Sailplane & Gliding 1966 - Lakes Gliding Club

Sailplane & Gliding 1966 - Lakes Gliding Club

Sailplane & Gliding 1966 - Lakes Gliding Club


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idea of his position. This person was lost for at least two hours (as he continuously<br />

informed his ground station) before I~nding in some presumably unidentified field.<br />

Most of us get lost occasionally, but 1 consider that in these days of controlled<br />

airspace it is little short of criminal to remain airborne whilst lost for this length<br />

of time.<br />

I am very tempted to melltion the call-sign of this (to me unknown) person. but<br />

I feel that perhaps in his ease this was an isolated incident and it would be unfair to<br />

single him ouL<br />

However, now that many people are advancing so rapidly, there must be quite a<br />

few cross-country pilots with very little idea of how to get from A to B, let alone<br />

how to get back to A. What is much more important to the gliding movement is thal<br />

these same people may not have tbe knowledge to avoid controlled airspace, any<br />

infringements of which can only lead us into the Ministry's clutches.<br />

There is no new answer to this problem of course, instruction and supervision<br />

being all, but at least let us all act like responsible people and land within a reasonable<br />

time if we get lost, so that there is no possibility of flying into the wrong area.<br />

Airways <strong>Gliding</strong> <strong>Club</strong>.<br />

JOHN ELlIS<br />

NrCHOLAS GOODHAR'r, Chairman of tne B.G.A. Airspace Committee, comments:<br />

Being lost and. not knowing where one is are two different things. If truly lost, one<br />

does not even know where one isn't! This is the state of affairs that should not be<br />

allowed to continue, whereas one can continue without a pinpoint for quite a while.<br />

It should a'lso be borne in mind that provided one maintains VMC there are<br />

very few pieces of controlled airspace to be avoided.<br />

With these reservations [ fully support Mr. Ellis's remarks.<br />


Dear Sir,<br />

Surely Mr. Redman, in his letter to you appearing in the current issue of the<br />

SAILPLANE, overlooks the fact that gliding is a sport, and as a sport everyone partaking<br />

should be wil1ing to pull their weight, and not fall into the modern trend of<br />

expecting everything to be laid on regardless.<br />

What is wrong with winching? Nothing. In the A:T.C., where I was the C.F.I.<br />

~t Sealand, we carried out all ab initio training with winches and time lost was zero;<br />

It was merely a case of organisation. As for hangarage, I think I am right in saying<br />

that reasonable hangarnge is available at a large number of sites, and quite recently<br />

I called in at the club at Perranporth and even there. because they have the right<br />

spirit and initiative, hangarage exists, which proves that you do not have to have a<br />

huge semi-State-run and subsidised club to achieve that genuine enthusiasm on which<br />

glidin~ thrived so well in the between-wars era.<br />

. Before the war, my wife (n6: Joan Meakin) and I seriously thought that somethmg<br />

on tbe lines suggested by Mr. Redman would be a good thing both for gliding<br />

and ourselves but, after serious research into costs and all that went with it, decided<br />

that to consider it we would have to be far more wealthy than we ..:ould ever hope<br />

to be. I am sorry for his suggestion, but maybe he would like the exercise of delving<br />

as we did and pass his findings to you for publication.<br />

Is it not a terrible thought to suggest that pushing doors open is a chore? Can<br />

wMe. not invent an electric glass-lifter to make our drinking less arduous?<br />

Instead. Hants.<br />

RONil:LD PRICE<br />


Dear Sir.<br />

As "Nimmo" appears to have missed the point of my letter (S. & G. June-July).<br />

may I enlarge on this issue?<br />

Of course, the gliding movement needs more capital investment and also more<br />

r7fen~e- Equally important, I suggest, is the need to deploy existing resources more<br />

e eClIvely, by reducing the wastage which occurs among not only new entrants but<br />


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