270 in the second week at<br />

the DeMillc. Again sixth was "Cry Uncle."<br />

an average of 235 for the second stanza at<br />

Kips Bay (190) and New Embassy (280). In<br />

the listings last week, the New Embassy<br />

gross mistakenly read 80 when it actually<br />

was 380.<br />

"Black Jesus" opened strong at the Cinerama<br />

(310) but did only average (100) business<br />

at the Murray Hill.<br />

(Average Is 100)<br />

Bar;nct—The Touch (CRC), 7th wk 180<br />

Carnegie Hall Cinema— Moke a face (Sperling),<br />

2nd wk 120<br />

Cine The Omega Mon (WB), 3rd wk 160<br />

Cinema Knowledge (Emb), 9th wk 530<br />

Rendezvous Adrift (MPO), 8th wk. ..180<br />

Cinemo 57<br />

Cinerama Block Jesus 310<br />

(Plazo)<br />

Criterion— Let's Score Jessico to Deoth (Pora) ... 170<br />

DeMille Soul to Soul (CRC), 2nd wk 270<br />

59th Street Twins—Johnny Got His Gun<br />

(Cinemation), 4th wk 125<br />

Fine Arts—The Devils (WB), 7th wk 205<br />

Forum— Next! (Maron), 3rd wk 55<br />

Juliet I Let's Score Jessico to Death (Para) ... 410<br />

Kips Bay— Cry Uncle (Cambist), 2nd wk 190<br />

Lincoln Art— Hoo-Binh (Transvue) 85<br />

Little Cornegie Deoth in Venice (WB) I 1th wk 130<br />

Murray Block Jesus (Plaza) 100<br />

Hill<br />

New Embossv Cry Uncle (Cambist), 2nd wk . 280<br />

Orpheum The Love Machine (Col), 4th wk 90<br />

aiOHd!<br />


IN HONOLULU . .<br />


BEACH!<br />

(Call your Travel Agent)<br />

THE<br />


"OWN"<br />

f'uram.iunt The Hcllstrom Chronicle (Cinema 5)<br />

9th «k 145<br />

Pons- Deep £nd ,(>ara 3r(J wk 100<br />

Penlhin Touch Me (Fortune Films), 3rd wk. .. 40<br />

Plaza Medicine Boll Caravan (WB) 60<br />

Radio Cit\ .Mu-.ic Hall—The Red Tent (Poro),<br />

5th wk no<br />

Riolto I—Christo (AlP), 2nd wk 105<br />

Riolto II— Love-In '72 (Mishkin), 3rd wk 520<br />

Rivoli— The Big Doll House (New World) 40<br />

68th Street Playhouse The Go-Betwccn (Col),<br />

5th wk 440<br />

72nd Street Playhouse— Shaft (MGM), 9th wk. ...115<br />

State I The Omego Man (WB), 3rd wk 280<br />

Stote II—The Love Machine (Col), 4th wk 140<br />

Sutton The Marriage of o Young Stockbroker<br />

(20th-Fox), 2nd wk 210<br />

East Romance of a Horsethief (AA),<br />

2nd<br />

120<br />

World All About Sex of All Notions (Mishkin),<br />

"Doc' Vigorous 325 First<br />

Baltimore Multiple<br />

Week in<br />

BALTIMORE—"Doc" was proud possessor<br />

of one of the highest first-week percentages<br />

recorded here in the last six<br />

months after seven nights at Cinema I.<br />

Cinema II and Paramount theatres. The<br />

percentage was 325—more than three<br />

times normal weekly grosses at those three<br />

situations. By comparison, the ne.xt highest<br />

percentage was 175, going to newcomer<br />

"Two-Lane Blacktop" at the Boulevard<br />

Theatre.<br />

Boulevord Two-Lone Blacktop (Univ) 175<br />

Cinema Paramount Doc (UA) 325<br />

I, II,<br />

Glen Burnie Moll, Liberty I, Patterson The Love<br />

Machine (Col), 2nd wk 105<br />

Playhouse 10 Rillington Place (Col), 3rd wk. ...100<br />

Senator Summer of '42 (WB), 11th wk 135<br />

Towson, Westview Red Tent (Paro) 150<br />

Horry Kellermon? (NGP),<br />

Westview II—Who Is<br />

Trio of 130 Grossers<br />

Leads Way in Buffalo<br />

BUFFALO—"The Omega Man," in its<br />

second week at the downtown Penthouse<br />

and two drive-ins, demonstrated its boxoffice<br />

strength with a 130 composite percentage.<br />

"Soul to Soul" managed to gross at the<br />

same rate in its second stanza and Loews"<br />

Teck and "Scandalous John" also checked<br />

in at 130 in an initial frame at the Granada.<br />

Buffalo Shoft (MGM), 5th wk 110<br />

Center— Billy Jock (WB) '.'.'.'.]20<br />

Cinema, Amherst Doc (UA), 100<br />

2nd wk<br />

Granada Scondalous John (BV) 130<br />

Penthouse The Omego Man (WB), 2nd wk 130<br />

Teck — Soul to Soul (CRC), 2nd wk 130<br />

Twin in Proposed Complex<br />

NORRLSTOWN, PA. — A proposed 24-<br />

acie office-motel complex here will include<br />

wedge-shaped twin movie theatres, attached<br />

to a 13-story circular tower building housing<br />

a 25()-room .Sheraton Inn. The inn will adjoin<br />

another wedge-shaped building housing<br />

a convention hall, which would be<br />

adjacent to a ten-story office building.<br />

Rezoning is sought by the developers.<br />

Charles A. Moses Co. Is<br />

Expanding Client Service<br />

NLW YORK.— In addition to its public<br />

relations and publicity services for film<br />

projects in production and release, as well<br />

as for individual producers and companies,<br />

the Charles A. Moses Co.. New York public<br />

relations firm, will now consult actively with<br />

clients on production financing and distribution.<br />

"With the emergence of many new distribution<br />

companies and the growing importance<br />

of outside financing, our clients<br />

have more and more been relying on us for<br />

assistance and advice in these areas," says<br />

Chuck Moses, president of the firm bearing<br />

his name.<br />

"In the same vein," continues Moses,<br />

"distribution companies, large and small,<br />

have been in communication with us in<br />

seeking new product and projects they can<br />

participate in financially. We also have<br />

been useful in suggesting directors, writers<br />

and players."<br />

"We find that filmmakers want more<br />

than just "planters' for publicists," explained<br />

Moses. "They seek more in-depth<br />

marketing of their films throughout the<br />

country and are planning far ahead on their<br />

filmmaking efforts. They seem to want a<br />

more total involvement and thafs what we<br />

give them. They also want help in creating<br />

ad campaigns in art, copy and placement,<br />

with public relations working closely with<br />

the ad agencies."<br />

Moses, who with distribution executive<br />

George Roth is producing a TV movie for<br />

ABC-TV with Aaron Spelling Productions<br />

and is involved in a feature-film project<br />

with director James Goldstone, has been an<br />

"unofficial" story editor on the East Coast<br />

for a number of Hollywood and European<br />

filmmakers by seeking out properties and<br />

continuing a liaison with authors and their<br />

agents.<br />

The Moses Co., which also handles a<br />

number of nonfilm commercial accounts,<br />

recently moved from the fifth to the ninth<br />

floor at 165 West 46th St. for more space.<br />

The company continues its affiliations with<br />

Jerry Pam & Associates in Hollywood and<br />

Fred Hift Associates in London.<br />

Capital Theatre Reopens<br />

MILTON, PA. —The Capital Theatre<br />

here, under the ownership of Cinestage<br />

Group, celebrated its grand reopening recently<br />

with gala festivities marked by a<br />

1934 theme (the year when the theatre<br />

opened originally). The feature for the evening<br />

was the uncut version of "'King Kong."<br />

"Cancel My Reservation" is adapted from<br />

Louis L'Amour's novel, "Broken Gun,"<br />

'<br />

CARBONS. CARBONS, »— ><br />

*^<br />

Inc. —<br />

Theatre Supply, Philodelphio^Locust 7-«I5i<br />

Superior Thcotrc E4|uipment Company, Philodelphio— Locust 3-1420<br />

a„ Box ,, K, c.^-. Cedar i^.-ii.<br />

Notionol Theatre Supply Co., 500 Pearl Streot, Buffalo, N.Y.—TL 4-173*<br />

Knolls, NJ.I<br />

E-2 BOXOFFICE :; September 6, 1971

Have you played the<br />

MONEY-<br />

MAKERS? fii<br />

m'<br />

) FOR SINGLE<br />


^ I<br />

w;^0®<br />

9SS^<br />



pRANK. YABLANS. president ol Paramouni<br />

Pictures, in announcing that<br />

production on "Last of the Red Hot Lovers"<br />

and "Play It Again. Sam" would not<br />

be undertaken in New York due to difficulties<br />

with Studio Mechanics Union Local<br />

52. spurred the mayor's office into action.<br />

The executive coordinator for filmmaking<br />

in the city. Christine Conrad, contacted<br />

both parties in an effort to resolve their<br />

differences. Combined budgets on the two<br />

films amount to around S.^ million. Mayor<br />

Lindsay long has been an adviKate of film<br />

production here.<br />

•<br />

Birthday congratulations to Dick Perry,<br />

retired salesman for Grand National Pictures<br />

and United Artists. The father of Sy<br />

Perry of Mo

Slratford Festival<br />

Begins September 11<br />

BUFFALO—An inlcrnatioiial selection<br />

oi 19 feature films will be shown at the<br />

Stratford Film Festival, to be held Saturday<br />

(II) through Sunday (19) at the Avon<br />

Theatre in Stratford, Ont. Showings will he<br />

at 2 and 9 p.m.<br />

A retrospective of Mary Pickford films<br />

will be shown at 7 p.m. throughout the festival<br />

in the Avon Theatre. Children's films<br />

will be shown Saturday (II) and Saturday<br />

(18) at 10:30 a.m.<br />

Two directors, Stanley Kramer and Kmile<br />

dc Antonio, will make personal appearances.<br />

Kramer will be at the event Sunday<br />

(19) at 9 p.m. and de Antonio Wednesday<br />

(\5) at 9 p.m.<br />

Three-Day Restrospective<br />

At Studio Arena Theatre<br />

BUFFALO—The International Experimental<br />

Film Society, sponsors of the 1970<br />

three-day competitive festival at Canisius<br />

College, will present a retrospective showing<br />

of major American, Eastern and European<br />

independent cinema Thursday (23)<br />

through Saturday (25). Thirty-one short<br />

films and two features have been selected.<br />

The films have been rented from several<br />

distributors, including Ideal Pictures of<br />

Buffalo.<br />

Bruce R. Powers, president of the society,<br />

will travel to New York seeking additional<br />

films, especially works completed<br />

after 1968.<br />

The retrospective, which will be held in<br />

the Studio Arena Theatre, fulfills a society<br />

promise to make on-going the showing of<br />

experimental cinema in this area.<br />

The Studio Arena has donated the use of<br />

its facility for the three-day showings,<br />

which will be held twice daily at 3 and<br />

7:30 p.m. "Our program," Powers notes,<br />

"is a documentation of the artist in revolt<br />

against Hollywood and in search of a new<br />

beginning."<br />

Mayor Dislikes X Film<br />

PALMYRA. N.J.—Mayor Donald V.<br />

Powell expressed disapproval of the exhibition<br />

of X-rated "Sweet Sweetback" at the<br />

Tacony-Palmyra Drive-In recently and directed<br />

the city council to write the airer's<br />

owner, Michael Redstone of Massachusetts,<br />

indicating his displeasure. The mayor did<br />

not view the motion picture, which had been<br />

cut by the management at<br />

local police chief.<br />

the request of the<br />

Blast in Theatre Building<br />

ASTORIA. N.Y.—An explosion in the<br />

basement of the Triboro Theatre Building.<br />

Steinway Street and 28th Avenue, recently<br />

sent flames shooting through sidewalk vents<br />

and rocked the theatre auditorium. More<br />

than 100 moviegoers were evacuated and<br />

no injuries were reported. While interior<br />

damage was extensive, the outside of the<br />

building was not severely affected by the<br />


Jn<br />

discussing the policy of the theatres being<br />

constructed on Grand Island by<br />

Countrywide Theatres,<br />

Earl L. Hubbard<br />

jr., district manager,<br />

declared the plan will<br />

be to show G and<br />

CiP-rated films. R-<br />

ratcd pictures when<br />

they are good and to<br />

stay away from X<br />

Ims. The .ISO-scat<br />

theatre is expected to<br />

17 .1 u UK J '^P'^" ^y Christmas.<br />

Earl I.. Hubbard jr.<br />

construction is under<br />

way at the site in the Grand Isle Plaza on<br />

Grand Island Boulevard, directly across<br />

from Fantasy Island. Hubbard also said<br />

plans call for a 480-seat twin cinema to be<br />

added, possibly within a year or a year and<br />

a half. "Grand Island has a lot of community<br />

spirit and we're looking for the large,<br />

family-type audience. We plan to schedule<br />

children's shows for Saturday matinees."<br />

The theatre will receive a name in a public<br />

contest in the fall. Design is by Gerald<br />

Shaw of the local architectural firm of Shaw<br />

& Kozub. The Grand Island theatre is the<br />

first new showhouse to be erected by Countrywide,<br />

a division of Realty Equities<br />

Corp., which purchased the old .Schine<br />

Theatre circuit. It operates 88 theatres, including<br />

drive-ins, in five states. Among<br />

these is the Granada here, the Palace in<br />

Lockport and the drive-in at Gasport.<br />

Sidney J. Cohen. NATO of New York<br />

president, urges all exhibitor members of the<br />

organization to promote and sell the new<br />

magazine Movies Now in their lobbies and<br />

on screens. Cohen says the verdict is in and<br />

by any standard the magazine has scored<br />

an immense hit with the vast number of<br />

theatre patrons who purchased it. Cohen<br />

says the next edition will be available about<br />

October 1 and declares that anyone interested<br />

in the publication should get in touch<br />

with him at his headquarters, 496 Pearl St.<br />

The Granada, the Countrywide circuit<br />

house on North Main Street, has moved up<br />

the Disney production "Scandalous John"<br />

and the same studio's production, "Sleeping<br />

Beauty," one week. This program was to<br />

open the fall season at the Granada. However,<br />

the double bill opened Friday. August<br />

27. and general manager Earl J. Hubbard<br />

jr. declares the program is bringing back<br />

members of the family audience.<br />

Frederick C. Gricse, manager of the new<br />

Dipson Cine in Dunkirk, is continuing to<br />

promote his attractions in that area— in his<br />

lobby, on his screen and in tie-ups with merchants<br />

in the district, with the result that<br />

boxoffice totals always are gratifying.<br />

Sidney Kallet, head of the circuit bearing<br />

his name and who was general chairman of<br />

the annual NATO of New York convention,<br />

won an 8mm motion picture camera in the<br />

yearly Will Rogers sweepstakes drawing,<br />

kallet is trying out the camera on his<br />

friends . . . Jerry George, manager of the<br />

local office of National Theatre Supply,<br />

enjoyed a few days' vacation. During his<br />

absence, Ethel Mis carried on in her usual<br />

efficient manner.<br />

Mannie A. Brown, president. Frontier<br />

Amusement, is back at his desk following a<br />

brief session in the hospital, where it was<br />

determined that he was okay and good for a<br />

few more decades of hard work. While he<br />

was away, Ike Ehrlichman and Bill Hcbert<br />

carried on, with an assist from Gert Nigro.<br />

The exchange at 505 Pearl is always humming.<br />

Reports coming in on collections for the<br />

Will Rogers Hospital and Research Laboratories<br />

indicate a record-breaking total in the<br />

Buffalo and Albany districts, according to<br />

Sidney J. Cohen, a member of the board of<br />

directors of the Saranac Lake institution.<br />

Jake and Josic Stefanon, owners of the<br />

Silver Lake Drive-In at Perry, celebrated<br />

their 25th silver wedding anniversary Sunday<br />

(5). Friends and relatives from near and<br />

far attended a party given in their honor by<br />

their children.<br />

Jeanette Lieser, wife of Lou Lieser,<br />

manager<br />

of the Avco Embassy office, is entering<br />

the Will Rogers Hospital Tuesday (7) for<br />

a checkup. Jeanette is well known in the industry,<br />

having at one time been employed<br />

here in the Universal Pictures branch.<br />

Mickey Ellis sr. is at it again. The father<br />

of Mickey Ellis, past chief barker of the<br />

Variety Club, signatured this one in the<br />

Evening News and to date is still alive.<br />

Here it is:<br />

When the hook store went bankrupt.<br />

Without any fuss<br />

They hung out this little sign:<br />

'Words jailed us."<br />

The executive committee of the<br />

board of<br />

directors of the women's committee of the<br />

Studio Arena Theatre held a luncheonmeeting<br />

August 31 in the Montcfiorc Club.<br />

Mrs. Richard G. Brandenburg, president,<br />

led the discussion of plans for the fall season<br />

.. . Earl L. Hubbard jr.. district manager<br />

of Countrywide Theatres, has collected<br />

appro.ximately 51,000 in the Granada drive<br />

to aid the Will Rogers Hospital. The Granada<br />

is one of the many movie houses in<br />

the area that is going all-out to eclipse last<br />

year's record totals in this area . . . Jerry<br />

Edelstein. second assistant chief barker. Variety<br />

Club, drove down near the Olcan<br />

country to pick up his son. who has been<br />

working this summer in a boys camp there<br />

and who is about to enter Alfred Universitv<br />

this<br />

fall.<br />

Emil Noah, manager of Dipson's Kensington<br />

Theatre, has made a "dinner and<br />

movie special" tie-up with the Best Yet<br />

Restaurant & Lounge, under which, for ten<br />

iron men. a couple can eat a complete<br />

(Continued on next page)<br />

BOXOFHCE :: September 6, 1971<br />


. .<br />

(.INK SI NSIllM-; (OACH— Ihe Zamost faniil> presented a Sunshine<br />

( »aih lo (he \ arice> Club at the annual visitation day at the Variety Club Camp<br />

at Worcester lownship. Pa. Receiving the coach, left, is Mrs. Harold Salkind, president<br />

of Nariety Club Women. Making the nresentalion are Dr. and Mrs. I. H.<br />

/amost. parents of karlton /.aniost, donor of the vehicle, used to transport handicapped<br />

youngsters.<br />


^^heeler Films' Icllini's "The Clowns."<br />

showing at the Guild Theatre, is to be<br />

premiered Labor Day morning (6) to an invited<br />

audience assembled by a local radio<br />

station . . . With the signing of the 2.3 per<br />

cent commonwealth personal income tax.<br />

the Pennsylvania 6 per cent rental-on-film<br />

tax was excluded.<br />

Ralph Felton, owner ol .Spotlight S8<br />

Drivc-In. died. He was a showman who left<br />

many friends in Beaver County and in the<br />

motion picture industry. Condolences are<br />

extended to the Felton family.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Ferdi Rach of the Sunset<br />

Beach Drive-In. Claysville. are new members<br />

of NATO of Western Pennsylvania, as<br />

are John Harper jr. and Paul Grossman of<br />

Cinemette Corp. of America, which now<br />

has offices in the Fulton Building . . Ex-<br />

.<br />

hibitors arc reminded by NATO that theatre<br />

admissions cannot be increased during<br />

the economic wage-price freeze. So far as is<br />

known, no increases were planned.<br />

Mike Cardone, RKO-Stanley Warner division<br />

manager, was back on the job after<br />

a vacation.<br />

"The Birth of a Nation" fans among<br />

members of the trade and others can look<br />

forward to a free showing of the 1915<br />

David Wark Griffith production Sunday<br />

evening. October 24, at Carnegie Lecture<br />

Hall . . . Richard Barthelmess will live<br />

again as "Tol'able David" .Sunday evening.<br />

November 7.<br />

Bing Crosby, Pirates vice-president, was<br />

here to attend several of the Bucs games.<br />

Ihe crooner, who attended the stadium<br />

opening last summer, is pleased with the<br />

grosses of Cinerama's "Willard." He has<br />

other interests here, in Cox Broadcasting,<br />

etc. . . . Stan Brakhage. independent filmmaker,<br />

will introduce and discuss his films<br />

Sunday (12) and Sunday (19) at "History of<br />

Film" free exhibitions in Carnegie Hall,<br />

starting at 7:30 p.m.<br />

Motion pictures can now be made of<br />

events that have yet to take place or of a<br />

product before it exists, according to the<br />

September issue of Mechanix Illustrated.<br />

Mathematical Applications Groups uses<br />

mathematical techniques to produce computer<br />

simulation of light rays, camera, film<br />

and the object to be pictured. Data from the<br />

computer is displayed on a cathode-ray tube<br />

and then photographed by a camera.<br />

The Parker Theatre, Parker (in years past<br />

known as Parker's Landing), closed for a<br />

year or so. has been dismantled . . . The<br />

north side Garden Theatre is to come down<br />

eventually in a block redevelopment program.<br />

For more than 50 years the operation<br />

of the late Ben Amdur. the Garden for<br />

some months has been owned and managed<br />

by the Bert Stearn-Lou Hanna-Jimmy Nash<br />

jr. organization ... A colorful historic<br />

event will be a gala concert opening of<br />

Heinz Hall for the Performing Arts Friday<br />

(10). TV stations WQED and WIIC will<br />

combine resources and talent in presenting<br />

the dedication ceremonies and the first concert<br />

live and in color, starting at 8:30 p.m.<br />

Union Carbide, like film distributors, cut<br />

back on local operations at its Greentree<br />

office. National Carbon orders are now<br />

given to the firm's Chicago headquarters.<br />

Park. He studied the actors on screen and<br />

has made his career imitating them .<br />

Harold Laaks reported that SAS Airlines<br />

has successfully sold many .Scandinavian<br />

travel tours because of the beauty of Cinerama<br />

Releasing's "Song of Norway."<br />

Variety Club Tent 1 will endeavor to have<br />

a large local turnout for the 45th Variety<br />

Clubs International convention, to be held<br />

at the Hotel Americana. New York City,<br />

April 23-28. 1972.<br />

Bill Day, veteran projectionist, moved<br />

from the Garden to the Fulton Mini Theatre<br />

.. . Pennsylvania is the fourth state to<br />

legalize lotteries—50 cent tickets will go on<br />

sale after the first of the new year and a<br />

lot of entertainment dollars will be spent in<br />

purchasing these tickets . . . Forbes Field,<br />

Pirates baseball facility from 1909 until last<br />

year, is being demolished to make way for<br />

two new buildings for the University of<br />

Pittsburgh.<br />

The stadium management is not capable<br />

of handling crowds in excess of 25,000 for<br />

sports events, etc.. says Mayor Pete Flaherty.<br />

Gametime tickets are sold very slowly,<br />

traffic gets worse, the management favors<br />

boxseat holders, etc. . . . The city of Rochester<br />

was the scene of the Miss Nude<br />

Pennsylvania contest August 29.<br />

Dusk-to-down shows were featured Sunday<br />

(5) at the Twin Hi-Way and the Woodland<br />

drive-ins. with free coffee and donuts<br />

served at "The End."<br />


(Continued from preceding page)<br />

gourmet dinner and then enjoy the current<br />

Kensington attraction. Free parking is included.<br />

This is<br />

the same promotion that Earl<br />

L. Hubbard jr. started over a year ago in a<br />

tie-up with the Sign of the Steer eatery and<br />

has found helpful at<br />

the boxoffice.<br />

Jerry Westergren, managing director of<br />

Dipson's Colvin, Kenmore. is in receipt of a<br />

letter from the recreation supervisor of the<br />

town of Tonawanda. in which Jerry is<br />

thanked for his contribution to the success<br />

of the recent "Pinocchio" coloring contest.<br />

Supervisor John P. Silsby included with the<br />

letter a long list of what was done to promote<br />

and conduct the program, including<br />

several of the winning "Pinocchio" color<br />

portrayals. He said the children greatly appreciated<br />

the Colvin guest tickets given to all<br />

winners as an added incentive . . . WGR<br />

Radio has moved its headquarters into the<br />

North Franklin Street building formerly occupied<br />

by Paramount Pictures.<br />

The independent theatre owners who cannot<br />

afford widespread promotion suffer<br />

. .<br />

very much in the daily newspaper strikes,<br />

. Frank<br />

states the Squirrel Hill News<br />

Gorshin, movie, TV and nightclub entertainer,<br />

who started as an usher at the local<br />

Stanley Theatre, received feature billing at<br />

the 34th Allegheny County Fair at South<br />

State Theatre to Be Razed<br />

ALTOONA. PA.—The redevelopment<br />

authority here has moved to take possession<br />

of the State Theatre on 11th Avenue. The<br />

showhouse will be razed. Altoona's other<br />

downtown motion picture theatre, the Capitol,<br />

already is scheduled to be demolished.<br />

BOXOmCE :: September 6, 1971

. . Currently<br />

Ban on 'Man & Wife'<br />

Upheld by Md. Judge<br />

BALIIMOKL—t iicuii ( ourt Judge Solomon<br />

Liss Friday. August 27, upheld the<br />

Maryland State Movie Censor Board's ban<br />

on a film titled "Man and Wife." He stated<br />

the film purports to be a "marriage manual"<br />

but depicts scenes that could be performed<br />

by "bedroom athletes only." Judge Liss<br />

ruled that the one-hour movie is without<br />

redeeming social value, appeals to prurient<br />

interests and is offensive to contemporary<br />

community standards under guidelines set<br />

up by the Supreme Court.<br />

In his oral opinion sustaining the ruling<br />

by the censor board. Judge Liss also disagreed<br />

with the ruling of Judge James A.<br />

Perrott, who approved the showing of<br />

"Freedom to Love" and "Black Is Beautiful."<br />

Judge Liss stated those two films contain<br />

scenes more explicit than scenes in<br />

the movie he was barring.<br />

He said he was unwilling to accept the<br />

findings of Judge Perrott and stated that if<br />

those two films represent contemporary<br />

community standards, then precensorship is<br />

an "exercise in futility."<br />

Judge Liss pointed out that state law<br />

allows no appeal of adverse rulings, like<br />

those of Judge Perrott, a situation he said<br />

the legislature should correct. He said that<br />

counsel for the distributor of "Man and<br />

Wife" additionally had argued that peep<br />

shows do not come under the board's supervision.<br />

He disclosed he had looked at a peep<br />

show in an establishment on the Block and<br />

agreed they exhibited "hard-core pornography."<br />

Judge Liss said the state should<br />

make an effort to ban the peep shows and<br />

said that Francis B. Burch, the state attorney<br />

general, had testified that such action<br />

was being planned.<br />

Former Moviegoer Eschews<br />

High Admission Prices<br />

.SCRANTON, PA.— Following the recent<br />

publication of a syndicated article concerning<br />

the lowering of motion picture theatre<br />

admission prices in some areas of the U.S..<br />

a local resident who signed as "Former<br />

Theatregoer" wrote the following to the<br />

"Letters to the Editor" column of the Scranton<br />

Tribune: "Recently I read the theatres<br />

in some cities are decreasing theatre prices.<br />

This comes as good news. Now I wait<br />

for the admission prices to drop in the theatres<br />

in Scranton.<br />

"To be candid, 1 have not seen a movie<br />

in a theatre in Scranton in the last two<br />

years. Prices are too high. I work for a living<br />

and have not felt that any recent<br />

movie warranted a price of $2.50. I used<br />

to attend a movie at least once a week, pay<br />

ing reasonable prices for a good movie.<br />

"Many of my friends have resisted the<br />

higher prices of attending a movie simply<br />

because they cannot afford it.<br />

"Think it over, theatre operators; Will<br />

it be continued high prices and eventual<br />

closing of your theatres?"<br />

Robber Strikes Manager<br />

And Escapes With $507<br />

BALTIMORF—Thursday night, August<br />

26, a movie fan saw Hollywood's version of<br />

the famous western outlaw Doc Holliday<br />

at the JF New Theatre, then went into the<br />

manager's office, punched George Fontocone<br />

in the face and took S507.<br />

Fontocone, who was counting the night's<br />

receipts, told police the suspect, in his early<br />

2()s. held his hand in his pocket as if he<br />

had a weapon and announced: "This is a<br />

holdup. Get into the other room."<br />

The bandit motioned to the ticket booth,<br />

according to Fontocone, who told police he<br />

refused to move. The robber then struck<br />

the theatre manager in the face, grabbed the<br />

money from atop a desk and fled north in<br />

the block of Park Avenue.<br />

The ticket-taker stated that a man fitting<br />

the description of the thief entered the New<br />

Theatre earlier in the evening.<br />

Specials Are Offered<br />

Patrons of New Twin<br />

WASHING ION, D.C. — The Biograph<br />

Theatre Corp. (David Levy, Neil Cohen and<br />

Rene Stolback) has opened its luxurious<br />

Shirley-Duke Twin in Alexandria's Shirley-<br />

Dukc Shopping Center, two blocks from the<br />

Landmark Building on Duke Street, where<br />

Paramount's Washington exchange is headquartered.<br />

The owners also have the Biograph<br />

Theatre in Georgetown. Each auditorium<br />

has 346 seats.<br />

Stolbach is the overall manager and has<br />

made available to patrons special weekday<br />

passbooks at half-price: i.e.. ten admissions<br />

for $10. Also offered arc special rates for<br />

senior citizens.<br />

Periodic "specials" are being planned,<br />

such as half-price for ladies ( Monday<br />

through Thursday), free admission to children<br />

on specific nights, when accompanied<br />

b\ their parents, etc.<br />

Scotia Int'l and Altura Films<br />

Now Members of IFIDA<br />

NEW YORK—.Scotia International Films<br />

and Altura Films International have joined<br />

the International Film Importers & Distributors<br />

of America, it was announced by<br />

IFIDA co-executive directors Myron Saland<br />

and Paul Sawyer. George Roth, Sidney Ginsberg<br />

and Peter Kares of Scotia International,<br />

and Clem Perry of Altura Films, will be the<br />

designees on the IFIDA board of directors.<br />

Sanford Weiner, president of Art Cinema<br />

Booking Service and Maritime Cinema Service<br />

has been elected to the board of governors.<br />

Weiner, in 1953. became the first secretary<br />

of the predecessor organization to<br />

IFIDA, the Independent Motion Picture<br />

Distributors Ass'n of America, and has been<br />

a member of the board of directors of both<br />

organizations since that time.<br />

Steve Lawrence, Broadway stage star,<br />

makes his film debut in "Stand Up and Be<br />

Counted."<br />


phe 400-seat Liberty II, the latest addition<br />

to the F. H. Durkee circuit and a twin<br />

tor the Liberty in Liberty Court Shopping<br />

Center, opened officially Friday. August 27,<br />

with "Two-Lane Blacktop," starring James<br />

Taylor and Warren Gates. The film also<br />

opened at the Boulevard and the Colony<br />

houses of the Durkee circuit.<br />

Sam Kula, archivist and assistant director<br />

of the American Film Institute, was in town<br />

August 25 to discuss the free movies at Columbia,<br />

supplied by the AFI, about which<br />

area theatre owners were not pleased. Shep<br />

Bloom, 20th Century-Fox district manager,<br />

sat in on the meeting with Kula and Leon<br />

B. Back in Back's offices. Back is general<br />

manager of Rome Theatres and NATO of<br />

Maryland president.<br />

Mrs. Kaihe Norman, manager of the<br />

Hicks/ Baker Towson Theatre, returned<br />

from a 15-day vacation Monday, August<br />

30 showing at the Hillendale<br />

.<br />

and Pikes theatres is "McCabe & Mrs. Miller."<br />

starring Warren Beatty.<br />

George F. Eitel. National Theatre Supply<br />

branch manager, with a group of local exhibitors,<br />

spent Thursday, August 26, in<br />

Toledo. Ohio, for the purpose of studying<br />

the SWORD system. He was accompanied<br />

by C. Elmer Nolte jr. and Frank Durkee<br />

jr., both of F. H. Durkee Enterprises;<br />

George Brehm sr.. owner of Wcstview I and<br />

II, and Mike Hession, vice-president of Mid-<br />

Atlantic Theatres. In reviewing the results<br />

of the trip. Eitel had this to say: "We were<br />

verv impressed. The system is going to be<br />

called SABRE instead of SWORD. SABRE<br />

means Simplex automated booth and rewind<br />

equipment. The theatremen were 'impressed<br />

with the installations that they witnessed in<br />

Toledo at the Cine North Theatre, where<br />

the demonstration was held." Said Eitel, "I<br />

have a letter from Al Boudouris, president<br />

of EPRAD. He writes: 'The results of the<br />

Simplex XL operation have been absolutely<br />

impeccable—no problems, stops, bobbles or<br />

even a little wiggle.' This is with SABRE<br />

operation." Eitel expressed the hope of having<br />

several installations of this type in this<br />

area in<br />

the near future.<br />

Mrs. Bettj Chazen, secretary to Leon B.<br />

Back, general manager of the Rome circuit<br />

and NATO of Maryland president, left<br />

Tuesday. August 24, for a week's vacation.<br />

She returned Augu.st 31 ... Over at the<br />

Apollo, Beatrice Woodland, cashier for the<br />

past three years, had a seven-day respite<br />

from work.<br />

The McHeno Theatre, South Baltimore's<br />

last movie house, which was shuttered Sunday,<br />

August 22. has been convened into a<br />

Goodwill Industries branch store, a charitable<br />

venture operated for the handicapped<br />

and indigent. Fred Schmuff of F. H. Durkee<br />

Enterprises, which booked films into the<br />

McHcnry, explained that the 900-seat theatre<br />

was closed because of lack of business.<br />

(Continued on next page)<br />

BOXOmCE :: September 6, 1971 Er7

. . Walt<br />


Alexandria Amusement hosted a press<br />

luncheon August 26 at the Olde Colony<br />

Conference Center in Alexandria, Va.<br />

Invitations read; "Important motion picture<br />

news." President John Barton Phillips and<br />

manager Woodrow "Woodie" Wise<br />

assistant<br />

announced the Reed Theatre's repertory<br />

film policy, a permanent festival of movie<br />

classics, all with SI admission at times. The<br />

Reeds recent X-rated movie fare, particularly<br />

"Censorship in Denmark." brought<br />

complaints from patrons and the commonwealth's<br />

attorney. The circuit's president<br />

hopes the new policy will "stimulate interest<br />

in the motion picture industry as an art<br />

form." Opening feature was Orson Welles"<br />

"The Magnificent Ambersons," followed by<br />

Ingmar Bergman's "The Virgin Spring" and<br />

•Wild Strawberries."<br />

The RKO-SW Theatre, which was sold as<br />

an operating entity August 19 to the 13th<br />

is Street Associates, for rent for the "proper<br />

type of entertainment." according to one of<br />

its owners. J. Albert Wineberg. who is<br />

managing the theatre-building complex. He<br />

said the theatre is in "excellent" condition<br />

and the building will be modernized and<br />

put in '"A-l condition." He added that his<br />

associates, of which S. E. Eichberg is president,<br />

have "great faith" in the property's<br />

location and its<br />

potential.<br />



-THAT GROSS!-^<br />



ASOFSEPTE^ABER3,1970...<br />

WehadlSieplaydatesonthebooks.<br />

AS OF SEPTEMBER 3, 1971..^<br />

We have 3998 playdates on the books.<br />

INCREASE 163%<br />

MR.<br />

>^^. Must Be Doing Something Rightr<br />


Mai Circcn. Boston-based Interstate 1 heatres<br />

vice-president in charge of buying, was<br />

host at the invitational opening of the Eongmeadow<br />

Cinema 1 and II in Hagerslown.<br />

Md.. Longmeadow Shopping Center, August<br />

18. Alex .Schimel. Universal branch<br />

and Harry Howar. Buena Vista salesman,<br />

chief,<br />

were among guests from Filmrow.<br />

"Any Sunday" and "Blue Water. White<br />

Death" were the premiere attractions. Following<br />

the showing, the invitees attended a<br />

cocktail-buffet at the nearby Venice Hotel.<br />

Lou Format© and James Hendel of Cinema<br />

5. Ltd's. New York office visited their<br />

company's area distributor Sheldon Trombcrg,<br />

president of Vaudeo . Disney's<br />

midsummer releases. "The Eiving<br />

Desert" and "The Vanishing Prairie." are<br />

being sold as a combination and billed as<br />

"The Greatest Show on EARTH." because<br />

of its ecology significance. Buena Vista has<br />

booked the show to premiere here and in<br />

Baltimore October 13 in the neighborhoods,<br />

according to salesman Howar . . . Howar<br />

plans to divide his two-week vacation into<br />

two visits to Florida's Disneyland, one in<br />

November and one in December. Disney's<br />

January feature is "Song of the South."<br />

Joe Bello, Warner Bros, salesman, is so<br />

happy with his duties and his branch boss<br />

Charles Jordon that he calls him "the great-<br />

B@X<br />



To Get On The<br />

Winning Team..<br />

CALL<br />


TODAY<br />

(area code 301)<br />

385-0600<br />

$9,609<br />

TOWN & REX<br />

Baltimore, Md.<br />

ASSOCIATED PICTDRES CO. . 19 W. Mt. Royal Ave. • Balto.. Md. 21201<br />

"Home of The BIG ONES ... At Liveable Terms!"<br />

est guy in the world." Jordon recently reiiirned<br />

from a brief trip to Chicago to visit<br />

his ill daughter, who is now recovering.<br />

A quadplex in nearby Prince Georges<br />

County's Beltway Plaza Regional Shopping<br />

Center on Greenbelt Road has scheduled a<br />

November 1 opening. Its total square footage<br />

is 850.000 square feet. Construction is<br />

by Savoy Construction Co. of Silver Spring.<br />

Md., and the architect is the firm of Mayne.<br />

Oseroff. Van Beslen. Inc.. of Arlington. Va.<br />

WOMPl president Dclores Hckersley. Columbia,<br />

with her mother Mabel Marrelli of<br />

Philadelphia; Hileen Oliver. 20th Century-<br />

Fo.x; Judy Pratt, U. S. Government, and<br />

past president Doris Sims leave Monday<br />

(6) for Toronto, Canada, to attend the<br />

WOMPI International convention.<br />


(Continued from preceding page)<br />

"People still go to the movies," he said, "but<br />

they go in the suburbs, which left the huge<br />

McHenry growing emptier and emptier with<br />

the passing of time. Its owners, the family<br />

of the late Walter D. Pacy, decided to lease<br />

the building to Goodwill Industries."<br />

Mrs. Sareba Maslow, assistant office manager,<br />

R/C Theatres, returned to work August<br />

30 after an absence of six weeks, following<br />

surgery. She spent a fortnight in Sinai<br />

Hospital, where she was taken care of medically,<br />

then was home for a month to recuperate<br />

. . . George F. Eitel, NTS branch manager,<br />

spent August 30 in Washington, D. C,<br />

on business.<br />

Ilene Cohen, oldest child of Irwin Cohen,<br />

head of R/C Theatres, spent her last week<br />

working here on a full-time basis. The 17-<br />

year-old returned to Pikesville Senior High<br />

School but will be working part-time here<br />

after school, on Saturdays and on holidays.<br />

What a fine apprenticeship!<br />

Mrs. Willda Rudolph, who is in the order<br />

department and also does the billing at<br />

Wolsh Theatre Service, Cockeysville, is on<br />

a ten-day vacation at Deep Creek Lake in<br />

western Maryland. She will return after<br />

Labor Day (6)<br />

. . Mrs. Mildred Wolsh,<br />

.<br />

Wolsh Theatre Service, has added a new<br />

account to her long roster of clients. This<br />

one is in Hagerstown. She said: "I am supplying<br />

a new account with Comco products.<br />

It is Cinema I and II in the Longmeadows<br />

Shopping Center in Hagerstown. Gregory<br />

Sims is house manager there."<br />

ITC Twin Cinemas Open<br />

HAGERSTOWN. MD.— Interstate Theatre<br />

Corp.'s Long Meadow Shopping Center<br />

twin theatres had their grand opening August<br />

18. The finest first-run films will be<br />

shown and special children's programs will<br />

be featured, according to an ITC spokesman.<br />

A 24-hour-a-day program information<br />

service is available by dialing 797-4130.<br />

BOXOFTICE :: September 6, 1971


AMPAS Scholarships<br />

Awarded 2 Students<br />

HOl.l.YWOOD— Ihc Academy of Motion<br />

Picture Arts and Sciences has named<br />

two outstanding university graduate students<br />

to receive special $5,000 (each) scientific/technical<br />

scholarship awards. The<br />

recipients of the awards, announced by<br />

Academy president Daniel Taradash, are<br />

both doctoral candidates. They are: Taka-<br />

Inagaki of Columbia University and Jay<br />

shi<br />

Milton Steinberg of the University of<br />

Southern California.<br />

Inagaki was awarded his scholarship for<br />

study of electrical engineering principles<br />

applied to improving visual techniques in<br />

filmmaking. A technical study to develop<br />

new time and cost efficiencies in filmmaking<br />

is Steinberg's scholarship research project.<br />

At the end of the scholarship period.<br />

Gordon E. Sawyer, chairman of the scientific/technical<br />

committee of the Academy,<br />

will offer a full report to the Academy on<br />

the student research and resulting benefits<br />

to the film industry.<br />

Mac St.<br />

Johns to Post<br />

With Publicists Guild<br />

HOLLYWOOD—Mac St. Johns, newspaper<br />

man. tradepaper editor and long-time<br />

film publicist, has been appointed director<br />

of information for the Publicists Guild, it is<br />

announced by Henri Bollinger, president.<br />

The appointment was made unanimous by<br />

a vote of the guild's executive board at its<br />

last<br />

St.<br />

meeting.<br />

Johns takes over his new post immediately.<br />

He is the first full-time paid press<br />

and public information representative retained<br />

by the Publicists Guild in its 32-year<br />

history.<br />

According to Bollinger, the unprecedented<br />

action was dictated by the accelerating need<br />

in today's competitive climate for skilled<br />

and direct communication in every area of<br />

professional and commercial activity.<br />

"The Publicists Guild represents the<br />

largest<br />

pool of promotional talent in the world,<br />

from experts in show business techniques to<br />

subtle opinion molding," Bollinger said.<br />

"The evolution of all commerce now dictates<br />

that publicists employ their own remarkable<br />

attributes in a planned and continuing<br />

program on behalf of their profession<br />

and the film industry."<br />

(Hollywood Office—6425 Hollywood Blvd.. 465-1 186)<br />

'Nicholas' Benefit Premiere<br />

In Hollywood Dec. 21<br />

HOLLYWOOD— The West Coast premiere<br />

of "Nicholas and Alexandra," a Sam<br />

Spiegel-Franklin J. Schaffner production for<br />

Columbia Pictures, on December 21 at<br />

Loews Beverly Theatre in Beverly Hills will<br />

benefit the St. John's Hospital Foundation.<br />

Irene Dunne is honorary chairman of<br />

the board and Mrs. Cameron B. Hall is<br />

president of the foundation.<br />

The foundation is involved in raising<br />

funds for special projects for St. John's<br />

Hospital. Previous events have benefited<br />

the hospital with its south wing building,<br />

special equipment and its plant fund.<br />

Three years in preparation. "Nicholas<br />

and Alexandra" was directed by Franklin<br />

J. Schaffner from a screenplay by James<br />

Goldman with additional dialog by Edward<br />

Bond, as based on Robert K. Massie's international<br />

bestseller. The intimate story of<br />

the last Tsar's family, the film is set against<br />

the panoramic canvas of Russian life between<br />

1904 and 1918 and deals with the<br />

1917 revolution and the assassination of<br />

the Royal Family.<br />

Michael Jayston and Janet Suzman of<br />

Britain's Royal Shakespeare Company, have<br />

the title roles, with Tom Baker as Rasputin.<br />

Members of the Royal Family are<br />

portrayed by Roderic Noble as Alexis, Ania<br />

Marson as Olga, Lynne Frederick as Tatiana,<br />

Candace Glendenning as Marie and<br />

Fiona Fullerton as Anastasia. The huge cast<br />

also features Sir Laurence Olivier, Sir Michael<br />

Redgrave. Jack Hawkins, Irene<br />

Worth, Curt Jurgens, Harry Andrews. John<br />

McEnery and Vivian Pickles.<br />

Develop Computer Process<br />

To Aid Animation Filming<br />

HOLLYWOOD — A computer<br />

program<br />

service which will provide numerical camera<br />

positioning data for animation in one-fourth<br />

the time currently needed for hand calculations<br />

has been described in a new bulletin<br />

issued by the Research Center of the Ass'n<br />

of Motion Picture & Television Producers.<br />

The service, an outgrowth of U.S. space<br />

and military technology, consists of a telephonic<br />

connection with a computer specially<br />

programed to do the "mechanical work"<br />

of positioning a camera for animation.<br />

One hour on the computer permits a<br />

scene planner to complete up to 2,000<br />

frames of film, depending upon the complexity<br />

of the moves. By hand the job would<br />

take one or two days.<br />

Hollywood to Salute<br />

WB's 1500th Film<br />


Hollywood, represented<br />

by the Hollywood C hamber of Commerce,<br />

will salute Warner Bros, in commemoration<br />

of the company's 1,500th motion picture to<br />

go into release. The film is "Skin Game,"<br />

starring James Garner and Lou Gossett,<br />

which opens October 1 at Grauman's Chinese<br />

Theatre.<br />

The Warner Bros, salute by the Hollywood<br />

community, which began flourishing<br />

with the advent of the infant movie industry,<br />

will take place September 26-October<br />

2. Numerous businesses, banks, civic<br />

institutions and theatres will<br />

participate with<br />

displays and similar materials. The celebration<br />

event will be called "Hollywood<br />

Salutes Warner Bros.' 1.500th Motion Picture.<br />

'Skin Game." " Chief sponsor is the<br />

Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.<br />

First Release in 1918<br />

Warner Bros, began producing and releasing<br />

motion pictures in 1918. Of the<br />

three films made that year, one was an immediate<br />

nationwide hit. It was called "My<br />

Four Years in Germany." Ten years later,<br />

the company was responsible for 67 releases,<br />

among them "The Jazz Singer." a<br />

film which changed the course of motion<br />

pictures and launched the age of sound on<br />

the screen. In 1929, Warners made "Gold<br />

Diggers of Broadway." a movie which established<br />

the musical as a form of mass entertainment.<br />

Through the years, the studio became<br />

identified with some of the timeless names<br />

silver of the screen, including Humphrey<br />

Bogart, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford. James<br />

Cagnev and Edward G. Robinson. In recent<br />

years such films as "My Fair Lady" and<br />

"Bonnie and Clyde" have carried the Warner<br />

Bros, label.<br />

Bought by Seven Arts<br />

The company was purchased by .Seven<br />

Arts in 1967. The successor company.<br />

Warner Bros. -Seven Arts, was acquired by<br />

Kinney National Service in 1969. and the<br />

corporate identification was revised back to<br />

the original.<br />

"Skin Game. " which in addition to Garner<br />

and Gossett stars Susan Clarke and<br />

Brenda Sykes, has its world premiere Thursday<br />

(30) at Grauman's Chinese. Paul<br />

Bogart directed the Cherokee production<br />

which Harry Keller produced.<br />

BOXOmCE :: September 6, 1971 W-1

Hollywood<br />

EUiriNG HAS BHHN COMPll-IKD in<br />

London on Anicriv-Mn International Picliircs'<br />

'Kidnappi.-d'" and its sequel "David<br />

Balfour. Film editor Peter Boita has turned<br />

"<br />

the Omnibus Production film over to producer<br />

Frederick Brogger for scoring. MP<br />

will distribute "Kidnapped" in the Western<br />

Hemisphere.<br />

*<br />

A fifth picture has been added to Joseph<br />

Cottens schedule of films to be made in<br />

the near future. Producer Al Leone set Gotten<br />

to star in Leone International's production<br />

of "He Didn't Want to Die." a suspense<br />

story .scheduled to begin filming in Italy<br />

in December.<br />

*<br />

Hal B. Wallis signed Michael Jayston to<br />

star with Mia Farrow and Topol in "The<br />

Public Eye." presently shooting in London<br />

for Universal.<br />

*<br />

John Weissmuller, son of the famous<br />

swimming star and erstwhile motion picture<br />

Tarzan, is playing a small role in "What's<br />

Up. Doc'.'", the Peter Bogdanovich-Saticoy<br />

production for Warner Bros.<br />

•<br />

Guy Hemric currently is on tour promoting<br />

the theme song he composed with<br />

Jimmie Haskell for Trans-American's "Dagmar's<br />

Hot Pants, Inc.," a new love comedy.<br />

Cities to be covered include Nashville and<br />

New York. The song is entitled "You Say<br />

Love" and was released by AIR Records<br />

August 30. The picture is being distributed<br />

through American International exchanges.<br />

•<br />

Bob Hope and Eva Marie Saint were<br />

honored by Sheriff John Mummert of Maricopa<br />

County and will receive similar recognition<br />

from Arizona Gov. Jack Williams.<br />

Hope and Miss Saint are in Carefree, Ariz.,<br />

to film the Naho Enterprises production<br />

"Cancel My Reservation." They will receive<br />

bolo string ties, plus scrolls, for their numerous<br />

entertainment contributions.<br />

•<br />

Jerry Pam and Dick Guttman have<br />

formed Guttman & Pam Public Relations<br />

following Guttman's resignation as vicepresident<br />

of Rogers, Cowan & Brenner. The<br />

new company will occupy the former Pam<br />

& Associates offices on the Goldwyn lot.<br />

•<br />

Roy Budd, English composer who wrote<br />

"Soldier Blue" and "Flight of the Doves,"<br />

will score and conduct the orchestra for<br />

"Kidnapped," the Omnibus production<br />

which AIP will release in the Western Hemisphere.<br />

*<br />

Carlos Tobalina, Hollywood International<br />

Films, has just completed his Liz Renay-<br />

Marsha Jordan-Juan Roberts picture titled<br />

"Love on Wheels."<br />

*<br />

Richard D. Zanuck, senior executive vicepresident<br />

of Warner Bros., left Tuesday,<br />

August 31. on a three-week business trip<br />

Happenings<br />

to Europe, including slops in London and<br />

Rome. Zanuck will meet with various production<br />

toppers anent upcoming productions<br />

and releases.<br />

*<br />

A retrospective of the films of Re.\ Harrison<br />

has been set to kick off the 1971 San<br />

Francisco Film Festival's program of tributes<br />

to leading film artists, it was announced<br />

by festival president Claude Jarman.<br />

Four AIP Features Slated<br />

For Filming in Europe<br />

LONDON—American International will<br />

the Seven Gables" starts in October, directed<br />

bv Robert Fuest, who directed AIP's<br />

"Wuther'ing Heights." "Dr. Phibes Rises<br />

Again," sequel to "The Abominable Dr.<br />

Phibes," begins in January. Fuest will direct<br />

the Vincent Price starrer, as he did the original.<br />

Both will be filmed in England.<br />

"Camille." for which a worldwide .search<br />

is being made for the actress in the title<br />

role, starts in January in Paris and the<br />

French countryside. Robert Blees has<br />

adapted the Alexander Dumas, fils, novel<br />

for the screen. "Return to Wuthering<br />

Heights," to be filmed in the Yorkshire<br />

Moors, is slated for March. It will be based<br />

on the last half of the Emily Bronte novel.<br />

Universal Studios Hold<br />

6-Hour Film Marathons<br />

HOLLYWOOD— Universal Studios exhibited<br />

five nights of uncut film classics in<br />

six-hour marathons each evening, Wednesday<br />

(1) through Sunday (5). Admission price<br />

for the special screenings was $1. The showings<br />

in Universal's 4,000-seat amphitheatre<br />

were uninterrupted from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m.<br />

Billed under their Universal Tours and<br />

advertised in the 1,000,000 circulation Sunday<br />

edition of the Los Angeles Times, the<br />

studio exhibition competed with other theatrical<br />

attractions in the area, despite the<br />

fact that the ads carried a "dress warmly"<br />

suggestion for patrons.<br />

Pick MGM Canadian Film<br />

As Venice Film Entry<br />

CULVER CITY—MGM's "Fortune and<br />

Men's Eyes" was selected as Canada's<br />

entry at the Venice Film Festival and<br />

was screened in Venice Wednesday (1).<br />

The film was written by Canadian John<br />

Herbert and based on his play. Filming was<br />

accomplished at Quebec Prison with the<br />

assistance of the Canadian Film Development<br />

Corp. Harvey Hart directed for producers<br />

Lester Persky and Lewis M. Allen.<br />

The cast is headed by Wendell Burton,<br />

Michael Greer, Zooey Hall and Danny<br />

Freedman.<br />

Variety Honoring New<br />

Members September 18<br />

LOS ANGELES—One of the largest inductions<br />

of new members— 77—will be<br />

honored at the annual dinner-dance of the<br />

Variety Club of Southern California Saturday<br />

(18). A record attendance of more than<br />

600 members and guests is expected at the<br />

affair, scheduled to start with cocktails at<br />

7 p.m., with dinner at 8 p.m. in the Grand<br />

Ballroom of the Beverly Hilton Hotel.<br />

M only Hall, producer and master of<br />

ceremonies for ABC-TV's "Let's Make a<br />

Deal." and Milton Moritz, vice-president in<br />

charge of advertising and publicity for<br />

American International Pictures, are cochairmen<br />

of the event, with the tab at $25<br />

have at least four features filming on European<br />

locations during the next eight months, Television per couple.<br />

stars from CBS, NBC and<br />

according to Louis M. Heyward, vice-president<br />

in charge of European production.<br />

ABC will be guests and preview scenes from<br />

the season's new programs on each network<br />

Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The House of will be shown. A surprise comedy star will<br />

introduce "name" personalities attending.<br />

Spero L. Kontos, president of the Filbert<br />

Co., is chief barker of Variety Club of<br />

Southern California, a chapter of Variety<br />

Clubs International, a worldwide organization<br />

of men in various phases of show business<br />

devoted to raising funds to help children.<br />

In Los Angeles, the club supports the<br />

3,000-member Variety Boys Club located<br />

at 2530 East Cincinnati St., a Variety Children's<br />

Heart Center at UCLA and also has<br />

presented 17 Sunshine Coaches in the last<br />

three years to children's hospitals and institutions<br />

serving children in Southern California.<br />

Saul David in Multiple<br />

Deal With Warners<br />

HOLLYWOOD—Saul David has signed<br />

a mutiple picture contract with Warner<br />

Bros., according to Richard D. Zanuck,<br />

senior executive vice-president of the company.<br />

David disclosed that his first production<br />

under the new pact will be an action-adventure<br />

comedy based on the "Superspade"<br />

paperback novels written by Joe Greene,<br />

who is currently at work on the screenplay.<br />

Meanwhile, David has begun his search for<br />

a black actor to star in the title role of<br />

"Superspade," which is slated for filming<br />

early next year. Other film projects David<br />

will produce for Warners will be announced<br />

shortly.<br />

David's new affiliation with Warner Bros.<br />

marks a reunion with Zanuck, for whom he<br />

produced four top boxoffice grossers at 20th<br />

Century-Fox while Zanuck was production<br />

chief there.<br />

Jerry Lewis Twin Planned<br />

SACRAMENTO, CALIF. — Twin Jerry<br />

Lewis cinemas will be built soon at the-<br />

Crossroads Shopping Center, it was announced<br />

by the Stein Co., which negotiated<br />

the lease for center owner Set-Ro Co. Each<br />

auditorium will seat approximately 350 persons.<br />

W-2 BOXOFFICE :: September 6, 1971

miGHTV monnRtH of the EHPioiTnTion-Fiim iuorid<br />


EUERV nmERitnn uiill see m<br />

nS THEV DID in:<br />

Beaver Falls/Pa.<br />

San Jose/Cal.<br />

I<br />

TyngsborO/Mass.<br />

Colchester, Vt.<br />

New York, N.Y.<br />

SPOTLITE 88 Drive-in<br />

8/4-12/71 9 Day*<br />

SAN JOSE Drive -In<br />

8/4- 10/71<br />

TYNGSBORO Drive-in<br />

5/26-6/1/71<br />

COLCHESTER Drive -In<br />

7/2-8/71<br />


5/12-18/71<br />

. 7259.00<br />

6022.00<br />

7836.00<br />

4830.60<br />

86321.00<br />

Entertainment Venturesjnc. Presents<br />

mmi}<br />

a Motion Picture by The Sebastians<br />

In -Depth Study Of Censorship, Pornography & Obscenity In America<br />

An<br />

in COLOR<br />


1654 Cordova St Los Angeles, Calif. 90007- -% 213"73W236<br />

Offices In W American Exchange Centers

'On Any Sunday' 350, 'Knowledge<br />

320 Liveliest Grossers in LA Area<br />

LOS ANUL1-1£S — Percentages settled<br />

down to a point that 300-plus represented<br />

the week's best boxoffice business, although<br />

nearly all first-run pictures playing here<br />

managed to climb to the avcrage-or-better<br />

level. "On Any Sunday" had the best percentage,<br />

a sixth week 350. as it continued<br />

its Plaza engagement; "Carnal Knowledge,"<br />

40th wk 65<br />

Pontages— 200<br />

McCobe & Mrs. Miller (WB), 3rd wk.<br />

Picwoc-d- The Touch CRC) 300<br />

Plaza- On Any Sunday (SR), 350<br />

6th wk<br />

Regent- The Hired Hond ;Univ) 125<br />

Villoac- The Lost Run MGM), 170<br />

3rd wk<br />

Wcstw^ r!- The Ponic Needle Park<br />

in<br />

20th-Fox|, 4th wk 65<br />

Wilihire— Doc lUAj 145<br />

'Carnal Knowledge' 650<br />

Ninth Week in Portland<br />

PORTL.AND — With the exception ol<br />

long-running teatures, such as "Carnal<br />

Knowledge," "Summer of '42" and "On<br />

Any Sunday." grosses indicated a late summer<br />

slack in theatre attendance. "Carnal<br />

's Positively Not Too Soon<br />

.Now Before It's Too Late.<br />

THE<br />

dLOHai<br />


IN HONOLULU . .<br />


BEACH!<br />

(Call<br />

^ your Travel Agent)<br />


"OWN"<br />

Knowledge" was the week's leader with .1<br />

ninth week 650.<br />

Broadway Tn-Cinemo 1, Foster Boulevard The<br />

Grissom Gong (CRC) 200<br />

Broodwoy Tri-Cincma 2— 200<br />

The Omega Man (WB)<br />

Broadway Tri-Cinemo 3 Carnal Knowledge<br />

(Emb), 9th wk 650<br />

Easlgate 2—Billy Jock (WB), 7th wk<br />

Fox—The Love Machine (Col); Perfect<br />

200<br />

Friday<br />

(SR) 250<br />

Guild On Any Sundoy (SR), 7th wk 400<br />

Irvington Fortune ond Men's Eyes (MGM) ...150<br />

Laurelhurst, Family— Fools' Parade (Col) 250<br />

Orphcum Doc (UA) 150<br />

Poramount— MeCobe & Mrs. Miller (WB), 4th wk. 150<br />

Westgate 1— Summer of '42 (WB), lOth wk 450<br />

on strength of a 321 eighth week at the<br />

National, ranked No. 2 and "The Touch,"<br />

new at the Picwood, completed the top trio<br />

with 300.<br />

(Average Is 100)<br />

Beverly- Peter Robbil ond Tolcj of Beotrix PoMer 'Andromeda Strain,' "Sweetback'<br />

:MGM) 8th wk 65 Each Rate 200 in Denver<br />

Brujn— Medicine Boll Corovon (WB) 80<br />

Chinese- The Love Machine (Col), 2nd wk 250 DENVHR — "Sweet Sweetback" opened<br />

Cincromo - Blue Wofcr, White Deoth (NGP),<br />

6th wk 200 a two-theatre booking at twice-average figures<br />

and "The Andromeda Strain," ninth<br />

C'cst The Hellstrom Chronicle (SR), 5th wk. ..220<br />

D^hcnv Plo2a— The Crook (UA), 3rd wk 100<br />

t,nc Arts - Deoth in Venice (WB), 8th wk 100 week. Denham Theatre, matched this good<br />

HI. The Return ot Count Yorgo (AlP) 200<br />

i , .N I I :;cii Billy Jock WB), 2nd wk. .110 business as these two paced the Denver<br />

. . .» The Red Tent Parol, 2nd wk 100 first-run field.<br />

VG.Gn Refinements in Love (SR), 5th wk 250<br />

.V.^iiv Hal! The Devils iWB), 6th wk 230 Aladdin— Peter Robbit and Tales of<br />

Notionol Cornol Knowledge (Emb), Bth wk 320 Beatrix Potter (MGM), 4th wk 55<br />

Pacific Beverly Hill!,— Ryon's Daughter (MGM),<br />

Centre The Anderson Topes (Col), 3rd wk 100<br />

Century 21 Plozo Suite (Paro), 9th wk 70<br />

Cherry Creek, Villa Italia Carnal Knowledge<br />

(Emb), 7th wk 85<br />

City, Cinderella North Valley, Westlond The<br />

Light of the Edge of the World (NGP) 75<br />

Cooper The Hired Hand (Univ), 3rd wk 100<br />

Denhom The Andromeda Strain (Univ), 9th wk. 200<br />

Denver, Colfax— Sweet Sweetback (SR) 200<br />

Esquire The Hellstrom Chronicle (SR), 4th wk. ..125<br />

Ogden The Ponic in Needle Pork (20th-Fox) ..100<br />

Paramount—Klute (WB), 4th wk 125<br />

Crest Towne Fortune and Men's Eyes (MGM) ..100<br />

Webber Federal Willord (CRC), 9th wk 50<br />

Wes Stern Enthusiastic<br />

About Filming in NM<br />

ALBUQUERQUE—"Whenever movie directors<br />

and producers begin looking for locations<br />

for filming, New Mexico is one of<br />

the first areas considered," film actor Wes<br />

Stern said here recently. He was in Albu-<br />

(^uerque to promote a new TV series, "Getting<br />

Together," in which he co-stars with<br />

actor-song writer-singer Bobby Sherman.<br />

Stern was in New Mexico a year ago to<br />

star in the American International film "3<br />

in the Cellar." which was shot on location<br />

in<br />

Las Cruces.<br />

"There is a new excitement and enthusiasm<br />

in movies filmed in locations like New<br />

Mexico." Stern went on. "Hollywood people<br />

—near-perfect weather, diversified scenery<br />

and people interested in the industry and<br />

willing to work," he added.<br />

$35,000 Updating Is<br />

Done at<br />

Camelot I<br />

I'.MM SPRINGS. ( AIJF.—The complciioii<br />

of the installation of new projection<br />

lamps and automation in Camelot 1 is announced<br />

by Hugh Thomas, manager of the<br />

de luxe theatre. The updating, accomplished<br />

at a cost of approximately $35,000.<br />

allows the showhousc to exhibit motion<br />

pictures filmed in any process and is in<br />

keeping with Metropolitan Theatres' policy<br />

of being the "first in Riverside County."<br />

The Camelot theatres arc now equipped<br />

with Christie xenon lamps to give a brighter,<br />

steadier image on the screen. Along with<br />

the new lamps, also installed is an automatic<br />

changing system, which automatically<br />

switches the projectors as each reel of film<br />

is shown. The change signal is given electronically<br />

by the film to sensors as it<br />

reaches the end of the reel. This system also<br />

was installed in Camelot IL<br />

Stated Thomas. "The patrons are going to<br />

be much happier with the new systems, because<br />

not only can they enjoy the air-conditioned<br />

comfort of either of the Camelot<br />

theatres, but on either screen—Camelot I's<br />

widescreen or Camelot II's conventional<br />

screen—they can enjoy superior lighting and<br />

listen to the finest sound systems available."<br />

"Patrons expect nothing short of perfection<br />

from the Camelot," Thomas added,<br />

"and every new and proven improvement in<br />

motion picture presentation is—and in the<br />

future will be— put into the Camelot to<br />

make motion pictures more enjoyable."<br />

Opened<br />

'Soul to Soul' Is<br />

At 6 Los Angeles Houses<br />

LOS ANGELES—"Soul to Soul." Cinerama's<br />

new smash hit, opened at six Los<br />

Angeles theatres Wednesday (1). preceded<br />

by a full display which was featured at the<br />

annual Watts Festival Parade. The display<br />

was one of a series of promotions for the<br />

film.<br />

The Pantages and the Baldwin are presenting<br />

"Soul to Soul" in four-track stereophonic<br />

sound. The film also is being shown<br />

at the Los Angeles Theatre and at the<br />

Olympic, Vermont and Compton drive-ins.<br />

The Josef Shaftel presentation was directed<br />

by Denis Sanders and stars Wilson<br />

get bored with their work and it shows in Pickett. Ike & Tina Turner and Santana.<br />

the finished product. But the people we<br />

worked with in Las Cruces went at their Theatre in $3 Million Complex<br />

assignments with a spirit and vigor that ANAHEIM, CALIF. — City planning<br />

made the job a pleasure!<br />

commissioners have approved Rancho Yorba,<br />

a proposed $3,000,000 shopping center<br />

"New Mexico has everything going for it<br />

to be constructed at Imperial Highway and<br />

Santa Ana Canyon Road. The ten-acre complex<br />

will include a motion picture theatre.<br />

CAUONS, Inc. » '<br />

tu K, Cadar KitoUt,<br />

'^foH ^ mvtc—^^A U tU Caw<br />

I<br />

in California—Budd Theotre Supply Co., Culver City, 839-4325<br />

B. F. Sheorer Company, Son Francisco—Underhill 1-1816<br />

Western Theotrieol Equip. Co., Son Francisco—861-7571<br />

Ik Arizono—Theatrical Supply Compony, Phoenix—254-0215<br />

m Colorado—Notional Theatre Co., Denver—825-0201<br />

in Utah—L end S Theatre Supply Co., Solt Lake City—328-1641<br />

W-4 September 6. 1971


£|ugene V. Klein is the general chairman<br />

of the eighth annual testimonial dinner<br />

lor outstanding sersice in the field of human<br />

relations in honor of Boh Hope, being<br />

held by the Entertainment Industries Division<br />

of the National Conference of Christians<br />

and Jews Monday (27) in the Grand<br />

Ballroom of the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Reservations<br />

can be made through the office<br />

at Myf' Wilshire Blvd.. Los Angeles 90010.<br />

Barbara Dye, secretary to Gerald R.<br />

Knudson. Sero Amusement Co.. and founder<br />

of the Hollywood'LA WOMPI Club, has<br />

been appointed chairman of doorkeepers by<br />

WOMPI International president Hazel Le-<br />

Noir for the forthcoming WOMPI convention<br />

in Toronto. Canada. Barbara currently<br />

is<br />

publicity director for the local club.<br />

Carlos Ramirez, Pacific Theatres, became<br />

the father of a second son. Robert L. Ramirez.<br />

Mother and child are doing well.<br />

Ralph Adams, vice-president and director<br />

of film buying for National General Theatres,<br />

returned from a business trip to New<br />

York .<br />

. . Ernest Sturm, vice-president-administration.<br />

National General<br />

Joe VIcck.<br />

Theatres, is<br />

NGT advertising,<br />

on vacation . . .<br />

is vacationing in<br />

Colorado.<br />

Thomas W. Gerety, Metro-Goldwyn-<br />

Mayer home office advertising-publicity executive<br />

for more than 30 years,<br />

retired since<br />

1958. died at his home in Largo, Fla. He is<br />

survived by his wife and three children.<br />

His<br />

son Thomas Michael Gerety is MGM adpub<br />

manager for the Dallas division.<br />

Joel Wachs, the film industry's new councilman<br />

at city hall, whose district embraces<br />

the geographic area where film personnel<br />

and some studios are located, along with<br />

Robert W. .Selig. Pacific Theatres executive;<br />

Wilton R. Holm. Society of Motion<br />

Picture & Television Engineers president,<br />

and Mrs. Hettie Dyenfurth were at a task<br />

force luncheon at city hall Thursday. August<br />

26, to discuss the multiple problems of<br />

employment in the entertainment capital.<br />

One of the items informally tossed about<br />

was possible limited exemption of the antitrust<br />

consent decree by the Justice Department,<br />

which will be discussed at the meeting<br />

of presidents of the major studios. This<br />

would allow a base of employment to make<br />



A New Name in Production and Distribution<br />

of Feature li/lotion Pictures<br />

i^ ^ ^<br />


Steve Vincent<br />

Joe Anthony<br />

*We acquired all<br />

distribution rights from Bob Cressets<br />


PRODUCERS—We are interested in making<br />

financial production and distribution guarantees<br />

for the right product<br />


Hollywood, California 90069<br />

8816 Sunset Blvd.<br />

Phone (213) 659-1600<br />

BOXOFFICE :: September 6. 1971

. .<br />

Professionalism Is<br />

Vital: Ross Campbell<br />

HI 1 liNA. MOM<br />

i^oll loiirnanicni \<br />

\ l.imil\ picnic ami<br />

the kickoll cvenls<br />

for the 1971 annual convention of Theatre<br />

Operators, Inc., held at the Colonial Inn in<br />

Helena August 22 through August 24. 1 he<br />

theme of this year's gathering was "look to<br />

Your Future With TOI."<br />

.At a business session Monday, August<br />

2, chaired by Greg Kirk, TOI president<br />

Ross Campbell gave a brief history of the<br />

company and kcynoted the conclave speaking<br />

on the subject "The Importance of Professionalism<br />

in Theatre Management."<br />

Campbell emphasized that professionalism<br />

is achieved on a day-to-day basis by exposing<br />

one's self to a thorough knowledge of all<br />

phases of theatre business, declaring that<br />

professionalism can only be achieved<br />

through this exposure. He noted that professionalism<br />

"consists of many things and,<br />

in the competitive situation of today's exhibitor,<br />

it is essential to be professional."<br />

Robert Tankersley, vice-president of TOI,<br />

addressed the assembled managers stressing<br />

the basic importance of self-reliance. He<br />

admonished the exhibitors, "It is important<br />

to possess the desire to rely upon self, to<br />

improve self, not just in business, but in all<br />

pha.ses of life."<br />

Managers were given an indication of<br />

"Where TOI Is Going With Their Future"<br />

by Doug Williams, controller for the organization,<br />

who also explored TOI's future<br />

objectives. TOI general manager Tim Warner<br />

explained the essential need for individual<br />

support and involvement to make the<br />

group a great success. The remainder of the<br />

business session was devoted to concentrated<br />

attention on various details, with each<br />

manager discussing a specific subject.<br />

The Monday night, August 23 Awards<br />

Banquet was emceed by Robert Tankersley,<br />

with Ross Campbell making presentations.<br />

Named "Showman of the Year" was Greg<br />

Kirk who, with this honor, was awarded<br />

a trip to the 1972 Show-a-Rama in Kansas<br />

City. Lanny Wagner won the "House Manager<br />

of the Year" award, which includes a<br />

trip to the Rocky Mountain Motion Picture<br />

Ass'n meeting, to be held in Denver.<br />

The following day booking problems were<br />

discussed by Sherman Woods, booker for<br />

Associated Theatre Services (which books<br />

for TOI). Immediately after this session,<br />

a round table open discussion was held,<br />

chaired by Ross Campbell, for the airing of<br />

W-8<br />

^ ..ALLOWEEN<br />

i TRAILERS<br />


mmimi<br />

.iny operational problems within the comp.iny.<br />

Ihe focal subject was the rating s\sletii<br />

— most managers, it was found, felt<br />

that<br />

ratings were "too liberal."<br />

In summing up the convention, a lOl<br />

spokesman categorized the experience as<br />

"indeed a "Look to the Future,' by looking<br />

realistically at the present problems of theatre<br />

exhibitors and through solving present<br />

problems. The management of TOI feels it<br />

can secure a good future for all its nicinbers."<br />

DENVER<br />

Qolumbia Pictures' "Bless the Beasts &<br />

Children" had a world premiere opening<br />

at the Century 21 Theatre. Producer<br />

Stanley Kramer, together with Bill Mumy,<br />

Miles Chapin, Darel Glaser, Bob Cramer,<br />

Barry Robins and Marc Vahanian, who star<br />

in the picture, made personal appearances<br />

at the theatre for the first two days of the<br />

opening. Radio stations broadcast direct<br />

from the lobby of the Century 21 and<br />

copies of the Carpenteis recording of the<br />

title song were distributed to patrons. Intense<br />

promotion and excellent reviews contributed<br />

to a record-breaking opening.<br />

Paul Cory is aiming for an October opening<br />

for his new Center Theatre in Sterling.<br />

The 300-seat house is located in the northern<br />

section of the city adjacent to the campus<br />

of North-East Junior College, which has<br />

an enrollment of approximately 2.000 students.<br />

The theatre will concentrate on product<br />

which would appeal to the college-type<br />

audience.<br />

Ed Brinii traveled from Salt Lake City to<br />

call on accounts here with his product .<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trent, who operate<br />

the Pine Theatre in Manassa and the Liberty<br />

Theatre in San Luis, were in town to set<br />

fall and winter bookings.<br />

The Mayan Theatre, a subsequent-run<br />

National General theatre, has inaugurated<br />

and is advertising a new 50-cent admission<br />

policy.<br />

'Lady Sings the Blues'<br />

Rolls in NM in October<br />

ALBUQUERQUE — "We're going to<br />

dump a lot of money in this town before<br />

Christmas," commented Sidney Furie, Hollywood<br />

director, on his arrival to firm up<br />

further locations for the shooting of "Lady<br />

Sing the Blues" here for Paramount.<br />

Furie, who said the picture has a budget<br />

of $2,600,000, commented, "We are going<br />

to employ an awful lot of extras here and<br />

we also will cast some of the speaking roles<br />

here." He stated that the company would<br />

start filming in this locality in late October<br />

and will spend five to six weeks in Albuquerque.<br />

More of the movie will be filmed in Albuquerque<br />

than originally was planned, Furie<br />

said, because of the excellent cooperation<br />

moviemakers have received in this city.<br />


^rown International's "Point of Terror"<br />

was off to a good start at the Division<br />

Street Drive-In here, booked as the Labor<br />

Day holiday attraction, with Marilyn Ten-<br />

,ser, the associate producer, here for promotion.<br />

With her was her husband Mark<br />

Tenser. Crown International executive vicepresident,<br />

and Peter M. C. Tolins, Seattle<br />

branch manager for Favorite Films and<br />

Crown International. Mrs. Tenser was busy<br />

with radio interviews, while Mark Tenser<br />

handled newspapers.<br />

All nine performances of the<br />

recent presentation<br />

of "Hair" at the Civic Auditorium<br />

were sold out. This was the first time for<br />

the rock musical here with the Venus Tribe,<br />

the national company. "Hair" is now playing<br />

the Seattle Opera House, with Jerry<br />

Lonn of Northwest Releasing booking. The<br />

local opening night was a benefit for the<br />

Perrv Center for Children.<br />

Renovation of Strand Is<br />

Planned by Owner Al Lee<br />

SAN PEDRO, CALIF.—The Strand<br />

Theatre here has been purchased by Al Lee,<br />

San Pedro, and he is making plans to renovate<br />

the interior completely. Lee, who owns<br />

other theatres in the Harbor Area, said he<br />

will install new carpeting and comfortable<br />

mohair seats in the showhouse located at<br />

Pacific Avenue and Eleventh Street. The<br />

Strand formerly was owned by National<br />

General Corp.<br />

Lee announced that he will .schedule only<br />

family-type films rated G or GP. Adult<br />

prices will be $1 and children's admission<br />

will be 50 cents. Those under 12 years of<br />

age will be admitted free if accompanied by<br />

a paying adult. Weekday showings will start<br />

at 7 p.m., Lee said, and Saturday and Sunday<br />

programs will begin at 1 p.m.<br />

The Bank of America has agreed to allow<br />

patrons to use its parking lot during evening<br />

hours.<br />

Lee is chairman of the Greater San Pedro<br />

and Harbor Area PTA film reviewing<br />

board.<br />

Nat'l Student Congress<br />

Sees 'Beasts & Children'<br />

FORT COLLINS, COLO. — The 24th<br />

National Student Congress attended a special<br />

screening of Stanley Kramer's "Bless<br />

the Beasts & Children" at Colorado State<br />

University here Friday night, August 27.<br />

Producer-director Kramer was on hand as<br />

college newspaper editors, student leaders,<br />

administrators and counselors participated<br />

in a nine-day forum. Under discussion were<br />

new ideas in educational reform, academic<br />

freedom, student judicial systems and student<br />

legal rights.<br />

The Columbia release, which has been<br />

acclaimed at the Moscow and Berlin International<br />

Film Festivals, had a dual world<br />

premiere in Denver and Salt Lake City.<br />

Kramer also attended both openings, then<br />

arrived in New York August 29 for a<br />

round of publicity activities on the film.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: September 6, 1971

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

'Soul to Sour Huge<br />

800 in Chicago 1st<br />

CHICAGO— -Soul to Soul' bluslcil off ;it<br />

the McVickcrs with an almost unhcard-ol<br />

Chicago percentage of 800—eight tinn.-.<br />

average— at the McVickcrs. While shock<br />

waves of this successful debut were running<br />

through the city, "Shaft" ran up a 275 in its<br />

eighth session at the Roosevelt and "Carnal<br />

Knowledge," also in an eighth week, recorded<br />

250 at the United Artists Theatre.<br />

"The Omega Man," new at the Oriental<br />

Theatre, built up a 250 percentage mark.<br />

(Average Is 100)<br />

Carnegie On Any Sunday (SRI, 3rd wk 165<br />

Chicago— The Love Machine (Col), 2nd wk 225<br />

Cinema Death in Venice (WB), 3rd wk 150<br />

Esquire The Hcllstrom Chronicle (SR), 5th wk. ..165<br />

Loop—Billy Jock (WB), 4th wk 200<br />

McVickers Soul to Soul (CRC) 800<br />

Michael Todd The Panic in Needle Pork<br />

{20th-Fox), 3rd wk 125<br />

Oriental—The Omego Man (WB) 250<br />

Playboy Claire's Knee (Col), 2nd wk 175<br />

Roosevelt— Shaft (MGM), 8th wk 275<br />

State Lake The Red Tent (Para), 2nd wk 125<br />

United Artists Cornol Knowledge (Emb), 8th wk. 250<br />

Woods—Willord (CRC), 9th wk 175<br />

Triends,' 'Evel,' "Doc/ 'Last Run'<br />

All 200 or Better in KC Bows<br />

KAN.SAS CITY—Seven new entries enlivened<br />

bo.\office grosses and, with only<br />

one exception, all did better-than-average<br />

business. As in past weeks, Dickinson's suburban<br />

Glenwood twin continued the area's<br />

leading duo: "Billy Jack" (600. 17th frame)<br />

and "Summer of "42" (350. sixth outing).<br />

"Friends." the outstanding newcomer, took<br />

third spot with 300 per cent at National<br />

General's Fine Arts. Another opener. "Evel<br />

Knievel," followed, drawing a composite<br />

275 at 13 theatres. ("Evel" did exceptionally<br />

well at the Englewood in Independence,<br />

registering 600 per cent.) "The Love Machine"<br />

held in the "top five," with a composite<br />

220 in a second stanza at four units.<br />

Other first-week attractions which pulled<br />

well enough to earn a second go-round<br />

were: "Doc" (210, Plaza), "The Last Run"<br />

(200. Midland 1) and "Bed and Board" (150,<br />

Kimo South).<br />

(Average Is 100)<br />

Eight theatres— Night of Dork Shodows (MGM) ..145<br />

Embassy 1, 2 Cornol Knowledge (Emb), 8th wk. 200<br />

Empire 1, Ranch Mart 1 The Red Tent (Para) . .100<br />

Empire 2 Shoft (MGM), 6th wk 150<br />

Empire 3 McCobe & Mrs. Miller (WB), 6th wk. 175<br />

Empire 4 Klute (WB), 9th wk 125<br />

Fine Arts— Friends (Para) 300<br />

Five theatres—Scandalous John (BV), 2nd wk. ..130<br />

Four theatres—The Love Machine (Col), 2nd wk. 220<br />

Glenwood Summer of '42 (WB), 6th wk 350<br />

1<br />

Glenwood II— Billy Jock (WB), 17th wk 600<br />

Hiwoy 40 Ginger (SR), 3rd wk Not Available<br />

Kimo—The Stewardesses (SR), 27th wk 200<br />

Kimo South Bed ond Board (Col) 150<br />

Metro I—The Panic in Needle Pork (20th-Fox),<br />

2nd wk 125<br />

Midland 1—The Last Run (MGM) 200<br />

Ploza—Doc (UA) 210<br />

Roxy—Soul to Soul (CRC), 2nd wk 175<br />

Thirteen theatres Evel Knievel (AlP) 275<br />

Towne 2—The Omega Man (WB), 4th wk 200<br />

Fort Wayne Officials See<br />

Beloit's CATV System<br />

FORT WA"iTME. IND.—Four members<br />

of the Fort Wayne City Council went to<br />

Beloit, Wis., recently to take a first-hand<br />

look at a CATV system in operation, with<br />

the trip sponsored by Summit City Cablevision,<br />

one of several firms which has approached<br />

the city seeking a local franchi.se.<br />

Norris B. Cresswell Dies;<br />

Former UMPA Exec. Sec.<br />

KANSAS CITY—Norris B. Cresswell,<br />

7S. former United Motion Picture Ass'n<br />

executive secretary,<br />

\clcran exhibitor and<br />

dislributor, died Mon-<br />

J..>. August 30, at<br />

\1 c n o r a h Medical<br />

( enter after several<br />

months of illness in<br />

various hospitals.<br />

Services were held<br />

Wednesday afternoon<br />

(1) at the Stine & Mc-<br />

Clure Chapel; burial<br />

Norris B. Cresswell<br />

Mount Washington<br />

in<br />

Cemetery.<br />

Born in Liberty, Mo., Cresswell started<br />

his theatre career as a boy of 8 and has been<br />

affiliated with many theatres in both St.<br />

Louis and the Kansas City area. He also<br />

held executive positions with the Producers<br />

Releasing Corp.. Eagle Lion and Realart. In<br />

his early years he worked for A. D. Flimtom<br />

at 7th and Main streets in his Yale Film<br />

Exchange.<br />

Cresswell also was a staff photographer<br />

on the old Journal-Post. He was a member<br />

of the Central United Methodist Church,<br />

a member of the Ararat Shrine and was a<br />

Mason.<br />

Survivors include his wife June; two sons.<br />

Edward Cresswell, Alexandria, Va.. and<br />

Norris Cresswell jr. of Kenai, Alaska; a<br />

daughter, Mrs. Julie Breckenridge. Columbia,<br />

and a brother, L. T. Creswell. Orlando.<br />

Fla.<br />

Lewis Cinema Opened<br />

In Greenfield, Ind.<br />

GREENFIELD. IND.—Gerald Entman.<br />

president of Network Cinema Corp.. announced<br />

August 26 the opening of a 350-<br />

seat Jerry Lewis Cinema in the Northgate<br />

Shopping Center, North State Street and<br />

McKenzie Road, Greenfield. Grand-opening<br />

ceremonies were attended by local<br />

civic<br />

dignitaries.<br />

Area director for the Greenfield territory<br />

is Mid State Cinema Corp. Franchise owner-operator<br />

is H. J. Ricks.<br />

Jerry Lewis Cinema units are under construction<br />

throughout the U.S. By the end of<br />

1971. it is anticipated that over 100 of the<br />

automated mini-theatres will be open to the<br />

public.<br />

Seek Approval for Theatre<br />


feasibility of issuing a permit for the construction<br />

of a second theatre in the village<br />

has been taken under consideration by the<br />

Arlington Heights Planning Commission.<br />

Approval of a 500 to 600-seat theatre is<br />

sought by Arthur Rubloff & Co.. to be<br />

located at Golf and Algonquin roads. Rubloff<br />

currently negotiating with ABC Great<br />

is<br />

States and the Jerry Lewis Cinema franchise<br />

holder with regard to operation of the showhouse,<br />

if approved.<br />

Court Order Blocks<br />

St. Louis Closings<br />

.ST. LOUIS—Closing of IS motion picture<br />

theatres for failure to pay the St. Louis<br />

gross receipts license tax was blocked by a<br />

temporary restraining order issued August<br />

25 by Circuit Judge Gary Gaertner on the<br />

eve of the scheduled closings.<br />

License Collector Benjamin Goins was<br />

barred by the court order from carrying out<br />

his plans to close Arthur Enterprises' Fox<br />

Theatre August 26 and one other theatre<br />

each day until all 18 were closed (a later<br />

report quoted Goins as saying he would<br />

all close of the 18 within one week).<br />

Gaertner, acting on a petition<br />

filed on behalf<br />

of the operators of 15 of the theatres,<br />

has set a preliminary hearing for Thursday<br />

(9) on their request for an injunction.<br />

Unpaid taxes amounting to more than a<br />

quarter of a million dollars, which have accrued<br />

under a 1969 ordinance imposing a<br />

5 per cent tax on gross receipts of "movie<br />

houses, theatres and other places of amusement,"<br />

are at issue.<br />

Ten Arthur houses that Goins threatened<br />

to close arc the Ambassador, Avalon. Columbia,<br />

Granada, Gravois, Shenandoah, Hi-<br />

Pointe, Stadium Cinema I and Stadium Cinema<br />

II. with the Fox Theatre slated to be<br />

closed first. Joining in the suit against Goins<br />

were Mid-America, Loews and Cinerama<br />

theatres.<br />

The theatre owners contend that the tax<br />

is<br />

invalid because the city lacks the authority<br />

to enact such an ordinance and argue<br />

that the tax is discriminatory and confiscatory.<br />

Their petition said. "The tax is a tax<br />

on gross income, levied for general revenue<br />

purposes, and by its terms, motion picture<br />

theatres and other theatres have been arbitrarily<br />

selected and singled out from other<br />

legitimate businesses for the imposition of<br />

an excessive and most substantial and burdensome<br />

tax."<br />

They said the 5 per cent levy was 25<br />

times higher than the rate assessed under<br />

the city's merchant and manufacturers' tax.<br />

A legal opinion from the city counselor's<br />

office has been requested by Goins on<br />

whether the Municipal Opera and Powell<br />

Symphony Hall were subject to the levy.<br />

Goins stated that he had not yet received<br />

the opinion.<br />

Mayor Alfonso J. Cervantes favors repeal<br />

of the tax but has taken the position<br />

that the theatres must pay the taxes that<br />

have accnied over the past two years, since<br />

presumably the repeal would not be retroactive.<br />

When the board of aldermen meets Friday<br />

(24), it is expected that a bill to repeal<br />

the tax will be introduced.<br />


"Everything for the Theatre"<br />

11* Mo. CArrroL avv inmanapolis, ino.<br />

BOXOmCE :: September 6, 1971<br />


. . Also<br />


gob Buscher. Hxcclsior Springs shinsman.<br />

recently took over operation of the<br />

Crown Room lounge, located in the Ro\al<br />

Hotel in downtown Excelsior Springs. He<br />

announced that he plans to open the Observatop.'<br />

Screening Room in the hotel in<br />

the very near future. It will be a small<br />

Kimm operation for his cocktail guest.s.<br />

showing as many new features as are available.<br />

Bob also is running the Royal Restaurant<br />

in<br />

the same location. He reports that<br />

the Cinema 21 Theatre is doing quite well.<br />

It was remodeled recently and a new sound<br />

sNstem and Soundfold decor installed with<br />

the help of National Theatre Supply.<br />

Buscher said that his future plans include<br />

the construction of a mini-theatre in the<br />

Y Shopping Center, with negotiations now<br />

under way. There also is a strong possibility<br />

a new drive-in will be built in the area.<br />

Buscher invites all of his distributor and<br />

exhibitor friends to drop by the Crown<br />

Ask Your Supply Dealer or Write<br />


2« Sarah Driv* Farmlngdal*, L I., N. Y., 11731<br />

aLOHd!<br />


IN HONOLULU . .<br />


BEACH!<br />

(Call your Travel Agent)<br />

THE<br />


"OWN"<br />

Screenings at Commonwealth: •MarrKige<br />

of .1 Young Stockbroker" (20th-Fox). I riday<br />

(.^).<br />

Bev Miller, Mercury Film, met last week<br />

with Gidney Talley of Plcasanton. lex., on<br />

promotion for "Mom and Dad."<br />

Forty years ago, according to the column<br />

of that name in the Kansas City Times<br />

Monday. August 30. "Merely Mary Ann,"<br />

starring Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell<br />

with Beryl Mercer, was playing at the Newman<br />

Theatre. The Loew's Midland was featuring<br />

Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy in<br />

their first 90-minute comedy. The Mainstreet<br />

Theatre's main attraction was "Traveling<br />

Husbands" with Evelyn Brent.<br />

Central Cinema Co., which has offices<br />

at 9740 Roc Ave. in Overland Park. Kas.,<br />

will continue to operate there until the<br />

company's Valley View cinemas 1 and 2<br />

are completed next spring. The business<br />

Room—the first drink will be on him.<br />

telephone number is 649-5588 . . . Chuck<br />

The WOMPI Club will help by participating<br />

Fisher, president of Central Cinema, and<br />

Ron Graves, secretary of management control,<br />

locally in the Jerry Lewis National<br />

Telethon for Muscular Dystrophy, which<br />

were in Louisville on busines. Fisher<br />

recently was in Minnesota and Colorado on<br />

will be held starting Sunday evening (5) at<br />

Central Cinema real estate deals. Steve Harris,<br />

10 and running to 7;30 Monday evening<br />

(6). Members who will man the phones and<br />

vice-president of the company, and his<br />

accept donations for the entire 21-hour family are enjoying a month's vacation on<br />

the West Coast and will visit Los Angeles<br />

stretch include Helen Hedderman. Elaine<br />

Palmer. Kay George. Carol Herman. Donna<br />

Woerner.<br />

and San Francisco.<br />

Jones. Goldie Lewis and Goldie<br />

"The Aesthetics of Film" will be one of<br />

Helen Sinclair. Jan Arnott. Myrtle Cain,<br />

the night extension courses taught this fall<br />

and Barbara Clark will work eight-hour<br />

at the Kansas City Art Institute. The instructor<br />

will be Richard Gray, experimental<br />

shifts. Various WOMPI activities, including<br />

a recent party for children and parents at<br />

and documentary director. The recipient of<br />

the Harvard Heights Game Room, will be<br />

numerous awards. Gray also has had an<br />

shown in the ten-minute time slots allotted<br />

official U.S. entry in the Cannes Film Festival.<br />

to Kansas City (Channel He received his B.A. from the Uni-<br />

9).<br />

versity of Kansas City and his M.A. from<br />

the University of California, where he<br />

studied cinema. The course will meet once<br />


a week for 14 weeks, beginning Tuesday<br />

night (14).<br />

Dr. James K. Loutzenhiser, local psychiatrist<br />

and film reviewer, will instruct a course<br />

using feature motion pictures to illustrate<br />

various propositions about the family, beginning<br />

Wednesday (22) at the University of<br />

Missouri, Kansas City. The noncredit course<br />

is being offered by the division for continuing<br />

education. There are no entrance requirements.<br />

The films: "La Ronde,"<br />

Wednesday (22); "Barrier," Wednesday<br />

(29); "The Ritual," October 6; "491," October<br />

13; "Umberto D," October 20; "Last<br />

Holiday." October 27; "The Love of Jeanne<br />

Ney," November 3, and "The Marriage<br />

Circle," November 10. All sessions will begin<br />

at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays.<br />

Sympathy to Ken Winkelmeyer. Boonville<br />

exhibitor, whose father George died at the<br />

age of 91. He and his brother operated a<br />

furniture store in Salisbury . sympathy<br />

to Robert Lindberg, whose wife Betty.<br />

49. died August 31 at Baptist Memorial<br />

Hospital. Mrs. Lindberg was formerly employed<br />

at BoxoFFiCE. where she had been<br />

for<br />

19 years. She also leaves her father.<br />

The Movies! to Debut<br />

Oct. 12 in Wichita<br />

WICHITA. KAS.— David Heller, holder<br />

of an American Automated Theatres fr.inchise.<br />

announces that a new twin theatre.<br />

The Movies!, will open on or before October<br />

12 in the West Elm Shopping Center.<br />

767 North West. Bookings will be handled<br />

from AAT's Oklahoma City office and only<br />

G, GP or R-rated films will be offered.<br />

The 200-seat twin theatre will be fully<br />

automated and a common boxoffice, concession<br />

area and projection booth will<br />

.serve<br />

both auditoriums. Heller said prices probably<br />

will be $1.50 for most attractions and<br />

he is considering a discount for senior citizens<br />

attending The Movies!<br />

Two evening shows will be offered weeknights,<br />

with three on Saturdays and Sundays,<br />

according to Heller.<br />

Named<br />

James Frisina Jr.<br />

Circuit General Manager<br />

TAYLORVILLE, ILL.—James Frisina<br />

jr. became general manager of Taylorvillebased<br />

Frisina Enterprises, effective Saturday<br />

(4). it is announced by James Frisina<br />

sr.. president of the circuit.<br />

Robert E. Frisina is taking over the entire<br />

buying-and-booking-of-films operation. He<br />

will be assisted by John D. Giachett.<br />

44-Year-Old Cinema Razed<br />

SOUTH BEND. IND.—The Granada<br />

Theatre here, razed to make way for a new<br />

street, was in operation 44 years. C. W.<br />

McDaniels was the manager when the Granada<br />

opened its doors Feb. 16. 1927. The<br />

first movie shown was "An Affair of the<br />

Follies," starring Lewis Stone and Billie<br />

Dove.<br />

Pacific Theatres Given<br />

Okay for 2-Screen Airer<br />

VENTURA, CALIF. — The planning<br />

commission has approved plans of Pacific<br />

Theatres, which operates the 101 Drive-In<br />

near the intersection of Telephone Road and<br />

Main Street, for a twin-screen drive-in. The<br />

existing airer would be completely remodeled<br />

and two new screens built, with one<br />

centrally located projection room and snack<br />

bar.<br />

Construction is expected to begin in about<br />

18 months under the conditional use permit<br />

granted by the commission.<br />



mmsm<br />

C-2 BOXOFFICE :: September 6, 1971

BAG Is Converting<br />

Ritz to Twin Unit<br />

BHI.I.KVILI.H, II 1..— Richard Wright,<br />

general manager for BAC Theatres, operator<br />

of the Ritz Theatre, 403 East Main<br />

St., announces that when renovation of the<br />

showhouse is completed, it will become a<br />

twin facility. The new auditorium will seat<br />

approximately 100 moviegoers.<br />

Work started in July by general contractor<br />

E. G. Engel is expected to be completed<br />

by January 1, Wright said. The project includes<br />

extensive remodeling of the existing<br />

theatre. Seating capacity will be reduced<br />

from 1.050 to 700, with more space between<br />

rows for added patron comfort. The<br />

interior will be redecorated and a new front<br />

installed on the building.<br />

The mini-auditorium is being created on<br />

the second floor where theatre offices are<br />

presently located. Wright stated that offices<br />

will be moved to 100 .South Charles .St.<br />

Demolition Is Under Way<br />

At Fort Wayne's Palace<br />

FORT WAYNE, IND.—Razing of the<br />

former Palace Theatre in downtown Fort<br />

Wayne, located at 128 East Washington<br />

Blvd., has begun. In recent years it has<br />

been known as the Civic Theatre but it<br />

originally opened as the Palace in January<br />

1915 as a vaudeville house and later<br />

switched to films. The motion picture operation<br />

ended in May 1956 and the Civic<br />

Theatre occupied the structure until 1969,<br />

when it moved to another location.<br />

Ownership of the property has been unrevealed<br />

since its purchase several years<br />

ago but reports are that a dummy corporation<br />

operated the building for American<br />

Electric Power Co. Von E. Livingston serves<br />

as trustee for the owner of the land but<br />

said this was to conceal the ownership of<br />

the property. He stated that the building<br />

is no longer of use and has become an eyesore.<br />

Like most older theatres, entertainers<br />

who appeared live in this building included<br />

Jack Benny. Bill Robinson and Sophie Tuck-<br />

Fine Ozoner Manager $120<br />

For Rubbish on Property<br />

FORT WAYNE. IND.—Donald E. Stetzel.<br />

manager of the Fort Wayne Drive-In,<br />

was fined $120 in city court recently, when<br />

he was found guilty of allowing rubbish to<br />

accumulate on the theatre property. The<br />

ozoner was found to have rubbish strewn<br />

around and in cans on the south side of the<br />

area next to residences. Although cited by<br />

the city board of health, the rubbish was not<br />

removed.<br />

Judge Larry Miller threatened a contempt<br />

charge, with a jail sentence, if the problem<br />

was not corrected at once.<br />

Residents of the area have complained<br />

in court that they can see "objectionable<br />

films" on the drive-in screen from their<br />

windows and back yards, leading to a city<br />

ordinance and a recent court decision upholding<br />

much of the statute.<br />

Gore Film Category Made Famous<br />

By Chicago Producer Herschel Lewis<br />

CHICAGO—As Herschel Lewis begins<br />

production of his 48th feature film, he acts<br />

like a film producer<br />

than anyone<br />

who has .seen the<br />

stereotype of such<br />

individuals<br />

could possibly<br />

imagine. A Ph.D.<br />

in psychology, Lewis<br />

Slid his new picture is<br />

^.illcd "Face Stripper"<br />

but he is known<br />

to change titles while<br />

the shooting is under<br />

Herschel Lewis<br />

way—or even after<br />

production is finished. Like many of Lewis'<br />

recent productions, "Face Stripper" falls in<br />

a<br />

categorv he has made famous—the "gore"<br />

film.<br />

Headquarters in Chicago<br />

While Lewis selects sites throughout the<br />

U.S. for his movies, he operates from a<br />

fairly sumptuous suite of offices in Chicago,<br />

in the Wrigley Building on North Michigan<br />

Avenue. In addition to film production and<br />

distribution. Lewis owns theatres; operates<br />

an advertising agency, and has business interests<br />

from country club management to<br />

automobile rental agencies. He is on the<br />

faculty of a university as lecturer. His textbook.<br />

"The Businessman's Guide to Advertising<br />

and Sales Promotion," will be published<br />

by McGraw Hill this winter.<br />

Now in his middle 40s, Lewis made his<br />

first feature film in 1959, "It was greeted<br />

with profound apathy," he recalls. He acknowledged<br />

the picture as a "flop" and, in<br />

true O. Henry style, Lewis, who had sold<br />

his commercial film studio to raise money<br />

for the feature, found himself without a<br />

business. Said Lewis. "I was a big-shot film<br />

producer by day and sold encyclopedias<br />

door-to-door at night."<br />

Filmed in Four Days<br />

Almost by accident. Lewis and a close<br />

friend, Dave Friedman (who now operates<br />

Entertainment Ventures in Los Angeles),<br />

shot an early "nudie" film. "The Adventures<br />

of Lucky Pierre." The movie was<br />

completed in<br />

four days and was an instant<br />

success. Lewis found himself back in the<br />

film business with both feet.<br />

Looking for areas of film production<br />

"less hazardous" than sex films, he made a<br />

movie in 1963 that is called "a classic of its<br />

genre." It was titled "Blood Feast," the first<br />

film in which stage blood spurted by the<br />

gallon and shapely young starlets were ostensibly<br />

dismembered in dripping color.<br />

"We never claimed that "Blood Feast"<br />

was a good picture by critical standards.""<br />

Lewis said, "but the reason for its success<br />

was obvious— it was the first. Like a Walt<br />

Whitman poem, it didn't have to be good<br />

to be remembered, as long as it was the<br />

first of its type."<br />

Since '"Blood Feast," Lewis has refined<br />

the art of cinematic bloodlcttmg. a necessary<br />

step in today's changing world of film<br />

distribution. On any given production day.<br />

Lewis and his special effects team (the same<br />

team that has worked together since "Blood<br />

Feast") will be figuring out how to blow<br />

the brains out of someone's head, how to<br />

smash a beautiful girl's face into a plateglass<br />

mirror, how to gouge an eyeball, how<br />

to pull the still-beating heart from a breast<br />

or how to ram a huge punch press through<br />

a screaming girl's viscera. It is apparent<br />

that this tongue-in-cheek attitude, obvious<br />

in<br />

the low-pressure, good-natured filming itself,<br />

is beginning to manifest itself on the<br />

screen.<br />

"Face Stripper" has overtones of whimsy<br />

that Lewis would not have attempted during<br />

the early days when, as he says, "audiences<br />

were less sophisticated.<br />

""The changes in the complexion of film<br />

audiences, even during the last two years,<br />

are profound enough to have eliminated<br />

many film producers who simply are bewildered<br />

by the change and wonder what happened<br />

to the audiences who used to enjoy<br />

Andy Hardy," Lewis explained. He added,<br />

"A feature film that does not contain elements<br />

beyond those to be found in a typical<br />

TV show is in trouble if it is shot on a lowbudget<br />

basis. Theatres simply won't book<br />

it!"<br />

Successful Combination<br />

To sum up various comments about the<br />

key to Lewis' success, there is a combination<br />

of showmanship, audience-awareness<br />

and a studious approach to film as a medium<br />

of communication. Lewis said. "As one<br />

of the first to bypass ponderous studio<br />

shooting. I film entirely on location." This<br />

is borne out by the fact that nearly 20 were<br />

filmed in Florida and his crews have shot<br />

footage in diverse areas of the U.S.<br />

Most recently Lewis has turned more<br />

and more to a conventional-type product.<br />

"This Stuff'll Kill Ya!", filmed in Oklahoma<br />

last fall, is about a moonshine ring, and<br />

"Year of the Yahoo, " released about a<br />

month ago, has not one foot of gore. It<br />

stars country-western singer Claude King.<br />

Such Lewis-made features as "She-Devils on<br />

Wheels." about a female motorcycle gang,<br />

filmed in Miami; ""Two Thousand Maniacs,"<br />

about a southern town that gets even for<br />

the Civil War. filmed near Orlando, or<br />

"Moonshine Mountain," about a mad<br />

bunch of hillbillies, filmed in the Carolinas,<br />

play an average of 1.500 domestic dates,<br />

which is considered a respectable playoff<br />

for competing film product budgeted far<br />

higher than<br />

Lewis' output.<br />

Since Lewis owns his own equipment and<br />

has both cutting and screening rooms in<br />

his<br />

offices, he is more self-contained than the<br />

(Continued on next page)<br />

BOXOmCE :: September 6, 1971 C-3

II<br />

. . MGM<br />

. . Howard<br />


Wally Heini. L'nik-d Artists Midwest publicity<br />

and advertising director, has a<br />

full progiam started for "Fiddler on the<br />

Roof," opening at the new McCliirg Court<br />

Theatre November 10, and for the new<br />

James Bond movie, "Diamonds Are Forever,"<br />

which will be one of the Christmas<br />

attractions opening in a Loop-area theatre.<br />

The advance on "Fiddler on the Roof" already<br />

is in excess of $100,000. Mike .Stern<br />

and Bob Lubliner, co-owners of Center<br />

Theatre Corp.. which embraces the Mc-<br />

Clurg. report that the theatre is sold out to<br />

groups during the first two weeks. Advertising<br />

Sunday (19) will open up mail order<br />

and bo.xoffice sales. Stern said the Mc-<br />

Clurg will, in all respects, represent a return<br />

to theatre elegance—but with a modern<br />

twist.<br />

"A Centurj' of Progress in Prevention" is<br />

symbolized in one of Filmack's new trailers.<br />

In cooperation with the Chicago Fire Department,<br />

Filmack has produced a trailer<br />

in commemoration of the Chicago fire. It<br />

will be used during Fire Prevention Week.<br />

October 4-10. with the slogan "Disaster to<br />

Greatness." There is emphasis on the fact<br />

that fire prevention is everybody's business.<br />

Georgiana Klein, a WOMPI officer who<br />

has been serving in a secretarial capacity at<br />

Columbia Pictures for the past several<br />

years, is now a booker.<br />

Bill Durante, operator of the Biograph<br />

Theatre, is bringing back the once-a-week<br />

serial. As a starter, "Lost Planet" will be<br />

presented over a period of the next 15<br />

Among the varied comments<br />

weeks . . .<br />

about President Nixon's wage and price<br />

freeze are those about the "freeze" that canceled]<br />

a Wednesday (I) movie ad rate increase<br />

in two major papers here.<br />

^^smwii/z/AH^<br />


•with<br />


IT<br />


5 NEW "JET WHITE" g<br />

f^^ani XR~1/I paarlticwil, onli-ilolU icrtcn ^^|<br />

your<br />

authorized<br />

Supply Doolori<br />

TICHNIKOTE CORP. 63 Soobrlng St., B^lyn II, N. Y<br />

Mrs. Barbara Dildio, a WOMPI past<br />

president,<br />

became the mother of a daughter.<br />

Paramount Pictures is finding that bookings<br />

are coming in at a fast pace for the<br />

rereleasc combination of "Riot" and "Uptight."<br />

ABC-Great States Theatres was first<br />

with the booking at the Michael Todd in the<br />

Loop.<br />

Woody Strode is due here this month to<br />

promote his first starring film. "Black<br />

Jesus." Opening date is uncertain, since the<br />

movie is scheduled for the Roosevelt, where<br />

"Shaft" shows no sign of slowing up.<br />

"Shaft" opened June 30.<br />

Maurice F. Glass, ABC Great States<br />

Theatres real estate director, underwent<br />

surgery at Meyerhouse. Michael Reese Hospital.<br />

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer staffers are hoping<br />

"Night of Dark Shadows" will be as<br />

successful as "Shaft." which grossed 275<br />

per cent in its eighth consecutive week at<br />

the Roosevelt Theatre . publicist<br />

Larry Dieckhaus is working on a campaign<br />

facet which should aid in giving "Night of<br />

Dark Shadows" a successful launching. In<br />

cooperation with WCFL Radio, a contest is<br />

being conducted for the selection of "Miss<br />

Ghost America." The local hopeful will join<br />

other contestants between the ages of 18-25<br />

in<br />

a national contest on the West Coast.<br />

The wear and tear of daily traffic jams<br />

have brought the Charles Teitels to the near<br />

north side for ivory-tower living. They sold<br />

their home in Skokie and are taking residence<br />

in an apartment at 100 East Bellevue.<br />

This makes it probable that Chuck will be<br />

able to sprint to his World Playhouse in<br />

approximately 15 minutes.<br />

The World Playhouse has now run<br />

through its Japanese Film Festival obligations,<br />

despite the fact that the originators<br />

left suddenly with prints and programing.<br />

The scheduled program at the World was<br />

supplanted through Omar Kayatsu. Fall<br />

plans for the World include classical film<br />

showings covering a span of eras, starting<br />

with some of the earlier horror films and<br />

including Hitchcock favorites.<br />

Mrs. Adele Walk of the Edward Wolk<br />

Co. is spending a month in Dallas, Tex..<br />

with Dr. and Mrs. Richard Rosin (her<br />

daughter and son-in-law) . Wolk.<br />

who has been in Edgewater Hospital for<br />

tests, was given the "all clear" report and<br />

is back in the Wolk offices.<br />

Terror" in 30 drive-ins and hardtops Frid.i><br />

(10).<br />

Cinema II in Milwaukee reports that "Cry<br />

Uncle" ha.s broken house records. John<br />

Arvidsen, director of the film, will be in<br />

town to assist in the exploitation for the<br />

film's opening at the Shangri La. Arvidsen<br />

was. incidentally, a Chicagoland resident<br />

for many years.<br />

When Muriel Kahner goes to Canada for<br />

a vacation, it will be timed to coincide with<br />

the WOMPI International convention in Toronto<br />

Friday (10) through Sunday (12). Also<br />

attending the convention are Peggy Gates,<br />

president; Lee Brody, past president; Sally<br />

Kahner, and Mrs. Eve Rollin.<br />

•lason Robards was in town in connection<br />

with the opening of "Johnny Got His Gun"<br />

at the Playboy Theatre . . . Darel Glaser,<br />

15. a sophomore at Riversidc-Brookfield<br />

High Schdol, who has a role in "Bless the<br />

Beasts & Children," is tutored on the road.<br />

He follows the prescribed work supplied to<br />

him by the high school and takes the same<br />

tests given other members of his class. Darel<br />

is the son of George Glaser, Riverside<br />

Township supervisor.<br />

Charles Good, district manager for Buena<br />

Vista, is vacationing in Minnesota . . .<br />

BV's "Pinocchio," which has been showing<br />

in outlying theatres for the past two weeks,<br />

has been one of the top grossers, according<br />

to<br />

reports.<br />

'Gore' Film Category Is<br />

Made Famous by Lewis<br />

(Continued from preceding page)<br />

typical independent producer. He also<br />

handles his own campaigns. One-sheets, ads<br />

and trailers all are written by him and he<br />

has a large art department to handle the<br />

graphics. He has discovered that as his<br />

reputation as a Midwest producer has<br />

grown, he has become something of a<br />

troubleshooter for producers whose films<br />

either can't meet the budget or who can't<br />

find a successful campaign theme. Thus, on<br />

several occasions, Lewis has contracted to<br />

produce campaigns for other producers.<br />

Lewis said his plans for the future center<br />

around an idea to establish a permanent production<br />

schedule of six to nine pictures a<br />

year. Since he personally produces and directs<br />

his films, as well as creating the campaigns,<br />

he is looking forward to busy days.<br />

Mrs. Vera Port of the Teitel Film Corp.<br />

wrote from Denmark that the "wide-open<br />

Copenhagen" so often publicized is. from<br />

what she could observe, very definitely wide<br />

open. But she did conclude from the facial<br />

expressions of the Danish people that they<br />

are a contented lot . . . For the first time<br />




1000 -1600 -2500 WATTS<br />

$150 $200 $250<br />

in its business history. Teitel Film Corp. is<br />

using a three-color, full-page ad in newspapers<br />

for launching "Frankenstein's Bloody<br />

September 6, 1971

——<br />

——<br />

—<br />

1<br />

'EvelKnievel'600<br />

At Memphis Village<br />

MhMPHlS— -Evcl Knicvcl." an American<br />

International release, broke house records<br />

in its first week at the Village and<br />

rang up a pleasing 600 per cent—six times<br />

normal business at that theatre. Over at the<br />

Malco. there were more cheers as "Shaft"<br />

had a rollicking 500 second week and the<br />

management was predicting a long, long run<br />

for the picture. Behind these two supergrossers.<br />

percentages dropped off to 200<br />

for "Summer of "42," which was in a tenth<br />

week of a lucrative run at the Paramount<br />

Theatre.<br />

(Average Is 100)<br />

Crosstown— Billy Jock (WB), 2nd wk 125<br />

Loews The Panic in Needle Pork (20th-Fox), , . 50<br />

Malco Shoft (MGM), 2nd wk 500<br />

Memphian Who Is Horry Kellermon? (NGP),<br />

2nd wk 100<br />

Paramount Summer of '42 (WB), 10th wk 200<br />

Park On Any Sunday (SR) 1 50<br />

Plaza, Whitehaven McCobe & Mrs. Miller (WB) 100<br />

Studio<br />

Village<br />

Sensuol (SR) 1 50<br />

Evel Knievel (AlP) 600<br />

'The Love Machine' Grosses<br />

600 in New Orleans Bow<br />

NEW ORLEANS—"The Love Machine"<br />

opened at the Robert E. Lee Theatre and<br />

immediately shot into the New Orleans firstrun<br />

grossing lead with a strong 600. "Shaft."<br />

third week at<br />

the Orpheum. ran No. 2 here,<br />

as it did in Memphis, rating 500 in each of<br />

these<br />

Southern exchange cities.<br />

Gentillv-Orleans Fortune and Men's Eyes<br />

(MGM), 2nd wk 300<br />

Joy—McCabe & Mrs. Miller (WB), 2nd wk 350<br />

Orpheum Shoft (MGM), 3rd wk 500<br />

Robert E. Lee The Love Mochine (Col) 600<br />

Trans-Lux Cinerama Ryan's Daughter (MGM),<br />

19th wk 150<br />

Carl Spieckerman Married<br />

In San Francisco, Calif.<br />

BILOXL<br />

MISS.—Doug Spieckerman,<br />

.Mississippi Gulf Coast district manager<br />

for Gulf States Theatres, returned with his<br />

wife Martha from one of his old industry<br />

stamping grounds, San Francisco, where<br />

their son Carl was married Monday (2) to<br />

Roberta Schwartz.<br />

Carl, a University of California graduate<br />

with degrees in political science and psychology,<br />

has worked with his father in theatre<br />

management in California, Texas and<br />

other areas. He is taking up the study of<br />

law this fall. Carl's wife, whose father has<br />

been active for years in financing Midwest<br />

theatre construction, is a social worker.<br />

Marianna Kiddies Turn In<br />

30,000 All-Aluminum Cans<br />

MARIANNA. FLA.—When the Marianna<br />

Jaycees Kiddies Dav committee of-<br />

Martin Sfarting Construction Soon<br />

On Chattanooga Northgate Mall Unit<br />

CHATTANOOGA — Construction is to<br />

start soon on a Martin circuit unit to be<br />

known as the Northgate Theatre. Site of<br />

the new theatre will be in the northeast end<br />

of the Northgate Mall Shopping Center.<br />

Announcement of the project was made<br />

jointly by Martin Theatres, a Columbus,<br />

Ga. -based circuit which operated in nine<br />

states, and by Independent Enterprises, a<br />

division of Arlcn Shopping Centers, Inc.<br />

The Northgate Theatre is to have 9,.177<br />

square feet of space and will feature automated<br />

projection. The decor will be an allred<br />

auditorium seating 600 patrons in<br />

rocking-chair<br />

seats, red acoustical wall drapes,<br />

special woven red carpet and red seats.<br />

The lobby will be furnished in red and<br />

oyster white.<br />

Reddish to Super>ise<br />

The new cinema will be supervised by<br />

Lloyd Reddish, a 23-year veteran in the<br />

movie business.<br />

The Northgate Mall will be the largest<br />

shopping center in which the far-flung<br />

Martin circuit has a theatre. The Mall's<br />

developer, Chattanooga-based Independent<br />

Enterprises, a 59-year-old local company,<br />

was subject of an August 18 Chattanooga<br />

News-Free Press feature story which pointed<br />

out that the company is experiencing its<br />

biggest year and expects that next year will<br />

be even better.<br />

The News-Free Press article continues,<br />

in part:<br />

The company (Independent Enterprises)<br />

was established in 1912 by the late Abe<br />

Solomon, who moved it to Chattanooga in<br />

1914 with the establishment of the Strand<br />

Theatre, which marked the beginning of<br />

the multitheatre development of the organization.<br />

The company continued in the<br />

motion picture business until July 1961,<br />

when it sold its theatre interests both in<br />

Atlanta and in Chattanooga. There were 1<br />

motion picture theatres and drive-in theatres<br />

involved in this transaction.<br />

Big Wind 'Responsible'<br />

During the grand opening of the original<br />

portion of Eastgate Center, Jay Solomon,<br />

then vice-president of Independent Enterprises,<br />

recalled that "A big wind literally<br />

blew Independent Theatres of Chattanooga,<br />

now Independent Enterprises, Inc., into the<br />

shopping center and real estate development<br />

business."<br />

Solomon recalled, "One of our drive-in<br />

theatres,<br />

the Skyway, was located on Brain-<br />

screen at the drive-in, Moses Lebovitz,<br />

president of the theatre chain, and I decided<br />

to go ahead with a business development.<br />

Prior to entering into the shopping<br />

center construction, we erected a $600,000<br />

bowling center. Holiday Bowl, on adjoining<br />

property."<br />

The ribbon-cutting ceremony for Eastgate<br />

Center was held Thursday, .Sept. 20, 1962.<br />

GTC Is Constructing<br />

Two Macon Theatres<br />

ATLANTA — Georgia Theatre Co. has<br />

broken ground and started construction on<br />

two theatres in Macon's Westgatc Shopping<br />

Center, according to E. E. Whitaker, vicepresident<br />

in charge of operations for the<br />

circuit. GTC already has the 1,100-seat<br />

rocking-chair Westgate Cinema in operation<br />

in Macon.<br />

The two new units are being correlated<br />

with the existing theatre, Whitaker said.<br />

One will be a 550-seater and the other will<br />

accommodate 350 patrons. Both, of course,<br />

will be provided with the newest type of<br />

rocking-chair seats,<br />

known as "The Rocking-Chair Circuit."<br />

Units in the complex are to be designated<br />

as GTC has come to be<br />

as Cinema I, Cinema II and Cinema III,<br />

with a single boxoffice serving all three.<br />

They also will be color coordinated, with<br />

blue, gold and green predominating.<br />

George Bagby jr., an executive trainee in<br />

the circuit, is in charge of construction and<br />

the contractor is George Simmons. Completion<br />

and opening of the two new locations<br />

are scheduled for early January.<br />

The additional Macon units will bring to<br />

52 the number operated by GTC, which is<br />

headed bv president John Stembler sr. AH<br />

of the theatres are in Georgia, except the<br />

Hilltop Drive-In, which is across the Savannah<br />

River in North Carolina, and four units<br />

in Gadsden, Ala—two indoor theatres and<br />

two drive-ins.<br />

Lehigh Acres, Fla., Site<br />

For Jerry Lewis Cinema<br />

LEHIGH ACRES, FLA.— \ Jerry Lewis<br />

cinema is being built just off Homestead<br />

Road on Plaza Drive in the Cultural Center<br />

here. Completion is expected by the start<br />

of the tourist season.<br />

The cinema will seat 325 patrons and is<br />

a project of Lehigh Acres Development,<br />

Inc., headed by president Harry C. Powell<br />

erd Road property that actually was too<br />

fered a new bicycle top prize for the<br />

as<br />

youngsters turning in the most all-aluminum valuable for such use. We had toyed with<br />

cans for admission to a show at Martin's the idea of a business development on this<br />

Ritz, the astounding total of more than site. At the time we purchased the property<br />

30,000 such cans were turned in by about some 16 years ago, we had a feeling that Acres.<br />

450 children.<br />

some day the site would be ideal for a business<br />

"We have shown the latest motion pic-<br />

Winner of the bicycle was Lisa Ann<br />

center since it is in the heart of one of tures in the Lehigh Acres Auditorium on a<br />

Lamar and the presentation was made by<br />

Billy Swails, Jaycees Kiddies Day chairman,<br />

Chattanooga's<br />

heaviest traffic<br />

most<br />

suburban<br />

rapidly<br />

areas.<br />

growing and regular basis for the past ten years," Powell<br />

said. "Now this will free the auditorium<br />

and Bob McNeal, president of the Jaycees. "When a windstorm blew down the big for other things."<br />

jr. The cinema will be leased to Kjell Pederson<br />

and William Sharp of Fort Myers Beach<br />

as an independent enterprise in Lehigh<br />

BOXOFTICE :: September 6, 1971<br />



£|niie Austin, vctL-ran showman who managed<br />

Marlins 450-seat Georgia Cinerama<br />

on Druid Hills Road the last five<br />

\ears. resigned efleclive August 26. Prior to<br />

joining Martin Theatres. Austin worked lor<br />

a time as manager of Storey's Fulton Boulevard<br />

Drive-In. Before joining the managerial<br />

ranks, he owned and operated film theatres<br />

in l.ogansville and Stone Mountain. He<br />

sold the former location to a buyer who<br />

converted it into a carpet store and remodeled<br />

the front of the Stone Mountain theatre<br />

into office spaces and converted the<br />

rear<br />

into an intimate theatre, complete with a<br />

stage for use as a legitimate theatre. Austin<br />

and his wife left Atlanta for an extended<br />

vacation in their summer home off the<br />

Blue Ridge Parkway, near Bowling Rock.<br />

N.C. One of their neighbors there is Dick<br />

Pope, who developed and operated the<br />

famed Cypress Gardens in Florida. The<br />

Austins plan to return to Atlanta when chill<br />



AT THE<br />




. . . Harry<br />


(Continued Ironi page Sh-2)<br />

R. C.<br />

who<br />

Cobb<br />

has<br />

circuit<br />

been<br />

. . . Carolyn<br />

handling the<br />

McEntyrc.<br />

ABC Southeastern<br />

advertising account in Atlanta, has<br />

resigned and moved to Houston. Tex.<br />

A recent report in these columns that<br />

Mrs. HIizabeth Miller. United Artists billing<br />

clerk, had retired brought a quick "Not<br />

so" from her when she returned from her<br />

vacation and resumed her duties . . . While<br />

we are correcting the record, we apologize<br />

to Howell Raines, the Atlanta Constitution's<br />

new amusements editor. In one of his<br />

first hylined pieces in the Constitution, his<br />

name appeared as "Howell Haines." That's<br />

how it happened to be reported here as<br />

"Haines" instead of "Raines" in the announcement<br />

that he had joined the Constitution<br />

staff. Sorry. Howell Raines!<br />

Trade and pre.ss screenings at Columbia's<br />

I-ilmrow Playhouse: "Let's .Scare Jessica to<br />

Death. " Paramount; "The Last Movie."<br />

Universal; "Doc." United Artists; "Chrome<br />

and Hot Leather" and "Some of My Best<br />

Friends Are .". . . American International<br />

Purdy lit up the 20th Century-<br />

Fox projection booth to screen "Tribes."<br />

Screened at the Preview Theatre in the Atlanta<br />

Film Building was "Harry. Cherry and<br />

Raquel." distributed by Jack Vaughan Productions.<br />

New Haven's Old Filmrow<br />

Down to Single Exchange<br />

From New England Edition<br />

NEW HAVEN—Pointing up belt-tightening<br />

on the part of distribution, the onceflourishing<br />

Filmrow of New Haven is no<br />

more.<br />

National Theatre Supply and National<br />

Screen Service. But the cluster gave way to<br />

redevelopment, and distributors, in the main,<br />

went to Hamden.<br />

Walter Silverman is the sole remaining<br />

branch manager, as such, for a major company,<br />

in the 2.'>4 Collgee St. structure.<br />

George Somma, the man-in-Connecticut<br />

for Universal, works out of his home in<br />

suburban West Haven.<br />

Beyond these two, Connecticut exhibition<br />

—ironically enough, in the midst of the<br />

greatest theatre building boom in 20 years<br />

—must look to either Boston or New York<br />

for distributor contact.<br />

MGM, Warner Bros., Paramount, National<br />

General, 20th Century-Fox, Avco<br />

Embassy, American International Pictures,<br />

Allied Artists, United Artists and other film<br />

interests service Connecticut out of Boston.<br />

Bookings handled for the major circuits<br />

with outlets in the state—Loews, RKO-<br />

Stanley Warner, ABC Eastern Theatres,<br />

General Cinema, Redstone, et al—are processed<br />

through Boston,<br />

Sales representatives trek dutifully enough<br />

through the Connecticut territory but, to a<br />

man, exhibition interests once pridefully<br />

looking to New Haven as a center of industry<br />

contact-and-chatter, miss the personalized<br />

atmosphere that was once most prevelant<br />

on New Haven's Filmrow.<br />

The shuttering of the local branches is<br />

very much part of a national distributor<br />

pattern that has seen combining of exchange<br />

centers—i.e., Albany-Buffalo, et al—and<br />

while theatre owners readily recognize the<br />

need for economy measures on the part of<br />

distribution, there is open concern about the<br />

face-to-face rapport long evident in the<br />

booking of film.<br />

Benson Star-Vue Drive-In<br />

Bought by Stephensons<br />

BEN.SON. N.C.—The Star-Vue Drive-In<br />

is under new management for the first time<br />

in 20 years. Its new owners and operators<br />

Only one company—Columbia—maintains<br />

offices 254 College St., the RKO-<br />

at<br />

are the Stephenson brothers — Billy of<br />

Stanley Warner Roger Sherman Theatre Benson and Gerald of Dunn.<br />

Building, in which the bulk of the firms Gerald Stephenson is employed by the<br />

moved several years ago from 1890 Dixwell Bien Jolie Co. in Dunn and his brother by<br />

Ave., Hamden.<br />

the Chicopee plant in Benson. Both are<br />

Previously, a cluster of buildings in downtown<br />

natives of the Dunn area.<br />

New Haven housed all major distribu-<br />

The theatre formerly was operated by<br />

Alonzo Parrish.<br />

tors and a smattering of independents, plus<br />

IjJ<br />

^"«»fe^-,5^iIIO0KIM6 SERVICERS,<br />

"Theatre Booking & Film Distribution"<br />

221 S. Church St., ChorloHe, N.C.<br />

Frank Lowry . . . Tommy Whit*<br />

Phone: 375 7787<br />

Berger Building Hardtop<br />

From North Central<br />

Edition<br />

GRAND FORKS, N.D.—Berger Amusement<br />

Co., Minneapolis, has purchased a site<br />

for the construction of a $250,000 showhouse<br />

in Grand Forks, it was announced by<br />

Benjamin N. Berger, president. To be named<br />

the Dakota Theatre, the structure will be<br />

designed by Liebenburg, Kaplan, Glotten &<br />

Associates.<br />

Tyche Corp. Acquires<br />

Center in Gaslonia<br />

CiASlONlA, N.C. — Tyche Investment<br />

C i>rp. ol Charlotte has acquired and is<br />

operating the 6()()-seat Center Theatre on<br />

Main Avenue. The corporation acquired<br />

the theatre from R. "Sonny" Baker, who<br />

L.<br />

has owned the Center for the last ten years.<br />

Baker said he will continue to operate<br />

the Webb Theatre on .South Street, He has<br />

owned the Webb for 20 years.<br />

James Peeler is district manager for<br />

Tyche Investment Corp. and Roy McElveen,<br />

who had managed the Center for Baker,<br />

has been retained in that position by the<br />

new owner.<br />

Fulton Officials in Raid<br />

At Atlanta's Gay Paree<br />

ATLANTA—Fulton (Atlanta) County<br />

officials August 25 seized two pictures, "The<br />

Kiss" and "It's a Gay World." along with a<br />

quantity of untitled film from the Gay<br />

Paree Cinema on downtown Walton Street<br />

and placed under arrest the theatre's projectionist<br />

and the manager.<br />

Investigators and attorneys from the office<br />

of Fulton County solicitor general<br />

Hinson McAuliffe reported that they arrested<br />

manager James A. Smith and projectionist<br />

Parrish Pedesta.<br />

W. Baer Endictor, McAuliffe's assistant,<br />

who led the raid, said that charges will be<br />

brought against owners of the theatre as<br />

soon as their identities can be determined.<br />

These arrests were made for violations of<br />

Georgia Code Section 26-2101 forbidding<br />

the distribution and exhibition of obscene<br />

material.<br />

A commitment hearing for the two arrested<br />

men scheduled for August 26 was<br />

postponed because their lawyer was out<br />

of the city.<br />

McAuliffe said the raid on the Gay<br />

Paree was just a continuation of his department's<br />

efforts to shut adult-only theatres<br />

in the downtown section of Atlanta. He<br />

added that with his "limited staff" he can<br />

prosecute only a few at a time.<br />

Undaunted by the arrests, the Gay Paree<br />

management continued business Thursday<br />

and told telephone callers that the feature<br />

was "The 12 Faces of Love."<br />

Thanksgiving Bow Planned<br />

From Eastern Edition<br />

CHESTER. PA. — Located in the new<br />

Grant Plaza off Edgmont Avenue, the Eric<br />

Brookhaven theatres 1 and II are expected<br />

to open to the public around Thanksgiving.<br />

Each 700-seat auditorium will have rockingchair<br />

seats.<br />

*<br />

CAMONS, IM.<br />

— -" ^^ Box K. Cador KnelU, N J.<br />

^^<br />

in Georgia—Rhodes Sound & Projection Senrice, Sownnoh—355-1321<br />

In Florida—Joe Hornstein, Inc., 759 W. Flogler St., Miami, Flo.<br />

FRonklin 3-3502<br />

in Virginia—Perdue Motion Pictures, Roanoke—366-0295<br />

SE-4 BOXOFFICE :: September 6, 1971

1<br />

Come off it.<br />

__j:l— "<br />

-<br />

Cl_<br />

Off the pedestal. Out of the executive \ (<br />

suite. Into the shoes of your white- and<br />

blue-collar workers. What do they need<br />

that you could be giving them? Convertible<br />

debentures? Stock options? Naw!<br />

That's executive stuff. They need a way<br />

to save a buck. Why don't you give it to<br />

them? By instaUing and promoting the<br />

Payroll Savings Plan so they can buy U.S.<br />

Savings Bonds on a regular, systematic<br />

basis. It's easy and inexpensive. And the<br />

administrative time involved in setting up 'A<br />

the procedures and staging a Savings It ' 1<br />

Bond drive is minimal. A lot of bosses '''<br />

pooh-pooh Savings Bonds because they<br />

think they're not a good enough invest-<br />

\ \ i<br />

'"'<br />

.^ ^<br />

^J^^'^m:<br />

J<br />

ment. If you're in this group, think<br />

about what B. R. Dorsey, President of<br />

Gulf Oil Corporation and this year's Chairman<br />

of the U.S. Industrial Payroll Savings<br />

Committee, says on this subject: "Business<br />

leaders should think of Savings Bonds not<br />

as an investment, but as a way of saving.<br />

For hourly workers, they are often the difference<br />

between saving something and saiing<br />

nothing!" Try it for a year. Get started by<br />

writing Director of Marketing, the Department<br />

of the Treasury, Savings Bonds Division,<br />

Wa.shington, D.C. 20226.<br />

Take Stock in America.<br />

US. Savings Bonds<br />

ft<br />

. The U S Govemmenl<br />

jL ^ It us prr^^ented asa put<br />

^rf- *i IVrxirimeotof iheTre<br />

K^®^<br />

ury and the Adwrtisinc <<br />

September 6, 1971<br />


. . . Topping<br />

. . "Villain"<br />


]^an.hall Fliim ot Kcni Theatres film buying<br />

and hooking deparlmcnl became a<br />

grandfather for the first time August 23<br />

when his son and daughter-in-law Mr. and<br />

Mrs. Larry Fling became the parents of a<br />

son.<br />

Fred Kenl. founder and board chairman<br />

of Kent Theatres, has been named chairman<br />

of the Florida Junior College Council,<br />

a state agency charged by the Legislature<br />

with advising the state community college<br />

division on the establishment and operation<br />

of public junior and community colleges.<br />

Patrons attending the downtown Florida<br />

on a recent Saturday night for a performance<br />

of "The Hunting Party" received a<br />

bonus of a second first-run western action<br />

film. "Doc." preesnted as a sneak preview<br />

the new films blossoming on<br />

first-run screens was the film version of<br />

Jacqueline Susann's best-selling novel. "The<br />

Love Machine." which set in for a multiple-week<br />

run at the suburban Regency<br />

Rocking-Chair Theatre was<br />

the big opener at Trans-Lux/Tnflight's Normandy<br />

Gold Theatre for Richard Burton<br />

fans and the George C. Scott admirers had<br />

"The Last Run" at Kent's St. Johns Rocking-Chair<br />

Theatre . . . ABC-Florida State<br />

Theatres played up the name of Steve<br />

McQueen for "On Any Sunday," which<br />

newspaper reviewer Charles Brock chose to<br />

remark that it "treats the bike riders as<br />

great men of the century, embued with the<br />

same mystical reverence director Bruce<br />

Brown showered on his surfers in The<br />

Endless Summer." "<br />

Wednesday (8) is sure to be a day for<br />




365 Park St. Jacksonville, Flo.<br />

WRITE-<br />

The Exhibitor Has His Say<br />

TO:<br />

BOXOFHCE. 82S Van Brunt Blvd.,<br />

Title<br />

Dayg oi Week Pltryed<br />

Exhibitor<br />

Kansas City, Mo. 64124<br />

nostalgic memories in the minds of thousands<br />

of local persons ranging from the very<br />

young to those among Jacksonville's oldest<br />

living citizens. That day will mark the<br />

closing performances for the red brick Imperial<br />

Theatre, a venerable landmark in<br />

the heart of the downtown area where Florida's<br />

tallest skyscraper is being built only a<br />

block away. The Imperial's night doorman.<br />

O. W. Prevatt, who is also a Jacksonville<br />

history buff, has a picture of the Imperial<br />

as its doors opened for the first time May<br />

20, 1911. 60 years and 3'/2 months ago. It<br />

is the city's only entertainment center left<br />

from that era. In the 1920s it was managed<br />

by Col. John Crovo, dean of Florida showmen,<br />

who has pictures of long lines stretching<br />

from the Imperial's boxoffice when it<br />

was a first-run house playing Hollywood's<br />

first talking pictures. Like many others afflicted<br />

with age, the Imperial had a slow<br />

decline and ended its career as a doublefeature<br />

house with the city's lowest admission<br />

price, 90 cents in the evening and an<br />

early bird price of 75 cents for the first<br />

hour in the afternoon.<br />

In addition<br />

to Colonel Crovo, among living<br />

managers of the storied old theatre are<br />

Art Castner, manager of the local Edgewood;<br />

Martha Gould, manager of the Colony,<br />

Winter Park; Herb Roller, a theatre<br />

executive in Lakeland; George Krevo, now<br />

in the paper business; Joe Charles, manager<br />

of the local Center; Clint Ezell, vice-president<br />

of Roy Smith Co.. local theatre suppliers;<br />

John Thomas, now connected with<br />

the city-owned Veterans Coliseum; Herb<br />

Ruffner, manager of the Plaza, Orlando;<br />

Iva Lowe, secretary to William S. Baskin<br />

jr.. local ABC-FST district supervisor, and<br />

Robert Cornwall, manager of the local<br />

San Marco.<br />

Ronald Teston. formerly of Ocala. became<br />

the Imperial's final manager who was<br />

assigned the tasks of closing it.<br />

Among the many who served as employees<br />

at the Imperial is former balcony<br />

usher Harvey Garland, now an ABC vicepresident,<br />

as well as president of ABC-Flor-<br />




Compony<br />

Theatre<br />

Weather..<br />

-Right Now<br />

ida Slate Theatres and who heads ABC<br />

operations in the states of Alabama. Georgia.<br />

North Carolina, Tennessee. Virginia.<br />

Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and Florida.<br />

Under his direction the Imperial is lo be<br />

demolished lo make wa\ for a needed auto<br />

parking facility.<br />

Only advance exhibitor screenings scheduled<br />

for the week by Warren Teal in the<br />

Preview Theatre were Avco Embassy's "My<br />

Name Is Trinity" and "Chrome and Hot<br />

Leather" from AlP.<br />

Two local film players, Rita Ballard and<br />

Bob Letizia. have starring roles in 'The<br />

DeLorca Curse." soon to be released. It<br />

was shot on location at St. Augustine.<br />

Art Castner, manager of ABC-FST's suburban<br />

Edgewood had a novel exploitation<br />

stunt going for his end-of-the-summcr screen<br />

attraction. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer."<br />

Art fitted out a large flat-bed truck<br />

with a small oak tree and shrubbery and a<br />

small boy lounging under the tree dressed in<br />

the 19lh Century knee pants, white shirt<br />

and torn straw hat to resemble Mark<br />

Twain's Tom Sawyer. The truck visited<br />

playgrounds and shopping centers in all<br />

parts of metropolitan Jacksonville. Banners<br />

on all sides of the truck proclaimed the<br />

name of the motion picture, its playdates<br />

and the name of the theatre.<br />

Surfside Tourist Board<br />

Sponsors Film Festival<br />

MIAMI — The Surfside Tourist Board<br />

kicked off its International Film Festival<br />

August 23 and carried on daily through<br />

August 27 with a free show for all residents,<br />

township guests and tourists.<br />

Christopher Robbie, New York critic and<br />

author, introduced each film at 7:30 p.m. at<br />

the Community Center Auditorium. Films<br />

shown in the series were "Codine,"" Peter<br />

Hall's adaptation of "A Midsummer Night's<br />

Dream," "Hunger" from Sweden, "Yanco"<br />

from Mexico and "To Be a Crook," a<br />

Claude Leiouch movie from France.<br />

Hyde Park Pixie to $1<br />

From New England Edition<br />

HYDE PARK, MASS.—The Nu Pixie<br />

Cinema has a new $1 admission policy in<br />

effect Mondays through Thursdays to bolster<br />

midweek attendance.<br />


I<br />

NO PRICE<br />


8 mm xl4- $48.95<br />

lOmm X 20 $83.05 llmm x 20 $94.60<br />

Le* ArtM Always Offers Foil Monty Bick<br />

If Not Satisfied.<br />

13.6mm x 18 $93.50<br />

We Pay Die Freight - 100 Lhs. or Hon<br />

Lee Artoe Girbon d. 1243 Belmont, Chicogo<br />

SE-6 BOXOFFICE :: September 6, 1971

I<br />

I<br />

—<br />

.<br />

Cobb Circuit Sixplex<br />

For Orlando Center<br />

ORLANDO, FLA.— R. C. Cobb, president<br />

of Cobb Theatres, and C"oy W. Jamer-<br />

after-dark strolling or going-out-to-themovies<br />

in the vicinity in many major cities<br />

son. owner of the Conway Shopping Center<br />

at Curry Ford Road and Conway Road, becomes even more hazardous.<br />

announced that construction will start soon<br />

on a six-theatre project to be known as<br />

Mcnirice Gusman Will Save<br />

Conway 6.<br />

Each of the six auditoriums will have 250 Miami Olympia for Public<br />

seats, giving the complex a total of 1,500 MIAMI Mjllion.iirc philanlhropist Maurice<br />

Gusman, who has just gifted the Uni-<br />

seats. The six will share a common lobby and<br />

each will have de luxe seating and decor. versity of Miami with more than $1 million<br />

for construction of a concert hall The latest automated projection equipment<br />

for<br />

will serve the complex. A division office is<br />

to be located in<br />

the new theatre building.<br />

Cobb Theatres, headquartered in Birmingham,<br />

Ala., owns and operates two other<br />

twin theatres in Orlando—the Pine Hills<br />

Twin and the Semoran Twin. John .Stines<br />

is the Cobb Florida division manager.<br />

Another Ist-Run Theatre<br />

Competitor Being Tested<br />

MIAMI—Now looms yet even another<br />

competitor to the first-run film theatre:<br />

movies piped into hotel and motel rooms<br />

for the price of a downtown show.<br />

George Bourke, writer for the Miami<br />

Herald, suggested that this new way of<br />

seeing a<br />

movie may be the answer for hotel<br />

or motel guests wary about strolling on city<br />

streets after dark. Under the new system,<br />

now being tested, the guest would simply<br />

call room service and ask for delivery of a<br />

feature movie to his room. It would'nt be<br />

one of the many-times seen films appearing<br />

on late TV but a current first-run picture,<br />

showing downtown for $3 a ticket. The<br />

hotel guest would charge the fee to his<br />

hotel bill with a possible benefit of a business<br />

tax deduction.<br />

Testing of the service is being carried out<br />

by Diplomat Hotels, Friedland-Food Fair<br />

supermarkets and Computer Television and<br />

Visual Information Systems (CT-VIS). Site<br />

of the pilot run is Newark's Gateway Downtowner<br />

Motor Inn, owned by Food Fair.<br />

For the test, says Bourke, three 20th Cen- -<br />

tury-Fox 1970 releases have been tran.s- ,_<br />

ferred to one-inch cartridge video tape for |<br />

per cent retained by the hotel management,<br />

.M)-40 per cent to the film distributor and<br />

the balance to CT-VI.S organizations, which<br />

would provide and service equipment.<br />

Bourkc said that promoters of the pilot<br />

project see large potential for the process as<br />

that institution's School of Music, is in the<br />

process of acquiring Miami's historic Olympia<br />

Theatre to preserve it for community<br />

Lucius Williams, chairman of the Downtown<br />

Development Authority, said Gusman<br />

has moved "far enough" in the course of<br />

his philanthropic activity to assure retention<br />

of the grand old movie palace, which had<br />

been threatened with demolition.<br />

The Olympia Theatre in downtown<br />

Miami, believed to be the first millon-dollar<br />

movie house in the nation when it was<br />

opened in 1925, will be dedicated to public<br />

use and the betterment of Miami, Williams<br />

said. Last July 20, Seymour Rubin, owner<br />

of the downtown building where popular<br />

movies are still being presented, applied to<br />

the city to permit use of the theatre site<br />

as a parking lot for the adjoining Olypia<br />

Office Building. This would have meant its<br />

demolition.<br />

DDA director Williams won a six-month<br />

delay from the city planning board and then<br />

set out to negotiate with Rubin to save the<br />

theatre. The Greater Miami Philharmonic<br />

displayed interest in a long-term lease.<br />

Williams has pointed out that arrangements<br />

aren't final in the Gusman plan lo<br />

save the Olympia but that its retention is<br />

assured and negotiations are proceeding.<br />

John Erman directed "Ace Eli and Rodger<br />

of the Skies" for 20th-Fox from Claudia<br />

Salter's<br />

screenplay.<br />

MIAMI<br />

The Golden Glade Twin Drive-In is converting<br />

from carbon arc lamps to xenon<br />

next week, according to Ben Schreiber, manager<br />

director. It will be the first drive-in in<br />

Florida to install this type of light source.<br />

John Wilkinson of Optical Radiation Corp.<br />

of Monrovia, Calif., is in Miami to supervise<br />

the installation<br />

for maximum efficiency.<br />

George Homstein, president of Joe Hornstein,<br />

Inc.. of New York, and his wife Annette<br />

are relaxing in Miami with his brother<br />

and sister-in-law Hal and Norcne. George<br />

and Ann came here from Dallas, Tex.,<br />

where he presided at a meeting as first<br />

president of TEA, the new organization of<br />

theatre equipment manufacturers and dealers.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Elefante are expecting<br />

their first child this December. Tom is district<br />

director for Loews Theatres in this<br />

area . . . Congratulations to Larry Fraley.<br />

who just recently was married.<br />

Womeico Happenings: Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Harvey Fleischman are in New York for<br />

his nephew's wedding . . . Marvin Reed and<br />

his wife are on vacation, visiting in the<br />

Atlanta and Spartanburg areas.<br />

FRESNO, CALIF.—Turning the first<br />

shovelful of dirt during ground-breaking<br />

ceremonies for a new theatre in the Fig<br />

Garden Shopping Center was Kathleen<br />

Funch, granddaughter of Mrs. Ellen Funch,<br />

owner of the center. Dr. Richard Sandor.<br />

a principal in the cinema enterprise, said<br />

the movie house will be a family-type<br />

theatre and offer two auditoriums with a<br />

common lobby.<br />

transmission over the motel's closed circuit I<br />

antenna system from a central player. At I<br />

the Gateway, 125 rooms of the 265 total<br />

have been equipped with the CT-VIS recep- !<br />

tion—with the occupant charged $3 or S4 •<br />

for each showing requested. Proceeds, ac- |<br />

cording to Bourke, are treated the same way<br />

|<br />

that boxoffice receipts are: a split, with 10 j<br />

[It's Positively Not Too Soon |<br />

,NoYf Before It's Too Late.<br />

I<br />

Start BOXOFFICE coming .<br />

D 1 year for $10 D 2 years for $17 (Save $3)<br />



These rates for U.S., Canada, Pon-Americo only. Other countries: $15 a yeor.<br />



NAME<br />


<strong>Boxoffice</strong> -THE national film weekly<br />

nS Von Brunt Blvd., Konnt Otr, Mo. 64124<br />

September 6, 1971

. . . The<br />

. . SELL<br />

. . BUY<br />


Qobby \Mlkinson, tornicrK ol Memphis and<br />

now assistant sales manager for Universal<br />

in New York, and his family are<br />

vacationing here for two weeks. Bobby is<br />

taking advantage of the leisure to visit many<br />

long-time friends in the film industry . . .<br />

Jack Braunagel. who operates Helena Enterprises<br />

theatres in Helena. Hope and<br />

West Memphis, Ark., was in town for<br />

several business engagements.<br />

Gene Boggs, Village Theatre in Little<br />

Rock, and W. L. Landers. Landers at Batesville.<br />

and his son Peyton were Memphis<br />

visitors several days . . . Thomas S. Shafer<br />

has leased the Valley Theatre at Water<br />

Valley. Miss., which he has been operating<br />

with a good deal of success . . . The Maury<br />

Theatre at Mount Pleasant, Tenn.. was reopened<br />

Thursday (2) for full-time operation<br />

Halls Theatre at Halls, turned on<br />

the lights again .Saturday (4).<br />

Watson Davis, advertising and promotions<br />

manager of Maico Theatres, enjoyed<br />

great success in personal appearances as<br />

"Sivad," a monster character, before live<br />

audiences in the Ripley and Holly Springs<br />

theatres. "Sivad" (Davis spelled backwards)<br />

appeared before the showing of a group of<br />

horror movies. Davis has appeared as<br />

"Sivad" on TV and Malco theatres and<br />

throughout the territory many times.<br />

Lois Boyd, Filmrow employee, is back at<br />

work after surgery . . . Frank Rule, United<br />

Artists executive, was a visitor at the Memphis<br />

exchange. He's branch manager for<br />

the company in New Orleans.<br />

WOMPIs turned their August meeting<br />

into an outdoor picnic at Audubon Park in<br />

THE<br />

ARE<br />

ODDS<br />

You'll get<br />

fhe job done<br />

through<br />



HOUSE<br />

When you wont to<br />


DONE . . . . .<br />


Memphis, with president Billy Long in<br />

charge . . Mrs. Billy Sanders, Holly<br />

.<br />

Springs. Miss., who is seriously was<br />

ill,<br />

sent many cards and received many get-well<br />

calls from WOMPI friends during the long<br />

month.<br />

Filmrow vacationers: Genevieve Lovell<br />

took a motor trip to Ames. Iowa. When she<br />

returned home, Mrs. J. J. O'Brien, Genevieve's<br />

sister, and her family came to Memphis<br />

for a visit. Ruth Slaton had a vacation<br />

at Ken-Lake Hotel on Kentucky Lake.<br />


J^ita >ernaci. who has been hospitalized<br />

after a light heart attack, is progressing<br />

nicely and expects to be home soon. Rita<br />

is president of Ladies of Variety.<br />

Several Filmrow staffers attended the<br />

New Orleans showing of "Hair." Jean Dolan<br />

of Blue Ribbon Pictures was there with her<br />

husband Jack, her mother-in-law and grandmother-in-law.<br />

Irene Gvillo and several Gulf<br />

.Staters attended the Sunday night showing.<br />

Several new pictures opened in the downtown<br />

area: "Ginger," Cine Royale: "The<br />

Omega Man," Loews' State: "The Red<br />

Tent," Saenger Orleans, and "The Hellstrcm<br />

Chronicle," Saenger Orleans. New in the<br />

suburbs were "On Any Sunday," Lakeside<br />

and Oakwood Cinema I, and "Scandalous<br />

John" at the Lakeside Cinema, Oakwood<br />

Cinema II and the Kenilworth.<br />

Octave DesForges, formerly manager of<br />

the Kenilv/orth Cinema, is now associated<br />

with the Robert E. Lee Theatre and, with<br />

his experience in the motion picture industry,<br />

should prove a great asset.<br />

Obscene Film Charges Are<br />

Filed in Vivian, La.<br />

VIVIAN, LA.—Doors of the Wake a<br />

Movie Theatre were padlocked by police<br />

chief Harmon Idom August 11 and two<br />

Jefferson, Tex., men were charged with<br />

showing obscene films at the theatre.<br />

Charged were Stewart Goodwin, manager,<br />

and Lester Sabo, owner. In the audi-<br />

^^^<br />

spatial Koal»d xcr*«n . . .<br />

^^^<br />

ence at the time Idom made the arrests<br />

were 21 persons, including two juveniles.<br />

Obscenity as a crime is defined under<br />

Article 68 of the Model Municipal Criminal<br />

Code adopted by the Vivian city council<br />

in 1969.<br />

Goodwin and Sabo were released on $100<br />

bonds and the theatre was reopened the<br />

next night.<br />

JL Cinema for Manchester<br />

From New England Edition<br />

MANCHESTER, CONN. — Builder-developer<br />

Alexander Jarvis has announced<br />

plans for construction of a 300-seat Jerry<br />

Lewis cinema on the west end of the existing<br />

small shopping complex off Plaza Drive.<br />

Cost was not disclosed.<br />

General Cinema Plans<br />

3 Buffalo Area Duos<br />

BUFFALO—General Cinema Corp. will<br />

build at least three twin theatres in suburbs<br />

of this city in the next two years, according<br />

to Seymour H. Evans, director of public<br />

relations, who declares his corporation plans<br />

to construct theatres in the Eastern Hills<br />

Shopping Mall on Transit Road, between<br />

Sheridan Drive and Main Street in Clarence;<br />

the Thruway Plaza on Harlem Road at<br />

Walden Avenue in Cheektowaga, and in<br />

Wheatficld Plaza, William Road, between<br />

Niagara Falls Boulevard and River Road,<br />

town of Wheatfield.<br />

General Cinema, according to Evans, also<br />

is considering construction of another twin<br />

near its Boulevard Mall cinemas at Maple<br />

Road and Alberta Drive in Amherst.<br />

Each new house will seat 500 and 600 in<br />

the respective screening areas. Projection<br />

will be automated and construction style will<br />

be similar to that of Boulevard Mall cinemas,<br />

featuring a shared lobby and concession<br />

lobby between the two auditoriums,<br />

high-fidelity sound equipment, air-conditioning<br />

and picture-window screens.<br />

Eastern Hills Cinema I and II will open<br />

about Thanksgiving, the houses on the Thruway<br />

Plaza will open sometime in 1972 and<br />

the Wheatfield theatres in '73.<br />

Architect for all theatres is William Riseman<br />

& Associates of Boston. The contractor<br />

for the Eastern Hills twin is DeBartolo of<br />

Ohio.<br />

The General Cinema film booking policy<br />

is to avoid X-rated movies, unless they have<br />

"artistic or social value." Evans noted. The<br />

additional theatres in the Buffalo area will<br />

enable General Cinema to play the same<br />

film in several different houses and the total<br />

number of first-run films the corporation<br />

books for the area will increase.<br />


£ Technikote £<br />

:=; " SCREENS s;<br />

^ NEW ''JET WHITE" ^<br />

l^^ond XR*l7l pvorleicanr, aati-ilotic icf n ^^|N<br />

^i0^//////m\\\\\>gc^<br />

TECHNIKOTE CORP. 63 SMbring St.,<br />

aLOHai<br />

t'\<br />

THE<br />


EXHIBITORS! . i^T "rw<br />

IN HONOLULU . .<br />

BIKMA<br />

BEST ON<br />

^^^^-<br />


BEACH!<br />

(Call your Travel Agent)<br />

SE-8 BOXOFHCE :: September 6, 1971

I<br />

Only 132 May Enter<br />

Variety Golf Meet<br />

DALLAS—Only K^2 slots are available<br />

for entries in the annual Variety Club golf<br />

tournament, which will be played Monday<br />

(27) at the Glen Lakes Country Club.<br />

Deadline for entries is Thursday (23).<br />

Entries should be mailed to the Variety<br />

Club Office, Suite 206, 1710 Jackson St.,<br />

Dallas 75201. The $30 golf ticket includes<br />

green fee, golf cart, buffet lunch and banquet<br />

ticket for two. An entrant's golf handicap<br />

should be listed on the ticket order<br />

blank (which may be secured from the<br />

Variety office at the above address). Also<br />

if an entrant has a preference to play in a<br />

certain foursome, he should list the names<br />

of the group members on his ticket order.<br />

E.xtra banquet tickets are available for<br />

$7.50 and extra buffet lunch tickets can be<br />

purchased for $3.50.<br />

Schedule for the tournament, which annually<br />

raises money to aid Tent 17's charity<br />

projects, starts Sunday (26) with cocktails<br />

at 6:30 p.m. at the Glen Lakes Country<br />

Club, followed by a Calcutta at 7 o'clock.<br />

Monday's events start at 7 a.m., when<br />

breakfast will be available for golf tournament<br />

entrants at the country club's Grille.<br />

At 8 entrants sign in with the starter and<br />

at 8:30 a shotgun start opens competition<br />

on the tees, fairways and greens (hopefully<br />

not in the bunkers, rough and lake). Everyone<br />

takes a break at 1 p.m. for a buffet<br />

lunch in the country club's dining room<br />

before the 2 o'clock deadline for posting<br />

final scores in the club's Pro Shop.<br />

Music and dancing at 7 p.m. will open<br />

activities at the Holiday Inn Central, where<br />

a buffet dinner will be served at 8 and<br />

trophies presented to the golf winners at<br />

9:30.<br />

Two Dallas Men Complete<br />

Nigerian-Biafran Film<br />

DALLAS—"Yellow Bar," a film about<br />

airlift pilots in the Nigerian-Biafran War,<br />

has been completed by Jerry Hubbard,<br />

business manager of Hudson-Midttun Productions,<br />

and Jim Hudson jr., freelance<br />

writer now residing in Mallorca, Spain.<br />

Hubbard and Hudson were classmates at<br />

High Park High School in Dallas and again<br />

at Southern Methodist University. Both are<br />

33 years old.<br />

The idea for the film began to develop<br />

in Norway, strangely enough. That was<br />

where Hudson, on an assignment to write<br />

a magazine article about Norwegian TV,<br />

met Knut Midttun. who had made more<br />

than 50 documentaries for television.<br />

Midttun told Hudson about his three recent<br />

assignments to Biafra and about experiences<br />

of the airlift pilots. Hudson then wrote the<br />

script that became the basis for "Yellow<br />

Bar."<br />

Most of the picture was filmed on Mallorca,<br />

where Hudson has a home, by Norweigian<br />

TV technical crews who took their<br />

work vacations en masse and went to the<br />

Spanish island on two-week excursion<br />

tickets. However, in the film three real<br />

Biafran airlift pilots—Bat Masterson, Peter<br />

Knox of Canada and Tor VVilman of Norway—<br />

play themselves. Prolog and epilog<br />

scenes for the film were made in Dallas,<br />

Knox coming here for footage shot in the<br />

Southwest Airmotive Restaurant and at<br />

Carter Field.<br />

The entire picture was made for less than<br />

$200,000. according to Francis Raffetto,<br />

Dallas Morning News entertainment writer,<br />

who interviewed Hubbard and his partner.<br />

Currently, the film is being edited and<br />

blown up from 16mm to 35mm for commercial<br />

bookings. Hubbard and Hudson<br />

have their sights set on future productions<br />

but, being practical, they told Raffetto they<br />

want to sell "Yellow Bar" before going for<br />

No. 2.<br />

Seniors-at-Childrens<br />

Prices Being Tested<br />

HOUSTON—Tecar Theatres is trying an<br />

experiment with senior citizens. Seniors (62<br />

and older) will be admitted throughout the<br />

circuit that operates 14 screens in Houston,<br />

two each in Baytown and La Porte, at children's<br />

prices.<br />

Foy Meyrick of Tercar said the price<br />

will apply to all pictures which have a children's<br />

price but not to one-price roadshows.<br />

Identification is through a Medicare card or<br />

a Texas Council of Senior Citizens identification<br />

card.<br />

Al Lieberman, executive director of the<br />

Texas Council of Senior Citizens said that<br />

he believes that movie theatres can expect<br />

more matinee business if seniors arc given<br />

consideration for special bus fares.<br />

Loews' Theatres also continues to grant<br />

special prices to senior citizens (60 and<br />

older) in its State and Delman. A special<br />

card is issued free, good in Loews' theatres<br />

throughout the country.<br />

Addicts Urge SA Children<br />

To Learn From 'Panic'<br />

SAN ANTONIO — The following<br />

item,<br />

"Local Addicts Praise Current Drug Film,"<br />

appeared in "Offbeat" the Sam Kindrick<br />

column that appears daily in the San Antonio<br />

Express:<br />

"This isn't an attempt to review a movie<br />

but local heroin addicts were flocking to<br />

that flick at the Olmos Theatre titled "Panic<br />

In Needle Park."<br />

"And the guys who pack the heavy monkey<br />

on their backs give the film top-flight<br />

rating.<br />

"It's really unusual for the junkies to say<br />

anything nice about an addict film for they<br />

are apt to pooh-pooh one as HoUywoodish<br />

thimblerigging, produced and directed and<br />

acted by people who wouldn't know a pump<br />

from a finger stall.<br />

"Here's what one addict had to say about<br />

the film! "Man. Tve been there and I know<br />

what it"s like to wake up in the morning<br />

and go looking for the Chinaman. This<br />

movie really tells it like it is and every<br />

parent in San Antonio should take the kids<br />

to see the film." "'<br />

2nd U.S.A. Festival<br />

To Honor Frank Capra<br />

DALLAS 1<br />

he second U.S.A. Film<br />

Festival, to be held here in .March, will<br />

salute Frank Capra, 75, now retired from<br />

filmmaking. And the famous director has<br />

chosen the films to be shown at the festival<br />

as representative of his talent. He also has<br />

accepted an invitation to make personal appearances<br />

at the retrospective.<br />

To open the festival at the Bob Hope<br />

Theatre on the Southern Methodist University<br />

campus, Capra has chosen his Clark<br />

Gable-Claudette Colbert comedy, "It Happened<br />

One Night," a winner of five<br />

Academy Awards in 1934.<br />

Also listed by Capra with L. M. "Kit"<br />

Carson, co-director of the festival, are "Mr.<br />

Deeds Goes to Town" (1936), "Lost Horizon"<br />

(1937), "You Can't Take It With<br />

You" (1938). "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington"<br />

(1939) and "Meet John Doe"<br />

(1944).<br />

With 1972 to be a year for another Presidential<br />

it<br />

election. Carson said would be<br />

most appropriate to honor Capra, whose<br />

major films in the 1934-1947 period could<br />

be classed as social conscious, protest features.<br />

Dates for the next U.S.A. Film Festival<br />

will be March 19-25. Entry deadline for<br />

the new film division has been set as February<br />

1. A panel of critics, yet to be announced,<br />

will view entries from February 6<br />

through February 15 to choose features for<br />

the festival showings.<br />

Valenti. Smith Address<br />

Texas Film Commission<br />

AUSTIN—Jack Valcnti. president of the<br />

Motion Picture Producers Assn. addressed<br />

the first meeting of the new Texas Film<br />

Commission here Thursday (2).<br />

Gov. Preston Smith, who named the commission,<br />

delivered the keynote address.<br />

The 41-member agency is charged with<br />

developing a film production industry in<br />

Texas. Smith said its work already has<br />

brought a number of production companies<br />

to Te.xas and the film industry will eventually<br />

contribute millions of dollars a year<br />

to the Texas economy and stimulate the<br />

cultural-educational climate.<br />

Smith addressed the opening 10 a.m. session<br />

in the Sheraton Crest Hotel here. Warren<br />

Skaaren, commission executive director.<br />

spoke at a luncheon.<br />

Activities of seven working committees<br />

were discussed during the afternoon and<br />

members attended a special screening of<br />

the picture "Giant. " which was filmed mainly<br />

in Texas several years ago.<br />

u" ATToe refi'ectors<br />

l"<br />

SIIVEB j^SS<br />

$ 2750<br />

4500<br />

BOXOFnCE :: September 6. 1971 SW-1

DALLAS<br />

Q,ordi>ii McLciidon ol Mcl.cndon Theatres LIsie Parish. Barbara Baggcti. Estelle Redd,<br />

Pat Howard. Juanita White. Linda White<br />

Fcti Tuesday. August 24, to spend a<br />

couple of weeks in the company of his longtime<br />

friend actor John Wayne on a Pacific<br />

and Betty Owen. This is an industry service<br />

project of the WOMPl Club. Members are<br />

cruise aboard Waynes yacht. Named the ready to do what they can to assist theatres<br />

Golden Goose. Wayne's vacht is a converted in such instances and would appreciate<br />

minesweeper.<br />

WOMPIs will be manning telephones for<br />

other opportunities to be of .service.<br />

Rex Hudson should be back on the job<br />

the Jerry Lewis Muscular Dystrophy Telethon<br />

again on the Labor Day weekend.<br />

Members to participate in this activity are:<br />

Estelle Redd. LaVerne Gordon. Juanita<br />

White. Linda White. Mable Guinan. Farris<br />

Taylor. Betty Owen. Pat Howard. Thelma<br />

Jo Bailey. Judy Wise and Bertha Brennan.<br />

at Associated Popcorn Distributors within<br />

six or eight weeks, according to his doctor.<br />

Weanwhile, Rex continues his recuperation<br />

at his home. 9855 Kingsman, Dallas, 75228.<br />

Esther Covington, MGM contract clerk<br />

and Dallas WOMPI, is back at the home of<br />

L'nUed Artists Theatre Circuit's Cine 150<br />

Dallas is showing "The Love Machine"<br />

her sister Virginia Surels in<br />

Her<br />

Hurst to continue<br />

there is<br />

her recuperation. address in<br />

and patrons are being given a small bottle 632 Plainview Ct., Hurst. Tex. 76053. She<br />

of Faberge perfume. WOMPIs assisting the is most appreciative of the many messages<br />

UA Cine 150 management in the presentation<br />

industry friends have sent via cards, letters<br />

of the gifts were: LaVerne Gordon, and phone<br />

calls.<br />

Sawyer, Thatcher Contest<br />

Brings Out Look-Alikes<br />

DALLAS — "They were .ill so good, it<br />

was hard to pick winners," declared a judge<br />

in a Lakewood Theatre contest to pick<br />

look-alikes for Tom Sawyer and Becky<br />

Thatcher in connection with the showing<br />

of "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer."<br />

The competition took place around noon.<br />

Saturday, August 28, and resulted in victory<br />

for Edward Gratz, 9, son of Mrs. Betty<br />

Jane Gratz, 6556 Lange Circle, and Dixie<br />

Rotenberry, 8, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Davie Rotenberry, 10171 Estate Lane.<br />

Runners-up were Rob Porter, 11, son of<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Porter, 13814 .Stonemo.ss,<br />

and Judy Oliver, 1 1, daughter of Mrs.<br />

Fred Oliver. 6572 Kinwood.<br />

Edward won a six-month pass to Lakewood;<br />

Becky won a six-month pass to the<br />

theatre<br />

and a wink from Tom (Edward) to<br />

boot. Both got their pictures in the Dallas<br />

Times Herald.<br />

"We wanted to see if the kids could associate<br />

themselves with one of the great adventure<br />

stories of the past," Bob Narowitz.<br />

Lakewood manager, told Ot Hampton, a<br />

Times Herald staff writer. "We asked them<br />

to dress up like Tom and Becky and let us<br />

judge their originality."<br />

Judges for the contest, limited to boys<br />

and girls 9 to 15, were Larry Ellis of WRR;<br />

Pam Scrape of Mulberry Square Productions<br />

and Joy Wi.se of the Professional<br />

Talent Agency.<br />

Freeport Showboat Closed<br />

FREEPORT, TEX.—The Showboat Theatre<br />

has been closed and will not be reopened.<br />

The Showboat was last operated<br />

as a unit of LCL Theatres of Bay City.<br />


Now Available<br />

WESTREX Projectors,<br />

Soundheads, Amplifiers<br />

Xenon Lamps and Arc Lamps— Hurley<br />

produced<br />

by<br />

Carlos<br />

Tobalina<br />


500 S. Ervay, Suite 603A Dallas, Texas 75201<br />

(214) 744-3165<br />

Screen—Drive In Speakers—Amplifiers<br />

Diamond Carbons<br />

Pinksfon Sales & Service Inc.<br />

Formerly Lou Walters Soles & Service Inc.<br />

4207 Lownview Ave. Dallas, Texas 75227<br />

Phone Area Code 214-388-1550<br />

"Go Modern.. .For All Your<br />


Theatre Needs"<br />

^<br />

%%^^/fiot/e^n<br />



S«fl>lia €> Strike"<br />


19« M»>4» «l

. . Rhythm<br />

New Johnson City Mall<br />

Has Had a Good Summer<br />

From Southeastern Edition<br />

JOHNSON CITY, TENN.—Businesses<br />

It's a de luxe situation—rocking-chair<br />

seats, UltraVision projection and a completely<br />

draped auditorium.<br />

The theatre is managed by Bill Kyle and<br />

his assistant Cary Fulwider, both working<br />

under the supervision of managing director<br />

Guy McDowell. Kyte, who has three years<br />

experience with the Majestic, also is<br />

managing the Majestic. He's a 1964 graduate<br />

of Science Hill School and recently<br />

completed four years in the U.S. Air Force.<br />

He's now a student, majoring in management.<br />

He and his wife Martha and their<br />

son. 3. live at Ramblewood Trailer Park.<br />

Comes Theatre Reopened<br />

In Breckenridge, Tex.<br />

FARMHRSVILLE, TEX.—Dark nearly<br />

two years, the Cornes Theatre was relighted<br />

August 26 under the name of Cornes Playhouse.<br />

The theatre has been leased from Mrs.<br />

R. F. Cornes by Don Newby, who moved<br />

here from Fort Worth and has placed the<br />

reopened situation on a seven days a week<br />

basis. Newby has had experience in exhibition<br />

in Fort Worth. Austin and Houston<br />

and told the Farmersville Times that he<br />

will do everything he can to "serve the<br />

community with the best family films."<br />

The Cornes Playhouse opens at 6 p.m. on<br />

weekdays and shows continue until midnight.<br />

On Saturday and Sunday, the theatre<br />

opens at noon. It runs a kiddies show from<br />

noon until 5 p.m. each Saturday and a midnight<br />

show each Saturday night. Regular<br />

prices are $1 for adults and 35 cents for<br />

children under 12.<br />

Howard J. Johnson Named<br />

Meagher General Manager<br />

IRVING, TEX.—Jerry Meagher, president<br />

of Meagher Theatres, announced the<br />

appointment of Howard J. Johnson as circuit<br />

general manager.<br />

Johnson, having been associated for years<br />

with independent circuits, assumes this new<br />

position with a well-rounded knowledge of<br />

theatre business. Among the circuits with<br />

which he has been associated are Claude<br />

Ezell Theatres, McLendon Theatres and<br />

Commonwealth Theatres, He recently retired<br />

from the motel and restaurant business.<br />

John.son also is well-known in this area<br />

for his civic activities as he has long been<br />

active in the Masons. Lions' Club and Hella<br />

Shrine.<br />


Q,eorge Hamilton may come to Houston<br />

on a promotional visit on behalf of<br />

his latest film, "Evel Knievel," when it<br />

opens at the McLendon Theatres Saturday<br />

in the Mall Shopping Center now total 31,<br />

with the opening of Britts Department<br />

Store. Among businesses successfully making<br />

debuts in the Mall this year is Mall Theatre,<br />

(18). Some portions of the film were shot<br />

operated by ABC Southeastern The-<br />

at the Astrodome . and blues<br />

atres. The Mall debut occurred in late June singer Isaac Hayes is scheduled to appear<br />

and the theatre has had excellent attendance in concert at the Hofheinz Pavilion Friday<br />

throughout the following weeks.<br />

(10), sponsored by radio station KCOH and<br />

R. J. Rausaw. Hayes is the voice and the<br />

composer of the theme song of the film<br />

"Shaft," which recently closed a long run<br />

at the Majestic Theatre.<br />

Richard Thomas, co-star of "The Todd<br />

Killings" was in on a promotional visit to<br />

discuss the film. It opens at the Majestic.<br />

McLendon Triple, Gulf-Way, Post Oak and<br />

Shepherd Drive-In theatres ... In conjunction<br />

with the return of David O. Selznich's<br />

original version of "Tom Sawyer." all Sage<br />

stores will hold fence painting contests at<br />

4 p.m. today (6). The film opens a sevenday<br />

run Thursday (9) at the North Shore,<br />

Parkview. Clear Lake and Alabama theatres.<br />

Tercar Theatres will go on a nights-only<br />

schedule (the circuit has 14 screens in Houston),<br />

starting Monday, except for the Gaylynn<br />

and Gaylynn Terrace, which will continue<br />

to have matinees. "Walkabout" replaces<br />

"Fortune and Men's Eyes" Friday at<br />

the Gaylynn. It stars Australian aborigine<br />

David Gumpilil . . . Bob Hope has asked<br />

Vic Damone to appear with him here in<br />

February at the annual St. Joseph Hospital<br />

show. Damone. currently at the Riviera in<br />

Las Vegas, has an altar date with Houston's<br />

Becky Jones.<br />

Guggenheim has taken over the 620-seat<br />

Don Gordon Theatre in the east end. Guggenheim<br />

operates the Broadway Cinema and<br />

the Yale for Cinema Arts Theatres. The<br />

Yale, although it has had a very good year<br />

at the boxoffice, will close at the year's end.<br />

The adjacent bank is taking over the property.<br />

Tercar Theatres will put a triplex theatre,<br />

with a 1,200 seat capacity, in a basement<br />

location at Allen Center. A 4.000-car<br />

Tercar drive-in is projected for Westheimer.<br />

OUR CUSTOMERS'^^^^^^^'^'^<br />

appreciate rhe some day delivery of<br />

ortiers. Only a tremendous stock can<br />

assure this service."<br />

"Your Complett Equipmvit Hetat"<br />


628 W«t Grand OkMiMiM CKy<br />

scheduled for near-<br />

A new indoor theatre is<br />

by Baytown.<br />

New on Houston marquees: "Wild<br />

Child," Park III; "Unman. Wittering and<br />

Zigo." Windsor; "The Red Tent," Memorial;<br />

"Act of the Heart," also Park III, and "The<br />

Hunting Party," Loews' State. Memorial and<br />

the Telephone Road Drive-In.<br />

Houston Tower Will Have<br />

'Fiddler' in December<br />

HOU.STON—Conrad Brady, ABC interstate<br />

1 heatres division manager, and H. M.<br />

"Addie" Addison. United Artists official in<br />

New Orleans, have announced that Houston<br />

will be one of the first cities to see the<br />

film version of "Fiddler on the Roof."<br />

It will have its world premiere November<br />

3 in both Los Angeles and New York, then<br />

open a roadshow engagement at 28 cities<br />

across the country December 14. It will be<br />

seen at the Tower Theatre in Houston and<br />

will not be seen at any other theatre in the<br />

city until April 1972.<br />

James R. Velda. vice-president of United<br />

Artists, selected Houston as one of the prime<br />

cities to show the musical.<br />

Houston DeLuxe Refitted<br />

As Exhibition Gallery<br />

HOUSTON — Ihe Deluxe Fheatre.<br />

which had been shuttered, has been renovated<br />

for the exhibition of a different kind<br />

of picture. Work began on renovating the<br />

old theatre early in August. The theatre is<br />

located in a low income family area.<br />

The theatre will reopen for the exhibition<br />

of 40 paintings, sculptures and watercolors.<br />

Artist Peter Braley, associate director of the<br />

Perls Galleries in New York, assembled the<br />

show sponsored by the Menil Foundation.<br />


iAsk You<br />

HURLEY<br />

U Sarah Drir

. . . "The<br />


Tolin Rust, movie star and internationally<br />

known art critic, served as auctioneer<br />

at the Pharmacy Ass'n art auction Sunday.<br />

August 29. at the Bexar Couniy Medical<br />

Library.<br />

Maurice Bralia, owner of the Alameda,<br />

leatro Nacional and the Aztec-.^. was elected<br />

to the board of directors of the Festival<br />

San Jacinto Ass"n. which annually sponsors<br />

the Fiesta Flambeau night parade climaxing<br />

Fiesta San Antonio each April. Braha was<br />

pictured in the local dailies meeting film<br />

stars Norma l.azareno and Rogelio Guerro.<br />

Toniniy Reynolds, manager of the Cinematex<br />

in Colonies North Mail, is presenting<br />

the original, uncut version of "King Kong."<br />

the grandaddy of all monster movies. Reynolds<br />

announced a revised price policy for<br />

week nights only: $1.50 for adults. $1 for<br />

students and 75 cents for children. The bill<br />

also included "World of Abbott and Costello"<br />

on the Screen Classics program.<br />

J. B. Wallace, city manager for Gulf<br />

States Theatres, and his wife Marge were<br />

honored with a champagne party on the occasion<br />

of their 25th wedding anniversary.<br />

The party was given by their children—Mrs.<br />

Jim (Maureen) Cavin. J. H. (wife Clair).<br />

Dave (assistant manager. General Cinema),<br />

Erwin and Shelley Wallace—and a group<br />

of friends. Also attending were the four<br />



aioHai<br />


IN HONOLULU . .<br />


BEACH!<br />

(Call your Travel Agent)<br />

Wallace grandchildren—Glenn and Amu<br />

Cavin. Ann-Marie and Janis Wallace. An<br />

anniversary trip is planned by Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Wallace for a later date.<br />

New marquee titles: "Fortune and Mens<br />

Eyes." Azlec-3; "On Any Sunday." North<br />

Star Cinema II; "The Hellstrom Chronicle."<br />

Broadway; "Friends." Olmos; "The Summertree."<br />

North Star Cinema I; "Soul to<br />

Soul." "If He Hollers. Let Him Go." Majestic;<br />

"The Horseman." Century .South and<br />

Fox Twin No. 1; "Quinto Patio" and "Sindicato<br />

de Brogas." Alameda.<br />




915 S. Alamo St.<br />

San Antonio, Texas 78205<br />


"Chico Ramos." the current attraction<br />

co-stars of Phyllis Diller, who has appeared in several<br />

Motion Pictures, appearing in person<br />

the Alameda. The stars appeared<br />

at<br />

is<br />

at the theatre Friday. August 27. through<br />

at several Texas military bases, includ-<br />

Sunday presenting three stage appearances<br />

ing those in this area, through Sunday (12)<br />

Stewardesses" opened a return engagement<br />

e.ich liay and giving their fans free photos<br />

and autographs.<br />

at the suburban Josephine<br />

Theatre<br />

and capacity crowds have been attending.<br />

Arnold Priest, newly named manager<br />

at the theatre, has had to open the auxiliary<br />

parking lot to handle cars of the overflow<br />

patronage.<br />

Texas Theatre Supply has been appointed<br />

Laserlite Carbon dealer for this area. "We<br />

would like for all exhibitors who have not<br />

tried this carbon to write to us." said E. G.<br />

Olivarri jr.. "or drop in and pick up some<br />

samples of this fantastic carbon of the future."<br />

Manager Frank Whisenant<br />

In Will Rogers Hospital<br />

SAN ANTONIO — Frank Whisenant.<br />

manager of the Fredericksburg Road Theatre<br />

since 1951. is a patient at the Will<br />

Rogers Memorial Hospital at Saranac Lake.<br />

N.Y. Mrs. Whisenant told <strong>Boxoffice</strong> that<br />

her husband expects to remain at the hospital<br />

for two months and that he would appreciate<br />

hearing from his theatre industry<br />

friends.<br />

Whisenant really is in his second term as<br />

manager of the Fredericksburg Road Theatre.<br />

He first was assigned to the theatre<br />

in 1948. served there one year, then was<br />

sent to the Surf Theatre in Port Arthur for<br />

two years. He then returned to San Antonio<br />

and the Federicksburg Road situation.<br />

During his absence, Bill Stanley is acting<br />

as temporary manager.<br />

Two Theatres Being Built<br />

In Beaumont Shop Center<br />

BEAUMONT, TEX. — As the<br />

Gateway<br />

Shopping City celebrated its 14th anniversary<br />

last month, two additions were under<br />

construction — one a twin indoor theatre<br />

and the other an ice cream shop.<br />

A drawing of the two theatres by architect<br />

Milton Bell appeared in the Beaumont<br />

Enterprise in connection with a story marking<br />

the anniversary celebration. The theatres<br />

are to be known as Cinema I and Cinema<br />

II and will have a combined seating capacity<br />

of 1,040 patrons.<br />

The Gateway Shopping Center was this<br />

area's first regional commercial center. As<br />

It observed its 14th anniversary, it had twice<br />

as many stores and service establishments as<br />

when it was opened in 1957 and Dick Mc-<br />

Adoo. manager of the center, said this year<br />

is exceeding last year (the center's record<br />

full year) busines.swise.<br />

No More X Film Bookings<br />

For Breckenridge Regal<br />

HRIX KHNRIDCiH. 1 H.\.— X-ralcd films<br />

are oul as far as the Regal Theatre is concerned.<br />

Joe Mohesky. operator of the Regal,<br />

voluntarily agreed to discontinue showing<br />

X films after C. J. Eden. Stephens County<br />

attorney, filed an injunction suit to halt<br />

such showings.<br />

Mohesky said he never intended for anyone<br />

under 18 to be admitted to the show but<br />

Eden, in seeking the injunction, claimed<br />

that when he attended a showing of "Country<br />

Girl" at the Regal—a film he declared<br />

was obscene—there were several persons<br />

under 18 in the audience.<br />

Tuesday Night Film Shows<br />

At Apartments in Houston<br />

HOUSTON— It's 'Tuesday Night at the<br />

Movies" at the Creole Apartments here,<br />

featuring campy, old classic and just plain<br />

corny films for the benefit of the residents<br />

of the apartment house complex, mainly<br />

young business and professional men and<br />

women in their 20s and 30s. with singles<br />

predominating.<br />

Among the films that have been shown<br />

in recent weeks are "Dracula." the original<br />

"Frankenstein" and "My Little Chickadee."<br />

Actor Dean Martin Booked<br />

For 5 Texas Appearances<br />

FORT WORTH—Hollywood star Dean<br />

Martin has been scheduled to appear in<br />

person October 3 at the Tarrant County<br />

Convention Center Arena, presented by Gil<br />

Davis Enterprises.<br />

Martin is booked for five one-night appearances<br />

throughout the state, with his<br />

opening October 2 scheduled for Houston.<br />

Other dates are yet to be confirmed.<br />

Free Tickets in Denton<br />

DENTON. TEX.—The first 100 visitors<br />

Sunday, August 15, at Loma Del Rey, this<br />

city's newest apartment complex, were given<br />

free tickets to the Campus and Cinema theatres.<br />

Loma Del Rey, recently completed,<br />

has apartments open to students, couples<br />

and families with children. Pets also are<br />

allowed.<br />

's Positively Not Too Soon<br />

Jow Before It's Too Late.<br />

SW-4 BOXOFFICE :: September 6, 1971

Mill Gily Films Lose<br />

To Annual Slale Fair<br />

MINNEAPOLIS — This area's sluggish<br />

summer came to an unhappy end with local<br />

grosses being battered badly by the annual<br />

Minnesota State Fair, which kicked off its<br />

ten-day run with a record-breaking Saturday,<br />

August 28. and Sunday, August 29,<br />

draining off more than 150,000 entertainment<br />

seekers each day. Three new pictures<br />

blossomed at this inopportune time, "Doc"<br />

heading up the trio with a quite strong 175<br />

at the State Theatre. An impressive TV<br />

campaign accompanied the bow.<br />

(Average Is 100)<br />

Academy— Klute (WB), 8th wk 150<br />

Campus— Goin' Down the Rood (SR) 90<br />

Cinema II—Peter Rabbit ond Tolcs of<br />

Beatrix Potter (MGM), 2nd wk 200<br />

Cooper Cineroma—Who Is Harry Kellcrmon?<br />

(NGP), 3rd wk 200<br />

Gopher—Summer of '42 (WB), llth wk 100<br />

Mann— Billy Jack (WB), 17fh wk 130<br />

Orpheum—The Love Machine (Col), 2nd wk 100<br />

St. Louis Pork— Fools' Parade (Col) 100<br />

State— Doe (U A) 175<br />

World—Cornol Knowledge (Emb), 8th wk 170<br />

Frank L. Kreznar Awarded<br />

A Silver Medal by PSA<br />

MILWAUKEE — Filmmaker Frank L.<br />

Kreznar. 6451 North 52nd St., had a date<br />

in Toronto, Canada, during the four-day<br />

meeting of the Photographic Society of<br />

America, starting August 30, to receive a<br />

silver medal for his film "Apple Sculpture."<br />

Krezmar's film and nine others, which won<br />

prizes in the International Film Competition,<br />

were shown.<br />

A long-time member of the Milwaukee<br />

Movie Makers Club, Kreznar also took the<br />

bcst-film-of-the-year award at a recent meeting<br />

of the Chicago Area Camera Club Ass'n<br />

tor his 32-minute movie entitled "Galungan<br />

Holiday." His travel picture "Bali," made<br />

when he and his wife visited the South Pacific,<br />

will be shown in October at a dinner<br />

party of the Seven Arts Society of Milwaukee.<br />

He presently is editing a movie, the<br />

product of various trips he has made traveling<br />

in the western half of the U.S., for<br />

showing in November at the Milwaukee<br />

Public Museum.<br />

Kreznar has attended filmmaker's courses<br />

conducted each year by the Calvin Productions<br />

Co. in Kansas City and has, himself,<br />

taught at film workshops arranged in Chicago.<br />

Reopen Paramount Theatre<br />

ANSLEY, NEB.— Mrs. Ruby Higgins,<br />

owner of the Paramount Theatre in Ansley,<br />

announced the reopening of the house August<br />

21 for weekend showings. Harry and<br />

Jim Woolstrum will alternate as projection-<br />

Larry PuUord Named Manager<br />

SIOUX FALLS. S.D.— Larry Pulford was<br />

named manager of the Downtown Cinema<br />

Theatre, effective Wednesday (1). it is announced<br />

by Bill Keen, district manager for<br />

Sioux Falls-based Midcontinent Theatres.<br />

Pulford was assistant manager at the Starlite<br />

Theatre last summer.<br />

Regional NATO Meefings Win Support<br />

Of Neb. NATO President Dubinsky<br />

LINCOLN—Apparently president Irwin<br />

Dubinsky's message to state NATO members<br />

regarding the first eight-state regional<br />

NATO conference in Milwaukee recently<br />

would be, "Let's keep having them and support<br />

them, too!" Dubinsky's major point<br />

for this statement is his belief that it's the<br />

only way the average industry member can<br />

have an opportunity to speak up and ex-<br />

in New York City. But, he pointed out, the<br />

regional sessions will give NATO leaders<br />

more support in selling an issue nationally<br />

with the benefit of earlier grass-roots sentiment<br />

at regional gatherings.<br />

Aid to National Officers<br />

He sees it as relief, also, to national officials'<br />

rather hectic schedules, as they attempt<br />

to meet with every state NATO<br />

throughout the year.<br />

According to Dubinsky, all regional sessions<br />

in Milwaukee on such questions as<br />

ratings, low-grossing theatres, mini-houses<br />

and nontheatrical activities were well-attended<br />

by some 200 industry members from the<br />

eight-state region, which goes to nine next<br />

year with the addition of Indiana. They participated<br />

fully, too. he emphasizes, and most<br />

should have gone home well informed.<br />

Dubinsky, for example, found the University<br />

of Nebraska Student Union filmshowing<br />

operation may be frustrating to the<br />

local industry occasionally but it could be<br />

worse, based on other states' experiences.<br />

NU, for instance, usually has no new pictures,<br />

as some other campuses appeared to<br />

offer. Dubinsky says new film offerings<br />

mean industry members are bearing the<br />

brunt, since it is their costs which cover the<br />

picture production expenses—not university<br />

film reimbursement.<br />

'Student Only' Policy<br />

NU adheres fairly close to a policy of<br />

only admitting students but isn't perfect on<br />

this score either. Dubinsky said. He recalled<br />

this was a bigger 'problem to the Lincoln<br />

industry when the air base was open and<br />

was not too careful about restricting movie<br />

admissions to military personnel and their<br />

families.<br />

Reflecting on Jack Valenfi's leadership in<br />

the picture rating session, Dubinsky said he<br />

concurs with the MPAA executive that the<br />

present rating system gives the public the<br />

first opportunity ever to know what a film<br />

contains and that "we're better off with it<br />

than without. On the other hand. I believe<br />

some views have to change so the rating<br />

system can be tightened up. Some CiPs<br />

should be more than that."<br />

Dubinsky wonders if all Nebraska NATO<br />

members—or others for that matter—realize<br />

that a majority of six on the board of ten<br />

can determine the film rating.<br />

The Lincoln veteran said Nebraska, like<br />

other states, is seeing more activity in mini<br />

or smaller theatres, so this session was beneficial.<br />

Participation by Mel Glatz of the<br />

Denver theatre design firm made this program<br />

even more interesting, Dubinsky said.<br />

He's already planning to go to the 1972<br />

regional conference in Minnesota—Min-<br />

press a viewpoint or ask a question and get<br />

an answer from NATO leaders.<br />

neapolis or Alexandria—and hopes to have<br />

He contends such regional meetings an increased Nebraska delegation along, too.<br />

should not eliminate annual NATO meetings,<br />

such as the upcoming one in November<br />

Bob Quarry in Des Moines<br />

For Opening of 'Yorga'<br />

DES MOINLS—American International<br />

Pictures' "The Return of Count Yorga"<br />

opened August 25 at the SE 14th Drive-In<br />

here, with the star, Robert Quarry, in Des<br />

Moines for the start of the run. Most<br />

youngsters are surprised when they meet<br />

Quarry, who plays a vampire in the horror<br />

movie.<br />

"The kids stare, waiting for me to grow<br />

fangs! They think my teeth just grow that<br />

way unless I file them down every morning.<br />

" said Quarry, a veteran of three vampire<br />

film roles.<br />

He enjoys playing vampires, because "it's<br />

like going back and being a child again.<br />

I saw all the 'Frankenstein' films when I<br />

was a child and loved them." He called<br />

"The Return of Count Yorga" a very good<br />

scary movie and a grown-up fairy tale.<br />

stating that he was "proud of it."<br />

Quarry commented that he was very impressed<br />

by his two-day stay in Des Moines<br />

and that nothing in Los Angeles "is as<br />

pretty and convenient as Des Moines' Gray's<br />

Lake.<br />

Bill Bindel is Commended<br />

By Patron of Drive-In<br />

MILWAUKEE—A letter<br />

from a grateful<br />

Milwaukee moviegoer was published in the<br />

Journal recently and it is reprinted in its<br />

entirety because it touches upon a matter<br />

of importance to all theatre operators.<br />

"I would like to commend publicly the<br />

manager of the Bluemound Drive-In. My<br />

husband and I took our children there one<br />

night recently to see two Disney films. The<br />

program for the following week included a<br />

filni^ rated R.<br />

"Instead of showing parts of that film,<br />

the manager chose to show only the name<br />

of the director, the stars and the title. As<br />

many moviegoers are aware, theatre owners<br />

often show "coming attractions' which arc<br />

not suitable for children attending a G-ratcd<br />

program.<br />

"So hooray and thanks to the manager<br />

of the Bluemound Drive-In. (Signed) Carol<br />

Dufek."<br />

The manager of the Bluemound Drive-In,<br />

a General Cinema Corp. theatre, is William<br />

BOXOFHCE :: September 6, 1971 NC-1<br />



nciijaniin Bcrgcr, circuit owner, continues<br />

his European trip, keeping his Filmrow<br />

pais posted via postcards. The latest<br />

has him just behind the Iron Curtain . . .<br />

I.croy Smith has resigned as Mctro-Goldwyn-Mayer<br />

West Coast assistant manager.<br />

Smith, former MGM branch manager here,<br />

is returning to this city and says he's "open<br />

to all offers." With his wealth of experience<br />

and vast film-business background. Smith<br />

shouldn't be idle<br />

long.<br />

Don O'Neill, head booker and buyer for<br />

.ABC of North Central States circuit, is on<br />

vacation . . . President Nixon's wage-pricerent<br />

freeze caused few ripples in theatre<br />

and film circles in this area. There had been<br />

no intention of any immediate ticket price<br />

hike at any of the major circuits and no<br />

major labor negotiations were under way<br />

when the presidential edict arrived. Ticket<br />

tariffs here range up to $2.50 for first-run<br />

grind attractions and. as one circuit officer<br />

said.<br />

"That's high enough for us."<br />

The "Willard" outlying and suburban<br />

break Wednesday (1) saw 15 prints working<br />

.. . Joe Rosen. Paramount branch salesman,<br />

and his wife Doris left on a two-week<br />

vacation that'll take them to Baltimore and<br />

Washington. D.C. ... It was a quiet week<br />

along Filmrow as far as visitors were concerned<br />

but Jake Musich. Stardust Drive-In.<br />

made it down from Superior. Wis. . . . Erika<br />

Staff, secretary to Columbia branch manager<br />

Roger Dietz. left for a Canadian vacation.<br />

In the<br />

mailbox: "Thank you for the publicity<br />

given us in Bo.xoffice Magazine. It<br />

was very much appreciated and I know it<br />

was instrumental in making our first Film<br />

Flam Flick Golf Open in Worthington such<br />

a success.—Gay Hower, State Theatre.<br />

Worthington" . . . "The family of George<br />

Fosdick. formerly of Minneapolis, would<br />

appreciate his obituary being published in<br />

BoxoFFicE Magazine. He had a long career<br />

on Filmrow as a booker and salesman and<br />

also as a member of the Variety Club and<br />

Reel-Fellows Club.— Mrs. George Fosdick<br />

and family, Fresno, Calif." News of Fosdick's<br />

death was printed in this column last<br />

week, while Mrs. Fosdick's letter was en<br />

route. Tho.se wishing to send her cards or<br />

messages should address them to 4779 Fast<br />

Vassar, Fresno, Calif. 9370.^.<br />

Filmrowites joined in wishing happiness<br />

to Sandy Dolen, who's now Mrs. Reid Anderson.<br />

She will continue at her post of<br />

branch stenographer at the Columbia Pictures<br />

offices.<br />

Paramount branch boss Forrie Myers, in<br />

charge of such things at the annual Variety<br />

Club Golf Day. warns that only a few spots<br />

are left for the Friday (10) event, to be<br />

held at the Oak Ridge Country Club. Since<br />

school will be in session, few caddies will<br />

be available and—says Myers—the carts are<br />

being booked fast . . . Roger Latt and Bob<br />

Martinmass are the new owners-operators<br />

of the<br />

Hayti Theatre, Hayti, S.D. The previous<br />

owner was Roger Olson.<br />

Sioux Falls Theatre Is<br />

Closed After Short Run<br />

SIOUX FALLS, S.D.—Studio One, managed<br />

by Norman Bakes, opened August 6<br />

and was closed August 10 on a complaint<br />

signed by Lt. Max Madsen. Sioux<br />

Falls police detective. Eakes was arrested<br />

on a charge of "possession of obscene material<br />

with intention to display." The film<br />

was confiscated and Eakes released on his<br />

own recognizance.<br />

Studio One reportedly was an operation<br />

of an Omaha, Neb. -based firm.<br />

Blaze Near Drive-In Theatre<br />

CLINTON. IOWA — The EI Rancho<br />

drive-in restaurant on Iowa 136 at the Two<br />

Mile Corners was heavily damaged by fire<br />

recently. The eatery is located just across<br />

the highway from the drive-in theatre.<br />

Start BOXOFFICE coming .<br />

2 years for $12 (Save $2) D 1 year for $7<br />



STREET<br />

These rotes for U.S., Canada, Pan-America only.<br />


Other countries: $10 a yeor.<br />



BoXOffice<br />


825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 64124<br />

Mann Triplex Is Approved<br />

By Planning Commission<br />

MINNLAPOLIS—A .special use permit<br />

tor Mann's Cinema I, II and III, as well as<br />

a 120.000-square-foot K-Mart and a 52-<br />

unit townhouse development, was approved<br />

by the planning commission Thursday,<br />

August .S. The complex will be located near<br />

Highway 100 and County Road 10.<br />

With a total capacity of 1,586, the Mann<br />

triplex will seat 814 in one auditorium and<br />

.186 in each of the other auditoriums.<br />


^aricty Club Tent 14's first annual family<br />

picnic was held August 22 at Dandilion<br />

Park near Muskcgo Beach, attracting 174<br />

persons. Local show personalities who entertained<br />

included Farmer Vic and his elephant<br />

George (a live one from the zoo at<br />

the Ranch); Aye Jaye. who performs as<br />

Ronald McDonald; Rosemary Ross; Janie-O<br />

the Clown, and others. All adults had free<br />

ride privileges and four beer tickets. When<br />

Dick Nowakowski, county supervisor, won<br />

the grand door prize, an AM-FM stereo radio<br />

with external speakers, he and his wife<br />

jumped with joy, proclaiming it to be "the<br />

best picnic we've ever attended"—and 172<br />

others agreed. Roy Schroeder is executive<br />

director of Tent 14.<br />

A bill authored by Wisconsin Congressman<br />

Eugene Dorff. Kenosha, would outlaw<br />

"nude and sexy movies" at outdoor theatres.<br />

Under its provisions, violators could<br />

be fined up to $500 and imprisoned up to<br />

90 days.<br />

"Pat" Halloran, Universal branch manager,<br />

had a tradeshowing of the new Clint<br />

Eastwood starrer, "Play Misty for Me." Reports<br />

Pat: "It was very, very well received."<br />

He is vacationing the first week of September,<br />

spending part of the time visiting his<br />

mother in Aberdeen, S.D., and a brother in<br />

Minneapolis.<br />

Don Malone, 21, is observing his first anniversary<br />

as assistant manager of GCC's<br />

Brookfield Square Theatre this month. After<br />

his boss, manager Bob Gross, returns<br />

from a trip, Don hopes to get away for a<br />

vacation sometime in October ... All members<br />

of the Little League and the Babe Ruth<br />

League were invited to a special movie at<br />

the Norwood Theatre in Phillips one afternoon<br />

recently.<br />

They'll be making movies at the Neenah<br />

Junior High School starting this fall semester,<br />

if Dean M. Markwardt has anything to<br />

say about it. The young teacher earned his<br />

master of science degree in audio-visual<br />

media this summer at LaCross State University.<br />

The title of his thesis: "Student film<br />

production as an educational activity at the<br />

secondary level."<br />

Long runs: "Cry Uncle" (Cambist) is in<br />

its fifth week at Cinema 2, "Sexual Practices<br />

in Sweden" is having a third stanza at<br />

the Parkway, "The Omega Man" (WB)<br />

BOXOFFICE :: September 6, 1971

heads for its third frame at the Palace and.<br />

meanwhile. "Billy Jack" fWB) returns for<br />

a second downtown run. this time at the<br />

Strand. Also returning for a second downtown<br />

run is "Ginger" (Brenner) at the Esquire<br />

. . . "Family economy prices" with all<br />

seats going for 75 cents (plus a free candy<br />

Hoax," was purchased by Temp Enterprises<br />

in Hollywood and principal photography<br />

will be completed before the end of September.<br />

Davis also appears in the film in a<br />

supporting role as John, a computer programer!<br />

The picture is set for release in<br />

1972.<br />


^huek Caliglurl, Paramount branch manager,<br />

attended a divisional sales meeting<br />

in Chicago August 26.<br />

The WOMPI Club held its monthly meeting<br />

August 18 and all members received<br />

bags from the American Red Cross to be<br />

filled for servicemen in Vietnam. These<br />

are the gifts men in the service will receive<br />

for Christmas and must be mailed early this<br />

month. Each WOMPI is to fill two bags<br />

with personal usable items such as nail<br />

clippers, address books, pen flashlights,<br />

toothbrushes, etc.<br />

Rod Davis of the Davis Three Theatres<br />

will be returning shortly from the Marine<br />

Reserve summer camp in North Carolina.<br />

where he has been for two weeks . . . Rick<br />

Davis, also of Davis Three Theatres, and<br />

his wife are on a business trip to Hollywood.<br />

The remodeling project at the Times Theatre.<br />

Memphis. Mo., is nearing completion<br />

and the showhouse will be opening soon.<br />

Marie Bruce, former booker at 20th Century-Fo,\<br />

for eight and a half years, was in<br />

the office during a recent visit to this city.<br />

Her home is now in Allerton.<br />

Central States news: Betty Hemstock of<br />

(Continued on next page)<br />

Patrons Like Disneys, Animal, Sex<br />

Films; Exhibitor Prefers Westerns<br />


MILWAUKEE—What does a small-town<br />

roll to all kids) was a recent Sunday feature<br />

at the Point Theatre in the Point Loomis theatre owner call his personal favorite<br />

Shopping Center, while the Villa Theatre, on movie fare?<br />

"I like westerns," says W.J. Charboneau,<br />

the city's northwest side, has a similar bargain<br />

matinee on Sundays, with adults 75 who has been in the business since 19.^5<br />

and who, since 1952, has owned the Grantland<br />

cents, students (12 to 17) 50 cents and children<br />

under 12, 35 cents.<br />

Theatre in Lancaster, Wis. Charboneau<br />

when<br />

says he considers the "good old days<br />

Kevin Robert Davis moved from Delavan<br />

work as a computer programer with<br />

westerns were big" as his happiest.<br />

Comments by the theatre owner were<br />

to<br />

Hughes Aircraft Co. but has meanwhile related in a recent issue of Grant County<br />

joined the movie colony as a film actor and<br />

Herald Independent, a weekly news-<br />

paper, and so far as the moviegoers in<br />

screen writer. His original play. "The<br />

Lancaster are concerned, Charboneau said<br />

that the films they like best are Walt Disney<br />

movies, animals and sex. Film fans<br />

in Lancaster range from children to 30-<br />

year-olds.<br />

It was interesting to hear Charboneau's<br />

observation that TV, which once used to<br />

take away much of the theatre owner's<br />

business, today is good for business "since<br />

it promotes many of the movies." He<br />

noted that TV caused the lowest peak in<br />

theatre business in the mid-1950s but that<br />

business gradually has improved since then.<br />

He predicts that because people are still<br />

selective, admission prices will remain relatively<br />

stable. People still pay attention to<br />

the Legion of Decency's ratings of films,<br />

he said.<br />

"The X-rated movies are going out, for<br />

which we are glad," Charboneau offered,<br />

adding that he prefers to play the family<br />

picture "but the film companies require<br />

theatre owners to book all kinds of films<br />

in a package deal." If in his estimation<br />

some of the films contained in the package<br />

are not worthwhile, he says he will not<br />

show them, "even if I book and pay for<br />

them."<br />

Charboneau explained that booking is<br />

done through exchange offices in Milwaukee<br />

and Chicago. Throughout the country<br />

there are 30 of these offices which distribute<br />

the films for the ten major film<br />

companies and each office gets a proportioned<br />

number of the 300 prints of each<br />

movie made, according to the population<br />

it of the area serves. These films are then<br />

distributed to the movie houses according<br />

to the admission charge and, since the films<br />

are more expensive to rent when they are<br />

first released, the bigger theatres, which<br />

crarge more, are the ones to get first-run<br />

films, Charboneau continued.<br />

His complaint, the Lancaster theatreman<br />

said, is that "it's hard to get dates for the<br />

movies. It may take five or six telephone<br />

calls" to arrange scheduling for movies.<br />

Charboneau's Grantland Theatre offers<br />

nightly entertainment, except Thursdays.<br />

Major Expansion Charted<br />

By Ohio's Stark CATV<br />

'°NORTH^CAn'tON, OHIO—Cable TV<br />

facilities will be extended to three more<br />

areas in Stark County, it was announced by<br />

Jon W. Lash, manager of Stark CATV. To<br />

be completed by mid-August is an extension<br />

into an area between Orchard Avenue and<br />

Bernewood Drive NW. Next will be a section<br />

from Seventh Street NW to 13th<br />

Street NW, extending to 1-77. By September<br />

3 service will be expanded to 38th<br />

NW.<br />

Street<br />

The company offers reception on 12<br />

channels without the use of a rooftop antenna<br />

and serves North Canton and parts<br />

of Plain, Jackson, Perry and Canton townships,<br />

as well as North Industry.<br />

llt's Positively Not Too Soon<br />

,Now Before it's Too Late.

. . Otherwise,<br />

. . Bob<br />


\JJ\th the opening of Cine I and II imminent,<br />

the management staffing pattern<br />

of Nebraska Theatres' Varsity. State and the<br />

new twin house has been settled. City manager<br />

Walt Jancke will assume management<br />

of Cine I and II. just across P Street from<br />

the Varsity, which Everett Greathouse will<br />

manage. Gene Buhrdorf will remain at the<br />

State, about four blocks away. Everett has<br />

been Walt's assistant at the Varsity and<br />

will manage it until the National Bank of<br />

Commerce, new owner of the Varsity Theatre<br />

Building, indicates it wants to take over<br />

the downtown property for yet undetermined<br />

use. Working between the new twins<br />

and the Varsity will be Bill Smith, promoted<br />

to an assistant's spot. He has been<br />

with the Varsity for more than a year as a<br />

doorman and is attending the University of<br />

Nebraska this year. Buhrdorf's assistant at<br />

the Stale is William Goldfein.<br />

As of the last August weekend, Jancke<br />

was predicting all construction work would<br />

be finished in another nine or ten days. The<br />

trouble then, he added, was that theatre<br />

furnishing and equipment installation workers<br />

and construction workers were getting<br />

in each other's way. Despite this, seats were<br />

being put in place and such things as sound,<br />

projection and air-conditioning systems were<br />

being tested. Jancke admits he might be<br />

getting in someone's way, too. in these last<br />

weeks, when he's on the scene from early<br />

morning until night, including weekends.<br />

not a lucky summer for the Dubinsky<br />

It's<br />

family's Astro in downtown Omaha. The<br />

latest mishap occurred in the wee hours of<br />

the morning August 22. when an allegedly<br />

drunken motorist piled his car through some<br />

paired entrance doors and ended up in the<br />

Astro lobby. "Apparently," reports Irwin<br />

Dubinsky, "he had managed to hit two automobiles<br />

and a signal light before driving<br />

into the lobby." Dubinsky doesn't know<br />

what injuries the driver sustained but lists<br />

the damage to the Astro as two pairs of<br />

entrance doors, ceiling plaster loosened by<br />

the impact, some broken chandelier lights<br />

and ruined carpeting (as a conservative estimate).<br />

Since the doors are of specially prepared<br />

materials, Dubinsky says it will take<br />

about seven weeks for replacements. Meanwhile,<br />

the damaged entrances have been barricaded<br />

and a temporary entrance provided.<br />

The only person in the Astro when the accident<br />

happened at 1:15 a.m. was the janitor.<br />

Cooper/ Lincoln staff members remained<br />

in the suburban theatre Tuesday night, August<br />

24, for a birthday celebration at which<br />

aLOHd!<br />


IN HONOLULU...<br />


BEACH!<br />

(Call your Travel Agent)<br />

iNousTprs<br />

^ "OWN"<br />

MMHk<br />

J^^"^'*''^!^<br />

Debi Barker, boxoffice worker and editor<br />

of the staff's Gerbil Cage publication, was<br />

honored. The birthday cake showed Debi<br />

was 18 . . Irwin Dubinsky reports there<br />

.<br />

were three screenings the last week in August<br />

but one "so bad" that he would not<br />

even mention the title. He reports only three<br />

persons were left in the Cooper screening<br />

room when the film ended. He was one of<br />

the three.<br />

The industry luncheon crowd at Bishops<br />

finally saw Congressman Charles Thonc<br />

(state NATO's former counsel) show up at<br />

the special table August 23. Thone has been<br />

home for the month but was so busy visiting<br />

constituents all over the district at fairs,<br />

festivals, etc.. that he's not had time for<br />

the Bishop noonday meals. He returned to<br />

Washington August 29 . . . Russell Brehm<br />

is still telling industry friends that there<br />

are no plans yet for the 13th and P streets<br />

northeast corner land purchased by Douglas<br />

Theatres.<br />

Bob Gash's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford<br />

C. Gash of Omaha, are planning a mid-<br />

September two-week cruise in the Caribbean.<br />

Bob. in his first week as manager of<br />

the Cooper's Stuart, feels he's also inherited<br />

a top-notch staff. They made the plywood<br />

cutout of a motorcycle rider which was<br />

placed on the marquee to publicize "On<br />

Any Sunday." The theme of the film also<br />

was responsible for the real-life motorcycle<br />

in the lobby. These are gone now. with<br />

Paramount's "The Red Tent" starting Friday<br />

(3) in time for the holiday-state fair<br />

crowd.<br />

The Michael Gaughan family became<br />

four Sunday (22). The addition was a boxer<br />

puppy acquired that day by Mike and Judy<br />

Gaughan for their young son Michael. No<br />

name as yet. Cooper district manager<br />

Gaughan says he had a dog as a boy, so<br />

young Mike also should have one . . . Walt<br />

Jancke reports that "Big Jake" is drawing<br />

crowds at the Varsity and will have a twoweek<br />

run before it comes down from the<br />

marquee . it appears from individual<br />

theatre comments, film things were<br />

a little quiet the weekend of Saturday (21).<br />

Even "Willard," with the rats, was not drawing<br />

as many patrons as it did earlier at the<br />

Nebraska. With the Nebraska State Fair<br />

starting September 2, anything can happen<br />

to industry business. Sometimes the visitors<br />

help; other years they do not. and most<br />

years it ends up with no change either way.<br />

Des Moines<br />

Stewart & Everett Adding<br />

Nine Theatres This Year<br />

From Southeastern Edition<br />

CHARLOTTE—Completion of Stewart<br />

& Everett Theatres' $1,500,000 expansion<br />

and renovation in December will add nine<br />

units to the circuit and bring to 80 the<br />

number of its operating units, according to<br />

Charles B. Trexler, S&E president.<br />

Seven new theatres being added this year<br />

under the program are the Cinema, Forest<br />

( iiy; Cinema. Laurinburg; Cinema, New<br />

Bern; Iwin cinemas, Rocky Mount, and<br />

the Cinema, Roanoke Rapids, all in North<br />

Carolina, and the Cinema, Myrtle Beach,<br />

South Carolina. Theatres acquired this year<br />

are the Pix, Rock Hill, S.C, and the Bailey,<br />

Wilmington, N.C.<br />

In addition to the above theatres, S&E<br />

closed its State Theatre in Greenville. N.C.<br />

in January and reopened it under the name<br />

of Park in April, after having completely<br />

rebuilt the theatre and refurnished it with<br />

new equipment and new de luxe rocking<br />

chairs. Theatres in Forest City and Myrtle<br />

Beach were opened in June, the one in<br />

Laurinburg is to open this month, those<br />

in Bern, Rocky Mount and Roanoke<br />

Rapids will debut in December.<br />

Next month S&E will close the Cinema<br />

in Aiken. S.C, for a complete renovation<br />

and installation of new equipment.<br />

All of the theatres, new and renovated,<br />

are equipped with de luxe rocking chairs<br />

and the newest automated projection equipment.<br />

Trexler said that plans are being formulated<br />

for renovation and automation of additional<br />

S&E units, starting early next year.<br />


the<br />

(Continued from preceding page)<br />

accounting department took a few days<br />

of vacation recently. She also attended the<br />

funeral of a relative in Nevada . . . Carol<br />

Jones, assistant drive-in booker, returned<br />

from a one-week vacation, most of which<br />

was spent at Gray's Lake . Linder<br />

of the accounting department is leaving<br />

Central States to return to the University of<br />

Iowa for his upcoming junior year . . .<br />

Denise Conroy, secretary to Myron Blank<br />

and Arthur Stein, with a close friend, left<br />

on a two-week vacation August 30 for a<br />

tour of the South. Their plans include visiting<br />

relatives in Wichita, Kas., and Houston,<br />

Tex.<br />

Myron Blank, president of Central States<br />

Theatres, left August 27 for a three-week<br />

European cruise.<br />

Filmrow visitors: Saul Malisow, Avco<br />

Embassy, Minneapolis, Minn.; Joe Young,<br />

Cinerama Releasing Corp.. Minneapolis,<br />

Minn.; S. J. Backer. Harlan Theatre, Harlan;<br />

Bill McGraw, Ogden Theatre, Ogden;<br />

Kenny Claypool, Commonwealth Theatres,<br />

Kansas City, Mo.; Jack Compston, Forest<br />

Theatre, Forest City; Carl Schwanebeck,<br />

Grand Theatre, Knoxville, and Bob Hutte,<br />

Strand Theatre, Leon, and Iowa Theatre,<br />

Winterset.<br />

Mrs. Pat Michael Helms Strand<br />

LEON, IOWA—The Strand Theatre in<br />

Leon is under new management, it was announced<br />

by owners Mr. and Mrs. Robert<br />

Hutte, Osceola. Mrs. Pat Michael of Leon,<br />

who has assisted in the operation in past<br />

years, will helm the Strand.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: September 6, 1971

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

—<br />

'Summer of '42' High<br />

Cincinnati Grosser<br />

CINCINNATI—••Summer ot '42" continued<br />

to hold the interest of patrons and<br />

registered a neat 400 fifth week at the Place<br />

Theatre. Popular "Billy Jack," a winner here<br />

from the start of its long run, enjoyed a<br />

fine 17th frame at the Studio cinemas and<br />

grossed 375. Second-week "The Love Machine"<br />

and first-week "Soul to Soul" were<br />

next in line with 325 and 300, respectively.<br />

(Average Is 100)<br />

Albee—The Omega Mon (WB) 225<br />

Ambossodar The Ponic in Needle Pork<br />

(20th-Fox), 2nd wk<br />

1 50<br />

Cine Carousel The Anderson Tapes (Col),<br />

5th wk 200<br />

Grand— Soul to Soul (CRC) 300<br />

Hotlvwood Cinema North, Maricmont Cinema<br />

Eost Western Woods— $1,000,000 Duck (BV),<br />

2nd wk 225<br />

International 70 Carnal Knowledge (Emb),<br />

8th wk 200<br />

Kenwood The Red Tent (Para) 1/5<br />

Place—Summer of '42 (WB), 5th wk 400<br />

Studio Cinemas— Billy Jock (WB), 17th wk 375<br />

Times Towne Cinema The Love Mochine (Col),<br />

2nd wk 325<br />

20th Century On Any Sunday (SR), 3rd wk 125<br />

'Summer of '42' Heaviest<br />

Grosser in Clevelcmd<br />

CLEVELAND — •Summer of '42" appeared<br />

to be destined to play out the summer<br />

of "71 as the season's most absorbing<br />

and best supported film: in a ninth week<br />

at the Village Theatre, the picture grossed<br />

a solid 300. "The Omega Man," No. 2<br />

grosser-of-the-week, rated a composite 245<br />

at five theatres and "Shaft" was No. 3 on<br />

basis of a 200 third week at the Hippodrome<br />

and Shaker theatres.<br />

Colony, Detroit, Great Northern Carnal<br />

Knowledge (Emb), 8th wk 140<br />

Embassy, Shore Big Joke (NGP) 1 50<br />

Five theatres The Omega Man (WB), 2nd wk. .<br />

.245<br />

Heights Art, Westwood The Conformist (Para) . . 85<br />

Hippodrome, Shaker—Shaft (MGM), 3rd wk 200<br />

LaSalle Ginger (SR), 4th wk 100<br />

Richmond, Riverside Who Is Harry Kellermon?<br />

(NGP), 3rd wk 150<br />

Severonce Blue Woter, White Deoth (NGP) ...110<br />

Village—Summer of '42 (WB), 9th wk 300<br />

World East, World West Taking Off (Univ),<br />

2nd wk 165<br />

'Hellstrom, Chronicle' Solid 250<br />

At Detroit's Towne 2 Theatre<br />

DETROIT— -The Hellstrom Chronicle."<br />

which had its opening week at Towne 2,<br />

proved out as the<br />

Dayton Newspaper Notes<br />

Shuttering of Victory<br />

DAYTON, OHIO—On the occasion of<br />

the shuttering of the Victory Theatre here,<br />

Ihe Dayton Journal Herald noted the demise<br />

least of them being the end of a 109-year<br />

theatrical tradition at lirsl and Main.<br />

•Quite apart from the loss of one of<br />

downtown Dayton's last two movie theatres,<br />

another blow to revitalizing the center city,<br />

the closing of the Victory leaves Dayton<br />

of the showhouse, publishing an editorial<br />

headlined: "No Victory—Downtown 'Family'<br />

Theatre Closes."<br />

Commented the Journal Herald, "The<br />

closing of the Victory Theatre is an unhappy<br />

occasion for a variety of reasons, not the<br />

without a theatre devoted exclusively to<br />

movies for general audiences. When it seemed<br />

that every drive-in and every suburban<br />

theatre within an hour's drive was showing<br />

movies with an X or R rating, a family<br />

could depend on the Victory to have a film<br />

suitable for children, if<br />

not always entertaining<br />

for their parents.<br />

"The Victory had another advantage for<br />

Dayton families: In a suburban culture that<br />

left neighborhood theatres extinct, the kids<br />

could take the bus downtown on a Saturday<br />

or Sunday. The parking lot that will replace<br />

the Victory should be a poignant reminder<br />

that progress is not always a blessing."<br />

Riverland Joins SDT<br />

In Motor City Suburb<br />

DETROIT—Suburban Detroit Theatres'<br />

16th motion picture theatre in the metropolitan<br />

Detroit area, the Riverland Theatre,<br />

opened August 12. The Riverland is located<br />

on Van Dyke at Riverland Avenue (19'/2<br />

Mile), just south of Utica.<br />

According to SDT officials, the Riverland<br />

Theatre was built "to serve the fast-growing<br />

northeast suburban areas, including Utica,<br />

Sterling Heights, Warren, Mount Clemens,<br />

Eraser and the townships of Clinton, Shelby<br />

and Avon." Access from the north is temporarily<br />

detoured around new construction just<br />

south of Utica but Van Dyke is open from<br />

the south to the theatre.<br />

A medium-sized luxury theatre, the Riverland<br />

is a free-standing building fronting<br />

ample paved and lighted parking facilities.<br />

It is located within the Riverland Shopping<br />

Center.<br />

The theatre was developed by E. Sloan<br />

Co., headed by Eugene Sloan, with design<br />

and interiors by T. Rogvoy Associates. The<br />

basic design is described as contemporary,<br />

using a blend of rich reds contrasting with<br />

report period's top attraction<br />

and earned a resounding 250—25<br />

grossing points more than another engagement.<br />

Among the holdovers, "Klute" was<br />

Five theatres— Klute (WB), 6th wk 140<br />

Five theotres-The Love Mochine (Col)<br />

Fox— Brain of Blood (SR); Vampire People<br />

225<br />

(SR),<br />

3rd wk 100<br />

Six theotres<br />

95<br />

Big Joke (NGP), 3rd wk<br />

State-Wayne The Stewardesses (SR), 13th wk. ..135<br />

Who Is Harry Kellerman? (NGP),<br />

Curtis Dunn Is Entering<br />

Three theotres<br />

3rd wk 80<br />

Towne 2<br />

Independent Distribution<br />

The Hellstrom Chronicle (SR) 250<br />

LOUISVILLE—C u r t i s Dunn, veteran<br />

showman, is<br />

vinyl walls of "alabaster travertine." Entry<br />

from a large landscaped plaza opens into a<br />

spacious lobby. The latest sound, projection<br />

and atmosphere-control equipment is featured.<br />

Manager of SDT's Riverland Theatre is<br />

Richard Ravicchio.<br />

leaving the industry after more<br />

than a quarter of a century, with plans to<br />

enter distribution as an independent. His<br />

first show business position was as city<br />

manager of the Coleman Theatres in Mount<br />

Carmel, III.<br />

Dunn joined the Switow circuit in Louisville<br />

in 1952 and later became field manager<br />

in charge of operations. He managed<br />

first-run theatres, including the downtown<br />

Rialto, Bard. Cinema 1. II and II and also<br />

managed drive-ins for Fourth Avenue Corp.<br />

Seek Ohio High Court<br />

Decision on 'Stitch'<br />

TOLEDO, (;HI0— Ihe Westwood Theatre,<br />

neighborhood art house which recently<br />

was ordered closed for one year on charges<br />

that the showing of the film "Without a<br />

Stitch" was "obscene," will be allowed to<br />

remain open pending its appeal from the<br />

Circuit Court of Appeals to the Ohio Supreme<br />

Court. The theatre posted a S30,000<br />

bond with the Sixth District Appellate<br />

Court, along with a motion, which was<br />

granted, for a stay of the court's order,<br />

pending high court action.<br />

Ihe Lucas County Common Pleas Court<br />

and the Appeals Court both ruled that the<br />

film was "obscene" and that the showing of<br />

the film last fall at Ihe Westwood "constituted<br />

a public nuisance." The appeals court<br />

upheld a lower court permanent injunction<br />

against further showings of the movie and<br />

ordered the defendants to pay a $300 tax<br />

to the county. In addition, the appeals court<br />

had ordered that an accounting be made of<br />

the bo.xoffice receipts received after the<br />

film was ruled obscene .September 16 and<br />

that the total be turned over to the county<br />

treasurer as contraband.<br />

Harland Britz, attorney for the theatre,<br />

said that every aspect of the appellate court<br />

decision would be appealed. The theatre had<br />

posted a $20,000 bond initially in seeking<br />

relief from imposition from the injunction,<br />

with the understanding that this bond would<br />

hold through higher court proceedings.<br />

Part of the appeals court ruling was unanimous,<br />

with the decision saying that "by any<br />

test, medium-core, hard-core, patently obscene<br />

or screaming obscenity, the film was<br />

obscene." The opinion said that in no way<br />

is obscenity absolutely free from statutory<br />

regulation under the guise of free speech.<br />

Judge John W. Potter, presiding judge of<br />

the appellate court, pointed out that recent<br />

(May 1971) decisions of the U.S. Supreme<br />

Court say that the right to have or receive<br />

obscene material is not as broad as the right<br />

to distribute or deal in such material.<br />

Walter Ely Announces Two<br />

City Managers for UATC<br />

LOUISVILLE—George Hunt will continue<br />

to operate United Artists Theatre Circuit's<br />

houses in Louisville, including the UA<br />

Theatre and the Penthouse, it was disclosed<br />

by Walter Ely, who recently took over the<br />

post of division manager of UATC operations<br />

in Indiana and Kentucky, in announcing<br />

the appointment of Walter Wolverton as<br />

city manager for the company's theatres in<br />

Lafayette, Ind.<br />

Wolverton, an active theatreman for<br />

many years in the Hoosier State, will continue<br />

to direct the seven theatres located<br />

there, including the new Cinema 1 and 2 in<br />

the Market Square Shopping Center, Lafayette.<br />

A. J. Gasvoda will handle the city managerial<br />

duties for three theatres in Terre<br />

Haute—one conventional house and two<br />

drive-ins.<br />

BOXOFHCE :: September 6, 1971<br />



gol Krim, senior member of ihc Krim<br />

Bros., who are getting back into active<br />

circuit operation here (a family tradition for<br />

a half-century), marked the occasion by<br />

opening offices for the firm at Suite 35,<br />

2h20() Greenfield Rd. in Oak Park. However,<br />

the mailing address will remain 2.'>301<br />

Monlmarlre. Oak Park 48237. The Krims<br />

arc opening a three-theatre comple,\ at<br />

Brighton, tentatively on Thanksgiving Day.<br />

Mni. Martin Naimark, invnediate past<br />

president of the Greater Detroit Motion Picture<br />

Council, has recovered nicely from the<br />

knee injury which handicapped her for a<br />

Man Piekford's early silent screen art<br />

will be shown in a Pickford Festival at<br />

Henry Ford Museum, running five weeks.<br />

The scries will include nine top films personally<br />

selected by Miss Pickford. Her<br />

husband Buddy Rogers will be present for<br />

the November 4 preview . . . Lee Meredith,<br />

star of "Welcome to the Club," was on a<br />

personal appearance tour which included<br />

seven Michigan cities—a once-common<br />

Dorothy Harrison Honored<br />

By Women of Variety Club<br />

Mrs. Harrison actually is not retiring<br />

until December, after 29 years with Jack<br />

Zide's Allied Film Exchange, the largest<br />

local independent distributor and perhaps<br />

best known for years as distributors for<br />

American International Pictures. Her duties<br />

have been manifold in the exchange but are<br />

best described by her sisters in the business<br />

as "No. 1 girl and office manager."<br />

Mrs. Harrison spent 1 I years in the industry<br />

before joining Zide in his then-new<br />

Detroit operations and already had established<br />

her personality and competence in<br />

exchange office operations. She is receiving<br />

a host of greetings and best wishes upon<br />

practice of sound showmanship but largely<br />

neglected in this area in recent years.<br />

Charles Nujisbaum, who retired from the<br />

Nicholas George circuit last year, returned<br />

for a month to fill in as office manager<br />

while John Zois has been vacationing in<br />

Greece . . Alexander "Sandy" Thomas,<br />

.<br />

chief for the Nick George circuit, gathered<br />

up his clan of five lively youngsters and.<br />

aided by his capable spouse, took them on a<br />

mini-vacation to famed Cedar Point. Ohio.<br />

Mrs. May Welch, pleasant-voiced secretary<br />

from Suburban Detroit Theatres, is vacationing<br />

for a week at her summer cottage<br />

at South Lake, near the tiny village of Hell,<br />

famed for its name but formerly known<br />

as Reeves' Mills.<br />

Farmer Jack is a well-publicized upsidedown<br />

giant, familiar to most Detroiters<br />

through endless repetition in ads for a food<br />

store chain by that name, smilingly saying,<br />

"I'll stand on my head to please you." The<br />

Redstone circuit seems to be trying the same<br />

idea, with the twin ads for their Showcase<br />

1 and 2 theatres inverted in the News.<br />

her coming days of leisure from exhibitors<br />

and distributors, having won the friendship<br />

of practically everyone in the Michigan<br />

exchange territory for her frequent<br />

services well beyond the call of duty.<br />

DLIROIT—Dorothy Harrison, veteran Starting as an inspector with Metro-<br />

Goldwyn-Mayer, Mrs. Harrison then<br />

of 40 years' service on Filmrow, was the<br />

guest of honor of Women of Variety Club worked on a freelance basis with RKO, Fox<br />

Tent 5 August 21. The event, marking and other film companies before joining<br />

Mrs. Harrison's retirement, was held at one Allied Film Exchange 32 years ago when it<br />

of Detroit's most popular restaurants, was organized by Haryy Gilbert, remaining<br />

I'opinka's Country Club. The guest of honor<br />

was presented with a gold pin for her<br />

when Jack Zide bought the exchange three<br />

and a half years later. One memorable<br />

many years of service with Variety Club phase of her career was during World War<br />

activities.<br />

II, when she was booker, bookkeeper and<br />

aioHai<br />


IN HONOLULU . .<br />


BEACH!<br />

(Call your Travel Agent)<br />

THE<br />


"OWN"<br />

WW<br />

handled about every duty imaginable with<br />

Excellent Pictures, independent exchange<br />

headed by William Flemion and Anne<br />

O'Donnell.<br />

Mrs. Harrison and her husband Frank,<br />

retired from air transportation, plan to go<br />

to Florida, tentatively in the Sarasota area,<br />

and probably will buy a permanent retirement<br />

home there. Although she is a greatgrandmother,<br />

Mrs| Harrison is still looking<br />

forward to the somewhat distant day when<br />

she will become eligible for an "early retirement"<br />

under the Social Security law.<br />

Upper Valley Premiere Is<br />

Marked by Ribbon Cutting<br />

SPRINGFIELD. OHIO—Among those<br />

attending the ribbon-cutting ceremony marking<br />

the grand opening of the Upper Valley<br />

Cinema I and II were: Karen Eidemiller,<br />

Miss Upper Valley Cinema I and II Queen,<br />

who cut the ribbon; Robert L. Burton,<br />

Springfield City commissioner and vicemayor;<br />

Miss Jonica Fleming, queen attendant;<br />

Pat Corey, General Cinema Corp. division<br />

manager; Ron Johannes, manager of<br />

the theatres; Rick Slough, assistant manager,<br />

and Roxie Mowry, queen attendant.<br />

Jim Burgess Discerns<br />

New Cinematic Trends<br />

COI.U.M BUS — "Excessive violence and<br />

smut in films are beginning to lose their<br />

appeal. Jim Burgess, executive director of<br />

"<br />

NA rO of Ohio, told Dan Clancy. Columbus<br />

Dispatch writer, in an interview in the Sunday<br />

theatre section.<br />

"Movie tastes, like fashions in ties and<br />

everything else, change back and forth,"<br />

said Burgess. "You might say that narrow<br />

ties and narrow-minded movies have given<br />

way to broad tics and broad-minded movies.<br />

But I think we'll go back to narrow ties<br />

and comparatively 'narrow' movies."<br />

Burgess said that as long as the youth<br />

market, from 12 to 35, dominates movie<br />

audiences, producers are going to make the<br />

kind of pictures they want. "It's just like<br />

skirt-iTiakers having to make mini-skirts. If<br />

they had insisted on making long skirts,<br />

they would still have them hanging on the<br />

racks and would have lost millions."<br />

"Most of today's moviegoers want less<br />

fantasy, more stark realism, tongue-incheek<br />

war movies, anything that puts down<br />

the Establishment, discredits the government,<br />

that tells it like they think it is—in<br />

short, protest, antiwar, antigovernment,<br />

antisegregation, pro-permissiveness, p r o -<br />

dope and pro-free love," Burgess declared.<br />

He believes that the mass of current<br />

moviegoers "don't identify with the good<br />

guys and they don't believe that people live<br />

happily ever after."<br />

"The major part of the audience isn't<br />

there just to be entertained. Successful<br />

musicals, for instance, are few and far between,"<br />

Burgess pointed out. "Audiences<br />

want to identify with the characters on the<br />

screen."<br />

Small-town theatres have suffered most<br />

from TV, he said, commenting that new<br />

theatre construction in meropolitan areas<br />

has just about caught up with the number<br />

of shuttered houses. Movie attendance in<br />

Ohio is up but mostly in big-city areas. Due<br />

to the youth of the total population. Burgess<br />

says, "we're gaining more younger<br />

moviegoers than we're losing oldsters."<br />

Ohio's 530 theatres have an estimated<br />

capacity of some 716,000 patrons, split between<br />

303,000 seats in 333 indoor theatres<br />

and 413.000 drive-in patrons.<br />

Burgess notes a recent trend toward minitheatres<br />

of 300 to 500 seats (compared to<br />

an average of 910 seats in other indoor<br />

houses). He sees these mini-movies built in<br />

clusters of two to five houses, grouped<br />

around a central concessions facility, possibly<br />

operated by a single projectionist who<br />

might double as manager.<br />

SC<br />


50c SQUARE<br />

ME-2 BOXOFFICE :: September 6, 1971<br />

FOOT<br />


micHTV monnRCH of the EKPioiTniion-Him iuorid<br />


EUERV nmERicnn uiiu see m<br />

nS THEV DID in:<br />

Beaver Falls/Pa.<br />

San Jose,Cal.<br />

I<br />

Tyngsboro/Mass.<br />

Colchester, Vt.<br />

New York, N.Y.<br />

SP0TLITE88Drive-ln<br />

8/4-12/71 9 Day«<br />

SAN JOSE Drive -In<br />

8/4- 10/71<br />

TYNGSBORO Drive -In<br />

5/26-6/1/71<br />

COLCHESTER Drive-in<br />

7/2-8/71<br />


5/12 -18/71<br />

7259.00<br />

6022.00<br />

7836.00<br />

4830.60<br />

86321.00<br />

Entertainment Ventures, Inc. Presents a Motion Picture by The Sebastians<br />

In-Depth Study Of Censorship, Pornography & Obscenity In An<br />

America ^<br />

in COLOR<br />


1654 Cordova St Los Angeles,Calif. 90007- -%213-7317236<br />

Offices In W American Exchange Centers

. . . Rena<br />

. . David<br />


. .<br />

Jo Harrison has been appointed branch<br />

manager for the local and Indianapolis<br />

. Jerry<br />

areas of the Bil-Ko Film Co.<br />

Knight. Columbus exhibitor, has returned<br />

from a vacation in Toronto, Canada.<br />

Sally VcMel. secretary for the C. J. Ruff<br />

Film Distribution Co.. and Joseph Rigg were<br />

ni.irried Saturday. August 28.<br />

Rrenda Holmes is the new secretary to<br />

L niversal branch manager Robert Bowers<br />

.Schroedcr. United Artists cashier,<br />

has returned from a vacation in Hawaii.<br />

One of the highlights of the trip was seeing<br />

a volcanic eruption on one of the islands,<br />

ihe first in a number of years.<br />

James S. Herb, who died recently at age<br />

(i.^ in Miami Valley Hospital. Dayton, had<br />

owned and operated the Franklin Cinema.<br />


JJarrj' Schreiber, manager of Franklin<br />

County Veterans Memorial and former<br />

manager of RKO Palace here, was presented<br />

with the Charles A. McElvary Award<br />

for his '"outstanding contributions to the<br />

International Ass'n of Auditorium Managers<br />

and to the profession of auditorium management"<br />

at a ceremony at the Neil House<br />

Motor Hotel. Thomas Parkinson, president<br />

of the international association, made the<br />

presentation.<br />

University City Cinema booked an exclusive<br />

showing of "The Hellstrom Chronicle."<br />

The many central Ohio area friends of<br />

showman Ted Lewis, who died at his New<br />

York City home at age 81, were saddened<br />

by his death. In vaudeville days he was a<br />

frequent headliner in theatres here. Burial<br />

was in his home town of Circleville.<br />

Jerry Lewis Twin Debuts<br />

TOLEDO, OHIO — Twin Jerry Lewis<br />

cinemas, with a combined seating capacity<br />

of 700, opened recently in Toledo, The inaugural<br />

attractions for the twin-theatre were<br />

"Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory"<br />

at Cinema I and "Love Story" at Cinema<br />

II.<br />

Franklin, for ten years. A long-time theat<br />

reman and well-known organist, Herb was<br />

manager of Dayton-based Semelroth Theatres<br />

circuit for 28 years, as well as operating<br />

his own By-Jo in Gcrmantown and later<br />

the Federation, Dayton. For two years he<br />

was with Theatrical Managers, Inc., of Indianapolis.<br />

Severely handicapped following<br />

a diabetic stroke in 1959, Herb remained<br />

active in exhibition, operating the Franklin<br />

Cinema with members of his family in key<br />

staff positions but handling managerial duties<br />

personally. He is survived by his wife<br />

Mary; a son, Philip; a daughter Carolyn<br />

Breining, and four grandchildren.<br />

Tri-State Theatre Services is booking and<br />

buying for the suburban Alpha Cinema,<br />

which has returned to its policy of playing<br />

only art and selected films slanted toward<br />

the college trade. Fred Baum is the operator.<br />

Among the exhibitors in town recently<br />

were Harry Wheeler, Galipolis, and Kentuckians<br />

Marshall Mahaffey, Beattyville,<br />

and Ray Glover, Wurtland.<br />

Sheriff Asks Withdrawal<br />

Of 2 Films at Drive-In<br />

SPRINGFIELD, OHIO—Alter viewing<br />

the coming attractions, "Midnight Plowboy"<br />

and "Southern Comforts," at the Showboat<br />

Drive-In, 3950 East National Rd., Clark<br />

County Sheriff Harold M. Mills said he<br />

would file charges against theatre manager<br />

John Parker if the films were shown<br />

Wednesday, August 18. Mills, along with<br />

County Prosecutor James A. Berry and City<br />

Prosecutor Noel E. Kaech previewed both<br />

films at the Showboat.<br />

Said Sheriff Mills, "I consider this type<br />

film a detriment to Clark County." Kaech<br />

emphasized that the law enforcement officials<br />

would rather have Parker cancel the<br />

showing and avoid prosecution action.<br />

According to Sheriff Mills, many complaints<br />

of previews of the two films being<br />

shown while children were at the drive-in<br />

had been received, pointing out that Parker<br />

could be charged with "showing obscene<br />

or harmful material in the presence of minors"<br />

as a result of the previews. Parker,<br />

who voluntarily gave the trailers to the<br />

sheriff upon request, said that it was an<br />

error in judgment to have shown the previews<br />

while juveniles were in the theatre.<br />

The attractions at the Showboat Tuesday,<br />

August 17, were rated R, which meant that<br />

a person under 17 had to be accompanied<br />

by a parent or guardian. Parker made an<br />

announcement prior to showing the previews,<br />

warning parents that "adult" previews<br />

were upcoming. He added that when<br />

a G-rated film was shown two weeks previously,<br />

the "adult" trailers were not exhibited<br />

until after the second show at 1:30 a.m.<br />

Besides complaints lodged at<br />

the sheriff's<br />

office, city commissioners were presented<br />

with petitions by a citizens' group representative,<br />

urging them to sign. The petitions<br />

allegedly demanded that controls be exercised<br />

over GP, R and X movies and that<br />

deputies check the<br />

the drive-in.<br />

ages of persons entering<br />

Mills said he would be in contact with<br />

Parker Wednesday afternoon (18), after the<br />

theatre's attorney had been consulted, and<br />

that the question of whether films would be<br />

run would be decided at that time.<br />


Community Theatre Circuit owners Leo<br />

Greenberger, Sam Greenbcrger and<br />

Bert H. Lefkowich have broken ground for<br />

a theatre at Topps Plaza, .SOM Center<br />

Road and Euclid Avenue. Hopefully, the<br />

700-seat showhouse will be ready for operation<br />

in early spring 1972.<br />

Vacations continue: Bernard Bispect, Parmatown<br />

Cinema I and II manager, just<br />

returned from two pleasant weeks at Cape<br />

Cod . Manthey, manager of<br />

Southgate Cinema I and II, is back on the<br />

job after his vacation . . . Helen Wapperer,<br />

20th Century-Fox cashier, surprised fellow<br />

employees when she returned from her<br />

recent vacation. It was more than the usual<br />

vacation—Helen had become a bride! . . .<br />

Nadine Eisenberg, secretary to B u e n a<br />

Vista's Pat Halloran, returned from New<br />

York and Connecticut just in time to help<br />

with moving to the new BV headquarters.<br />

Annette Shenker, widow of Irving Shenker,<br />

Berlo Vending Co., will marry Dan<br />

Budin of Shaker Heights Wednesday (8).<br />

They plan to honeymoon in Israel.<br />

As part of this city's 175th anniversary,<br />

the May Co. will promote "Fabulous<br />

Flicks." Starting Monday (13) an array<br />

of Hollywood stars will come to town.<br />

Among those expected are Myrna Loy,<br />

Lillian Gish, Alice Faye, Joel Grey and<br />

Burgess Meredith.<br />

Harry Kellerman Patron<br />

At Movie With His Name<br />

From New England Edition<br />

LAWRENCE, MASS. — After managing<br />

director John Corbett showed "Who Is<br />

Harry Kellerman and Why Is He Saying<br />

Those Terrible Things About Me?" at Redstone's<br />

Showcase I, he was astounded when<br />

a patron came up to him and said, "I am<br />

Harry Kellerman."<br />

The patron assured Corbett that he didn't<br />

have a thing against Dustin Hoffman, star<br />

of the film. In fact this particular Harry<br />

Kellerman is a great admirer of Hoffman.<br />

Corbett, although surprised to find a real<br />

Harry Kellerman residing so near the Showcase<br />

cinemas (Kellerman, his wife and three<br />

children live at 1 Suffolk Ave. in Swampscott),<br />

had presence of mind to have his<br />

picture taken with Kellerman, the latter<br />

pointing to his name in an attraction board<br />

display for the film. The three-column picture<br />

of Corbett and Swampscott's Harry<br />

Kellerman appeared in the Lawrence Sunday<br />

Sun, along with a story about the visit<br />

of the real-life Kellerman to the theatre.<br />

ME-4 BOXOFHCE September 6, 1971

—<br />

Ferguson and Carrols<br />

Join in Two Projects<br />

HARfFORD— long-time ( onnccticut<br />

exhibitor Franklin E. Ferguson has become<br />

a 50 per cent partner with Carrols Development<br />

Corp. of Syracuse, N.Y., in two Connecticut<br />

theatre projects.<br />

Ferguson, who will continue as president<br />

of Franklin E. Ferguson & Associates, theatre<br />

booking combine and as general manager<br />

of Bailey Theatres, New Haven, is to<br />

operate a twin theatre, now going up adjacent<br />

to Cooke's Tavern in Plainville, and a<br />

single theatre being built in the Fcrndale<br />

Shopping Plaza. Kensington, in association<br />

with Carrols' interests.<br />

The twin will have overall seating capacity<br />

of 800, the single 400.<br />

The theatres will be the first new showplaces<br />

in metropolitan New Britain since<br />

construction several years ago of the Menschell<br />

Bros.' Berlin Cine MI complex on<br />

the Berlin Turnpike.<br />

Other regional Carrols operations include<br />

the 1,350-car capacity Berlin Drive-In,<br />

which is situated not far from the aforementioned<br />

Menschell Bros, complex.<br />

New Britain itself, only ten miles to the<br />

southwest of Hartford, is to have a new<br />

hardtop; it is part of a massive redevelopment<br />

commercial project backed by Hartford<br />

real estate men David T. Chase and<br />

James Bent.<br />

Construction start for the Chase-Bent unit<br />

has not yet been determined.<br />

Still operating in central-core New Britain,<br />

a city of nearly 100.000 residents, are<br />

the Perakos Palace, the RKO-Slanley Warner<br />

Strand and independent Falcon.<br />

The Strand has already been sold to the<br />

New Britain Redevelopment Agency and its<br />

closing is<br />

a matter of time.<br />


J^uane F. Robinson, formerly manager of<br />

the Victory and Suffolk theatres,<br />

Holyoke,<br />

and more recently associated with the<br />

Amherst Cinema as manager, is new manager<br />

of the Academy of Music Theatre, Northampton,<br />

which is used chiefly for motion<br />

pictures and occasional legitimate attractions.<br />

He succeeds the late Cliff Boyd, long<br />

a major figure in<br />

western Massachusetts exhibition.<br />

Victor Baker, Jerry Lewis Twin cinemas,<br />

in the "Big Y" shopping complex. Agawam,<br />

came up with an intriguing promotion for<br />

Buena Vista's "The Million Dollar Duck,"<br />

in cooperation with a number of suburban<br />

merchants. Patrons were asked to name "a<br />

million-dollar duck," the designated winner<br />

getting nothing less than a cloak of money.<br />

Chocolate eggs were distributed to all child<br />

patrons at all matinee screenings.<br />

Henry Burger, whose responsibilities include<br />

the Fox Theatre, Springfield, has become<br />

vice-president. Eastern division. National<br />

General Theatres, in a corporate<br />

executive revamping.<br />

BOXOFHCE September 6, 1971<br />

Support Voiced at TONE Convention<br />

For Film Rating by Local Exhibitors<br />


By<br />

BOSTON—The Theatre Owners of New<br />

England convention, held August 24-26 at<br />

the Sheraton-Hyannis Inn. got off to a rousing<br />

start and ended with the president's banquet<br />

Thursday evening with the largest attendance<br />

in the 17 years TONE members<br />

have held the event in various New England<br />

settings.<br />

At the Tuesday opening meeting, many<br />

questions were asked from the floor— questions<br />

about problems pertaining to product<br />

availability, questions about what constitutes<br />

fair terms and playng time and questions<br />

about the Motion Picture Ass'n of America's<br />

rating code.<br />

A Challenging Idea<br />

A challenging idea in regard to the code<br />

—that the local exhibitor should be the person<br />

who determines a film's rating— gained<br />

widespread support as this discussion developed.<br />

Thinking supporting the idea goes<br />

like this: audience reactions arc different in<br />

different types of communities; rural and<br />

urban audience and community reactions<br />

vary from county to county, state to state.<br />

The local exhibitor is on the scene. He<br />

knows how people of his community think<br />

and feel about film subjects. So who is<br />

better qualified to rate each picture as it<br />

arrives at his theatre than the local exhibitor?<br />

Cited by supporters of this contention<br />

was 20th Century-Fo.v's "Panic in Needle<br />

Park" as an example of the difficulty of<br />

properly rating a film. Should it be GP?<br />

Or R? Many claimed that this picture should<br />

be seen by children under 17 years, limiting<br />

it possibly to the 10-year-olds, because of<br />

the information and the lesson told in its<br />

story.<br />

Light Source Demonstrated<br />

Tuesday evening Optical Radiation Corp.<br />

demonstrates its new .xenon light source at<br />

Interstate's Hyannis Drive-In. One machine<br />

in the booth was operated with the regular<br />

carbon arc and the other with xenon light.<br />

Joe Testa, chief engineer for Massachusetts<br />

Theatre Supply, supervised the installation<br />

and demonstration. Following the demonstration.<br />

Ken Squire, New England representative<br />

for Optical Radiation, and Eddie<br />

Comi and Testa, representing MTS. answered<br />

many questions from exhibitors regarding<br />

the advantages and upkeep of the new<br />

system.<br />

Tuesday afternoon convention golfers<br />

played in a tournament hosted by Savon<br />

Candy Co. Scoring high in this event<br />

rather, we should say scoring low and<br />

ranking high—were Mel Wintman, Ellis<br />

Gordon. Joe Rossi, Ed Fidelli. Jack Finn.<br />

Roger Lockwood and Joe Stanzler. The latter,<br />

by the way, was chairman of the convention<br />

golf committee.<br />

Wednesday evening, members were guests<br />

of the Sheraton-Hyannis Inn at a cocktail<br />

party. It was followed by an old-fashioned<br />

New England clambake, which won the<br />

praises of the out-of-state guests as being<br />

the convention's top event. A preview of<br />

Columbia's release "Bless the Beasts and<br />

Children" was shown at Interstate's Cinema<br />

28. 'Varmouth, and drew long, warm applause<br />

at its close. Practically all viewing<br />

Stanley Kramer's production at this unreeling<br />

agreed that what the industry needs is<br />

more pictures like "Bless the Beasts and<br />

Children."<br />

Thursday morning, registrants were<br />

treated to a preview of product to be released<br />

this fall and winter. The product reels<br />

were shown al Interstate's Cape Cod Mall<br />

Cinema (it's Interstate in all directions on<br />

the Cape), including a long reel on United<br />

Artists' "Fiddler on the Roof."<br />

A cocktail party Thursday evening was<br />

sponsored by Union Carbide. It preceded the<br />

convention's feature event, the president's<br />

banquet, hosted for the 17th year by the<br />

Coca-Cola Co.<br />

Seated at the head table were Roger Lockwood,<br />

president, TONE; Julian Rifkin,<br />

chairman of the board. National Ass'n of<br />

Theatre Owners; Ken Squire, Optical Radiation;<br />

R. D. Whetstone, Union Carbide;<br />

John Hendry, New England regional manager<br />

for the Coca-Cola Co.; Al Boudouris, E-<br />

prad; Joe Alterman. executive director of<br />

NATO; Eugene Picker, president, NATO;<br />

James Davoren, Secretary of State, Massachusetts;<br />

James Julian. Assistant Secretary<br />

of State, Massachusetts, and Samuel Z.<br />

Arkoff. chairman of the board, American<br />

International Pictures.<br />

Carl Goldman, executive secretary of<br />

TONE, welcomed the guests. John Davoren<br />

then presented a citation to Goldman, complimenting<br />

him on his efforts to provide<br />

film programs for nuns and Italian<br />

children<br />

in and around Boston. Davoren said that<br />

Goldman always was ready and willing,<br />

when called upon at the State House for<br />

information, and that he was fair and above<br />

board in his meeting and cooperating with<br />

members of the Legislature in matters pertaining<br />

to the motion picture business.<br />

Arkoff was the principal speaker at the<br />

banquet and his speech is reported in detail<br />

in the National Section of this issue of Box-<br />

OIUCE.<br />

Goldman introduced Mrs. Hilda Arkoff<br />

to the convention members. He then turned<br />

the mike over to "Roastmaster" George<br />

Roberts, who kept continuous laughter roll-<br />

(Continued on next page)<br />

It's Positively Not Too Soon<br />

IStortNow Before It's Too Late.<br />

''<br />

y M^i.'N:Nirrn<br />


. . . Guy<br />

. .<br />

Support Voiced at TONE Convention<br />

For Film Rating by Local Exhibitors<br />

(C'lMitiiuicJ irom prcccilini; page)<br />

ing over ihe banquet hall wiih his quips<br />

about those present and timely topics. He<br />

eoneluded by conducting the drawing for<br />

door prizes, being assisted at this chore by<br />

Carl Goldman's beautiful secretary. The big<br />

winners were Mrs. Phil Lowe, who took<br />

home an eight-track tape deck, and Joe<br />

.Sianzler. whose prize was a $ 1 50 electric<br />

u.ii.h<br />

Convention<br />

Sidelights<br />

Bud" R if kin was parading around the<br />

lobby with a pack on his back—his oneyear-old<br />

son Joel, and the little boy seemed<br />

to be enjoying it . . . Old-time exhibitor<br />

Norman Glassman was moving around<br />

directions and she broke the record for<br />

reaching the head table when her number<br />

was called for one of the prizes.<br />

* * •<br />

Al Levy of 20th Century-Fox and Bert<br />

Topal of United Artists, formerly headquartered<br />

in New England but now both based<br />

in the home office of their respective companies,<br />

seemed to be happy conversing with<br />

old friends in exhibition and distribution . . .<br />

Phil and Edie Scott were given the only<br />

hotel room with a waterbed and they were<br />

busy keeping visitors in line trying it out<br />

and Lee Spencer were greeted by<br />

many, who asked them about Les Benselv,<br />

saying that they missed talking to him.<br />

* * *<br />

Bert Dubinsky Schweitzer, sister of Irwin<br />

aiOHai<br />


IN HONOLULU . .<br />


BEACH!<br />

(Call your Travel Agent)<br />

THE<br />


"OWN"<br />

and Bill Dubmsky o! Dubmsky Bros, in<br />

Nebraska and aunt of Stan and Dick Durwood<br />

of Kansas City, Mo., was at the table<br />

Sumner Myerson was all aglow in a completely<br />

white outfit from head to toe .<br />

Mel Wintman wouldn't let go of the putter<br />

that he won in the stern golf competition,<br />

* • *<br />

Don Critchley, Derry, N. H., disclosed<br />

that his new venture, a motel in Lunenburg,<br />

is named the Coachhouse Inn. Don said that<br />

it is to be completely renovated and he's<br />

greeting friends. He said that he's now in<br />

planning to include movies as part of the<br />

the bowling business and supervises construction<br />

motel's policy.<br />

a franchise<br />

of hamburger stands on<br />

basis.<br />

Exhibitors were unable to make phone BOSTON<br />

calls due to a cable break on the Cape.<br />

Some of them drove several miles to neighboring<br />

Jack Markell, Columba publicity chief, pro-<br />

towns in hopes of being able to make moted a gala invitational premiere at<br />

Ben Sack's Cheri I of "The Go-Between,"<br />

contact with their theatres . . . Ever-smiling<br />

honored as "Best Picture" at the recent<br />

".Sis" Shapiro was greeting friends in all<br />

Cannes Film Festival. Expected to be on<br />

hand at the opening were prominent Massachusetts<br />

political leaders, including senators<br />

Edward Kennedy and Edward Brooke. Gov.<br />

Francis Sargent and Mayor Kevin White<br />

of Boston. Members of the oBston diplomatic<br />

corps also were invited as guests of<br />

the local British and French consuls-general.<br />

The first<br />

General Cinema Corp. made its<br />

entry into San Francisco with the Friday.<br />

August 20, debut of the Ghirardelli Square<br />

Cinema in the heart of the downtown area.<br />

Matthew Fance, formerly manager of General<br />

Cinema's Manchester Mall Cinema in<br />

Fresno, is managing the new Frisco unit<br />

under the supervision of Larry Gleason,<br />

GCC's West Coast division manager. Opening<br />

the Ghirardelli Square Cinema brings<br />

the circuits national operation to 214 units<br />

in 30 states. Opening attraction was "Two-<br />

Lane Blacktop."<br />

records. The new mark of 144 hours and 45<br />

minutes was set by Carolyn Berry, 20, and<br />

CARBONS, Inc. »——-" *^ Box K, C«»cir Knolh,<br />


miCHTV monnRtH of the EKPLOITHTIOn-FILm UIORID<br />


EUERV nniERicnn uiiu see iti<br />

nSTHEVDIDin:<br />

Beaver Falls/Pa.<br />

San Jose/ Cal.<br />

Tyngsboro,Mass.<br />

Colchester, Vt.<br />

New York, N.Y.<br />

SP0TLITE88Drive-ln<br />

8/4-12/71 9 Doyt<br />

SAN JOSE Drive -In<br />

8/4- 10/71<br />

TYN6SB0R0 Drive- In<br />

5/26-6/1/71<br />

COLCHESTER Drive-in<br />

7/2-8/71<br />


5/12 -18/71<br />

. 7259.00<br />

6022.00<br />

7836.00<br />

4830.60<br />

86321.00<br />

Entertainment Ventures, Inc. Presents a Motion Picture by The Sebastians<br />

An In-Deptti Study Of Censorship.Pornography & Obscenity In America # # #<br />

in COLOR<br />


1654 Cordova Sf. Los Angeles, Calif. 90007- - % 213-7317236<br />

Offices In W American Exchange Centers

. .<br />

.<br />

Fortune and Mens Eyes Hits 700<br />

Mark in Boston Savoy Two Debut<br />

HOS I ON— •Fortune ;ind Men's Fycs"<br />

and '1 ho Go-Bclwccn raced away to supercharged<br />

starts and a third new picture.<br />

Peter Rabbit and Tales of Beatrix Potter"<br />

doubled average in blazing weather that<br />

melted grosses of many long-run features.<br />

Savoy Two really hit the jackpot as "Fortune<br />

and Mens Eyes" unreeled to a 700<br />

week that marked the opening of the 400-<br />

seat theatre built at a cost of S250.000 on<br />

the Savoy's stage. Another Sack circuit unit,<br />

Cheri One. enjoyed almost equally as good<br />

business with "The Go-Between." which<br />

'Shaft' Scores Healthy 275<br />

Second Week in Hartford<br />

HARTEORD — "Shaft." one of the<br />

strongest solo attractions to play Harold<br />

Konover's Strand in many months, continued<br />

a 250-plus pace and added shows at<br />

the Meadows Drive-In to its Hartford engagement.<br />

"The Hcllstrom Chronicle" opened<br />

with 200 at the Burnside and Cinema I<br />

and this same level was attained by "Carnal<br />

knowledge" in a fifth week<br />

Cinema and Paris Cinema 1.<br />

Art Cinema— Censorship U.S.A. (SR), 2nd wk, 175<br />

Berl.n, Blue Hills. Manchester—The Lowmon (UA) 80<br />

Berime, Blue Hills, Monchcster—The Lowmon (UA) 80<br />

Burnsido, Cincmo 1—The Hcllstrom Chronicle (SR) 200<br />

Centrol—The Red Tent (Poro) 125<br />

Cinema M, East Hartford cinemas 1, 2<br />

of '42 (WB), 7th wk 50<br />

-Blue Wotcr, White Deoth (NGP), 2nd wk. .175<br />

(Emb), 5th wk 200<br />

Newington, UA Theotre East—The Love<br />

Mochine (Col) 100<br />

Pons Cinema II—Klute (WB), 8th wk 70<br />

Strond—Shoft (MGM), 2nd wk 275<br />

Webster—Scandalous John (BV) 75<br />

president. Local 486. Motion Picture<br />

Projectionists Union, was honored by the<br />

city council for his June 18 heroism in rescuing<br />

three survivors of a crash of a commercial<br />

aircraft in shark-infested waters off<br />

Puerto Rico. The younger Goodrow is a<br />

U.S. Navy aviation machinist's mate. He<br />

attended the citation presentation ceremonies<br />

at city hall, accompanied by his<br />

parents.<br />

Robert P. Butler, SBC's Cinerama, used<br />

Start BOXOFFICE coming .<br />

D 1 year for $10 D 2 years for $17 (Save $3)<br />



These rates for U.S., Canada, Pan-America only. Other countries: $15 a year.<br />



NAME<br />


<strong>Boxoffice</strong> — THE NATIONAL FILM WEEKLY<br />

825 Von Brunt Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 64124<br />

sports page advertising for Cinema 5's "On<br />

Any Sunday." This was in addition to his<br />

regular amusement page layouts.<br />

William Tedesco, son of the late Lou<br />

Tedesco. long-time Loew's Palace projectionist,<br />

has resigned from the faculty at<br />

Greater Hartford Community College to<br />

enter the Episcopal priesthood. He is moving<br />

with his family to McLean, Va.. where<br />

he will begin seminary studies.<br />

The trade was glad to hear of Milt Daly's<br />

appointment as assistant to Jerry Swedroe,<br />

newly named assistant to the president in<br />

charge of theatre operations, Redstone<br />

Theatres. Boston. Daly was once Connecticut<br />

division manager for UA Theatres,<br />

based at UA Theatre East. Manchester<br />

shopping parkade.<br />


"Shaft' Quadruples Average<br />

posted 600. Best percentages among the long<br />

In Three-Theatre Engagement<br />

lineup of holdovers were 400 for the second<br />

NEW HAVEN—"Shaft." making a threetheatre<br />

debut here, was the biggest news<br />

week of "The Anderson Tapes" at Circle<br />

Cinema and 350 for the eighth round of<br />

around as it created lineups and grossed a<br />

"Carnal Knowledge" at Paris Cinema.<br />

pranklin E. Ferguson, general<br />

plump<br />

manager of<br />

400. Also attracting solid business<br />

(Average Is 100)<br />

was "Carnal Knowledge,"<br />

the<br />

275 although<br />

Maurice Bailey<br />

in<br />

"W" Theatres<br />

Astor^The Love Machine (Col), 2nd wk 135<br />

Center— Bury Me on Angel (SR); Angels Die<br />

a sixth week at the Cinemart and Milford<br />

(Whalley,<br />

Hord (SR)<br />

Cheri One—The Go-Between Cinema.<br />

-—-<br />

Westville and Whitney) and Mrs.<br />

Ferguson weekended in New Hampshire.<br />

(Col)<br />

Chen Two—Wotkobout (20th-Fox)<br />

Cinemart, Milford Cinema—Carnal Knowledge<br />

Mel Safner of Ed Ruff Film Associates,<br />

Cheri Three—The Ponic in Needle Pork<br />

(Emb), 6th wk 275<br />

(20th-Fox), 4th wk<br />

College, 150<br />

. . .... _<br />

Post—The Hunting Party (U/<br />

the independent film distributors, quipped:<br />

-The Ander:<br />

i^^ij^<br />

Roger Sherman, Bowl, Milford—Shaft (MGM) . 400<br />

"I<br />

2nd .400 Showcase Cinema I—The hlellstrom Chronicle<br />

don't say women take too long to get<br />

Exeter— Blue Water, White Deoth (NGP),<br />

(SR), 3rd wk<br />

dressed but my wife says, 'I'll be ready in a<br />

12th wk iz:, Showcase Cinema II—Summer of '42 (WB),<br />

Gary— Billy Jock iWBl, 2nd wk 110 9th wk<br />

minute, dear. Go rotate the "<br />

tires.'<br />

Kenmore—The Clowns iSRI, 4th wk 130 Showcase Cinema III—Blue Water, White Deoth<br />

Loews Abbey One—The Hellstrom Chronicle<br />

(NGP), 2nd wk<br />

Don Dzis, Plaza Cinemas, distributed free<br />

(SR), 6th wk 150 Whalley—The Anderson Topes (Col), 5th wk. .<br />

Loews Abbey Tw;--The Devils (WB), 5th wk 160<br />

comic books to every child under 12<br />

Music Hall—Daughters of Dorkness (SR), 3rd wk. 200<br />

Paris Cinema— Cornol Knowledge (Emb), 8th wk. 350<br />

Pi Alley—McCobe & Mrs. Miller (WB), 7th wk. 200<br />

Savoy One— Shaft (MGM), 6th wk 175<br />

Sovoy Two—<br />


at<br />

every showing of 20th Century-Fox's "Escape<br />

From the Planet of the Apes" at PC's<br />

Fortune and Men's Eyes (MGM) Queen Plaza Cinema,<br />

. . . .700<br />

Southington.<br />

Saxon— Peter Rabbit and Tales of Beotrix Potter<br />

(MGM) 200 Thomas Goodrow, son of George Goodrow.<br />

Perakos' Hi-Way Cinema L Stratford-<br />

Bridgeport town line, advertised Avco Embassy's<br />

"Carnal Knowledge" in the New<br />

Haven daily newspapers. This is a rare happening<br />

in regional exhibition. The film has<br />

been playing to excellent business at RKO-<br />

Stanley Warner's Cinemart. Hamden, and<br />

Milford Cinema, both first-run metropolitan<br />

New Haven outlets.<br />

W. J. Van Beynum registered Connecticut<br />

Film Circuit, 1 1 Broad St.. Middletown, as<br />

a trade name with the Middletown town<br />

clerk's office.<br />


Johnnie DiBenedetto, manager of the Redstone<br />

Showcase Cinema, was subject of<br />

a poem, no less, in the Worcester Sunday<br />

Telegram hailing his ability to shed 50<br />

pounds.<br />

The West Boylston Drive-In, playing<br />

Buena "Vista's "The Computer Wore Tennis<br />

Shoes," gave free lollipops to all youngster<br />

patrons. Children were also entertained by<br />

a clown act. Adults were admitted for $1.75.<br />

NE-4 BOXOFFICE :: September 6, 1971

—<br />

Philip Givens Talk<br />

Set for WOMPI Event<br />

I'ORONTO— Philip Givens, QC. Icdcral<br />

Liberal member of parliament and tormcr<br />

mayor of Toronto, will address more than<br />

300 delegates to the WOMPI International<br />

convention at the main banquet Saturday<br />

night (11) in the Royal York Hotel, it was<br />

announced by Florence Long, convention<br />

chairman. The group he will address will<br />

represent approximately 17 clubs, of which<br />

the Toronto club is the only Canadian<br />

member.<br />

WOMPI basically is dedicated to welfare<br />

projects at local levels but cooperates internationally<br />

in maintaining specific facilities<br />

at the Will Rogers Memorial Hospital at<br />

Saranac Lake, N.Y. Recognized throughout<br />

the world for its rehabilitation and research<br />

of respiratory diseases, particularly emphysema,<br />

the Will Rogers Hospital was built<br />

and is maintained mainly by the entertainment<br />

industry. Any industry member suffering<br />

respiratory disabilities can avail himself<br />

or herself of the facilities without cost.<br />

Givens, who acknowledges the label<br />

"film buff," is well known to members of<br />

the industry in Canada, is a member of<br />

Ed Caspar Devises Bally<br />

To Boost 'Cold Turkey'<br />

TORONTO—Ed Gaspar, manager of the<br />

Odeon in Guelph. sends along details of a<br />

unique antismoking campaign which he<br />

planned to support his "Cold Turkey" playdate.<br />

An ad was placed in the personal<br />

column of the local Daily Mercury, inviting<br />

people to bring empty cigaret packages to<br />

the theatre prior to the opening of the film.<br />

A prize of si,\ double pas.ses was offered<br />

to the person who brought in the most<br />

packages. As a result, almost 8,000 were<br />

collected.<br />

A large display was set up in the theatre<br />

lobby by the Wellington County Tuberculosis<br />

and Repiratory Disease Ass'n, where<br />

the empty cigaret packages also were put<br />

on display. A sign directing patrons to the<br />

smoking loges was mounted on a coffin,<br />

with a giant cigaret and a poster clearly<br />

outlining the many hazards of smoking.<br />

Another feature of this campaign which<br />

drew a great deal of attention was an ad in<br />

the Daily Mercury which offered a reward<br />

of $100 to anyone who could catch manager<br />

Gaspar smoking at any time during<br />

the entire playdatc. Gaspar was watched<br />

almost constantly from that moment on<br />

but the loss would have been his own!<br />

Ken Films to Release<br />

GSF Feature Product<br />

roRONIO—Ken lilms ol I oronto has<br />

announced that it will be representing GSF<br />

Productions in Canada. The first attraction<br />

is the suspense thriller, "Someone Behind<br />

the Door," starring Anthony Perkins,<br />

Charles Bronson and Jill Ireland. The feature<br />

was produced by Raymond Danon and<br />

directed by Nicholas Gessner. Release is set<br />

for this month.<br />

The second attraction is to be "It Only<br />

Happens to Others," the Catherine Deneuve-<br />

Marcello Mastroianni starrer. This film<br />

already is being acclaimed as one of the<br />

greatest women's pictures in years.<br />

The North American premiere of "It<br />

Only Happens to Others" will take place<br />

in Toronto and Montreal in October.<br />

W. C. Tyers, 60, Is Dead;<br />

Odeon Advertising Chief<br />

TORONTO—Fnneral services were held<br />

here Monday, August 16, for Wellington<br />

Charles Tyers, advertising manager of<br />

Odeon Theatres (Canada). He was 60<br />

Variety, the entertainment industry's international<br />

service organization, and has served<br />

on the House of Commons" standing committee<br />

for broadcasting, films and assistance<br />

to the arts. At one time he was a com-<br />

life in the motion picture industry.<br />

years old and had spent all of his working<br />

mentator on CHUM Radio in Toronto.<br />

Tyers, best known throughout the industry<br />

as "Wannie," had been with the Odeon<br />

Vice-chairman of a special parliamentary<br />

committee on environmental poUution, Canadian circuit since its inception. The<br />

Givens early this year was appointed Canadian<br />

delegate to the Atlantic Council of the<br />

company celebrated its 25th anniversary in<br />

1966.<br />

U.S. Conference on "Goals and Strategies Before joining Odeon, Tyers was in theatre<br />

management for approximately ten<br />

for Environmental Quality Improvement in<br />

the '70s." During the previous year he had years. He was a very popular industry figure<br />

and widely respected as an outstanding<br />

been a member of the Canada-U.S. Interparliamentary<br />

Group.<br />

showman. Throughout his career, he was a<br />

fervent worker and supporter for the Canadian<br />

Picture Pioneers.<br />

Tyers died while on vacation in Haliburton<br />

Thursday. August 1 2. He had spent one<br />

week of a three-week vacation there with<br />

some members of his family. About two<br />

weeks prior to starting his vacation, he had<br />

been hospitalized for a few days with an<br />

apparently minor heart ailment but appeared<br />

to have recovered.<br />

He leaves his wife Audrey: a son Robert.<br />

and three daughters. Judy, Jane and Ciail.<br />

Vincent Price Attends<br />

Winnipeg World Debut<br />

WINNIPEG-V i<br />

n ec n t Price, star of<br />

American International's "The Abominable<br />

Dr. Phibes," appeared here Wednesday<br />

night. August 25. at the Omnitheatre for the<br />

world premiere of "The Beginning and the<br />

End of the World." The unusual film,<br />

which is shown simultaneously by .18 projectors,<br />

has narration spoken by Price and<br />

was scored by Skitch Henderson. It is designed<br />

for use by planctariums and in special<br />

theatres.<br />

"The Beginning and the End of the<br />

World" is scheduled to be shown throughout<br />

the English-speaking world.<br />

AMPAS Award Given<br />

To 2 NFB Filmmakers<br />

MONIKl \l IvMi \oiini; filmmakers,<br />

on contract to the National Film Board,<br />

each received $2,500 from the Academy of<br />

Motion Picture Arts and .Sciences, sponsor<br />

of the famed Oscar award. Government<br />

Film Commissioner Sydney Newman presented<br />

checks 10 Willie Dunn and Fcrnand<br />

Belanger on behalf of the Academy.<br />

Newman said that, although the $5,000<br />

grant was given to the NFB with no restriction<br />

as to its use, the board had decided, in<br />

keeping with the Academy's policy of "contributing<br />

to the development of international<br />

cinema," to divide the money between two<br />

of its most promising young filmmakers.<br />

Twenly-ninc-year-old Willie Dunn, whose<br />

film "The Ballad of Crowfoot" won the<br />

Ciold Hugo of the Chicago International<br />

Film Festival and the Blue Ribbon Award<br />

of the American Film Festival in New<br />

York, said that he would use the gift to<br />

finance work he is now doing in the field<br />

of videotape recording. Dunn wrote, directed<br />

and composed the music for NFB's<br />

•The Ballad of Crowfoot," a story of the<br />

conflicts between the Indian and the white<br />

man over the past century. A talented song<br />

writer, musician and singer, Dunn, a Micmac<br />

from Montreal, recently has devoted<br />

much of his time to entertaining on Indian<br />

reserves across the country. This year.<br />

Dunn co-directed a production entitled<br />

"Seeds of Exploitation," a film on the Hudson's<br />

Bay Co. Coming up is a short film on<br />

Louis Riel and an LP record of his own<br />

songs.<br />

Fernand Belanger. a 28-year-old filmmaker<br />

from Riviere du Loup, also intends<br />

to apply his gift to work he is presently<br />

doing in the videotape field. Belanger, who<br />

studied filmmaking in France at IDHEC.<br />

joined Radio Quebec as an editor on his return<br />

to Canada. In 1968 he directed a halfhour<br />

film entitled "Via Borduas" for Cinefilms.<br />

In the same year he and a group of<br />

friends turned out two short films entitled<br />

"Initiation" and "Le Sermon sur le Montagne."<br />

Since 1969 he has directed two films for<br />

the NFB: "Ti-Coeur" and "Ty-Peupe."<br />

.Aside from his present work in videotape,<br />

Belanger hopes to being shortly on a new<br />

film about today's youth.<br />

In making the presentation, Newman said<br />

that the National Film Board is deeply<br />

honored that the Academy of Motion Picture<br />

Arts and Sciences made this award to<br />

the board and that he was personally delighted<br />

in the choice of these two filmmakers<br />

to divide the grant.<br />

[it's Positively Not Too Soon<br />

IStort.Now Before It's Too Late.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: September 6. 1971 Krl

The<br />

Blue<br />

. . Tele-Metropole<br />

. . Holdovers<br />

New 'Love Machine/ Four Holdovers<br />

Excellent' Grossers in Toronto<br />

lOROMO \Silli .1 strong lineup ol ;iliratlions.<br />

summer business continued well<br />

above average, with no less than five theatres<br />

reporting "excellent" returns. "The<br />

1 ove Machine" topped new bookings for<br />

one of these "excellent" gross designations;<br />

others went to holdovers "Carnal Knowledge."<br />

"42." "Billy Jack"<br />

"The Summer of and "Doc."<br />

Cotltcn Th« Love Mochinc (Col) Excellent<br />

Downtown Evcl Knicvcl Astral), Good<br />

3rd wk<br />

Glcndalc— Pctcr Rabbit ond Talcs o» Beatrix<br />

Potter (MGMl, 6lh wk Foir<br />

Hollywood (North -Klufc Fair<br />

,WB), 7th wk<br />

Hollywood (South; Carnol Knowledge (IFD),<br />

2nd wk Excellent<br />

Hylond— The Anderson Topes (Col),<br />

7lh wk<br />

Imperial—A Gunfighf (Paro)<br />

Very Good<br />

Good<br />

Intcrnotionol Cinema— Death in Venice (WB),<br />

6th wk Very Good<br />

Townc Cinemo—Summer of '42 (WB),<br />

1 Stti wk Excellent<br />

University—Waterloo (Para), 7th wk Good<br />

Uptown 1 —The Lost Run (MGM) Fair<br />

Uptown 2—Billy Jock (WB), 4th wk Excellent<br />

Uptown Backstage I —Bononos (UA),<br />

3rd wk Very Good<br />

Uptown Backstage 2—Toking Off (Univ),<br />

11th wk Very Good<br />

Yongc—What's the Mottcr With Helen? (UA) ..Fair<br />

York 1— Doe (UA), 2nd wk Excellent<br />

York 2, Albion 2— Blue Water, White Death<br />

(NGP), 3rd wk Good<br />

"Willard' Draws Big Crowds<br />

Third Week in Montreal<br />

MONTRE.AL—A good level of boxofficc<br />

returns prevailed for leading film theatres<br />

here as Montrealcrs poured back into the<br />

city from their summer resort spots and a<br />

substantial level of U..S. tourists contributed<br />

to the rising gross tide. At the Palace, the<br />

thriller "Willard" continued to draw out-<br />

I<br />

standing business.<br />

Alouette Peou d'Anc (Ind), 3rd wk Good<br />

Atwater Cinema The Anderson Topes (Col),<br />

5th wk Good<br />

Capitol The Seven Minutes (20th-Fox), 3rd wk. Good<br />

Cinema Place du Conado Wolkobout (20th-Fox),<br />

2nd wk Good<br />

Cinema Place Marie The Conformist<br />

Ville<br />

^.(P°'-o)<br />

Good<br />

Cinema Westmount Square Love Story (Para)<br />

34th wk Good<br />


For TV or Theatres<br />

35mm and 16mm Black and White<br />

or<br />

Eastmancolor-Ektachrome<br />

Internegotives<br />

•<br />

Reduction prints 35mm to 16mm<br />

also<br />

Unsqueezed 16mm "Flat" prints<br />

made from 35mm Cinemascope films<br />

Graduate chemist at your service<br />

For consistent quality control<br />

•<br />

A modern lob to give the film distributor<br />

personalized service<br />

•<br />

Our prices are competitive<br />

Contact David Bier<br />

Further<br />

Information<br />

for<br />


265 Vitre Sf. W. Dept B., (514) 861-5483<br />

Montreal,<br />

Quebec<br />

Elvce (Eiscnstcin)— Juste Avont la Mort (Ind),<br />

6th wk Good<br />

Elysee (Resnais)— Le Dernier Souf (Ind), 4th wk. Good<br />

Impend Joe Coligulo (Ind), 3rd wk Good<br />

Loews—The Lost Run (MGM), 3rd wk Good<br />

Palace Willord (IFD), 3rd wk<br />

Porisien— Lcs Novices (Ind), 5th wk<br />

Good<br />

Good<br />

The Million-Dollar Duck (Emp), 2nd wk. Good<br />

Seville<br />

Westmount— Ploio Suite (Para), 9th wk<br />

York—Bononos (UA), 4th wk<br />

Good<br />

Good<br />

Coronet Von Richthofen and Brown (UA),<br />

2nd wk Fair<br />

Denman Place Witchcroft '70 (Ind) Above Average<br />

Downtown Who Is Horry Kellermon? (NGP),<br />

Fine \<br />

4th wk<br />

Arts<br />

Above Averoge<br />

Cinema —The Summer of '42 (WB),<br />

6th wk Good<br />

Odeon Doc Excellent<br />

(UA)<br />

Orpheum Le Mans Average<br />

(NGP) 2nd wk. . .Above<br />

Park Two-Lone Blocktop (Univ), 2nd wk Poor<br />

Park Royal— Goodbye Gemini (IFD) Fair<br />

Stanley Corral Knowledge (Emb), Excellent<br />

2nd wk.<br />

Strand Klute (WB), 2nd wk Fair<br />

Studio Without o Stitch (IFD), 8th wk Good<br />

Vogue The Anderson Topes (Col), 4th wk. .Average<br />

'Big Jake,' 'Summer of '42'<br />

Lead Recovery in Winnipeg<br />

WINNIPEG—Business improved for the<br />

first week in three, led by the "excellent"<br />

opening week for "Big Jake" and the improvement<br />

in "The Summer of "42" to an<br />

"excellent" rating.<br />

Capitol Le Mans (NGP), 2nd wk Good<br />

Downtown—When Eight Bells Toll (IFD);<br />

The Big Doll House (IFDI Good<br />

Gaiety, Garden City, Grant Park Willie Wonka<br />

and the Chocolate Factory (Emp) Good<br />

Gorrick Buttercup Chain (Co!) Average<br />

Metropolitan Big Joke (NGP) Excellent<br />

North Stor Woter, White Death (NGP) Good<br />

North Star II Making It (20th-Fox), 2nd wk. ..Good<br />

Polo Pork The Summer of '42 (WB),<br />

8th wk Excellent<br />

Towne Love Is o Splendid Illusion (IFD) ..Average<br />


productions Pierre Jobin announced that<br />

.<br />

Claude Gauthier will tour some 40<br />

localities in Ontario's French-speaking area<br />

for filming of "Entre la Mer et L'Eau<br />

Douce." in which Gauthier stars with<br />

Genevieve Bujold of<br />

this city, connected with France Film, will<br />

inaugurate a TV network which includes<br />

CFTM-TV here. CFCM-TV in Quebec City<br />

and CJMP-TV, Chicoutimi.<br />

Pete Baird of Sherbrook shot an 81 to<br />

win the D. English trophy at St. Jean in the<br />

Quebec Motion Picture Pioneers golf tournament.<br />

The George Ganetakos trophy for<br />

low net went to Pierre Denis of the Kent.<br />

A 76 gave Roger Roulteau of Victoriaville<br />

the low gross in the industry division and<br />

ilie Odeon trophy. Grant Dearnaley was<br />

tlic runner-up. He received the Armand<br />

Hesse trophy. The Odeon trophy for guests<br />

went lo 1.. Caron.<br />

"Fleur Bleiie" of Films Mutels, starring<br />

Steve Fiset, will have its premiere here at<br />

Odeon's Berri Theatre Thursday (9) and<br />

its Quebec City premiere at the Capitol<br />

Theatre Tuesday (7) ... La Cooperative<br />

des Cineastes Independents-Centre du Film<br />

Underground of Montreal has been invited<br />

10 present a 16mm film retrospective at the<br />

i;dinburgh International Film Festival in<br />

Scotland.<br />


pirector John Frankenhelmer, during his<br />

recent visit here, filmed part of a 24-<br />

minute featurette on his career. The picture<br />

'Doc' 'Carnal Knowledge'<br />

'Excellent' in Vancouver<br />

VANCOUVER—While continuation of a<br />

heat wave sent record numbers of people<br />

to the beaches on Sunday, moviegoing was<br />

not unduly affected. "Carnal Knowledge"<br />

was still very strong at the Stanley, while<br />

holdovers "McCabe & Mrs. Miller." Capitol;<br />

"Who Is Harry Kellerman?", Down-<br />

traffic . . .<br />

town; "The Summer of "42." Fine Arts and<br />

Cinema-1; "Le Mans." Orphcum. and<br />

will be used to train young filmmakers.<br />

"Without a Stitch." Studio, all showed sufficient<br />

This city had its second sidewalk mall<br />

strength to warrant an additional week. "Doc," Odeon. started off with an of the summer season as part of Carnival<br />

"excellent" first week.<br />

Toronto, with the section of Yonge Street<br />

from Gerrard to Dundas clo.sed to vehicular<br />

Capitol— McCobe & Mrs. Miller (WB),<br />

5th wk Average<br />

The Canadian National Exhibition<br />

also opened its annual two-week stint.<br />

Industry condolences to the family of<br />

Wellington C. "Wannie" Tyers, who died<br />

August 12. He was advertising manager of<br />

Odeon Theatres (Canada).<br />

Warner Bros.'<br />

"Summer of '42" must go<br />

into the books locally as the biggest grosser<br />

of the summer season, as it now passes its<br />

third month at the Towne Cinema and continues<br />

to do extremely well. United Artists'<br />

"Bananas" also has done almost as well at<br />

the Uptown, where it has passed its second<br />

profitable month . continue<br />

to predominate at first-run houses, with<br />

"Murphy's War" opening at the Capri and<br />

the Westwood Cinema and "The Omega<br />

Man" at the Imperial.<br />

OTTAWA<br />

^he 20th Century Nelson here has booked<br />

what is called a "Showcase Series of<br />

Memorable Motion Pictures"—a package<br />

of eight classic attractions—for the fall sea- j<br />

son, with weekly changes each Friday. The<br />

special program will extend into October.<br />

The Nelson, formerly the city's only theatre<br />

with a hard-ticket policy, opened the<br />

with the screening of "The Great Caruso,"<br />

series<br />

followed by "The Great Waltz."<br />

"Naughty Marietta." "Grand Hotel," "San<br />

Francisco," "Mrs. Miniver." "Mutiny on<br />

the Bounty" and "Mata Hari."<br />

The prodigious National Arts Centre here<br />

is going into regular competition with film<br />

theatres,<br />

after conversion of certain sections<br />

of the imposing structure is completed.<br />

These areas previously have been used for<br />

other forms of entertainment. Bruce Corder,<br />

director of NAC operations, announced<br />

that the federal government has been asked<br />

to provide $280,000 for the development,<br />

K-2 BOXOFFICE :: September 6, 1971

. .<br />

. . Interviewed<br />

. .<br />

. . . "The<br />

. . Downtown<br />

to consist of two small theatres, plus projection<br />

equipment. One unit, to be called<br />

the Mini-Cine, is planned for the showing<br />

of older films and new Canadian features.<br />

The Citizen's weekly Canadian Magazine<br />

published a feature article on "The Ten<br />

Richest Men in Canada," the list including<br />

Paul L. Nathanson, son of the late N. L.<br />

Nathanson of Famous Players fame. Paul,<br />

who lives at Maple, Ont.. has an estimated<br />

fortune of $125,000,000, it was stated, some<br />

of which is invested in the film business.<br />

The year book shows he is president of<br />

Empire Films, Sovereign Film Distributors<br />

and GTI Drive-In Services. The latter has<br />

a number of ozoners across Ontario, which<br />

use the slogan "Canadian Owned and Operated."<br />

At one time he was an officer of<br />

Ontario Variety Club Tent 28.<br />

Large signs have been erected on the<br />

downtown site of the former Famous Players<br />

Capitol, where a high-rise complex is<br />

under construction. They provide the information<br />

that the project will be called the<br />

Capitol Square and will include triple cinemas,<br />

a fact that is now official.<br />

I he National Film Theatre, which caters<br />

to club members, has organized its first oneweek<br />

film festival, starting September 1,<br />

with many features for the daily program<br />

changes. New York film critic Bosley Crowther<br />

is scheduled as guest speaker. The festival<br />

opens with the British comedy "Kind<br />

Hearts and Coronets." For the coming season<br />

the Bytown Film Club has booked oldtime<br />

pictures, nothing newer than 1936 pro-<br />

Start Grand Forks Airer<br />

From North Central<br />

Edition<br />

GRAND FORKS, N.D.—Construction is<br />

under way on a 525-550-car drive-in, located<br />

a mile and half out of the city on Route 81,<br />

according to John Doherty, city manager for<br />

Midcontinent Theatre Co. of North Dakota.<br />

Opening is scheduled for next spring. The<br />

circuit presently operates the Starlite Drive-<br />

In and Fox Theatre here.<br />

"What's Up, Doc?" stars Barbra Streisand<br />

and Ryan O'Neal.<br />

dLOHa!<br />


IN HONOLULU . .<br />


BEACH!<br />

(Call your Travel Agent)<br />

.<br />

THE<br />


"OWN"<br />


^ith the ninth annual film festival brought<br />

to a successful conclusion, manager<br />

Don Barnes has left the Varsity in a relief<br />

manager's hands while he takes a busman's<br />

holiday in England, visiting the watering<br />

spots and race courses — but keeping an<br />

eagle eye out for films for the tenth annual<br />

Varsity Film Festival next year . . . Across<br />

town at Odeon's Dolphin, manager Bob<br />

Hirtlc started the first of a series of Friday<br />

midnight horror shows Friday, August 13.<br />

The opener was Vincent Price's 1 00th motion<br />

picture, "1 he Ahdominable Dr. Phibes"<br />

(Aip), backed up by "Horror House" .<br />

The White Rock Little Theatre has opened<br />

the White Rock Theatre, using 1 6mm product.<br />

Admission for adults is $1 and for<br />

children .lO cents.<br />

One of the Yukon's most famous entertainment<br />

establishments has closed its doors.<br />

The Orpheum at Dawson, which had been<br />

in operation since the silent days, shuttered<br />

because of poor attendance. Its unique<br />

house policy, as set forth on the monthly<br />

program, warned: "No Shows When the<br />

Temperature Drops Below 3.5 Degrees<br />

Below Zero." Built on permafrost, the<br />

theatre always was developing a lean to<br />

one side or the other as the foundation<br />

sank and periodically had to be shored up.<br />

It also housed some colorful individuals as<br />

owner-manager. One, Wilf Cleaves, closed<br />

the house the day the telegraph announced<br />

the start of World War II in 1939, hiked<br />

ductions.<br />

and<br />

Skagway, Vancover<br />

a ballet, by the Sun's entertainment<br />

out to then in joined<br />

page. The resultant rave reviews undoubtedly<br />

The Mayfair in Ottawa South, the closest the Rangers (later Commandos). He served<br />

helped push the gross right up to that set<br />

with distinction in Europe.<br />

by "The Love Bug" a couple of years ago.<br />

theatre to Lansdowne Park where the annual<br />

Ottawa Exhibition was being held,<br />

clo.sed down completely for fair week .<br />

Many years ago, when he was operating<br />

At the same time, "The Railway Children"<br />

at the Ridge also won the plaudits of both<br />

was<br />

Among the seven holdovers, the leader 16mm circuit out of Smithers, Pioneer<br />

dailies' critics and set a new high for 1971<br />

a<br />

"Klute," ninth week at the Place de Ville<br />

veteran Cece Steele actively was promoting<br />

Cinema 2. A third week was registered by —via word of mouth—the potential of central<br />

in the house.<br />

British Columbia as a mining area, par-<br />

"Billy Jack" at Elgin 2, "Summer of "42"<br />

Family-tjpe reissues were doing well, as<br />

at Place de Ville and "Deux Femmes en ticularly to the Americans who were<br />

"Pinocchio" was held for a third week in<br />

Or" at the Towne.<br />

hunting in the area. From the interest gen-<br />

one Park Royal twin, the Richmond -Square<br />

erated by Cece and others came the giant<br />

molybdenum mine at Endako. Now it has<br />

been announced that one of the backers of<br />

"Another Smith in Paradise," just completed<br />

by Jim Margellos, was Slocan Ottawa<br />

Mines. This operation is largely owned by<br />

mining promoter Morris Black of Endako<br />

fame.<br />

In town in mid-August was Richard<br />

Castellano who, with Chief Dan George,<br />

was making a ten-minute film on ecology,<br />

conceived at Simon Eraser University by<br />

Richard Saddleir and Prof. Lubomir Novotny,<br />

with dialog by SFU film graduate<br />

Peter Bryant . by Sun entertainment<br />

editor Les Wedman, Castellano<br />

had this to say about the entertainment industry:<br />

"Millions of people are crying out<br />

for entertainment and he is prepared to<br />

help provide that entertainment, because<br />

he is convinced that it is the actors' job.<br />

along with producers, technicians, exhibitors,<br />

distributors, etc., to entertain the<br />

people at a reasonable price."<br />

One of the more successful multiples<br />

of this summer season was that of "Le<br />

Mans," which held for two weeks in the<br />

Orpheum, Paramount, New Westminster<br />

and the Delta Drive-In, Richmond. The<br />

first week at the Delta was a new high for<br />

the year in any drive-in in the province . . .<br />

Meanwhile, the way-out Colonial Magic,<br />

hosting the double bill of "Grapes of<br />

Wrath" and •Arsenic and Old Lace." got<br />

two very profitable weeks out of the venerable<br />

duo, with a banner consisting of brown<br />

paper strips crudely lettered in black, plus a<br />

two-column, one-inch slug in the dailies.<br />

Al Magill, key shipper at Victoria, has<br />

been transferred to Calgary as branch manager.<br />

Before leaving he was hosted at a<br />

short gathering by George Hislop and the<br />

staff and presented with a gift.<br />

Contributing<br />

were members of Victoria Shipping, the<br />

film exchanges and the many others who<br />

hold Al in high esteem . . . Bernice Magill<br />

of Mctro-Goldwyn-Mayer left on her annual<br />

two-week vacation, leaving manager Dave<br />

Gilfillan to hold the fort . . . Jack Reid added<br />

a postscript to his latest letter to Theo<br />

Ross: "Wouldn't you know the U.S.A.<br />

would be the first to establish a used car<br />

agency on the moon!"<br />

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's 'Peter Rabbit<br />

and Tales of Beatrix Potter," which opened<br />

at the West Vancouver Park Royal to fantastic<br />

business, received the unprecedented<br />

honor of being reviewed, both as a film<br />

and Columbia New Westminster theatres<br />

$1,000,000 Duck" and "The<br />

Barefoot Executive" were very strong in<br />

the Lougheed Drive-ln . a<br />

revival of "Vallev of the Dolls" and "Beyond<br />

the Valley of the Dolls" at the Coronet<br />

was very close to "excellent" figures<br />

(Continued on next page)<br />

. .<br />


(Cunliniicd from preceding page)<br />

.iiui was held . . . The George C. Scott-<br />

Joanne Woodward starrer, "They Might Be<br />

Ciianis, " which was clobbered by the intense<br />

heat a few weeks ago in its initial engagement,<br />

opened at the Odcon West Vancouver,<br />

.icconipanied by a special plug and reminder<br />

from the Sun"s Les Wedman that<br />

this picture was a "must for the discrimin.itmg<br />

moviegoer." The result was a smashing<br />

week and a holdover for manager<br />

D.mny Ireland.<br />

father, who is very ill . . .<br />

The shooting schedule on "The Plastic<br />

Man" had to be revamped, as star George<br />

Peppard flew to the East to visit his aging<br />

The 17-day<br />

Pacific National Exhibition got off to a<br />

soggy start as the first heavy rains in six<br />

weeks almost washed out the opening<br />

parade, marshalled by Chief Dan George,<br />

and put the attendance approximately<br />

50,000 behind opening day last year .<br />

Earlier in the week. Bill Young phoned<br />

your correspondent from Terrace, where he<br />

had tied-in the opening of "Little Big Man"<br />

with an Indian Days celebration and fair<br />

which was being held in the town of 4,000.<br />

Looking only for an Indian war canoe and<br />

some masks to decorate his front in Prince<br />

Rupert, which is about 80 miles away, he<br />

hit the jackpot and set up the biggest campaign<br />

ever put on in the Pacific Northwest.<br />

Up for the celebration was Chief Dan<br />

George and almost every Indian who had<br />

appeared in any picture shot in western<br />

Canada, plus Indian tribes and bands in a<br />

.SOO-mile radius. The result was turnaway<br />

business and a new house record.<br />

The film "Another Smith for Paradise,"<br />

while possibly only another minor effort<br />

in the boxoffice sweepstakes, received more<br />

local newspaper space and media time than<br />

"Cione With the Wind." .Several of the<br />

media personnel played bit parts in the picture<br />

and each one coyly pre-empted space in<br />

his column or program to let the public<br />

know that he had labored in the cinematic<br />

vineyard and found the taste of wine was<br />

heady.<br />

When Alfred T. Morris, Cenpex '71<br />

president, takes his annual holidays from<br />

Victoria Shipping, he works just as hard as<br />

at the office . . . Cenpex '71 is the name of<br />

the three-day show the 23 philatelic societies<br />

of British Columbia held Friday through<br />

Sunday (3-5) at the Royal Towers Hotel in<br />

New Westminster. Alf's specialty is Christmas<br />

stamps and he has six frames filled<br />

with the first Christmas stamp issued in<br />

Canada in 1898. He spends most evenings<br />

in his den working on his collection.<br />

Vintage Plane Cracks Up<br />

During 'Ace Eli' Filming<br />

Fr.n, Central Edition<br />

MOUNT HOPE. KAS.—Veteran motion<br />

picture aerial stunt pilot Frank Tallman.<br />

flying his own J-1 standard 54-year-old<br />

plane for a sequence in the 20th Century-<br />

Fox production "Ace Eli and Rodger of<br />

the Skies." cracked up in a cornfield ten<br />

miles west of here. With Tallman in the<br />

plane was Bernadette Peters, who had just<br />

reported to the movie location after completing<br />

her co-starring role in the Broadway<br />

play "W.C." Neither Miss Peters nor Tailman<br />

was injured.<br />

The valuable vintage aircraft suffered<br />

major damage to its wings, prop and tail<br />

structure and will be out of action for sev-<br />

weeks.<br />

eral<br />

Tallman, serving as a stunt double for<br />

"Ace Eli" star Cliff Robertson, had just<br />

left the ground when a gust of wind caught<br />

the plane under the right wing, forcing it<br />

into a 360-degree turn, with the lower left<br />

wing and prop cutting a deep furrow<br />

through a recently harvested cornfield.<br />

Plan Hardtop in Corona<br />

From Western Edition<br />

CORONA, CALIF. — William Landis,<br />

Beverly Hills developer, has proposed the<br />

construction of a 300-seat motion picture<br />

theatre in Corona, according to Tariq M.<br />

Shamma, president of Tariq M. Shamma<br />

Associates.<br />

Join the Widening Circle<br />

Send in your reports to BOXOFFICE<br />

on response of patrons to pictures<br />

you show. Be one of the many who<br />

report to—<br />


A Widely Read Weekly Feature of Special Interest<br />

{Address your letters to Editor,<br />

"Exhibitor Has His Say," 825<br />

Van Brunt Blvd.. Kansas City,<br />

Mo. 64124.<br />


Always in the Forefront With the News<br />

K-4 BOXOFFICE :: September 6. 1971










IDEAS<br />


Original Promotions<br />

Pay Off for Manager<br />

Bob Klingc, manager ot Dickinson's lux<br />

Theatre in Joplin, Mo., and a long-time<br />

advocate of "old-fashioned showmanship,"<br />

recently was named the circuit's 'Shownuin<br />

of the Month," and has come up with a<br />

number of enthusiastic promotions, not the<br />

least of which was the recent no-cost promotion<br />

on "Cold Turkey."<br />

For that picture, Klinge asked the next<br />

door liquor store to save all of its empt\<br />

cigaret cartons for him. He then took the<br />

cartons, cut the front panels off and used<br />

them to spell out the title, "Cold Turkey,"<br />

across the<br />

theatre glass door front.<br />

This, said Klinge, was "an eyecatcher that<br />

cost nothing and yet drew more commcni<br />

from passers-by on the clever, cute and<br />

original display. One woman even told nic<br />

that she nearly hit a car while driving h\<br />

the theatre because the sign attracted her<br />

attention to such an extent."<br />

In addition, Klinge contracted with a<br />

popular daytime women's fashion television<br />

program, "Rambling With Rose," to air<br />

seven five-minute segments promoting "Cold<br />

Turkey." Rose, who hosts the show, taped<br />

35 minutes of location film which included<br />

interviews with the stars, producers and<br />

others connected with the film.<br />

Klinge always has advocated strong promotional<br />

efforts and, earlier this year, he<br />

and other Dickinson managers held a round<br />

table conference and came up with a<br />

multitude<br />

of ideas.<br />

One of these involved the local bloodmobile,<br />

in which the managers agreed to<br />

print tickets with the copy "This ticket will<br />

be honored at any of the Dickinson Theatres<br />

in this area: Lux, Webb City Drivein,<br />

66 Drive-In or Twilite Drive-In," to<br />

be handed out to blood donors, serving not<br />

only as a good promotion bit for the theatres,<br />

but also as a community goodwill<br />

builder.<br />

Innumerable special promotions were discussed<br />

and many were later implemented,<br />

such as treasure hunt nights; kiddies' field<br />

days, complete with sack races, tugs of war,<br />

potato races, bean races and other such<br />

competitive games; a fur-lined bathtub<br />

giveaway, in which an old-fashioned bathtub<br />

is lined with fake fur, then filled with<br />

groceries and other merchandise promoted<br />

in exchange for co-op advertising; penny<br />

treasure hunts, where pennies of certain<br />

(Continued on following page)<br />

BOXOFFICE Showmondieer :: Sept. 6, 1971<br />

Lobby Display, City-Wide Campaign<br />

Help Promote Shootouf Engagement<br />

Theatre staff, dressed in Western attire, stand by lobby display created to<br />

promote the engagement of "Shootout" at the Odeon Theatre in Winnipeg.<br />

Don H. Byers, manager of the downtown<br />

Odeon Theatre in Winnipeg, Man., came<br />

up with an extensive and multi-faceted promotion<br />

for his theatre's engagement of Universal's<br />

"Shootout."<br />

The heart of the campaign was the lobby<br />

display which was set up a week and a half<br />

prior to the actual playdate. The display<br />

consisted of an almost full-scale replica of<br />

a Western-style stone-walled jailhouse. The<br />

jail was constructed of plywood and the<br />

stone wall effect was created by stonetextured<br />

contact paper. The bars on the<br />

small window were made of wood and<br />

painted black, and above the black door<br />

hung a wooden sign lettered "JAIL" in oldfashioned<br />

Western-style letters. An actual<br />

varnished tree branch served as the support<br />

for the sign, which hung from the branch<br />

on two small iron chains.<br />

Two genuine old buckboard wagon<br />

wheels leaned against each wall of the jailhouse,<br />

and in front a Western saddle hung<br />

on a hitching post made of birch logs.<br />

Attached to one wall of the jail was a gun<br />

display of exact replica copies of four<br />

of the types of guns used in the Old West,<br />

which were obtained on loan from a local<br />

machine dealer.<br />

— 125 —<br />

In order to add the final touch to make<br />

the whole display look authentic, Byers"<br />

staff spread a two-inch layer of gravel<br />

around the jailhouse to a width of approximately<br />

four feet.<br />

The second phase of the promotion was<br />

the "outside," or "downtown." campaign.<br />

On the opening day of the film, two<br />

horseback riders rode around the suburban<br />

areas of the city and downtown. The riders<br />

wore colorful Western-style clothing, and<br />

attached to their backs were bright orangeand<br />

red-lettered signs with the inscriptions,<br />

"We're on our way to the shootout at the<br />

Odeon Theatre" and "Join us at the Odeon<br />

Theatre for the shootout."<br />

For the marquee. Byers had special<br />

"Shootout" letters made of weathered wood.<br />

The letters, four feet tall by two feet wide,<br />

were cut from weathered pl\-wood panels.<br />

Two-inch holes were drilled at random in<br />

each one. and then the edges of the holes<br />

were painted black to give a "buUethole"<br />

effect during the day. At night the same<br />

effect was achieved by the light from the<br />

marquee shining through the holes.<br />

Each of the daily newspapers printed<br />

photographs and write-ups on the movie.<br />

(Continued on following page)

Youthful Vote Registrants Offered<br />

Free Admission to<br />

Shaff by MGM<br />

Tie-in With Car Dealer<br />

Boosts New 'Apes' Film<br />

Gerry Sabourin, manager of the Odeon<br />

Parkway drive-in in Toronto, recently found<br />

ihat a tie-in with a local car dealer was<br />

highly profitable in promoting "Escape from<br />

Ihe Planet of the Apes." The dealer loaned<br />

Sabourin a sleek Mercury Cougar convertible<br />

to tour local shopping plazas. Two staff<br />

members in ape masks rode in the rear,<br />

while handing out heralds announcing a<br />

contest promoted by the dealer. In this way,<br />

both campaigns were given excellent promotion,<br />

and the playdate extended for five<br />

ver\' profitable weeks.<br />

MGM to register to vote<br />

Nearly every major representative of 2 will be ineligible to vote in next year's<br />

radio, television news programs. New York presidential elections. Richard Roundtree.<br />

newspapers and national wire services was star of "Shaft," was on hand to assist in the<br />

on hand to cover an event designed to encourage<br />

registering of the youngsters, along with<br />

all 18- to 21-year-olds to get out Senator Fred Harris, D-Okla., considered a<br />

and register to vote by MGM, who offered potential candidate for the Presidency; Roy<br />

free admission to their boxoffice smash, M. Goodman, R-L Manhattan; John Burns,<br />

"Shaft." from 6 a.m. to 12 noon at the 72nd State Democratic Committee chairman, and<br />

Street Playhouse in New York City. All 18- John Becker, chairman of the youth registration<br />

year-olds who do not register before October<br />

committee of the Democratic party.<br />

Cashier Becomes Walking Soup Can<br />

For Engrossing Campaign in Texas<br />

Mrs. Geneva Wood, manager of Trans-<br />

Texas' Fine Arts Theatre in Denton, Tex.,<br />

reports that her staff completed an excellent<br />

ballyhoo for Columbia Pictures' "There's a<br />

Girl in My Soup." Armed with numerous<br />

ideas but confronted with a lack of time,<br />

Mrs. Wood and some of her staff set busily<br />

to work. In the confab of ideas, the walking<br />

soup can was born.<br />

By using a cardboard barrel, red and<br />

white paper, lettering, and much teamwork,<br />

the can was constructed in less than three<br />

hours' time. On the opening day of the<br />

movie the can was donned by Mellissa<br />

Faulkner, a cashier. Since the can had only<br />

one armhole, someone was needed to lead<br />

the leggy soup can around. A concession<br />

attendant, Gary Ford, was enlisted for this<br />

purpose while Cindy Bason, another cashier,<br />

followed as photographer. The three set out<br />

on a very productive and hilarious journey.<br />

Response from the public was tremendous.<br />

While taking some pre-stunt pictures,<br />

a man became so engrossed in the proceedings<br />

that he fell off the curb. And that was<br />

just the beginning. As the "can" walked<br />

around the court house square, people on<br />

the streets and in their cars did double<br />

takes. The first look was astonishment; the<br />

second, interested amusement. This interested<br />

amusement was what brought people<br />

to the theatre. (The man who had fallen<br />

off the curb later returned to the theatre to<br />

see the movie, saying. "I just had to see<br />

what this movie is about. That soup can<br />

really leaves you wondering.") The Denton<br />

Record-Chronicle was so impressed by the<br />

ballyhoo that it devoted space for a threecolumn<br />

picture in the amusements section<br />

the next day.<br />

"AH in all," said Mrs. Wood, "the stunt<br />

was more than well received. It brought attention<br />

to the theatre and recognition to the<br />

movie."<br />

Original<br />

Promotions<br />

(Continued from preceding page)<br />

dates are worth valuable prizes promoted<br />

from merchants; flying saucers, in which<br />

paper plates are thrown from the concession<br />

stand with the name of a prize written on<br />

Ihem; doll contests for girls, pooch parades<br />

for all kids and chicken nights for everyone,<br />

with a dozen or so live chickens tossed<br />

from the top of the concession stand.<br />

Virtually all of Klinge's promotional<br />

activities are at no cost or at very low cost<br />

to the theatre. When Cliff Simmons, Webb<br />

City Drive-In manager, conceived the idea<br />

of giving away free potted plants for<br />

Mother's Day, Klinge arranged for 300 to<br />

be given away at each of the three drive-ins.<br />

As Dickinson noted in its monthly publication,<br />

"Around the Shield," naming Klinge<br />

"Showman of the Month," his creative<br />

ideas and activities "are indeed a stimulus<br />

for us all. The promotional possibilities are<br />

endless."<br />

'Shootout'<br />

(Continued from preceding page)<br />

Byers also received cross-plugging from<br />

other theatres and placed one-sheets and<br />

photographs at two of the downtown hotels.<br />

Still other promotional devices were employed<br />

to create a Western effect. The staff<br />

dressed in Western clothes— jeans, shirts,<br />

cowboy boots and white hats—during all<br />

the performances. At intermissions, Country<br />

and Western music was played over the<br />

screen speakers.<br />

'jiygvTaaviaEgagE<br />




Present this Coupon at concession for a<br />


k^ GOOD AUG 25 Ih-u SEPT 3, 1971 JW<br />

Adjacent to their film advertising in<br />

Kansas City newspapers, American<br />

Mtiiti Cinema placed a coupon which<br />

allowed its patrons to "beat the heat"<br />

with a free cold drink and free popcorn.<br />

126 — BOXOFFICE Showmandiser :: Sept. 6, I97I

.Df.yisE<br />

. . The<br />

—<br />

Willy<br />

(Para)<br />

Wonka & the Chocolate Factory'<br />

Wins August Blue Ribbon Award<br />


THE MUSICAL FANTASY, •Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory." based on<br />

Roald Dahl's children's classic, was selected as the Blue Ribbon Award winner<br />

for August by members of the National Screen Council. The Paramount release, filmed<br />

in Munich by Wolper Pictures and the Quaker Oats Co., was rated G by the MPAA<br />

and Al by the NCO. It has grossed 184 per cent in its first-run playdates in key cities<br />

and has been aided by a selling campaign from the Quaker Oats Co. Dahl adapted his<br />

story for producers Stan Margulics and David I.. Wolper and included some sharp<br />

satire aimed at television.<br />

BoxoFFicE reviewed "Willy Wonka &<br />

the Chocolate Factory" in its issue of June<br />

14 and, terming the picture "delightful,"<br />

said:<br />

"Children who disobey their elders are<br />

shown being punished, a fact which is<br />

sure to make an impression on unruly<br />

youngsters. Gene Wilder and Jack Albertson,<br />

Academy Award nominee and winner,<br />

respectively, head an engaging cast,<br />

but 12-year-old Peter Ostrum makes a<br />

major contribution as the appealing young<br />

hero. Wilder's Wonka will create strong<br />

empathy among exasperated adults who<br />

undoubtedly would like to deal with misbehaving<br />

children in his gleeful way."<br />

The picture was directed by Mel Stuart<br />

and features six original songs by Leslie<br />

Bricusse and Anthony Newley.<br />

On their ballots, NSC members made<br />

the following comments:<br />

A Great FamilY Film<br />

"Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory"<br />

is a great family film. We even<br />

printed our own golden coupon (Ed.<br />

Note: Discount coupon for a ticket to<br />

"Willy Wonka."—Robert M. Price jr..<br />

WDNG Radio, Anniston. Ala. ... An innocuous<br />

amusement.—Alvin Easter, Cinema<br />

Magazine ... A pleasant little fantasy<br />

that brings to cinematic life Roald Dahl's<br />

charming story.—Earl J. Dias. Standard-<br />

Times, New Bedford, Mass.<br />

My choice— "Willy Wonka & the<br />

Chocolate Factory" — a captivating fanta.sy;<br />

it tells of five children who have<br />

won day-long visits to a candy factory!<br />

Mrs. Kenneth C. Wilson, San Francisco<br />

Motion Picture & TV Council . . . Children<br />

age five loved this, and we enjoyed<br />

it, too.—Mrs. John B. Pew, Kansas City,<br />

Mo. . . . Easily the best-flavored for children.—Wayne<br />

Allen, State Journal-Register,<br />

Springfield, III. . . . Beats Disney<br />

entry easily! — Marvin A. Brock, Texas<br />

Tech Alumni, Lubbock.<br />

"Willy Wonka" was good family entertainment.—Mrs.<br />

Eugene Fried, MFC,<br />

Greater Cleveland . . . The best of four<br />

excellent choices. It was hard to eliminate.<br />

—Dr. James K. Loutzenhiser, Missouri<br />

Council on the Arts . . . Only picture on<br />

the list that I did see. Good picture.<br />

Mrs. Leslie T. Barco, BFC. Greater St.<br />

Louis.<br />

One ol the Best Ever<br />

A good list for once. "Willy Wonka's"<br />

satire that wins the adults makes it allfamily<br />

fare.—Joan Vadeboncoeur, .Syracuse<br />

Herald-Journal . . . One of the best<br />

children's films ever, and so much more<br />

fun for adults than the usual Disney pap.<br />

—John Hartl, Seattle Times . only<br />

good family film of the season.—Bob<br />

Sokolsky, Buffalo Courier-Express . . .<br />

Nice summer fare for the kiddies.—Dorothy<br />

A. Pearsall, Staten Island BFC.<br />

The Cast<br />

Wiity Wonka Gene Wilder<br />

Grandpa Joe<br />

Jack Albertson<br />

Charlie<br />

Peter Ostrum<br />

Augustus Gloop MlCH.AEl, BOLLNER<br />

Mrs. Gloop Ursula Reit<br />

Violei Beaurcnarclc. . Nickerson<br />

Mr. Beauregarile Leonard Stone<br />

Veruca Salt<br />

Julie Dawn Cole<br />

Mr. Salt<br />

Roy Kinnear<br />

Mike Teevee Paris Them men<br />

Mrs. Teevee<br />

Dodo Denny<br />

Mr. Bill Aubrey Wood<br />

Production Staff<br />

Producers David L. Wolper<br />

Stan Margui ies<br />

Director<br />

Mei. Stuart<br />

Screenplay and Book Roald Dahl<br />

Director of<br />

Photography Arthur Ibbetson<br />

Art Director Harper Goff<br />

Color h\<br />

Lyrics and .\tusic Le.slie Bricusse.<br />

Anthony Newley<br />

Musical Supervision Walter Scharf<br />

Choreographer Howard Jeffrey<br />

Production Manager Pia Arnold<br />

Sound<br />

Karsten Ullrich<br />

Special Effects Logan R. Frazee<br />

Technicolor<br />

This atnid li ai'tn uch month by thi National<br />

Screen Council on tin basis of outstanding<br />

nvit and suitability lor family mttrtain-<br />

Ricnt. Council membership comprises motion<br />

picture editors, radio and TV film commentaton.<br />

representatiiei of belter films councils,<br />

ciric, educational and exhibitor organizations.<br />

BOXOFHCE Showmondiser :: Sept. 6, 1971 127

Sell . . . and Sell<br />

Scores of busy little messages<br />

go out every week to a tremendous<br />

audience — and they get a tremendous<br />

response!<br />

Every exhibitor is<br />

busy— buying,<br />

selling, renting, hiring. All this is<br />

made easier and more profitable<br />

with the classified ads in Clearing<br />

House each week.<br />


Classified<br />

Ads<br />

in<br />


Greatest Coverage in the Field—^Most Readers for Yoiir Money<br />

Four Insertions for Price of Three<br />

128 BOXOFFICE Showmandi»er :: Sept. 6, 1971

—<br />

signs indicoto degree o( merit. Listings<br />

Photogrophy. Motion Picture Ass'n (M<br />

entol guidoncc suggested); R — Rcstr<br />

(NCOMP) ratings: Al — u'nobicctionobi<br />

cents; A3—Unobjectionable for Adult<br />

Objectionoblc in Part for All; C—Cc<br />

Churetics (BFC). For listings by compoi<br />

The plus and minus<br />

r current reviews regularly, c is toi<br />

scs. Symbol i; denotes BOXOFFICE<br />

bon Award; o Color<br />

ratings: l4j —General Audiences; (<br />

ages admitted (paress<br />

occomponicd by<br />

with persons under 1i<br />

r 16 not admitted. Nati<br />

for Motion Pictures<br />

General Potronogc; A2—Unobj<br />

Adults or Adolcsvotioni;<br />

B<br />

ally Unobjectionable for Adults, with Re<br />

ed. Broodcosting and Film Commission, Natic<br />

I Council of<br />


I2eview digest<br />


Vci7 Gocd; Good; - Fair, Poor; - Very Poor. rated 2 pluics, -' as 2 i<br />

4398 ©Abominable Dr. Phihes, The<br />

(93) Ho AlP 6-14.71 GP A3<br />

©Adritt (108) D MPO 5-31-71 m A4<br />

4391 ©Aiiderson Tapes, The C98) Cr ..Col 5-24-71 GP A4<br />

43/2 ^Anuromeda Strain, The<br />

U31) & SF """ 3-15-71 m A2<br />

4j8i ©And Soon the Oarkness<br />

(SB) Sus LeviU-Pickmaii 4-19-71 GP A3<br />

4420 ©Anuels Hard as They Come<br />

(90) Cycle New World 8-30-71 la<br />

oAnuia (73) Alpha 7- 5-71 UP<br />

Doc<br />

—B—<br />

4388 ©Bananas (82) C UA 5-10-71 GP C<br />

©Battle of Love's Return, The<br />

+<br />

(82) Satire Standard 7- 5-71 Ifl<br />

4385 ©Beast in the Cellar, The<br />

(104) Ho Cannon 5-3-71 (B) A3<br />

4410 ©Beast of the Yellow Night<br />

(S7) Ho New World 7-26-71 El<br />

©Beuuiled, (g 4373 The (109) D ....Univ 3-22-71 A4<br />

4394 ©Big Doll House, The<br />

(93) Ac New World 5-31-71 H<br />

4396 ©Big Jake (109) ® W NGP 6- 7-71 GP A3<br />

4390 ©Billy Jack (U2) Mclo WB 5-17-71 GP B<br />

©Black Love<br />

(75) Sex Doc Lewis M.P. 8-16-71 *<br />

4411 ©Bless the Beasts & Children<br />

(109) Sus Col 8- 2-71 GP A3<br />

4377 ©Blood and Lace (87) Ho ...AlP 4- 5-71 GP B<br />

43B5 ©Blood on Satan's Claw, The<br />

(100) Ho Cannon 5-3-71 iRj B<br />

©Blue Water, White Death<br />

(100) (I) Doc NGP 5-24-71 61 A2<br />

4367 ©Body Beneath, The (85) Ho ..Nova 3- 1-71 B<br />

4414 ©Brain of Blood<br />

(88) Ho Hemisphere 8- 9-71 GP<br />

©Brazen Women of Balzac, The<br />

(80) Sex C Globe 7-26-71 C<br />

4388 ©Brolherliood of Satan, The<br />

(92) Ho Col 5-10-71 GP A3<br />

4378 ©Brother John (105) Melo ...Col 4- 5-71 GP A3<br />

4370 ©B.S. I Love You (99) C 20lh-Fox 3- 8-71 Ifl C<br />

4408 ©Bunny O'Hare (92) C AlP 7-19-71 GP A3<br />

4375 ©Buttercup Chain, The<br />

(95) ® D Col 3-29-71 (B B<br />

4391 ©Cain's Way (95) W Colby 5-24-71 m<br />

4406 ©Carnal Knowledge<br />

(96) eg) Sex CD Emb 7-12-71 H A4<br />

4400 ©Cat 0' Nine Tails<br />

(112) d) Sus NGP 6-21-71 GP B<br />

©Celebration at Big Sur<br />

(82) Rock Doc 20lh-Fox 4-19-71 GP A3<br />

4419©Christa (100) Sex AlP 8-30-71 B C<br />

©Cindy & Donna (84) Sex ..Crown 8- 2-71 B) C<br />

4376 ©Claire's Knee (103) CD Col 3-29-71 GP A3<br />

©Clowns,<br />

The<br />

(91) Doc Le.ilt-Pickman 7-19-71 Bl Al<br />

©Collector, The ("La Collectionneuse")<br />

(82) D Pathe 5- 3-71 A3<br />

4395 ©Cometogether (90) D AA 6-7-71 Bj<br />

IS 4380 ©Conformist, The (115) D Para 4-12-71 A4<br />

©Cop, The<br />

(Un Conde)<br />

(100) Cr Audubon 6- 7-71 GP A4<br />

4401 ©Creatures the World Forgot<br />

(95) SF Col 7-26-71 GP A3<br />

4409 ©Creature With the Blue Hand<br />

(72) Ho New World 7-26-71 GP<br />

4392 ©Crook, The (120) Cr C UA 5-24-71 Bl A3<br />

—D-<br />

(s<br />

Cry Uncle (87) My Cambist 4- 5-71<br />

439S ©Daughters of Darkness<br />

(87) Sex-Sus Maron 6-14-71 [H B<br />

©Day That You Love Me, The<br />

(80) Melo Azteca 4-12-71<br />

4401 ©Death in Venice (121) ® D . .WB<br />

6-28-71 GP A3<br />

4419 ©Deep End (87) D Para 8-30-71 m B<br />

CDerby (91) Doc CRC 4-26-71 GP A3<br />

4399 ©Deserter. The (99) ® W ....Para 6-21-71 GP B<br />

4409ODevils.Thc (109) ® D WB 7-26-71 ® C<br />

BOXOFFICE BookinGuide :: Sept. 6. 1971

.W DIGEST<br />

ALPHABETICAL INDEX Vcr» Good; . Good; ^ Foil is rated 2 pluses, — as 2<br />

: I 3 I I II ll<br />

(941 43810U)ll AlP 4.i9-71 OH AJ<br />


ao<br />

®l ®§<br />

as SI<br />

II<br />

II<br />

! ll<br />

11 li<br />

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:i li<br />

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=1<br />

i-l<br />

—^ s<br />

3S<br />

t:^<br />

©^<br />

-g-e<br />

ill<br />

ijji;<br />

ill<br />

y<br />

sis gl<br />

fl I ^<br />

li i®i<br />

1^ 1§ =<br />


•Nl<br />


2 s :;<br />

|f si 5? I<br />

:l '51<br />

si ss "i<br />

s? .si °^<br />

3= «S i=."

. Feb<br />

, D<br />

. Doc<br />

. Feb<br />

Dec<br />

. D<br />

.<br />

. D<br />

.<br />

.<br />

.<br />


OThK Min Can-I Die (90) .W.<br />

. .<br />

Oiiy Mudlson. Oiidenne Bridou<br />

OThe Fearmaker (96) Sus<br />

K«ly Jijrndo. Pjiil Plreml<br />

©Brother. Cry for Me (92) ..Ac.<br />

Stpre PtpxoI. \jtts Pefinell<br />

OBeautifut People (96) ...Melo.<br />

Slfrm Vlncenl. I.elch Flelne<br />

Richard Ttinmas. Mary Layne<br />

OPerfect Friday (94) Su! C. Jan 71<br />

rn'ila .\ndre»^. Stanley Baker<br />


Ma Hom,iii. Karen Smith<br />

©Lmre and Kisses<br />

(85) Sex D..Feb71<br />


. . . .<br />

Odmli Hour (95) Stx .<br />

.<br />

©Tonight You Sleep Ho .<br />

Date<br />

Dttt<br />

Del.<br />

Rtl<br />


tia. Ridffi (86)<br />


OSimon, King the<br />


©Trail of the Hunter<br />

W Jiin71<br />

of Witches<br />


(89) SexHo May 71 (91) Doc Jan 71<br />

.\r;dri*w Prlne. Brciida<br />

©War Between the<br />

NOVA INT'L<br />

8jtt<br />

Planets<br />

.0. Aug 71<br />

OTh» Butletfly (95<br />

\n\i Krl<br />

Cliff Hnhertson, Pamela Franklin<br />


©Eva . . . Was Everything But<br />

Legal D.<br />

Solvcig Andersson. Hans Walgren<br />


©Fiddler on the Roof M..7117<br />

Topol. Leonard Frey<br />

©Hickey and Boggs<br />

em Cosby. Robert Culp<br />

©Mortadella<br />

Sophia Loren<br />

©The Ruling Class<br />

Peter O'Toole. .VlLstair Sim<br />


©The Great<br />

Minnesota<br />

Northfield<br />

Raid<br />

Cliff Robertson. Robert Dir<br />

©Jesus Christ Superstar<br />


RejToour<br />

Cassel<br />

©All American Boy ^ ...,D..010<br />

Jon Volght. Anne Archer<br />

©A Clockwork Orange D .<br />

Malcolm McDowell<br />

©Get to Know Your Rabbit C..012<br />

Tom Smothers, Katharine Ross<br />

©A Glimpse of Tiger D..<br />

Elliott Could. Kim Darby<br />

©Man in the Wilderness Ad. .<br />

BOXOFFICE BookinGuide Sept. 6, 1971

I Want<br />


Listed herewith, alphabetically by companies, are all of the feature pictures<br />

designed as a further convenience for Picture Guide users, the page numbers being the key to reviews kept<br />

therein. Between quarters. Review Digest pages serve as a cumulative P. G. index for feature pictures.<br />

Documentary, Experimental Films<br />

Date<br />

Reviewed<br />

Blue Water, White Death<br />

(NGP) May 24<br />

Body, The (MGM) Feb 15<br />

Bright College Years<br />

(Avco Embassy) Jun 14<br />

Celebration at Big Sur<br />

{20th-Fox) Apr 19<br />

Derby (CRC) Apr 26<br />

Dusty and Sweets McGee<br />

(WB) Jun 21<br />

Free People, A (U.S. Dept.<br />

Long<br />

ot Army Films) Mar 1<br />

Walk, The (Filmwright)<br />

Jun 7<br />

Mad Dogs & Englishmen<br />

(MGM) Apr 5<br />

Okay, Bill (Four Star-<br />

Excelsior) Mar 1<br />

People and Their Gnns, The<br />

Date<br />

Reviewed<br />

(Impact Films) Jun 21<br />

Princes Time of the Ukraine<br />

(Roda Productions) Mar 15<br />

Red, White & Blue! (Entertainment<br />

Ventures) Mar 22<br />

Report From China<br />

(Radim Films) Jun 21<br />

Right On! (Leacock-<br />

Penneboker) Apr 26<br />

Ruby (Dick Bartlett<br />

Films) Apr 26<br />

Run the Wild River<br />

(Jack Currey Films) Jun 21<br />

Saturday Morning (Col) May 3<br />

Trail of the Hunter<br />

(Northwest Cinema) Feb 15<br />

Wonda (Artists Int'l) Feb 8<br />

Why Not (Arakawa) Mar 15<br />


INDEX<br />

TO<br />



January<br />

Through 07 June 7 7 ^'"^^^ °"*^ Second<br />

ijfi Quarter<br />

Adrift<br />

(MPO Video-<br />

Ambush, The (Mifune<br />

Foreign Language<br />

31<br />

Productions) Jon 18<br />

Baitutiamningen (A Baltic<br />

Tragedy)<br />

(Svensk<br />

Filmindustri) Jan 4<br />

Bwana Toshi (Brandon<br />

Films) Jan 4<br />

Ceiling, The (Impact<br />

Films) Moy 24<br />

Conformist, The (Para) 4380<br />

Cop, The (Un Conde)<br />

(Audubon) Jun 7<br />

Crook, The (Le Voyou) (UA)..4392<br />

Day That You Love Me,<br />

The (Azteca) Apr 12<br />

Double Suicide (Toho) Apr 12<br />

Emperor and the General,<br />

The (Toho) May 17<br />

Ervinka (Screencom Int'l). .Apr 19<br />

Fidelio (Beta-Film) May 31<br />

Floating Weeds (Altura) ...Jan 11<br />

Garden of<br />

Delights, The<br />

(Altura)<br />

Feb<br />

Hour of the Furnaces, The<br />

(Third World Cinema). Mar<br />

to Be a Shellfish<br />

(Toho)<br />

Apr<br />

Konku (Katilal Rathod) Jan<br />

Man With Connections, The<br />

(Le Pistonne) (Royal) . ..Jan<br />

Margo (Cannon) May<br />

Odd Affinity (Toho) May<br />

Portraits of Women (AA) May<br />

Ramparts of Clay<br />

(Cinema 5) Feb<br />

Scandalous Adventures of<br />

Buraikan, The (Toho) ...May<br />

Silence Has No Wings<br />

(Tcho)<br />

Apr<br />

Silhouettes (Lew Breyer<br />

& Associates)<br />

Jan<br />

Tender Moment, The<br />

(Moron)<br />

Feb<br />

Wow (Gendon Films) Jun<br />

Allied Artists<br />

PC. Page<br />

PC. Page<br />

Beyond Love and Evil 4374 Portraits of Women Sec foreign<br />

Cometogether 4395 shinbone alley 4379<br />

Love in a Four Letter World 4386<br />

American International<br />

Abominable Dr. Phibes, The 4398 Incredible 2-Hcaded<br />

Battle of Neretva 4359 Transplant, The<br />

4382<br />

Blood and Lace 4377 Lola<br />

.4381<br />

Hard Ride, The 4386 Vampire Lovers, The.. 4358<br />

House That Screamed, The 4382 Wuthering Heights 4354<br />

Avco Embassy<br />

Bright College Years Promise at Down 4360<br />

to See documentaries Road Salino 4369<br />

Man Who Had Power Sporting Club, The 4369<br />

Over Women, The 4374<br />

Boxoiiice International<br />

Q^^<br />

Exotic Dreoms of Casanova,<br />

The<br />

Southern Comforts<br />

4397<br />

Buena Vista<br />

Barefoot Executive, The 4368 Scandalous John ..<br />

$1,000,000 Dollar Duck 4400 Wild Country, The<br />

Cannon Releasing<br />

Beast in the Cellar 4385 Lupo!<br />

Blood on Satan's Clow 4385 Morg<<br />

Guess What We Learned<br />

in School Today? 4397<br />

..See<br />

4359<br />

foreign<br />

Cinemation<br />

From Ear to Ear 4368 I Eat Your Skin<br />

Grimm's Fairy Tales for Sweet Sweetbock's<br />

Adults Only 4361 Baadosssss Song<br />

I Drink Your Blood 4375

Cinerama Releasing Corp.

I<br />

1<br />

1<br />

.<br />

TES- 30c per word, minimum S3.00 cash with copy. Four consecutive insertions lor price oi<br />

ee. When using a BoxoUice No., figure 2 additional words and include 50c additional, to cover<br />

^<br />

of handUng replies. Display Classified, S25.00 per Column Inch. CLOSING DATE: Mondcp,<br />

3n preceding publication date. Send copy and answers to Box Numbers to BOXOFFICE,<br />

Van Brunt Blvd.. Kansas City, Mo. G4124.<br />



Experienced,<br />

905 S. Elm<br />


onist. Eleven yea<br />

of<br />

business. Will consi(<br />

EMPLOYED super and advertis:<br />

urn to Caliiorn<br />

oxollice, 25M.<br />


:e. Can convert or bui<br />

Presently employed B omce, °25\\<br />

PROIECTIONISTkuipment<br />

in good<br />

^tween indoor ana<br />

Ibilities lor right<br />

lendallville, Ind.<br />


HATE THAT SNOW? Come<br />

londa. Expanding circuit offer<br />

ature for top ilight theotre<br />

ringe benefits include profit s<br />

rement, hospitalization, life<br />

stcnrting ood salary. Send re<br />

ecent photo. <strong>Boxoffice</strong>, 2509.<br />


tne. Able to :<br />

ir. Year divided<br />

;-in. Several pos-<br />

Slrand Theatre<br />

to sunny<br />

excellent<br />


3av Eicergency instoUalion. (£17) 773<br />

1604 P-O, 294. Box Temple, Texas 76501.<br />


ALL MAKES OF POPPERS, caramel corn<br />

auipment floss machines, sno-ball mr<br />

h.nes Krispy Korn, 120 So. Hoisted, Ch<br />

300. Ill, 6060=<br />


Manha<br />


Kan<br />

T.A.C. Systems. Inc. The ultimate in<br />

theatre automation. Ideal lor operatormanager<br />

situations. Phone: (303) 122-1050<br />

or (303) 433-9643 or lor more information<br />

write- P O. Box 990, Sterling, Colorado.<br />

80751.<br />

Used lamps and proiectors—Magnarc<br />

Enarc, Suprex, Utility, Simplex, Brenkert,<br />

Holmes Portable. Also bases rewinds<br />

tables and cabinets. Roy Smith L.o , Jb.<br />

Park St., lacVsonviUe, Fla.<br />

13S p Strong, Ashcralt lamps. XL,<br />

i<br />

booths. Lenses, new, All<br />

TECO,<br />

sed, rebuilt equipment<br />

Matthews, N. C. 281( (704)<br />

172 push back seats for sale.<br />

Circle H Theatre, Calistoga, Call<br />

offer. In storage.<br />


al to Bausch 6 Lomb. Screw<br />

xcellent condition. Boxoflice, 2<br />


555 Memorial Ave., West Springfield,<br />


booth. Peerless lamps and stands. Sup<br />

Panatar CinemaScope two-sound syste<br />

Herter transverter, 5utler-Hammer start.<br />

film cabinets, rewinds, splicer, reels, 4<br />

SCO 00 Dallas City, 111. (217) 852-3313.<br />

SIMPLEX E-7's, Heavy Duly Sim<br />

Peerless Magnorcs with RC<br />

reclii.ers,<br />

B::it;E,<br />

tube RCA 9O30 soundheads, RCA<br />

142 sound system. Other equipment including<br />

screening room-size Altec speakei<br />

system and Cretors automatic popcorn machine<br />

Leon Pugh, (316) 429-2323, Columbus.<br />

Kansas.<br />

Write PINKSTON<br />

4207 Lawnview<br />

(214) 388-1550,<br />


WANTED: Used theatre equipment. Proction<br />

sound, curtains, seating, etc. Write<br />

& T Industries, P. O. Box 631 State<br />

College, Pa. 16801, or phone (814) 238-<br />

na.<br />


CUflRlOG HOUS(<br />

o buy or lease: Indoor theatre<br />

,ii:in droas, populauon at least<br />

tact: Wilham Berger, Belle Plaisland<br />

Avenue, Miami Beach,<br />

WANTED TO BUY or lease indoor, outdoor;<br />

metropolitan area. Contact: Grilllth<br />

Enterprises, Roxy Theatre Building, 1527<br />

Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida<br />

33139.<br />

New England! Want to lease fully<br />

equipped motion picture theatre, anywhere<br />

m New England, Boxoflice 2293.<br />


will :ompany or lease or buy make an<br />

operating deal with any theatre anywhere.<br />

ition N. Calif<br />

Will lease fully equipped motion pictur<br />

leatres m New England. Full particular<br />

aquired. <strong>Boxoffice</strong>, 2468.<br />

CAUFORNIAll Lease<br />

tres. Medium size in<br />

reas. <strong>Boxoffice</strong>, 2514.<br />



tin-.t r.-Ji- :,-:,. i.' - - ,:.:oa. Cusm<br />

seat coveia u. Jtl^ ;o ;.;. CHICAGO<br />

USED CHAIR MART. 1320 So. Waboah,<br />

Chicago. 60605. Phone: 939-4518.<br />


workmanship, personal service, finest mats,<br />

Arthur Judge, 2100 E. Newton Ave<br />

,<br />

raukee, Wisconsin.<br />

700 AMERICAN. 750 plywood cushion.<br />

500 Bodilorm. Lone Star Seating, Box 1734.<br />

Dallas, Texas, 75201.<br />


New and rebuilt theatre chairs lor sale.<br />

We buy and sell old chairs. Travel anywhere.<br />

Seating Corporation of New York,<br />

^rite or call TOPAR THEATRES INC., 310<br />

\lorlh San Vicente Blvd., Los Angeles, 247 Water Street, Brooklyn, NY., 11201.<br />

:alif- 90048. (213) 659-2471.<br />

Tel. 212875-5433. (Reverse charges).<br />


drive-m theatre. 656 East Place, Sosk<br />

toon, Sosk., Canada.<br />

WANTED: Indoor<br />

lease in Northeast<br />

Experienced in all<br />

or outdoor theotri<br />

m Connecticut a<br />

ohases of theatre<br />

ice, 2517,<br />


r deluxe drive-ins. Southwf<br />

mpetttion. Year round oper<br />

down. Assume mortgage<br />

2485.<br />

OPERATING 400 Seater in Gamett, Kari-<br />

OS Building and equipment included<br />

'hone (913) 448-3978.<br />

<strong>Boxoffice</strong>. 2505.<br />


and buy choirs, install chairs anywhere.<br />

A. A. Nicks Seating Co.. 17 Cadmon<br />

Plaza W., Prjoklyn, New York, 11201.<br />

(212) TR 5-4047.<br />

NEW ENGLAND SEATING CO.—30 years<br />

experience covering the U.S.A. Featuring:<br />

New Command chair Irom $26 00. Reconditioned<br />

chairs. Acousti-lold wall draping.<br />

On location refurbishing. Specialists In<br />

staggering. Sewn seat<br />

02120. Tel (617) 442-3830.<br />


Mass.<br />

QUALITY Service. Low PricesI KANSAS<br />

CITY TICKET COMPANY (816) 241-8400<br />

715 No, Agnes, Kansos City, Mo. 54120.<br />




lustrated catalog 25c<br />

S4anbeck Pictures. 3621-B Wakonda Drive,<br />

3es Mo;nes. Iowa<br />


PIC MOSQUITO COILS for In-car use<br />

The original PIC COIL. Free trailer IHms<br />

Call collect. Pic Corporation, 28-30 Can-<br />

Held S° Orange, N. J. 07050, Tel: (201;<br />

673-2585<br />

jrohanl<br />

ith appropriate<br />

with address,<br />

music, superimposed fades and dissolves, produced from<br />

your transparencies. Three-day, in-plant<br />

service, H & H Color Laboratory, 3705 No.<br />

Nebraska Ave. Tampa, Florida, Phone<br />

(813) 243-4935.<br />




Projection. It will save you »» in repair<br />

bills. It contains service data on Simp ex.<br />

Brenkert. Motiograph, Sword, Norelco,<br />

Century, Cinemeccanica and Ballonlyne<br />

Projectors (35-70mm Projectors). Schematics<br />

and Service Data on Sound Equipment.<br />

Easy to understand. Data on<br />

automation equipment. Data on screens<br />

and optics, arc-xenon lamps etc. Questions<br />

too Also, lips on Theatre Maintenance.<br />

The price preoaid? ONLY S8.95—fa U.S.<br />

and Canada. Data is Reliable and Authentic.<br />

Edited by the writer with 30 years<br />

experience: 18 years Technical Editor the<br />

MODERN THEATRE. (Cash, check or P.O.<br />


Bldg., Box 575, Enid. Oklahoma 73701.<br />

BOXOFTICE ;: September 6, 1971<br />

USED EQUIPMENT bought and sold.<br />

Theatre Supply, 915<br />

So. A Son Antonio, Texas, 78205.<br />

Powers 6A and SB, standard front shutter<br />

Simplex, front shutter Motiograph.<br />

Heads only. Must be complete, but the<br />

older the better. Send description arid<br />

once to P. M. 15, Third St. N. E., Washmgton,<br />

D. C. 20002.<br />

TOP PRICES PAID for soundheads,<br />

lamphouses, rectifiers, projectors, lenses<br />

and portable projectors. What have you?<br />

STAR CINEMA SUPPLY, 621 W. 55th Street,<br />

Nev.- York 10O19, Phone (212) 24B-o678,<br />


1263 Prospect Avenu<br />

ndance with rec<br />

cents each. Writ.<br />

S, Lafayette Pla<br />

eles. Calif. 90005.<br />

-75. Othei<br />

sn. Novelty<br />

. Brooklyn<br />

Hawaiiar<br />

Flowers oi<br />

;e, Los An.<br />

BINGO CARDS—DIE CUT. 1-75-500 combinations,<br />

15.75 per thousand. Premium<br />

Products 339 West 44th St.. New York.<br />

N Y 10035, Phone: (212) CI-6-4972,<br />

PIC MOSQUITO COILS for in-car use<br />

Pic Ant & Roach Soray for coniection area<br />

It pays to use Pic products. Free traile:<br />

lilms-inquiries invited. Pic Corporation,<br />

28-30 Canlield St., Grange, N.I. 070SO.<br />

FOR SALE: One inside theatre and one<br />

drive-in theatre. No opposition. Write Lyric<br />

Theatre, P. O. Box AT, Bisbee, Arizona<br />



exas. Available for immediate occupanir<br />

Ultra modern equipment presently<br />

,' [h^-z':" is optional. Seating capacity:<br />

iioor. -nn .„.,._ 300 balcony. Contact<br />

Proceriies. Inc., 211 North Ervay,<br />

:.:3S. Telephone ( 214) 747 -0391.<br />

SPRINGFIELD MASS. Theatre lor lease<br />

circuit TV. Only theatre fa<br />

area Western Massachusetts<br />

Inc. 1413) 737-4347.<br />


TOP BOOKING AGENT-Wiisi Virginia<br />

Pennsylvania, Ohio. Don Leigh, (304) 624.<br />


High Income!! i<br />

iger. Free Proof, Se<br />

tone, Oregon 97027.<br />




825 Von Brunt Blvd.<br />

Kansas City. Mo. 64124<br />

my subscription to BOXn<br />

1 YEAR $10<br />

D 2 YEARS S17<br />

O Remiltancs<br />


i<br />

«(0)M(g11SPECWCULAR'?1]<br />

DnnnnnDnnDDnnM<br />

» DDD<br />




presents<br />

The One and Only BIG National Trade Exhibition of the<br />

Combined Motion Picture Theatre Equipment, Concessions<br />

and Automatic Merchandising Industries.<br />



Smericana hotel<br />

new york city<br />

October 25-28<br />

For all Theatre, Concession, Vending Equipment Manufacturers,<br />

and Suppliers serving the Nation's<br />

• MOTION PICTURE THEATRES (Conventional and Drive-ins)<br />


Recreation-Sports Centers; Industrial, Commercial<br />

and Retail Establishments)<br />



Trade Sliow Administrat<br />

Nalicnat Asioziof.or of Concf<br />

201 North Well, St . C-icooo 11<br />

Phont: (3121 CEi 3658<br />



Trade Sdow Co-Director<br />

National Asiociation of Theatre Owner<br />

1501 Broodwoy - New York, N. Y. 10036<br />

Phone: (212) LOnqocre 3-6238<br />


Theatre Equipment Section<br />

Theatre Equipment Aaociation<br />

1600 Broodwoy, New York. N. Y, lOOT<br />

Phone: (212) 246-8286

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