World Bank Document

World Bank Document

World Bank Document


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Box 4.4<br />

Guidelines for borrowing<br />

Debt accumulates when loans are used to finance an path. Example 3 shows an intermediate case. While the<br />

excess of imports over exports as well as interest pay- debt ratios grow continuously, their rate of growth<br />

ments on existing debt. Countries running a resource diminishes, and the ratios move toward a stable plateau.<br />

gap need to be concerned with the behavior and relation- Such a country may, therefore, be able to maintain both<br />

ship of a number of critical debt-related variables, includ- liquidity and solvency. Apart from these guidelines that<br />

ing the growth rate of debt, the growth rate of exports relate to macroeconomic variables, a borrower will, of<br />

and income, the size of the resource gap relative to course, want to ensure adherence to a simple rule of<br />

income or debt, and the interest rate at which borrowing prudent borrowing: the cost of an additional loan should<br />

takes place. Specifically they will want to ensure that not exceed the rate of return on the additional investneither<br />

the interest rate nor the growth of debt persis- ment.<br />

tently exceeds the growth of exports or income.<br />

If these guidelines are not observed, debt and debt 1. The guidelines can be derived mathematically as follows:<br />

ratios may well grow at explosive rates.' Example 1 in<br />

T + iD<br />

Box figure 4.4A shows a hypothetical country that<br />

t T/D<br />

adheres to the guidelines. Both exports and GDP grow<br />

fast enough for the current account deficit eventually to ADID = D t + i<br />

decline-and, with it, debt and debt ratios. Example 2 where D is debt outstanding; T is the current account balance on<br />

decline-an, 'goods<br />

and onoractor services; t is the resource gap as a proportion of<br />

shows a country that violates both guidelines. The debt; and i is the interest rate on debt. Overdots indicate growth rates.<br />

growth of debt exceeds the growth of exports and Hence,<br />

income, and the interest rate exceeds the growth rate of (DiY) = D - Y t + (i - Y)<br />

both GDP and exports. Capital inflows accelerate; debt (D/X)= D - X t + (i - X)<br />

and debt ratios grow on an explosive, unsustainable where Y is GDP, and X is exports.<br />

Box figure 4.4A<br />

Hypothetical borrowing experiences<br />

Example 1 Example 2 Example 3<br />

Trade deficit<br />

Interest payments<br />

D_1;5z,ev t exports<br />

Deb<br />


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