Sailplane & Gliding 1966 - Lakes Gliding Club

Sailplane & Gliding 1966 - Lakes Gliding Club Sailplane & Gliding 1966 - Lakes Gliding Club
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A high polish on Colin's Ka-6. Colin Pennycuick, who won the day, avoided eu-nims. as he found streets in the form of large clouds with little ones ahead. He found the masses of aerodromes a navigational nuisance. Peter Scott, who left Dunstable around 2 o'clock, seemed to be catching up quickly, and in fact he found a street all the way from base to Royston. John Brenner decided to delay his second launch and then to make a really fast time. This did not work as planned and he had to be retrieved before he could start again at 17.I7-by which time the wind had increased a lot aDd he landed well e.ast of track near Colchester. Jane Warter also hurried b:lck for a late last launch and did well to cover 97.5 km. before having to land at 7 p.m. Eric Cunningham, who landed at Lowestoft. had been out to sea for 3 or 4 miles and regained the coast again at 1,500 ft. At Seething Alf Warminger (who had come over to see what was going on) made himself very popular by driving pilots to and from the clubhouse where "tea on the house" was kindly olTered by the Waveny FIying Group clnd greatly appreciated. Twenty pilots completed the task with speeds between 93.2 and 57.6 km/h. Sixty-one contest launches were carried oUt. 362 SATURDAY, 6TH AUGUST.-Briefing at 9.30 a.m. was short. Weather forbidding. No task, but launches available. Anthony Edwards was launched soon after 10 a.m. and found weak usable lift. He announced over the radio that he was trying to go to Cambridge. After initial scrapes conditions improved considerably and soon more pilots cottoned on to the idea of some pleasant flying. Peter Nielson. who had followed shortly afterwards. was invited to come down from 3,000 ft. at Cambridge to join Anthony Edwards for lunch. and this he did. Bernard Fitchett, however. thought of greater things and declared Newcastle for Gold C distance. He took off at 12.22 and by J o'clock was on his way with 3,000 ft. in hand, though after that he had to scrape to Podington, when he made a good climb to 8,000 ft. with no icing. Near Scunthorpe he was saved by a 6-knot thermal off the steelworks. but after that conditions changed rapidly and the scrape was on again. He finally glided to Sulton Bank from about 15 miles out and landed at 18.20 p.m .• 20 km. sh.ort of his goal. A fine effort! (Comment by Peter Wickham: A warm front moved in from the S.W. and the day was scrubbed at an early hour. However, ahead of the main rainbelt there developed a gap in the upper cloud in which thermal cooditions brewed up dramaticaJly for an hour or so during mid-morning. Despite some good individual flights in this clear patch, the decision not to attemot a contest task was probably justifiable':"'but only just.) SUNDAY. 7TH AUGuST.-Brieiing would be delayed as late as 2 p.m. if necessary, and Prizegiving would be postponed! However, to cut a long story short, the tas,k was cancelled and Prizegiving took place at 2.30 p.m. A frustrating week, but how we enjoyed it all the same. This small but well organised band of officials did really try to do all they could. and I feel sure that everyone who took part will be back next year. On behalf of all the pilots. Thank You, London Gliding Club, for having us and for your chairman's promise of more "thermaliferolJs" weather next time. RIKA HARWOOD

Final 3L7 2.8 5.8 Total Place PI/or(s) Hlcap I 2 3 Poill/s Sailplane t. P. Nielson 988 770 880 2638 Skylark 3D 2. G. Locke, 1000 745 A Letts 778 2523 Ka-6CR 3. P. Scott 621 823 932 2376 Olympia 419x 4. B. Fitehett 459 1000 891 2350 Ka-6cR 5. T. A. MeMuIlin 621 146 907 2274 Skylark 3 6. C. Wills 625 844 800 2269 Ka-6 7. C. Withall 402 882 903 2187 Skylark 4 8. D. A Smith 615 763 687 2065 Skylark 3B 9. R. A Foot 329 763 745 1837 Skylark 3F 10. R. S. Wailer. 0 C. Pennyeuiek 830 1000 1830 Ka-6cR It. R. Jones 558 775 471 1804 Olympia 403 12. D.H. G.Inee 31 844 891 1766 Dart 17 13. A. W. F. Edwards 392 554 810 1756 Olympia 463 14. H. R.Dimock 31 699 989 1719 Dart 17R 15. L. Frank, 896 ·P.. Partridge 532 276 1704 Skylark 3B 16. J. Bre,llner 765 751 175 1691 Olympia 463 17. G.Camp 152 708 800 1660 Olympia 465 18. V. TuIl 90 611 924 1625 Skylark 3x 19. C. W. Bentson 27 830 758 1615 Skyla.k 4 20'. G.Comell 0 746 837 1583 Dart 17R 21. R.Ismail. 0 873 A. Burton 680 1553 Skylark 4 22. A. Tamow 406 477 385 1268 Skylark 3F 23. J. Griffiths, 584 675 M. Wilson 0 1259 Skylark 4 24. Rika Harwood, 0 753 J. E. G. Harwood 492 1245 Skylark 3D 25. M. Randle. 146 924 K. Mansell 0 1060 Dart 15 26. C. L. Ryan, 152 414 K. Barton 428 994 Olympia 463 27. B. Keogh 90 526 333 949 Skylark 4 28. R. AlItoD 38 595 258 891 Skylark 4 29. P. Pozerskis 135 635 91 861 Skylark. 4 30. A. Wilson, 142 91 S. Tamlin 604 837 Dart 17R 3t. I. Paul 0 830 830 Skylark 4 32. A. MaeDenald (10%) 0 490 323 813 M-lOOs 33. R.B.Smith, 152 143 L. Woods 478 773 Ka-6cR 34. J. Argent 27 440 297 764 Skylark 4 35. J. B. Ramsden 0 575 184 759 Skylark 3F 36. J. Stewart-Menteth, 0 Jane Warter 475 264 739 Olympia 463 37. J. Bellew, 0 45 J. R. Jeffries (10%) 638 683 Ka-; 38. L. Booth. 298 359 D. Dawson 0 657 Olympia 460 39. J. V. Inglesby 534 534 Olympia 465 40. F. W. Fay 0 526 0 526 Dart 15 41. T. Sheppard 0 428 428 Dart 17R 42. E. Cunningham 0

Final 3L7 2.8 5.8 Total<br />

Place PI/or(s) Hlcap I 2 3 Poill/s <strong>Sailplane</strong><br />

t. P. Nielson 988 770 880 2638 Skylark 3D<br />

2. G. Locke, 1000 745<br />

A Letts 778 2523 Ka-6CR<br />

3. P. Scott 621 823 932 2376 Olympia 419x<br />

4. B. Fitehett 459 1000 891 2350 Ka-6cR<br />

5. T. A. MeMuIlin 621 146 907 2274 Skylark 3<br />

6. C. Wills 625 844 800 2269 Ka-6<br />

7. C. Withall 402 882 903 2187 Skylark 4<br />

8. D. A Smith 615 763 687 2065 Skylark 3B<br />

9. R. A Foot 329 763 745 1837 Skylark 3F<br />

10. R. S. Wailer. 0<br />

C. Pennyeuiek 830 1000 1830 Ka-6cR<br />

It. R. Jones 558 775 471 1804 Olympia 403<br />

12. D.H. G.Inee 31 844 891 1766 Dart 17<br />

13. A. W. F. Edwards 392 554 810 1756 Olympia 463<br />

14. H. R.Dimock 31 699 989 1719 Dart 17R<br />

15. L. Frank, 896<br />

·P.. Partridge 532 276 1704 Skylark 3B<br />

16. J. Bre,llner 765 751 175 1691 Olympia 463<br />

17. G.Camp 152 708 800 1660 Olympia 465<br />

18. V. TuIl 90 611 924 1625 Skylark 3x<br />

19. C. W. Bentson 27 830 758 1615 Skyla.k 4<br />

20'. G.Comell 0 746 837 1583 Dart 17R<br />

21. R.Ismail. 0 873<br />

A. Burton 680 1553 Skylark 4<br />

22. A. Tamow 406 477 385 1268 Skylark 3F<br />

23. J. Griffiths, 584 675<br />

M. Wilson 0 1259 Skylark 4<br />

24. Rika Harwood, 0 753<br />

J. E. G. Harwood 492 1245 Skylark 3D<br />

25. M. Randle. 146 924<br />

K. Mansell 0 1060 Dart 15<br />

26. C. L. Ryan, 152 414<br />

K. Barton 428 994 Olympia 463<br />

27. B. Keogh 90 526 333 949 Skylark 4<br />

28. R. AlItoD 38 595 258 891 Skylark 4<br />

29. P. Pozerskis 135 635 91 861 Skylark. 4<br />

30. A. Wilson, 142 91<br />

S. Tamlin 604 837 Dart 17R<br />

3t. I. Paul 0 830 830 Skylark 4<br />

32. A. MaeDenald (10%) 0 490 323 813 M-lOOs<br />

33. R.B.Smith, 152 143<br />

L. Woods 478 773 Ka-6cR<br />

34. J. Argent 27 440 297 764 Skylark 4<br />

35. J. B. Ramsden 0 575 184 759 Skylark 3F<br />

36. J. Stewart-Menteth, 0<br />

Jane Warter 475 264 739 Olympia 463<br />

37. J. Bellew, 0 45<br />

J. R. Jeffries (10%) 638 683 Ka-;<br />

38. L. Booth. 298 359<br />

D. Dawson 0 657 Olympia 460<br />

39. J. V. Inglesby 534 534 Olympia 465<br />

40. F. W. Fay 0 526 0 526 Dart 15<br />

41. T. Sheppard 0 428 428 Dart 17R<br />

42. E. Cunningham 0

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