South Truckee Meadows General Improvement District

South Truckee Meadows General Improvement District

South Truckee Meadows General Improvement District


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oF THE sourn inucrcE MEADows GENERAL<br />



NoTIcEISI{EREBYGfvENbytheCountyClerkoftheCounryof<br />

wasboe, State of Nevada, thar a special meeting of the Board of rrustees of the south<br />

Tnrckee<strong>Meadows</strong><strong>General</strong>lmprovemerrtDistict(STMGID)hasbeencailedbythe<br />

chairman rtrereof and will be held ar the commission chambers of the washoe county<br />

Adminisration complex, Building A, 1001 EastNinth sEeet', Reno' Nevada at 3:00 p'm'<br />

on Tuesday, Aprit 18, 2006, for the Purpose of discussion and possible action regarding<br />

rhe following item:<br />

Domestic weil Mitigation claim made by Richard and Theresa<br />

Shannon for well locared at 5841Morrnt Rose Highway' Reno' Nevada 8951I (APN:<br />

150-260-35),includingfindingsandrecommendationsoftheWashoeCountyWe}I<br />

Mitigation Hearing Board and recorrmendations of the STMGID Local Managing Board'<br />

ThismeetingwillbeheldinadditiontotheusualTuesday,Aprii25,20Q6meeting-<br />


Clerk and

April 10,2006<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong><br />

<strong>Meadows</strong><br />

<strong>General</strong><br />

<strong>Improvement</strong><br />

<strong>District</strong><br />

(sTMGrD)<br />

Local<br />

Managing<br />

Board<br />

TO:<br />

Board of Trustees<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> <strong>General</strong>mprovement <strong>District</strong><br />

Bob Larkin, Chairman<br />

Bonnie Weber, Vice Chairman<br />

Jim Galloway, Trustee<br />

David Humke, Trustee<br />

Pete Sferrazza, Trustee<br />

Steve Cohen<br />

Chairman<br />

Gerald Schumacher<br />

Vice Chairman<br />

Ellen Allman<br />

Secretary<br />

Lisa Cady<br />

Member<br />

Birnie McGavin<br />

Member<br />

Steve Cohen, Chairman, STMGID Local Managing Board<br />

Gerald Schumacher, Vice Chairman, STMGID Local Managing Board<br />

Ellen Allman, Secretary, STMGID Local Managing Board<br />

Lisa Cady, STMGID Local Managing Board<br />

Birnie McGavin, STMGID Local Managing Board<br />

Katy Singlaub, County Manager<br />

Michelle Poch6, Assistant County Manager<br />

Amy Harvey, County Clerk<br />

John Sherman, Director, Finance Department<br />

Ron Steele, Fiscal Analyst II, Finance Division<br />

John Rhodes, Deputy <strong>District</strong> Afforney, Civil Division<br />

Melanie Foster, Deputy <strong>District</strong> Attorney, Civil Division<br />

Steve Bradhurst, Director, Department of Water Resources<br />

NOTICE<br />

The Board of Trustees of the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> <strong>General</strong> <strong>Improvement</strong><br />

<strong>District</strong> will hold a special meeting on Tuesdayo April 18' 2006. The meeting<br />

will be held at 3:00 p.m. in the Commission Chambers, Administration Building,<br />

1001 East Ninth Street, Reno, Nevada.<br />

Administration<br />

c/o Washoe County<br />

Dept. of<br />

Water Resources<br />

4930 Energy Way<br />

Reno. NV 89502<br />

(775) 9s4-4600<br />

FAX 954-4610<br />


AGENDA<br />





Bob Larkin, Chairman<br />

Bonnie Weber, Vice Chairman<br />

Jim Galloway, Trustee<br />

David Humke, Trustee<br />

Pete Sferrazza.Trustee<br />


AmyHarvey<br />

Washoe Countv Commission Chambers - 1001 E. 9th Streef Reno, NV<br />

April18,2006<br />

3:00 p.m.<br />

NOTE: The Washoe County Commission Chambers are accessible to the disabled. If you<br />

require special arrangements for the meeting, please call the County Manager's Office, 328-<br />

2000, 24 hours prior to the meeting.<br />

Pursuanto NRS 241.020, the agenda for the Board of Trustees meeting has been posted at the<br />

following locations: Washoe County Administration Building (1001 E. 9'n Street), Washoe<br />

County Courthouse (Court and Virginia Streets), Washoe County Central Library (301 <strong>South</strong><br />

Center Street), Washoe County Department of Water Resources (4930 Energy Way), Sparks<br />

Justice Court (650 Greenbrae Dr.), Galena Market (19990 Thomas Creek Road), Galena High<br />

School (3600 Butch Cassidy Way), Steamboat Post Office (75 McCabe Dr.), and <strong>South</strong> Valleys<br />

Library, (15650A Wedge Parkway). The agenda has also been posted on the internet at<br />

http://www.washoecounty.us/water/stmgid. The meeting will be held at 3:00 p.m.' April 180<br />

2006, in the Commissioners' Chambers, Administration Building, 1001 E. Ninth St', Reno,<br />

Nevada.<br />

Supporting documentation provided to the Board of Trustees for items on the agenda is available<br />

for review to members of the public at the Washoe County Water Resowces Department (4930<br />

Energy Way, Reno, NV 89502).<br />

Unless otherwise indicated by asterisk (*), all items on the agenda are action items upon which<br />

the Board of Trustees mav take action.<br />

3:00 p.m.<br />

1. *Determination of Quorum.<br />

2. Approve agenda for the Board of Trustees meeting of April 18, 2006'

Board of Trustees Agendafor April 18, 2006<br />

3. Consideration and possible action on the recommendation of the STMGID Local<br />

Managing Board regarding Richard and Terri Shannon's claim for well mitigation<br />

(APNrs0-260-3s).<br />

4. *Public Comments: Two-minute time limit per person and limited to items not listed on<br />

the agenda. Public comment of two minutes per person will be taken on action items on<br />

the agenda.<br />

5. *Board, LMB, and Staff Comments (limited to announcements, requests for information,<br />

statements relating to items not on the agenda or issues for future agendas.)<br />

6. Emergency ltems.<br />

7. Adjournment.



DATE:<br />

TO:<br />

Sra.rF Rnponr<br />

BOARD MEETING DATE: APril 18, 2006<br />

April 10,2006<br />

Board of Trustees<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> <strong>General</strong> <strong>Improvement</strong> <strong>District</strong><br />

FROM: Paul Orphan, Engineering Manager, Deparhraent - of Water Resources<br />

g54-46i4,porphan@washoecount),.us<br />

{/r4>"<br />

THROUGH: Steve Bradhurst, Director, Department of Water Resourceslf-Vfi<br />

SUBJECT: Consideration and possible action on the recommendatioil of the<br />

STMGID Local Managing Board regarding Richard and Terri<br />

Shannon's claim for domestic well mitigation (APN150-260-35).<br />

Finance-Ql<br />

DAff-<br />

RiskMgt. D/A<br />

HR_n/q_<br />

Other_p4_<br />


On March 16,2006,the Well Mitigation Hearing Board (WMHB) made a finding<br />

(Attachment A) that the STMGID Production Well #6 (PW#6) caused 32 feet af<br />

unreasonable drawdown in the Shannon domestic well, and therefore recommended that<br />

STMGID reimburse 67%o of the mitigation costs. The cost of the hook-up fees to the<br />

Washoe County's water system is $8,352.80.<br />

County Priorities/Goals supported by this item: Preserve and Enhance Our Quality of<br />

Life - Effectively plan and manage use of our natural assets including water, air and open<br />

space. The Department of Water Resources will manage and protect regional water<br />

resources in a sustainable, cost-effective maruler.<br />


SfVtCn aAopted a well mitigation policy (Attachment B) that considers each well<br />

mitigation claim individually. fn" policy calls for a claim for mitigation to be first<br />

submitted to the WMHB. Then the WMHB recommendation is submitted to the<br />

STMGID Local Managing Board (LIvIB). The LMB reviews the claim and WMHB<br />

reconrmendation and forwards a recommendation to the STMGID Board of Trustees.<br />


On Novemb er 7,2005, the Shannons submitted a reimbursement claim against<br />

STMGID's PW#6. On March 16,2006, the WMHB determined that there was an<br />

unreasonable drawdown in the Shannon well to the extent of 67Yo due to municipal<br />

pumping. (See minutes - Attachment C). The Shannons attest that 48 feet (37'<br />

documented) of drawdown was caused by STMGID PW#6. The WMIIB finding stated<br />

that 10 feet of drawdown from the production well was reasonable,that 6 feet of<br />

drawdown was attributable to drought and other domestic well pumping, and that32 feet<br />

was attributable to unreasonable municipal pumping.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 1

STMGID Board of Trustees Meeting of April 18, 2006<br />

Page 2 of 2<br />


The Shannons have decided to hook-up to the County's municipal water system rather<br />

than deepening their domestic well. The hook-up fees are $8,352.80. Sixty-seven<br />

percent of this cost is $5,596.38. Budget authority is located in cost center 674310'<br />


tt is recommended that the STMGID Board of Trustees consider and take possible action<br />

on the recommendation of the STMGID Local Managing Board regarding Richard and<br />

Terri Shannon's claim for domestic well mitigation (APN150-260-35).<br />


Should the Board wish to implementhe recommendation, a simple motion to approve<br />

would suffice.<br />

SB:JMC:PO:lr<br />

Attachments<br />

cc:<br />

Kathy Garcia, Comptroller<br />

Jim Jeppson, Risk Manager<br />

Ron Steele, Fiscal Analyst II<br />

Jerry McKnight, Finance and Customer Service Manager<br />

Ted Rolfs, Fiscal Compliance Officer<br />

Wendy Bennett, Accountant II<br />

Item 3<br />


Attachment A<br />


"Dedicated To Excellence in Public Seruice"<br />

www.co.washoe.nv.us<br />

Washoe County<br />

Well Mitigation<br />

Hearing Board<br />

4930EnerryWay<br />

Reno,NV 895024106<br />

Tel: (775) 954-4600<br />

Fax: (775)9544610<br />

Board Members:<br />

Roger Jacobson<br />

Pete Morros<br />

Karen Rosenau<br />

Greg Pohll<br />

David Carlson<br />

Legal Counsel:<br />

John Rhodes<br />

March 17,2006<br />

Mr. Steve Cohen, Chairman<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> GID Local Managing Board<br />

c/o Washoe CountyDepartment of Water Resources<br />

4930 Energy Way<br />

Reno, Nevada 89520<br />

Re: Washoe County Well Mitigation Hearing Board Findings of March 16'2006<br />

On March 16,2006, the Washoe County Well Mitigation Hearing Board evaluated the<br />

mitigation request of Richard and Theresa Shannon, 5847 Mt. Rose Hwy, Reno, Nevada.<br />

The Board acknowledged that the domestic well at this address is adjacent to the <strong>South</strong><br />

<strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> <strong>General</strong> <strong>Improvement</strong> <strong>District</strong> (STMGID) water utility service area.<br />

The Board made the following findings:<br />

The total drawdown in the domestic well is 48 feet. A reasonable lowering of the static<br />

water level due to municipal pumping is 10 feet. Unreasonable lowering attributable to<br />

municipal pumping at STMGID well #6 is 32 feet (67% of the total lowering) and the<br />

remaining 6 feet (I2% of the total) is attributable to drought and other domestic well<br />

pumping.<br />

According to program documentation, Board determinations are forwarded to responsible<br />

municipal water purveyors, domestic well owners and the Regional Water Planning<br />

Commission. Negotiation and final agreement on any mitigation measures are between the<br />

water purveyor and the domestic well owner. Please be advised that the program<br />

acknowledges the Nevada State Engineer's statutory authority and the parties' rights to<br />

refer the matter to the State Engineer at any time.<br />

Please contact me at 954-4657 with any questions or concerns.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Jim Smitherman<br />

Water Resources Program Manager<br />

cc:<br />

Richard and Theresa Shannon<br />

STMGID Board of Trustees<br />

Regional Water Planning Commission<br />

Nevada State Engineer<br />

Steve Bradhurst<br />

Jeanne Ruefer<br />

John Rhodes Item 3<br />

Page 3

Attachment B<br />






The <strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> <strong>General</strong> <strong>Improvement</strong> <strong>District</strong> (STMGID) recognizes that the groundwater<br />

resources of the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> are shared with domestic weil owners. If the Washoe County<br />

Wett Mitigation Hearing Board determines that the long-term pumping of a STMGID ptoduction well<br />

has causid deleterious water level decline in a domestic well, STMGID may compensate the owner a<br />

portion of the cost of deepening the well. The compensation will be for the drilling and construction cost<br />

only. The STMGID Board reserves the right to pay equivalent costs of well-deepening or an alternative<br />

water supply source.<br />

The policy is:<br />

1. A claim for reimbursement must lirst be submitted to the Washoe County lVell Mitigation<br />

Hearing Board The Hearing Board must make a determination that a STMGID production<br />

well has deleteriously impaired the pumping rate and duration of the impacted domestic well.<br />

2. STMGID will be responsible for up to 100 feet of well deepening unless conditions warrant<br />

otherwise as defined bv STMGID.<br />

3. Costs associated with the replacement of pump, pump column, electrical cables or other pump<br />

material will be the responsibility of the domestic well owner.<br />

4. Each claim for reimbursement will be reviewed independent of previous claims and will include<br />

the age of the well and its method of construction.<br />

5. STMGID will only compensate for the well deepening below the bottom of the existing domestic<br />

well.<br />

6. The well owner may be required to sign a hold harmless agreement releasing the <strong>District</strong> against<br />

any future claims by the owner.<br />

7. This policy does not apply if the well is illegally drilled or located improperly.<br />

8. Pursuant to N.A.C. 534.315, if a public supply water main is in reasonable proximity, the<br />

domestic well owner will be required to hook up to this water main.<br />

Approved by Local Managing Board on November 21,2005.<br />

Approval by Board of Trustees on December 20,2005.<br />

P:\STMGID\LMB\LMB Agenda ltems\2006\04-17-06\#7 ShannonVttach B well deepening-doc<br />

Item 3<br />

Prge 4

Attachment C<br />

Minutes of the Washoe County Well Mitigation Hearing Board<br />

Thursdav. March 16. 2006<br />

Members Present<br />

Pete Morros<br />

Roger Jacobson<br />

Members Absent<br />

Karen Rosenau<br />

StaffPresent<br />

Jim Smitherman<br />

John Rhodes, Legal Counsel<br />

Public Present<br />

Theresa Shannon<br />

Birnie McGavin<br />

David Carlson<br />

Mike Widmer<br />

Jeanne Ruefer<br />

Richard Shannon<br />

Greg Pohll<br />

Paula Valentin<br />

Gail hockish<br />

Michael DeMartini<br />

DETERMINATION OF QUORIIM - Chairman Jacobson called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m.<br />

There was a quorumpresent. He introduced the newest Board member, David Carlson.<br />

APPROVAL OF THT AGENDA - Mr. Morros made a motion to approve the agenda as posted. Mr.<br />

Pohll seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.<br />

REVIEW, AMENDMENT AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - The minutes of the December 6,2005<br />

and the February 7, 2006 meetings were submitted for approval. Michael DeMartini referred to the<br />

December meeting and reported that he had reviewed the minutes and tapes, which he added were very<br />

difficult to understand. He referred to page 2, paragraph 4 and other paragraphs and requested that he be<br />

referred to as an individual. He referred to a comment and clarified it should say "Mr. DeMartini stated<br />

that his concern is that when the Board was recommended for approval by the RWPC to the BCC...".<br />

He next referred to page 3, paragraph 4 and referred to the comment, "some exhibits that showed<br />

wastewater use on some one-acre lots was less than 0.2 acre-feet per year". He stated that he would like<br />

to see more detail in the minutes and offered to provide his comments in writing in the future.<br />

Chairman Jacobson clarified that the minutes are a sumrnary of what occurred at the meeting; they are not<br />

meant to be a court record or verbatim. He added that the intention is that the final recommendations are<br />

captured accurately. Mr. Morros suggested that if anyone requires more detail than the minutes provide,<br />

they could borrow the tapes from the meeting. Mr. Morros made a motion to approve the minutes of the<br />

December 6, 2005 and the February 7, 2006 meefings as submitted. I{r. Pohll seconded the motion,<br />

which carried unanimously.<br />



None.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 5

Minutes of the Washoe County Well Mitigation Hearing Board, March 16,2006 Page 2 of 12<br />


1. Review and possible approval of revised criteria and procedure for determining what<br />

constitutes a reasonable lowering of the water level, and what constitutes an unreasonable affect<br />

on a domestic well caused by municipal uses, and possible direction to staff.<br />

Chairman Jacobson reported that this item had been postponed until Mr. Carlson could be present. John<br />

Rhodes distributed handouts. He apologized for not providing the documents in advance and summarized<br />

the details. He referred to the "Role of the Well Mitigation Hearing Board" and explained it was created<br />

as a result of the workshop held during the October meeting with Hugh Ricci, State Engineer. The three<br />

main points of the Board's role are:<br />

r To hear and consider evidence regarding whether there are unreasonable adverse affects on a<br />

domestic well caused by municipal pumping<br />

. To determine the portion of the total lowering of the static water level caused by municipal<br />

pumping that is reasonable and if applicable, to consider what portion is considered<br />

unreasonable considering what portions of the total are due to drought, other domestic wells,<br />

other permitted pumping and other causes<br />

o To make findings and provide recommendations to the water purveyor as to the percentage of<br />

unreasonable adverse affects beyond a reasonable lowering of the static water level that is<br />

atbibutable to municipal pumping<br />

Mr. Modes next referred to the o'Factors to Consider", which he explained are factors determined by this<br />

Board in organizational meetings as items to be reviewed in terms of evidence. He next referred to<br />

"Analysis", which he prepared as requested by this Board to provide assistance with defining what is<br />

"reasonable". The next document is entitled, "Forms of Motions" that could be used by the Board. Mr.<br />

Rhodes explained that it is a revised document that the Board has not yet seen.<br />

Mr. Rhodes referred to the handout on motions and explained the changes that were made. He explained<br />

that the Role of the Board is the document that needs approval; the remaining documents are to provide<br />

informational assistance. Mr. Morros stated he would be comfortable adopting the document as a<br />

guideline rather than being locked into it. Mr. Rhodes clarified that the document had been approved by<br />

this Board previously; however, the document was revised based on the workshop with the State<br />

Engineer. He added that the document could be adopted as a guideline if desired and the name could be<br />

changed to "Guidelines of the Well Mitigation Hearing Board". Chairman Jacobson stated he thought the<br />

document was a good modification.<br />

Mr. Morros stated he would never be comfortable with identifoing specifically by number the<br />

unreasonable lowering of the water table. Mr. Morros made a motion to adopt the guidelines as general<br />

guidelines while allowing the Board to make independent judgments on each case. Mr. Carlson seconded<br />

the motion.<br />

Theresa Shannon stated she is speaking as a member of the public and added that in the past she<br />

represented domestic well owners through a group called the Mt. Rose Well and Water Protection. She<br />

reported that she is an applicant on tonight's agenda. She stated she is not uncomfortable with the<br />

language; however, she was concerned that the policies of this Board (even though it was approved well<br />

over a year ago) are still in the process of being defined on the very night that a decision would be made<br />

on her particular issue. She stated she hoped there would be some consistency and added that if you read<br />

through the minutes, it appears that the policies regarding mitigation have changed almost monthly. She<br />

went on to say that she hopes if this document is adopted, that the Board finds medium ground and is able<br />

to use the guidelines consistently on a case-by-case basis.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 6

Minutes of the Washoe County Well Mitigation Hearing Board, March 16,2006 Page 3 of 12<br />

Mr. Pohll agreed and added that consistency is the main reason behind the guidelines. He added that it<br />

would help the Board to determine what their role is and to form their opinions. Mr. Morros stated he<br />

agreed with Ms. Shannon's comments and feels it is time to "tighten the screws down" and try to be as<br />

consistent as possible. He added that he has a lot of years of experience but it can still be confusing.<br />

Chairman Jacobson stated he felt the policy has always been the same; however, the way the factors have<br />

been considered has changed from the beginning. Mr. Morros stated the hardest issue is "What is the<br />

reasonable lowering of the water table?" Chairman Jacobson stated it would be appropriate to review the<br />

guideline document prior to any motion being made.<br />

Chairman Jacobson called for the vote on Mr. Morros'motion, which carried uranimously.<br />

2. Hearings on applications for well mitigation, including possible decision and direction to staff:<br />

a. Wendy Pierce, APN 049-090-12'15992 Mt. Rose Ilighway<br />

(Utility Service Area: Washoe County Department of Water Resources)<br />

Wendy Pierce was not present. Chairman Jacobson requested this item be tabled and move to the second<br />

applicant as he wanted Ms. Pierce to have an opportunity to speak to the Board. This will appear at a<br />

future WMIIB meeting.<br />

b. Richard and Theresa Shannon, APN 150-260-35,5847 Mt. Rose Highway ptility<br />

Service Area: Washoe County Department of Water Resources and <strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong><br />

<strong>Meadows</strong> <strong>General</strong> <strong>Improvement</strong> <strong>District</strong> (STMGID)<br />

Jim Smitherman gave an overview of the packet information for the Shannon's well. He reported that the<br />

Groundwater Data Center (GDC) had developed a summary. The original well was drilled in March 1980<br />

to a depth of 297 feet, with a static water level of approximately 248 feet below land surface. The well<br />

had 49 feet in the casing at the time of conskuction. There are two homes serviced by the well.<br />

According to the Assessor's database, the primary home was built in 1963 and the second was built in<br />

1982. In 1988, the Shannons were granted a special use permit to convert a mother-inlaw unit to a<br />

detached accessory dwelling. A meter was installed on the well and the Shannons were regulated to not<br />

use more than 1,800 gallons per day by Statute as well as the Washoe County <strong>District</strong> Health Department<br />

and later by the Community Development department.<br />

Mr. Smitherman reported the permit from the Health Department stated that the well owners would allow<br />

the State Division of Water Resources to read the meter, although when he contacted them, they stated<br />

they had no record of a request to read the well meter. He stated that in March 2002 McKay Drilling<br />

performed a pump test on the well. The static water level was measured at 263 feet below land surface.<br />

The well was pumped for one hour at 9.5 gallons per minute (gpm) and the pumping level in the well<br />

dropped three feet to 266 feet below land surface. The static water level in 1980 was recorded at248 feet<br />

below land surface. He summarizedthatthe total drop in the static water level was approximateb 15 feet<br />

in22years, or an average of 0.68 feetperyear.<br />

Mr. Smitherman reported that included in the packet was a document titled, "Richard and Theresa<br />

Shannon Supplemental Information", which includes service records and a letter from Washoe County'<br />

Mr. Smitherman reported that in the Govemment Lots, very few wells were drilled before the 1980s. The<br />

GDC located a well log for an irrigation well located at 5852 Mt. Rose Highway, which is approximately<br />

2,300 feet north of the subject properfy. The irrigation well was drilled in 1959 to a depth of 120 feet in<br />

volcanic and granitic sand. The static water level at that time was 98 feet below land surface and an<br />

Item 3<br />


Minutes of the Washoe County Well Mitigation Hearing Board, March 16, 2006 Page 4 of 12<br />

adjacent well was 148 feet below land surface; therefore, from 1959 to 1989 the water table dropped<br />

approximately 50 feet, or approximately L66 feet per year.<br />

Mr. Smitherman stated that the water table in the subject area has fluctuated over time and was declining<br />

during the thirty years prior to construction of STMGID well numbers 5 and 6 and Tessa wells I and 2.<br />

He added that most of the welis in the Government Lots were drilled between 1985 and 1995, many of<br />

which were drilled in bedrock. The average static water level for wells drilled in bedrock in the southern<br />

portion of the Govemment Lots in the early 1990s was approximately 240 to 250 feet below land surface,<br />

which is consistent with the information on the applicant's well.<br />

Mr. Smitherman reported the Tessa wells began service in 2003. He added that the hydrograph for Tessa<br />

I shows no decline and the hydrograph for Tessa 2 shows a fluctuation in the pumping level.<br />

Hydrographs for STMGID wells 5 and 6 between 2002 and 2005 show pumping level fluctuations in the<br />

water table, with a decline of approximately 19 feet in number 5 and 7.5 feet in number 6. He reported<br />

that STMGID 6 is the closest production well to the subject well, which is approximately 3,100 feet to the<br />

northeast. Tessa 2 and ArrowCreek 3 wells are also within one mile of the subject parcel.<br />

Mr. Smitherman reported that the applicants claim their well failed in August 2005. The applicants also<br />

stated that at that time, their pump was lowered to the bottom of the well but they were still unable to<br />

pump water. Mr. Smitherrnan continued that in August 2005, the static water level in the well was 284<br />

feet below land surface and the total depth of the well was297 feet for a saturated thiclness in the well of<br />

13 feet.<br />

Mr. Smitherman next reviewed the general information for the subject area. There are approximately 530<br />

domestic wells in the Government Lots, of which approximately 45 have been converted to municipal<br />

water in the last three years. The average metered home in the area uses approximately .84 acre-feet per<br />

year. Septic system recharge for the area is estimated at .22 acre-feet per year. The State Engineer's<br />

office estimates a total water use for domestic well owners at I.l2 acre-feet per year. The total amount of<br />

water withdrawn by 490 domestic wells using that estimate is 548.8 acre-feet per year. The same number<br />

of homes estimated by using a .62 acre-feet estimate equals about 303-304 acre-feet per year.<br />

Mr. Smitherman reported that monitoring wells in the Government Lots that appear to have the highest<br />

rate of decline are located closer to STMGID 6. The Melarkey well, which is located close to STMGID 6<br />

has been measured since 1989 and shows an average decline in the water table from 1989 to 2002 of L67<br />

feet per year. He reported that two of the wells that show a decline in the water table of less than one foot<br />

per year (similar to the Shannon's well) showed an increase in the water level during the years with above<br />

average precipitation.<br />

Mr. Morros asked about two homes being served by a single well. He added that State water law requires<br />

a permit if more than one single-family dwelling is to be served by one well. Ms. Shannon reported she<br />

would address that issue in her comments.<br />

Chairman Jacobson stated that in general he prefers to see for example 0.84 as opposed to .84 because it<br />

is sometimes difficult to read the copies. He also recommended rounding the number of feet rather than<br />

using decimals. He referred to the comment that the applicant was required to not use more than 1,800<br />

gallons per day although the meter had not been read. Mr. Smitherman explained that there was not a<br />

requirement that the meter had to be read. He clarified the permit was issued by the Washoe County<br />

<strong>District</strong> Health Department.<br />

Mike Widmer, Hydrogeologist with Washoe County Deparknent of Water Resources (DWR), stated he is<br />

representing the water purveyor, STMGID. He noted that Birnie McGavin, a member of the STMGID<br />

Local Managing Board was present if anyone had questions. Mr. Widmer stated in his opinion the<br />

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Shannon well was affected more by drought than municipal pumping. He distributed a memo (and<br />

apologized that is was not included in the packets). He reported that the State Engineer's office had<br />

provided precipitation data. He referred to the first graph, which shows four curves, the first three of<br />

which are average precipitation volumes from three different gages for the period of 1970 through 2004.<br />

The fourth curve calculates the five-year moving average. He explained the other graphs, of which the<br />

goal was to show the water level measurement data from the past. He summarizedthat the water levels<br />

were very representative of the annual precipitation in the form of groundwater recharge. He explained<br />

that the final graph is the SNOTEL data, which he stated showed excellent correlations befween<br />

groundwater levels and precipitation.<br />

Mr. Widmer distributed another document that will be included in the record that shows water levels for<br />

the First Aid Well, the Timberline Well and the Schuerman well (which is a domestic well located across<br />

the street from the Shannon well). He summarizedthat he thought the graphs show good correlation<br />

between the three wells, which he feels are totally related to drought conditions. He added that he thought<br />

the Schuerman well was similar to the Shannon well although it is 40 to 50 feet deeper. He went on to<br />

say that using the Schuerman well measurements he compared it to the Shannon well and synthetically<br />

reproduced a curye that could represent water levels over a four to five-year period for the Shannon well'<br />

He summarized thathe felt that most of the decline in water level in the Shannon well was related to the<br />

precipitation levels and not municipal pumping.<br />

Discussion ensued over the location of the monitoring wells in relation to the subject well and the<br />

municipal wells and associated water levels. Chairman Jacobson stated he was not sure how to handle the<br />

new information that Mr. Widmer provided as it was different from what was presented in the packet.<br />

Chairman Jacobson asked the applicants to state their case. Ms. Shannon distributed copies of her<br />

comments for the record and then reviewed them for the WMHB. She stated there were some minor<br />

word issues in the County summary that she might take exception to. She stated that they are living<br />

without running water in their home. She explained that water supplied to her well prior to the first<br />

required recording of their comrnunity well agreement filed with the County Recorder even though<br />

recorded in 1980, does not mean that it only began to exist at that time. The agleement called for its<br />

provision of water to several homes; the number changed each time a new home dug its own well and<br />

became self-sufficient.<br />

Ms. Shannon reported that copies of all documentation were included in her packet. She agreed that the<br />

well was drilled in 1980 to a depth of 297 feet, with a static water level of 248 feet with two homes using<br />

that water source, prior to current legislation that says that two homes cannot be served by the same well.<br />

She added that the well had 49 feet of sustainable static water supply at the time of construction. She<br />

went on to say that all the systems on their property were brought into conformance when they purchased<br />

the home and it was approved by the Board of County Commissioners July 13, 1998. She continued that<br />

per that order, a meter was installed on her well, which indicates usage of .58 acre-feet annually since it<br />

was installed. She reported that the meter indicates a total usage of 1,146,550 gallons, which equates to<br />

4.09 acre-feet over the entire seven years, which equates to .58 over the seven-year period being used by<br />

both homes. She added that number does not take into consideration the septic recharge of .22, which<br />

would put their actual usage at .36 acre-feet taken from the aquifer. She summarized that her property<br />

with the two homes has used less water than the average home countywide'<br />

Ms. Shannon mentioned the resale value of the water when she signed the well credit form and asked<br />

what it really means. She reported that she has already signed and had notarized the well credit form and<br />

provided copies, although it was signed provisional that they would actuaily receive the water' She<br />

ieiterated that her property has two homes, yet she is allocated for private domestic use of 2.02 acre-feet'<br />

She stated that issues have come up this week with their local Citizens Advisory Board (CAB)<br />

representative that say that since there are two houses on one parcel, the allocation could be for 4.04 acre-<br />

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feet. She added she has not had time to research that issue with the State Engineer's office. She went on '<br />

to say that water rights are currently selling for up to $80,000 and the water purveyors in the area are<br />

buying them. She urrca if it only takes a dedication of .62tobuild a subdivision home, doesn't that mean<br />

ttrat oir county is going to be a6le to serve three more homes with the signing 9f<br />

tl,rat well oredit form.<br />

She asked doisn't that mean that there would be an additional $180,000 with the hookup fee for each<br />

home bringing in an additional $16,000 plus the charges for water use at approximately $60 per month.<br />

She asked by selling the water and hooking her up, doesn't the County stand to bringln close to $200'000<br />

plus a *otrthly residual of close to $240 pir month for water usage. She stated she thinks this more than<br />

covers the infrastructure oost to bring them water'<br />

Ms. Shannon referred to monitoring well statistics and stated they have numerous times requested to have<br />

Washoe County DWR regularly r"ud h"r meter as part of their monitoring program. She quoted within<br />

many letterr pttrrid.d in ttre pactet and STMGID Local Governing Board minutes,-they were declined to<br />

have their meter read by D-wR and STMGID. She quoted a DWR Hydrogeologist, "Our office is<br />

currently measuring Mafy Schuerman's well across the street from your home. This well provides us<br />

adequate information ott tit" water level in your immediate area." Ms. Shannon stated that it was further<br />

substantiated on April 16, zOO2 in a letter containing data thus far on all the monitoring wells in their<br />

area. The letter reassured them that they would not be held umesponsive for a lack of properly<br />

documented well readings when the mitigation time came. She added that along with Schuerman,<br />

Stephens, Melarkey, Quinn, Shepard, Nixon, Hunt, Kitchen, Brokaw, Rummler, Moassessi, they expect<br />

to be mitigated.<br />

Ms. Shannon referred to the County's report and stated she assumes that if they approved mitigation, they<br />

proved a deleterious impact on those domestic wells. She added that later she would provide a map<br />

showing that those wells circle her properly. She referred to the County's report, which states "Water<br />

levels have declined over twenty years ten to twenty feet. Several other neighbors were on the monitoring<br />

system, such as Mr. Kitchen." She stated that the August 20,2001 STMGID minutes state, "It is the<br />

domestic well owner's responsibility to continuously monitor their wells but that only 10 to 20%o actually<br />

do this." She stated she thinls that since 1995, she has paid just about every other year to have their well<br />

monitored in order to come to this meeting prepared. She added that in addition to monitoring, the meter<br />

should prove what water they have been t sittg- She explained that they believe that DWR and STMGID<br />

had an idequate sampling of their area and accepted their declination to monitor their well. She went on<br />

to say that of the wetts tttat failed, 15 of the 16 have been mitigated and paid for well failure. She stated<br />

that per the STMGID minutes, Mr. Dowling was declined due to "moving too quickly" without following<br />

the correct steps to be mitigated. She added that the minutes also said, "He had not waited to have his<br />

well fail." She stated that there was a ruckus at the meeting over discussion of whether a well owner had<br />

to actually wait for his/her well to fail before requesting mitigation.<br />

Ms. Shannon stated it is highly dishessing to have a final sunmary for their mitigation hearing, which<br />

cites statistics for wells in a parameter including areas of their aquifer, which are responding to pumpage<br />

completely different from their area. She addedthat in the old Government Lots there are not 530 homes.<br />

She iead hom the packet, "There are approximatdy 26 wells measured twice a year in the Government<br />

Lots.,' In 2001 a DWR point person .nt-itt"d a list to the STMGID Local Managing Board showing 40<br />

wells that were thought io eventually need to be deepened or replaced due to impact from STMGID well<br />

6. She stated that tire statistics being used are in a completely different hydrobasin when Callahan Ranch<br />

is iumped with the oid Government tract. She explained those wells tend to be 30 feet deep and have a<br />

complitely different reaction to pumpage. She added it is upsetting to see those wells cited rather than<br />

those agreed-upon during negotiations for their specific area when this Board was created.<br />

Ms. Shannon next referred to a diagram of where their home is situated in the center of the monitoring<br />

and ..the wells which have been miiigated". She stated that the STMGID Board compiled a list, which<br />

shows 30 of the approximately 40 homes affected by STMGID 6 pumpage. She added that in further<br />

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meeting minutes, it has been stated that her well was situated in the middle of the wells and it was left off<br />

because the driller's logbook did not have any record of their well. She stated they were led to believe<br />

that after providing all the records of the well and statistics of all their neighbors, it would be the same<br />

used to mitigate their case. She continued that she believes the County has put forth valor attempts to<br />

deal with budgetzry impacts and administrative prices caused by all the pumpage in the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong><br />

<strong>Meadows</strong> regarding private domestic well owners once they learned that the actual mitigation policies<br />

were going to have to be revised. She stated the policies have been changed so often that there has never<br />

been a sense of reliability of relief to the impacted well owner. She stated the only reason some of the<br />

well owners have been able to continue to live in the area is the belief that truth will prevail and that right<br />

will be done and that there is fairness in government.<br />

Ms. Shannon refened to a chart that shows that from 1980 to 1994 their well had sustainable recharge and<br />

a static water level of 248 feet over a fifteen-year period in and out of drought times. She added this<br />

shows that they had a sustainable water supply that was recharging with a zero rate of decline in their<br />

well. She reported that most of the increase in private domestic wells in their area took place during that<br />

period (prior to 1995) of time with little or no affect on her static water level. From 1994 to 2005, she<br />

reported that her well lost a documented 48 feet of static water level while during the same period;<br />

STMGID 6 increased their pumpage seven-fold. She stated that caused a rate of decline in her well of 4.8<br />

feet annually over the last ten years. She went on to say in2004, the budget was approved and the Phase<br />

2 extension to the Govemment Lots was approved.<br />

Ms. Shannon reiterated that up until 2004, she was a member of the Groundwater Task Force and it was<br />

their belief that when the STMGID Local Managing Board approved the acceptance of the bid to bring<br />

the pipe to their home, that their job was done. She stated that they were told there was no need to<br />

reapply since the County knew they wanted water. She added that her packet included a copy of a letter<br />

from Mr. Widmer stating that it had been approved.<br />

Ms. Shannon reported that to date, their out of pocket expenses are $850 to trench, $306 for sand, $6,400<br />

for the refitting of the well abandonment, $145 for the permit to the Health Department, the cost for<br />

lowering the pump fwice, the loss of rent because they lost their tenants in December when they no longer<br />

had water. She stated they were led to believe they would have water within a week or two. She added<br />

the Counfy is asking that they pay $8,352.80 to hook up to the water system. She went on to say if the<br />

pipe had been provided in 2004, that hookup fee would have been substantially less. She stated that<br />

living without water from December 4,2005 to March 16,2006 is priceless. She summarized that the<br />

total expenses to be mitigated are $22,936.03. She included what the fan looked like when they moved to<br />

the property in 1995. She stated the lawn for their rental is gone and now rock. She added that they<br />

survived droughts for thirty years prior to STMGID 6 going in. She stated she would be happy to<br />

entertain any questions.<br />

Chairman Jacobson stated the Board appreciates the Shannon's issue and clarified that the WMHB's<br />

charge does not relate to the hookup fee but rather the impact from the municipal well. He asked what<br />

her fifteen neighbors had done to hook up to the system. Ms. Shannon clarified they were mitigated; they<br />

may have deepened their wells.<br />

Mr. Morros asked if they could defer a decision to the next meeting in two weeks due to the additional<br />

information received tonight. Richard Sharu:on stated that they have been without water for three months<br />

and would like a decision tonight. Ms. Shannon added they do not have the money to hook up and stated<br />

this Board's decision is critical as to whether they receive mitigation. Mr. Rhodes clarified that this<br />

Board makes a determination of responsibility for unreasonable drawdown based on municipal pumping,<br />

not mitigation amounts. Ms. Shannon stated she believes the equipment has been sitting at the end of her<br />

road with the pipes pending a decision by this Board. Mr. Rhodes stated that the equipment moving in<br />

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has nothing to do with the decision of the WMIIB. Mr. Smitherman stated he checked with the engineer,<br />

who stated they were waiting for the weather to clear and the connection fee in order to proceed.<br />

Mr. Morros asked Mr. Widmer if there was a resolution. Mr. Widmer stated the issue as he sees it is,<br />

"Has there been any municipal impact from STMGID 6 on the Shannon well?" He added that based on<br />

the information on the water levels and the Shannon well, it needs to be determined what drawdown is<br />

due to STMGID pumping, what is a reasonable lowering due to municipal pumping, and whether drought<br />

has played alarge part in affecting the private wells.<br />

Chairman Jacobson refered to the data provided by the Shannons tonight and asked if Mr. Widmer feels<br />

the information is consistent with that of other wells in the area. Mr. Widmer stated he would like to see<br />

the actual water level measurements that were taken. He added that having very little experience with the<br />

Shannon well, that a pump contractor has the means to measure water levels; however, they would need<br />

to physically pull the pump out of the casing a few feet in order to get a probe down. He added that a few<br />

years ago, he'd sent someone out to measure the Shannon well that was unable to get a measurement but<br />

he was unsure why. He stated it is his opinion that there are four representative water levels that have<br />

been taken on the Shannon well. He stated he would refer the Board to the measurements taken by<br />

McKay Drilling. He added that the four measurements would include the first one from 1980, the April<br />

2001 level of 252 feet, the March 2A02 level of 263, and the July 2005 level of 285 feet. Ms. Shannon<br />

stated the last level was296 feet when the pump was lowered to the bottom of the well (later in 2005).<br />

Chairman Jacobson referred to the pump test that showed the well pumping 9.5 gallons per minute with a<br />

drawdown of three feet. He stated that it is a pretty good well to do that, especially if it is located in<br />

bedrock.<br />

Mr. Widmer stated he finds it difficult to believe the well would have dropped another 11 feet in a couple<br />

of months because in the Schuerman well, which was measured recently, the water level had acfually<br />

increased.<br />

Mr. Carlson asked how much impact should be seen from STMGID 6 and if a cone of depression had<br />

been studied for impact. Mr. Widmer stated that DWR does not normally run that particular calculation.<br />

Mr. Carlson asked if we could go back and run those numbers in an effort to clear up some of the<br />

questions. Mr. Widmer stated he hesitated to do that because STMGID 6 is in the alluvial layer and the<br />

Shannon well is in the hard rock aquifer.<br />

A ten minute recess was heldfrom 7:49 p.m. to 7:59 p.m.<br />

Chairman Jacobson referred to the well log, which indicates that the material at the bottom of the well is<br />

brown clay and granitic boulders. Mr. Carlson explained that you could argue the case either way as to<br />

whether the well is located in fractured bedrock/volcanic or alluvial material.<br />

Mr. Morros referred to the Nevada Revised Statutes, NRS 534.185 regarding more than one home being<br />

connected to a domestic well and stated there is a waiver. He read, "The State Engineer shall upon<br />

written request and receipt of a written agreement between the affected properfy owners waive the<br />

requirements of this chapter regarding permits for the use and development of trnderground water from a<br />

well if the well existed on July 1, 1983 or prior to that," He added it is to be used solely for domestic<br />

purposes by not more than three single-family dwellings and each does not draw more than 1,800 gallons<br />

of water per day. He stated he assumes that under the Statute, the agreement was between the Shannons;<br />

therefore, if they decided to sub-divide the property he recommended they make sure to enter such an<br />

agreement with the new owner. Ms. Shannon explained that she was told she did not need to get a waiver<br />

and summarizedthatthey had followed all the legal processes.<br />

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Ms. Shannon requested that Board members review page 35 of their application packet where the gravel<br />

pack for the well is discussed. Mr. Carlson explained that water was hit at 250 feet and the well was<br />

perforated at 257 feet. He stated that the well should have been drilled deeper than 300 feet. Ms.<br />

Shannon stated that in 1996 and 1997 she spoke with DWR about the depth of the well and how long it<br />

would last. She stated she was told it depended on the history of the well from 1965 to 1980. She stated<br />

she reviewed it with DWR staff and the assumption was that 50 feet of water in the well was pretty good.<br />

Mr. Carlson stated their well was probably one of the first wells drilled in the area and as more wells are<br />

drilled in the area, 50 feet was probably not deep enough.<br />

Chairman Jacobson stated that the diagram shows the pump at 11 feet from the bottom of the well' Ms.<br />

Shannon explained that was an early diagram and the new handout she provided shows the pump had<br />

been relocated to one foot from the bottom of the well.<br />

Mr. Widmer requested going back to the hard rock issue and stated some of the other well logs indicate<br />

that they were in volcanic rock/fractured bedrock. He added that Ms. Shepard redrilled her well, as did<br />

Mike Dowling. He stated the volcanic layers could vary in depth because they were formed by lava<br />

flows. Chairman Jacobson summarized that whether the Shannon well is in fractured bedrock or not,<br />

STMGID 6 is located in the alluvium.<br />

Mr. Pohll referred to page 74 inthe packet and the Kitchen well and asked Mr. Widmer if they could use<br />

the information from the Theis equation as a calculation of drawdown since it is three parcels away from<br />

the subject well. Mr. Widmer stated in this case he would be uncomfortable using the equation due to the<br />

different materials. Mr. Carlson referred to page 97 and the Schuerman well and stated that the test on<br />

that well shows that there could be more alluvial material than what is thought for the Shannon well area.<br />

He summarizedthat the Theis equation could be applicable.<br />

Mr. Widmer suggested that Board members could refer to Figure 2 on page 2, which shows the<br />

determinations made by the WMHB at prior meetings. He referred to the Melarkey, Meyers and<br />

Rummler wells, which are in close proximity to STMGID 6. He reported that recommendations for<br />

mitigation on those wells were 100% of the drilling costs or hookup fees. He added that on the<br />

Minnaberry well, this Board recommended that 75% of the drilling costs be reimbursed. He went on to<br />

say that south of the Shannon's property is the Winnard property, for which this Board recently found<br />

there was no unreasonable drawdown due to municipal pumping. Ms. Shannon stated that she would like<br />

to include documentation that the Stephens have been mitigated; however, they are not listed on the map.<br />

She added that Mr. Quinn was paid in full but not shown on the map. She clarified they were mitigated;<br />

however, Mr. Widmer stated they did not come before this Board. Ms. Shannon then reviewed her<br />

handout, which showed all the wells in her neighborhood that were mitigated through STMGID' She<br />

summarized that 14 people around their property have received some mitigation.<br />

Chairman Jacobson commented on the pumping from STMGID 6, which stayed pretty level until about<br />

1995, when they started increasing the pumping notably in 1996. He stated it looks like it then started to<br />

affect the private wells. He added that the aquifer was not rebounding like it should have been. He stated<br />

the calculations showed potentially 20 feet of drawdown (1982 to 2002) and although STMGID does<br />

have the right to some drawdown, the impact looks to be above what it should have been.<br />

Birnie McGavin referred to STMGID 6 and a State Engineer's report from February 2002, which goes<br />

into detail on the well. He stated the report could probably answer any questions. Ms. Shannon made a<br />

comment that the document was included in her packet. Mr. McGavin reported that the State Engineer<br />

summarized at the end of the report that the well is only being pumped at about 70% of what the water<br />

rights provide for and essentially, it is not being overpumped. Chairman Jacobson stated there are two<br />

definitions of what constitutes overpumping; one that pumping is not exceeding the water right, the other<br />

being the impact to the local area. He added that this Board's charge is to determine the impact to others<br />

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from municipal pumping. Ms. Sharmon clarified that she only referred to the report in her packet;<br />

however, she did not include it. Mr. Morros stated that the report is four years old and things could have<br />

changed since that time.<br />

Michael DeMartini reported that procedurally in the past Mr. Smitherman would present the summary of<br />

information on the case; the water purveyor would then spealg followed by the applicant, and then public<br />

comment. He stated he thought Ms. Shannon's calculations were very acctrate and conservative' He<br />

mentioned her earlier comment regarding 2.02 acre-feet versus 4.04 based on there being two homes on<br />

the well. He added that the consumptive impact would be 0.14 acre-feet of water, which is very small as<br />

far as her well is concerned. He stated these are the fypes of numbers he comes up with in his studies,<br />

which makes the 500 acre-foot domestic well impact that staff mentioned or 303 acre-feet could possibly<br />

be only half that number or 150 or so. He added that when a person is looking at relative impacts, they<br />

need to consider the possibility that the actual domestic wells are using much less water.<br />

Mr. DeMartini commented on the supplemental graph submitted by Mr. Widmer tonight and stated that in<br />

reviewing the five year moving average, in looking at the peak levels the groundwater levels dropped<br />

rather than responding to the increased precipitation levels in 1999 as they did in 1984. He stated he<br />

thought it was important to examine why the groundwater levels responded differently.<br />

Ms. Shannon summarized that it is important for members to remember the earlier mitigation decisions,<br />

which included the charts and the hydrological impacts. She stated she hoped the Board would be able to<br />

conclude their thoughts faster based on that history. She added that her hope is that the Board would find<br />

in her favor. Ms. Shannon again referred to the letter from the State Engineer and reported it was an<br />

outcome from a meeting between domestic well owners, the State Engineer, and DWR to encourage the<br />

State Engineer to define what is a "reasonable lowering of the water table". She explained that he<br />

declined to define that as a general rule and instead stated that it had to be decided on a case-by-case<br />

basis. She added that he did acknowledge there is a problem in the subject area.<br />

Chairman Jacobson referred to the letter and a comment that the State Engineer noted he has concluded<br />

that recent drought cycles and other groundwater development has contributed at least ten feet of static<br />

water level decline in the eastem Sierra range front.<br />

Mr. Carlson referred to the attachment to the letter from February 14,2002, which projected water level<br />

drops based on pumping from STMGID 6 and stated that it shows scenarios using one set of criteria of<br />

19.5 feet, another showing around thirty-something feet of drawdown to a worst case scenario being 55 to<br />

60 feet of drawdown. He added that the State Engineer probably used it as his guesstimate. Ms. Shannon<br />

stated they were not attachments to the letter; they were in addition to the letter. Mr. Rhodes stated the<br />

letter referenced the at|achments on page three and on the signature page.<br />

Chairman Jacobson stated it does not matter what attachments were included with her letter but that it<br />

provides information for the Board to make decisions. He added that he is looking for a motion to<br />

determine whether there is some impact to the subject well to start the process. Mr. Pohll asked if they<br />

could discuss numbers without a motion, to which Chairman Jacobson replied yes.<br />

Mr. Morros stated he would like to make some calculations and then put that in the form of a motion. Mr.<br />

Pohll stated we should determine the impact from STMGID 6. He estimated it at 15 to 25 feet from 1982<br />

through 2002 fromthe pumping of STMGID 6. He referred to the graphs on drought presented by Mr.<br />

Widmer and stated he thought Figure 8 on page 15 might be a good representation of the drawdown<br />

without the drought. He reiterated that the drawdown at the subject well, based on pumping from<br />

STMGID 6, looks to be approximately 15 to 25 feet. Ms. Shannon reiterated that the drawdown in their<br />

well did not begin until 1997 and continued to 2005, during which time they lost at least 45 feet of water<br />

level. Mr. Carlson reported that an average should be determined. Mr. Widmer added that the water level<br />

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measurements reported by Ms. Shannon have not been verified by supporting documentation. He added<br />

that four measurements are confirmed. He also stated that historical water level measurements from drill<br />

logs in the area have shown declines since the first well was drilled in the 1960s, which has previously<br />

been discussed by this Board.<br />

Mr. Morros asked what is a reasonable lowering of the static water level due to municipal pumping in the<br />

subject area, to which Mr. Widmer stated in his opinion anywhere from 20 to 30 feet was reasonable'<br />

Chairman Jacobson stated that he sees a fairly notable increase in the activity of STMGID 6, which he felt<br />

resulted in extra drawdown. He added that his motion for reasonable drawdown would certainly not be<br />

more than 10 feet. Mr. Rhodes referred to the NRS and referenced the condition of each appropriation of<br />

groundwater and quoted, "the right of the appropriator relates to a specific quantity of water and that right<br />

allows for a reasonable lowering of the static water level." He summarized that pumpers are allowed a<br />

reasonable lowering based on the amount allowed by their permit; however, the Board is basing that<br />

decision on the amount being pumped.<br />

Mr. Pohll made a motion to determine a reasonable lowering of the static water level due to municipal<br />

pumping in this matter is 10 feet (or 20%). Mr. Morros seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.<br />

Mr. Morros clarified the total drawdown is 50 feet or better. Chairman Jacobson asked if any portion of<br />

the remaining amount (40 feet or 80%) of lowering is attributable to other causes (drought, other domestic<br />

well pumping or other permitted pumping). Mr. Carlson recommended that 2o/o of the 50 foot drawdown<br />

is due to other private domestic wells. Chairman Jacobson stated he did not feel the drought and recharge<br />

had much affect on the water level decline and suggested assigning a number of 5Yo.<br />

Mr. Shannon asked if the drought were going to be factored in, wouldn't there have to be a downward<br />

trend, versus up and down. Chairman Jacobson stated there has been a slight downward trend from 1980<br />

to present.<br />

Mr. Widmer stated the utility objects to the 50 feet of water level decline in the subject well. He added<br />

they calculated with actual measurements 37 feet of decline since the well was drilled in 1980.<br />

Chairman Jacobson closed the public comment period. He stated that based on the percentages assigned,<br />

lt is 27%o. Mr. Morros stated the well log shows a static water level of 248 when it was drilled in 1980<br />

and it is now down to 297 feet. Mr. Widmer stated he does not see any water level measurement that<br />

recognizes a static water level of 297 feet. He reiterated the last measurement made of the Shannon well<br />

was in July 2005, which was at 285 feet. He added that since then, the neighbor's well showed an<br />

increase in the water level. Mr. Carlson rounded it off to 50 feet of drawdown. Ten feet (20%) is<br />

considered reasonable based on STMGID 6 pumping. The Board then agreed that 2Yo of 50 feet is due to<br />

private wells and 5% is due to drought. The remaining amount is 73o/o.<br />

Mr. Morros made a motion that the amount of drawdown attributable to municipal pumping is 32 feet of<br />

the 48 feet (67%). Chairman Jacobson summarized we began with 50 feet of total drawdown at the<br />

subject well. We then agreed that 10 feet of that drawdown is considered reasonable based on municipal<br />

pumping,leaving 40 feet of unreasonable pumping. Mr. Pohll disagreed. Mr. Morros statedthat 10 feet<br />

of the 50 feet would be 2Ao/o of the total drawdown. Chairman Jacobson suggested that we use a total<br />

drawdown of 48 feet. Mr. Pohll stated that when STMGID 6 came online the subject well level decreased<br />

from252 to 296 or 297 . Mr. Pohll stated that two different time periods are being considered.<br />

Chairman Jacobson explained the earlier discussion that drought was attributable to maybe 2%o and other<br />

domestic well pumping was 5olo. He stated the remaining number would be what is considered<br />

unreasonable lowering attributed to STMGID 6 pumping. Mr. Pohll reiterated that he thinks that number<br />

should be in the 15 to 25 foot range, with the remaining number being attributable to drought, domestic<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 15

Minutes of the Washoe County Well Mitigation Hearing Board, March 16,2006 Page 12 of 12<br />

well pumping, decreased irrigation and other factors. Discussion ensued over the numbers and previous<br />

mitigation hearings.<br />

Members agreed to base their recommendations on a total drawdown of 48 feet. Chairman Jacobson<br />

stated that in subtracting the 10 feet, which is considered reasonable, the remainder is 38 feet. Mr. Pohll<br />

recommended that 18 feet of that amount be considered due to drought, other domestic wells in the area<br />

and other factors, leaving 20 feetattributable to STMGID pumping. Chairman Jacobson stated he did not<br />

see documentation of 18 feet being atfibutable to other factors, such as drought. Further discussion<br />

ensued over the numbers.<br />

Mr. Morros made a motion that the unreasonable lowering of the water table, taking into account the<br />

amount attributed to drought, and other domestic well pumping is 32 feet. Mr. Carlson seconded the<br />

motion. Mr. Morros clarified his motion; 10 feet is considered reasonable lowering, leaving 38 feet, then<br />

taking off another 6 feet for drought and domestic wells, leaving 32 feet of lowering of the water table (or<br />

67%) considered unreasonable lowering. The motion carried unanimously.<br />

3. Scheduling the next meeting of the Well Mitigation I{earing Board, and possible direction to<br />

staff.<br />

Chairman Jacobson reported the next meeting is scheduled for April 4,2006. Mr. Smitherman reported<br />

there are two applicants, Wendy Pierce and one other.<br />


None.<br />


Mr. Smitherman reported that a representative of the geothermal plant would be invited to the next<br />

meeting.<br />

Mr. Rhodes asked for clarification that both sets of minutes @ecember and February) were included in<br />

the motion for approval, which members agreed was the intention'<br />


The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.<br />

Minutes submitted by:<br />

Niki Linn<br />

Recording Secretary<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 16



Board Meeting Date: APril t7,2A06<br />

DATE:<br />

TO:<br />

FROM:<br />

THROUGH:<br />


April7,2006<br />

Local Managing Board<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> <strong>General</strong> <strong>Improvement</strong> <strong>District</strong><br />

Paul Orphan, P.8., Engineering Manager<br />

Steve Bradhurst, Director, Department of Water Resources-<br />

Provide staff Direction and Possible Recommendation Regarding<br />

Terri and Richard shannon well Mitigation (APN150-260-35)<br />


ffiitigation Hearing Board (WMIIB) has made a finding (Attachment A) that<br />

the STMGID production welt #6 (pw#6) has caused 32 feet of unreasonable drawdown<br />

in the Shannon domestic well and therefore has recommended that STMGID reimburse<br />

670/of themitigation costs. The cost of the hook-up fees to the washoe county's water<br />

system is $8,352.80.<br />

County Priorities/Goalsupported by this item: Preserve and Enhance Our Quality of<br />

Life - Effectively plan and manage use of our natural assets including water, air and open<br />

space. The Departnaent of Water Resources will manage and protect regional water<br />

resources in a sustainable, cost-effective manner'<br />


STMGID has adopi6ld a well mitigation policy (Attachment B) that considers each well<br />

miti gation request individually.<br />


dN"""*b"t ?J005, the Shannonsubmitted a reimbursement claim against<br />

STMGID's PW#6. On March 16,2o06,the wMIIB detennined that there was an<br />

unreasonable drawdown in the Shannonwell to the extent of 67% due to municipal<br />

pumping (Attachment c). The shannons attesthat 48 feet (37' documgnted)9f<br />

drawdown was caused by STMGID PW#6. The finding stated that 10 feet of drawdown<br />

from the production weli was reasonable,that6 feet of drawdown was attributable to<br />

drought *d oth"r domestic well pumping, and that3} feetwas attributable to<br />

unreasonable municiP al PumPing'<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 17

STMGID LMB of APril t":,:yi<br />


The WMFIB has recommended that STMGID pay 670/of the costs for mitigating the<br />

drawdown in the Shannon well. The Shannons have decided to hook-up to the County's<br />

municipal water system rather than deepening their domestic well. The hook-up fees are<br />

$8,352.80. Sixty-seven percent of this cost is $5,596'38'<br />


It is recommended 6it-m" STMGID Local Managing Board provide staffdirection and a<br />

possible recommendation to the STMGID Board of Trustees as to which altemative<br />

should be pursued<br />


Should the Local M[-aging Board agree with staff s recommendation, a simple motion to<br />

approve the recommendation would suffice'<br />

SB:PO:MW:lr<br />

Attachments<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 18



"Dedicated To Excetlence in Public Sevice"<br />

www.co.washoe'nv'us<br />

Washoe CountY<br />

Well Mitigation<br />

Hearing Board<br />

4930EnegrWaY<br />

Reno,NV 89502'4106<br />

Tel: (775)954-4600<br />

Far (775)9544610<br />

Board Members:<br />

Roger Jacobson<br />

Pete Morros<br />

Karen Rosenau<br />

Greg Pohll<br />

David Carlson<br />

Legal Counsel:<br />

John Rhodes<br />

March 17,2006<br />

Mr. Steve Cohen' Chairman<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> GID Local Managing Board<br />

c/o Washoe County Departnent of Water Resources<br />

4930 EnergY WaY<br />

Reno, Nevada 89520<br />

Re: washoe county well Mitigation Hearing Board Findings of March 16' 2006<br />

OnMarch16,2006,theWashoeCountyW-ellMitigationHearingBoardevaluatedthe<br />

mitigationr"qorrt otRichard and Th#sa Shannori llggzMt' Rose Hwy' Reno' Nevada'<br />

The Board acknowledged that tn" ao-",ti" *ar at this address is adjacent to the <strong>South</strong><br />

<strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> <strong>General</strong>roproo"*Lotbirttirt (srMGID) water utility service area'<br />

The Board made the following findings:<br />

The totar drawdown in the domestic we'l is 4g feet. A reasonabre rowering of the static<br />

water level due to municipal puu ping it ro unreasonable lowering attibutable to<br />

19"1<br />

municipal pumping at STMGID *1u"+o is 32 feet (67% of the total lowering) and the<br />

lgpaining6feet(|z%ofthetotal)isattibutabletodrougltandotherdomesticwell<br />

pumping.<br />

Accordingtoprogramdocumentation,Boarddeterminationsare-forwardedtoresponsible<br />

municipal water pu*"yorr, domestic'iveir o*"ro Regional Water planning<br />

T13:<br />

. commission. Negotiation and fillal agreem*t-o-" any mitigation measures are between the<br />

water purveyor JJ th; domestic *r11'o*rr"r. Please be advised that the program<br />

acknowledg", tU" N*"aa State E"dt;J; 'tutotory authority and the parties' rigbts to<br />

refer the matter to the State Engineer at any time'<br />

Please contact me at 954-4657 with any questions or concerns'<br />

:KW<br />

Water Resources Prograrn Manager<br />

ce:<br />

Richard and Theres" Sttaonoo/<br />

STMGID Board of Trustees<br />

Regional Water Planning Commission<br />

Nevada State Engineer<br />

Steve Bradhurst<br />

Jeanne Ruefer<br />

JohnRhodes<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 19


-B-<br />






The <strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> <strong>General</strong> <strong>Improvement</strong> Disftict (STMGID) recognizes that the groundwater<br />

resources of the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> MeadowJare shared with domestic well owners. If the Washoe Coanty<br />

Wett Mitigation Hearing Board determines that the long-term pumping of a STMGID production well<br />

has causid deleterious-water level decline in a domestic weII, STMGID may compensate the owner a<br />

portion of the cost of deepening the well. The compensation will be for the drilling and construction cost<br />

Ldy. The STMGID Board ,"rou"r the right to pay equivalent costs of well-deepening or an alternative<br />

water supply source.<br />

The policy is:<br />

1. A claim for reimbursement ntust frrst be sabmitted to the lYashoe County Well MWation<br />

Hearing-Board- The Hearing Boird mast make a determination that a STMGID production<br />

well has deleteriously impaired the pumping rate and duratiop of the impacted domestic well.<br />

Z. STMGID will be responsible for up to 100 feet of well deepening unless conditions warrant<br />

otherwise as definedbY STMGID<br />

3. Costs associated with the replacement of pump, pump column, electrical cables or other pump<br />

material will be the responsibility of the domestic well owner.<br />

4. Each claim for reimbursement will be reviewed independent of previous claims and will include<br />

the age of the well and its method of construction.<br />

5.<br />

STMGID will only compensate for the well deepening below the bottom of the existing domestic<br />

well.<br />

The well owner may be required to sign a hold harmless agreement releasing the <strong>District</strong> against<br />

any future claims bY the owner'<br />

7 . This policy does not apply if the well is illegally drilled or located improperly.<br />

8. Pursuant to N.A.C. 534.315, if a public supply water main is in reasonable<br />

domestic well owner will be required to hook up to this water main.<br />

the<br />

Approved by Local Managing Board on November 2I,2005'<br />

Approval by Board of Trustees on December 20,2005.<br />

C:Doc-uments and Setings\trose.WAsHoE.00lvpcal SettingslTemporary Intertet Files\OlX24A\well deepening 12-05 FINAL APPROVED I 2-<br />

20-05.doc<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 20


Minutes of the washoe county well Mitigation Hearing Board<br />

Thursday, March 16, 2006<br />

Members Present<br />

Pete Morros<br />

Roger Jacobson<br />

Members Absent<br />

Karen Rosenau<br />

Staff Present<br />

Jim Smitherman<br />

John Rhodes, Legal Counsel<br />

Public Present<br />

Theresa Shannon<br />

Birnie McGavin<br />

David Carlson<br />

Mike Widmer<br />

Jeanne Ruefer<br />

Richard Shannon<br />

Greg Pohll<br />

Paula Valentin<br />

Gail Prockish<br />

Michael DeMartini<br />

DETERMINATION OF QUORUM - Chairman Jacobson called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m'<br />

There was a quorum present. He introduced the newest Board member, David Carlson'<br />

APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA - Mr. Monos made a motion to approve the agenda as posted. Mr'<br />

Pohll seconded the motion, which carried unanimously'<br />

REVIEW, AMENDMENT AND AppRovAL oF MINU'TES - The minutes of the Decembet 6'2005<br />

and the February 7, 2006 meetings were submitted for approval. Michael DeMartini referred to the<br />

December meeting and reported that he had reviewed the minutes and tapes, which he added were very<br />

difficult to understand. H; referred to page 2, paragraph4 and other paragraphs and requested that he be<br />

referred to as an individual. He referred io u-ro--"nt and clarified it should say "Mr. DeMartini stated<br />

that his concern is that when the Board was recommended for approval by the RWPC to the BCC"'"'<br />

He next referred to page 3, pangraph 4 and referred to the comment, "some exhibits that showed<br />

wastewater use on ,o*" orr"-*re lots was less than 0.2 acre-feet per year". He stated that he would like<br />

to see more detail in the minutes and offered to provide his comments in writing in the future'<br />

Chairman Jacobson clarified that the minutes are a summary of what occurred at the meeting; they are not<br />

meant to be a court record or verbatim. He added that the intention is that the final recommendations are<br />

captured accurately. Mr. Morros suggested that if anyone requires more detail than the minutes provide,<br />

they could borowthe tapes from the meeting. Mr. Monos made a motion to approve the minutes of the<br />

December 6, ZO05 arra iire February 7, 20i6 meetings as submitted. Mr. Pohll seconded the motion,<br />

which earried ruranimouslY.<br />


None.<br />

Item 3<br />


Minutes of the Washoe County Well Mitigation Hearing Board, March 16,2006 Page 2 of 12<br />


1. Review and possible approval of revised criteria and procedure for determining what<br />

constitutes a reasonable lowering of the water level, and what constitutes an unreasonable affect<br />

on a domestic well caused by municipal uses, and possible direction to staff.<br />

Chairman Jacobson reported that this item had been postponed until Mr. Carlson could be present. John<br />

Rhodes distributed handouts. He apologized for not providing the documents in advance and summarized<br />

the details. He refened to the "Role of the Well Mitigation Hearing Board" and explained it was created<br />

as a result of the workshop held during the October meeting with Hugh Ricci, State Engineer. The three<br />

main points of the Board's role are:<br />

r To hear and consider evidence regarding whether there are unreasonable adverse affects on a<br />

domestic well caused by municipal pumping<br />

o To determine the portion of the total lowering of the static water level caused by municipal<br />

pumping that is reasonable and if applicable, to consider what portion is considered<br />

unreasonable considering what portions of the total are due to drought, other domestic wells,<br />

other permitted pumping and other causes<br />

o To make findings and provide recommendations to the water purveyor as to the percentage of<br />

unreasonable adverse affects beyond a reasonable lowering of the static water level that is<br />

attributable to municipal pumping<br />

Mr. Rhodes next referred to the "Factors to Consider", which he explained are factors determined by this<br />

Board in organizational meetings as items to be reviewed in terms of evidence. He next referred to<br />

"Analysis", *tti"tt he prepared as requested by this Board to provide assistance with defrning what is<br />

"reasonable". The next document is entitled, "Forms of Motions" that could be used by the Board' Mr.<br />

Rhodes explained that it is a revised document that the Board has not yet seen.<br />

Mr. Rhodes referred to the handout on motions and explained the changes that were made. He explained<br />

that the Role of the Board is the document that needs approval; the remaining documents are to provide<br />

informational assistance. Mr. Morros stated he would be comfOrtable adopting the document as a<br />

gUideline rather than being locked into it. Mr. Rhodes clarified that the document had been approved by<br />

this Board previously; however, the document was revised based on the workshop with the State<br />

Engineer. He added that the document could be adopted as a guideline if desired and the name could be<br />

changed to "Guidelines of the Well Mitigation Hearing Board". Chairman Jacobson stated he thought the<br />

document was a good modification.<br />

Mr. Morros stated he would never be comfortable with identiffing speoifically by number the<br />

unreasonable lowering of the water table. Mr. Moros made a motion to adopt the guidelines as general<br />

guidelines while allowing the Board to make independent judgments on each case. Mr. Carlson seconded<br />

the motion.<br />

Theresa Shannon stated she is speaking as a member of the public and added that in the past she<br />

represented domestic well owners through a group called the Mt. Rose Well and Water Protection. She<br />

reported that she is an applicant on tonight's agenda. She stated she is not uncomfortable with the<br />

language; however, she was concerned that the policies of this Board (even though it was approved well<br />

orrt u y"* ago) are still in the process of being defined on the very night that a decision would be made<br />

on her particular issue. She stated she hoped there would be some consistency and added that if you read<br />

through the minutes, it appears that the policies regarding mitigation have changed almost monthly. She<br />

went on to say that she hopes if this document is adopted, that the Board finds medium ground and is able<br />

to use the guidelines consistently on a case-by-case basis.<br />

ftem S<br />


Minutes of the washoe county well Mitigation Hearing Board, March 16,2006 Page 3 of 12<br />

Mr. pohll agreedand added that consistency is the main reason behind the guidelines- He added that it<br />

would help the Board to determine what thlir role is and to form their opinions' Mr- Moros stated he<br />

agreed wiitr tvts. Shannon's comments and feels it is time to "tighten the screws do-gvn" and try to be as<br />

clnsistent as possible. He added that he has a lot of years of experience but it can still be confusing'<br />

Chairman Jacobson stated he felt the policy has always been the same; however, the way the factors have<br />

been considered has changed from the beginning. idt. Mottot stated the hardest issue is "What is the<br />

reasonable lowering of the water table?" druirtn* Jacobson stated it would be appropriate to review the<br />

guideline document prior to any motion being made'<br />

Chairman Jacobson called for the vote on Mr. Morros' motion, which carried unanimously'<br />

Z. Hearings on applications for well mitigation, including possible decision and direction to staff:<br />

z. Wendy Pierce, APN 049-09 0-l2,15gg2Mt' Rose Highway<br />

(Utili6 Service Area: Washoe County Department of Water Resources)<br />

Wendy pierce was not present. Chairman Jacobson requested this item be tabled and move to the second<br />

applicant as he wantedMs. Pierce to have an opportunity to speak to the Board. This will appear at a<br />

future WMIIB meeting.<br />

b. Richard and Theresa Shannon, APN 150-260-35, 5847 Mt. Rose Highway (Utility<br />

Service Area: Washoe County Department of Water Resources and <strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong><br />

<strong>Meadows</strong> <strong>General</strong> <strong>Improvement</strong> <strong>District</strong> (STMGID)<br />

Jim Smitherman gave an overview of the packet information for the Shannon's well. He reported thatlhg<br />

Groundwater Data Center (GDC) had developed a summary. The original well was drilled in March 1980<br />

fo a depth of 29i feet, with a static water level of approximately 248 feetbelow land surface' The well<br />

had 4g feet in the casing at the time of construction. There are two homes serviced by the well'<br />

According to the Assessoi's database, the primary home was built in 1963 and the second was built in<br />

Igg2. In 1988, the Shannons were granted a special use permit to convert a mother-inlaw unit to a<br />

detached accessory dwelling. A meter was installed on the well and the Shannont *T-e regulated to noJ<br />

use more than 1,800 gallons-per day by Statute as well as the Washoe County <strong>District</strong> Health Department<br />

and later by the Community Deveiopment department'<br />

Mr. Smitherman reported the permit from the Health Deparknent stated that the well owners would allow<br />

the State Division of Water Resources to read the meter, aithough when he contacted thern" they stated<br />

they had no record of a request to read the well meter. He stated that i+ lutq.! 2002 MicKay Drilling<br />

performed a pump test on the well. The static water level was measured at263 feet below land surface'<br />

The well was pumped for one hour at 9.5 gallons per minute (gpm) and the prrmping level in the well<br />

dropped three feet io 266 feet below land sr.riface. The static water level in 1980 was recorded at248 feet<br />

below land surface. He summari zedfhatthe total drop in the static water level was approximately 15 feet<br />

in22 years, or an average of 0.68 feet per year'<br />

Mr. Smitherman reported that included in the packet was a document titled' "Richard and Theresa<br />

Shannon Supplemental Information", which includes service records and a letter from Washoe County'<br />

Mr. Smitherman reported that in the Government Lots, very few wells were drilled before the 1980s' The<br />

GDc located a weli log for an irrigation weil located at 5852 Mt. Rose Highway, which is approximately<br />

2,300 feet norftr of the subject property. The irrigation well was drilled in 1959 to a depth of 120 feet in<br />

volcanic and granitic sand. ft it"tir water level at that time was 98 feet below land surface and an<br />

"<br />

Item 3<br />


Minutes of the washoe county well Mitigation Hearing Board, March 16,2006 Page 4 of 12<br />

adjacent well was 148 feet below land surface; therefore, from 1959 to 1989 the water table dropped<br />

approximately 50 feet, or approximately 1'66 feet per year'<br />

Mr. Smitherman stated that the water table in the subje ct areahas fluctuated over time and was declining<br />

during the thirty years prior to construction of STMGID well numbers 5 and 6 and Tessa wells I and 2'<br />

He added that most ofitre weils in the Government Lots were drilled between 1985 and 1995' many of<br />

which were drilled in bedrock. The average static water level for wells drilled in bedrock in the southern<br />

portion of the Government Lots in the early 1990s was approximately 240 to 250 feet below land surface,<br />

which is consistent with the information on the applicant's well'<br />

Mr. Smitherman reported the Tessa wells began service in 2003. He added that the hydrograph for Tessa<br />

-f*<br />

I shows no decline and the hydrograph T"su 2 shows a fluctuation in the pumping level.<br />

Hydrographs for STMGID wells i *a o u"ttreen2002 and 2005 show pumping level fluctuations in the<br />

*ut", tubi", with a decline of approximately 19 feet in number 5 and 7 '5 feet in number 6. He reported<br />

that STMGID 6 is the closest production *"11 to the subject well, which is approximately 3,100 feet to the<br />

northeast. Tessa 2 and A:rowbreek 3 wells are also within one mile of the subject parcel'<br />

Mr. Smitherman reported that the applicants claim their well failed in August 2005. The applicants also<br />

stated that at that time, their pump was lowered to the bottom of the well but they were still unable to<br />

pump water. Mr. Smithermun ,orrtirrn"d that in August 2005, the static water level in the well was 284<br />

feet below land surface and the total depth of the well was 297 feetfor a saturated thickness in the well of<br />

13 feet.<br />

Mr. Smitherman next reviewed the general information for the subject area. There are approximately 530<br />

domestic wells in the Govemment Lots, of which approximately 45 have been converted to municipal<br />

water in the last three years. The average metered home in the area uses approximately .84 acre-feet per<br />

year. Septic system recharge for the area is estimated at .22 acre-feet per year. The State Engineer's<br />

office estimates a total water use for domestic well owners at l.l2 acre-feet per year. The total amount of<br />

water withdrawn by 490 domestic wells using that estimate is 548.8 acre-feet per year. The same number<br />

of homes estimated by using a .62 acre-feet estimate equals about 303-304 acre-feet per year'<br />

Mr. Smitherman reported that monitoring wells in the Government Lots that appeat to have the highest<br />

rate of decline are located closer to STMGID 6. The Melarkey well, which is located close to STMG-ID-9<br />

has been measured since 1989 and shows an average decline in the water table from 1989 to 2002 of L'67<br />

feet per yqar. He reported that two of the wells thai show a decline in the water table of less than one foot<br />

per year-(similar to ihe Shannon's well) showed an increase in the water level during the years with above<br />

average precipitation.<br />

Mr. Morros asked about two homes being served by a single well. He added that State water law requires<br />

a perm:it if more than one single-family iweliing is to be served by one well. Ms. Shannon reported she<br />

would address that issue in her comments.<br />

Chairman Jacobson stated that in general he prefers to see for example 0.84 as opposed to .84 because it<br />

is sometimes difficult to read the -opies. He also recommended rounding the number of feet rather than<br />

using decimals. He referred to the commenthat the applicant was required to not use more than 1,800<br />

gail;ns per day although the meter had not been read. Mr. Smitherman explained that there was not a<br />

Iequirement that the meter had to be read. He clarified the permit was issued by the Washoe County<br />

<strong>District</strong> Health Department'<br />

Mike Widmer, Hydrogeologist urith Washoe County Department of Water Resources (DWR), stated he is<br />

represanting the wateip*i"yo., STMGID. He noted that Birnie McGavin, a member of the STMGID<br />

Local Managing Board was-present if anyone had questions. Mr. Widmer stated in his opinion the<br />

Item 3<br />


Minutes of the washoe county well Mitigation Hearing Board, March 16, 2006 Page 5 of 12<br />

Shannon well was affected more by drought than municipal pumping. He distributed a memo (and<br />

apologized that is was not included in thJpackets). He reported that the State Engineer's office had_<br />

proviJed precipitation data. He referred to the first graph, which shows four curves, the first three of<br />

which ar" urnerag" precipitation volumes from three different gages for the period of 1970 through 2004'<br />

The fourth curve calculut". th" five-year moving average. He explained the other graphs, of which the<br />

goal was to show the water level measurement data from the past. He summarizedthat the water levels<br />

were very representarive of the annual precipitation in the form of groundwater recharge. He explained<br />

that the -frnal graph is the SNOTEL data, which he stated showed excellent correlations between<br />

groundwater levels and precipitation'<br />

Mr. Widmer distributed another document that will be included in the record that shows water levels for<br />

the First Aid Well, the Timberline Well and the Schuerman well (which is a domestic well located across<br />

the sheet from the Shannon well). He summarized that he thought the graphs show good correlation<br />

between the three wells, which he feels are totally related to drought conditions. He added that he thought<br />

the Schuerman well was similar to the Shannon well although it is 40 to 50 feet deeper' He went on to<br />

say that using the Schuerman well measurements he compared it to the Shannon well and synthetically<br />

reiroduced rtr*" that could represent water levels over a four to five-year period for the Shannon well.<br />

Hi summari " z.ed thathe felt that most of the decline in water level in the Shannon well was related to the<br />

precipitation levels and not municipal pumping'<br />

Discussion ensued over the location of the monitoring wells in relation to the subject well and the<br />

municipal wells and associated water levels. Chairman Jacobson stated he was not sure how to handle the<br />

new iniormation that Mr. Widmer provided as it was different from what was presented in the packet'<br />

Chairman Jacobson asked the applicants to state their case. Ms. Shannon distributed copies of her<br />

comments for the record and thJn reviewed them for the WMHB. She stated there were some minor<br />

word issues in the County summary that she might take exception to. She stated that they are living<br />

without running water in their home. She explained that water supplied to her well prior to m: fu{<br />

required ,""ordirrg of their community well agreement filed with the County Recorder even though<br />

recorded in 1980, does not mean that it only bigan to exist at that time. The agreement called for its<br />

provision of water to several homes; the nurnbeichanged each time a new home dug its own well and<br />

became self-suffi cient.<br />

Ms. Shannon reported that copies of all documentation were included in her packet. She agreed that the<br />

well was drilled in l9g0 to a depth of 297 feet, with a static water level of 248 feet with two homes using<br />

that water source, prior to current legislation that says that two homes cannot be served by the same well'<br />

She added that thi well had 49 feei of sustainable static water supply at the time of construction. She<br />

went on to say that all the systems on their properly were brought into conformancg_when they purchased<br />

the home and it was approved by the Board of County Commissioners July 13, 1998. She continued that<br />

per that order, a metei was instalied on her well, which indicates usage of .58 acre-feet annually since it<br />

was installed. She reported that the meter indicates a total usage of 1,146,550 gallons, which equates to<br />

4.09 acre-feet over thl entire seven years, which equates to .58 over the seven-year period being usedty<br />

both homes. She added that number does not taki into consideration the septic recharge of -22, which<br />

would put their actual usage at .36 acre-feet taken from the aquifer. She summarize'dthat her properfy<br />

with the two homes has used less water than the average home countywide.<br />

Ms. Shannon mentioned the resale value of the water when she signed the well credit form and asked<br />

what it really means. She reported that she has aJready signed and had notarized the well credit form and<br />

provided although ii was signed provisional that they would actually receive the water. She<br />

ieiterated "opi"r, that her ptop"4y has two homes, yet she is allocated for private domestic use of 2.02 acte-feet.<br />

She stated that iisues have come up this week with their local Citizens Advisory Board (CAB)<br />

representative that say that since there are two houses on one parcel, the allocation could be for 4.04 acre-<br />

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feet. She added she has not had time to research that issue with the State Engineer's office' She went on<br />

to say that water rights are currently selling for up to $80,000 and the water purveyors in the area are<br />

buyrng them. She uirca if lt only takes a dedication of .62 to build a subdivision home, doesn't that mean<br />

tnat oL county is going to be aLle to serve three more homes with the signing of that well credit form.<br />

She asked doesn't that mean that there would be an additional $180,000 with the hoolarp fee for each<br />

home bringing in an additional $16,000 plus the charges for water use at approximately $60 per month'<br />

She asked by ielling the water and hooking her up, doesn't the County stand to bring rn close to $200,000<br />

plus a -orrtirly resibual of close to $240 per month for water usage. She stated she thinks this more than<br />

covers the infrastructure cost to bring them water.<br />

Ms. Shannon referred to monitoring well statistics and stated they have numerous times requested to have<br />

Washoe County DWR regularly tod h"t meter as part of their monitoring program. She quoted within<br />

many letters prbrria"a in ine pattet and STMGID Local Governing Board minutes,-they were declined to<br />

have their meter read by D-WR and STMGID. She quoted a DWR Hydrogeologist, "Our offrce is<br />

currently measuring Mari Schuerman's well across the street from your home. This well provides us<br />

adequate information on tir" water level in your immediate areal' Ms. Shannon stated that it was further<br />

substantiated on April 16,2002 in a letter containing data thus far on all the monitoring wells in their<br />

atea. The letter reasswed them that they would not be held unresponsive for a lack of properly<br />

documented well readings when the mitigation time carne. She added that along with Schuerman,<br />

Stephens, Melarkey, Q,ti*, Shepard, Nixon, Hunt, Kitchen, Brokaw, Rummler, Moassessi, they expect<br />

to be mitigated.<br />

Ms. Shannon referred to the County's report and stated she assumes that if they approved mitigation, they<br />

proved a deleterious impact on those domestic wells. She added that later she would provide a map<br />

,ho*ing that those wells circle her property. She referred to the County's report, which states "Water<br />

levels have declined over twenty years ren to twenty feet. Several other neighbors were on the monitoring<br />

systenr, such as Mr. Kitchen." She stated that the August 2O,2O0l STMGID minutes state, "It is the<br />

domestic well owner's responsibility to continuously monitor their wells but that only 10 to 20Yo actually<br />

do this." She stated she thinks that since 1995, she has paid just about every other year to have their well<br />

monitored in order to come to this meeting prepared. She added that in addition to monitoring, the meter<br />

should prove what water they have been *i"g. She explained that they believe that DWR and STMGID<br />

had an adequate sampling of their area and accepted their declination to monitor their well. She went on<br />

to say that of the *"tis ttiut failed, 15 of the 16 have been mitigated and paid for.rygll faiiure. She stated<br />

that ier the STMGID minutes, Mr. Dowling was declined due to "moving too quickly'' without following<br />

the coneci steps to be mitigated. She added that the minutes also said, "He had not waited to have his<br />

well fail.,' She stated that there was a ruckus at the meeting over discussion of whether a well owner had<br />

to actually wait for his/her well to fail before requesting mitigation.<br />

Ms. Shannon stated it is highly distressing to have a final summary for their mitigation hearing, which<br />

cites statistics for wells in a parameter including areas of their aquifer, which areresponding to pumpage<br />

completely different from thiir area. She added that in the old Government Lots there are not 530 homes.<br />

She iead from the packet, "There are approximately 26 wells measured twice a year in the Government<br />

Lots.,' In 2001 a DWR point person submitted a list to the STMGID Local Managing Board showing 40<br />

wells that were thought io eventually need to be deepened or replaced due to impact from STMGID well<br />

6. She stated that thE statistics being used are in a completely different hydrobasin when Callahan Ranch<br />

is lumped with the old Governmentract. She explained those wells tend to be 30 feet deep and have a<br />

completely different reaction to pumpage. She added it is upsetting to see those wells cited rather than<br />

those agreed-upon during negotiations for their specific area when this Board was created.<br />

Ms. Shannon next referred to a diagram of where their home is situated in the center of the monitoring<br />

and ,.the wells which have been miiigated". She stated that the STMGID Board compiled a list, which<br />

shows 30 of the approximately 40 homes affected by STMGID 6 pumpage. She added that in further<br />

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meeting minutes, it has been stated that her well was situated in the middle of the welis and it was left off<br />

because the driller's logbook did not have any record of their we1l. She stated they were led to believe<br />

that after providing att-ttre records of the weli and statistics of all their neighbors, it would be the same<br />

used to mitigate th"i, She continued that she believes the County has put forth valor attempts to<br />

"ur".<br />

deal with budgetary impacts and adminishative prices caused by all the pumpage in the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong><br />

<strong>Meadows</strong> t"g*aing private domestic well owners once they leamed that the actual mitigation policies<br />

were going to have to be revised. She stated the policies have been changed so often that there has never<br />

been a sense of reliability of relief to the impacied well owner. She stated the only reason some of the<br />

well owners have been able to continue to live in the area is the belief that truth will prevail and that right<br />

will be done and that there is fairness in government.<br />

Ms. Shannon refened to a chart that shows that from 1980 to 1994 their well had sustainable recharge and<br />

a static water level of 248 feet over a fifteen-year period in and out of drought times. She added this<br />

shows that they had a sustainable water supply Aui was recharging with a z-ero rate of decline in their<br />

well. She ,.port"d that most of the increase in-private domestic wells in their area took place during that<br />

period (prioito 1995) of time with little or no affect on her static water level. From 1994 to 2005, she<br />

reported that her weil lost a documented 48 feet of static water level while during the same Ptlgdl<br />

STMGID 6 increased their pumpage seven-fold. She stated that caused a rate of decline in her well of 4'8<br />

feet annually over the last ten y;a;. She went on to say in 2004, the budget was approved and the Phase<br />

2 extension to the Govemment Lots was approved.<br />

Ms. Shannon reiterated that up until 2004, she was a member of the Groundwater Task Force and it was<br />

their belief that when the STMGID Locai Managing Board approved the acceptance of the bid to bring<br />

the pipe to their home, that their job was done. She stated that they were told there was no need to<br />

reapply since the County knew they wanted water. She added that her packet included a copy of a letter<br />

from Mr. Widmer stating that it had been approved'<br />

Ms. Shannon reported that to date, their out of pocket expenses are $850 to hench, $306 for sand, $6,400<br />

for the refitting of the well abandonment, $t4S for the permit to the Health Department, the cost for<br />

lowering the pump twice, the loss of rent because they lost their tenants in December when they no longer<br />

had water. She stated they were led to believe they would have water within a week or two' She added<br />

the County is asking that they pay $8,352.80 to hook up to the water system. She went on to say if the<br />

pipe had been proJded in Zboa, that hookup fee would have been substantially less. She stated that<br />

living without water from December 4, ?jOOi to March 16, 2006 is priceless. summarized that the<br />

lhe<br />

total-expenses<br />

be mitigated are522,9t36.03. she included what the fan looked like when they moved to<br />

the property in 1995. Jhe stated the lawn for their rental is gone and now rock. She added that they<br />

survivei dioughts for thirty years prior to STMGID 6 going in. She stated she would be happy to<br />

entertain any questions.<br />

Chairman Jacobson stated the Board appreciates the Shannon's issue and clarified that the WMHB's<br />

charge does not relate to the hookup fei but rather the impact from the municipal well. He asked what<br />

her fifteen neighbors had done to hook up to the system. Ms. Shannon clarified they were mitigated; they<br />

may have deepened their wells.<br />

Mr. Morros asked if they could defer a decision to the next meeting in two weeks due to the additional<br />

information received tonight. Richard Shannon stated that they have been without water for tl[ee months<br />

and would like a decisionlonight. Ms, Shannon added they do not have the money to hook up and stated<br />

this Board,s decision is critiial as to whether they receive mitigation. Mr. Rhodes clarified that this<br />

Board makes a determination of responsibility for unreasonable drawdown based on municipal pumping,<br />

not mitigation amognts. Ms. Shannon stated she believes the equipment has-been sitting at the end of her<br />

road with the pipes pending a decision by this Board. Mr. Rhodes stated that the equipment moving in<br />

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Minutes of the washoe county well Mitigation Hearing Board, March 16,20a6 Page 8 of 12<br />

has nothing to do with the decision of the WMIIB. Mr. Smitherman stated he checked with the engineer,<br />

who stated they were waiting for the weather to clear and the connection fee in order to proceed.<br />

Mr. Morros asked Mr. Widmer if there was a resolution. Mr. Widmer stated the issue as he sees it is,<br />

,,Has there been any municipal impact from STMGID 6 on the Shannon well?" He added that based on<br />

the information on the watei levels and the Shannon well, it needs to be determined what drawdown is<br />

due to STMGID pumping, what is a reasonable lowering due to municipal pumping, and whether drought<br />

has played alargepart in affecting the private wells.<br />

Chairman Jacobson referred to the data provided by the Shannons tonight and asked if lv[r. Widmer feels<br />

the information is consistent with that of other wells in the area. Mr. Widmer stated he would like to see<br />

the actual water level measurements that were taken. He added that having very little experience with th!<br />

Shannon well, that a pump contractor has the means to measure water levels; however, they would need<br />

to physically pull the ;"-p out of the casing a few feet in order ta get a probe down. He added that a few<br />

y.-, ugo, heid sent someone out to measure the Shannon well that was unable to get a measurement but<br />

ir" *ur-.ro.*e why. He stated it is his opinion that there are four representative water levels that have<br />

been taken on the Shannon well. He stated he would refer the Board to the measurements taken by<br />

fuf"f"V nriUiog. He added that the four measurements would include the first one from 1980, the April<br />

2001 Gvel of isz feet, the March 2002level of 263, and the July 2005 level of 285 feet- Ms- Shannon<br />

stated the last level was 296 feetwhen the pump was lowered to the bottom of the well (later in 2005).<br />

Chairman Jacobson referred to the pump test that showed the well pumping 9.5 gallons per minute with a<br />

drawdown of three feet. He stated that it is a pretty good well to do that, especially if it is located in<br />

bedrock.<br />

Mr. Widmer stated he finds it difficult to believe the well would have dropped another l1 feet in a couple<br />

of months because in the Schuerman well, which was measured recently, the water level had actually<br />

increased.<br />

Mr. Carlson asked how much impact should be seen from STMGID 6 and if a cone of depression had<br />

been studied for impact. Mr. Widmer stated that DwR does not normally run that particular calculation.<br />

Mr. Carlson asked if we could go back and run those nurnbers in an effort to clear up some of the<br />

questions. Mr. widmer stated hohesitated to do that because STMGID 6 is in the alluvial layer and the<br />

Shannon well is in the hard rock aquifer.<br />

A ten minute recess was heldfrom 7:49 p.m. to 7:59 p.m'<br />

Chairman Jacobson referred to the well log, which indicates that the material at the bottom of the well is<br />

brown ciay and granitic boulders. Mr. Carlson explained that you could argue the case either way as to<br />

whether the well is located in fractured bedrock/volcanic or alluvial material.<br />

Mr. Morros referred to the Nevada Revised Statutes, NRS 534.185 regarding more than one home being<br />

connected to a domestic well and stated there is a waiver. He read, "The State Engineer shall upon<br />

written request and receipt of a written agreement between the affected property owners waive the<br />

requirements of this chapter regarding permils for the use and development of underground water from.a<br />

well if the well existed ln luly t, ti83 or prior to that." He added it is to be used solely for domestic<br />

purposes by not more than three single-family dwellings and each does not draw more than 1,800 gallons<br />

of water pir day. He stated he assumes that under the Stahrte, the agreement was between the Shannons;<br />

therefore, if they decided to sub-divide the properly he recommended they make sure to enter such an<br />

agreement with ihe new owner. Ms. Shannon explained that she was told she did not need to get a waiver<br />

and summarizndthatthey had followed allthe legal processes.<br />

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Ms. Shannon requested that Board members review page 35 of their application pagket where the gravel<br />

pack for the weil is discussed. Mr. Carlson explained that water was hit at 250 feet and the well was<br />

perforated at 257 feet. He stated that the weli should have been drilled deeper than 300 feet' Ms'<br />

shannon stated that in 1996 ard 1997 she spoke with DwR about the depth of the well and how long it<br />

would last. She stated she was told it depended on the history of the well from 1965 to 1980' She stated<br />

she reviewed it with DWR staff and the assumption was that 50 feet of water in the well was pretty good'<br />

Mr. Carlson stated their well was probably one of the first wells drilled in the area and as more wells are<br />

drilled in the area, 50 feet was probably not deep enough'<br />

Chairman Jacobson stated that the diagram shows the pump at 11 feet from the bottom of the well' Ms'<br />

Shannon explained that was an early diugrurn and the new handout she provided shows the pump had<br />

been relocated to one foot from the bottom of the well'<br />

Mr. Widmer requested going back to the hard rock issue and stated some of the other well logs indicate<br />

that they were in volcaiic rJck/fractured bedrock. He added that Ms. shepard redrilled her well, as did<br />

Mike Dowling. He stated the volcanic layers could vary depth because they were formed by lava<br />

in<br />

flows. Chairman Jacobson summarized that whether the Shannon well is in fractured bedrock or not,<br />

STMGID 6 is located in the aliuvium.<br />

Mr. Pohll referred to page 74 inthepacket and the Kitchen well and asked Mr. Widmer if they could use<br />

the informatio' aom *rJ Theis equaiion as a calculation of drawdown since it is t}ree parcels away from<br />

the subject well. Mr. Widmer staied in this case he would be uncomfortable using the equation due to the<br />

different materials. Mr. Carlson refened to page 97 and the Schuerman well and stated that the test on<br />

that well shows that there could be more alluvial material than what is thought for the Shannon well area'<br />

He summarizedthatthe Theis equation could be applicable'<br />

Mr. Widmer suggested that Board members could refer to Figure 2 on page which shows the<br />

-2,<br />

determinations made by the WMHB at prior meetings. He referred to the Melarkey, Meyers and<br />

Rummler wells, which are in close proximity to STMGID 6. He reported that for<br />

-recommendations<br />

mitigation on those wells were 100i/o of the drilling costs or hoolarp fees' IIe added that on the<br />

Miniaberry well, this Board recommended that 75% of the drilling costs be reimbursed- He went on to<br />

say that south of the Shannon's property is the Winnard property, for which this Board recently found<br />

there was no unreasonable drawdown due to municipal pumping. Ms' Shannon stated that she would like<br />

tq include documentation that the Stephens have bein mitigated; however, they are not listed on the map'<br />

She added that IW. q"ir" was paid in n ft but not shown on the map. She clarified they were mitigated;<br />

however, Mr. Widmir stated ihey did not come before this Board. lvf' S$r-r::on then reviewed her<br />

handout, which showed all the wells in her neighborhood that were mitigated through STMGID' She<br />

summarized rkat l4people around their properly have received some mitigation.<br />

chairman Jacobson commented on the pumping from sTMGID 6, which stayed pretfy level turtil about<br />

1995, when they started increasing ttre pompirrg notably in 1996. He stated it looks like it then started to<br />

affect the private wells. He added that tft" ai"ifer was not re.lgrmdine like it shoul{ have been' He stated<br />

the calculations showed potentially 20 feet of drawdown (1982 to 2002) and although STMGID does<br />

havE the right to some drawdo*o, ih" impact looks to be above what it should have been'<br />

Birnie McGavin referr-ed to STMGID 6 and a State Engineer's report from February 2002, which goes<br />

into detail on the well. He stated the report could probably answer any questions' Ms' Shannon made a<br />

comment that the document was included in her packet. Mr. McGavin reported that the State Engineer<br />

summarized at the end of the report that the well is only being pumped at aboyt 70o/ of what the water<br />

rights provide for and essentially, it is not being overpumped' Chairman Jacobson stated there are two<br />

definitions of what constitutes overpumping; oo" that pumping is not exceeding the water right, the other<br />

being the impact to the local area. He added that this board's charge is to determine the impact to others<br />

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from municipal pumping. Ms. Shan:ron clarified that she only referred to the report in her gagket;<br />

however, she didnotinclude it. Mr. Morros stated that the report is four years old and things could have<br />

changed since that time.<br />

Michael DeMartini reported that procedurally in the past Mr. Smitherman would present the summary of<br />

information on the caie; the water purveyor would then spealg followed by the applicant, and then public<br />

comment. He stated he thought Ms. Shannon's calculations were very accurate and conservative. He<br />

mentioned her earlier comment regarding 2.02 aqe-feet versus 4.04 based on there being two homes on<br />

the well. He added that the consumptivaimpact would be 0.14 acre-feet of water, which is very small as<br />

far as her well is concerned. He stated these are the types of nurnbers he comes up with in his studies,<br />

which makes the 500 acre-foot domestic well impact that staff mentioned or 303 acre-feet could possibly<br />

be only half that number or 150 or so. He added that when a person is looking at relative impacts, they<br />

need to consider the possibility that the actual domestic wells are using much less water.<br />

Mr. DeMartini commented on the supplemental graph submitted by Mr. Widmer tonight and stated that i1<br />

reviewing the five year moving auJtuge, in looking at the peak levels the groundwater levels dropped<br />

rather than responding to the increased precipitation levels in 1999 as they did in 1984. He stated he<br />

thought it was rmportant to examine why the groundwater levels responded differently.<br />

Ms. Shannon summarized that it is important for members to remember the earlier mitigation decisions,<br />

which included the charts and the hydrological impacts. She stated she hoped the Board would be able to<br />

conclude their thoughts faster based on thit history. She added that her hope is that the Board would find<br />

in her favor. Ms. Shannon again referred to the letter from the State Engineer and reported it was an<br />

outcome from a meeting betrveen domestic well owners, the State Engineer, and DWR to encourage the<br />

State Engineer to define what is a "reasonable lowering of the water table". She explained that he<br />

declined to define that as a general rule and instead stated that it had to be decided on a case-by-case<br />

basis. She added that he did acknowledge there is a problem in the subject area.<br />

Chairman Jacobson referred to the letter and a comment that the State Engineer noted he has concluded<br />

that recent drought cycles and other groundwater development has contributed at least ten feet of static<br />

water level decline in the eastem Sierra range front.<br />

Mr. Carlson referred to the attachmento the letter from February 14,2002, which projected water level<br />

drops based on pumping from STMGID 6 and stated that it shows scenarios using one set of criteria of<br />

19.3 feet, another strowing around thirty-something feet of drawdown to a worst case scenario being 55 to<br />

60 feet oi drawdown. He aaaea that the State Engineer probably used it as his guesstimate. Ms' Shannon<br />

stated they were not attachments to the letter; they were in addition to the letter. Mr. Rhodes stated the<br />

letter referenced the attachments on page three and on the signature page.<br />

Chairman Jacobson stated it does not matter what attachments were included with her letter but that it<br />

provides information for the Board to make decisions. He added that he is looking for a motion to<br />

determine whether there is some impact to the subject well to start the process. Mr. Pohll asked if they<br />

could discuss numbers without a motion, to which Chairman Jacobson replied yes.<br />

Mr. Morros stated he would like to make some calculations and then put that in the form of a motion' Mr'<br />

pohll stated we should determine the impact from STMGID 6. He estimated it at 15 to 25 fent from i982<br />

through 2002 from the pumping of STMGID 6. He referred to the graphs on drought presented by Mr.<br />

Widmer and stated ne inougtriFigure 8 on page 15 might be a good representation of the drawdown<br />

without the drought. He riiterated that the drawdown at the subject well, based on pumping from<br />

STMGID 6, looks to be approximately 15 to 25 feet. Ms. Shannon reiterated that the &awdown in their<br />

well did not begin until tiiZ and continued to 2005, during which time they lost at least 45 feet of water<br />

level. Mr. Carlson reported that an average should be determined. Mr. Widmer added that the water level<br />

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measurements reported by Ms. Shannon have not been verified by supporting documentation' He added<br />

that four measurements are confirmed. He also stated that historical water level measurements from drill<br />

logs in the area have shown declines since the first well was drilled in the 1960s, which has previously<br />

been discussed bY this Board.<br />

Mr. Morros asked what is a reasonable lowering of the static water level due to municipal pumping in-the<br />

subject area, to which Mr. Widmer stated in his opinion any',rhere from 20 to 30 feet was reasonable'<br />

Chairman Jacobson stated that he sees a fairly notable increase in the activity of STMGID 6, which he felt<br />

resulted in extra drawdown. He added that his motion for reasonable drawdown would certainly not be<br />

more than 10 feet. Mr. Rhodes referred to the NRS and referenced the condition of each appropriation of<br />

groundwater and quoted, "the right of the appropriator relates,to a specific quantity of water and that right<br />

allows for a reasonable iowerin-g of the static water level." He summarized that pumpers are allowed a<br />

reasonable lowering based on the amout allowed by their permit; however, the Board is basing that<br />

decision on the amount being pumped.<br />

Mr. pohll made a motion to determine a reasonable lowering of the static water level due to municipal<br />

pumping in this matter is 10 feet (or 20%). Mr. Morros seconded the motion, which carried rmanimously'<br />

Mr. Morros clarified the total drawdown is 50 feet or better. Chairman Jacobson asked if any portion of<br />

the remaining amount (40 feet or 80%) of lowering is attributable to other causes (drought, other domestic<br />

well pumpin! or other permitted pumping). Mr. Carlson recommendedthat2o/o of the 50 foot drawdown<br />

is due to otrrer private domestic wells. chairman Jacobson stated he did not feel the drought and recharge<br />

had much affect on the water level decline and suggested assigning a number of 5o/o.<br />

Mr. Shannon asked if the drought were going to be factored in, wouldn't there have to be a downward<br />

trend, versus up and down. Chairman Jacobs6n stated there has been a slight downward trend from 1980<br />

to present.<br />

Mr. Widmer stated the utility objects to the 50 feet of water level decline in the subject well. He added<br />

they calculated with actual measurements 37 feet of decline since the well was drilled in 1980'<br />

Chairman Jacobson closed the public comment period. He stated that based on the percentages assigned,<br />

it is 27%o. Mr. Monos stated the well log shows a static water levei of 248 when it was drilled in 1980<br />

and it is now down to 2g7 feet. Mr. wi*dmer stated he does not see any water level measurement that<br />

recognizes a static water level of 297 feet. He reiterated the last measurement made of the Shannon well<br />

was in July 2005, which was at 285 feet. He added that since then, the neighbor's well showed an<br />

increase in the water level. Mr. Carlson rounded it off to 50 feet of drawdown. Ten feet (20%) is<br />

considered reasonable based on STMGID 6 pumping. The Board then agreed tlmrt 2% of 50 feet is due to<br />

private wells and 5% is due to drought. The remaining amount is13oh'<br />

Mr. Morros made a motion that the amount of drawdown athibutable to municipal pumping is 32 feetof<br />

the 4g feet (67%). Chairman Jacobson summarized we began with 50 feet of total drawdown at the<br />

subject well. We then agreed that 10 feet of that drawdown ii considered reasonable based on mturicipal<br />

pumping, leaving 40 feetof unreasonable pumping. Mr. Pgtlll disagreed. Mr. Morros stated that 10 feet<br />

of the 50 feet would be 20% of the total drawdo*t. Chuir-* Jacobson suggested that we use a total<br />

drawdown of 4g feet. Mr. pohll stated that when STMGID 6 came online the subject well level decreased<br />

from252 to 296 or 297. Mr. Pohll stated that two different time periods are being considered'<br />

Chairman Jacobson explained the earlier discussion that drought was attributable to maybe 2o/o and other<br />

domestic well pumping was 5%. He stated the remaining number woll{ be what is considered<br />

unreasonable lowering utt iU,rt"A to STMGID 6 pumping. Mr. Pohll reiterated that he thinks that number<br />

should be in the $ t; ZS foot range, with the rimaining number being attributable to drought, domestic<br />

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well pumping, decreased irrigation and other factors. Discussion ensued over the numbers and previous<br />

mitigation hearings.<br />

Members agreed to base their recommendations on a total drawdown of 48 feet' Chairman Jacobson<br />

stated that in subtracting the l0 feet, which is considered reasonable, the remainder is 38 feet. Mr. Pohll<br />

recommended that 18 fiet of that amount be considered due to drought, other domestic wells in the area<br />

and other factors, leaving Z0 feetatfibutable to STMGID pumping. Chairman Jacobson stated he did not<br />

see documentation of tS feet being attributable to other factors, such as drought' Further discussion<br />

ensued over the numbers.<br />

Mr. Morros made a motion that the unreasonabie lowering of the water table, taking into account the<br />

amount atbibuted to drought, and other domestic well pumping is 32 feet. Mr' Carlson seconded the<br />

motion. Mr. Morros clarified his motion; 10 feet is considered reasonable lowering, leaving 38 feet, then<br />

taking off another 6 feet for drought and domestic wells, leaving 32 feetof lowering of the water table (or<br />

67%f considered unreasonable lowering. The motion carried unanimously.<br />

3. Scheduling the next meeting of the Well Mitigation Hearing Board, and possible direction to<br />

staff.<br />

Chairman Jacobson reported the next meeting is scheduled for April 4,2A06. Mr. Smitherman reported<br />

there are two applicants, Wendy Pierce and one other.<br />


None.<br />


Mr. Smitherman reported that a representative of the geothermal plant would be invited to the next<br />

meeting.<br />

Mr. Rhodes asked for clarification that both sets of minutes (December and February) were included in<br />

the motion for approval, which members agreed was the intention.<br />


The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.<br />

Minutes submittedby:<br />

Niki Linn<br />

Recording Secretary<br />

Item 3<br />


h4arclr 76-2406<br />

\\'ashoe Coung,<br />

Departn-rent of<br />

Water ftesourees<br />

.1930 Eneicv \\/av<br />

Reno. N\r 89501-.1.I05<br />

Tel: {?7-s) S5.4- .j600<br />

Far: (71-q) qj4-4610<br />

TO:<br />

FROM:<br />

Jim Smitherman<br />

Michael WiO*", tbN<br />

SUBJECT:<br />

Comparison of precipitation to groundwater levels, Mt. Rose alluvial fan<br />

I would like to share some data with you that illustrate tire coffelation between<br />

pr""ipitatioll and groundwater levels. I recently received precipitation dafa that staff from<br />

[tt" dtutr Eogitteei's Office put together and compared tb grorgdwa]er levels of the Mt.<br />

Rose alluviuT fan area. I would like to use this ^data<br />

to piovide a basis to support the<br />

*urno" Co""tV Utiiity Division's claim that the recent .itot$t lut gytry reason to be<br />

factored into diicussions and recommendations of the Well Mitigation Hearing Board.<br />

The first graph shows a Zl-year record of precipitation from thlee ar-ea precipitation<br />

gug"r, Re;o,'Glenbrook and Tahoe City, ptotied alainst the three sites' five-year trailing<br />

|r:"tig". It is apparent that precipitatibn- gages corr-elate -well<br />

with each other, as you<br />

would'expect. T'G use of a 5-year iverage tEnds to reduce the noise in the data.<br />

The next three graphs plot this precipitation 5-year moving auetage tlt" ?gqqtl.<br />

Timberline and piist'Aid inonitor w6[s. Vou will note the additional curve (solid black<br />

ii""ii, an attempt to synthesizewater level measurement data to the precipitation back to<br />

1970. Also note that ihe fourth graph plots the First Aide measurements to Mt. Rose<br />

SNOTEL data.<br />

If you have any questions or if I can provide you any other information, including the raw<br />

data, please do not hesitate to contact me.<br />

attch<br />

MCW<br />

c: Steve Bradhurst<br />

Jeanne Ruefer<br />

Paul Orphan, P.E.<br />

Dan Dragan<br />

Department of<br />

Water Resources<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 33

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Item 3<br />

Page 39

Summary of WeIl Mitigation information for Richard and Theresa Shannon<br />

1. The original well was drilled in March 1980. The well was297 feet deep and<br />

the static water level in 1980 was approximately 248 feet below land surface'<br />

The well had 49 feet of water in the casing at the time of construction.<br />

2. There are two homes serviced by one well. According to the Assessors<br />

database, the primaryhome was built in 1963. The second home was buiit in<br />

1982. In 1998, The Shannon's were granted a special use permit to convert<br />

the mother-in-law unit (second home) into a detached accessory dwelling. A<br />

meter was installed on the well and the Shannon's could not use more than<br />

1800 gallons per day. There are no recorded readings for this meter.<br />

3. In March 2002,McKay Drilling performed a pumping test on the well. The<br />

static water level was measured at263 feet below land surface. The well was<br />

pumped for one hour at 9.5 gallons per minute. The pumping level in the well<br />

dropped tbree feet to 266 feet below land surface.<br />

4. The static water level in 1980 was recorded at248 feet below land surface and<br />

the static water level in 2002 was recorded at263 feet below land surface'<br />

The total decline in the static water level for this well was approximately 15<br />

feet in 22 years. This is an average decline of .68 feet per year. There are no<br />

other service records for this well.<br />

5. In the Government Lots very few wells were drilled prior to the 1980's. The<br />

Groundwater Data Center located a well log for an irrigation well located at<br />

5852 Mt Rose Highway. This property is approximately 2300 feet to the<br />

north of the Shannon's property. The irrigation well in 1959 was drilled to a<br />

depth of 120 feet in volcanic and granitic sands.<br />

6. The static water level in 1959 was 98 feet (measured in the irrigation well).<br />

The static water level within a well with similar lithology adjacento the<br />

irrigation well was 148 feet below land surface in 1989. From 1959 to 1989,<br />

the water table dropped approximately 50 feet. This is equal to an average<br />

decline of approximately 1.66 feet per year. The water table in this area was<br />

declining prior to constuction of the STMGID production wells #5 and #6<br />

and Tessa Wells #l and#2.<br />

7. Most of the wells in the Government Lots were drilled between 1985 and<br />

1995. Many of these wells were drilled in bedrock. The average static water<br />

level for wells drilled in bedrock in the southem portion of the Government<br />

Lots in the early 1990s's was approximately 240-250 feet below land surface.<br />

8. The Tessa wells began service in 2003. The hydrograph for Tessa #1 shows<br />

no decline. The hydrograph for Tessa #2 shows a flucflration in the pumping<br />

level due to increased a:nounts of pumping. Hydrographs for STMGID wells<br />

#5 and #6 between the years 2002 - 2005 show pumping level fluctuations in<br />

the water table with a decline in the water table in STMGID #5 of<br />

approximately 19 feet and the decline in STMGID #6 of approximately 7.5<br />

feet.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 40

g. STMGID #6 is the closest production wells to the Sharuron's property. It is<br />

approximately 3100 feet to the northeast. Tessa #2 andArrowCreek #3 are<br />

aiJo within one mile of the Shannon's parcel. Tessa #2 is approximately 4000<br />

feet south and went into production in 2003. ArowCreek #3 is<br />

approximately 470A feet to the north.<br />

10. The Shannon's claim the well failed in August 2005 The Shannon's also<br />

stated that, at that time, they had the pump lowered to the bottom of the well<br />

and were still unable to pump water.<br />

11. The Groundwater Data Center did not receive any supporting documentation<br />

or informaticin from a driller or pump supply company regarding the August<br />

2005 lowering of the pump.<br />

12. There are 530 Domestic wells in the Govemment l,ots and Callatran Ranch<br />

area. Approximately 45 homes have been converted to municipal water in the<br />

last 3 years. The average home on metered water in the Galena Tenace<br />

Estates uses approximately.S4 AFA. The soil types are the same and the<br />

amount of natural vegetation and landscaping is proportional between the<br />

larger lots and the 1 acre lots.<br />

a. If the .84 AFA averagewater use in Galena Terrace Estates is assumed<br />

to approximate domestic well usage and septic system recharge of -22<br />

AF.A is asromed, net water usage per domestic well in this area is<br />

estimated tobe .62 AFA. The State Engineers Office estimates total<br />

water usage for a domestic well equal to 1.12 AFA. The total amount<br />

of water withdrawn by 490 domestic wells in the Government<br />

Lots/Callahan Ranch area at 1.12 AFA is equal to 548.80 AFA. The<br />

total amount of water withdrawn by 490 homes on domestic wells<br />

using approximately .62 AFA totals approximately 303'8 AFA'<br />

13. The monitoring wells within the Government Lots that appear to have the<br />

highest rate of decline per year are located closer to STMGID #6. One<br />

domestic well, near STMGID #6 (Melarkey Well), has been measured<br />

since 1989 and shows an average drop in the water table from 1989 to 2002<br />

of 1.67 feet per year. Two of the wells that show a decline in the water table<br />

of less than 1 foot per year (similar to the Shannon's well) also show an<br />

increase in the water level during the years that had above average<br />

precipitation (1995-<br />

t 999).<br />

Iterir 3<br />

Erge 41

Groundwater Resource Data Center<br />

Washoe County Well Mitigation Program<br />


Richard and Theresa Shannon<br />

5847 Mt Rose llighway<br />

Reno, NV 89511<br />


January 3, 2006<br />

6:00 - 9:00 PM<br />

Washoe County Department of TVater Resources<br />

4930 Energy Way, Reno, Nevada<br />

Community Meeting Room<br />

Item 3<br />

Prge 42

zF( Lg<br />

Groundwater Ressu rce Data Center-Weil Mitigatio n Prog ra m<br />

Well Mitigation Request Form<br />

A. Aoplicant Inforrnation<br />

rn F'?%-er* \qa1+<br />

flen"<br />

Address.. -f .<br />

Pi.\s ica-\ '. 6e41 nfr<br />

Requffi Reimbursement Amounh $ {,OOO -z<br />

oftre mitigation requesbd<br />

C-s\s' \. tJe,il<br />

Identiff water PurveYor and paftiailar wdl<br />

impact on your well. g1-yy1$ \ D.s("<br />

youE-tieve is causing unreasonable<br />

B, Well Information<br />

be used in the determination of vou,r reouest'<br />

Total<br />

atthe time the wellwas<br />

of Well<br />

Groundwabr Resource Data CenterWell Mitigation Prcgram<br />

Welt Mitigation Request Form<br />

Page 1of 2<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 43

indude iha fioitor"ring inforrnation if availab{e.<br />

and Maintenance<br />

Levd Data and Meazurement of Total Well<br />

and Resits<br />

Test Dab<br />

C, Othbr Information<br />

If you do not tmre any d the docrxnents li#d abve or have additjonal infunnatton<br />

yoir f,inf will be us*it in your mi[gation requesq flease indicafie below. Additional<br />

D. Contactlnfurmation<br />

grbmit well miEgation request dourmenB b:<br />

GRDC-Well Mi6gation P rognm<br />

€30 Ensgy Way<br />

Reno, tW 89502<br />

Telephons 954-4550 '<br />

Fac 95,14610<br />

Gi'orndtrrcbr Resure Data GnEF.frye[ !fidgatson Prograrn<br />

Wdl llidgnHon Request Form<br />

Paga 2 of2<br />

28.<br />

Item 3'<br />

Page 44<br />

^[[ a<br />


Table of Contents<br />





t.<br />

10.<br />

14.<br />

Figure 1.<br />

Figure 2.<br />

Figure 3.<br />

Figure 4.<br />

Figure 5.<br />

Figure 6.<br />

Figure 7.<br />

Figure 8.<br />

Figure 9.<br />

Figures<br />

Location Map<br />

Domestic Well Locations<br />

Drill log for 5847 Mt Rose HighwaY<br />

Parcel Map 150-25<br />

Parcel Map 150-26<br />

Replacement Welis and Well Deepening<br />

Production Well Locations<br />

Potentiometric Surface Difference Map<br />

Monitor Well Locations<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

4.<br />

6.<br />

1<br />

q<br />

10.<br />

15.<br />

16.<br />

Tables<br />

Table 1. Pumping Records for STMGID Municipal Wells<br />

Table 2. Pumping Records for Tessa Municipal Wells<br />

11.<br />

11.<br />



Item 3<br />

Page 45



The appiicant's domestic well is iocated in the <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> hydro basin in the<br />

Government Lots. The Government Lots are located north of State Route 431 (Mt Rose<br />

Highway) approximately 3.75 miles west of the junction of State Route 431 and US 395<br />

(Figure 1).<br />

Figure I<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 46

Richard and Theresa Shannon frled a mitigation request on their domestic rveli located at<br />

5847 Mt Rose Highway, Assessor's plcel number 150-26A45 (Figure 2)' The<br />

Govemment Lots w-ere land patents recorded by Bureau of Land Management between<br />

1957 ndl965.<br />

Figure 2.<br />

Item 3<br />



The Shannon's provided infomration about the properfy easements, deepening costs and<br />

several additionil documents concerning their mitigation claim. Al1 this information is<br />

located in Appendix A of this packet. According to the Washoe County's Assessor<br />

information database, the primary residence was built in 1963. Watel service to the<br />

primary residence *ur ptouided by a single well that serviced a total of 7 homes in the<br />

borr"*-.nt Lots. Theiesa and Richard Sharuron supplied information that referred to a<br />

water easement agreement drafted in 1971 for the 7 homeowners (page 18 of 68 in<br />

Appendix A). The Groundwater Data Center was unable to furd any infonnation about<br />

this older well that serviced these 7 homes.<br />

The Shannon' submitted a hand written well detail of the domestic well located on their<br />

properfy. This infomration was provided to Theresa and Richard Shannon by the<br />

prwious homeowners, Ken and Sharon Bumett (page 13 of 68 Appendix A)' The<br />

origi"ut well on this property was drilled in 1980. The Groundwater Data Center located<br />

the-original drill 1og foi this weil, drill log number 20853 (Figure 3). The information<br />

providJd to the Shinon's was very similar to the actual drill 1og. The Shannon's well<br />

detail had no record of the original static water level at the time the well was drilled and<br />

the report states that there was 100 feet of perforations in the casing. According to the<br />

drill 1og, the total depth of the weil was recorded at 297 feet, the static water level in the<br />

well in 1980 was rectrded at248 feet below land surface, and there were actually 40 feet<br />

of perforations in the casing. This well had approximately 49 feet of water in the well<br />

when it was drilled.<br />

The Washoe County Assessors information records one home constructed in 1963 and<br />

the second home ionstructed in 1982. Theresa Shannon states that both homes<br />

functioned on the one well &om 1980 - Lgg6 with minimal draw down in the well (page<br />

12 of68 Appendix A). Both homes were on the property when the Shannon's purchased<br />

it in 1995. In 1998, the Shannon's were granted a special use permit by Washoe County<br />

Community Development to converthe one home classified as a mother-in-law unit to a<br />

. single detached ur"rrrory dwelling. Both homes would be serviced by the one well on<br />

this-property. The permit stated that, 'the applicant shall install a meter on the existing<br />

wetl^and p".tit thJ Nevada DMsion of Water Resources to read and record the meter<br />

annually. If the water exceeds 1800 gailons per day, a second well will be required'.<br />

the pernait also addressed the leach fiild for this property, which wa.s uqtersized and<br />

needed to be enlarged. The terms of the permit were met and the Certificate of<br />

occupancy for the second home was granted on october 14, 1998.<br />

Mrs. Shannon states in her documentation (page 72 of 68) that the pump needed to be<br />

lowered in 1998. The pump was'set at286 feet below land surface according to the<br />

infomration supplied by Ken and Sharon Bumett. There is no documentation as to how<br />

much the pump was lowered in 1998. Theresa Shannon also states that 'Far more rapidly<br />

and seriously than experience during the prior 20 years and the life of the well it<br />

experienced substantiuidt"* down from 1997 to 2005'. Mrs. Shannonotes that in the<br />

3. Item 3<br />

Page 48

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summer of 2005, 'rhe rvater rvent below the pump setting and tb.e pump is now placed at<br />

the bottom of ih.e well. The bottom of the v/ell is 297 feet below land surface. No<br />

documentation for the lowering of the pump in 2005 was supplied to the Groundwater<br />

Data Center.<br />

In March 2}02,the Shannon's contracted with McKay Drilling to perfomt a pump test on<br />

their well. McKay Drilling recorded the initial static water level for the well prior to the<br />

pump test at 263 ieetbelow land surface. McKay pumped the well for one hour and the<br />

pr*pi"g level in the well declined a total of 3 feet to a depth of 266 feet. On the invoice<br />

ior t1. p"-p test submitted by McKay Drilling, Theresa Shannon noted that the water<br />

level in the well went from an original static water level of 13 feet to 263 feet in 2042.<br />

According to the original driil 1og, the static water level in 1980 was recorded at248 feet- "<br />

If the static water level in 2A02, recorded at263 feet below land surface, then the 1980<br />

water level are considered, a decline of 15 feet in 22 years is indicated. This is an<br />

a\erage decline in the water level of .68 feet per year. No other water ievel<br />

measurements were submitted by the Shannon's for this well. Washoe County attempted<br />

to measwe the well rn 2002, however no measurement could be collected at that time.<br />

The Groundwater Data Center has no record of any meter readings for the well located at<br />

5847 MtRose Highway.<br />

Theresa and Riohard Shannon are requesting reimbursement for the total oosts to install<br />

the physical connection for municipal water service from the meter to the home, well<br />

abandonment, removal of the holding tank associated with the existing well.<br />

Additionally, they are requesting the purveyor waive all connection fees and all costs<br />

associated with the conniction of the homes to the STMGID water system. They<br />

estimate that the costs range from $9,000 - $20,000. A11 of the documents and costs were<br />

provided by Theresa and Richard gfuannon and are located in Appendix A. STMGID is<br />

unable to service the Shannon's parcel due to restricted access across Forest Service land.<br />

The Shannon's two homes will have to be servicedby the Washoe County Deparhent of<br />

Water Resources Utility Division.<br />

The Grogndwater Data Center located information on parcels adjacent to Theresa and<br />

Richard Shannon's parcel. Included in Appendix B is the original drill log for the well<br />

drilled in 1980 at S-\ry Mt Rose Highway €igure 4) and additional drill iogs for wells<br />

located nearby. The first well, log number 19484, is for a well located at 15875 Mt Rose<br />

Highway, APN 150-250-32 (Figure 5). The original well on this properfy was drilled in<br />

March lg7g. Itwas drilled to a depth of 310 feet and the static water level was 200 feet<br />

below land surface. The well was replaced in October 200l,log number 85074, and the<br />

total depth of the well was 445 feet and the static water level was 154 feet below land<br />

surface. The existing well was abandoned in 2003. The second drill 1og, log number<br />

39205, is located at:5475 Mountain Ranch Road APN 150-250'35 (Figure 5). The<br />

original well was drilled in April 1992. \\e depth of the well was 310 feet and the static<br />

*aier level was measured at238 feet below land swfac e tn 1992. The third weIl, log<br />

l.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 50

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Item 3<br />

Page 51

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number 42738, rffas in driiled in June i993 and is located at 5925 Carl Dr., APN 150-<br />

250-33 (Figure 5). This well was driiled to a depth of 320 feet and the static<br />

''rater level<br />

was 240 f..t brlo* land surface in 1993. There are two additional drill logs for wells<br />

drilled in 2001. The first we|l, 1og number 84231, is located at 15925 Mt Rose Highway,<br />

APN 150-250-34 (Figure 5). Th. well was drilled to a depth of 498 feet'-The static<br />

water level in Augusi2001 was measured at284 feet below land surface. The second<br />

dri1l 1og, log number 84232, is for a deepened well located at 5795 Carl Dr', APN 150-<br />

250-31-(Figure 5). The original drill log was not located by the gloundwater data center'<br />

1'he deepeied drill log, shoivs a depth of gtO feet and a fural depth of 500 feet. The static<br />

water lJvel in this wJi was 274 feet below land surface in September 2001. AIl of these<br />

dri1l logs are located in Appendix B.<br />

Additional drill logs located northeast of the applicant in the Government Lots show a<br />

north to south downward gradient in the staticiater table. The oldest of the drill logs<br />

was an irrigation weil locited at 5852 Mt Rose Highway, APN 150-250-06' This well<br />

was drilled in 1959 and was 120 feet deep. The statio water level in i959 was<br />

approximately 98.5 feet below land surface. A domestic well at the same address was<br />

drilled in 1990. The drill log number for the domestic well is 34189. The depth of the<br />

well was 250 feet and the staiic water level in 1990 was 173 feetbelow land surface. The<br />

last drill log is log number 43133. This drill 1og is for a well located at 5837 Stephens<br />

Rd, ApN t5O-ZSO--tg. This well was drilled in iggg. The well is 295 feet deep and tbe<br />

static water level in 1993 was 204 feetbelow land swface.<br />

Most of the wells in the Goven:ment Lots were drilled to depths gteater than 200 feet'<br />

Within the Govemment Lots, the wells in the northem portion had an average static water<br />

level in the late 1980's of approximately 150 feet below land surface. The wells located<br />

further south, closer to the Mt Rot" Highway, had an average static water level between<br />

240-270 feet below land. surface. The Shannon's well drilled in 1980 had a static water<br />

level of248 feet below land surface.<br />

Ir{ost of theweils inthis areawere driiledbetween 1985 and 1995. The average static<br />

water level near the applicant in the southern portion of the Government Lots in the early<br />

1990's vras approxi*ut.ty 240-250 feet below land surface. Two of the wells that were<br />

drilled or deepened in 2001 had static water level measurements recorded at<br />

approximatety ilS-Zts feet below land swface. The static water level in the Shannon's<br />

wJtt io 2002 was approximately 263 feet belo'w land surface. Some of the wells in the<br />

Government Lots have declined on the average of 35 feet from 1990 to 2001 depending<br />

on the location of the we1l. This is equal to an average overall decline in the water table<br />

of 3.18 feet per year. Other wells have declined at a rate of less than one foot per year'<br />

The only dril1 log available for this area prior to 1970 is the irrigatiol well located at<br />

5g52 Mi Rose Hi-ghway, ApN 150-250-06. The static water level for this area prior to<br />

1970 was tOO feet below land surface. Within the Govemment Lots, the<br />

GroundwatJi "ppro*ii*trty Oat" Cenier was unable to located any drill logs or historical records that<br />

have static water levels recorded hig[er than 98.5 feet below land surface'<br />

8. Item 3<br />

Page 53

hr the past 10 years, 13 ivells have been deepened or replaced in tire Government Lots.<br />

Five of the wells that have faiied in this area have been plugged and the homeowner has<br />

hooked up to the municipal water system. The locations of the deepened wells are<br />

mapped in Figure 6.<br />

jtw<br />

: (i/F<br />

Ht tr{.<br />

Lt\rr,\<br />

H\E]<br />

I Richard and Theresa Sbannon<br />

| 5847 Mt Rose Highway<br />



MqJorSt|€eA O Domeatcvlbll lsatlon3<br />

Deepad tlbUs t PFduc0on Wbll LGaUms<br />

RedffitUHls<br />

STMGND l,tr&r Servlce Customet<br />

Departrnent of \A/ater<br />

Resources 6ar<br />

wnsnoecousrv \;f<br />

NEVADA F<<br />

.s tulrub i !'<br />

b.M.&<br />

miF,"@<br />

kifr<br />

Figur 6.<br />

9.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 54


-within<br />

There are 3 production weils located approximately 1 mile of the applicant's<br />

property. The closest production well is -Sf\zICm #6, approximately 3100 feet away'<br />

The other two wells are A:rowcreek #3 and Tessa #2. Tessa #2 is approximately 4000<br />

feet southwest of the Shannon's parcel and Arrowcreek #3 is approximatqV 4700 feet'<br />

northwest of the applicant. Othei wells in the area over 1 nrile away are Tessa #1 and<br />

STMGID #5 (Figure 7).<br />

ffi-ffi<br />

wrt Rose *s---'i<br />

=-an*W,#[$irel# RosE *4<br />

a<br />

L.]<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> Meadous<br />


A1<br />

M4dstFC6<br />

IW<br />

irl$gdilWbllt<br />

r Dom€tevvt l lGtloE<br />

. Prcdu(fimvlrcllo€ationl<br />

E|G**@@dwffi<br />

Department of \nFater<br />

Resources rf,il<br />

WASHOECOUNW !+,"<br />

NA/ADA<br />

dB@E<br />

hxd.@<br />

m*d<br />

l:r<br />

Figure 7.<br />

10.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 55

STMGID -wells #5 and#6 began water service in i989. The STMGD rvater system h.as<br />

a totai of 9 wells. Both STMGID #5 and#6 were drilled in December 1988. The water<br />

rights for STMGID #5 are equal to 539.52 AFA. The water rights for STMGID #6 arc<br />

equal to 1479.46 AFA. The water rights for Arrowcreek #3 are equal to 437.38 AFA.<br />

The Tessa wells were drilled in 1999 and did not start pumping until 2003. The<br />

summarized pumping records for the STMGID wells, Tessa wells and ArrowCreek #3<br />

are located in Tables | &,2.<br />

fable 1.<br />

Pum ping Records For <strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> M eadows M unicipal W ells<br />

W ell #4 W ell #5<br />



1985 0.14 0.00<br />

1986<br />

16 .32<br />

0.00<br />

1987<br />

49.44<br />

0.00<br />

1988<br />

37.40<br />

0.00<br />

1989<br />

32.65<br />

4 .51<br />

't990<br />

42.77<br />

120.39<br />

1991<br />

36.40<br />

78.74<br />

1992<br />

32.61<br />

129.08<br />

1993<br />

64.60<br />

75.09<br />

1994<br />

120 .'t 5<br />

199.95<br />

1995<br />

158.97<br />

126 .07<br />

1996<br />

143.67<br />

222 .34<br />

1997<br />

124 .'t 6<br />

219 .31<br />

1998<br />

120 .25<br />

233.30<br />

1999<br />

72.51<br />

345.12<br />

2000<br />

58.27<br />

450.38<br />

2001<br />

23.30<br />

407 .73<br />

2002<br />

26.25<br />

384.31<br />

2003<br />

30.73<br />

344.92<br />

2004<br />

13.07<br />

286.83<br />

W ell #6<br />



0.00<br />

0.00<br />

0.00<br />

0.00<br />

4.89<br />

116.70<br />

49.01<br />

230.68<br />

153.52<br />

447.42<br />

297 .97<br />

534.55<br />

621.45<br />

549.43<br />

785.83<br />

837.67<br />

1081.78<br />

988.72<br />

950.98<br />

1145.87<br />

W ell #7<br />



0.00<br />

0.00<br />

0.00<br />

0.00<br />

0,00<br />

7.30<br />

4.60<br />

6.00<br />

6.28<br />

7,80<br />

9.46<br />

18.07<br />

32.86<br />

27 .17<br />

23.02<br />

38.43<br />

11 .25<br />

18.98<br />

25.25<br />

39.65<br />

Table 2.<br />

Pumping Records For Arrowcreek Municipal Wells<br />

fessa #f Tessa #2 Arr #3 Total<br />



1998 0.00<br />

1999 0.00<br />

2000 0.00<br />

2001 221.43 22',t.43<br />

2002 336.75 336.75<br />

2003 11 .43 103.21 313.34 427.98<br />

2004 1.58 18.78 316.70 337.06<br />

11.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 56

In 2004 the Tessa wells pumped a total of 2A.63 acre feet. As of Novembet 21,2005 tiie<br />

Tessa production wells pumped a total of 284.A5 acre feet' Tessa well#2 pumped 255'30<br />

acre feet and Tessaweti+t pumpea 28.75 acre feet. As of November 21, 2005' STMGID<br />

#6 pumped a total of 878.68 acfe feet and STMGID #5 pumped a totai of 357'56 acre<br />

feet.<br />

Static water levels have been monitored on the Tessa and STMGID production wells<br />

since 2002. The water levels are recorded as either the pump was on or off' These values<br />

have been put into a single file and graphed below to show the changes in the water table<br />

at the production wells.<br />

Tessa #1 (West)<br />

-+-Tessa #1 (lNest)<br />

o<br />

o<br />

o<br />

(5<br />

E<br />

IJ<br />

a!<br />

u,<br />

cc<br />

360<br />

,-t-<br />

"-..<br />

"-t*<br />

-t. ^"t. ^"t. ,-t. *.-t.<br />

.,"t* -"e<br />

"-t-<br />

^"t-<br />

-"t-<br />

"-t"<br />

12. Item 3<br />

Page 57

Tessa #2 {East}<br />

*+*Tessa #2 (East)<br />

100<br />

200<br />

300<br />

400<br />

500<br />

600<br />

oe{,.ne-. "--".-.<br />

.e-os"ed --"^o-. --os5,-. ot,'.$ -"-"* "--- ^--- --os5,tu.<br />

Date<br />

STMGID #6<br />

0<br />

50<br />

100<br />

150<br />

200<br />

250<br />

300<br />

o.r'${,$,'$a$^ $.,'$'"_t"r$"r$$^${'$"r'"llr$('$

sTi*GD#5<br />

**.*STMGID #5<br />

FNc\r$rcrc!c!o)(f,cqq€€<br />

383.Q-e333tE-F<br />

*sgg."s?E*..sgBgEF<br />

-Egg<br />

ss3<br />

_€gg<br />

sE$<br />

|f)<br />

:<<br />

Nf9<br />

NS<br />

ro<br />

€€€<br />

3.EE<br />


Detailed groundwater level studies in the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> began tn 1977 with a<br />

study by-th" USGS covering the southem end of the Mt Rose Fan' Since 1991' the<br />

Washoe County Deparfinent 6f Wut* Resources has conducted a regular well monitoring<br />

progam. Cunentiy, 120 weils are measured two times per year. I" ft9 Mt- Rose Fan'<br />

changes in the groundwater level of 20 feet due to variations in natural recharge have<br />

been documented. A twenty-year potentiometric surface difference map (Figure 8)<br />

shows how water levels have chaoged since 1982 in the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong><br />

(Felling, 2002). Water levels have generally declined 10 to 20 feet' The well on the<br />

iU*ooo', parcel is located between the -10 foot contour and the -20 foot contour' The<br />

water level in this well actually declined approximately 15 feet in the 20 years of record'<br />

Theresa Shannon submifted u iirt of p*".ls thut were approved for STMGIDs mitigation<br />

progr* (page 50 of 69). The Rummler and Kitchen rcllt *et" appro191l-for-mitigation<br />

because both wells had experienced more that 30 feet of decline since STMGID well #6<br />

went on line in 1989. This is consistent with STMGID's mitigation policy' The<br />

shannon,s well is not part of the monitoring program set up by Washoe county<br />

9e<br />

Department of Water Rlsources. The only available documented information is that the<br />

*ier level in their well declined approximately 15 feet from 1980 to 2002'<br />

t4. Item 3<br />

Page 59

Figure 8.<br />

15.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 60

There are approximately 26 we1ls measured twice a year in the Government Lots.<br />

Several of fie weils have been measured by Washoe County since the late 1980's'<br />

Hydrographs for the wells measured more than 10 years are available in this packet. Two<br />

of t6r weis that have been measured for long durations of time are designated monitoring<br />

wells and the rest are domestic wells (Figllre 9).<br />

Figure 9.<br />

16. Item 3<br />

Page 61

Many of the long term monitoring wells have the sa:ne trend in tire Govemntent Lots<br />

area. The hydrographs show a continual decline in the water table from start date to<br />

present. The averigJ arop in the water table in the past 14 years is approximately Il2 a<br />

foot to 4 feetper year depending on the location of the well.<br />

Kitchen Domestic Well<br />

270<br />

280<br />

^ 290<br />

.9 300<br />

(!<br />

=<br />

9 sro<br />

€ 320<br />

330<br />

(o cO<br />

t<br />

o)<br />

o<br />

in Water Eevation - 32.3' in 15 Years = 2.15 Feet per Year<br />

N<br />

v c{<br />

F<br />

o(\<br />

o,<br />

s<br />

N<br />

g<br />

o No<br />

Kitchen and Brokaw domestic wells were both deepened and reimbursed by STMGID.<br />

There is no additional data avaiiable for these wells.<br />

Brokaw Domestic Well<br />

190<br />

(o<br />

({)<br />

N<br />

o<br />

v<br />

c!<br />

F<br />

N<br />

{<br />

s<br />

N<br />

v<br />

(o<br />

o<br />

N<br />

200<br />

^ z1o<br />

I 220<br />

o<br />

3<br />

.9 zgo<br />

€ z+o<br />

250<br />

Change in Water Eevation - 53.6' in l5 Years = 3'57 Feet per Year<br />

t7.<br />

Item 3<br />

Ptge 62

E o o 190<br />

Meiarkey Dornestic We[!<br />

160<br />

f; rzo<br />

= o!<br />

ieo<br />

200<br />

Change in water Elevation - 44-15 ' in 'l6.5 years = 2.67 feet per )tear<br />

STMGID MW#6<br />

O<br />

N<br />

o<br />

90<br />

110<br />

g 130<br />

S rso<br />

=<br />

z 170<br />

E<br />

€ rgo<br />

Change in Water Elevation - 102'8f in 17 Years = 6'04 Feet per Year<br />

STMGID monitoring well #6 was measured in April 2005 before heavy use in the<br />

srunmer due to inigation for lawns and trees. The static water level in April 2005 was<br />

measured at L47.15 feet below land surface. This represents the recovery of the well for<br />

2004 pumping, the actual static water level in this well dropped approxinaately 44.95 feet<br />

in 16.5 years or 2.72 feet Per Year.<br />

18.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 63

Chanrpelovier Domestic We El<br />

110<br />

t-<br />

00<br />

f-<br />

tr)<br />

o,<br />

c{<br />

s N<br />

l\<br />

N<br />

o,<br />

rf<br />


Dewns Domestic Well<br />

200<br />

$<br />

.o<br />

$<br />

@<br />

cf)<br />

F<br />

cr)<br />

-<br />

N<br />

N<br />

N<br />

O)<br />

I<br />

C.l<br />

o<br />

NO<br />

U\<br />

-o)<br />

-F<br />

-<br />

N<br />

210<br />

220<br />

f, zso<br />

tE<br />

7 zqo<br />

o<br />

e<br />

Eq 250<br />

o<br />

E<br />

260<br />

270<br />

Change in Water Elevation - 12.1in 20 Years = '61 Feet per Year<br />

200<br />

210<br />

o 220<br />

;<br />

€ zso<br />

Murray Well<br />

E 3E B3 Fg BE aE Bs BE PE g<br />

=<br />

: 240<br />

E<br />

€ zso<br />

260<br />

Change in Water Etevation from 1989 to 1995 -16.62' in 6 years = 2.77 feet per year<br />

Change in Water Elevation from 1989 to 1997 - 5.56 in 8 years = .79 feet per year<br />

Neither of these homeowners have not requested any mitigation for these wells-<br />

20.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 65

The wells in ihis area fluct$ate in their anrou:rts of decline over the years. The wells that<br />

were measured near STMGID #5 appew to have a higher rate of decline than the wells<br />

that are farther from this well. Mrs. Melarkey's weil has been measured every 1-6<br />

months from the time that STMGID #6 began production. The first 12 years of<br />

measnrements showed a decline in the water table of 20 feet. This is equal to a drop in<br />

the water table of about I.67 feetper year. Based on the irrigation drill log from 1959,<br />

the water table was around 100 feet. Mrs. Melarkey's well was approximately 148 feet in<br />

1989. The average drop in the water table before STMGID #6 came on line was about<br />

1.6 feet per yezu.<br />

The two wells that show a decline in the water table of less than one foot per year<br />

@owns and Munay) also show an increase in the water level during the years that had an<br />

above average precipitation (1995 - 1999). The last four years of measurements have<br />

shown a sig;ificant io"r.ase in the rate of decline in the water table. The rate of decline<br />

may be relited to, eithei or both, drought conditions and increased a:nounts of pumping<br />

from STMGID #6 since 2000. The increase in precipitation from 1995 - 1999 appears<br />

to have recharged some of the wells in the southern area of the subdivision. The<br />

hydrographs foimany other wells in this area appear to have the water levels remaining<br />

-during<br />

constant wet years with the exception of the Kitchen well located closest to<br />

STMGID production well #6.<br />

21.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 66


Item 3<br />

Page 67

fv'lr. Dan Dragon<br />

RHtrEIVHD<br />

J,{0U X sr 2CI05<br />

or".$fffiEP#[6[tQ6rembe r 12, zoas<br />

W.C.D. of Water Resources<br />

PO Box 11130<br />

Reno Nevada 89520<br />

Mr. Dragon,<br />

We are requesting that the County proceed with connecting our property at 5847<br />

Mt. Rose fiwy. fJtne STMGID water line which was recently completed up Carl<br />

Drive which is where our home is located.<br />

As you are aware, STMGID has committed to providing and funding all aspects<br />

of connecting our homes to the STMGID water main system and the proper<br />

abandonment of our existing wells at no cost to the homeowners rather than<br />

deepening our domestic weils. Since 1999 we have worked with STMGID and<br />

the bept. of Water Resources to insure that- Since our well has been impacted<br />

by both STMGID #6 and Tessa Wells: lf we could and were to deepen our well<br />

(not feasible) it would not be further adversely affected by the same impacting<br />

wells. We believe that there is substantivevidence that the same impact would<br />

take place and lowering our depth would be a waste of a great deal of money<br />

and effort.<br />

Per your written correspondences it is our understanding and expectation that<br />

STMGID will:<br />

o Installthe physical connection fron the new water meter at<br />

the edge of our property to our home.<br />

o Properly abandone our existing well per all State and Local<br />

ordinances.<br />

o Remove the holding tank associated with the existing well.<br />

o Waive or cover any and/ or allfees and or all costs<br />

associated with the connection of our homes to the STMGID<br />

water system and all expenses associated with the proper<br />

abandonment of our existing wells.<br />

We are bringing this matter to your attention at this time because our well's<br />

pump has been lowered to the very bottom of our well within the last two months<br />

and we are experiencing lack of water to our home. We are making you aware<br />

that time is of the essence and we are no longer able to wait for your connection.<br />

We do not believe that we can 'Wait for Spring" as has been suggested by your<br />

department. We are concerned that our well will go completely dry given the<br />

County's most recent water level report indicating that the ground water level is<br />

decreasing at an exponential rate and the newly constructed homes added to the<br />

system will become occupied rapidly increasing demand prior to spring.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 68<br />

n'2<br />

L)'<br />

i ,s-L Aq

we requesthat you confirm in writing reeeipt ef tl'ris request, provide an outline<br />

of the process to be follcwed, and a timeline for the completien gt^tf is.g1UeavCIr'<br />

Through out the process, please use the following address: PO BOX 19277<br />

-Nevada<br />

Reno 89511- rai* 775.831-1833 or Telephone : 849-3873 to<br />

correspond with us.<br />

q$rtuf cc't.,g.,'\-'<br />

Richard and Theresa Shannon<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 69<br />

2 ,"JLt g

GroundwaterResource.DabCenter-Wel|MitiEationFrogram<br />

Wetl Mitigation Request Form<br />

A. AoPlicant Information<br />

Address.. rr<br />

'<br />

rn F'?nf,eo*<br />

[en"<br />

City, State' ZiP 12eru0<br />

\qa++<br />

p '.<br />

l"r,s ica-\ 5e 4l rnr<br />

@ounu +<br />

-. , ,r<br />

If reimbursement ls not requesteO, state the nahlre of the miti'<br />

-JafloflieciuEilii_cr-<br />

iaenHfy water purveyor anO paftianlar well<br />

impacton Your well. fr'fR6 \ D+(o<br />

f-iGiieve is caGng unreasonable<br />

B, Well Information<br />

IMPORTAT\ff: f,re information v-ou Drovide to the well Mitiqation Hearind Boad will<br />

L-Eli thE?etermination of vour request'<br />

The<br />

)llowing information is reggileq.. .. - - i<br />

ffisrewdlwasdrilledt<br />

e.*z:<br />

ffi...-.-<br />

f'""<br />

e r+v<br />

ffiperminr/te\ .- .... l.-.<br />

Observationrs on \tVell Constructlon ang (.onotuon L t t.<br />

Groundwater Resource Data Center'Well Mitigation Program<br />

Welt Miugation Request Form<br />

Page 1 of 2<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 70<br />

+ -f. ("9

Include the foilowtng ir'furnration if availabie'<br />

( Oreck<br />

ffiiaFon ana uann'er'afe<br />

G (Xher Information<br />

=,,o rr{r{iri-nal infon<br />

Ifyoudonothweanyofthedocurnents|istedaboveor|aveadditionalinfiormation<br />

vo.r thinkwll be r*frrlil vgur.gnie=u; **t"t ' pr"tt"incicate below' Additional<br />

I'"'l;;;L-iuacrtea roi settion c<br />

'<br />

ffiesrdoarmen*ro:<br />

GRDC-Well Mitigation P'rognm<br />

4930 EnergYWaY<br />

Reno, lW 89502<br />

Td+hone: 954:4650<br />

Fac 95414610<br />

GiorlnfiraEr Resouree Data CenteF'Wett FfitigaHon ProEnrn<br />

ui"rilmUg"tion RequestForm<br />

LQ,<br />

Page 2of 2<br />

W-<br />

. Item3<br />

'Page 71<br />

.l f I ttl<br />

4 c( taD

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:'r'"{i?:'<br />


Well Construetion Permit Applieation<br />

Washoe Counfy <strong>District</strong> Eealth Department<br />

1001 East Ninth Street<br />

Reno NV 89512<br />

Q7s) 328-2434<br />

Permit#<br />

Fee paid<br />

Date<br />

Initid<br />

PropertY owner's name:<br />

Mailing "dAr"ssF<br />

Home address:<br />

-1-7<br />

Homephonenumber: 6-<br />

g'+q"3613 Workphonenumber:<br />

Address of well sife:<br />

{L€.e-<br />

Nearestcrossstreettowellsite: Ci+'r\ gt<br />

i'}1f' Z\+rrc-}\<br />

tl'<br />

GeograPnrcal area'. :<br />

> 3l-t_L_zJ__<br />

L/qs<br />

Type of well:<br />

Use of well:<br />

Well drilling comPany (must include):<br />

State contractor's license uumber:<br />

Business license number:<br />

Any state waiver, county variance or special conditions?<br />

If yes, attach a copy to this.appli".do?' ,,? ?€-a<br />

Applicant:<br />

zurui$<br />

t u'Jcl(<br />

i 6-i<br />

v., X<br />

No<br />

rl<br />

u,, !t [n{<br />

Plot plan<br />

i;; ;"pi"t of the plot plan must be attached to this application'<br />

]f,n<br />

\( c.-<br />

H-713.5;l<br />

.r\.r<br />

Pt\ cV*-*<br />

' v - E--<br />

L*trrp,lf/ ce=+ e-<br />

9[e\t'l-e^"t<br />

o.,;f;ip"<br />

A..P'^)^q ovf u/atl<br />


l{OV ST,3005 L5:37 I"!CI{AY<br />

82?5953<br />

T*rva 4<br />

&4GKAY trRlt-LgfllG, lru*'<br />

Lie'14170, limit s350,000 &AS-SGS?<br />

,SfarfCA rd Fsm Drittiag G*ntralf s*-ner=**t rttu<br />

$chedule #{<br />

fhis agreement made and entered into this 1l clay of frlcvernber ZS05<br />

by and betneen steve McK-ay of McKay Dritting. lnc., (DrillinE Contractor) and<br />

Tertl$harnnon of (Purcfuser)'<br />



L The PurDhassr herEbY efigases and ernploys the Ddlling ContractOrwho agfees fOr gnd in<br />

consideration ot 11re termi p-*iitiont, conOitibns, anO agreenlents herein contained' and for the<br />

pti"r t'"*i. listed for tfre wi,* specified, to attemptto drill a well lvells) 0n that certain lard<br />

'rrilned by or under the iegat of Purchaser- The legal clesaiption of the prCIpelty where<br />

"oni*r<br />

fre work will occur is;<br />

2. The ssid well shall be sPecifically located as follows:<br />

Parcel # t..<br />

:t,<br />

rwell shalt bc i00 asspecified in Part B of thisAgreement except<br />

as hereinafter set fodh in this peregraph; ThisAgreirnerrt will be cortsidered csmplete vrhen:<br />

a. Sufiicittlt weter is obteided; , .t<br />

b. Puruhaser requesb that drilling be stoffi;<br />

c. The Drilling Contractor fras CrNed to.gfna*imum deiln of 500 feet<br />

'rt i*"{i<br />

rl, At the discf,Ftion of irilrnng iltt"S#, he leels thet continiratlbn oldrilling operations<br />

wqutd be impractical. ."{*' : ti<br />

Upon reaching the\wel{'s nt"Xffi'u* depth or at any time.prior as set fortfr in a through d ebove'<br />

Drilline Contra-ctoi ihAUri"piiiiffi"g and remove his casi* materiats afi{ propertv and be entitled<br />

'+'<br />

t0 $ZSiperfoot es cornpensaliott- tli<br />

4. The weltwill be termirlsted at or above the top of the gfiund in cot{ipfiance with State<br />

regulations with casing of<br />

The nominal diameter ol thp weff shaf. be: 5" '*<br />

g*i:*<br />

E. purc*reser hereby grafits Drifting Corrrectorg+ecuiily irrttiFest in thc msterislsnd equiprnent<br />

il*irh;q bJ fne Oriffing Contractor, to sectre$ayment'if all money whefl due, and agrees lhet<br />

Dritling Cofttrector nai'afiii*eAiet provide! ny.iqw irr.th evenl of the Purchasels deiault on peyment.<br />

Furdrar", aA6'SSuiomegf remain personal pruperty and do not becon6<br />

fixtures "gt=-"Jitiit;iiuu"iry .," " :1,'i -,:. i<br />

-ii<br />

B, The Dritling Contratto=<br />

s. ls an independcnt coptra6or and 191 an employee.or agent of Purcheser'<br />

b. Shgtl determine the.-Sri.re, nranneii'ineans and method of doing worL<br />

c. $ha1 tumish aff faffi.loi$ and jn%chinerr necec$ary to cany out his pflIt of lhis contract'<br />

,,td;;llft;;1gfi"<br />

*rr un*ddr this ctinlrad cliligently and in good wprkmanlike rnanner'<br />

O, Agrees'that ttre prircfreser En{ not be responsible in case of any acpident or injury i0 Persons<br />

or employees i" *n"Ld"n *tA tn. drilling opergtions, antl turther agrcgs to cnny tlw<br />

neces$ary insurance to cover such situations'<br />

u. ng** t" sive the Purchaser hannless fiom any and all iiens for msterial srtd labor supplied<br />

by the Ddlling Gontrador.<br />

l, Agree3 to keep an accurale rccord ot the chnrs{:ter Of all strata pessed through in the<br />

iriliirig. rf".toievels. 0f ;$ing us6d, of pedorations mad€ (if any), and of the size and location<br />

of any and other rnaterias and equipment installed, and to turnistr the Purdraserwi$ a copy of<br />

seft€ upon cornPletion,<br />

g. Wenints ttratne well (wells) shall be servjcea$y straight,.round,.all within generelly AC'<br />

cepted tolerances, ano ofiun size, so ss to allow nL institation and openation of pllnOinq ugyip'<br />

rint Ooign.d tor a nole of that nominal diameter. The pump and other equipmenl instellecl by<br />

Drlllhg tuntrsctor are covered by rnanufacturere wananties ivtrictr ere suPflied t0 Furehaser.both<br />

bafore sele and st the time of insiellatiod and Drillirrg contrsdor malces no wansnties other than set<br />

ftrrth in vrnitirrg in lftis contracL<br />

$eller-<br />

Purchaser-<br />


l{Ctr 07.2005 L5:37 b{CKAY s2?5863<br />

Page 3<br />

I H?I#lilJ,i,?rhat he has rsil righi and aurhoeity ro eliter into rlris conrracr and Lo aurhcrize<br />

,6u pdtttng Coiltrsctor to drllt upon the sbove descrlbed lsttd'<br />

b. Does hereby grani to tne Driitirrg Contrador, his offlcers, agents and employees' iull right<br />

to ingness and egress to ana imm'iai4 BreviOuiyit""tiU-l lind,ferihe FurFgse sf peformifig fhie<br />

contract and doing su*r acts i*cidenialthereto Jr *ui *uronably be necessary in connection with<br />

::*,ffiT;f;Xllff;" charse to the Drurins. Dgnk'dT:=',:L'J:":."i,-tle dritr site and its<br />

Frcximity, as the Drilling i*ir*totmay losire fli pG. O-*pt. maehirtery' and the storege of<br />

maierial and equipmeni wtrictr may be required unO"i 6tit contract' and save the Dritling Contraa<br />

tor hermless in the evert of accidentsl damage to **p=. buildings' trees' fenceg' walks or grty other<br />

property upon aolaceni;;;il;ir crops, uuitoingr, t,ir*;, fences, walks or any otber ProPerty upon<br />

::l#::{{ildfrii^o.r':':1.":;Tr.g.r:ffi<br />

'nork, ar.ougd il#[#$lf;<br />

anrl e.bout the :'ffi dnll l"#xtf<br />

sfte al sucn :il',lflill,fll,,.<br />

Pr,'etr] I'rru '<br />

oitfre noir during the progds of the<br />

ilh;;;;;r-tl',e D'ttifi;-#tteJo, *rv contra{or shal-f rtot be called<br />

*tf=*-ruS*b'iirinq<br />

upon fo remove the sartle until conrpletion ol the wglt$i<br />

ffi #,t.Tf; ?Hlff ;,Jiffi ffi l''fl-l'Frffi'Tlt{}i"F';gft ffiffi #ffi :'vT'er<br />

or picked by the otvner orrvner in<br />

T coniulttill<br />

conjundion withJF Drilting corltraLtor' ano]glgunttrtrg<br />

1t*rgt"-"^Tl1s^:fl'#flL,."-"#-En-*-ii t'J.iii;;;;;<br />

t/'JrrlrErbfvl<br />

finds * necessery io *Jil,T'#;il"dlJiiiifi{!-*itji't'onJitionn, rhe pdd#h"iii[b'e ar the same<br />

rate as herein rnerrri".;l]}'tl;'ire-i"'tr;"piiti n* ru price rorlhe.new?oa'ifion and the hole'<br />

the move shatl be treated as s.llew fibie f6iall purposes' I ne.urlrrng<br />

suggesrions as he ceem*JftifiAt*"gilbtiion ttl* tn* vgvpoint Bd sanitation fsncem$ and to be in<br />

comptiance *,n ,".p*iifti.;d''1ff#{;;il;;;i;ns,gfourg'Ens<br />

or recommendations' Anv<br />

rhemoveshaube,"*ilJT"i'##iilldiitry+-=-i::,flg;g**:g^**J1[";"9<br />

,rrtirrne made by r{$:"i{t:titJf-Fnllg*ffisgfuosuooestions ortrr and shalrnot be<br />

f#*;;i,-J:#;f,*l'*,',X1't$tr.t:ii:li#$fffi {!f":,-s(10}da,eorpurcr,asers<br />

detEul in payment as herein above provi@d, #titiiil'iiilhi unq etryoion to go upon the premisee<br />

wtthout guitt of trespass and re{aim ang*;ffigdrffimaierists instatpa b'r'the Drilting Contraetor<br />

in the hole, incluclins casins. lt is specili-c'arrt'F#i#;'ii';i;i^-n-::1:ll^g::*1t--:?lt"tHitl-iJfi<br />

the hole by the Drilling Contractor shall be ;;;;i p*p"t y unatlached to the realty until<br />

tully pald for as herein Provlded,<br />

Lrffi:fiffi;lrup"rirrt* n"guratiorrs ttt" sost of the abafldofftrerilwitlbe the PurchaseCs<br />

res Ponsibi I'ttY.<br />

"iJ<br />

6. ft is Understood and Agreed by Eoth Parties: ,.! .L- -..*,<br />

e, That neither cen telt exactly whet will be fourrd undemeeth the surfac€ of the earth and<br />

thst the work of the Drilling Gontractor hereunder is subject io those conditiong rrhich he nray Frnd<br />

undemeatfi the sudace: therefore:<br />

i. The Driilirrg contra#iflel not egtet to fird ordevelop vrster' nor.

:?1r\17.i-i ?flnq ",4.?J<br />

-LI1UV<br />

qtFLvwJ 4r.4<br />

$cr.aY<br />

8275s63 Paqe 2<br />

b. Thathe *tading date shail be A.S.A.F. This date [s an approximaie deie an!y, it beirrg<br />

egreed that if the d'ritting eguipmeni necessary for the work hereln conternplated is' without<br />

fault of the Drll[ng conir"Aor, detained 0n od]er j0b5, then the Drllling Eontrador shall not be responsible<br />

or lieble tCI t* Purohaser for any damages of any nature ocoasioned by any de{ay in<br />

cornmencing peffqrm8nce hereunder. ln tie eventhe commFntrFment of performane by. .<br />

the Drilling Contractor is so OetayeO for a perioi ot thirty (30) days, thc Purchaser may' at his option'<br />

terminate this contrect by giving written notice to the Drillin0Csntractor on the day next succeeding the<br />

irtf Ori of ne aforeseid pirioUl anO neitfier party shall in stch event be liable tc the other tor eny<br />

demages of snY nature whatsoeuer'<br />

c. That if the performance of any of the Drillinq Contractot's obligations hereunder is materi*lly<br />

h*mpered, intlrrupted, deleyed, Lr intedered wittt try recsoJl qf fir9, c*suelty, lockout, strike'<br />

labor corrtlitioils. unavoidsute accloent. riot. war twhether declared or undeclared), 8ot 0f God<br />

or bV the enac,tmertt 0f any Munisigal, State of Fedeffil Ordhrance or Layv' or by the issuance of any<br />

exetxrtive or judiciet otdiioi aioie, whether Municipal, $tate or Federal, or by any other legally<br />

constituted public authority.<br />

by any other czuse beyond the reas.onable control of the Dritting<br />

Contrador, then during tni'continuance of any such eyenl, the Drilllng Sgflractor' at his sole<br />

option, shall be relieved of the performance of his obligations herunder.<br />

d. Thet this egreement shell iniure to the benefit 0f End be bineling upon the helrs, legal<br />

representatives, successolE and assigns ol the padies respectively'<br />

e. Thst this instrument contains the irrtire agreement between the ptfies hereto and that no<br />

wBffanty, exprcss 0r irnplied, repEsetltation, prorni$e, tlstentent or<br />

irrUucar;eil rnade by uittto p*tty hereto sr by any agent or cmplqyee bf ehher<br />

party, which is not contained<br />

inis written Agreement shall be binding or valid'<br />

i. I'toti"e td Purchsser You are entitled to s coPy of the coritrsct you signed'<br />

Purcheser-<br />

$eller-<br />

3;::t<br />

? 6q

i+OV tr?, ?005 15:37 !{CKAY<br />

tz I SvoJ<br />

qlrge 1<br />

B. I4IORK AND ESTIMATED FRICE Ten'i Sherrrnofl 2005<br />

Guttdrfler **PPiiee<br />

1. Well end purnP*nnit.'-.-.-.-.<br />

We eart not'dee'pin the *del[, if theFe is n*et*|, eet ifl the rt€[t'<br />

2, Test dtilling.estimated feet at<br />

pFr fooL<br />

wel! tteepenmg lrilted S minimurn'100'<br />

i-WAidrilting Atf estimated depth {eet at $34 perfoot<br />

Well drilling MUD estimatecl deptl l$0 iect at $SE per foot<br />

brttllng efter 600' lncr6eses $? P*r foot every 1&b'to ?00'. Afier ?0r tr |ncrEEEA $l Per loor every {0S'"<br />

lf we heve tq switch to muql , the wett i: bitted as a mud hole lrom 0 feet to battom<br />

4. Well casing<br />

$e.OO Per foot {or 5"<br />

5, Facfory peffomted PiPe 20 feet @ $18.00 Perfoot for 5-<br />

Screen is $45.$0 Per foot tor 5"<br />

6- well developing and surging 3 hours €l$tG0'00 Fer hour<br />

?, Retrack hcmmer is $900, After the first z-hours it is $300 per h0ur.<br />

There is rlo grlfiranty thnt the Iinner cail be Fulled'<br />

8- Buim or dem- if needed<br />

3d<br />

9. Chemtcal and bacterlologlcal lsboratory test<br />

10. Remove & reinstallPumP<br />

*_<br />

tt. Mud OrillinE:<br />

&$'€<br />

Fortable mud pit (SET UP), required for rnud tlritling. $1,0s0'00<br />

McKay to supply 5 bags of mud per'hundred teet. ---*r'<br />

Anything over that, $10.00 per bag. Diamopd sesl; $75 per bucket'<br />

14. Well abandonment is $18.o0 per foot<br />

14. lf we have to use en air pedorator' $1000 rent S" $275 per hour'<br />

15. Mobilization and demobilization '6i. ,:F;<br />

Gustc,iltEr reepomiblc for dl rpst il*urred for att dfrripnnnt f,Eies! urrU egresE<br />

16. Other water+upply equipnrent and instsllefion<br />

17. Area cleanup. inclrrcting dritl fuidts anl pfbOuct;od weter.<br />

18. Bsckhoe uort<br />

All wells should be chlorinated before using.<br />

1g. Total eslimated cash priee (finel price depende upon actual depth)<br />

Do'wn Payment<br />

en eguiprnent move in<br />

12 lf drilling rate stov{s<br />

12 feet en hour or less due to formation corrl{itiorrs<br />

or lost cireulation houry rate SZ?$-00 per hqrr plus footage' .ji<br />

tf formatiort requircs cenEntins, t*t.-ElU{F,t0o/6 & hourly rate'<br />

. ' '<br />

,-<br />

ts. weitsest<br />

lf well reguires 100 sesl i<br />

lf well seal requires PunrPhq<br />

s0,s0<br />

$o<br />

$fi,4S0<br />

included<br />

included<br />

irtcluded<br />

tru$tolTlgfE exBense<br />

$ ItlfA<br />

$900.00<br />

€ ${,000:00<br />

':<br />

irtcluded<br />

!:5rr:.'<br />

1!.,=<br />

. _..<br />

${'50[.oo<br />

$ NIA<br />

custemefs expen$s<br />

$ N/A<br />

sg,g00-0s<br />

$4,4oo.oo<br />

Estimsted Balance Due<br />

$4'400'00<br />

Intercst et the rete of 20% per annum is due upon all amourts not paid within 10 days<br />

tnt invoice is rentlerecl. lf legal actton is neeessary to collect a delinquent account,<br />

"d* purchaset agtees to pay ressonable Efiomefs fee and coud eost'<br />

brining Contractor Purcheser Item 3<br />

Page77<br />

-date<br />

2"r<br />

JCe<br />

ta ort{<br />


Attachment<br />


$ Detalls from Prior ovdners '<br />

$ Provided in 1995 as part of the purchase of Property<br />

$ Contains from PAST OWNER'S<br />

$ Documentation prior to1982 lost due to forest fire burning the home'<br />

ATTACHMENT 1.4<br />



This'TypicalWell Construction" diagram provided to the RWP commission in 2002<br />

depicts the same construction metndOs Obing used in a typical well and our well' ThiS<br />

well was buirt to standards eontinuinjro be rised in today's normal construction. There<br />

are not anv depiiiabte differencis. The physicalwellwith proper maintenance<br />

shauld last the life af the hame.<br />



DAMAGEI on xdi iui rne pnooicrroN wELLs tN AN ARFA so FRAGILE tN<br />







were not reqr.Iired to rnove out of easernents. The piaceri'rent of 'rhe weils required and<br />

inspecfed by prior giu****nt agencies were grandfaihered in'<br />

The weil was buirt at this time to meet the cunent known demands for vuater and be<br />

completely up to date as to reason"or" of water usage on the alluvial fan<br />

"ipuctations<br />

i"iif," rii" otine home'<br />

The PRIoR owner verbally cjted contaciing sierra Pacific who owned the first<br />

',i<br />

production weils and was tord they to t"ri" good forty years if he went to<br />

"*p""t"a<br />

this depth. At th; iir"-ii *as giu"n=;?;;ry<br />

"-""T"t". Lnd a new pump, piping, and<br />

wiring system was put in. t13 *"1'OrJoiO"O<br />

"''tuOy Oy a gub3onir?:tot demonstrating<br />

there was an *"r"hiiat 'endless J;p';;;tel in tfi" So' <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> Water<br />

Basin.'<br />

our well functioned serving two homes from 1980 to 1996 with minimal drawdown<br />

whieh recharge during good w.at9iV""r=. The domestic well's average drawdown<br />

durins rhis periodlieo&E*""*oeo n{Jrl;nJ;f""t ioi inr"" vears' tt besan to decline<br />

rapidry in 1997_1b6';Jri"s continu-ei t"i"eiov o"Jin" sinie that rirne in conjunction<br />

with the increase of pumpag" nrst.iiom diftnblO'*ell #6' Prior to 1997 when the pump<br />

was lowereo tnspriJr ownei coula'ie"o tn" well dropping a line. In 1997-1998 it was<br />

crear the pump nliilri"'iil;;: after this it was n"L"Jr"ry to pulr.the pump eact'r time<br />

to read the well due to constructio":F; il; rapiorvlnJseriou"ty than experienced<br />

during the prior 20 years and theliie'oi tn" well ii experienced substantial drawdown<br />

from 1997-2005. ln these nnaf moitnu-oiZOW-ZoOS witn the pump^3ge from Tessa<br />

wells combined with the continualitrain trom tne pumpage of- STMGI? # 6 it began to<br />

fail. In the summer of 2005 it agaii w;nt belory tfie p'imF setting and the purnp has now<br />

been placed in" tartnest poinl po"iOi" in the Uottom u:tn" *6tt' W" are in need of<br />

water suPPlY "t immediatelY'<br />




Item 3<br />

Page 79<br />

34. rz4t

fr -i- "," *.<br />

ug l_&"$L<br />

:wdAli*Lh-,W!4&\ [Puff^ W--k"q't 1tt'M-Waa't<br />

{1^pU lrt*w, X,* //S r<br />

-{l# fio?-z/u/r,a St4? ,n*Rou-. }+-"?<br />

r##ry;<br />

a.<br />

,k<br />

- -T<br />

ryffi<br />

a86'%w<br />

, /ilfkqtu ,<br />

ffifrH<br />

-lrk. / /'<br />

l.tl | //'fu'ffir#<br />

[|f\,, -fu.*i8,6ffi,<br />

n,4<br />

fill-J<br />

f .o.n<br />

^ I'.^;r- ,l 'tt'tt tY<br />

*t-/i^ .<br />

Qti*4ff<br />

6" @-l&'Ln Y " v -<br />

-L-.-<br />

9,m' {3,1*,,4<br />

, ---r'l |<br />

#lortW\^u.y_*,<br />

i 44P,W<br />

fu"*\,.? tut*r,pfu-\<br />

t<br />

5k4r^ )

FR0M i4:Kav Drilti-ns 8ZE53B5 03-ZS-IE 12r57Pt4 T0<br />

---Ksy frrt$fu4, fne<br />

2290 Pisnesr Dfive<br />

Reno, Nevffia 89509<br />

002]'825-8692<br />

Fw,82e5365<br />

Ernail w a er@ nte rt*Tnn ewfl<br />

fn]etwet: qserc.intercwnm'co4wler .,."-.<br />

Se ft tng Norllrr,m Neve&l Eincq I 964<br />

Ltc. ill4170,#72763<br />

T<br />

Date gngi*ffiz --<br />

h^\'o a vDekd.dqo-<<br />

Nerne- Ketr & Shatort Burnett<br />

Address 5847 Mt. Rose Reno,lW 995l I<br />

Phone 84q-3873<br />

Well Cap Freesure tenk - Popoff - Fretsure Geuge<br />

frs1A<br />

Pressure swltclt -<br />

8453824 i73 P.3/3<br />

rd a-tr.^q- 't g. !o u)afr^ J<br />

vbzt * ffi&<br />

Tft*'I'^ uwJe'6<br />

Well Depth 297<br />

F:[ow Test:<br />

fhos<br />

9:45<br />

10:00<br />

l0:15<br />

l0:30<br />

10:45<br />

Water Level<br />

261 static.<br />

265<br />

266<br />

?fi6<br />

266<br />

Gallons Per Minutc<br />

l0<br />

9.5<br />

9.5<br />

9,5<br />

9,.5<br />

3r-.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 81<br />


. IE|LC#ErEnolFesfiaEFglFCllEoltgf<br />

?l.^l<br />

FdsrF. lt35<br />

te6sdlaii lBtftt$tt tr€ tG<br />

1. Ptsgtttf Lftla{ a Ati('!6b't<br />

z sEr*rg=€rrsrar+ ts tr@<br />

3- !r'|r.rEFd-Fr.tiF-Gr<br />

t Hrrtui<br />

5.eqE<br />

a ErciraiF!1h<br />

zarnrbild DE<br />

oril'tm t ??2-z{z{<br />

'' -^<br />

O-udtenwF@<br />

neoJS<br />

Lrtcststa<br />

tdlh'r<br />

- -- -- --==-::=:<br />

*.*!*<br />

'+'9"-Fe++-<br />

)--f ." =

GROUND<br />




_AULFEB<br />

.slAl!-clry4lEiffL-<br />



Item 3<br />

Page 84<br />

ffi$fg'iliJ::4$<br />


208{31<br />

€<br />

F<br />

'g)<br />


iI.:<br />

.'{.{t I<br />

tii<br />

i.F c?.<br />

qr{<br />

f<br />

a €r<br />

}f<br />

ea<br />

1<br />

2<br />

t!<br />

'l .l<br />

il<br />

6l<br />

al I<br />

rl<br />

9<br />

10<br />

It<br />

L2<br />

"'.<br />

t4<br />

l6<br />

L7<br />

18<br />

19<br />

a<br />

zl<br />

n<br />

a<br />

e4<br />

e5<br />

26<br />

n<br />

a<br />

a,<br />

s<br />

3l<br />

3<br />


mFrtstilldtlii<br />

tmoa.g.'<br />

t'ot$ltn|lDlpm<br />

rrcmhwl-BSF<br />

luto rEvaDl rtsol .<br />

(t!tt !!t{!zt<br />


ii,;:tiiZo-cifiSltwlll of the swlrl.{-qr the SEL/A<br />

. S;;. ze',i.- iaN.' {' rse-, }Pg&M.<br />

Exeeptiug thErefrom tlre Bouttrl r'JJ-' :<br />

i : Wrt. H. ROEINSON:<br />

T#Ei7t"-t tt'JllEil4 or the SEllof.rhe swl/4<br />

s;;-. -26,-T.- ie H. , f,. is P- , MDB&M'<br />

. . TOM BROWNELL and NORlii!{ B_RO-W{ELL:<br />

fi;:'E?Ilii in. sel/a oiit'. Ne-V-+-or ihe swL/4<br />

. S;;-td,-T. i8 N., iu tc E-, MDB&M'-'<br />

WHSREASy rtrere is presently owned by Granrcrd and siruated<br />

upon *retr said tracl of land a cenain well, eguipment and water system used<br />

ia.'connection therewirh and wirh which Graumrs for a price have been<br />

funiishtng rraEer to each and all of the above-nated Grantees for domestic<br />

usesatthei.rrespectiYgandabove-describedindividualtracLeoflaud'asd<br />

WHERE.A'S' rbe GrEntors are legotiaiiag the sale of ttreir said<br />

Froperty'to another but, nevertheless, inrend to make euch sale and conveyance<br />

drerefor subject to aDd r.s"rvLg<br />

upon the ternra ind canditions hereinafter snted;<br />

dd rhrougtr no fautt of Gra$tore, the'n Grandre are<br />

redpcnrsibility aud llability m turnish same'<br />

'J<br />

such'water rtghts unto each Graatee<br />

NOVf ; THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the<br />

,teirng,. eonditlons sod mueral covesaflts of the Parties hereinafter coaeined'<br />

TEIE CRANTORS AGREE aq follows:<br />

To rnEirateid Bald well, eguipment and water system<br />

*faLa.A within the eonfinee oi thetr eaid traet qf 1and"<br />

2. To turaieh each of Eaid Eraateea water es in ttre pa'et'<br />

inrajoofy ae long ss seid wetl contains water'<br />

THE GRANTEES AGREE as follows:<br />

If and wheo the well becomes<br />

l. Ttrat tbey wt{ esg| Pay unto Grantore for such waEer as<br />

te avat[ebte che suir of TWE|.VE DOLLAP\.S ($12. q0] Fet mogth' due and pay-<br />

-'i'<br />

eble on the.ftrst day of each ani every.month hereefter e'nd thie Agree-<br />

"P.t:1<br />

meff iE rerinlnated aE hereinaftei stated. : .: . ' , :' . ''<br />

'*l...-<br />

relieved of anY and*all<br />

..: .: .i<br />

ir<br />

$<br />

!!<br />

fi<br />

ii<br />

It<br />

F(<br />

;,<br />

i!<br />

fr<br />

li<br />

ll<br />

-' Item3<br />

Page 86<br />


wscer EyBtem off Grentorei satd rract of land.<br />

3. ThEt in the event & Grantee si.nks his own welL,'then<br />

$rle Water Easement Agreement vill terminate aE to hiro.<br />

PARTiES ae followe:<br />


: . ' 1. That rhts Water Easement Agreerneat shall continue irr<br />

tuIl force and effect and shall termineEe abSolurely the 4d da. y o! June' 1972.<br />

L is dxpresely understood and agreed thet from and after sald ternination<br />

date Graators! EheLr Bucceesors and assigas shalt be reli.eved of.all responsibi.li.cy<br />

or liabiliii<br />

them.<br />

trom furnishing such water to said GraEtees or either of<br />

.2. Ttat this Water EasAmat Agreement shall be<br />

reCorded [n the records of said Counry of Washoe; and the covenanta herei:r<br />

contatrted shaLl run with ttre land and be binding upon and iq,rre !o the betefit<br />

of the succ'essor€, beirs and +sstgps of the Parties herero.<br />

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Partiee bave hereunp set *reir<br />

bends as of che year and the day hereinabove wrltten.<br />

'Erbari &ry.a NeweY |<br />

tr<br />

Annte E.<br />

'r" D. grxErEii<br />

' HrfrrmrdF<br />

'<br />

|mad.6r<br />

amtn'|llruEa<br />

tlrtmir*r4qilE<br />

'ltr16<br />

rttlel rtacl<br />

(tt!l tgl.lell<br />

Ore.Qubn<br />

li.t<br />

*l l--<br />

Lo<br />

-'Page ._. Ifem3<br />

87<br />

of 6

3-'<br />

e z.<br />

$ U.<br />

{<br />

.,,<br />

@<br />

a9<br />

,rf */aiJ't<br />

. Wm. tL<br />

D*<br />

-q<br />

€-<br />

crr<br />

Hr<br />

En!<br />

s<br />

a cl<br />

6<br />

r)<br />

:.. Item 3<br />

Page 88<br />

:. . LQ.<br />

> -l Fl'v"<br />

vl<br />

,<br />


*i ro..-.lt:-=-.*o--;:"::iu*ori--1i'----S*1"'t'i-*'t'"' tt ;'*€<br />

r I<br />

srere oF NEvADA ]' ss.<br />

z ! C6xJIffY oF wAs#tqe*- )<br />

3 I On rhis .-<br />

of May, t971. personelly eppeared beforl<br />

Afr.,<br />

F,", t Notary Public, TOM BROWNE'LL and I'IORMA BROY{NELL' who<br />

5 | echowledfed-ilrat,fhey<br />

executed the ebove in$Eumeilt'<br />

l<br />

7<br />

10<br />

11 --I<br />

l:t<br />

a €<br />

.t-l<br />

rF{<br />

!.c<br />

C',<br />

.!rf<br />

rf,l<br />

-<br />

11 I<br />

.14fi<br />

15[<br />

t6 [ .*-<br />

Fl .<br />

17 I<br />

181<br />

iAraElcr !, BogBlful<br />

lLr.'.l tsr€ L '|at { l4f/$l<br />

Er Erdt<br />

Ra-ii-E#CAt{'l.H!<br />

z^I 4+azc.<br />

-<br />

Norary Nocarv Public<br />

1e<br />

ul ;<br />

19<br />

'?pN<br />

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.Item 3<br />

Page 89<br />

zz46g D

l<br />

Ge.ear<br />

E!.qsmi E ,qBORAEGRSE'S> AF{c"<br />

Et*vtRoNuexreu Senvtces / CeariF'iED W;'y- rfr/eree AfiAI-Ysls<br />

1.479 S.'Weus AvE, RENo' NV 89502<br />

ii oz)- szs-c822' F xx (7 oz) 32;3-49 68<br />

Narne:<br />


Addreas: 5847 MT. ROSE'F{V\ry<br />

Crty:<br />

Tebphone:<br />

Authorized bY:<br />


$ampled: 0&1&95 Submitted:03'16-95<br />

Source:<br />

tlo. of Sarnples:<br />


Sampled bY ( )Client<br />

ONE<br />

GBL Control No. 039+0M<br />

{X} GBL<br />

co3<br />

HCO3<br />

.cl<br />

s04<br />

NOIN03<br />

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Meq. Ratb<br />

AIk (as GaCO3)<br />

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191.2<br />

1.0<br />

3.1<br />

4.3<br />



rAKEN BY rF{d wC assrsoRs oFFICE<br />




THE Usage is for a particutal,eo*91nil; tii, to' "n'"o" within this project for as<br />

long as the power Co' hotds the easement'<br />


_<br />

rHts sHows sIERRA PA;Fil;Bnr'roortlrr'rc THEIR EASEMENT'<br />



The county workers in various departments are. to state that our property has a<br />

F:]l<br />

33, easem"n, or,-"ii ,lALr tii r"9:. fnit it not true' These easements were<br />

abandoneduring the 1980's to tgbO;s' We have on numerous occasions shown this<br />

paperwork to "otfLilts" telling u, ou"'-nltl' tocateJin easements"' Or' that our<br />

"'"<br />

homes are ittegal. We have done il" Oifig"ry. th*t" homes conect and up to<br />

Pdk"<br />

comptiance<br />

"no *"r"!i"nGo ou|. nilr spl"iar use Permits on July 13' 1998'<br />

These documents were included in the purchase gjour property theyshow the dates<br />

tn'" 1980's and 1990's<br />

they were nreo witn'washoe coun,v'ti#';;;<br />

"ffdil;irb<br />

prior to our ownershiP'<br />

IreU 3<br />

Page 91

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NOTE<br />

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SEC 26<br />

4 [.<br />

- -----^a'- 6r ^Fr;n rrrErEE Q elrr|v.lN lN FLLIPSES<br />


BOOK4g PG 4<br />

Item 3<br />

Ptge92<br />

[Or.*nby LS/BT5/65 [<br />

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Item 3<br />

Page 93<br />

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lor th" Recorder l;<br />

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fithe.County of Washoe, SEaEe of Nevada' on January 15' 1987'<br />

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On JulY 13, 1998'<br />


A LETTER FRoM THE HEA,Lin oeer (Part of the Final order w.c'c')<br />

Requires the installation of a meter on tn" well' we are to allow the Nevada Division of<br />

Water Resources to read and recori'ihe meter annually' Wg them to<br />

lqY-"-tequested<br />

comq and do this. They have delegateJtnat to the county. wcwR has declined,<br />

Stating, "thathey nav6 all the'6"t";-in"V nee-o; to-mitigaie any poteltial damages from<br />

rocar "monitoring weils" and that tnev ml'nitir*rKitch6n's weil which is the closest to<br />

*i*.; iSfMGld local minutes-1999-2001- Mr' Wdrnere')'<br />


Mr. \Mdmere wc Hydrologist *"r oy tn" wc Board of commissioners to read<br />

"r["J<br />

my meter anO weti.'hesultlng nu"t tni= f"tt"-t addressing that they already had enough<br />

.monitoring wells" in my area and *orfO not need the Jata"' Letting me know that I can<br />

direct future qr"rti*r?or well reaOing dat" to tn" 'Groundwater Task Force"<br />


We paid to have a driller test our *"fi- O"tpite having the meter installed' The results<br />

showed us again there had been<br />

oi water and we needed to find out<br />

"lildd;,tppaqe<br />

where the water was going since ** il"r" ndi uuing it on site. The question became<br />

;thT" was water soins to come from if thev drie.d.y: !l,b1'1l-T3,11o-if*,:i?fl:10"t<br />

us? At tllis time tnev Qenlqt arteysrru o"- -'' "o "-' "- '<br />

;i;es<br />

!+u-!=!:.n?.ie,fl;$B+e:L levelwas going to go<br />

down some 60+ over a ten year perioi- nn"n it hadn't done that during its last twenty<br />

years prior to that. we were u"ry *n."t"a 35 fs- how deep would we have to go?<br />

Even the production welts they had used to suck our water outfrom under us began to<br />

go dry and they nal to lower tit" pr*pt. (STMGID 6 was failing Saddlehom well was<br />

distressed)<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 100


Washoe CountY<br />

Department of<br />

'CommunitY<br />

DeveloPment<br />

1001 ENirftSt,BldgA<br />

Post Ofrce Box I 1130<br />

Rsno,NV 895204027<br />

TeL ?02-328-3500<br />

Fa* ?02'328-3648<br />

July i3, 1998<br />

Richard and Theresa Shannon<br />

5847 Mt. Rose HigbwaY<br />

Reno, ItV 895II<br />

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Shamon:<br />

As filed with the Departoirent of community Developmen! at its resular meeting of July 2"<br />

.1998, the washoe county Board of Adjusml# *iaitiorirriy appr-wed (9 conditions) the<br />

following:<br />

Special Use Permit Case No. SPB4.7'98: To convert an existing mother in laq<br />

u*t uoitt p;o, to"iq6il"';;"t".hra **rtoty dwelling. The oropertv is locatect<br />

at5847Mt. Rose i{ighway. Thg 2.5 is desifuated Higb Densrtv Rural<br />

";;;*t<br />

in the <strong>South</strong>wesr TrJckee'Meadowl At;; F*ru' srdted -iAPN in portions of Section<br />

26, T2 8N, Rt gE,'ffiil W;rh"; a"*b,, lG;"d".<br />

t I 5 b-260-3 5 )<br />

The conditional approval for the special use permit was based on the following fi:rdings:<br />

1. That tbe proposed use is co':isted with the action proErarns' policies' standalds<br />

and maps of-th, co*prehensive pr'" *a,n. <strong>South</strong>weJ <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> Area<br />

Flan;<br />

Thattheexistrngstnrctureisphysicallysuitedforthesite,as.le}tastheS'peand<br />

iurersity of fu proposed use as i secold a-*ili"u ',init. In a'ididor" si"e conce:'s<br />

are adequately aaaresfrTy tur prqr"iry *oatio* of approval, and the<br />

"rtuE<br />

il*;ffifrw*uol-co*tv<br />

i"a tnt State of Nevada;<br />

That tbc issuaace of tbe permit-will- not.be sjpfganlv dryT,t:t"l to the public<br />

health irl that tbe site is alieaay qg"t]gpS *J"*iU U" improved in accorda:rce with<br />

ttttq"lt**tt of the Disrict Health Deparunent;<br />

That the iss'ance of tbe permit will no-t be significantly to the public<br />

*H*"d<br />

safety or welfare. Lnprovements to th9 tank as well as installation of a<br />

"pfr'<br />

water meter for the t#"a'a*tUi"g*iU i**t public health;<br />

Thattbepfoposedusewillno!.beinjuriolltoadjacentP.t"pe::ordetrimentalto<br />

thecharacterofthesurroundingareaslnceooo,witructuresoradditionsare<br />

proposed; and<br />

That the Board members gave reasgned consideratign t9 the info;rration contained Item 3<br />

withinthe st"trrepoi rod-iofgrmation received during the meefing' Page 101<br />

1L- - t rwfbQ

5 t. r f.0<br />

Richard and Theresa Sba-nnon<br />

R-e:, SFB4-7-98<br />

iuly 13, 1998 - ?ageZ<br />

As no appeals have been filed in- 4: tu:<br />

in the Washoe Countv<br />

P?ti,9d,n?ll1*i^<br />

il;fi;tcode, ths decision by the'Board of Adjusrnenr is final.<br />

Yours truly,<br />

rr c*o*!*(-<br />

W. Dean Diederich, AICP<br />

planning Manager and<br />

Acting Secretary to the Board of Adjusfrnent<br />

WDD/CDR/rna (58798)<br />

Attachments: conditions, Disffict Health Departrnent letber dated May 14, 1998<br />

xc:RustyNasb"DA'sOffice;JudyRamos,Assessor's-oF""iiol"Faullner,chief<br />

Appraiser, A";;r;";t cjm"q r"rti-'so"ti"t, utility Divisioq Engineering<br />

Division; T;l; Mtadows fit" ptot""tioo pittti"t;- Reeionat Jlansportation<br />

commission,<br />

p.o. Box 30002, R;",-Irv igszo; soutuwJst <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong><br />

CitizenAdvisory Board'<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 102

DATE:<br />

TO:<br />

FROM:<br />

Dtsrntcr HEnnn DePAKTMENT<br />

May 14, 1998<br />

-r€rVED<br />

R E t., '- '<br />

Current Planning Program $A\ t *T<br />

...nc<br />

ffi;t:*fl***tyDeveropmentDepartment ,J$R[\*WS-,",'<br />

Bryan W. TYre, P.E'<br />

SIJBJECT: Richard and Theresa Shannon<br />

SPeciaI Use Permit #SPB4-7-98<br />

E98-077 :<br />

This Deparfinent has reviewed the reflrenced proposar-with regrd to sewage disposal, domestic<br />

water supply, solid waste, vector ,";;i;;;ei quatity *J tit pollution' Approval by this<br />

ii.e-tt*!t is sutject to the fotlowing conditioss:<br />

l.TbeapplicantshatlinstallameterontheexistingwellaodpermittheNevadaDivisionof<br />

water Resor:rces to read and record the meter *"o"uv' If water usage exceeds an<br />

averageoflS00gallonsperday,asecondwellwiltberequired.<br />

z. The existing leach field serving the a,qartrnent is inadequately sized- The field<br />

-gT3g:<br />

. shall b, ,"tL;H^r'rirr"i'J"& *il0ieet'ro_ng. This work requires a septic svstem<br />

repair p"*it ilo- the Washoe iounty <strong>District</strong> Healtb Department<br />

Ifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingtheforegoiog,pleasecontactmeat32S.T430.<br />

BWT:sw<br />

cc:<br />

Richard and Theresa Shannon<br />

5t'<br />

1001 EAST N|NTH STREET / P.o. BoX 1 130, RENo, **lr<br />

s'j] |7a2| ger.-2400 FAX ,2'r'<br />

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Area: C<br />

Sewer: SEPTIC<br />

Special Use:<br />

Variance No:<br />

M.P'R' No:<br />


OWNER<br />

j<br />

\ I<br />

NJ r"'-<br />

Use Code:<br />

v, , -., il ,"i ,'i<br />

*iJ i ll l-'{-''- 'l<br />

'<br />

.-.+, 1<br />

+?'b' "<br />

"<br />

Water: WELL<br />

Census z 434<br />

# Units: 0O1<br />

# Bldgs: ooL<br />


Eeal MoIINT RosE I{Y, RENo NV 895L1-<br />


le& Moi.ilcr RosE HY, RENo rw B9sl-1<br />

Permit No: 98-43L3<br />

TYPe: BLD-R'ES<br />

CategorY: RSAD<br />

Applied:<br />

Issued:<br />

Status:<br />

To ExPire:<br />

08/05/teel<br />


Phone; 849-3873<br />

Phone z 849-3873<br />

* * ***** ** *** * *** * ** * ****** * ** * ** ** * *** * *** * *** *** ** ** * ** * ** ** * ** * *** * **** *****<br />

Permit DescriPtion:<br />

TWo sroRy eiiiii--irousE<br />

colrirERsroN L BR/]-BATH<br />


Factor Sq. Feet' Valuation<br />

occupancY<br />

firPe<br />

34.t9. 958 29 ,676.92<br />

il7;-:;eiidential<br />

Dwelling<br />

Total Valuation:<br />

29,676.92<br />

Tabl-e Date z l.j-/20/1992<br />

TABIJE Vef,UetfONt 29 ' 6'76 '92<br />

+':"xtL+'t-*'k-t-*t'*****t-t-*l-t*-*-tL*'**********<br />

*************t**.*****\******.********-*a****i*<br />

^ :-:-'::';;.:--- * *=*1i*= 316 . GB Calculated Fee: ee6 's7<br />

FEES: Building Fee' ' ' ':<br />

Electrical Fee' ': 33'gz edditional Feest '00<br />

'42'37<br />

Plumbing Fee' " ':<br />

58.25 TOTAT', FEES 996 '51<br />

Mechanical Fee": >6'''o<br />

"<br />

'00<br />

n"i""p"ctions..':<br />

' parrments: .00<br />

R1 -- ^1^^^1, Eraa l-8 B . 34 1<br />

Pa)rments :<br />

;I;;-G""i r"". .,<br />

1q9'11 <<br />

part< Tax Fee. . ' - :<br />

297 '0o<br />

.,^r.artrr-E: TITT]=-<br />

aq6.57<br />

nn BALANCE DUE: 2>c<br />

;;;r";i;n Fee-. -: 'oo<br />

nn<br />

Renewal Fee. -. ' '':<br />

' vv<br />

,cF-\ nn \IA]TIDATED BY: P'f<br />

;6;;t Fee lREsl '<br />

ImiacL Fee (CoM)<br />

' oo<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 105<br />

&0.<br />

zsole s

-, -:].',l. Ja<br />

C'1..ATE ELECT-RIC<br />

-ilt I 5lL('.EF; =rn'L<br />

Pr-ioi'.lE l'lg'<br />

'|i{2.<br />

?itr};5-t ??23<br />

-l ct.{ ),<br />

'<br />

l--i-'at<br />

:'!'<br />

a-<br />

t?87 BEiss Gi<br />

t*-tl*t<br />

-}i".Y, EdV S$?0{ -<br />

FH...rr *o! roe-sss'?'933<br />


F{V LlC6r i+'ifi'!<br />

v,rsRK ro EFlggi$tryF si<br />

SHEI'f i'l{: 1 of 1<br />

Fpirfl 1_?5-9s<br />

FR#F#s4<br />

FtAIvtE<br />


A^ NEg<br />

rs ro o^r*ff*fl"ffFflTJff$ff *oou A coRREOr DEerstoN<br />

;'s ro *ETHER ro "DEEPt5?fi;f=;ffik#,Eft"*-p<br />

we 'qrrEh4FrED ro<br />


*wHO |I|IPACTS wHo?",MAPs -^'- tt<br />

This became a tono telqfhirv,prr"r'ii":ring; rllit edi houo a w'9ek for several<br />

months. We ream;d of the tnel ex.stiiiie'1J1"1i9i^*,tilt'tu"ounding us' $ince we live<br />

on a faurted nssurtaLa of volgani"tai we came to JJr'"u" that cones of depression<br />

from these sunoundns piody{?.1,^dil;;fO corraps'Joi tltiouuly re reroute water<br />

Sourcesundertheground.negativ*ilii*p"aingourwatersupp|y.<br />


The prans for some 275 more subdivisions in our area in the ftrture with \rvaterightd for<br />

homes not even buitt came to rio11 and we became il;;;ilJin n" bng drawn out<br />

bat e of existing homeowners asN'iii u" r*p*"t*itv n"* growth during the<br />

"Resional pran uiii]e: sinru rt 'ii*=";;';;;ars Lbardins oul aquifer were not<br />

readiry ava*abre 5.i **pi"t" tn"'iu*uers crrang"i ;;? seJmeo rirb once a week as<br />

to how muctr actuai wateiwe !a!, *ft;ith" impa&.*ouiO t" *ft?t the resulting<br />

'<br />

"nO<br />

impacr to our *;iffiil;1". on" tninE *"-"-JJ"r ur.ii';"i" dine to build more wells<br />

and pump n'g; amount of water from under our Tan'<br />

"<br />

the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong><br />

The out come was this s'irnulatg$.d3*qgyfloj':ot<br />

showing tne impiA vnicfr tatce ptace * iJ**=ii" **11."' W" have since<br />

Ao^uld *iu#<br />

committed to a?ar higher.AFn uuiii'o,irtnere tore, it =""rn* crear there is no reeson<br />

for a private oom*uiif w*lt owner to deepen a well in this area'<br />


we asked our representatives.to ini"rpr"r tne.new llw p'ot""ting.9Yl*"t"t suppty and<br />

tet us know.if th&" un"=."ny 9i"'."<br />

li f*o*r"r uuy= i*1*"ting *it"r supplies and<br />

aquifers_<br />

", *"rIJ, iri i"oirloual frivate domestic well.<br />

ThislistwasprovidedbyMr.WdmereHydro|ogistofWCWRwhenaskedbythe<br />

srMGrD Board how many no*#ioi,r,ih;"" io uJr"**e""sed in the tuturre in our<br />

area. we were tord thatwe *";ffi;; tni= rirt o"ii"r"iney had no record of our<br />

well. Even though qe h.ad prwided it on numeto":offitions ano the permit had been<br />

iluunJv nled ini98o when drilled'<br />

we were dumbfounded to reatize our Govemment we trusted to proted dnd serve us<br />

was sud

Z<br />

H t\<br />

1 l\sl<br />

HHRE<br />

6e*R<br />

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ul<br />

A-<br />

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c4<br />

EE'\<br />

Ele<br />

\nF.F<br />

'<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 108<br />

r'r r r.--f f^{

JehEr & Patti F'4lnaberry<br />

58?1 Mt Rose HighwaY<br />

IlltR&e#5<br />

fvfiRose #3<br />

iljit aose'*e<br />

/V<br />

h/<br />

O<br />

Sosth Truclr-ee Meadoxs<br />

2002 Potentiometric Surface Contour F#ap<br />

S<br />

E<br />

FaEdBilndltlE<br />

cmtorlntrml5oFld<br />

D!$rnldlaDDbngwatlt<br />

Prolbrdouwetb<br />

APPrhdtb PFPclty sl$ tooo Fost Bus'r<br />

s,:3ta$ngtt t"lortre-<br />

4Ie J6' 2@5<br />

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ffilffiGoPl|@dtdn:B<br />

ddB. 16 t.@ntW.E:-.<br />

*ffi**#ff'Fffi<br />

+<br />


Deoartment of Water<br />

Reiources ffi<br />


NB/ADA TT*1<br />

ffiEiFrd$ry<br />

tawasE RRwaasE<br />

ot9ssH$<br />

l:!ii.: '.'jq<br />

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Erc<br />

Figure 3 #. -i<br />

-rh,-s<br />

-f h,-s<br />

*a rya 1\ ft P a€-F lt-rtrb' r'-' ' t-#<br />

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fe+eo-ute-ils<br />

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g hD*-jE aiei-r,-f ifiae-{' F^lt<br />

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Item 3<br />

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vj'I. hi<br />

John & Patti Minaberry<br />

5871 llt Rose Highway<br />

A*.*tfitlarL't<br />



sRc€<br />

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Department of Water<br />

ResouEes 6,-5e<br />

WASHOFCOUNTY .siatz"<br />

[I6fAFf ryr<br />

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Item 3<br />

Page 111

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47*f6x<br />

-.__js srJ r,ffiE{Ereg F d#c"<br />

J290 -t"isrceer ilrive<br />

Reno, Nevad* 8P509<br />

{7il2}823-8692<br />

Fm,83e5365<br />

Enu,ilwaefi]jnlrlw,rutaowt<br />

InleW: aseasJnlerr;wEr*,corw-funter . -.- - .-<br />

,Scnrrng ftrorlAera ffeps&I S;npe l9rt0<br />

t.tc. ili,4170,#72163<br />

.: .r x . . ln :. \^)

e$ti \<br />

A F *Ec'ul€<br />

s8 y B<br />

HAR-I3-gZ 0F:39 FR0[{-HS BSR fiFi eE4-46$0<br />

T*F,86 F.0l1Ut F*1TI<br />

W1lhot COEEIy<br />

Dr4ertmeot of<br />

WEtrr FsousEes<br />

4t30 ftlrlywst<br />

RcI4 Nv EBro?4toF<br />

Td.tn5t95i-ffi<br />

.Psr: t??*) Yjr4eld<br />

ld*rcb 13,2002' '<br />

Th*eSa gfiealon<br />

POBsx 19277<br />

Reco, HV g95ll<br />

SIIBIECT; ,, Domesricweil monitcriag .<br />

J<br />

Dca lvts. $natno4<br />

On rle fifth of Macb rs per ],iour request, Rick Felline from our office anemuted ro<br />

measiue_your doaesric well. I had *ked hiq rc fiy t6 cqnracr you UeforeUaii[ tui<br />

EpPareaflY he *as unshle rc do so. Rick nsed e Eleei tapa iE voui oanesriJGiisda<br />

was uaable ro get- a rcadiug. This was eitlg because *ii watjr level was temilrhrn<br />

rbe steel F.e gr because -rLe steel tape arcountered an obstnrctim rrctr * i til"i<br />

are$or' This is a freguerr.rlcurrcoci with domesric weus-arfbe[eui-Rick gfoG;;;<br />

to.y-ourh.asbaod- I-m srrre that Fjck used ercy 'Ee rre ra get a r.rdng, frciifo* 'til<br />

will not be atteupting !0 measure your well in rire firnue. -<br />

Since Bruc.e Pt"K"v hes beea able p Euasue ycur well ir rhe psst" I woutd<br />

reconmead that. you eoartiaue to use Bnrce to minitor yo* l*"1!. '*ri om"* i,<br />

c'rrrcrnly p.eenuing h48rty. Yheuewran's wetl scross &e sdeet frsm yoqr home.<br />

u'ell provrdes<br />

ftis<br />

us adequate infornraEion on rbe warer level la ]roqr iwrlediat.F Rree<br />

If ynu have any questions, Fleace do not hesitae to courscrse €r (T?f) gs4465s.<br />

MiebaelWiduer<br />

Hy&ogeotogisr<br />

MC\v<br />

#3 6:q' ,<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 116<br />

4.q * 6g

HMEN7 iffi Fi<br />

. ATTA6<br />

#*<br />

' APFRovALoT n nhiiresnoru FRoGRAM<br />


-CIOSE<br />


Rummler<br />

Kitchen<br />

This well was cited as the one that -t'1Q.1+9^t:"::t'ie<br />

oftlirJ-.:il.-fiLr?'iJtrr; St"tr u".ksround on Mr- Kitchen's well'<br />

A.r!.rrr|.r EI,,/$A qarl ? 87<br />

impact to mv well bv Mr'<br />

Heika<br />

MurraY<br />

Ronko<br />

ShePPard<br />

StePhans<br />

Turk<br />

MelarkY<br />

Brokaw<br />

Quinn<br />

Nixon<br />

RYan<br />

Savage<br />

Rua<br />

ChamPelovier<br />

Velardi<br />

Mcneall<br />

MYers<br />

Minnaberry<br />

Wnnard (Pending)<br />

Brokaw denied<br />

Dowling denied<br />

Schuerman (UPcoming)<br />

Geniusz- Tessa Well lrnPact<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 117<br />

't,4 "<br />

I C't<br />

rn<br />

4,n el bb<br />

JvIT<br />



:G@PY<br />

Tfern 16<br />

<strong>South</strong><strong>Truckee</strong><br />

<strong>Meadows</strong><br />

G€neral<br />

Improvenrent<br />

<strong>District</strong><br />

(sTMGrD)<br />

Local<br />

Managing<br />

Board<br />

Gerald Schurna&er<br />

Chairman<br />

August 10,2004<br />

VIA:<br />


LocalManegng Board<br />

<strong>South</strong> Tnrcfee tot"Jo*r <strong>General</strong> <strong>Improvement</strong> Distict (STMGID)<br />

Michael Widmer, HYdrogeolod't t$'"d<br />

Paul C. OrPban, P. E-, Engineering Mnzeer6?4ra<br />

-l fut)^<br />

Steve Bradhurs! Director, Deparhe'nt of Water Xex;owcerfl p/<br />

Iocal Managing Board Agenda Item<br />

Approve *a oto.-end that tbe Board of 'Trustees approve a<br />

domestic well deepening reiEbulsemetrt of $8,772'85 to BiIl and Pat<br />

Kitchen<br />

BarryWinzder<br />

ViceCtairman<br />

BiruieMcGavin<br />

SecretarY<br />

EeidiOleson<br />

l\fiember<br />

'lVilliamVance<br />

nde,n*rcr<br />


The Engineering Manager recommends that the Local ldnnnsin$-Board. approve lrnd<br />

recommend that tbe Board of Trustees approve a domestic well deepeninq - -<br />

reim.bgrse,ment of $8,77i.gS to BiU aod b"t fircrco' APN 150-260-18, 5655 Mt Rose<br />

Ifi.gbway.<br />


domestic well<br />

STMGD FW#6 and$iqfeet<br />

Theweil has more fhan 30<br />

mouitoredthis well since 1989.St"ffb"tit"* thtt PW#6 bas caused more than ?0<br />

feet ofwater<br />

ustng<br />

y PIIEPIn9<br />

Mr. And Mrs. Kitchen subnitted invoices for $11,846.41. staff'recomnends that<br />

ig,ZiZSS be reimbursed- The additional costs were for new trenching a tr€-s' PlMp<br />

and related o**G tu"t ao not quali$ for reimbursement per STMGID policy'<br />

Administration<br />

doWashoe<br />

CormtYDePt'of<br />

\ilaterResources<br />

,1930Enerry\llbY<br />

Reno,ItV89502<br />

(??1lIJfI<br />


Sufficient cash exists in the STMGID operations accounto pay tbe reimbursementItem 3<br />

. Page 119<br />

-I<br />

11,<br />


ft /^?


Detailed gror:ndwater level str:-cies j:r tbe south Tnrckee <strong>Meadows</strong> began )nl9'i7 wrth a<br />

st[dy by the uscs covering tu" ,ootil* end of'the Mt Rose Fan- washoe county<br />

increased. t5e coverage to include w"[, ;;; ;;rr tlg south rruckee <strong>Meadows</strong> in<br />

""titt<br />

lggz- since 1991, tf,, w"rto. couotv}rp*rt*ent of waierResources has conducted a<br />

resular well monitoring program. crJ;;:;;";;iv<br />

198 wells are rneasured two<br />

tiies per year. I" th, Mt {ose Fan' ;[!; io tn" gro-undwatet level of 20 feet due to<br />

variatioss in naruar recbarge uu.r, il# Jo"u-rol"d. A turenty-year- gqtentiometric<br />

south<br />

surrace difference map Ehows ryy' d' ]ili*:{*f:*,i#:tlt:';"rff<br />

il***:"ff;#;:fftt#iliHd;il;;";*erarvEecrinedl0toZ'reeL<br />

s<br />

rrcducc m=;a- f-Jge-dec-Ene oliEr gFthcr![-l res<br />

:-j-:-=-dt ='*-'- t-J*-tl-t*d't= * t}'it =o#o<br />

A<br />

Dsort'lrerrtcf<br />

,ffi<br />

BiarRrsouEls<br />

Feet<br />

fro rn<br />

mifrqn'*istn<br />

Br"".d rlea'e-inq<br />

*ll e f -<br />

Tnk*n<br />

Figure 10. Item 3<br />

Page 121<br />

20' '" -fezl7oh'en7f<br />

t e-=P i k- a.- " q"^.":*-<br />

I<br />

t d - *' -O.., R qJe, t t ie ;rrrlgan-r-*q-cl sto e-<br />

s a b>at ** t o-*i.rmd u"r i:[_j-t t''t- f [

Thgreareapproximaialy26weilsgeasuredtwiceayearintheGoveri:mentLots'<br />

Several of tbe v,reils have been *.r"*Jity *usho" Co;ty si:ree ibe' laie 1980's' Two<br />

of the wells that uur" i""omeasured rJ"rig i*J"* of t#e are ciesignated moitoring<br />

wells and the rest are domestic wells (Figure 1i)'<br />

^r2:!':.=;i!<br />

Lif:.rri!3rr<br />

Govemment Lots<br />


/<br />

EErtEootltt6<br />

S<br />

H![sdftFdtsirfltd'<br />

6 fr$ir,ra rfcnfchg u"IB- teisvd!4 @0<br />

?. ttd.t|tllt $4idftD $'f}3' Srs|r.lt fEEOsttOtE<br />

A<br />

@w<br />

fr*#Fffi* 9"<br />

Deoartment of Witer<br />

@BEsry iii '<br />

HffifP-<br />

*i1]<br />

oue<br />

\rJ e-L\<br />

Figure 1{.<br />

is<br />

21.<br />

rlel+<br />

?-1.<br />

s<br />

[e*-O n<br />

-r-?<br />

a*1o.\ r- '. { -<br />

Item 3<br />

Ptge122<br />


oI<br />

JE<br />

833<br />

depth to'water (fr)<br />

HgHH<br />

|\}<br />

S'<br />

gl<br />

h}<br />

O<br />

+ B/1111987<br />

1028/1995<br />

4Fir<br />

o<br />

rF<br />

J<br />

@ --<br />

:<br />

4119EOA1<br />

\ .'<br />

a (<br />

4<br />

{<br />

.r<br />

/t\<br />

\2<br />

I<br />

a<br />

Item 3<br />

10/10/2006 p"g" rzs<br />

?!,<br />

c<br />

5<br />

k'<br />


?n<br />

€\<br />

4T<br />

:b<br />

\a\<br />

7.*<br />

IF<br />

SD<br />

I<br />

1 q<br />

F}<br />

dePth to water {ft}<br />

(,,)9?qcrlIgts\<br />

Egd885o<br />

I$ FJ<br />

cD tJ|<br />

c)(><br />

o a=.<br />

3 0)<br />

o<br />

F<br />

3 3o<br />

o<br />

fr<br />

3 3_<br />

il1111987<br />

5,ftn994<br />

1131/1 993<br />

10128/1995<br />

o.<br />

712411998<br />

4t1ei2001<br />

.:<br />

1l14lzoo4<br />

r<br />

A<br />

H o<br />

J<br />

Item 3<br />

pzry3el24<br />

10110/2006<br />

o<br />

Et<br />

J<br />

st<br />

rl<br />

J<br />

nl-<br />

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o- = q<br />

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c<br />

r-,] A6'

i-'te-i l{ 'n<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong><br />

<strong>Meadows</strong><br />

<strong>General</strong><br />

bnprovement<br />

Bistriet<br />

(STMGID<br />

Loeal<br />

Managing<br />

Board<br />

5*l-216 $ghnrnacher<br />

Ctrairman<br />

Bar"rYWinzeler<br />

VieeChairman<br />

BiraieMeGavio<br />

SecretarY<br />

IIeidiOleson<br />

I\der&€r<br />

WilliamVance<br />

Merdler<br />

DATE:<br />

TO:<br />

FROM:<br />

Srarp Fsroer<br />

BO.{RD r"frst$lC DATE: JTILY 77'7804<br />

Juty 13,2004<br />

Board of Trustees<br />

<strong>South</strong> Tnrckee <strong>Meadows</strong> Geueral bnprovement Disfrict<br />

Yfrv*<br />

JobnM. Col1ins, Manager' Utiliby Serviceq<br />

paurorphan,rgrniem.?Y?:::^Ty,ry!]xerwe"';:;<br />

I3l+H<br />

.E4urr_zryer-*--<br />

'6cP<br />

g {ra{C F<br />

gi ++si q,ilgmban@m ail' co'washo e'nv<br />

"FpsteveBradhurst,<br />

Director, Departnent of water Resources N $J-<br />


Aep**I\'ti9=h?'lH"il'!";i:'-if<br />

leerovl ltti:,n?gtlelK4 '"qt"':"i}'i -;il<br />

SUBJECT:<br />

" f ?'f *;iffif#:::E:H#y1<br />

flose HiEtway (A-PN<br />

;ffi;ttt. *tll deepeuing located at:o^^<br />

iiuieursl, in the of $7'870'00'<br />

"tioot<br />

SU\4N4ARY<br />

rhesouthrruckeey"d:*^G:11*.Hil"gf,#:5"1ff'f"X*il*'"ff "<br />

Reimbursementof Costs forDeepen:ng<br />

;;;;;r,<br />

Local Managrng il;;l; zi'zoaa and Julv 19' 2004 n<br />

glven for this reimbursement'<br />

approvalwas<br />

gI\4/ACM_N/A_<br />

Fio"oc. 45<br />

DA-4-<br />

RiskMel.ff<br />

I{R-N/A-<br />

Other-N/A-<br />

CountyPriority/Gouf'opPol*O]H,i'"*:Planning:Manageandprotectregional<br />

water resources 'o u 'o'iuioable' cost-effective mallner'<br />


on october 73,20alJhe Board. of Trustees approved the Policy for the Reimbursement<br />

of costs for Deepening Domestic ii"iliil""h"u). zooo' the Board of<br />

.since<br />

Tnrstees Uas<br />

"pprovfffiu, io*"rti, *"U;;;p';"idtri*b*tt-euts<br />

for the <strong>South</strong><br />

<strong>Truckee</strong><strong>Meadows</strong><strong>General</strong>lmprovement<strong>District</strong>.<br />


Administration<br />

c/oWashoe<br />

CountYDePLof<br />

WaterResources<br />

4930EnergtlilaY<br />

ReaorlW89502<br />

(77$ 95445S0<br />

onApril2s,2o04lvlr.IleikftacontactedtbeDeparmentofWatelResourcesaboutt]re<br />

condition of his a"Jrtir-*.if, locate{ in the "&vemmqrt l-ots" at 5605 M' Rose<br />

-s<br />

Hi glway (ApN r s o-i?i- i s j. - rrryu""1 ilttdd enior Hvdro geo 1o grst with the<br />

Deparlmen! i"rri;"e t#war d;c zowTa concuaea ttiat water level<br />

""<br />

declines rru o""#;i;rhtr ;;t t" ",,ffi;irhtttJ'<br />

!"1'<br />

rc' Heikka proceeded with<br />

the deepening oir,i, *;r-and request.Jtrr"trr" south rnrckee <strong>Meadows</strong> <strong>General</strong><br />

rtem 3<br />

. Page 125<br />


STI'.4GD Boarti of Trustees N[eetiag of iuiy Z7 '2004<br />

?aee2 of2<br />

I:aprovement <strong>District</strong> leimburse tbe $7,8?0.00 cost of deepening the vrell' staff<br />

o".*.uoe"A,nL,;.ii"ilLig"!A-aq,Tiotlrgt"li-i5L&etb*"u09**"tPt-l""d<br />

;""i1"* *ttl*nti:rue frone STMGD #6 puaplng'<br />

Mr. Heikka'* o""Uy *ighbor is Bili Kitchen' whose $/ell water level has been<br />

measuredbystarrJ;'fi t'rn"oPfit"lt:::f,n":1"::*:::";"i#:l#ff "<br />

T:trJi$Ji,lTJd;;. ii i, ,rrr, opi"ro" tnuit feer or more orthe decline<br />

""oty<br />

Mr.Heil&a,swelli'a".t"tn'p..,*pi"gofSTMGIDProductionWell#6and<br />

tberefore the Heikka request meets STdCil *Jr a"tp*i"g reimbursement criteria'<br />

Backup ts this itr*"*!" found in attachJ Local Managing Board agenda items'<br />

._<br />

FlscAL ri\'r8ACT<br />

sufficient cash exists in the STMGID operations aocounto pay the reimbursement'<br />

RECC[4]!@NFATISN<br />

The Local Managrng Board recorn:neads that the Board of Trustees approve Michael<br />

Heilka,s request roii.i*t*rement fo, u Jo*"stic weil deepening located at 5505 Mt'<br />

il"* meh*.v (APN tio-zOO-ts), in the amount of $7'870'00'<br />


should the Board agrcewith stafrs recommendation' a possible motion would be:<br />

..Approve Mchael fi"iH."', req*est flioi*u*t"*ent for a domestic well deepening<br />

located ar 5605 Mt. Rose Highway (APNG0-260-15), in the amount of $7,870'00'"<br />

SB:JMC:PO:Ird\ff:sr<br />

c: KathY Garcia' ComPtoller<br />

Jim JePPson" Risk M"nager<br />

Ron Steele, Fiscal AnaiYsttr<br />

JerryMcKlligbt Finance and Operations Manager<br />

TedRolfs, Flscal Compliance Officer<br />

WendY Bennet! Accountant Il<br />

'<br />

P : I S TM GIDI Tr aste sAg en daltemslC uni-II-I nterlo c olWeeling<br />

9i<br />

Eq */<br />

Item 3<br />

Page126<br />

T4<br />


The cbange in tbe. static rnater level from 1959 to i990 when tbe domestic well vras<br />

drilied was approxmately ?5 feet. rhe iJu ioi, *at"* *:aitue water iabie &opped"lS<br />

il; 31 v#s ru =;::*:t l,.jd;;#[F.*:J:t*H ffi:I&T<br />

;*Hffiili::?nffiHffi1?"u<br />

*ug". washoe"countv D eparment or vrater<br />

Resor:roes *-*,t"i-*U"'r*iric water b; fJhis sarne domestic well at 5852 Mt Rose<br />

giglway in octobei ioo+. The staiic *J"i rt""r in October 2004'was 223'85 feet below<br />

land surface. Tbe change in th9 LUr' to* 1990 to 2004 is approximatety 50'85<br />

Y"t"-t<br />

feet in 14 years. The;rater table in '!t- ;; declined * *"'"g" of approximately 3'63<br />

feet Per Year since 1990'<br />

The other drill togs for fhis area include drill 1og num-ber 50191' This &ill log is for a<br />

welt tocated<br />

"t sdil"M;R;; t{i$;v, APN iio-zso-03 (Fig*e a)' This weil was<br />

deepened in 199tio a a"p* 9t<br />

Z{|i#'U"fo* hnd surfaee' fhe static- water level in<br />

1995 was 131 feet iel,ow land ,*f"";:-TL;"*gi""r atiU tog is not availab-le' The last*<br />

drill log is log nuoaU"r+f 133. Tbis a'itt tog is ?o1a *tU ili"t"a at 5837 Stephens Rd'<br />

ApN 150_250_r9.*{-his *"ir ** dd'"d in t-ggs. The wet is 295 feet deep andthe statrc<br />

water level in i99i;; 2A4 feetU"f"* f*a sr:rface' The static water levels show a<br />

general decline over time in tbe *"^ Jru u" of the deepeaed weil<br />

"*".ption<br />

Most of the wells i:rthe Government Lots were drilled to depths-gr:*t: {t* 200 feet' lt<br />

would appear mta" *"rs in the *"u o"u, the appticants uua gs]ro' feet of water i:r the<br />

well casing at th; ti-, oi*ortntttt;;' I"{"Jof ihe wells in tbis area were drill between<br />

1985 and 1995. Tbe majority ot*ie-weUs are less At* iO V"ars old'^ The3vera*e static<br />

water levels in the late 1980's *"n. 150 feet btl#I*d surface' The only drill<br />

"ouoa<br />

log availabt" r* trri* area prior to rg7-0 i- the inigation well located at 5852 Mt Rose<br />

Hig[way. ru. ,t"ti" *uto t".r"t f* rb; ;;J";t tgzo was probably 100feetbelow<br />

the land surface'<br />

f"*:'"f L:-J:,tr'#fff:ffi :uT"#Tqpf jHr-'*T"JiHffiLli*:<br />

-i"<br />

iffi :"*y,"#H#::iil";E'f,'*'F*.r':::::"H,"-3;,ffig<br />

Ant area that have had #t w9ils<br />

rn the past 10 vears, 13 weils F:.P*^d::ryTt.":j?:T:*,f$j"Tff#J:lfrf;<br />

Centerjoqq<br />

ifu-to* of the d*P="d*tlltg<br />

-F \"Ji 5 I<br />

l^* f 1.tf<br />

G- hi tlte,r<br />

i v1^-t u& i-o<br />

""*.b*^<br />

PDd<br />

inFi<br />

- + Yj<br />

Lar-,.t i<br />

O Lt saAE_+ '<br />

\o ts*-i<br />

10.<br />

Item 3<br />

Pagel2T<br />

e 0 *ft"(

static water Levels have been eonitored on the sTIvfGID production weils si:rce 2002'<br />

The water levels'*" o"o'aed as o'0"ll as wbether or not the pu:rp is on or off' These<br />

values have been put into a single fle ; *."nnra t: tbe change in tbe waler table<br />

:9*<br />

at the production *"U Aig*. b;. -I.n" **!trt" pumpTg records' drill lcgs' static rvater<br />

level tables for the irodu"iioo o'.il, *"rJ*t; Mi,o]*,,y's are locafed in Appendix C'<br />

ST}IIGID T5<br />

g 200<br />

J<br />

5 3oo<br />

G<br />

3<br />

=<br />

!D 400<br />

EH EEEEEffi=EngegE<br />

$s<br />

REE<br />


3<br />

I c<br />

B<br />

o<br />

o<br />

100.<br />

't50,<br />

200<br />

250<br />

HEEgE<br />

EsEE<br />

SEES<br />

Datr<br />

Figure 9.<br />

----<br />

| --c-srMGlD#6<br />

I<br />

#f'6]t<br />

(" til"lt_l<br />

-J rP<br />



*;"J#l;*"r"Y'#n:"ff#"i',if ,*"i"n'#*ffi 3ii';';,fr:f ffi i*;:ff T<br />

sinceleel,thewashoeco'untvD.-p*:-'ll,f^Y'T1*?:T:TJff"ffi|r;"1;*';ilfi<br />

ff H;ff "ffi :Tlff H'#]--tr'i*?'I'lioT"[1":f":*l*:#*Un*:*;<br />

*ffi YJ"ffi:ffi ;:ffi<br />

*ff<br />

"Lff"?^y:{*tt"'"$1"S5;Hffi fffiH:<br />

rss:T5KT!L:i:l.ii"ffi:"*r,+:}H",g,r*;'"l "'#1f v'<br />

notgagfi- n'*g-P.<br />

\+c,r---- ri^-^ .x<br />

A<br />

rn€s *1c- *-*"f,. E ucj^- as m''{n-4<br />

'<br />


;4 n\,.+1 u*"T" u*- "fh,s-^.ij*.,{; k-e i-r F<br />

o$!*' , .! ,^&41'^.,.*<br />

rlf<br />

*l"e-s44* '<br />

't'<br />

'7uia<br />

Thereareapproxitaately26-ll,elislaea-qwedtwiceayear-intheGovelExtentLots.<br />

Several oi the weils have beea *"**JJU' WasUo" Corlf' sfurce<br />

"be late 1980's' Two<br />

of the we1ls thath#;;;basurea qt-f"ie a*utt* of are designated nonitoriag<br />

"#"<br />

wel1s and the rest ase domestic wells @igtlre 11)'<br />

4 '<br />

fvL.<br />

lP<br />

Government<br />

Lots<br />


/\/<br />

hr*lEdr'fiE<br />

. &<br />

DcrEF dftodftintwr&<br />

t99a<br />

O Feddldbldodtdtigvr&'Llstyffi<br />

d, Rcfd.ddd ltslt'orbt w€tr3' llrstrd lGffittatffi<br />

{g|<br />

fEdD&nwe<br />

[ffif:8'.*<br />

@ffiW<br />

I;+r--4<br />

Departrnent af Water<br />

H:m*<br />

Figiure 11.<br />

21.<br />

;'-<br />

Tf-<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 130<br />

L1 ,!-69

e 4 "{"CK<br />

a n*c-I*-r*'J/.-^ :l:fi I,"J' iE zt "0.*?<br />

+J et\* { \'nj1<br />

ao*US"-; -*q"<br />

*;'#;;";P-i'4i}\+'i1'Y<br />

tu<br />

Tbre long term mo*i'."'"! t=*.<br />

rT4 '"]W:<br />

fU. gttpb" for all of dre moni'uor:::g wel<br />

show a conti:rual declioe in rhe water sturt a4e"il?i"* zoo+' The average A'':il<br />

"b;;;;<br />

drop in the warer ,rti, ln rhe pasr to ,ril'i *nto*i*"t"rv ll2 afootto 4 feetper year' ; ** .<br />

4WllSge<br />

140<br />

MelarkeY DorneSic<br />

g14rzo01<br />

5/18/2004<br />

150<br />

|I<br />

o<br />

rg<br />

160<br />

|<br />

I<br />

170 II<br />

180<br />

190<br />

Change in Water Eevation<br />

- 46'85' in 15 Years = 3'12 feet per year<br />

= o<br />

@<br />

cl<br />

1I31/1e93<br />

200<br />

210<br />

?20<br />

sTnfiGID F.fiw#6<br />

10/28/1995 71?.411998<br />

1t14l2OO4 10/10/2006<br />

Change in Water Elevation<br />

- 66'9 ' in 16 years = 4'18 feet per year<br />

9F<br />

6<br />

B o<br />

-ro<br />

o<br />

tl<br />

,,<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 131

{iichen'rffeli<br />

o<br />

(!<br />

7<br />

o<br />

o<br />

:Et<br />

sI1 1'1 SB7<br />

280 ,<br />

9RE<br />

290<br />

295<br />

300<br />

305<br />

310<br />

315<br />

320<br />

1028/1995 7t2+11s98<br />

Change in V\bter Eevation - 32'3'in 15 years = 215 feet per year<br />

MurraY domestic well<br />

41192OA1 1t14t2c,c4 10/10/2008<br />

.Tfu<br />

//<br />

t\<br />

u-l e- Lt<br />

c[ose={<br />

+.c><br />

P!-yre=el<br />

W\t n8-"<br />

-t-.9<br />

1?J8188<br />

205<br />

1a8tg1 1?J7t92 1?J7193<br />

12l7tg4<br />

1w195<br />

210<br />

2; 215<br />

622.0<br />

rE<br />

> ?25<br />

-- o<br />

73Q<br />

9ot<br />

240<br />

245<br />

Ronkos Domestic We[l<br />

1028/1995 712411998<br />

1t141?oo4 10/10/2005<br />

lo<br />

o<br />

o<br />

6<br />

a<br />

o<br />

o<br />

tt<br />

|ft<br />

ct<br />

c\I<br />

ro<br />

c{<br />

o d)<br />

rrl<br />

(D<br />

Change in Water Elerration<br />

- 33'4 in 14 years = 238 feet Per year Lq4bg<br />

o<br />

24.<br />

81.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 132

25. Item 3<br />

. Page 133<br />

w<br />

^ r/<br />

G6*Lab<br />

The welrs is this area flirctuate i:e their amo'nts of decpe over years' Tbe *rells that<br />

"he<br />

-ffere measo-a *"*-slMGID #6 -pp-;;;;;a hi-ehe1t-i- -t decbne tban the weils<br />

that are farrber fi."* rh;;;[ ditfi##; ;tid*<br />

9;;; t**ured every 6 months<br />

fron the time that in rcp +e u"g* pii"'"d"i n" first 12 years of aeasuremefls<br />

showed a decti:re * d;;", tabt:of #H;-il* it atop in the table -water<br />

"q;-t"l<br />

equal to abo*t tel'iJro-, V"", g^an" *",.. table was *""ta i00 feet ir 1959 and the<br />

water table was t+8 feelin 198t then $rat ";;t"g; atip T the water table<br />

"pp;;*;"r"'y<br />

;i;;"srMcrDou-;ff :13;:tT,sjl:ffi S{::ni;ffi t.<br />

ffi'"<br />

ff-";;;a;;E"i*t?qq9'<br />

i gsq6r99g.=T', ffi pr""#d;'fi;i<br />

the warer rable as ,#"'Jrur-*""irdri"J;r#<br />

soutn of tbe Govemment Lots'<br />

g9i-. r q ee did not appear to inctease<br />

rur .arr*" Terrace Estates zubdivision<br />

Th:.ffi" a'pears to have a ru''1t !&v vr *--<br />


There are Do known sipificant water quaiity problems in the Government Lots'

Board of Tn$tees Agenda for Special Meet'rlg on Gctobar 9'2041<br />

2:00 p.m.<br />

*1. Roli Call<br />

z.ApproveareimbursementofSI32T2.00tolgs]eySheppardforredrillingadomestic<br />

w-eli at 1592;ffi;' R"t" Highwav leru $a-zsa4q<br />

*3. pubiic cornments *d oir"*sion thereo n (trree ndnute time limit per person dnd limited<br />

to items not listed on the agenda)<br />

,r4.Board.andStaffComments(Iimitedtoannouncernentsorissuesforfuareagenda)<br />

5. EmergencY Items<br />

6. Adjourn<br />

unless otherwise indicated b_y asterisk (*), ali items on the agenda are action items upon which<br />

the Board of Tnrstees may take acuon'<br />

P : E TM GID\has teeB a ar dA gm'daslt 0-9 -0 I Sp eeialMtgAgatda<br />

CT;<br />

o t-<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 134<br />

Lt *{b6

fo.<br />

t|l'<br />

o<br />

a6a'<br />

as<br />

sE<br />

=4.<br />

$g<br />

o?<br />

3g<br />

ts5<br />

5<br />

6<br />

Etr<br />

o-<br />

ie -q(!l<br />

c<br />

EFE<br />

'<br />

{4<br />

'ttlr<br />

E<br />

EC<br />

Ei/<br />

Hi'E*<br />

E;EEE<br />

iEi83 -g,igii<br />

EsEEi<br />

i+=:l<br />

G#766<br />



wFsIE-DrvrsioN oF TilATER REsoURcEs brars u' rrsrry--<br />

JifiiFl.a;erns<br />

sNr-wsLL<br />

t. owNER.....<br />

co*v^--<br />

DRILI,ER'S coPY<br />

sraTE sF NEYA}}A qqnce:e13Y<br />

I<br />

FEV[S''N oF *ATER RESstrR^cES I Loe<br />

vr!&urvrr v-<br />

sErr DRILLERS REPST ft<br />

Ptease cornpleie this fotm in ttg enfirqry<br />

'fS'<br />

I j***-""-" "- " """ " ' """" " "' "' "'<br />

.'i<br />

Nr.-.-gi_8-__5-3....-..,....--..--<br />

..,, i-"i [ ..eennitNo._-<br />

ql.*+.:*:i-1--.9*r"-*r^9:!'v-"IF"Yj'-"8"e-7'-0'1"-<br />

-l!-i+i:"alaa5.yft3sfgil:::'--;:::-:--:;:;-:':-"-"::-1t:t;trt:;;::-::: -:viiiiji::--:;*o<br />

;;;i;_4i*#1.4*sIs.4F*-.i.?............r.'..--1.9.---.'-'....''.....N<br />


New'ffell 4l<br />

Recooditiou tr<br />

Deepen tr<br />


tr<br />


Po-oti. E Irrigation D Test tr<br />

*Jana g Industrial tr Stock tr<br />

5. TYPE WELL<br />

Cable ! Rotaatsfl<br />

Otber [<br />

/\ir<br />

Matqrrrl<br />

Soil<br />

te Bldrs-sano<br />

c'l a<br />

for<br />

wat<br />

Gravel Pacted: Yes:{f No t-l<br />

Gravet packerl fros-.--'--'--'-'']"5Q-tt"'<br />

to-'--29?--"'--'--tet<br />

'':*-"--*---<br />

Fro--------------*'Jcet<br />

!--1 ia to--*----*-" -----------.Jeet<br />

:---<br />


Static x,ater level------?3&'---'Feet<br />

below laad surfacc'--'-"-"''-'--'-<br />

;il--.:-..*-------------ao--'- G'P'M "w'lt'h'-d'n-'-*"""---------<br />

Water tcnlterature---*"*"o F Quality-'-'-"::::-*-<br />

1<br />

(D<br />

G.P.<br />



This weil wag ddtled uoder my eopcrvision aod tho rcport is tflrc to<br />

the best of mY kaowledge'<br />

AddrEsc..--.--*<br />

G,P,M.----.-...'.'.---'.. ----'::1:::= BAILER TEST<br />

Signed-r-r.-il<br />

Drarr dovn------Jeet ----hours<br />

Draw down .....-..-Jcct ,---.."hours<br />

Draw down.--.""-'feet ---.*....bsurs<br />


L.<br />

*,--- wAYtrE DRr-I-IlL9r....I{.9:-.-*-...<br />

Name-..-.----.-<br />

..,--- P. o ^ Box lli?9..13.'-:..i.:.Y.19.1-...9?.?l-- --.'-<br />

. 140\,<br />

Nevads coatractof's license nunber-----'-<br />

Nevada drille.r's liccoss nunber "'2"A"1""""""' "<br />

o*n<br />


G<<br />

:vEfiTp-DrvrsroN oF wATER xr:gdlthlis<br />


PTNi(-\9ELL DRN.LER'S CS"Y<br />

'e ,. o**"*d#ss QttJrvlu-<br />




Pleare conplete thie forn iitr lts<br />

'<br />

NewWell<br />

Deepen<br />

TYPE<br />

X tr<br />

OF WORK<br />

Rccondition<br />

Other<br />


tr<br />

tr<br />


Domestic 4 Irrigation tr Tegt D<br />

Municipal tr Irrdustrial tr Stocl D<br />

5. TYPE WELL<br />

Cable ft RotarY.H:<br />

Othcr tr<br />

sloFTo fd' wsLt- eoNsrRUcrIoN<br />

pium-ut"rhobt-?.(f:----....--.inchesTotaldeptb-Sl'-O*".--tnt<br />

iffhes<br />

Frm<br />

------8----*lnt<br />

9. WATER LBVEL<br />

'A<br />

Static wats larcL/'O-Q----Feet below land surfuce------.-<br />

w"to'eJp.""toofuzlz-'<br />

F QualitvAcr'oD<br />


Datc comlilctcd-<br />

F__, "2?- $29-<br />


Tbig well war drilled uadcr my supervision aud the report i8 truc to<br />

thc best of my kaowlcdgs.<br />

x"'",fu grQ-ffi ltlt"aafusz*.r&r.:'tt.Le*-/.[k<br />

Puap RFM<br />

G.PTd"<br />

N&ada contractor's liccnsc vr/-frf-L-<br />

"n<br />

G.P.M.-.--<br />

G.P.M........-.--<br />


Draw down-..-....,..Jeet -.---.-hour<br />

Xhaw down-.-*-.Ject ---.hou$<br />

Draw down-.-.,.,--.Jcet .,.-...-..houn<br />

p.,"..3--:*#-.2.2..<br />


Item 3<br />

-Puge'13tr-<br />

s17r €i'

wASfroE# wL030152<br />




1. OWNER<br />

$nrr-rr.ro<br />

ADDREss<br />

ffitj ill<br />

Date started<br />

Date completed<br />

Russ Quinn<br />

15E75 Mt Rose HwY<br />


2. Location sw 1/4 $e 1A sec 26 T t8N R 19E Washoe county<br />

PERMIT NO.<br />

PARCEL NO. 150.250.32<br />


-===========-5=========================-==================a=============================s<br />


NewWell Reptacr Recondltlon i Oor*Uo lnlgation T"'t I CaUto Rotary RVC<br />

Deepen X Abandon other I MunicipaUtndustriat Monhor --t]:1----l---]T--====T:=====Sl<br />

===:::::===;::==::==========-===a====-================================================<br />


E -,rL ^---i n {A^l<br />

l===================lj=:::;:=;;========= i Depth Dritled<br />

:ntontti 'l i i li sst4 lnches 0 feet 310 feet<br />

-.t-r - {a=l<br />

-.-J.{-. *l-. .-l- ----+-.i ---l- . -<br />

l' { 0<br />

i i i i oi c19lry.9,qqH:?",'<br />

I | | | A^UFnttlE<br />

o isir" o.D. I WeighuFt. I WallThickness<br />

From To<br />

dUmpedneatcementtOsuffacel | | 0lSEe().U. lWelgnvrt'lYYarrrrrrehr'e9g I "vrl I '<br />

I I I i 0i(lnches)'l (Pounds) I (tnches)<br />

'<br />

lq9:!ll::t<br />

i i i oibrya" 12's4 188 +11t2 310<br />

tt ll0<br />

PerTimHunt I I I I 0<br />

R-390 0 | Perforations::<br />

O I TyPe Perforatlon Factory<br />

0 i Size Perforation 3132 r 3"<br />

0 i From feetto feet<br />

o i From feet to feet<br />

i i i oi From feetto feet<br />

i i i oi From feetlo l":l<br />

o i From feet to feet<br />

0<br />

cD E i i i i oi $urrace€-eal.LIEs No sealrvpe:<br />

6 't 'l I i i ol Depthof Seal3t0feet<br />

xNeatcement<br />

= L b i i i i oi PumPed cementGrout<br />

l-jj q t2 i f I I 0l xPOUred conoreteerort<br />

l:,:. o- ',i<br />

i i i t 0l GravelPacked: Yes No<br />

'J I | | I<br />

[.: rn :.i i i I I 0l From 310 feetto 0 feet<br />

* : '2 i i i i 0l============================E::::-:=<br />

.'r .5 I | | I Y I<br />

:lt = iI i r I r gle WATERLEVEL<br />

feet -*-pegJlc-1tjj<br />

0 feel<br />

Materiat waterl Fr.rn I ro I rni"ti HOLEDIAMETER(BITSIZE)<br />

str.ti I I n*l Ftot,--^ l:<br />

; i j-. -i oi --inohes --{eet -'feeth-o!eplqschip.-c.--.<br />

i r I I oi inches feet feet<br />

U = H i I i I i i oistaticwaterleveS00 feetbelowlandsurface<br />

V ersrrvrrsrer retevvli<br />

5 i i i i otArtesianflow 0 GPM 0 P's'l'<br />

| |<br />

I<br />

't^t<br />

i i I I 0lwaterTemperature cold DegreesF Quality<br />

================================<br />

10.<br />


7-15 -03<br />

7-15 -03<br />


TEST METHOD: Bailer PumP<br />

GlP.M.<br />

Draw Dc$rn<br />

(Feet Bald|r Static)<br />

x<br />

Alr Lift<br />

Tnre OouIE)<br />

Ttlis Mre[ was ddlled undef rfiy supewision erd the rePort is tsw to the<br />

b€t of rny l$o\nledge.<br />

Name McKaY Drilling' Inc.<br />

2290 Pioneer Drive<br />

Reno' NV 89509<br />

NV Contractors No. 14170<br />

l.W Dritlefs Llc (on site) l261Ti<br />

;;<br />

Date 7-30 -03<br />

NT NO 45830<br />

-<br />

,'i-., qtot2<br />

By driller performtng aatual drilling on site or co$tractor<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 139

wAsHoE# wL010177<br />




1. OWNER Russ Quinn<br />


MAILING ADDRESS 15875 itt Rose Hwy<br />

Reno NV 89511<br />

2. Location sW 114 aE U4 Sec 26 T 16N R 1sE Washoe County<br />

PERMIT NO.<br />

PARCEL N0. 150-250-32 SUBDIVISION NAME<br />

================================================================<br />


Nen Wetl X Rapbce Reconditlon X Domestic<br />

lrigation Test Cabte X nAary RvC<br />

Abanclon Othel<br />

Municipal/lndustrhl Monltor Stock Air Other x Mud<br />

6. LlrHoLoclc LoG | 8.<br />


============$================s============= I Dgpth Dfilled 443 feet DePth Cased 443 feet<br />

Msterial Waterl From I To I nr*-l<br />


stratal I I nessl<br />

From To<br />

Fill top soil, boulders.<br />

I g___L_qq-l--59.1<br />

. feet .... E0<br />

_..J ...<br />

.- -.._1.1-_.. __ ."inshea..-a<br />

feet<br />

I I150 | 0l 81t2 inches 50 feet 443 feel<br />

Sand, pee gravel,<br />

195 145 |<br />

inches<br />

feet feet<br />

0l<br />


Fractured rock, sand.<br />

t95 235 100 lSize O.D. I WeighUFt. I WallThickness I From I To<br />

(lnches) | (Pounds) | (lnches) | (Feet) | Feet<br />

Drilled blind.<br />

295 45<br />

55/8<br />

12.94 188 +1 llT 443<br />

'<br />

jj:.:<br />

'-)<br />

0<br />

150<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

0<br />

Date started 9-21 '01<br />

DstB completed 10-3 -01<br />

Th'rs<br />

==============--==============================<br />


TEST METHOD: Baller PumP x Air Llft<br />

G.P.M.<br />

75<br />

Drsw Oorvtl<br />

(Feet Below Stat'ro)<br />

Time (hours)<br />

2.5<br />

================================== 3==========:<br />

Perforations::<br />

Type Perforation<br />

Slze perforation<br />

From 372<br />

From<br />

From<br />

From<br />

From<br />

Factory<br />

3/32 x 3"<br />

feetto 432<br />

feet to<br />

feet to<br />

feet to<br />

feet to<br />

Surface Seal X YES No<br />

Depth of Seal 50 feet<br />

PumPed<br />

x Poured<br />

Gravel Packed: X Yes No<br />

From 50 feetto 443 feet<br />

feet<br />

feet<br />

feet<br />

feet<br />

feet<br />

l=====================-======================<br />

Seal Type:<br />

Neat Cement<br />

x Cement Grout<br />

Concreie Grout<br />


Statlc water leve154 fdet below land surface<br />

Artesian flow 0 GPM 0 P'S.|.<br />

WaterTemperature cold Degrees F Quality<br />


r{rdltirds drilled under nry supeMsim and the rcport ls tue to th€<br />

bcst of rny knowledgc,<br />

Name McKayDrilling,Inc.<br />

2290 Ploneer Drive<br />

Reno, NV 89509<br />

NV Contractorc No. 14170<br />

NV Drillefs Lic<br />

Slgned<br />

i oatb 10-10 -ol<br />

By driller perlonnlng sctual drflllng gn sile or contrector<br />

3==<br />

[==============-======================I*gE<br />

Page 140

Ql^<br />

wr{ITlr,-DrvrsxsN OF WATER RESOURCES<br />




l*i"'T"*il;,,<br />

Elraft<br />

547<br />

;.;ffir.-----1tr--',.---1il--<br />

v' s' -.lf =;rj<br />

PERMIT No.--fra'n;<br />

E New Well<br />

E Deepen<br />

ied rock<br />

:nrl<br />

frac<br />


DrvTsrol,r oF wArER REsouRcEs t ihTi;<br />


Please cornplete this form in its entirety in<br />

*iitr uns 534.170 snd NAc s34'340<br />

"";;;;;";<br />

r,A NOTICE<br />

onsonYd'ffffii!'!ffi8'6<br />

895II<br />




E cautc El norarY D nvc<br />

D Rcolacc D Recondition El Domestic ! l"icf i* E ::-": Ei eir O ottrerndustrial<br />

D Monitor tr S19t!<br />

! Abandon ! other- ----<br />

WELL coNSTRUcrIoN -rA<br />


nrilrca-- 4-0-*-'Feet oepru cased--i}9--Fcet<br />

Sir: O.D.<br />

(Inchcs)<br />

Eot-e nu'urrER GIr sI7'E)<br />

From<br />

To<br />

:uif,::mS"'-"i:iihl;:<br />


'Wcigbt/Ft. Wsll<br />

Frcm<br />

(Fcct)<br />

Perforations:<br />

Type<br />

Size<br />

tsfom.._;#- !1n f^d<br />

Frorr-290-.--*'--feet<br />

to--J*il--_<br />

From-.--- ----fc* to --feet<br />

*il""-t-, ,HJ," ! No<br />

ttll3i;.".*,<br />

Depth of Scal--lYi-..- 6ce*eot Otout<br />

placement Mctbod: Q eurnped<br />

E Concrote Grout<br />

trl Poured<br />

Gravel Packed,:,.,,., El Ycs<br />

? i-: 310 _rccr<br />

Datc srartcd-----ff-<br />

Datc<br />



c.P.M.<br />

__. tg.-\?<br />

Air Lift<br />

Timc (ItouE)<br />

'l;ild Nevada contractor's liccnsc numbcr 117\2<br />

byiil statc contracror's Board-'i:':i-<br />

Ncvada driller's license number ftf-,,--<br />

'--di*isoo 1*ud 9I<br />

orwaEr Rcsourcci' the on-sItp odler-<br />

112<br />

"€<br />

WA1ER LI]VSL<br />

218- fect bclow land surface<br />

i,o,l, r,u,", l"n"r<br />

Artesian flow -- ----- -G'1,*{;;;;---P's'l'<br />

.r:=- 1=-r3rslr,eg9_"f elupJftY--Y:-=:-<br />


10, DruLLErs '<br />

Thisweltwasdrillcdundcrmysupervisionandthereportistructothc<br />

best of mY knowledgc'<br />

naa*.r-3'9: Jea-99L I*-<br />

FaIIon, Ilv 99199<br />


roxa<br />

|l,<br />



hliffi;:lHT".5$'?'oo"'<br />




,.- ioao",n"<br />

PF,,RMIT NO<br />

lvlarty<br />

sw --v.-lE-'L<br />




Please complete this form in ils entirefy iu .-<br />

NR^s s34.1?o and NAC s34'340 NOTICE OF INTENT<br />

"*;;;;;l'rh<br />

Scheuerman<br />


coa Dr<br />

s'"'* zo<br />


a New Wcll D Replacc E Rccoudition<br />

il E ebanaon D other.-<br />


LOG<br />

59 [.Qarl_Dt-<br />

Rose<br />

E Domestic fl Irrigation D test<br />

E il""ii"p.'rt"ousnial D uo-nitor. E sock<br />

5. TfELL TYPE<br />

E cabte EknotarY tF*5lvc<br />

D eir u other-=:*--'<br />

*'<br />

l"o* o*"u--i-i{*.F91 L?f,'I'3jl*--9?-9*--'*'<br />

with<br />

semL<br />

oulders<br />

Lders<br />

Wcishl/Ft'<br />

(Po-uods)<br />

tffrll Thicknss<br />

(lnchcl<br />

To<br />

(F@o<br />

Garse<br />

sands &<br />

Sizc Perfqglion- 2' I --)' +-<br />

Emm---.4i1----.*.--fect<br />

JUU -feet<br />

iffi_-_:<br />

Srr.to. S"uf, Et Vc.s ,p<br />

No<br />

Depth of ScaL.-----_-..*<br />

Placement Method: El PumPed<br />

Li Poured<br />

Seal Type:<br />

f,tNcat Ccment<br />

El Cement Grout<br />

D Concretc Grout<br />

.,1<br />

Gravel ?acked:-, E Yes [l no .)1-t<br />

;;-:_J!-.*@<br />


10. ut(tLl-r:K o eENrr' 'v t"v ' '<br />

Datc<br />

Da|e<br />

1<br />

6/7le3<br />


TEST METHOD: D Bailcr E tumP<br />

DnwDom<br />

G.P.M. Bdw Sutlc)<br />

:El eir lin<br />

Time GIdB)<br />

Thiswellwasdrilleduode'mysupervisionandthcrePortistnretotbe<br />

.. 625 SPrCE rSLAI{DS DR SUrIE-.L--<br />

Addrcss --------;iil;i;-<br />

SPARKS, NV 89431<br />

Nevada contractor's liceosc number<br />

issued bY Se S*t" Contractor's<br />

L529L<br />

1511<br />


,Ifiern&'<br />


wasHo'r 6931<br />

1. OWNER Lesley sheppard<br />

srArE oF NE'ADA<br />

rrllfUfr'fe ADDRESS 15925 Mount Rose Hwy<br />

Rcno NV<br />

Z. Location sW 1it sE '!/4 Sec ?E<br />

T 18N R ttE<br />

t, rffffifr"st<br />

DlvlsloN ON oi Ur wnien VVA I c'rr REsouRcEs rsEevunvLv ' -<br />

,;'* i<br />

-ff<br />

--. \<br />

Wf f-f- DRILLER'S REPORT<br />

r Pnnnirf$o'e<br />

I. Uasln. F+tv '. '<br />


ADDRESS A,T wELL LocATloN r59zs MduqRose<br />

AuuKtrub A I vvELL Lvvn ' 'v! r - q"".f<br />

Washoe County<br />

bEc'r'rr PEP.MIT hrr'r ttO.<br />

PAP.CEL<br />

PAu.(-trL l'10. |.lU' 150-250-3+<br />

l?u-:Jv-r-<br />

SUBDtVlslol'l I'[A'ME<br />


H#fu:ffihl?Hffi.-ouRcEs<br />






Pleese c*npldethis form tn its entirdy in<br />

*;ro--;-$tf, Nis ssa'rzo hlAc 534'340<br />

"t'd<br />

LcgNo...,<br />

Permii NE.<br />

Basiil<br />


A' '- t ADDRF'' AT *ELL L'.ATEN 5795 carl Dr'<br />

El. owHee Mik€'Dowling<br />

- - ---' - I<br />

vMTuHGADDRESS 5795 Carl Dr.<br />

_-l-_<br />

nN6rWdl<br />

EDoepon<br />


DReplace ln'econaliot<br />

Deuanaon Llohet -<br />


pERMrrNo,<br />

_yrcffi#-4-<br />

;.'- *ELL co*srRusrlA" -^^ Feot<br />

i"ptr omreo<br />

ffieree(BrstrE)<br />

Ea*<br />

To<br />

e,!q-<br />

r'*'"" --iio l*1<br />

50o :3<br />

_ t*,]l"- t_t<br />

s'€E O.o.<br />

lnches<br />

--#<br />

Feet r@1 --<br />


W,*5' | *"['lHS*'<br />

Foet<br />

Frcm<br />

(F6e0<br />

Grqvel Pacl€d: []ves filNo<br />

Fetb<br />

From<br />


Sls$cwaletfclel 2L4-"<br />

.-G,p.ir.<br />

ht bslo r hnd lurbc€<br />

OsErbrisd 9lt{t200l'<br />

oar csnpteteo gttcxzoot<br />

, ----------.<br />

7,<br />

!trLl-rFlrlll!--<br />

TESTIJETHOD: lgdl"r EPUnP<br />

Draw Dovrn<br />

G,P.l[ Geet Sdox<br />

Bnrrui<br />

Time (Houfs)<br />

HameEnrceltiacKaYJueL-Welk?endceJoc'<br />

Cot*rfclof<br />

Address 1600.ML Ro.ee-tlWy..<br />

Cdtrta|or<br />

Beno,-t{Vl9!11-*--'<br />

-#Sffn$il'ffiiil*'rl*<br />

*ffio"e,"111[Tr'J$ffi &HSH'*TF'*<br />

17.19<br />

ffiFler.-stte;rs<br />

qq<br />

FNEcEssA'RY<br />

Item 3<br />


i r\l\<br />




oR TYPE<br />

q;"*<br />

1. owNER---<br />


ADDR<br />

ONLY<br />


i. rccnrto N..-'--.-Nl{-.---- vo -."'-'Sx'-"' t/o scc ""<br />

PERMTT N o. --*.i,&.i.ifi<br />

Rcsortce$<br />

Ncw Well<br />

Decpen<br />

TYPE<br />

d<br />

tr<br />

OF WQRK<br />

Recondition<br />

Other<br />





Pleaec complete thls form in its entirety<br />

NoncE oq<br />


O<br />

tr<br />

-l-i-.llF-u..-..-...I/sn!9---'--"r*-'=-'-::':.<br />

#u''-t.*P<br />

.County<br />

5. TYPE WELL<br />

v<br />

Cable E RoarY E<br />

odrcr E Air<br />

&<br />

WELL coNsTRUCTloN rEn<br />

J,*or, -'-'<br />

tn"n",<br />

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__19-in"h*<br />

-inches<br />

I<br />


oo-oc, 6 lrrigation tr Tcst tr<br />

Mudcipal D lndust'ial n-----jg-<br />

c"ri^r."Il'25d'-s!ec1Jegrle-':er-crt:e$50-**-<br />

Weight per foot- ' "*--Thickness--'--<br />

Fm<br />

T-^<br />

sollle c<br />

zone,<br />

ro1'ln c<br />

f zooe, anL<br />

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Depth of scd+**'---*---50'..*-._-f""t<br />

:"*lo'":1'--Y 6 {d o--.r*, .o-_<br />

Gravel Packed ftom.-*-/-\<br />

250 .s""t<br />

DaE<br />

Dat€<br />

o-1 -<br />

19....-.<br />

l9-_<br />


io,i" *oo, 1*"r 11? - - -- feet belorp land surfacc<br />

;;;--- --2=l .. o.p't't'-----_----rs''<br />

Flow.---*?T-----<br />

n.l aar<br />

water temperanrreJ9r-o'-'r QuilV--<br />

IO,<br />


ft'l$ wiil was drilled under my suporvision and Sre report is truc to thc<br />

.1<br />



Ncvada conrractor's license<br />

""f,lT*ro-_?E_a9--<br />

issued bY drc Sotc Contract(<br />

Nevadr conraaor's &iller's number 908<br />

";;;<br />

t tht Division of water Rcsourccs*-<br />

923<br />

Item 3<br />

145<br />


\ f)\.<br />









Log<br />

FErmir No<br />

Ptessc comptctc this form il its entirety in<br />

accordance with NRS 534.170 and NAC 534.340<br />

NOTICE<br />


r{}f3<br />

2.LocArIoN-fUE-'r,--^.5*E:us'"..-A-6-r--13-....-d)s<br />

PERMIT NO.<br />

Water Rcsourc<br />

ffi",<br />

Well<br />

tl Desr<br />


E Reotace E Recondition<br />

fl Abandon E othcr-<br />



o<br />

3, TYPE OF WORK<br />

New Well 6 Recondition tr<br />

DeePeu El Other tr<br />


lop soil<br />

?rown cl<br />

Votoanic l.' i:ranite bo<br />

cercr:tei Y/oigttE<br />

'ooul'lers<br />

rite<br />

olconlc & granite<br />

ienented lr./bronn c<br />

.',or:e fine sand<br />

jjireai:e of dark br<br />

:'iofi zoner rig j{eter<br />

"/olcanic<br />

& GraEl!e-bo<br />

g./'cigie: E:'a're:l- lt<br />

brou'n i n color<br />

\:^ a'+ .r ^h a<br />

irani. i-.e &<br />

r::i->leq tonether<br />

LOG<br />


Domestie8 Irrigation tr Teet<br />

MuaicipalO Industrial tr StocL<br />

Ceble tr<br />

Other g<br />

Rotary E<br />

air<br />


itorn"*, hole...-'----6--'-""'.-'inches Total depth""'5-? 5"-*"'feet<br />

Casing recoril- -------""""'ie5-<br />

Weieht Per fooL-*'--.'--"<br />

Disrlotsr Fr('r 'I;.<br />

' I<br />

'-"-"'feetl<br />

-'-'inchcg -..*-*-:*"tg'lt'<br />

d;T---<br />

Surtace seah Yes gl No El lvPe----'-'-'T87-*--;:-;'-'<br />

pE.F w-- -<br />

+tJ. ? fDr<br />

Depth of seal-------.'-'-<br />

GravetPac;Led: Yes fitr ].19 F 7,?..<br />

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;acrea t,o'--.*--...i'.Li"?""'--'reet to"*---'/i::'-'-reet<br />


Water trmlrerature----c-gld.-' F<br />

Quality-*"""--;------'--'----'<br />

Datc complctcd-<br />

LZ---LJ*E-J,"'-<br />


t9--...<br />

19*'<br />


ThiswellwasdrilledoadermyrupervisionandtherePortistrueto<br />

the bEst of mY kaowledgP.<br />

N.-*.-..-13-S.I-E --FlLiii:'IJi 9-JI'9''---"""""-""'--""'-"--""'-<br />


eaar"ss......]L:.-O-.'.-<br />

Nwada costractods licenss number---..--"Llf'9'AJ"'"--""-<br />

Nevada driler's liceosc nurrber-'-** "*''-2'?L"'<br />

G.P, M........-..--.----*::::::=:=<br />


Dras donm.*..Jcct<br />

DrBrY dowtr------.Jcct<br />

Draw down--.Ject<br />

-.--.hours<br />

-.---.bours<br />

--.-.-.--hours<br />


\02.<br />

oot<br />


Richard and Theresa Shannou<br />

Supplemental Information<br />

December 28,2005<br />

Washoe County<br />

Department of<br />

Water Resources<br />

4930 EnergyWay<br />

Reno, NV 89502-4106<br />

TeL (775) 95e1-4600<br />

Far (775) 9544610<br />

Richard and Theresa Shannon<br />

PO Box 19277<br />

Reno,NV 89511<br />

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Shannon:<br />

The Departnent of Water Resources has reviewed the application packet you submitted for<br />

a hearing with the Washoe Counfy Well Mitigation Hearing Board CWI,fiD). We ask that<br />

you provide clarification and backup information on a few issues. In yow phone message<br />

to Steve Bradhurst on Decemb er 20,2005, you provided information that we were not able<br />

to verify with the information supplied in yow packet. We are requesting clarification on<br />

those items as well.<br />

Department of<br />

wWaterResources<br />

Ouestions from the Shannon Information Packet<br />

1. In your information packet (Attachment 1C), you stated that the pump was lowered<br />

in 1998 and again in the surlmer of 2005. Ws were unable to locate any<br />

documentation from a driller or pump company to verify this work. Work of this<br />

nature typically provides water-level measureme,nts that would be valuable<br />

information for the WMIIB. If you have this documentation available, please<br />

provide copies for considerationbythe WMHB.<br />

2. In.Attacbnient 3C from your packet, you state that the water level has dropped 60<br />

feet in the last 10 years. According to the well log dated March 25,1980 (attached),<br />

the well had 49 feet of water in the casing whe,n it was driiled. In your<br />

conversations with Washoe County staff, you conveyed that your well was<br />

measured by a well driller for six years in a row. It would be helpful to have this<br />

measrusment information.<br />

3. Page 14 of the 68 pages you submitted is a pump test report with a hand written<br />

note stating<br />

'by 2002 we had gone from water at 13 feet to water at263 feet, a250<br />

foot drop." Do you have any water level measwements to support this statement?<br />

4. Attacbmed 34 states that tbe Washoe County Board of Counfy Commissioners<br />

CBCC) asked Mike Widmer to read the meter on the Shannon's well. We could find<br />

no documentation from the BCC to verifrthis request. Do you have any<br />

docurne,:rtation to support this statemelrt?<br />

5. Attachmelrt 5 lists 24 homeowners you describe as having received approval of<br />

palmre,lrt from the water purveyor for either well deepening or hookup to the water<br />

system. A search of our records show 14 of the 24received some form of<br />

reimburseme,lrt, either for well deepening or connection to the municipal system'<br />

Six on your list have appeared before the Well Mitigation Hearing Board 0M\4HB),<br />

two of which were denied reimburse,ment and ttre other four were granted some<br />

reimbursement either for hookup orwell deepening. Of the remaining eighteen, ten<br />

received some reimbursement directly from the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> <strong>General</strong><br />

Improve,ment<strong>District</strong> (STMGID) priorto the formation of the WMHB. The<br />

rernaining eigbt (8) were either denied reimbursement or have not appeared before<br />

the WMHB. rtem 3<br />

Page 148

Richard and Theresa Shannon<br />

December 28,2006<br />

PageZ of2<br />

Ouestions from December 20. 2005. phone messaee to Steve Bradhurst<br />

1. In your December 20,2005,phone message to Steve Bradhurst, you stated that you<br />

could not deepen your well blcause it had already beelr deepened in 1996- We<br />

could not find *y iofor-ation in your packet to verify the well had besr deepened.<br />

We searched the i.trevada Division of Water Resource records and could not find<br />

verification of the deepening of your well in 1996 or anytime in the 1990's- Can<br />

you provide information refarding the dee,pening of your well il 1996?<br />

Z. efso, in your phone message youitut"d a neighbor drilled a we11,450-feet and it<br />

was dry. Our search of Nevada Division of Water Resource records could not<br />

verify a +SO-foot well that matched your description. Could you please specify the<br />

address and approximate date the well you are referring to was drilled?<br />

Steve Bradhurst reported to me that you informed him you were unaware you had been<br />

scheduled for the January 2006 WMIIB meeting. In the past you wrote asking me to<br />

oufline the procedure foi the WMIIB process. I responded with a letter to you dated<br />

November tg, ZOOS (attached). The first paragraph of that letter states "This letter is to<br />

acknowledge receipt of your application for review before the Well Mitigation Hearing<br />

Board CWfrrtml. Your case wilt Ue placed on the agenda for the meeting in January 2006.<br />

Usually the meeting is the first Tuesday of the month but may be delayed {ue<br />

to the New<br />

years bay holiday.- You will receive notification and a packet of information at least a<br />

week before the meeting."<br />

Based upon your requesto have your case heard by the WMHB as soon as possible, we<br />

had anticip#a scneauUng yol]r case for the January 3,2006,hearing date. However, in<br />

light of yow comments to lune Davis yesterday wherein you voiced your concem with the<br />

amountf ti-" yoq your legal counsal and hydrologist would have to review your agenda<br />

packet material, togJhrt *itn tn" additional information requested in this letter, I urill<br />

schedule yo* uppli"ation for the WMHB meeting on February 7,2006. A copy of your<br />

agenda packet mat"riul is enclosed wifh this letter for your review in advance of the<br />

fibruary 7,2}A6,hearing date. If you disagree with my decision, please contact me as<br />

soon as possible<br />

Please call me at954-4653 if you have any questions or comments.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

A-^o.t*.N-".-<br />

Dan Dragan<br />

DDjd<br />

Attachments<br />

Steve Bradhurst<br />

Jeanne Ruefer<br />

Jim Smitherman<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 149

Terrri and Richard shannon PO Box 19277 Reno NV 89511<br />

APN 150-260-35 775.849'3873<br />

Response to euestions from our Packet in Letter of December 28. 2005 From Water Resources<br />

1. (Answer) Data missing regarding pump lowering is prior to my purchase. I have supplied ample data showing<br />

the original well permit isiuea to the Burnets on g-26-1980 | have supplied the copy of the original drawing of my<br />

well which from the prior owner Terry Anderson. This owner may have done the work himself as I watched him<br />

work on this prior to my buying the property. The electrical went out to the pump.not long after this when I owned<br />

the property resulting iir eruciNlc fay'doing the eiectrical-f1.e_s (receipt attached). I have and you may contact<br />

either Wayne,s or Burroughs for any other iiformation, WCWD staff during meetings when this issue was raised<br />

pDW owners were assured by Board members and staff that a particutar PDW owner need not have all their<br />

individual information since the determinations oi irpa"t would be based on the monitoring wells in.the area' We<br />

requested to be on the monitoring program- that request was denied as UN necessary due to sufficient data base<br />

afready existing. The data on thJ original well log ,i,orr a static water level of 248'which by 2o02had only gone<br />

down io 263' which is a lowering of 15 feet over a 22 year period.<br />

euestion 2&3. (Answer) At thls level of decline with both houses existing on the well I could surmise that at the<br />

current level of natural decline surviving droughts (several times during th-t period) my well would last at least<br />

another forty years. This information was aslieo and verified verhallruh"-l.ly9nt to DWR to get the permit<br />

waiving in 1gg5 to lggg and placed the mandatory meter on my wellihat DWR has been unprepared to read"'<br />

We were very shocked when many of our neighboring long, term surviving PDW's began to go dry contradicting<br />

the advice wL nao Ueen given. This is what plompted our involvement to curb the impact'<br />

As documented attached we were at 250'of water in 1995 which went to 263' by 2002 and then the well needed<br />

to have the pump reset from ZBI' totne uoitom in August of 2005 (receipt enclosed)at which time we formally<br />

notified the DWR that we needed to either redrill sinc6 it had already been deepened or hook-up to the approved<br />

three years earlier pipe extension of STMGID. Since, we were a*are of the rapid decline due to the combined<br />

impact of srMGlD 6 and rESSA 1&2 on our pDW. We knew we could not trust our water source availability and<br />

stability any longer for a pDW and needed to hook up to the system. This was further demonstrated during the<br />

process by the following factors: 1. Growth and the issuance or furtner permits to. bu.ild have in no way abated off<br />

our water source. Rather, there is thousands more AFA expected to be pumpedin the next 10 years- much of this<br />

from the very production wells which have impacted us. furtner the permeation for our water source is being<br />

seriously impeded by the diversion of creek waters and the growth using ground water and not returning it to the<br />

Galena Fan Aquifer through natural orainafe. z,The DPW iroduction weils have experienced strain larger than<br />

the original planners enviJioned at the beginning of this proce-ss and their own wells have failed causing lowering<br />

of pumps and deepening of their o*n produ"tioi wells. i. Drillers having to go to depths of 400+ feet to find viable<br />

water (at this time?) How long will that last at what cost to pump? 4. Th; data provided by the Eco Logic and<br />

DWR reports indicates that pbw in this region will have to be hooked up due to impact from production pumpage<br />

within the next twenty years Uy the statistiJs used for the report of production pu.mpage' These numbers have<br />

been accelerated byihe increise in allowed pumpage since the report was made'<br />

euestion 4 (answer) the minutes for these iorririion meetings are available you. at the County website'<br />

.t'o<br />

Question 5 (answer). we submitted accurate information alon! with copies. of the minutes of any appropriate<br />

board (at the time of the mitigation) which mitigated with the neighboring well owners- We remind you that the<br />

Mitigation Board has not been in existence torine duration of this issue. ln some instances this information was<br />

available at the Local STMGID Board Minutes or The Governing Board Minutes, or if one did even further<br />

research it would show that the county mitigated on an individual basis through other approval means on a case<br />

by case basis. As we understand it th6 prip"*" of the NE_UTRAL MITIGATION BOARD is to determine if<br />

hydrological impact exists. This was why Private Citizen Representation of Domestic Well Owners was not<br />

invited to be on the board. The board was to consist strictly of hydro geologists to determine water availability<br />

impact- not determine amounts of mitigation or policy'<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Terri and Richard Shannon<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 150


4930 ENERGYWAY, RENO, NEVADA 89502<br />

l.n<br />

\"'\;(<br />

. It<br />

ffi wnren , fl sEwER sERvlcE npPLlcATloN AND AGREEMENT<br />

_ tl t\ . tt<br />

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"Jlr-l'.;<br />

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wAsHoE eorlr,ri i, nur.uy requested bv Applicanr T9-9::::::.t:tjltl^T*"j.":j,1il,,tJ1f;'ii<br />

*lJffiBXf<br />

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DMISION, 4930 Energy W€y' Kero' j)""n1u1' [2, I rrs vve'rrt '- ';;6ner<br />

in tniE Apptieatioll.are swom to<br />

piJmio.-i"rservice piirposis...{3)-1t11*T-"lf:tt*,*|]1T:rnnriara civitand **uilftii.!| in"ruoins<br />

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Applicant and Orner and the County' "il;ildiv'<br />

constitutes a contracthetweenthe<br />

t<br />

_F<br />

i,i<br />

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PHONE<br />


PHONE<br />

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than APPlicent)<br />

'roin oFHce usBoNlY<br />








NQTES<br />



Item 3<br />

Page 151

Theresa A and Richard A Shannon<br />

5947 Mt Rose HwY.<br />

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 19277<br />

Telephone: 849-3873<br />

Parcel# 150-260-35<br />

Reno Nevada 89511<br />

Email: rolv001 @truin,qom<br />

February 17,2006<br />

Fagetwo of our:Application forWater Setvice<br />

?r{,.:*};''<br />

We will not ne'[oopeo up uitiil we pay $8305.20 to our Gounty'<br />

As you knowwe have been without anywater iri our'.well since November 2005<br />

;;tilg ;l"ss otrenis in our second ftot" of more than $5,0ffi' We have been<br />

waiting for the enension of yourwater lineto be available to our parcel' w9<br />

must hooR up to your e{ension tfrrougn the STMGID service due to the facts that<br />

we are not able t" &#n oui weil an-d to redrill is not financially feas.ible in our<br />

area. (Neighbors nbt findingwater 35M00 feet and your own wells are<br />

having water sour@ "* issues)'<br />

It is clear that the production wells (sTMGlD 6 ) will-be. drawing the overall water<br />

table down to a Oegrl" iu n"u" a ;deleterioui" affect [per Mike Wdmer your<br />

hydro geologistl on1tn" ",<br />

tri""t" Oomestic wells in our particular area' Studies bY<br />

Mr. Widmer and ecO logt" have shown that the in the future to the point where<br />

u"ry t"*t healthy private domestic wells will survlve'<br />

The Water Mitigation Board will determine if oWell Mitigation" approved P.Y th"<br />

Gqverning Board .i siurein will help us. negardless of the outcome oJ this<br />

board (to determine ("impacf,J We aui tnuto-ttowing due to financial hardship.<br />

The estof $8,350. to hook-up to the STMGID lVst9t Charged Uy !l*<br />

Department of Water Resources creates an unduefinancial hardship oli uS<br />

We will have the additional costs or our side of the property line created by the<br />

deteteiious affect of dr:awdown by our counties water pump age.<br />

we will/have paic:ovJr tn" p"tunexttws mohths $85O' to trench the land to<br />

accepthe hook+rp, fi,300 to abandon the well, over $1,170' for piping supplies<br />

to hook+.rp,g1,b00. to re plumb to accepithe pifed water costs ry1d-1b^out<br />

$200'<br />

in permit fees foryour service, lmpacted costs on 6ur side was $8,020'<br />

The total actual required amount of money is-$-16,370' to get the water to our<br />

home. We requesiy'o, *"iu* your fees ($3,SOS.ZO1 allowing usto hook-up to<br />

your system. We niilf iign the wetl cre6ii tgiuing you access to then apply water<br />

usage to two more new-homes in the areiJ and wewill give you a@ess to our<br />

easEment to seMce the people on the other side of our property. ,1<br />

We spent over $7,8gfn fee! to'aur countv t""tla V"tu.39:-?!nii'g ffie prcperty up to<br />

standards andan a1l{rtioriat 8,9Nton ury;eing wrwellOelyouiadvisement-atthetime<br />

we were ftordq ttlurliild last anathet 4d years by the same ffiff/,<br />

'<br />

Ji;{,..r'r, ('{t &r'o\[ .--<br />

Please consider t[r;q reqqest" We need water to our home'<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Richard and Theresa Shannon<br />

-\-<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 152

when recltded, rolum to:<br />

Wa$hoe Counly Depadment ofwater Resouroes<br />

4gStlEnergyw€y<br />

Reno. NV 8*-5O2<br />

f LEAgq$G llor ErAi|tIp. $ESL sl-q*$eg4$rsE<br />

franx our*melxE eLAcK eeggeas<br />


t.t"+ er'.t f*[ol-.l}"ti5<br />

NTYASSESSO.R'SPARCELNO: ?" tit4- i 4O '-<br />





'r<br />



r f*.*i l.iz-i-l t)a r\r u vt 54 5 /<br />

I l{i> --? ltr-, * ir.lJ 6"1<br />

MrilingArllrtrr<br />

CitY, sJab ZIP<br />

i =i%/<br />

ggnaiurc<br />

Name (Prlat)<br />

)**<br />


Notary.Publh - Stat€ ot Navada<br />

lfpoirtmenl Rsctdad iin $rashoe.County<br />

llo:9$3922$2- Erykes Janualy lq 2008<br />

scrlbed md svorn to bcforc me . R,<br />

Ff oayot M.at'c&- '!o tr{e-'<br />

PI]BIJC<br />

tmdr$ of udercomltany Purrtyorto scrve sddparrel:<br />

Compeny orPurveYo.n<br />

ol Water Rerourcet<br />

-dayof<br />

.. iA -(ll ^. .-i^'L'qi**-<br />

.2ll-<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 153

BEcEIFI 7 6159<br />

I'JA$i'l0E C0'<br />




1001 Easl Nintr $reet ' PO. Bo( 11 30<br />

H1TTAF! 145'00<br />

IHECfi 145'00 Reinspec'lion Fee<br />

fi{i'iw,, .g?<br />

Swimming Poot/SPa Permit<br />

SWS Permit<br />

Dale:3 /i lo u<br />

I +q*-s}+e<br />

Foodseryice EsL Permlt<br />

HoteWlolel Permit<br />

lrwasive Body Decoration Permil<br />

Lab Fee<br />

Tempoary Foodservice Permit<br />

Test Hole Fee<br />


Foodservice<br />

SWS/Wells<br />

Loan Fequest Senice Charye<br />

Property<br />

Phn Heview - Foodservice Est<br />

plan Review . Hotel/l/tobl<br />

Plan Review - Swimming<br />

Poot/Spa<br />

Hffirailer Park Permlt<br />

Waste Release Pennit<br />

Wasb Hauler Permil' Solidll-iquld<br />

-<br />

q tlc-n ds'Y) fh.11 '' i<br />

1{ffiWAiP';r';ir<br />

*r,<br />

/.{0- 2,6o<br />

l+gx'<br />

cash f--l crrlr*lY--R<br />

Money Order I<br />

H.71S89 (R6v. 1289)<br />

-7\<br />

L-qS--<br />

,o^ "rrL-{--L----<br />

&J<br />

ff+? 0E/S101St TllT*L 145.#J No' @

.<br />

KENIff C. GUTNN<br />

Gooenor<br />

.}.SV,L<br />

Lv<br />

--:ii,7,r<br />

,aOV.r.*{<br />

I^''<br />

1 ,?-o t<br />

Yt.<br />

Attachment 10<br />


@<br />


DiEctot<br />


State Engineer<br />



123 W:. Nye [ane, Suiie 246 l:<br />

. Carcon City, Nevada 8970ffi818<br />

(775) 687-4380 ' Fax 17751687-6972<br />

http ://ndurr.state.nv. us<br />

February 14.2002<br />

' i ''<br />

:' ,':';'<br />

'<br />

Theresa A and Richard A. Shannon<br />

P O BOX 19277<br />

Reno, Nevada 8951 I<br />

Re:<br />

Your letter of concem regarding domestic welts in the <strong>South</strong>west <strong>Truckee</strong><br />

<strong>Meadows</strong>, Washoe CountY, Nevada<br />

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Shannon:<br />

I have revieweO your letter of August 29,2OO1and I want to commend you on<br />

the focus and energy you t"u" shown in iesearching the lrVdroloSV<br />

of the Mt' Rose Fan'<br />

I understand your -cielr motivation is to find somelotutions to the issues of declining<br />

;;ft*"dr levels in the local domestic wells. You have raised many questions for<br />

&arifir"tion and I will attempt to answer them the best way I can and I will also address<br />

the suggested actions that may be pursued by this office'<br />

\Afithin a designated area such as the <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> Groundwater Basin' the<br />

State Engineer is be The Stiate<br />

Engineer is authorized and<br />

orders as maY be<br />

essential for the wetfare of the area involved, (Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) S<br />

si+.rioj. inis omce is continuing to examin" of n" information available regamiihg<br />

the condition of the groundwateresource in your "il area.<br />


The average annuat natur:al recharge to the <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> Groundwater<br />

Basin is estimated at 27,000 acre-feet of waler. Twenty-six thousand (261000) acre-feet<br />

of this is said to ocanr in'the west side of the valiey as a rcsult of infilhtion of<br />

pi""ipit"Uon in the Carson Range. This potential recharge e9tiry3je.1vas generated<br />

from the relationship between elEvation and precip'rtation, a method that has long been<br />

used in evaluating groundwateresources in Nevada and elsewhere- ln addition to this<br />

estimate, r""ff"rgJ has also occuned historically due to the. infilfatign of applied<br />

i"ig"Uon't tei aiO some seepage that occurs @1ntilUer and the system of ditches'<br />

The water infiltrates<br />

and northeast, wnere it rltit"t"ty is discharged to the vatley floor. This underflow of<br />

grounO*ater througlt the Mount F{ose Fan area is probably on thg. o.t9"t.of at least a<br />

fiirJ or nis (8,600 icre-tlet), tint" tnit t"pt t"ntt<br />

"t"" "boi<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 155

Teni and Richard Shannon<br />

February 12.2O0?<br />

Page 2<br />

Carson Range above the <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong>, where the precipitation and recharge<br />

originates.<br />

Another general method of estimating this nafurat underflow from annual<br />

rechai'ge is obtai-ned by multiplying ihe pie

Terri and Richard Shannon<br />

February 12,2002<br />

Page 3<br />

2001). The.maximum to date and total for last yeal (2001), of groundwater pumped from<br />

this well was 1082 acre-feel The last permit for this location was approved on tularch<br />

ZZ 2OOA. for the 565 acre-feethat broucht the total to 1,488 acre-feet. The amount of<br />

nf- The total<br />

cumulative groundwatei pumped from this well is approximately 5,700 acre-feet of water<br />

over the twelve-year period of 1990-2001.<br />

I ha're attached a summary sheet of the STMGID pumpage data that was<br />

compiled frorn records submitted bi the operator. I have also atiached an abstract of<br />

active groundwaterights NE NE in section 26 STMGID #6, the area of concem. lt<br />

should be noted that one permit (51332) has been removed on this abstract, as<br />

compared to the one that you presently have, as the conect location for that well is in<br />

section 19 and the database has been updated.<br />


Under the appropriative system of water rights in Nevada, and in most of tHe<br />

westem states, a waier'right is e!+abrished on a phority basis, i.e., first in tile. first.in<br />

right. This means that thoie w<br />

r first, established the<br />

ffi ie ri' ;; h;.' d*e or the pa rti cu lar- wit; ;; ht" g1.w? shee-c-ou tW<br />

ly*PJ"Y,9.<br />

acquired and later transfened to these locations have<br />

earlier. These priority dates remain in effect on<br />

when the water was originally diverted and beneficially used.<br />

Neyada Revised Statrbs (NRS) section 534.020 provides in part, that all<br />

underqQglld uat?ru!'vrtr!!.ilg.bou:nddries d,f tre sateFf.ong to the oublic. and are subjedtr<br />

appropnaoon ror oeneficial use only undFfiffi oTEG sraFredf@fte appropriation<br />

and use of water and not otherwise. h otrer words, a stab water right permit is requiredlo<br />

appropriate water from a welt for any purpose. Domestic us.e of \^ta!9l fi''om a w:ell<br />

l.:. onry.?<br />

fuw exemptions to tl'ris rule. A person must have a wateright p-ermit to use water trom a well<br />

for any other purpose, gtherthan domestic use.<br />

NRS 534.013'.Domestic use" defined. "Domestic use" or "domestic purposes"<br />

extends to culinary and household purposes directly related to a single-family dwelling,<br />

including, without limitation, the waterinb of a famity larden and lawn and the watering of<br />

livestoc[ and any other domestic animats or household pets, if the amount of water<br />

drawn does not exceed the threshold daily maximum amount set in NRS 534'180 for<br />

exemption from the application of this chapter.<br />

or<br />

f,to z 4,F- I<br />

NRS S34.lS0Applicability of chapter to wells used for domestic purPoses;<br />

registratibn and plugging of wells used for domestic purPoses.<br />

1. . . . this cfraptertces not apply in the matter of obtaining permits for the<br />

development and use of underground water from a well for domestic PurPoses<br />

where the draught does not exceed a daily maximum of 1,800 gallons.<br />

Domestic wells are therefore exe<br />

--Demit Domestic wells are a 'given' in the staMe, for the crafters of the law prou0eO<br />

'ffiryone<br />

has the right to have a wellwherever a dwelling could be established.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 157

Ten'i and Richard Shannon<br />

February 12,2OA2<br />

Page 4<br />

The legislafure further crafted language in the statute that prwided some flexibility<br />

for the Stite Engineer to grant p"-It io appropriators later in time, even where the<br />

proposed later appropriatio.-ns may cause the water level to be lowered at the point of<br />

Civersion of the'prioi appropnator, "...so long as any protectible- interests in existing<br />

ccmestlc weils as set fcrih in NRS' 533.024 and ihe riEhls of holders of existing<br />

appropnations can be satisfied undersuch expr.ess conditions." (NRS S 534'110 (5))' lt<br />

nlrtn"i established as a specific condition of each appropriatiol of grourldwater that the<br />

right must allow for a reasonable lowering of the siitic water level in a particular area<br />

(NRS S 534.110 (4)).<br />

The State Engineer czrn approve permits, to divert water not previously- appropti"t".9<br />

and generalty up to the average annuat replenishment even if water level declines will<br />

occui, as tong'as everyone can get tniir ryatel -<br />

withorX -=^--<br />

-gc"lil":<br />

And that is where we are now. The addition of new language in the 2001 statute, as<br />

a resutt of SB 159, and in response to real @ncems about what protections were<br />

pt*iOi by hw for domestic weil owners, the State Engineer is directed to include an<br />

bxpress condition of a permit for municipat or public supply well operators' t!3t Pumpage<br />

'...-ay<br />

be limited or prohibited to prevent any unreasonable adverse effects on an<br />

within 2,500 feet of the well...'(NRS S 534.110 (5))'<br />

. The State Engineer is cfrarged with determining the extent (if any)3f water level<br />

impacts on dorneitic well users-that are caused by Fublic supply *!?, -T:n<br />

the State<br />

Engineer must use his discretion to determine ufiether the- vlatef level' impacts are<br />

"reisonable". The State Engineer must then decide whether the rights of existing<br />

domestic wetl owners, in fr" sarne way as the rights of hglders. of existing<br />

appropriations, can be satisfied under suci, express conditions. The intent of this<br />

Ujistdtion was to attempt to establish the rights of some domestic well owners as not<br />

unlike those rights of the prior appropriators.<br />

The State Engineer cannot analyze 'rl're impacts pupfic supply wells may have.on<br />

.domestic wells in a vacuum. ThA age.'ahd'condifronlof doriibstic wells, including<br />

conosion or breaks'in Wetl casing, andlhe qapacity or limitation of perforations across<br />

tne saturated iniervai, to csnfinle to produie witer without excessive drawdowns,<br />

""*"infy must be judged and weighed as carefulty as we examine the effect of the<br />

pumpage of thq public supply wells.<br />

To some there certainty remain sorne questions regarding what priority dates are<br />

associated with domestic well owners but generally, a! in westem states law, those<br />

priorities for domestic users may be determiried to bi when the diversion and.use of the<br />

dornestic well water wai first istablished. The intent of 'fie legislature aPpears to be<br />

obvious with the inclusion of the word "existing" before domestic well, that only those<br />

using those wells for domestic purpose can be considered<br />

Item3<br />

Page 158

Teni and Richard Shannon<br />

February 12.240?<br />

Page 5<br />


I have re,riewed ait of ihe daia submitted by the Washoe County to date. I have<br />

already discussed the amounts of water pumped since 1990 and I find no grounds to<br />

dispute any of the data. Neither do I have any reason to believe that the water level data<br />

submiited by the Counhy is less than accurate. l understand that it may appear that the<br />

'operator is guarding the pump house" but this office must rely on some element of .trust<br />

in monitoring and reviewing all sorts of pumpage and water level data all over Nevada.<br />

It is not realistic that this office be staffed to the extent that would be necessary to<br />

closely read fiow meters and water levels all over the state. I will commit to increasing<br />

_-some level of verification in these areas of concem, as budgets will allow.<br />

It is in the best interest of the operator of any well field to<br />

water levets and pumpage. These data are used constantly to calibrate """ur"[monitor<br />

the groundwater<br />

model that is in place for any operation of this'magnitude. The,more data input to the<br />

comptrter modelqenerallv, the more useful a tool it becomes for groundwater managers.<br />

I have closely examined the water level data submitted by Washoe County, and<br />

have reviewed the accompanying memo dated August 30, 2001. lt is apparent that a<br />

trend in water levels declines became evident on a regional basis as early as 1987. This<br />

decline continued at a steady rate of about 2 feet per year (at least 16 feet total) until<br />

1995 when, in the two monitored wells closest to the rElnge front, and the wells least<br />

likely to be impacted by pumping, the water levels rose qapidly in-resp-g11se to ? very wet<br />

cycti Of wiirfers of tggSth';orgh- 1998, and ibcovereO ti;-niartt-tfie tge6 i6vel. Since<br />

1998, it appears the range front wells are again on the decline on the order of-ahout 3<br />

(ee!_t€r yeat (at le_ast nine fe<br />

WELLS-that was submited by the well field operator.<br />

"F<br />

x,<br />

It is essential to c.onsider the background or preexisting condition that may have<br />

been in place prior to the start of the pumping of STMGID Well#6 in 1990. lt is dfficult<br />

to find water level data that is reflective of the annual recharge conditions and that is not<br />

impacted by pumping. The wells known as Timberline and First AiC (on the Carson<br />

Range Frcnt) ai'e probabiy ihe besi iniicators as weil as the STMGID [/[W#3, with the<br />

firsfRiO well the best of those three. I have also included a graph of water levels from a<br />

wetl that this office has monitored for many years on nearly a quarterly basis. The graph<br />

is from a well in Lemmon Valley on the north side of Peavine Mountain and well above<br />

the valley floor. The graph demonstates both large changes in water levels throughout<br />

each year and the trend in drought and high water<br />

that recent<br />

ht cvcles and other qroundwater development has<br />

ftnge<br />


This ofiice has projected water level declines at various distances from the<br />

STMGTD Well # 6, and they are based on a number of assumptions. lt is assumed the<br />

confined aquifer is an idealized orie, infinite in areal extent, and isctropic and<br />

homogenous throughout lt is also assumed that water is derived solely from storage<br />

and that no recharge occurs. Incorporated in these estimates are the aquifer.hydraulic<br />

conductivity or transmissivity (T) and the aquifer storage coefficient (S) that were<br />

obtained from the flow testing conducted on the STMGID Well # 6. These values<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 159

Terri and Richard Shannon<br />

February 12,2OAz<br />

Page 6<br />

represent the hydraulic characteristics of the aquifer in the vicinity of the well, are a<br />

result of the flow testing, and are reported as fansmissivity T = 42,000 gallons per day<br />

per foot and the storage coefficient S = 0.042.<br />

STMGID Well # 6 was completed entirely in the alluvium that overlies the<br />

volcanic bedrock, and these vatues may reflect more unccnfined conditions than<br />

confined. The values are higher than what can be estimated ftom specific capacity data<br />

on the domestic well logs in section 26, probably the result of limited flow testing time<br />

and methods on the domestic welts. The lower vatues for thetransmissivity derived from<br />

the domestic wetl logs is probably also due the effects of partial penetration, wfiere<br />

verticat flow gradients are created in the vicinity of the pumping well, and due to the fact<br />

that many are completed in the Tertiary volcanic bedrock<br />

The effect of the assumptions of course is to ignore the known faults that trend<br />

generally north and that may tend to impede the lateLl flow of groundwater. Using a_<br />

lower vitue for fanEmissMty maf be riioie rediesentative of the overalt flow capacity of<br />

the rock, especially over the long tirne.. For the purposes of these projections, a<br />

transmissivity of about 20,000 gallons per day per foot is used, and a storage coefficient<br />

more representative of confined conditions of 0.0001 is used,<br />

Conversely, the assurnption of no recharge tends to over estimate water level<br />

declines, and these estirnates ignore the known g:roundwater flow through the area and<br />

the leakage that rnay be derived from etsewherqin the rock, For projections over long<br />

time however, this -omce believes these estimated water tevel impacts are realistic,<br />

assuming that no groundwater underflow is captured<br />

Tiie first scenario desqibes the operation of the well over the last twelve years at<br />

an average annual flow rate of 475 acre feet per year, this rate derived by dMding the<br />

total water produced from the well by twelve years. This is equivalent to producing the<br />

well round the clock at 295 gallons per minute (gpm). The next scenario uses the<br />

average flow rate from the well from the last six years and projects this continued use at<br />

735 aire feet per year (456 gpm). Next is the totat permitted flonrv rate from this well of<br />

1,488 acre-feet per year (923 gpm).<br />

The water levet declines at various digtances from the producing well are<br />

tabulated and graphed in the attactred sheets. The radius of 50 fq{ represents the<br />

drawdown immeOiitely adjacent to the STMGID Well ft6 and ffil'Ts<br />

tocated. Then draMowls at distanes of onequarter mile, 2,500 feet and one mile are<br />

tabulated and are shown graphically as wellas in tabularform.<br />

The projected water level declines are the greatest at the producing well and are<br />

everywhere les!. I water level dectine of about 17feet at the end of 5 years is indicated<br />

ai a radius oi 2,500 feet at tlre ov:rall average rate of 475 acre-feet icr the past 12<br />

years. lf the welt is produced at the cunent total perrnitted rate (1488 acre-feet per<br />

year1, a water level dedine of about 52 feet may be expected at that distance after five<br />

yearJ. Again, these water tevels assume that no grcundwater underflow is captured a-nd<br />

ihat all Gter produced is frorn storage. Tfre estimaies are intended for comparaUve<br />

purposes based on the information to date.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 160

Terri and Richard Shannon<br />

February 12,2002<br />

Page 7<br />


As I indicated before, t will commito increasing some level of verification of<br />

water level and flow meter readings in these areas of Joncem, as budgets will allow'<br />

Due to the preliminary nature of the projected waler level estimates' and due to<br />

the fact that very tow values ?or T and S weie used, I will defer a final ruling at this time<br />

as to whether the actuat or projected water level dectines within the 2.500 foot radius are<br />

reasonable or unreasonable. Ona case-by*ase basis; however, l-am fully prepared to<br />

consider atl of tn"- il# regarding a specific well within the 2,500 foot radius, including<br />

the age. and condition of he well itself.<br />

The State Engineer will be requesting that Washoe County provide a specific<br />

time table regardin! ihe availaUility of'the gr[trndwater model results, a cunent water<br />

level elevation (potEntiomekic surflce) t"i.<br />

"= well as a rime table regarding cunent<br />

plans for additional groundwater development jn the.area' In close contact with this<br />

office, they have indicated that they are'analyzing water level data on a regional basis<br />

and are looking rfn" potential eifects of Turther developing the well fietd in this<br />

area. "loi"fy<br />

I hope that I have addressed your concems and I took forward to working with all<br />

of the parties involved, with the focui on solutions to what are very solvable problems' lf<br />

you have any questions please call me atT75S87'4037 or send a fax to T1ffi87-697Z<br />

', /1:<br />

Hhrltkg<br />

Attachments<br />

Cc:<br />

Washoe County Departnent of Water Resources/<br />


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e3E#ns noTag xaal uT rTerra-l Je?sH-FunoJg<br />

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lft<br />

gt=<br />

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F<br />

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a<br />

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Item 3<br />

Page 166



**<br />

Standard The's Non-Equilibrium Equalion<br />

CooPer-Jacob Straight Une Approximalion<br />

w1u02<br />

p. 113<br />

lkg<br />

{Y"<br />

te f'{t<br />

TIME<br />

1l<br />

2<br />

5<br />

1o<br />

15<br />

30<br />

60<br />

90<br />

120<br />

180<br />

240<br />

300<br />

365<br />

548<br />

73t)<br />

'to95<br />

tB25<br />

sEEq<br />

9475<br />

7300<br />

9125<br />

toESI)<br />

AVtr9AGEFLOW RAIE 199G'2002<br />

dqzs.t u AF/YE'€.s0,704.s q<br />

Drawdown (ft) Drawdorn (lt) Drawdoiln (ft) Drawdown (ft) DrawdoMl (ft)<br />

t=l n @ @ r=1 @<br />

3023 17.02 I<br />

|<br />

'.<br />

sr.4o<br />

18.1e I<br />

I<br />

7.14<br />

I<br />

32-es I<br />

&69 | I<br />

34.11 I<br />

34.80<br />

3s.97<br />

37.14<br />

i.<br />

37.82<br />

3B3l<br />

I<br />

38.99I<br />

39.48<br />

)<br />

3936<br />

|<br />

ito.19<br />

1e.74 |<br />

2o.el<br />

I<br />

215e<br />

I<br />

?276li<br />

23.s3<br />

I<br />

| 24s2<br />

zsto<br />

zs.zs<br />

o-n<br />

. 26.6s<br />

| 26.e8<br />

4p.-57I<br />

zzit<br />

41.36I<br />

42:04| . zl.d4<br />

4?s<br />

29-m<br />

u-a7 30.87<br />

u.76<br />

3155<br />

4524<br />

3e0'l<br />

45.62 tu41<br />

45.93 3e'72<br />

za.rs<br />


s.8g ]<br />

to54<br />

1lJl<br />

. 1ZB8<br />

1e57<br />

14.O5<br />

14.74<br />

$.n<br />

'1 5-50<br />

ls.ss<br />

15.62<br />

17.10<br />

17:t9<br />

18-65<br />

19.82<br />

2050<br />

' 20.99<br />

2136<br />

21,57<br />

3.82<br />

4.99<br />

6.s3<br />

7.70<br />

8.39<br />

9.58<br />

10-73<br />

11.41<br />

11.e0<br />

12.58<br />

.13.07<br />

13-45<br />

1&78<br />

1,1.46<br />

1/t.95<br />

.'is.e3<br />

16.49<br />

17.66<br />

18s5<br />

18.&1<br />

1921'<br />

ilil<br />

s87 |<br />

2.04 |<br />

821<br />

'839<br />


:<br />

.938<br />

10.d6<br />

10.9<br />

10.92<br />

,1125<br />

11.9/t<br />

1L42<br />

13"i1<br />

13.97<br />

. ' ' 15-1'l<br />

la82<br />

1631<br />

16.69<br />

1&9S<br />

\*-. rrrdft. /<br />

DlSTAl.lCE, r(ft) =<br />

STOMTMTY' S =<br />

TBANSMISS.,(SFD),T =<br />

FLOW RATE (CFD)'Q =<br />

:==::<<br />

1 so 1,320 2Foo 5,280<br />

o.oool 0.000{ 0-0001 0-0001 0.0001<br />

2,674 2,674 2,e;i4 2,674 2,674<br />

56.705 56,705 56,705 56'705 56J05<br />

Coo'per-Jacob Semilog method torr Theis Sglulion<br />

Badfus trom ProducingWell 'ts Varied<br />

25.00<br />

.+-<br />

-.-<br />

tt''<br />

a't"t--<br />

o<br />

9 zo.oo<br />

B o<br />

E<br />

I 15.00<br />

,"'-'<br />

o<br />

10.00<br />

Trne (days)<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 167<br />

drsidoln = rc{4sDl.({.5j.12-h(F?sy{4Tt)D<br />

values atr besi lor stt€l rand b|g lk8€ I

*<br />

wElJ#6<br />


Standad Theis Non'Equilibtium Equatton<br />

oa1ioT<br />

p.a3<br />

tkg<br />

NME<br />

I<br />

2<br />

5<br />

10<br />

15<br />

30<br />

60<br />

90<br />

1n<br />

't80<br />

24<br />

300<br />

36s<br />

548<br />

7g<br />

1095<br />

1825<br />

3650<br />

547s<br />

7300<br />

9125<br />


-'7t15 AF|YR @\87.686.7 cfD<br />

Dnwdoun (ft) Drawdom (ft) Dnwdorrm (ft) Drawdown (ft) Draradown (ft)<br />

@ r=1 @ r=5o @ r=1 @ @<br />

46.75<br />

4855<br />

s.95<br />

52.75<br />

53.81<br />

5s.62<br />

57.43<br />

58.49<br />

5921<br />

60.30<br />

61.05<br />

51.63<br />

6?-14<br />

6320<br />

63.95<br />

65-0l<br />

q6.34.<br />

68.1s<br />

6921<br />

69.96<br />

70.9<br />

71-42<br />

26.3(t<br />

28.t3<br />

3053<br />

32,C3<br />

33.39<br />

3520<br />

37.01<br />

38-07<br />

38.82<br />

39.88<br />

40.6[]<br />

4121<br />

41.72<br />

12,78<br />

4353<br />

4459<br />

45.n<br />

. 47is<br />

48.79<br />

.. '1954<br />

.50.12<br />

50.60<br />


924<br />

11-O5<br />

13-44<br />

1525<br />

16.31<br />

18.12<br />

1s.92<br />

20-b8<br />

?1.73<br />

?279<br />

-a"v<br />

24.12<br />

21.U<br />

?570<br />

26AF<br />

n.fi<br />

'18.84<br />

30.65<br />

31.70<br />

32.rt6<br />

3304<br />

3351<br />

5-90<br />

7.71<br />

10.11<br />

11.91<br />

lzn<br />

11.78<br />

1qss<br />

17.65<br />

18.40<br />

1'9.46<br />

20.2l<br />

?o'-79<br />

21.&<br />

2.36<br />

.4.11<br />

21-17<br />

.255'<br />

?Es7<br />

. N.12<br />

: zg-m<br />

, 30.rb<br />

zno<br />

3.81<br />

620<br />

8.01,<br />

9.07<br />

. : 10.88<br />

.12.C9<br />

'<br />

., . ti.zs<br />

.!450<br />

'.1 1556<br />

.'163..1<br />

:' 16.89<br />

i, 17.'o<br />

: .' 18.46<br />

'i..<br />

r92t<br />

'<br />

.. 21.6q<br />

,,..: nil<br />

.?1.47<br />

4+<br />

E.8A<br />

2628<br />


DISTAI,ICE r(ft) =<br />


TFANSMISS-,(SFD).T =<br />

FLOW BATE {CFD),Q=<br />

:::::<br />

I 50 1,@O<br />

0.0001 0.0001 0.0001<br />

2674 2.674 1674<br />

87,6C1 87.687 87,687<br />

2,500<br />

0-0001<br />

5,N<br />

0.0001<br />

2674 2674<br />

87,687 87,687<br />

Cooperrlaoob Semilog nethod icr Theb Solntion<br />

Radus trom Poctr.rcing Well is Varied<br />

60-00<br />

50.00<br />

.*-ttn<br />

o<br />

g<br />

tt0.O0<br />

E<br />

E 30.00<br />

E 3E<br />

o 20.00<br />

.- -/u'<br />

.a'<br />

-J'<br />

t"'''<br />

1'-'J"i<br />

*'--<br />

'.<br />

{-''<br />

"'O<br />

t<br />

5#<br />

10.00<br />

0-00<br />

10 ldt 1000 10@ 100000<br />

Itrne (days)<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 168<br />

clras',rloo,n j (o/(4f,T,)'(45f nn(t^?€X4nll Velres arE best t6snd rg|d lorig tirlg t



*"<br />

Standard Theis Non-Equilibdum Equa$on<br />

CooperJacob Straight Line Approximation<br />

0a1aoz<br />

p.3ts<br />

tkg<br />

TIME<br />

,il<br />

*l<br />

30r<br />

60<br />

90<br />

120<br />

180<br />

240<br />

300<br />

365<br />

548<br />

730<br />

' Drawdowt (ft)<br />

Drawdov,tn (tt) Drawdoutn (lt) Drawdown (ft) Drawdown (fr)<br />

@r=1 ft @ r=1 @ @<br />

94.69 | s3.3? 18.71 11.e6<br />

|<br />

4.06 |<br />

98.3s I<br />

l<br />

*.''<br />

10320 l<br />

I<br />

I<br />

z3a iees I<br />

.l ,7-nl<br />

'6r.83 272<br />

p.47 | 12.58<br />

'I<br />

|<br />

|<br />

106.86 6..10 30.89 24.13 , 16.23 I<br />

|<br />

109.m 57.ef 33.03 24.8 tist<br />

I<br />

112.tt<br />

7131 r be.ss 2S.94 ?2:04<br />

116.33 71.97 ..f0.36 3A51 " ?s30<br />

118.48 n.ir<br />

1LW., 3$7s ''''?x,sl .'z?Bi<br />

'c7.q<br />

120.00 78.63 a.o2<br />

1?2*14 80.78 4g:17 39./+l 3151<br />

123.66 8230 47.59 40.94 . 33"b3<br />

''<br />

124.U<br />

8a4E aiaz. *tz u.Lt<br />

125.88 . u.52<br />

49.$<br />

.'43.15 ,.. qa5<br />

128.03 86.66 seoS as.bo .t,t gi.lg<br />

'68.r8<br />

12954<br />

'55.71 53-57 46.62<br />

"t I sa.gt<br />

:+a.gs<br />

1095 131.69 90.32<br />

- 4t.os<br />

'..43.7.6<br />

1g?5 13439<br />

981.02<br />

58.41 .. 51.66<br />

t:1t.iz<br />

36C) 138.ds<br />

e6.69<br />

6208<br />

s532<br />

5475 140.19 98.83 .6422 ' 57.47 , 4956<br />

7300 141:7? 100.35 6s.74<br />

58-99 .'51'oa<br />

9',|?s 142.W iorss<br />

66.92<br />

' 60.17<br />

.52.%<br />

'<br />

10950 1i|ll.B6 10250<br />

67-89 . 6t:13<br />

53.23<br />




r.€a.s-ls Arrvn o 12,619.s cF<br />


DISTAIICE T (ft) =<br />

STOMTIVIW, S =<br />


FLOW RATE (CFD)'Q=<br />

t 50 1,320<br />

0.0001 0-0001 0.0m1<br />

2674 2,674 4674<br />

1Tt,6m 1Tt,820 1n,6n<br />

2500 s380<br />

0.0001 0.0001<br />

4674 2,674<br />

1?;7,e,20 1Tl,6n<br />

r20.00<br />

Cooper.Jacob Semtrog method brThe's Solution<br />

Radrus from Producing We[ is Varied<br />

r00.00<br />

t""'+'O'l*}<br />

o<br />

80.00<br />

E 60.00<br />

E<br />

; oo<br />

.a''1'-<br />

-.a<br />

-tt'<br />

ji"'<br />

4{l.00<br />

20.00<br />

-a''<br />

-zS"<br />

-**<br />

000<br />

10 100 1o@ 10000 100000<br />

Time (days)<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 169<br />

drarrdmar = (O44Cfrfl-05lan(.f SX4DI Vdue€ dc best tor stns! t and long linre I


'Dedicated To Excellence in Public Service"<br />

www.washoecounty.us<br />

Washoe County<br />

Well Mitigation<br />

Hearing Board<br />

4930 Energ5r WaY<br />

RenqNV 895024106<br />

Tel: (775) 9544600<br />

Fax (775) 9544610<br />

Board Members:<br />

Roger JacobsorL Chair<br />

Pete Morros<br />

Greg Pohll<br />

Karen Rosenau<br />

David Carlson<br />

Legal Counsel:<br />

John Rhodes<br />

Washoe County Well Mitigation Hearing Board<br />

Status Report<br />

March 16.2406<br />

The Washoe County Well Mitigation Hearing Board $MHB) was created by the<br />

Washoe County Board of Commissioners (BCC) on September 14,20A4. The Board<br />

held its first hearing on November 17,2004. To date, the WMHB has held three<br />

administrative meetings and 12 hearings, during which 23 cases were reviewed and 20<br />

determinations made. ln 12 cases the WMHB determined that municipal well<br />

production did not cause an unreasonable lowering of the water table at the applicant's<br />

well. The WMHB found tha! in 9 cases, municipal well pumping was partly<br />

responsible for an unreasonable water table lowering at the applicant's well. Two<br />

determinations were deferred to the water purveyor (Meyers and Melarkey) and one<br />

case was denied a hearing because the applicant's well was producing adequate water<br />

(Riker).<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

Area:<br />

Rebecca Volle<br />

12705 Valley Springs Road<br />

Whites Creek Estates<br />

Hearing Date: 217106<br />

Determination: No unreasonable drawdown due to municipal pumping<br />

Purveyor: STMGID<br />

Post Hearing No purveyor action necessary<br />

Status:<br />

Name: Kurosh Moassessi<br />

Address: 12755 Valley Springs Road<br />

Area: Whites Creek Estates<br />

Hearing Date: 217106<br />

Determination: No unreasonable drawdown due to municipal punping<br />

Purveyor: STMGID<br />

Post Hearing No purveyor action necessary<br />

Status:<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 170

Washoe County Well Mitigation.Hearing Board<br />

Status Report<br />

March 16, 2006<br />

Name: Robert J. Watters<br />

Address: 5565 Tannerwood Drive, Reno, Nevada<br />

Area: Mt Rose/Callahan/Galena<br />

Hearing Date: U03t06<br />

Determination: There have been no unreulsonable adverse effects on this domestic well<br />

Purveyor:<br />

Post Hearing<br />

Status:<br />

caused by municipal pumping.<br />

Washoe County<br />

No purveyor action necessary<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

Area:<br />

Hearing Date:<br />

Detennination:<br />

Purveyor:<br />

Post Hearing<br />

Status:<br />

Mr. Bob Phillips<br />

I1505 Overland Road, Reno, Nevada<br />

Lemmon Valley (northeast)<br />

12t06t05<br />

A reasonable lowering of the static water level due to municipal<br />

pumping is 10 feet Q3% of the 43-foot total water level lowering).30%<br />

of the total drawdown is attributable to unreasonable municipal<br />

pumping and the remainder (47%) is attributable to other domestic well<br />

pumping.<br />

Washoe County<br />

County DWR has met internally and is making a mitigation offer to the<br />

applicant.<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

Area:<br />

Hearing Date:<br />

Detemrination:<br />

Purveyor:<br />

Post Hearing<br />

Status:<br />

Scott and Susan Smith<br />

475 Oregon Blvd., Reno, Nevada<br />

Lemmon Valley (northeast)<br />

r2l0610s<br />

A reasonable lowering of the static water level due to municipal<br />

pumping is 10 feet (14% of the 71-foot total water table lowering.30%<br />

of the total drawdown is athibutable to unreasonable municipal<br />

pumping and the remainder (56%) is attributable to other domestic well<br />

pumping.<br />

Washoe County<br />

Washoe County DWR met and negotiated with the Smiths. The County<br />

believes that by securing grant funding to reduce the connection fee by<br />

approximately 50%o, it has provided reasonable mitigation. The Smiths<br />

were notified bv letter dated 2121106.

Washoe County Well Mitigatiott Hearing Board<br />

Status Report<br />

March 16.2006<br />

Name: Deanna Winard<br />

Address: 15950 ML Rose Hwy, Reno, 89511<br />

Area: Mt Rose/Callahan/Galena<br />

Hearing Date: Illl5l05<br />

Determination: No unreasonable decline due to municipal pumping<br />

Purveyor: Washoe County & STMGID<br />

Post Hearing No purveyor action necessary<br />

Status:<br />

Name: Barbara Halen<br />

Address: 15920 Thompson Lane, Reno, 89511<br />

Area: Mt Rose/Callahan/Galena<br />

Hearing Date: 9ll3l05<br />

Determination: Unreasonable decline due to multiple factors; i.e., domestic well<br />

ptrmping, municipal pumping, climatic change (particularly drought) and<br />

specific problems with the construction and performance of the well.<br />

The Board finds that, of the total drawdown, approximately one third is<br />

attributed to County municipal pumping.<br />

Purveyor: Washoe County<br />

Post Hearing The purveyor declined any reimbursement as the municipal impact was<br />

Status: minimal (8 feeO. Purveyor considers this to be a reasonable lowering.<br />

The applicant was informed by telephone.<br />

Name: John and Patti Minaberry<br />

Address: 5871 Mt. Rose Hwy Reno, NV 89511<br />

Area: Mt Rose/Callahan/Galena<br />

Hearing Date: 812105<br />

Determination: There is an unreasonable adverse affect on the subject well and 75% of<br />

the impact is related to STMGID 6 (or municipal pumping)<br />

Purveyor: STMGID<br />

Post Hearing STMGID Local Managing Board, on9ll9l05, recommended that the<br />

Status: Board of Trustees reimburse 70o/of the well deepening costs, STMGID<br />

Board of Trustees approved LMB recommendation on70125105-<br />

Applicant referred matter to State Engineer on 11/0705.<br />

Page 3 of 7<br />

Item 3<br />


Washoe County Well Mitigation Hearing Board<br />

Status Report<br />

March 16, 2006<br />

Name: Scott and Pamela Stahl<br />

Address: 15866 Fawn Lane Reno, NV 89511<br />

Area: Mt Rose/CallaharVGalena<br />

Hearing Date: 715105<br />

Determination: No unreasonable decline due to municipal pumping<br />

Purveyor: Washoe County<br />

Post Hearing No purveyor action necessary<br />

Status:<br />

Name: Marvin Spiker<br />

Address: 12935 Valley Springs Rd., Reno, Nevada 89511<br />

Area: Whites Creek Estates<br />

Hearing Date: 715105<br />

Determination: Due to the special circumstances in looking at the drawdown and<br />

contours, the Board finds there is unreasonable drawdown due to<br />

municipal pumping. The Board clarified that it is unreasonable to the<br />

extent of about 60%.<br />

Purveyor: STMGID<br />

Post Hearing STMGID Local Managing Board discussed mitigation onlIl2ll05 and<br />

Status: it was explained that the Spiker reimbursement request had been delayed<br />

until the WMHB makes a recommendation on surrounding neighbors.<br />

Name: Chet Geniusz<br />

Address: 15345 Cherrywood Dr., Reno, NV 89511<br />

Area: Mt Rose/Callahan/Galena<br />

Hearing Date: 6114/05<br />

Determination: Pumping from public supply did not cause an unreasonable drawdown<br />

Purveyor: Washoe County<br />

Post Hearing No purveyor action necessary.<br />

Status:<br />

Name: Ramsdell Familv Trust<br />

Address: 7299 Franktown Rd., 155 View Crest Ct., Reno, 89511<br />

Area: Washoe Valley<br />

Hearing Date: 513105<br />

Determination: No unreasonable adverse effects on well caused by municipal pumping<br />

Purveyor: Washoe County<br />

Post Hearing No pwveyor action necessary.<br />

Status:<br />

Page 4 of 7<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 173

Washoe County Well Mitigation Hearing Board<br />

Status Report<br />

March 16.2006<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

Area:<br />

Hearing Date:<br />

Determination:<br />

Purveyor:<br />

Post Hearing<br />

Status:<br />

Monte D. Geidl<br />

9885 N. Virginia St., Reno, NV 89506<br />

Lemmon Valley (southeast)<br />

715105<br />

No unreasonable adverse affect on this well due to municipal pumping<br />

Washoe County<br />

No purveyor action necessary<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

Area:<br />

Hearing Date:<br />

Determination:<br />

Purveyor:<br />

Post Hearing<br />

Status:<br />

Bruce & Eileen McNeall<br />

4760Mt. Rose Hwy, Reno,8951l<br />

Mt Ro se/Callahan/Galena<br />

4tst05<br />

l5o/o to 20Vo fromthe water purveyor for municipal impact to the<br />

applicant's water level<br />

Washoe County & STMGID<br />

STMGID Local Managing Board on7ll8/05 denied any reimbursement<br />

as their policy states the WMHB must find unreasonable drawdown.<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

Area:<br />

Hearing Date:<br />

Determination:<br />

Purveyor:<br />

Post Hearing<br />

Status:<br />

Rosemary Melarkey<br />

5849 Mt. Rose Hwy, Reno,895ll<br />

Mt Rose/Callahan/Galena<br />

4t5t05<br />

STMGID offered to negotiate direct costs for hook up & abandonment<br />

STMGID<br />

STMGID Board of Trustees on 06/08/05 approved connection to<br />

STMGID system waiving all fees and paying well abandonment costs in<br />

lieu of well deepening reimbursement<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

Area:<br />

Hearing Date:<br />

Determination:<br />

Purveyor:<br />

Post Hearing<br />

Status:<br />

Thomas Meyers<br />

5853 Mt. Rose Hwy, Reno, 89511<br />

Mt Ro se/Callahan/Galena<br />

4tslos<br />

STMGID offered to negotiate direct costs for hook up & abandonment<br />

STMGID<br />

STMGID Board of Trustees on 06/08/05 approved connection to<br />

STMGID system waiving all fees and paying well abandonment costs in<br />

lieu of well deepening reimbtrsement<br />

Item 3<br />

PagelT4<br />

Page 5 of 7

Washoe County Well Mitigation Hearing Board<br />

Status Report<br />

March 16.2006<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

Area:<br />

Hearing Date:<br />

Determination:<br />

Purveyor:<br />

Post Hearing<br />

Status:<br />

Ronald A. Squatrito<br />

15465 Callahan Ranch Rd., Reno, 89511<br />

Mt Ro se/Callahan/Galena<br />

31U05<br />

No unreasonable lowering of water table<br />

Washoe County & STMGID<br />

No purveyor action necessary<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

Area:<br />

Hearing Date:<br />

Determination:<br />

Purveyor:<br />

Post Hearing<br />

Status:<br />

Keith L. Jorgensen<br />

5605 Englewood Cir, Reno, 89511-901<br />

I<br />

Mt Ro seiCallahan/Galena<br />

3lUls<br />

25Yo dueto municipal pumping,25yo<br />

50% drought<br />

Washoe County & STMGID<br />

WCDWR referred to State Eneineer for reasonable<br />

deterrnination<br />

due to other area domestic wells;<br />

drawdown<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

Area:<br />

Hearing Date:<br />

Determination:<br />

Purveyor:<br />

Post Hearing<br />

Status:<br />

Kay Nyswonger<br />

15446 Callahan Ranch Rd., Reno, 895 I I<br />

Mt Ro se/Callahan/Galena<br />

3/r/05<br />

No unreasonable lowering of water table<br />

Washoe County & STMGID<br />

No purveyor action necessary<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

Area:<br />

Hearing Date:<br />

Determination:<br />

Purveyor:<br />

Post Hearing<br />

Status:<br />

John Riker<br />

15920 Cherrywood Dr., Reno,8951l<br />

Mt Ro se/Callahan/Galena<br />

3^/0s<br />

No determination made, well still producing plenty of water<br />

Washoe County & STMGID<br />

No purveyor action necessary<br />

Page 6 of 7<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 175

Washoe County Well Mitigation Hearing Board<br />

Status Report<br />

March 16. 2006<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

Area:<br />

Hearing Date:<br />

Determination:<br />

Purveyor:<br />

Post Hearing<br />

Status:<br />

Kenneth & Denise Sims<br />

15280 Cherrywood Dr., Reno 89511<br />

Mt Ro se/Callahan/Galena<br />

3lt/05<br />

No unreasonable lowering of water table<br />

Washoe County & STMGID<br />

No purveyor action necessary<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

Area:<br />

Hearing Date:<br />

Determination:<br />

Purveyor:<br />

Post Hearing<br />

Status:<br />

Russ Price<br />

11600 Overland Dr., Reno, 89506<br />

Lemmon Valley (northeast)<br />

rut7t04<br />

50% domestic wells; 50% municipal wells<br />

Washoe County<br />

WCDWR refened to State Engineer for reasonable drawdown<br />

determination. WCDWR paid to have well cleaned out and pump<br />

lowered. Well silted-in immediately after cleanout and seized pump.<br />

WCDWR concluded that the well has water, but is constructed such that<br />

silt is not prevented from entering the casing and damaging the pump.<br />

Additionally, WCDWR is extending water service to Overland Dr.,<br />

which should be in place by fall of 2006.<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

Area:<br />

Hearing Date:<br />

Determination:<br />

Purveyor:<br />

Post Hearing<br />

Status:<br />

Janis Rummler<br />

5675Mt. Rose Hwy, Reno, 89511<br />

Mt Rose/Callahan/Galena<br />

tur7l04<br />

Major impact by STMGID #6 well; minor amount<br />

from Arrow Creek<br />

#3; local domestic well impact extremely low<br />

STMGID<br />

STMGID Board of Trustees on0ll25l05 approved Janis Rummler's<br />

request for reimbursement for a domestic well deepening located at 5675<br />

Mt. Rose Hovy in the amount of $5605.97<br />

Item 3<br />

PrgetT6<br />

Page 7 of 7

Groundwater Resource Data Center<br />

Washoe County Well Mitigation Program<br />

<strong>General</strong> Information Packet<br />

Callahan Ranch<br />

Galena Terrace Estates<br />


Washoe County Department of Water Resources<br />

, 4930 BnergY WaY' Reno, Nevada<br />

CommunitY Meeting Room<br />

Item 3<br />


Table of Contents<br />








l.<br />

1.<br />

,)<br />

7.<br />

13.<br />

16.<br />

Figures<br />

Figure I<br />

Figure 2.<br />

Figure 3.<br />

Figure 4.<br />

Figure 5.<br />

2002 Potentiometric Surface Contour Map<br />

Domestic Well Locations<br />

DigtizedAreas of Grass andNonNative Strubs<br />

Accumulative Growth and Water Usages<br />

Water Senrice Lines<br />

6.<br />

8.<br />

10.<br />

12.<br />

15.<br />

Table 1.<br />

Table2.<br />

Table 3.<br />

Table 4.<br />

Tables<br />

Climatology Data<br />

Heppner Subdivision Water Usage<br />

Galena Estates Water Usage<br />

Water Rights<br />

.,<br />

9.<br />

13.<br />

APPENDD( A.<br />

APPENDD( B.<br />



Item 3<br />

Page 178


The <strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> is located on the western edge of the Great Basin in the<br />

Basin and Range Province. North to south tendi:rg mountains andvalleys that formed as<br />

a result of extensional tectonics and uplift characterized the Basin and Range Province.<br />

Tectonic activity began in the mid Tertiary and continues, to a lesser exten! to the<br />

present day. .<br />


The geology of the area has been well studied and is described in detail by White et al-<br />

(1964), tho-proo and White (1964), Tabor and Ellen (1975\, Silberman et aI. (1979),<br />

go"h;n and Rogers (1983), snd Bsnham and Bell (1993). The Carson Range borders<br />

the <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> to the west- It is cored by Cretaceous granodiorite of the Sierra<br />

Nevada batholith and Tertiary andesitic flows, breccias, and tuffs of the Kate Peak<br />

formation. East of the valley, the Virginia Range is composed primarily of Kate Peak<br />

andesitic volcanics and Mesozoic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks. To the<br />

soutb, low hills'of granitic, volcanic, and metavolcanic rocks form a topographic and<br />

hydrologic boundary between the Tnrckee <strong>Meadows</strong> and Washoe Valley. The south<br />

<strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> is partially enclosed at the northem margin at Windy Hill and the<br />

Huffaker Hills, where flow-dome complexes of the Kate Peak formation rise above the<br />

valley floor.<br />

These same granitic, volcanic, and metasedimentary rocks form the bedrock basement of<br />

the valley. fUr Ut Rose Fan is a pediment. Alluvial deposits are relatively thin and the<br />

bedrock basement slopes roughly parallel to the land surface from the range front to t}e<br />

valley floor. Sertiments on the fun at" high energy fluvial and glacial outwash deposits<br />

derived from the Carson Range. They consist of poorly sorted sands and gravels with<br />

few clay lenses and common cobble to boulder-size clasts of andesitic and granitic<br />

Sediments attain a maximum thickness of approrimately !!0<br />

feet just north<br />

"o-poritioo. of the Mt Rose Highway, but are generally between 300 and 500 feet thick On the east<br />

side of the valley, sediments derived from the Virginia Range are poorly sorted sand"<br />

gravel, and clay skeam deposits with cobble and boulder-size clasts of andesitic<br />

lomposition. Flroodplain deposits of sandy clay cover the valley floor, and are underlain<br />

by fie Tertiary <strong>Truckee</strong> Formation, a weakly indurated sequence of sand and clay<br />

lucrustrine and alluvial sedi.ments @onham and Bell; 1993; Bonham and Rogers; 1983).<br />

Sediments in the eastem and central portions of the valley are estimated to be less than<br />

500 feet thick (Skalbeck, 2001).<br />

l.<br />

Item 3<br />



Tbe western Regron climate center at DRI has been collecting long-term precipitation<br />

data of the climatic divisions of Nevada- The NW regiol for Nevada is mostly data from<br />

stations located in washoe county. The data in this packet is from the Northwest Nevada<br />

Precipitation ladex in Table 1.<br />

Table l.<br />

YEAR PRECIP % of AVE<br />

1895 8.11 94<br />

1895 11.46 133<br />

1897 8.94 104<br />

189.8 5.44 63<br />

1899 9.85 115<br />

19OO 8.19 95<br />

19Ol 10.03 117<br />

1902 8.38 97<br />

1903 7.78 90<br />

1904 11.1 8 130<br />

1905 5.16 60<br />

1906 14.19 165<br />

't907 '1<br />

12.52<br />

46<br />

t9o8 5.54 64<br />

1909 11.04 128<br />

1910 5.77 67<br />

1911 9.10 106<br />

1s12 7.39 86<br />

1913 11.37 132<br />

1914 10.16 118<br />

1915 7'30 85<br />

1916 10.5 1 122<br />

1917 5.89 68<br />

1918 8.54 99<br />

1919 6-32 73<br />

1920 8.94 104<br />

1921 7.87 91<br />

1s22 9.18 107<br />

1923 7.43 86<br />

1924 5.48 64<br />

1925 9.43 110<br />

1926 6.72 78<br />

1927 7.39 86<br />

1928 5.11 59<br />

1929 6.18 72<br />

1930 8.30 96<br />

1931 7.1 0 83<br />

1932 6.41 75<br />

1933 6.76 79<br />

1934 7.1 5 83<br />

1935 8.18 95<br />

1936 9.22 107<br />

1937 8.83 103<br />

1938 11.94 139<br />

1939 6.67 78<br />

1940 12.7 5 148<br />

1941 10.94 127<br />

1942 9.03 105<br />

1943 10.3 1 12O<br />

1944 9.99 116<br />


-0.492<br />

2.8 5I<br />

0 .3 3 B<br />

-3.162<br />

1.248<br />

-0.4',| 2<br />

'l .428<br />

-0.222<br />

-o .8 2.2<br />

2.578<br />

-3.442<br />

5.5 8I<br />

3.91 I<br />

-3.0 6 2<br />

2.438<br />

-2.832<br />

0.4 9I<br />

-1 .2 12<br />

2.768<br />

1 .5 5 8<br />

-1 .3 0 2<br />

LI0I<br />

-2.7 12<br />

-0 .0 6 2<br />

-2.282<br />

0.3 3 I<br />

-0 .7 3 2<br />

0 .57I<br />

-1 .1 7 2<br />

.-3.122<br />

0 .8 2 8<br />

-1 .8I2<br />

-1 .2 12<br />

-3.492<br />

-2.422<br />

-0.3 0 2<br />

-1 .5 0 2.<br />

-2.1 9 2<br />

-1 .8 4 2<br />

-1.452<br />

-0.422<br />

0 .6 't 8<br />

0.228<br />

3 .3 3 I<br />

-1.932<br />

4.1 48<br />

2 .3 3 I<br />

0.428<br />

1 .7 0I<br />

1 .3 8 I<br />

DEPT<br />

-0.492<br />

2 .3 6 6<br />

2.704<br />

-0.4 5I<br />

. 0 .7 9 0<br />

0 .3 7 I<br />

't .8 0 6<br />

I .5 I4<br />

o-762<br />

3 .3 4 0<br />

-0.1 0 2<br />

5 .4 I6<br />

9.404<br />

6.342<br />

I .7I0<br />

5 .9 4 8<br />

6 .4 4 6<br />

5.234<br />

8.0 0 2<br />

9 .5 6 0<br />

L2 5I<br />

1 0.1 6 6<br />

7.454<br />

7.392<br />

5.1 1 0<br />

5 .4 4 I<br />

4.71 6<br />

5.294<br />

4.1 22<br />

1 .0 0 0<br />

't.828<br />

-0 .0 5 4<br />

- 1 .2 6 6<br />

-4 .7 5 8<br />

-7.1 I0<br />

-7.482<br />

-8 .9 I4<br />

-1 1 .1 7 6.<br />

-1 3.018<br />

-14.470<br />

-14.892<br />

-14.27 4<br />

-t 4.0 4 6<br />

-1 0.7 0 E<br />

- 1 2 .6 4 0<br />

-8.492<br />

-6 .1 5 4<br />

-5.7 26<br />

-4.0 1 8<br />

-2.6 3 0<br />

2.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 180

YEAR<br />

1945<br />

1946<br />

't I47<br />

1948<br />

949<br />

950<br />

951<br />

I52<br />

1953<br />

1 9 5.4<br />

1955<br />

1956<br />

1957<br />

1958<br />

1959<br />

1960<br />

1961<br />

1962<br />

1963<br />

1964<br />

1965<br />

1966<br />

1967<br />

1968<br />

1969<br />

970<br />

97',l<br />

972<br />

973<br />

1974<br />

1975<br />

1976<br />

1977<br />

1978<br />

1979<br />

1980<br />

981<br />

982<br />

983<br />

s84<br />

985<br />

986<br />

1987<br />

1988<br />

1989<br />

1990<br />

1991<br />

1992<br />

1993<br />

1994<br />

1995<br />

1996<br />

1997<br />

1998<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

P R E C IP<br />

1 1 .16<br />

B .2 0<br />

3.91<br />

6.7 5<br />

6 .0I<br />

9.8 4<br />

LI2<br />

10.22<br />

6.10<br />

5 .4 6<br />

8.44<br />

7.53<br />

B .6 3<br />

9 .3 3<br />

5.0I<br />

7.9 5<br />

7.84<br />

9 .9 5<br />

1 1 .31<br />

10.27<br />

1 0.8 3<br />

5.18<br />

9.41<br />

7 .9I<br />

1 3 .4 5<br />

1 0.2 0<br />

1 0 .6 3<br />

7 .1 4<br />

L3 0<br />

7.2 1<br />

9.9 6<br />

7.48<br />

I .2 6<br />

9.31<br />

9 .0I<br />

1 0 .3 0<br />

9.81<br />

13.10<br />

1 6 .3 6<br />

8.12<br />

7 .1 1<br />

I .2I<br />

8.5 5<br />

6 .5 9<br />

7 .6I<br />

6.24<br />

7.94<br />

6 .4 9<br />

L36<br />

7.23<br />

12.80<br />

1 2 .0 0<br />

7 .9 3<br />

1 5 .0 2<br />

5 .4 5<br />

I .2 6<br />

5 .7 6<br />

5 .6 2<br />

6 .5 6<br />

I .0 8<br />

Yo<br />

OfAVE<br />

130<br />

95<br />

45<br />

78<br />

71<br />

114<br />

'1 04<br />

119<br />

71<br />

63<br />

98<br />

88<br />

100<br />

108<br />

59<br />

92<br />

91<br />

116<br />

131<br />

119<br />

126<br />

60<br />

109<br />

93<br />

156<br />

119<br />

124<br />

83<br />

108<br />

84<br />

116<br />

B7<br />

96<br />

108<br />

106<br />

120<br />

1't4<br />

152<br />

190<br />

94<br />

83<br />

96<br />

99<br />

77<br />

89<br />

73<br />

92<br />

75<br />

97<br />

84<br />

149<br />

146<br />

92<br />

175<br />

63<br />

' 96<br />

67<br />

65<br />

70<br />

94<br />


2 .5 5I<br />

-o.402<br />

-4.692<br />

-1.852<br />

-2.522<br />

1.238<br />

0.31 I<br />

1 .61 I<br />

-2.502<br />

-3.1 42<br />

-0.1 6 2<br />

-1 .072<br />

0.0 2I<br />

0.7 z8<br />

-3.5 12<br />

-0.6 5 2<br />

-o .7 6 2<br />

1 ,3 4I<br />

2.708<br />

1 .6 6 8<br />

2.228<br />

-3.422<br />

0.8 0I<br />

-0.622<br />

4.8 4I<br />

1 .5I I<br />

2.028<br />

-1.462<br />

0.6I I<br />

-1.392<br />

1 .3 5 8<br />

-1 .1 2 2<br />

-0.342<br />

0.7 0I<br />

0.478<br />

1 .6 9I<br />

1 .2 0I<br />

4.498<br />

7.7 5 8<br />

-0 .4I2<br />

-1 .4I2<br />

-0-322<br />

-0.0 5 2<br />

-2.0 12<br />

-0.9 1 2<br />

-2.362<br />

-0.6 6 2<br />

-2.1 12<br />

-0.242<br />

-1 .3 7 2<br />

4.198<br />

3.9 9I<br />

-0.6 7 2<br />

6.4 1 I<br />

-3.152<br />

-0.342<br />

-2.842<br />

-2.982<br />

-2.042<br />

-0.s22<br />

DEPT<br />

-0.07 2<br />

-0 .4 7 4<br />

-5,1 6 6<br />

-7.01 I<br />

-9.5 4 0<br />

-8.3 0 2<br />

-7.984<br />

-6.3 6 6<br />

-8.8 6I<br />

-12.010<br />

-12.17 2<br />

-13 .2 4 4<br />

-13.2 16<br />

-12 .4I I<br />

-16.000<br />

-16.652<br />

-17 .4 1 4<br />

-16.0 6 6<br />

-13.3 5I<br />

-1 1 .6 9 0<br />

-9.462<br />

-12.884<br />

-'t2.076<br />

-12.6 9I<br />

-7 .8 5 0<br />

-6.252<br />

-4.224<br />

-5 .6 I6<br />

-4.9I I<br />

-6.3 8 0<br />

-5.022<br />

-6.144<br />

-6.4I6<br />

-5.778<br />

-5.3 0 0<br />

-3.6 0 2<br />

-2.394<br />

2.1 04<br />

9.8 0 2<br />

9.3I0<br />

7.8 8I<br />

7.5 6 6<br />

7 .5 1 4<br />

5.5 0 2<br />

4.5 9 0<br />

2.228<br />

1 .5 6 6<br />

-0.5 4 6<br />

-0.7I I<br />

-2.1 6 0<br />

2.0 3I<br />

6.0 3 6<br />

5 .3 6 4<br />

11 .7 82<br />

8.6 3 0<br />

8.2I I<br />

5.4 4 6<br />

2.464<br />

o.422<br />

-0.1 0 0<br />

3.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 181


o(rrda<br />

.'.<br />

4.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 182


Groundwater recharge to the Mt Rose Fan is estimated to average between 9,000 and<br />

15,000 aselfeet p.iy"ut (Jamison and Ruefer, 1991)- Three methods were used to<br />

recharge: Mucey Eakin, Arteaga-Durbr:l and a method based on cross-sectional<br />

"rii-"t,<br />

area of creek canyon -o,tttr. Lrigation was estimafed at 4.0 feet/year for alfalfa and 2'5<br />

feeUyear for pasture. For modeling purposed, 25o/o of trlgation watel was assumed to<br />

,"*h the aquifer. Evapohanspiraiion was estimated at 0.0116 feetlday (4-2 feetlyeat)<br />

with an extinction depih of six feet. The ET rate was modeled as varying linearly<br />

betweer zero and six feet. Widmer (1991) estimated 9,280 aqelfeetper year of recharge<br />

to the Mt Rose Fan from the mountain block underflow, irrigation, and stream<br />

infilratioq and septic sYstems-<br />

The hydrology of the <strong>South</strong> Tnrckee <strong>Meadows</strong> is similar to the other valleys in the Basin<br />

and Range. Groundwater recharge is sourced primarily in the mountain block'<br />

Additional recharge is obtained through infrltration along streatns, canals, and inigated<br />

lands. Direct pr"iipitrtion on the valley floor averages less that one foot' and provides<br />

little or oo'r""f"rge to the aquifer. Potential evapobanspiration rates are on tbe order of 4<br />

feet/year. wateiis lost from the aquifer by extaction wells, evapohanspiratiorl and<br />

discharge to Steamboat Creelc<br />

water level contours show that groundwater flows generally northeasterly, from the<br />

_and<br />

Carson and Virginia Ranges toward the center of the valley (Felling, 2002) Figure 1'<br />

Numerous faults of Quatemary a+e are present in the alluvium, which to a greater or<br />

lesser extent will imiede grounJwater flow. North trending faults strikc across the<br />

d.irection of flow, *d -r likely to have a more significant effect on flow than northeast<br />

trending faults. The Steambo"i HiUt act as a ba:rier to groundwater flow in the alluvium<br />

due to the lower coaductivity of crystalline rocks that make up the hills. The flat<br />

hydraulic gradient at the valley floor indicates that little groundwater is lost through<br />

gnderflow to the nortb but rather is lost by discharge to Steamboat Creek and tbrough<br />

evapotanspiration.<br />


RcEe #5<br />

tr'ffi<br />

/V<br />

Galena Terrace Estates<br />

2AO2 Potentiometric Surface Contour Map<br />

ParEd Bomdlrl6<br />

ccnb$lilcntJ3oFc€<br />

g H[Ft tlloDldhtvthIt<br />

o<br />

F'Dr'|ldmwltE<br />

sOURCg V{rrtr Cory DcAltliiri olf b RetE<br />

Frfr|! Rcpdt - Jtdt 2@<br />

Oro.rdrnbrlad St !8, Sqtd| Tr&*49 freadorc. Wh$€ Cqnty, Nsd.<br />

bEtr*-oiFntEfid!ffi<br />

hh'EDrFffidtdmd<br />

ffi.lrt&Ft6-.ryr6<br />

RffihdEffiJffFTfu<br />

..;btuhhbbBaEP6d<br />

+<br />


Department of \Afater<br />

Resources ffi<br />


NF/ADA H{<br />

1El0 B|mrlttt'<br />

RGI6dlon<br />

cr9rE+.8D<br />

Figure 1<br />

6.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 184


For purposes of this information packe! the Callahan Ranch Area includes the parcels<br />

ootti and south of the Mt Rose Highway shown in Figure ?. he Callahan Ranch area<br />

includes the Govenrment Lots north of Mt Rose Highway, parcels along State Route 431<br />

from STMGID Production Well #7 to Fawn Lane, and Galena Terrace Estates. The<br />

average size parcel is approximately 1 acre in the Galena Terrace Estates. The lots<br />

adjacento Galena Tenace Estates range from 1 acre lots to approximately 5 acre lots.<br />

According to the Washoe County Assessors database, there were approximately 530 total<br />

domestic wells in the Callahan Ranch area before the Washoe County water system<br />

expanded service into this area. There are 17 residences that were fonnerly on domestic<br />

wells that are now being serviced by Washoe County.<br />

A small number of parcels that are recorded as having a domestic well do not have a<br />

dwelling. These lots are currently vacant. There are approximately 508 dwelling units<br />

in the Cuttutr* Ranch area that are on a domestic well. State Law allows each domestic<br />

well 2.02 acrelfeet amually. The Nevada Division of Water Resources estimates a<br />

domestic well actually uses 1.72 aqelfeet annually.<br />

Table 2. Sr:rnmarizes water use data for the Heppner Subdivision in East Lelrmon<br />

Valley. .Some of the customers in this area are on a meter but pay a flat rate while ottrer<br />

customers pay ametered rate for the amount of water they use. The customers who pay a<br />

flat rate use approximately twice the amount of water as compared to the customers who<br />

pay a meterJrate. Metered data from Hidden Valley water system shows that the<br />

average household uses approximately .94 Acre Feet Annually.<br />

Lemmon Valley Water System<br />

Table 2.<br />

2003 (gallons)<br />

January<br />

February<br />

March<br />

April<br />

May<br />

June<br />

July<br />

August<br />

September<br />

October<br />

November<br />

December<br />

TOTALS<br />

Average Metered Rate ConsumPtion<br />

5988<br />

7222<br />

7302<br />

8421<br />

11126<br />

21368<br />

19739<br />

17971<br />

15912<br />

11457<br />

6703<br />

5557<br />

138766<br />

(0.43 acre feet)<br />

Average Ftat Rate Metered Consumption<br />

8384<br />

7156<br />

7730<br />

9309<br />

19220<br />

51660<br />

52818<br />

45575<br />

37020<br />

27409<br />

10151<br />

7322<br />

283754<br />

(0.87 acre feet)<br />

,f<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 185

Soutlr <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong><br />


A/ nairsnllB .<br />

ffiHlil*t*rH,ffi<br />

FEa $bthoaolunvAwDd.rdcwtolo€.iloE A Flodurdilw'nloElotr<br />

h:bdd.*dDd-ffi<br />

imi.EFFff-rdrhfl<br />

ffi-.trek6lnrryrc<br />

ffildF#ffFFfi<br />

tsLbhbhhrry<br />

DrdJWl@<br />

t<br />


Department of Water<br />

Resources ffi<br />


NEVADA M(<br />

ffiffi?..<br />

Er9r3a€<br />

i-iH["{<br />


The Groundwater Data Center summarized data for metered honaes in the Galena Terrace<br />

Estates Subdivision There were 45 homes with metered service'data for the year 2004<br />

and 42 homes with metered service data for the year 2003. The total amount of gallons<br />

per household was summed and divided by the total number of homes in order to<br />

calculate an average amount of water used. Gallons were then converied to acre feet for<br />

each home. The average annual amount of water used per household in the metered area<br />

of Galena Terrace Estates Subdivision is .84 Acre Feet (Table 3). The soils tlrougbout<br />

this area are well-drained soils, on mountainous uplands.<br />

Address ofMetered<br />

Table 3.<br />

G alena Terrace Subdivislon W ater Consum ption<br />

ilt etered W ater U ses for Years 2003 - 2004<br />

Wetl<br />

15320 CHERRYW OOD DR 8951<br />

15340 BRUSHWOOD WAY 8951<br />

15341 BRUSHWOOD WAY 8951<br />

15342 BRUSHW OOD W AY 8951<br />

15345 BRUSHWOOD WAY 895'I 1<br />

15346 BRUSHW OOD W AY 89511<br />

5347 BRUSHWOOD WAY 89511<br />

5348 BRUSHW OOD W AY 8951<br />

5349 BRUSHW OOD W AY 8951<br />

5350 CHERRYW OOD DR 8951<br />

5352 BRUSHWOOD WAY 895I<br />

5356 BRUSHW OOD W AY 89511<br />

5358 BRUSHWOOD WAY 8951'I<br />

5360 BRUSHW OOD W AY 89511<br />

5440 CHERRYW OOD DR 89511<br />

5480 CHERRYW OOD DR 89511<br />

5520 CHERRYW OOD DR 8S511<br />

15540 CHERRYW OOD DR 89511<br />

15560 CHERRYW OOD DR 89511<br />

15600 CHERRYW OOD DR 89511<br />

15620 CHERRYW OOD DR 89511<br />

15625 CHERRYW OOD DR 89511<br />

15795 CALLAHAN RANCH RD 895'I 1<br />

5200 cEDARW O O D DR 89511<br />

5210 CEDARWOOD DR 89511<br />

s220 c EDARWOOD DR 89s11<br />

5220 SHAWNA LN 89511<br />

5225CEDARWOODDR89511<br />

5225 SHAWNA LN 89511<br />

5230 CEDARW O O D DR 89511<br />

5230 GOLDENROD DR 89511<br />

5235 CEDARWOOD DR 89511<br />

5245CEDARWOODDR89511<br />

5245 GOLDEN ROD.DR 89511<br />

5245 SHAW NA LN 89511<br />

s2so ceolRwooD DR 89511<br />

5250 SHAWNA LN 89511<br />

5255 SHAW NA LN 89511<br />

5260 GOLDENROD DR 89511<br />

5265 GOLDENROD DR 89511<br />

5275 CEDARWOOD DR 89511<br />

5290 GOLDENROD DR 89511<br />

5590 W INTERGREEN LN 89511<br />

5794 TANNERW OOD DR 89511<br />

5808 TANNERW OOD DR 89511<br />

Average am ount of W ater Gonsum Ption<br />

Average am ount of W ater Gonsum ption<br />

(Gallons)<br />

(Acre Feet)<br />

Total<br />

2003<br />

15 3,00 0<br />

44200 0<br />

208000<br />

48000<br />

248000<br />

30000<br />

24200 0<br />

265000<br />

6 9,00 0<br />

288000<br />

354000<br />

152000<br />

291000<br />

349000<br />

147000<br />

551000<br />

264000<br />

398000<br />

528000<br />

547000<br />

21 4000<br />

493000<br />

74000<br />

287000<br />

112000<br />

323000<br />

59000<br />

298000<br />

25000<br />

262000<br />

89000<br />

24200 0<br />

200000<br />

356000<br />

877000<br />

203000<br />

461000<br />

214000<br />

719000<br />

77000<br />

99000<br />

227 000<br />

27 3,452<br />

0.8392254<br />

2004<br />

108,000<br />

438000<br />

233000<br />

42000<br />

211000<br />

190004<br />

43000<br />

27 2000<br />

291000<br />

61,000<br />

316000<br />

340000<br />

266000<br />

356000<br />

273000<br />

155000<br />

578000<br />

282000<br />

356000<br />

539000<br />

601000<br />

2240 00<br />

477000<br />

68000<br />

392000<br />

123000<br />

371000<br />

189000<br />

298000<br />

43000<br />

128000<br />

123000<br />

118000<br />

332000<br />

219000<br />

255000<br />

972000<br />

177000<br />

373000<br />

215000<br />

716000<br />

80000<br />

110000<br />

24'1 000<br />

238000<br />

27 6,2.89<br />


The landscaped area around the homes is rouglly equal between the metered customers<br />

and the homes that are on domestic wells. fhe squar" footage of landscaping associated<br />

with each home is very similar between the metered water customers and the one acre<br />

lots on domestic wells @igure 3).<br />

Galena Tenac€ Estates<br />


7ar/<br />

/\{<br />

raertocoaat<br />

tt*r-tlr<br />

E dltEltcda|E.id hx.t€&tb<br />

@l<br />

hrqbour*oodqntrt,fo'tLf<br />

4Emu<br />

|-:bdd-blfrlaffi<br />

-lr--dd.dtdn!-<br />

ffi!.*l-FrE+<br />

iffii-tdffFa<br />

tuHihfiW<br />

ffidbhd<br />

+<br />


Deparunent of Water<br />

Resources &<br />


NEVADA<br />

@bEE<br />

idlde<br />

'6i|K<br />

q&p<br />

1!F*:{<br />

!S+-\:<br />

lc!':..F.rij<br />

bh<br />

Frgure 3.<br />

10.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 188

Most of the parcels in the Mt Rose Fan area that are on domestic we1ls are also on septic<br />

tanks. Data supplied by the Lemmon Valley Waste Water Treafinent Plant and the Reno-<br />

Stead Waste Water Treahent Plant show that the average flow from a bome with a<br />

family of four is .22 AFA. Therefore, if the recharge from septic tarfr;s (-22 AFA for a<br />

famili of four) is subtracted from the total water consunption of .84 AFA, the estimated<br />

net consumption for each household in this area is approximately .62 AFA'<br />

The Groundwater Data Center qeated a graph tluit summarizes the water consumption<br />

data for the 508 homes and the year that thry *.t" built (Figure 4). The highest grourth<br />

rate for the Callahan Ranch area occurred between the years 1974 and 1980. State Law<br />

allows a domestic .well2.02 AFA of water consumption. The State Engineers office<br />

estimates the average amount of water used by a domestic well owner is acfually 1.12<br />

AFA The total amount of water used by the metered water customer in the Callahan<br />

Ranch area equals .84 AFA. As explained above, the net a:nount of water consumption<br />

per household is estimated to be .62 AFA. If the Groundwater Data Center assumes that<br />

a domestic well owner uses twice as much water as a metered customer as demonstrated<br />

in the Heppner Subdivision, then the total water consumption would equal l-68 AFA.<br />

Subtact thi recharge of .22 AFA from the septic tanl(s the net water consumption per<br />

household for this areawouldbe 1.46 A-FA.<br />

Water Use for the year 2002 was compiled by Eco:Logic Engineers for the Washoe<br />

Counfy Deparhent of Water Resources and is expressed as Gallons per Capital per Day<br />

by Area (Fig,rt. 4). The water system that services the Mt Rose area delivers water in a<br />

higher amonnt per capita than most of the other areas in the <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong>.<br />

11.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 189

By Growth in <strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong><br />

Accumulated Acre/Ft of Water Use<br />

-+ Accumulatiw 2. O2AF/home<br />

1016.00 AFA<br />

-eAccumulatirc 1.12 AFiHome<br />

568.96 AFA<br />

Accumulatirc 0.84 AF/Home<br />

426.72 AFA<br />

-:+- Accumulative 0.62 AF/Home<br />

314.96 AFA<br />

+Accumulatiw 1.46 AF/Home<br />

741.68 AFA<br />

0.00<br />

.-"." e* c ."e c -dPrl-C c C C .r"" C ^ge *rS..*<br />

Borth byYear Built<br />

"** "at" "-"" "a&<br />

Comparison of Gallons perCapita per Day by Area<br />

6<br />

o<br />

o<br />

g<br />

CL<br />

6<br />

(,<br />

o<br />

EL<br />

|'<br />

e<br />

E<br />

o<br />

700<br />

600<br />

s00<br />

400<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0<br />

"cftp{""\$$:.5$"t";,$"$ff<br />

Gallons per CaPita per Day by Area - 2002<br />

Source: ECO:LOGlC, 2003 and TMWA. Data represents year 2002 consumption only.<br />

Figure 4.<br />

12.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 190


The complete pumping records and drill logs for the Production wells in the Galena Fan<br />

are located in Appindix A. All Water Rights associated with the Production wells are<br />

summarized in Table 4.<br />

Table 4.<br />

Water Rights For MuniciPal Wells<br />

M ount Rose Production Well #2ll<br />

35147 - Filed on March 17.1978 from Base Right 28424<br />

2.8424 - Filed on June 13, 1974<br />

Mount Rose Production Well #3 @sg5 : Tot"lAFA' 1893.64 Ac<br />

ffi7,tste<br />

28246 - Filed on June 'l 3, 1974<br />

from Base Right28426<br />

irom Base Right 51326<br />

51326 -Tiled on Sept2'1. 1987 from Base Right35455<br />

15455 - Filed on May 22,1978<br />

trl|ount Rose Production Well #4 @FA-56.25AcrelFt<br />

ffifrom<br />

28427 - Filed on June 13,1974<br />

Mount Rose Production Well #5<br />

iotal AFA - 2089.485 Acre/Ft<br />

Base Right28427<br />

,62259, 63328' 63329 and 6446<br />

ffi3from<br />

BaseRight57749<br />

577as - Filed on June 11,1992 from Base Right 3t 805<br />

35865 -FIiEd on August 23,1978 from Base Right 35279<br />

35279 - Unsure of Filing date.<br />

t8926 -Fned on July 16, 1993 from Base Right 35 48<br />

f 5148 - Filed on March 17,1978 from Base Right 28425<br />

28425 - Filed on June 13, 1974<br />

;0710- Filed on December 16, 19 3 from Base Risht 58807<br />

Se80Z - FileO on Mav 4, 1993 from Base Right 35152<br />

35152: F'rled on March 17, 1978 from Base Right 28430<br />

28430 - Filed on June 13,1974<br />

ffis, 1996 from Base Right35148<br />

ffi7,1978 from Base Right 28425<br />

28425 - Flled on June 13, 1974<br />

03328 - F-led on August 15, 1997 from Base RigN 42645<br />

42645 - Filed on October 14, 198t<br />

ffis,'1997<br />

from Base Ri9ht41571<br />

13.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 191

tvtount Rose Production Well<br />

Table 4. contt<br />

ffitAFA- 1830.53 Acre/Ft<br />

' F'rled on July 29, 1999 from Base Right 35150<br />

o4 lssq xE!!?912<br />

ZgqZl - Filed on June '13,1974<br />

Ot ZOZ - fi6a on ntay 31 , 1995 trern Begg-Right 47129<br />

ffiie8g<br />

from Base E!9!! t!1€<br />

- Fifed on June 13,1974<br />

ffi , 1995 from Base R'rght 47130<br />

ffi 5, 1983 fro!! te!e8!g!$g] !q<br />

ffifromBaseRishL?q1Z<br />

on June 13,1974<br />

ffi<br />

2ooo ftom Bae Right 47129<br />

129 - Filea on August 5, 1983 from Base Right 35149<br />

ffiEfromBaseRight2M26<br />

28426 - Filed on June 13,1974<br />

66654 -Filed on August 9, 2000 frql lgE<br />

ffi8,<br />

1989ftom Base Right49324<br />

g3A - Filed on February7, 1986<br />

Tessa Production Well #2<br />

- 61269, 61270, 65960, 65961, 70261and 70262 z<br />

ffimBaseRight47131<br />

ffis,<br />

1983from Base Right35151<br />

ffigz8 from Base Right 28429<br />

28429 - Filed on June 13,1974<br />

1270 - Filed on 31 , 1995 from Base Right 47132<br />

7132- Filed on August 5, 1983<br />

713ilFileA on August 5, 1983 from Base Right 35151<br />

- Filed on June 13,1974<br />

7132 - Filed on August 5, 1983<br />

Item 3<br />


Washoe Counfy Deparhrent has been expanding the water system in the Galena Terrace<br />

Estates. Approximately 45 homes in this arca akeady have water service from tbe Mt<br />

Rose Wells and the Tessa Wells (Figue 5). Approximately 15 of these homes were<br />

previously on wells. Expansion of the water system will continue as demands and firnds<br />

b"co-e available. The next phase for expansion is to put a new iine the length of<br />

Tannerwood Dr.<br />

MT ROSE #5<br />

r,/lT.RosE #3<br />

MT ROSE *I<br />

Callamont #2<br />

ra{6ffi<br />

W*|fu<br />

a Don.dcw.l lrldoDl<br />

e<br />

haud4wdll.*E<br />



brbdd#J-ffi<br />

rdb-6#*-Dr<br />

ffi-rE-4tE*<br />

ffiiddfrfff<br />

F*bbh*<br />

H&16<br />

+<br />


Department of Water<br />

Resources ffi<br />


NEVADA<br />

ehEst<br />

r4bdE<br />

@aw<br />

lg6g<br />

.rliif<br />

;l+'.fi<br />

Ld-it:i<br />

bh<br />

Frgure 5.<br />

15.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 193


The Callaban ranch area has approximately 500 homes on septic sewer. Most of the<br />

bomes that are on wells are'also on a septic system. Washoe County Deparbaent of<br />

Water Resources has been collecting routine bacteia samples on the production wells<br />

since 1998. These samples are all absent in total coliform, fecal coliform, and e-coli.<br />

Washoe Counly Department of Water Resources also collects water qualify samples on<br />

productions wells. Mt Rose wells 2 and 3 had elevated nitrates starting in 2000. Nitates<br />

were also sampled on some of the domestic wells in the Galena Terrace Estates. Some of<br />

the shallow wells showed elevated nitrates. The spreadsheets with this data are located in<br />

Appendix B. <strong>District</strong> Health Deparbaent is aware of the increasing nitrates, however<br />

they have not taken any action at this time.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 194

A}PENDD( A<br />

' Item3<br />

Page 195

Pumping Records For STMGID Municipal Wells<br />

STMGID Production Well #7<br />

NDWR Drillers Log # 25246<br />

Date Of ComPletion 'APril 4,1984<br />

Total Depth = 240 Feet<br />

Water Rights - 46958' 58806 : Totaf AFA - 41.44 Acre/Ft<br />

WELL ID<br />

STMGID #7 May - Dec 1990<br />

1991<br />

1992<br />

1993<br />

1994<br />

1995<br />

1996<br />

1997<br />

1998<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

A,F<br />

ANNUAL<br />


7.30<br />

4.60<br />

6.00<br />

6.28<br />

7.80<br />

9.46<br />

18.07<br />

32.86<br />

27.17<br />

23.O2<br />

38.43<br />

11.25<br />

18.98<br />

25.25<br />


'#"-ffi#arER<br />

EEsouEcEs<br />

O o*toN<br />

srAEE oF'NEVADA<br />

#<br />

oF waTER BEsoTtRcr<br />

*1 WELL DBtr,LEBS REPOR:r<br />

5fr,*6tO<br />

;; comPtete 6is form ir itr eufbe.tY<br />

,4 r'J<br />

'r/" ed"<br />

6*,fro"<br />

oliFrcE I]CF -olu'Y<br />

w"xo*252ik-=--<br />


/ Rttooditioo<br />

Ncw Wdl P ' Other<br />

Deepcs tr "<br />


I'OG<br />

tr'<br />

tr<br />

5. TY?E VJET'<br />

Cable f1 RotarYfi<br />

Otbcr g<br />

r><br />

aate<br />

Wai&t Pct<br />

-ff1<br />

ffi:;<br />

- --iuOce<br />

-<br />

^6o<br />

in&es<br />

itcbrs<br />

s** *"1 Yes[ -PA<br />

Depth d<br />

Nod<br />

"*tr<br />

Gravel ParJoil:<br />

Gnvel 4r*ed<br />

Pedu'atims<br />

.<br />

TYPE<br />

' Sitze<br />

Fro<br />

1! +*t<br />

-------tez.t<br />

TD<br />

,<br />

/EO ,od<br />

ffi<br />

€;rl<br />

€-r'<br />

.tsr<br />

fIE<br />

r a:i<br />

'j<br />

- .+;-<br />

-r.:?"s:.f.'<br />


*=<br />

o* t-v:_jW<br />

watct' tcupnmtnrc-<br />

;. DR'rILE''s 'EBmSAI?I<br />

3eThis wc-II qras drilleil Y&r<br />

rny srPlrvili-oD aail thc FPort is tr<br />


Pumping Records For Mount Rose Municipal Wells<br />

Mount Rose Production Well #2<br />

NDWR Drillers Log # 15663<br />

Date Of GomPletion - June 19' 1976<br />

Total DePth =200 Feet<br />

Water Rights ' 35147: Total AFA - 1413'02 Acre/Ft<br />

AF<br />

ANNUAL<br />


Mt Rose#z May - Dec 1990 13.7<br />

1991 25.1<br />

1992 2.9<br />

Aug - Dec 1993 0.7<br />

1994 0.0<br />

1995 0<br />

1996 26<br />

1997 0<br />

1998 0<br />

1999 0<br />

2000 0<br />

2001<br />

0<br />

2002<br />

0<br />

2003 0<br />

2004<br />

0<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 198

,. ,! /')<br />

[t)cfl E A)<br />

F1r-R'r-"<br />



Plcesc complett th.h fora ln its catire$<br />

L LOC TtoN-./u-{<br />

-PERMIT NO-_- -#-<br />

5. TYPE OF WORIC<br />

NcwWeIt {<br />

Dcapcn D<br />

Recooditioo<br />

Otbcr<br />

tr<br />

tr<br />

4.<br />


Domestic D Irigarioo D<br />

Muuicipal p}--lndustrial E]<br />

Test<br />

Stocl<br />

5. T}?E WELL<br />

Cable fii--ou:--'<br />

Otbar I<br />

Mrtcrid<br />


*lls lr,.- l'ro I g'<br />


Diamctcr t olr----.d-..-..--..---incb:s Total d:pth.. A.{1{:.-- r:<br />

-_..-.-iachas<br />

Sr:rface *rl: Ycs g-No g r y?r<br />

Deptb of rcal<br />

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Gravd<br />

Ycs<br />

paclcd hoa-.<br />

D }iot'<br />

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FF<br />

Perfo'aliour:<br />

Tpc<br />

Sizepct'orEtiqo.-.-<br />

Fraa---ACG---*-set<br />

Froo--.---.._--.**---.<br />

Jcet<br />

Fro-*------ - - fcct<br />

Emm<br />

Froru.--...------..-..*.-_<br />

I-E<br />

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G^ ,/ p/"<br />

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f-''<br />

f.t<br />

Th'rs rdl urrs drill=d undcr my nrpcrvisiou and t.be rcpor.t ir rnr. ts<br />

tbc bcsr of my tnowlcdgce.<br />

i.r.{ERLEvEL<br />


Drr:Dorl I rrurHsnrrPuap<br />


Drae dcrra--Jer<br />

Dras dowa--fed<br />

Drae. dcer:--.-Jsr<br />

N cvada coD t..astor's Ii ccnsc uumbe r -.-U /-3*2 -<br />

NcvsCa Crillcr'r licro.r: nurnb:r.<br />

/.f .(<br />

Stetic *'atrr trrrt---/:!<br />

rcct bclo* la.u,d nrferc-<br />

Florr* - --.-, G-P.Ii---.-<br />

warrr rcmp

Pumping Records For Mount Rose MunicipalWells<br />

Mount Rose Production Well#3<br />

NDWR Drillers Log # 35074<br />

Date Of Completion - December 21, 1990<br />

Total Depth=223Feet<br />

Water Rights - 35149, 55565 : Total AFA ' 1893.64 Acre/Ft<br />

WELL ID<br />

Mt Rose #3<br />

vrnn<br />

May-Dec 1990<br />

1991<br />

1992<br />

1993<br />

1994<br />

1995<br />

1996<br />

1997<br />

1998<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2042<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

AF<br />

ANNUAL<br />


16.98<br />

5.93<br />

110.10<br />

126.33<br />

179.13<br />

168.91<br />

221.94<br />

212.89<br />

72.62<br />

105.69<br />

144.31<br />

140.06<br />

140.60<br />

117.09<br />

118.90<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 200

#!l;ili''"T.l:iisii..,:ouRcEs<br />






Please comptete this form in its entirety<br />

*-.".--i?'-6-djd't'Aer)-<br />

Permit No.<br />

Basi<br />



PERMIT NO.<br />

6.<br />


New Well g<br />

Recondition<br />

Decpen D Othcr<br />

Matcdal<br />


D<br />

tr<br />

Subdiv'rsiot<br />

5. TYPE WELL<br />

Cable D RourYSl<br />

Other D<br />


"<br />

Toal depth-Z3-ieet<br />

Diuneter-32----jnches<br />

?7 inches<br />

-i,,<br />

tF.<br />

Datc<br />

1.<br />

' l9n-<br />

6 ?r =.-. 1990-<br />


Perforadons:<br />

'-<br />

iyp. P"tforation<br />

- !ffild<br />

Size perforatio" fl-to t<br />

* n 710=----feet<br />

f.<br />

Fro#to<br />

rr#<br />

Fro#<br />

-<br />

g- wATER LEvEL<br />

at "'<br />

ii# -"uifla"<br />

Wateremperanrrc--(If,F,-"F au"Ig<br />

s't'<br />

feet below land'surfacc<br />

10.<br />


riri, .,""u was drilled unda my supervision anil the report is tnre.o the<br />

best ofnry lrrowledge'<br />

Nevacla conuactor's Utt*""lHS<br />

issued bY thc Sute Conr oW<br />

Nevada.confactor's ^';iJJ;<br />

driller's-oumber .'?

Pumping Records For Mount Rose Municipal Wells<br />

Mount Rose Production Well#4<br />

NDWR Drillers Log # 17113<br />

Date Of ComPletion -MaY25'1977<br />

Total Depth = 235 Feet<br />

Water Rights - 35150: Total AFA - 56.25 AcrelFt<br />


Mt Rose #4 1990<br />

1991<br />

1992<br />

1993<br />

1994<br />

1995<br />

1996<br />

1997<br />

1998<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2004<br />

AF<br />

ANNUAL<br />


30.3<br />

44.6<br />

3.2<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

Item 3<br />


trll'tsrO\; OF t ATfri Brsoili'r:( sT4Tr. or \TvAnL<br />

v*"<br />

DI\'IS}O\ OI- T\'ATLI| IiI.5I'LTRCIS<br />


Plc.usc complck {his loro [n lts eotirert<br />

orrit? 1'SI. o\1'r<br />

New Well<br />

Dccpcu<br />

TEE<br />

E<br />

D<br />

OF TVOR.K<br />

Rrcondition<br />

Othcr<br />


-__--_<br />

l.{rtcrid<br />

t \4'rrc: i<br />

S:rB'r<br />

D<br />

D<br />

Fra-<br />

: Jo<br />

Domcstic tr<br />

lrtunicipal D,<br />

l. owNER--.----f;r..--.jla l'eneY*Ne-v'-<br />

Los r.. o...-.i.-.? . J.l - J ..----.<br />

--_-<br />

Pcrrit No.-.?. .€./ 9''7---- ---<br />

B asin-......-.-....<br />

TlriElnBl<br />


Irrigatioo tr Tcsl<br />

Industrial D Stoct<br />

D<br />

D<br />

5.. TYPE WEI=.<br />

Cable Jf1 Rotar-r<br />

ODcr P<br />


Diamctcr bole-------...-8---.-----iacbcs Totaj dcpt'b-" ""?3'5"_'<br />

Casing rccord<br />

\\,eight pcr fooL.-.----.-<br />

..---.--.----.Thjcloass.'----]-E<br />

--<br />

E-avel<br />

.,"y<br />

- ad-:aalef---<br />

'<br />

tt= j-<br />

-+FayeL-=r'al€+5r<br />

E -frnj<br />

?'l ( i ??<br />

Dcpt! of<br />

Gravcl packcd: Yes g No E<br />

G ravet pacLed fron.------"-"Jcet<br />

to--"--'-'-'-'----l<br />

n<br />

Pcrforations:<br />

Type pcrf reti- *---f -e-9--!9IY-<br />

t"-irt -60 -G.^P-yco'untercd---.-f*]<br />

- f f-:--'<br />

::::=lb<br />


hBEp RPl.t I Gl:Y. i Drn'Dorrr I Af trr Hourr PUEIP<br />

9. WATER LEVEL<br />

gr rti g walir level-.---.-,.-------.---.--f cet bclow leld surf acc-""'- --<br />

Flow--.-.--.-.-<br />

.--.--""'G'P'M<br />

S'arcr rempcrangc--.-.-._'_.' F. QuaLrf----.--.<br />


This wcll rms drilled undcr my supcnisioo and tbe rcPon b rs<br />

tbc bcst of urY tnowlcdgc.<br />

N au,c--MABCIN-DSILIIliG-re.<br />

A d drcss-.L3-!*.0-!ftf'J.9* -E<br />


Dran' dcs:D--.-.-- J*t<br />

Dra* dcsr...-.... .-J*t<br />

Dras dcut.... ---...-fcc;<br />

N cvada c€tnuaEtdr's licenrc auabct--'l'6p<br />

1Afr,6<br />

N e vad-a dril I r.r'r li ctus rusrb--r - --'- " "! "/-' A' :-<br />

sign'd---.---<br />

Date----*-.<br />

Item 3<br />

Pase 2E-

Pumping Records For Mount Rose MunicipalWells<br />

Mount Rose Production Well#5<br />

NDWR Drillers Log # 35075<br />

Date Of Completion - December 11 ' 1990<br />

Total DePth = 802 Feet<br />

Water Rights - 58870, 58925, 60710, 62269, 63328, 63329 and 64461:<br />

Total AFA, - 2089.485 Acre/Ft<br />

WELL ID<br />

YEAR<br />

Mt Rose #5 1 991<br />

1992<br />

1993<br />

1994<br />

1 995<br />

1996<br />

1997<br />

1998<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

200/l<br />

A,F<br />

ANNUA.L<br />


0.00<br />

0.00<br />

0.00<br />

0.00<br />

0.00<br />

0.00<br />

82.09<br />

207.18<br />

306.92<br />

387.65<br />

497.83<br />

2M.77<br />

341.39<br />

448.59<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 204





.MAILING<br />

NEVADA<br />


REPORT<br />

in its entiretY<br />

Permit No<br />


rt<br />

NOTIiE OF INTENT NO..1528&*_<br />


New Well g<br />

Rccondition<br />

Deepen tr Other<br />


D<br />

D<br />

4. PR.OPOSED USE<br />

Domestic D lrrigarion tr Test D<br />

Municipal El Industriat D' Stock D<br />

5. TYPE WELL<br />

Cablc D Rorary)€<br />

Othcr E<br />


Diamerar-32-inchcs<br />

Toral dcpth-fl02-:feet<br />

77 inchcs<br />

\TBtrC-EIIE-<br />

Surhcc scal: Yes FX<br />

No D Type<br />

\W tElENl-<br />

Depth of s-'l lCn - feet<br />

Graval packed: Yes E No tr<br />

Gravel pacted from fl f'eet to ': R!'yl fe*<br />

Perforations:<br />

Typc perforatio<br />

Sizc perforario<br />

rro#ro<br />

Fro#to<br />

f#to<br />

Fro#to<br />

fpn<br />

feet<br />

7ff1<br />

f""r<br />

feet<br />

feet"<br />

feet<br />

Datcs<br />

'-Darc<br />

:<br />

"- comulerc,r lFFLffiR 11<br />


' l9-s'<br />

; l9-S.<br />


Sraric water tevel<br />

?4d rdt betow land surfrce<br />

n"*--+fa--G-P"'t\{<br />

}{A P's'L<br />

Water rernperarure-CEEf,*oF Qualiry<br />

'..<br />

t0. .r--- : DRILLER'S ien#rcenoN ' ':' ::"-'-<br />

This well was drilled under my supervisiou and tlre rcpon is mre ro rbe<br />

ba{ of rn-v knowlcdgc-<br />

Pump RPM G-P.M. I<br />

Drarv Dowr<br />

l.ievada conEactorrs tccnse number<br />

' issued by thc Stae Contractor's Boara<br />

t t' I I t - rn<br />

Nevada contractor's driller's number<br />

.^+<br />

issuedbyr}reDivisionofWarcrResourccs-..!-1Df+<br />

G.P.T[<br />

G.P.M.-_.-<br />

'G.P.M---<br />


Draw down----Jeet<br />

Draw dova-----Jeer<br />

Draw dowl---Jeet<br />

--bours<br />

----ious<br />

-bours<br />


Pumping Records For Mount Rose Municipal Wells<br />

Mount Rose Production Well#6<br />

NDWR Drillers Log # 78770<br />

Date Of Completion 'February 3' 2000<br />

Total Depth = 755 Feet<br />

Water Rights - 65364 : TotatAFA'1830.53 Acre/Ft<br />

AF<br />

ANNUAL<br />


Mt Rose #6 2000 0.0<br />

2001 0.0<br />

20a2 221.4<br />

2003 118.2<br />

2004 104.3<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 206

ff '$!i:,ii"*$;iss!'ill,**ou*'*<br />




&(1, _l\.v 9-z-r r. ,-<br />

LocArroN -yy=r"1--s"I^ t"'.;';t;i'l,<br />

.'.<br />

EJ New Well<br />

D Deepen<br />


Ll Rcplace E Recondirion<br />

El ,rrbandon tr o,lttt..--<br />

lvhterial<br />


MolrEREcx--#4-<br />

A /f. n'o s.c<br />




Please completc th'u form t" iq :*t:t:{ i". ."<br />

*ittr XRS 5!l'170 l ru and anq l'iAC rr.5L 53J'340 J5-r'w<br />

NOTICE oF INTENT No.__aa€!._u_4__<br />

""*.lnn".<br />


:nwnvl--aNn-SOpDEAnX - =-_-----:-<br />

g<br />

ffi;<br />

*(O<br />

i. PRoPoSED usE<br />

D Domcsric E lrrigation E Ttt'<br />

Affi;:';;*ndustriat Dtuol;tot B sttr<br />

I<br />

oFPqE gFqolilY<br />

I ', x" --ji-K-fJ-g-<br />

I Pcrmit No. -<br />

I<br />

l;asi-<br />

WELL CONSTRucrtoN<br />

pri11.,, .755--- o"J- D.P6c#<br />

INTENT No.:a23.=62--<br />

5. WELL TYPE<br />

E cable D RourY E nvc<br />

Et eir El orhcr-<br />


From To :<br />

^-,<br />

38,rn=h:s-*Fca-----l-Feet<br />

?trn<br />

S'Ee O.D.<br />

(lnchcs)<br />

$/eiehlFr.<br />

(Fdun&)<br />


Wall Thictncss<br />

0nchas)<br />

Fmm<br />

(Fe0<br />

To<br />

(Fet)<br />

t'n?frt"f;*rario<br />

Sizc ocriorario<br />

e,"ffito<br />

Fro#<br />

Fro#ettora-ti^<br />

Fro#<br />

F.o#<br />

Surfacc Scal: El Y.s . El No<br />

D:othof534 100'<br />

Placcment Method: E fumPcd<br />

D Pourcd<br />

Gravel Packed: E[ Y.s E llo<br />

r'"f"t"--Jg+ruL*<br />

l4u<br />

-fect<br />

feet<br />

t--'<br />

Scal TYPe:<br />

F Ncat Cement<br />

D Ccmcnt Grout<br />

E Concrete Groul<br />

Date comPl<br />


TEST I'IETHOD: E Boit.t E rumP<br />

G.P.II.<br />

Drrr Dos'n<br />

(Fcct Bclot Sutic)<br />

E[ e.ir lirt<br />

Tirn (Hoursl<br />

oruLlen's' cERTrFlcATloN<br />

10. lJKtLLcla J LEn I r'<br />

This welt was drilled under my superv'sion and the repon is tnrc to the<br />

best of mY hno*ledge'<br />

Na,nc----LA.Ng -EXPI,oRt*o#l# D'R I Lt I'NG<br />

Nevada d;illcr's liccnsc numbcr issued by thc<br />

Div'rsion pf 1*hur'Rcsgurccs. tbe gn-site driller<br />

Addrcss-J-:9' -P'OI-S27*mm .:-<br />

_ -. ELFOr- NV- 898q2-<br />

Nevada contnctor's license number<br />

issued by S. Sr.r. Contrrctor's Boarrl#<br />

0i.21-PJS-<br />

PERlvttT I"O-<br />

--21'lt8rr*-<br />

0r conlilctor<br />


,g*::<br />

@<br />


Pumping Records For Tessa Municipal Wells<br />

Tessa Production Wett #1<br />

NDWR Drillers Log # 78529<br />

Date Of ComPletion - August 20 , 1999<br />

Total DePth = 795 Feet<br />

Water Rights .61267,61268, 65958, 65959, and 56654 : Tota| AFA .359.68 Acre/Ft<br />

WELL ID<br />

Tessa #1<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

2003<br />

2AO4<br />

AF<br />

ANNUAL<br />


0.0<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

11.4<br />

1.6<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 208

ieee r" oF lI<br />

l*ffifrffi*<br />

d<br />

L<br />

4\ -l<br />

-a<br />

t'il<br />

FEIlri ox' Tt?E Olit.f<br />

ilo nm E'RrtE oN BAcK<br />


P r.-' J<br />

,.lrur- t-'tl( F I<br />




Plcosc cornpletc thir lorm in i*- TtIg-L<br />

J* NRs s3{'1?o NAc ss,,3ta<br />

"".oil-ti*<br />

"od<br />

TSSSa -ru- I V'ou)<br />

. orrl;EFnv!p--9<br />

L"og No.<br />

PcrmitNo----<br />


Ar wEtt r,ocrnory-Li<br />

395 oa l4ouat Kgl-9-<br />

4r>)o<br />

J<br />

g<br />

H<br />

H<br />


D.<br />

B Ncr.'Wetl<br />

El Oecpaa<br />


E R"pl.". Q ruconuitio"<br />

tr.ebsndEn LI otblf,<br />

Mrtldd<br />


!r!trt<br />

SuEr<br />


E Domotic<br />

E lrrigadon E Tcer-<br />

E -r'i*iolp"rn"a*u"t E uunr<br />

3l2a O.D.<br />

Qmb.r)<br />

E smr<br />


Wslt ThbbEE!<br />

gbchB)<br />

WELL T}?E<br />

D caute D nor"rY E rvc<br />

D ..jr E Othar-<br />

fmu<br />

(FE!0<br />

To<br />

trEe0<br />

€<br />

#<br />

Frorn--Tr*l<br />

i==ru<br />

Fron - -_.---ici<br />

_ _ fFri<br />

gurface Sesl: IXI Yes El Xo<br />

'l<br />

Deor.! of $-qt OO I<br />

Plaecmeor Met}rDdl E fotfg<br />

D Poured<br />

GrevelPecbd:. El Y"s<br />

DNo<br />

lo<br />

h--<br />

t^<br />

-^----<br />

'--<br />

..----feet<br />

Srsl TYPe:<br />

D N.u Ceoot<br />

E Ccmcot Grsut<br />

D Coacrcta 6rout<br />

?qq r*<br />


TEST METIIOD: O gailcr Furnp<br />

o,?-M.<br />

Dnr Deql<br />

Fcrr Bda, SE<br />

Air Lift<br />

Tine (gEut:)<br />

te 99<br />

le-99<br />

9. WATER LSVEL<br />

belov had mrface<br />

l,',i. *rr" lnr<br />

artcsieo flow ' G'P'M' - P'Si'<br />

Waer wrnperaurc-T---a"dtqY<br />


pon iu mre ro rhc<br />

This ,relt wu driled under ray supervision and tbe rc;<br />

ben of mY knowtedga<br />

n-*<br />

Layne Chrisreose-n--9o:r-paoy -<br />

I{ood.Land, cA-9-:-E9.5<br />

.ffiTxS:HHHl"f*<br />

oo r e r' 01<br />

' Ne;vadr drlller's liccnsc arrmbcr issucd by r}e<br />

' 'bi"-itioo<br />

or wtEf R'esourees' thc oo-sitc drilleri<br />

6*>9ll<br />


p6:l<br />


E.II OF II<br />

rE-DrwSIoFt or gf,TEB RlESoUtcEs<br />

Ax.Y4EJE!.rg COrC<br />

7:itBJ- DRILLEI.'S col{<br />



ILING<br />




Plcese completc r.Lb lgrra'm ita autirety h<br />

eccordaoce wkh l{RS sec.I70 ud l{AC 5J1'3cJc<br />

AT $/ELL<br />


1<br />

J<br />

l<br />

New Tlell<br />


tr ntpl""" E Recondirion<br />

fl eu-anoon E otrer-<br />

MrrErid<br />


0.. PROPoSED'USE<br />

D Dooestic E tnie"tior ! f*<br />

g -tq;;ip"lr1"u*"i"t tr uo-niu tr soct<br />

WELL T']'PE<br />

D c"ute E Rotary tr nvc<br />

tr air D otber-<br />


Dritted-Jcct<br />

D;ptb Cased------Jeel<br />


PrDE<br />

To<br />

Sizc O.D.<br />

(lDchssl<br />

clcirbt/n<br />

F;undd<br />


rilin Tl&ttt!,<br />

tlttcberl<br />

Prorr<br />

fFe4<br />

Perfontioos:<br />

TYPe<br />

Sbc pcdoratiou-<br />

Fror*--*---Jtet kr fFGt<br />

Sprn -- bct - 'fod<br />

Fm#st<br />

Fro#et<br />

--,fu<br />

Surface SesI: El Yes D xo Scal Typa<br />

E xcgr Crmcot<br />

Depth of<br />

fl cement 6rorn<br />

Placrarnerrt Mcthod: E frxopa<br />

D Cungtctc C'rotrt<br />

D Po"ra<br />

Gravel Prched: B Yqa E No<br />

frtt-<br />


fFet<br />

H<br />

'r<br />


TEST METTIOD: D B:ilg tr nmp<br />

G,P.M.<br />

DntDo}l<br />

(Fca EclDs Stsdcl<br />

D .A,ir un<br />

nrbc (tlDuE)<br />

no@d.9"1 -<br />

CoDrBcIDr<br />

1{oodl*d..--CA J5595-<br />

t9-<br />

t9_<br />

Yy'eErtEflperanrre-oF<br />

aEUrY<br />

IO.<br />


Thfu u,Dlt lras drilled uultr nt suPervision urd 6e repon is tnrc to tbc<br />

besr of my tnowledgc.<br />

Nsnrda cootraclor's liccnrc number<br />

nnt or nl<br />

issued by 6" Str. Conmctor's Boar{-q<br />

lln'ade driller's licexe llE llurllDcr numbcr lssueq issucd by uJr the uE<br />

? 1 | ?<br />

Divisioo of Ressurc*. tbe on-r1. driiler..'-:-<br />

3<br />

Page 210<br />


Pumping Records For Tessa Municipal Wells<br />

Tessa Production Well #2<br />

NDWR Drillers Log # 79967'<br />

Date Of Completion'October 13 , 1999<br />

Total Depth = 725 Feet<br />

Water Rights - 61269, 61270,65960, 65961, 66655, 70251and 70262 =<br />

Total AFA - 550.90 AcrelFt<br />

AF<br />

ANNUAL<br />


ffi zooo 0.0<br />

2001 0.0<br />

2002 0.0<br />

2003 103.2<br />

2OO4 18.8<br />

Item 3<br />



cAr{AxY-€LlE{T'3 COPY<br />







Please complete this form in its eltirety in<br />

rccordance tdft I{RS 534.170 and ltAC 534.3411<br />

Pu) -t (9 rT,sn Pts-<br />

I,og No.<br />

yol*uo.'<br />

'7 91 U'l<br />

G.s<br />

\,{AiLING<br />

io Box L2926<br />


E Neu Wcll El ncpUce D R.econdition<br />

D ueepen D Abandon tl ooer-<br />



E Domestic E lrrigarion D ta*<br />

E uu*cipaniausuiat D Monitor E stoct<br />

WELL T'I'PE<br />

E cablc tr notary ts nvc<br />

EJ,q.ir E otber-<br />

8. wELL coNsrRucrloN<br />

oep*tr orinca---7J,Lfeet Depth C'sed 715 eeet<br />


SASD<br />

ERA<br />

Szc O-D.<br />

(tDchcr)<br />

Weigh/Fr<br />

(Pounds)<br />

Fnra<br />

(ftct)<br />

To<br />

(Fcc$<br />


\5<br />

Perforatiotrs:<br />

TyPe<br />

Sizc<br />

Pro#to.<br />

rtoGt<br />

Fro#<br />

Fro#<br />

Fro#<br />

540+ct<br />

Tl0reet<br />

Surface Se.il: El<br />

Deptb of e-,r 157 | Yes DNo Sel Typa'<br />

D Neat Cerrent<br />

E Ccment Grout<br />

Ptacement Mcthod: EI fumpeO<br />

D Concrete<br />

D Po.t a<br />

Grout<br />

GravelPacted, EYo BNo<br />

Fron 0 teer ro 735rra<br />

9. wATER I.Eir4^^<br />

Sratic *aterg*"#bdow<br />

laad srhce<br />

Arteian flow. :M. P.S.l.'<br />

Water terrperatrrc-oF<br />

Onality<br />

atc sta<br />

ate coropl<br />


TEST METTIOD: D aatr E rurrp<br />

G.P-M.<br />

Dnw Dryr<br />

(FEcn Bdory SEds)<br />

,<br />

E air Lin<br />

Tirr (lloon)<br />


This well war drill.ed undcr my supcrnision aad $c rcport is tnre to The<br />

besr of rry Lnowlcdge.<br />

ea<br />

woopl,ar{p._cA 95695<br />

Costracts<br />

Nerzda contraclot's license uumbcr nn r 6 r A<br />

issued by the 0019101<br />

statc co"-tr"ct";:;-;*d<br />

Nevada driller's license nurnbcr issued by the<br />

3<br />

D"I. APRTT, 17.<br />

2NDO<br />



Item 3<br />

Page 213

System Name<br />

lvlt Rose<br />

lvlt Rose<br />

lvlt Rose<br />

lr4t Rose<br />

tvlt Rose<br />

Nft Rose<br />

Mt Rose<br />

Mt Rose<br />

MtRose<br />

lvlt Rose<br />

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[/lt Rose<br />

lfr Rose<br />

htlt Rose<br />

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lvlt Rose<br />

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Mt Rose 3<br />

'DS<br />

PWS lD Date (mglt NitraJe Nitrite Ammonia<br />

soJoar 6/10/2004<br />

s'1<br />


Mt Rose<br />

Mt Rose<br />

kft Rose<br />

Mt Rose<br />

Mt Rose<br />

Mt Rose<br />

Mt Rose<br />

Mt Rose<br />

Mt Rosd 3<br />

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lvft Rose 3<br />

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lvft Rose 3<br />

Mt Rose 3<br />

303042 411411999<br />

3030-02 1112611997<br />

3030-02 10/17l1996<br />

3030-02 1/4/1996<br />

3030-02 1230/1994<br />

3030-02 5/19/1993<br />

3030-02 3/13/1993<br />

3030-02 1/10/1991<br />

164<br />

1M<br />

162<br />

6.7<br />

0.8<br />

2.6<br />

0.4 0<br />

0.8<br />

2.9<br />

3.1<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 215

. wHrTurrlrs<br />

EI^ECTRICAT SffiVgtr<br />

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SFARKS- T{EVAOA 8€'431<br />

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FAX {tsz) 331{tit57<br />

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Work ordered bY<br />

Signailre<br />


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:.:-;-:.: :-.::r.:-:i.:-'; ---:-:..-]-.-.:i-:'-..--.:j<br />

f--w<br />

.tst,!<br />

Bruce MacKay Pump & WeIl Serviger Inc"<br />

1600 Mount Rose Highway<br />

RENO, NEVADA89511<br />

:I,STOMER'S ORDEA NO H9ME Ft'for\E<br />

'J€fftt<br />

l7o2l851-15OO<br />

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qArEvutffBlEr<br />

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stEaot +qij<br />

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9po-l .!ry{t -tgl11r Q gev in til within I o da!6, buyer aerees ro pay a<br />

Ffl.lAt{cE cHaRcE oF 216 pER MONTH, 24%pER ruVnUHA, ruU5 iny<br />

other collection costs incurred.<br />

lOuioment to remairi fie property of Bruci MacKay pump & Wetl<br />

Service; lng" until such time as,said equipment and 6bor iipaid for.<br />

Ttere is a S25,ff) charee for rebrned checks.<br />

q<br />

'a5<br />

8'<br />

i@<br />

o[ lhe ahcn e @itaDed worls<br />

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Item 3<br />

Page217<br />


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PHONE.<br />

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To R*rr{ ca! NEBS CUSTgM-prlnSng reflie ToLL FREE r-8m"8a8.Elt ,VEBq bB. Pet€tbo@otl Ng 03454 ief. t'lo: G 315702893<br />

Bruce MacKay Pump & WeIl Service;-Inc.<br />

1600 Mount Rose Highway<br />

RENO, NEVADA 89511<br />

BILL TO<br />

'<br />

-f'<br />

I€f ft . ;>fifittitol<br />

lto2l 851=1600<br />

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qgq'| rt /11+,Rorc<br />

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r'G<br />

MrDEr=<br />

?"uMF<br />

LJ#<br />

f^l I a.i Llmn 6A<br />



'TERMS:<br />


Upon bq/e/s failure to p4, in full within 10 d4|s, buyer agrees b pay a<br />

rinmcE clnRcE of 2% PER MoNTH, 24% Pfr Al'lNuM, PLus anv<br />

ofrer qollection costs inqrred.<br />

Equipment to remain the property of Bruce.MacKay Pump & Well<br />

'Senice,.lnc. unlil'such lime as said equipment and labor is paid fur-<br />

There.b a 525.00 charge for r€tumed checks.<br />

I hemby a*norladge hs edkiladotycorplefion<br />

of th€ aborD dascrlbod utotg<br />

__i____<br />


i. -.--- '<br />

" --':: ,<br />

Ti<br />

i-<br />

P<br />

".o*e MacKay Pump & WeIl Service,Inc. [NV@[GE ]<br />

'<br />

..I<br />

1600 Mount Rose Highway<br />

RENO, NEVADA 89511 Ns 8607<br />

17021851-1600<br />

Shaa nrv:r<br />

t rtrf $q; tl<br />

DEscRfPnoN"""*Tnsirrii<br />

l" Floae *t*f+p it *-/<br />

iisers<br />

au'e* esl,)oj'P<br />

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HRS. @-/HR<br />



,r {ailrra *n nav in Crll .!;+hin tfl '|*re }nnrar aomac tn<br />

niuence CHARGE oF z% PER MoNTtt, 24l* PER AllNurl. Pl-Lls aru<br />

odrer collection costs incurred.<br />

Fouiomant to remain lfie orooertv of Bruce MacKav.Purnp & Well<br />

Seruice, lnc. und slrch tirne as seid equipmert and Jabor C paid for.<br />

Therc'rs a S25.0O charge for retmed checks.<br />

TUTAL<br />

LABOH<br />

TOTAL<br />


TAX<br />

TOTAL<br />

AIIIOUNT * *x6, B<br />

I h6r€by adooudadgB lhe saliEhciory cot|Flddl<br />

d rhs abore descrbgd lYodc<br />

Item 3<br />

Page220<br />

,zAr<br />

(tr\<br />


-ri<br />

Bruce MacKay prrrnp & Well Servieer hrc.<br />

1600 Mount Rose HighwaY<br />

RENO, NEVADA 89511<br />

l7o2l851-1600<br />

INV@[GE<br />

Ne 8785<br />

Terr"r sl'wnn<br />


€ruict<br />

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HRS. @-/<br />

HR.<br />



n lrt nror +n<br />

vFvr. vsrv.<br />

FNANCE CTiARGE ff ?% ftR MONTH. 24% reR A'{M,IM, PLUS ANY<br />

other collection cosis incuned.<br />

Equipment to remain the property of Bruce MacKay Pump &Well<br />

Service, lnc. und soch time as said eguhment and labor is paid fs.<br />

There is a S25.OO charEe for retumed checks.<br />

TOTAI:<br />

LABOH<br />

TOIAL<br />


TAX<br />

TOTAL<br />

AMOUNT $<br />

I hsreby adsFu,ledg€ tlg safstactory com9lglion<br />

ol lhs aborts alsscribsd notk<br />

t______:--____-_<br />

Item 3<br />

Page22l<br />

7:<br />

la)<br />


:. :<br />

i;'<br />

Bruce MaeKay Pump & Well Servicer lnc;,"'<br />

1600 Mount Rose Highway<br />

RENO, NEVADA 89511<br />

(77518s1-1600<br />


?/ z /ot<br />

*]otl/lEFrs9**N: vt,ORK FHONE TECHNICIAN.<br />

JtrP<br />

'BILL TO<br />

, ! ef trV bt4qn n an<br />

. !# -t<br />

INVOIGE ..<br />

t:;<br />

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fhTi ilos e #,rtY'<br />

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ARRIVE SHOP ...<br />

t:5a<br />

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WELL SIZE/DEPTH --. I PtFiP SETI${G | ... FIFE st4E<br />

b:tt Z+7 :l: $*tt<br />

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DESCRIPTIONOFWORK: - ,t t ! -''. J<br />

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nns. e-lzd-trrnn.<br />



f,i Seil*. fu seenitv pumoses. retalns tiUe O'Oescrbea eoods mtil FAID N ruLL li case of &rrds deFarlt in<br />

.i.-.oanni:nt Sdler drhb'agert! rray take.oossession of,-and rcmoe descrbed goods.tom Butre/s prcmises<br />

.'ri Willrn.t ritiqr .e" E+,er uuahda d riilt.cf adbn fq tespess dam€es c-dier cause resulting fror.n<br />

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id.repossesslon.<br />

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ItieEry ac*noxteoge lhe saushclofy completion of the abov€ de.scrbed wotlq<br />

and agfiBe to lhe tsfmE ard cdduonq setbrlh above.<br />

Item 3<br />


DS2#69t<br />

iaffi<br />

ss-T-54b3<br />

A! -4<br />

rirrg l{orl&anr lgermda'$acs I t60<br />

,il1t7t.*2t 63<br />

ffilh#:<br />

v.Jlcsp _ Frs{}<br />

Wdt,rrWk 2s7<br />

-€rer'& d-ot4o-r'j.E'W<br />

Prcss:re e\Eilch -<br />

T1-/^lt^ oJ-elt*'<br />

Flo*Tenn<br />

ISne<br />

9:45<br />

10:00 '<br />

t0:15<br />

10:30<br />

10'45<br />

Urt€rL€FreI<br />

?5! stlts<br />

265<br />

w<br />

?fi6<br />

266<br />

CntlogPerErfinrttE<br />

lo<br />

9.5<br />

9.5<br />

q.5<br />

9.5<br />

Item 3<br />

vryez:a^:.,<br />


FROi'| libKav 0r illing 8265365<br />

s3-29-10 l2:5DPl4 I0<br />

8,193824<br />

*73 P.L/3<br />

J<br />

llcl(,AY DHLUNG' INC'<br />

*qrr -E-iutrrcuELkanfifl?o<br />

g|Itnc' Pmf sdlr I gctYbfr<br />

2290 Flonoot Dtit'E<br />

, F3no,Net'sd86e509<br />

IrrttolcE No.<br />


TA)(PAYSR ID<br />

Ftono(??UE {t32<br />

Frr(|?El|e+Ce6r<br />

00002075<br />

a3/29102<br />

88-b146113<br />

bn lr'.:<br />

'."1F.' *i*n.'6 Sharon Burnett<br />

" ' F*Q. BPx 1927?<br />

. lRsbor,' !w 895'rl<br />

s}llP<br />

TOc<br />

584? [rt.<br />

Rerror lW<br />

Rose EwY.<br />

9951X<br />

1,0<br />

1.0 hour ilcw LesL<br />

l 00, oo<br />

100 .00<br />

kr n<br />

2 7+'<br />

MESSAGE:<br />

trnl:<br />

$€7r<br />

@<br />

ve rtr*c<br />

80$€1F03S or netaasa<br />

ffi*llJ F 9$A ,fO

R@der FEfr NEBS cusTlgM'-printlng<br />

'<br />

seryice r €oGsB8-63 n<br />

n Jt.t r..i<br />

rlu-"rd.<br />

o*uu *w.Gbs.@m<br />

"$.,{"-y(n, ""<br />

/l ..c<br />

Ret. No: G 233612705<br />

Bruce MacKay Pump & Well Service, Inc.<br />

1600 Mt. Rose Hwy, Reno,'Nevada 89511<br />

775-851-1600<br />

NV Lic.#23095<br />



Ns 19231<br />

& 23096 CA Lic.#595616 -1/ r t/as 7 / /t/o9<br />


tq ?- q*72<br />

,I{FF<br />


*l"e.rr,,<br />

Shannnn<br />

n<br />



1600 bTT. ROSEHIGHWAY<br />

RENO, NEVADA 89511<br />

(77O 8s1-1600<br />





8t1712005<br />


1<br />

lVls. Terry Shannon<br />

Shannon, Terry<br />

P. O. Box 19277<br />

Reno, Nevada 89511<br />



Aecou nt Activity fiom 3l I I 2005 th rou g h 8 17 l2OASz<br />


3/1/2005 Beginning Balance<br />

7l18l2OO5 Charge - lowered pump 19231<br />

Totals:<br />

$0.00<br />

s132.23<br />

$132.23 $0.00<br />

$0.00<br />

$13223<br />

Cunent 31€0 DAYS 61-90 DAYS 91-120 DAYS OVER 120 DAYS TOTALDUE<br />

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00<br />

vn.23<br />

Item 3<br />

page226<br />

( f

.|600<br />

Mt. Rose Hwy.<br />

Reno, NV 89511<br />

February 17,2006<br />

Bruce lvtacKay<br />

Pump & WeIt $ervite,lnc'<br />

professional"<br />

NV Lic. #23095 & #23096'CA Lic. #595616<br />

"Your complete water systern<br />

Office: (77s) 851 -l 500<br />

Fox: (77s\ 851 -1602<br />

Terry & Richard Shannon<br />

P.O. Box 19277<br />

Reno, NV 89511<br />

RE: 5847 Mt. Rose Hwy. Reno, NV<br />

Terry & Richard,<br />

We are pleased to submit the following estrmate to abandon domestic well and<br />

furnish trttiogs to make connections at each end of customers I.25" poly wlter lin- e<br />

from County-water meter to house main line. Remove pressure tank from closet in<br />

house and connest the house lines together.<br />

2 mancrew 5 to l0 hours @ $135.00 perlhr $675.00 - $1,35'0.00<br />

lMaterials $300.00 to $500.00<br />

Abandon 6" X 297' damestis well @ 914.50 per/ft. $4,306.50<br />

Trencb, sand and installation of sand for trench, poly water line, and back filling of<br />

ffench by customer.<br />

Well abandon permit by others,<br />

If you have questions, please call.<br />

Sincerely z I<br />

n#7ii"t-<br />

Item 3<br />

Prge227<br />


Pumping Recordb For Mount Rose MunicipalWells<br />

Mount Rose Production Well#6<br />

NDWR 'O"t" Drillers Log # 78770<br />

Of ComPletion 'February 3' 2000<br />

Total DePth = 755 Feet<br />

Water Rights '65364 : TotatAFA - 1830'53 Acre/Ft<br />

YEAR<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

. 2003<br />

2004<br />

AF<br />

ANNUAL<br />

,AGE<br />

0.0<br />

0.0<br />

?21.4<br />

118.2<br />

104.3<br />

GAL<br />

ANNUAL<br />


0.00<br />

72,139,000.00<br />

38,528,000.00<br />

33,981,000.00<br />

CU FT<br />

ANNUAL<br />


0.0000<br />

0.0000<br />

9,644,984.3000<br />

5,151,193.6000<br />

4,543,259.7000<br />

Item 3<br />

\><br />

-t1 Ptge228

Richard and Theresa Shannon<br />

P.O. Box 19277 775-849-3873<br />

Reno Nevada 89511<br />

We||MitigationSummaryFinatVersionMarchll,2a06<br />

1. water had been supplied by well onthis land prior to the first required recording of our<br />

community welt agreement filed with the County Recorder'l fhe agreement called for<br />

it's provision of water to several homes- the number changing as each home dug it's<br />

own well and became self su*icient. As each home created.a water toul'.tl-1..,-<br />

agreement would fall aside to allow for the remaining homes to have a water provlslon<br />

agreement.<br />

Current well 2 was drilled in 1980. The depth of the well is 297' with water a static<br />

water level at 248',with two homes using the water source' well had 49 feet of<br />

watersustainab|estaticwatersupplyattimeofconstruction.<br />

All of the systems on the shannon property-were brought into.99f9tru"ce upon the<br />

2.<br />

Shannon's purchase and app.roved via ttre Final orderlf the WCBC final order July 13'<br />

;9#.i-p;r-thi, order m"i", was installed on the well.a This meter indicates a usage<br />

;H #X. ;iniJ'ir wett " within tne z.oiArA allocated to the propertv which is also<br />

substantially betow the state water Engineers average usage of 1'12 AFA; WC<br />

carcurated average usage of .g4 for our"areand/or the Garena Estates example of '62<br />

AFA. The meter lndicales a total usage of 1,146,55! Oal =.to 4'09 AfA or '58 over<br />

the 7 year period for all water useO ny"bot homes' Taking into consideration our<br />

septic recharge 22far our septic which indicates an actual usage of '36 AFA taken<br />

i*,L in" Our property rvith two homes has used less water than the average<br />

"quifut.u.<br />

iTffijilY#,1ii.e resate vatue or the water when we sisn our well credit rorm7'<br />

?<br />

-domestic .^<br />

our property has 2 homes yet we are ailocated for private use z.oz AFAsl. to<br />

our understanding. There ,o*"lourtocat C-AB.Rep.) that t"v it.<br />

is.actually 4'04<br />

"r"<br />

since there are two homes per the state water Engineer's office' water rights are<br />

currently selling for up to $80,000 and the water purveyors in our area are buying them<br />

as fast as they come on the market. lf it only takes a dedication of '62 to build a<br />

subdivision home doesn'that mean that oui county will be able to serve our homes<br />

and 3 more with the signing of the well credit form? Doesn'that mean that our county<br />

will be at the u".y i"tti"n iOOitional $180,000 and the hook-up fees for those homes<br />

bringing in an additional $16,000. plus the charges for the actual water used at approx<br />

1on<br />

June 8,1g71book 549 page 104' Copy provided'<br />

2 per driller log 20853) Copy provided'<br />

t bopy provided.<br />

. ;;;i 6t pnoto of meter reading provided_at the end of this document'<br />

" Meter was installed 918/98. There were 7 years of full usa,ge and 3 months in 1998 with one month less in<br />

2005.. \Mth a reading of 1,146.550 gailons irom tne time oiinstallation until the time of failure on 1213/05 our<br />

actuar usage for both homes during this time was 4.g AF over seven yearsjor two homes. lf you divide that by<br />

7 it equals .58 AFA. And if you count recharge our usage was negligible' ' This uses the calculation of 43'560<br />

cu ft. = 1 afa and that 6.428512 gallons equal 1 cu' Ft'<br />

llfinat order & receipt for meter copy provided)<br />

, Sioned provisionally to be in effect at time oi'actual water provision. Notarized copy provided'<br />

t CJov provided of ad in big nickelt<br />

F;##J copy ot Letter frim Hugh Ricci State water eng, Citing this'<br />

,o These stats are listed on the (non tetterhead) summary of facti provided by WCWR to our Mitigation packet'<br />

Item 3<br />


$60.00 per month? By selling the water from under our homes and hooking us up"'<br />

doesn't our County stand to bring in close to $200,000. plus a monthly residual of<br />

close to $240.00? | believe this should more than cover the infrastructure costs to<br />

bring us water.<br />

4. Monitoring and Wells STATS.<br />

We requested upon numerous occasions to have the WCWR read this meter regularly as<br />

part of ttreir monitoring program.ttWhich within many letters and STMGTD (Local &<br />

'Governing)<br />

minutes anO we were declined by WCWR and STMGID. This is best<br />

summarized in a letter from WCWR Hydrologist responsible for the monitoring<br />

documentation, "Our office is currently measuring Marty Scheuerman's well across the<br />

street from your home. This well prouider us adequate information on the water level in<br />

your immedjate area." This was further substantiated on April 16,2002 in the letter when<br />

he sent all the data thus far for the monitoring wells in our specific area'"<br />

This letter reassured us that we would not be held unresponsive for a lack of "properly'<br />

documented well readings when mitigation time came.<br />

'3Along with Mr. Schuerman - The<br />

Stephens, Melarky, Quinn, Sheppard,Nixon, Hunt, Kitchen, Brokaw,<br />

Rumrnler, May61z61{1sper the counties report on page 54 of 68 water levels have declined<br />

over 20 years 1}-z}feet several other neighbors were on the monitoring system. The<br />

August iOtn 2aOl minute say, "... it is the domestic well owner's responsibility to<br />

continuously moniior their weils, but that only 10-20 percent actually do this." We not only<br />

monitored our well we had a meter on it to prove what is used. We believed that WCWR<br />

and STMGID had an adequate sampling for our area and accepted the declination to<br />

monitor our well. Of these wells- all ihat-haue failed 15 of the '16 have been mitigated with<br />

and paid for well failure. Mr. Dowling was decline due to "Moving too quickly" without .<br />

following the correct steps to be miiigated. The STMGID minutes reflecthat he was told<br />

he had not "waited to have his well fail'.16. lt is highly distressing to have a final summary<br />

for our Mitigation Hearing which cites statistics from wells in a parameter including areas<br />

of our aquiier which are iesponding to pump-age completely different than our area. The<br />

wells and statistics are in a different hydro-basin rather than citing the "agreed upon<br />

during negotiations of the Mitigation Board inception" monitoring wells that are in our<br />

speciic aiea.'7tu<br />

t, Copy of Letters from WCWR April 16, 2002. Reflected in WCBCC minutes from 1999-2002 as well as within<br />

4 meetinos of the WC STMGID Local Board Minutes 2001-2003'<br />

j1 copv Jt oist< provided.<br />

,, Wlthin the minutes and tape of the WCWR and State Water Engineer Meeting held at Galena High School<br />

when a member of the public asked, " What if we don't have all the documentation of our well?"<br />

to Maitoza STMGID PnM Page2;Sheppard 1 Olgl2OOl page 37; Meyers 612812015;Heika7l27l2AO4 Page 2'<br />

Rummler 1112312A04;1urk6l25t2o02; Page 43 of 68 shows previous reimbursement deepenings Stephens,<br />

Brokaw, Quinn, Rua, Ronkos Page 45 of 68 Nixon, Hunt, Melarky, Kitchen. One refusal Dowling.<br />

tu" There are approximately 26 wblls measured twice a year in the Government Lots." Page 55 of 68 per<br />

WCWR. Water levels generally declined in our area 10-20 feet over 20 years.<br />

16 Minutes provided- this caused concerns for PDW which is anothereason the Groundwater Task Force was<br />

convened to begin to create a "neutral" system for PDW owners to follow for mitigation'<br />

tTThis criteria-nd issuewas a primaryissue listed by Private DomesticWellownersduringthe minutes.and<br />

tapes of the Groundwater Task Force. lt became a primary reason for the dual recommendation of a public<br />

access and input data base as well as a mitigation board consisting of Private domestic well owners as well as<br />

hydro-geologists.<br />

tdMafproviled . ^ -,!L^^<br />

byWCWRto STMGID Local Board -red dots and additions have been made by us of those<br />

voied'to be approved in the meeting minutes of the STMGID Local Board all noted parties minutes were Item3<br />

Page 230

'I<br />

_r. l<br />

i<br />

'I<br />

I<br />

t<br />

I<br />

I<br />

I<br />

., a.<br />

1<br />

I<br />

=1r,tP.&$<br />

ttErrs I''g'lt{GIII fouduelien usd .Huurtq {Y4ll4tt $elEci+d lholgtic*elk<br />

W.g.#<br />

provided in our packet. lnclusive of the minutes showing that the Nixon property was hooked up waiving fee's<br />

and the Copy attached.<br />

'" Copy attached.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 231

Throughout our County's valor attempts to deal with its budgetaryl lmpacU Administrative<br />

Crisisiegarding privafe Domestic Well Owners throughout the years the actual Mitigation<br />

policies have changed so often that there has never been a true sense of reliability of<br />

relief to an impacted PDWO. The only reason that some of us PDWO's have been able to<br />

continue to live in the area is the belief that that truth will prevail, the RIGHT will be done<br />

and there is fairness in government.<br />

The chart below.shows that from 1980 to 1994 our well had a sustainable rechargeable<br />

static water level of 248 feelover a 15 year( in drought out of drought) period of time. This<br />

shows we had a sustainable water supply recharging with a -0- rate of decline in our well-<br />

As a matter of fact, most of the increase in new (documented by county) private domestic<br />

wells in our immediate area took place during that period of time. With little or no affecto<br />

our static water level.<br />

From 1994 to 2OO5 our well lost a documented 48 feet of static water level. While<br />

during that same period of time STMGID # 6 increased their production pumpage from<br />

50,02-3,000.00 to more than 373,370,000.00 a more than 7 fold increase- This caused a<br />

rate of decline in our well of 4.8 feet annually over the last 10 years attributable to<br />

srMGlD # 6'<br />

ii-n;;il ,\di;;<br />

---- -lpncr-<br />

| ;;i-"=il;;;;;7'ner,rr<br />

- --<br />

,.- i96o' 297 ' 248' s:<br />

Y!-ry---€[-wstt-Q!t![W-?re+Itr1-][€e'-""{*rreqee--s1ut9!Pl--uJ-----<br />

--::*Jee-r-.<br />

:-H:-" - -Ni : -.*?:"q:-::-<br />

-2AB --"----- 9,- ---l'P-'qo-ogg<br />

,---- tgeA.-<br />

oj 50,023,000.00<br />

'rgsidr- .--. ------h7^ -248', -- - --<br />

---:1ee7 --*-tw:-*-"-*-<br />

0 -q.qggr9-o-[F<br />

-<br />

r52:--- +--_4P:g!o.O!<br />

zoal;-------<br />

'--ffi----<br />

--* -2w: zw:----z6t-* Trlli_aigl_,qq0,"0."9,<br />

- -' io;,t z1-{,szq@.99-<br />

,* -"tbot - '"--- *_-rls'' -- *-ZTECtual.ilt-ul9<br />

i<br />

unk;wn:<br />

2005 297 296<br />

-11<br />

Total level decline<br />

-48 feet of water.<br />

ln 2004 the budget was approved and Phase 11 extension to the Government lots was<br />

approved on thJagenda ior February 27th 2AO4.<br />

'o Maps showing our hook-up were<br />

distributed. We were told there was no need to "reapply" since our County certainly knew<br />

we wanted water. We would never have run out of water and lived without water for 5<br />

months if this had been done when we were told it was accomplished.<br />

to Copy of map and minutes attached. Letter from WCV/R attached.<br />

Item 3<br />


*ur crat cf 6:o*k*t ex6:*r'i*e* to date are:<br />

Trenching<br />

$ 850.0021<br />

Sand<br />

$ 306.0022<br />

Refitiing : F i ping :'fi/el I Abondonment<br />

$6,400.0023<br />

Health Permit<br />

145.C024<br />

Lowering of Pump 8!17145<br />

132.2925<br />

Loss of Rents<br />

6,750.0CI26<br />

Hook Up requested fees<br />

8,352.80- We request You waive this<br />

and get us water. PLEASE!lll<br />

Living without water 12l4lA5 to 3/16106 PRICELESS!<br />

Total expenses to be mitigated<br />

$22,936.03<br />

Please remit ASAP and get us water!!!!l!!!!l!!!!!.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Richard and Terri Shannon<br />

This is what odr area looked like 10 years ago when we bought.<br />

Figure 23. P,lltJ/ial larrs h[rder the mautttahts at the ,-]u'tlEt* rf<br />

skea.rn chani'Elo and rnntain mcretly roarse-grained sedirneriis.<br />

Mountain- How could a reasonable citizen expect this?<br />

Plants are brown! Lawn is rock. This is our rental.<br />

iEgbq&j.4i;rair:i.;-.1,!!,;:::i;".. I :' "<br />

:r"'ri4re<br />

This is aur home. Our Chickens and dogs are fed with bottted<br />

wabr. aur pipes are laid we are ready the water is a mere 300<br />

feet away- get us water -We are told itwould take I day!<br />

li Copy aitached<br />

^^ Copy Attached<br />

:] Copy Attached<br />

il Copy Attached<br />

1] copy Attached<br />

'" Copy atiached<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 233

Lt.-*{-<br />

(-,-\<br />

>>J- rvLG t tS<br />

Theresa and Richard Shannon<br />

PO Box 19277<br />

Reno Nevada 8951 1<br />

775.84s-3873<br />

Dept. of Water Resources<br />

l-<br />

V<br />

od- {D<br />

W\r; i,.r- t e t'1<br />

RECE.I VED<br />

MAR 09 2006 0^b i\ eJ +D<br />

*t HfiffiffiW,*r* eac n Lrnr><br />

March 9, 2006<br />


mitigated with in an impartial manner. Primarily, allthe data that had been<br />

freJenteO by the many entities during the pasffouryears the WCRWC, WC<br />

Commissioners as the STMGID Goveming Board, the STMGID Local Board and<br />

the Groundwater Task Force was being either ignored, re'written or simply<br />

discarded. The facts were being distilled into a partial presentatign.of reality of<br />

i*p".t causing PDW owners tobe denied the mitigation. I was distressed to be<br />

told that the board was not sticking to the function of determining<br />

'Hydrological<br />

irp"A, on an impartial basis- but iather, was in fact making determinations and<br />

decisions outside of that scope based on information whicl'r was not pertinento<br />

f,VOrologiol impact and at times even making "policf decisions or<br />

recommendations.<br />

I choose not to become further involved due, to the fact that I knew that I needed<br />

to do my best to save money for the inevitable wellfailure at my own home-<br />

My wellwas a healthy well, with new electrical lines, good healthy water and flow<br />

anO tne flow was test,ed on a regular basis. lt was a legal well. I bought the<br />

;r"p;rty jnd had gone throughhany steps to bring it up to conform3nce which is<br />

bne reason the eniire well issue was so "demanding" to us. We had already<br />

dealt with our county trying to make sure all was 'perfect with our home- In<br />

doing so we had been ;veibally told not ten years ago thewgll would last the<br />

sam6 ZO4O years it had before. lt was particularly GALLING to know that this<br />

"reassuran@" was not true. lt became a life changing, consuming problem as to<br />

where our home was going to get water- and would we survive living in our home<br />

to see this haPPen.<br />

Our well recl'rarged and remained consistent in its water supply from_,it's inception<br />

in 1980 to approx. 1995. Sometime during this time it was 'redrilled" and the<br />

pump reptaceO (l have the pump book) by the prior owners to provide fortwo<br />

hombs not one iiving off the water supply and to provide for long term future<br />

water stability- (they were building the second home and apparently preparing to<br />

sell the prop6rtyl.wb have provided the originalwellog and all receipts we could<br />

find regarding this inclusive of three main items we were provided at our<br />

purchale- lwhen we went to WCWR- in the beginning and were reassured).<br />

1. A map of where all the lines were placed with a diagram of the well.<br />

(Provided in our packet.)<br />

2. A test of the water determining it to be of great quality. (ln our packet).<br />

3. A flow test showing the depth and reassuring depth and flow had not<br />

cl-ranged substantialty over the existing 15 years of the well.<br />

\Mth this knowledge we reptaced all the electrical lines to the pump, moved the<br />

pressure tank to a closet, and re-plumbed many of the lines at our initial<br />

purchase in order to service our water supply to be of the highest maintenance.<br />

We OiO all this with no knowledge of any "water issues' in our area. We did this<br />

so that we could have a mortgage consistent-for 30 years. (Receipts tumed in).<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 235

(ln 1995-1999 we had many surging problems with our Power Provider due to a<br />

iaulty transformer whicl't may have attributed to the following)<br />

Suslainable water level is betwen 242' and 248' dropping historically<br />

only 6' during droughts over a period of trme_bgtween 1980 and 1999.<br />

Neirly 20 yelrs and only ever dropping the Q<br />

feet. We believed our<br />

watersource to be sustainable for another 40 years aS we were<br />

reassured.<br />

In 1997 we had the wires go bad to our well. (Receipts turned in)<br />

In 1998 we had a wire go bad at the well. (Receipts turned in)<br />

ln 199g we had a metei installed on our well per WC Commissioners requesto<br />

get our permitting into conforman@. ($825. Receipt turned in).<br />

In 2001 we had a bleeder go bad and replaced it' (Receipts turned in)<br />

an3l29t2O02 after going through a long process of attempting to get the meter<br />

read, or become part otlne WC monitoring program we paid !o fgve 9ur<br />

well<br />

read. wcwR sent a worker to read it who stated they couldn't. Yet, the paid<br />

drillers could with no Problem.<br />

2(n2- We were no longer at 248' but had lowered a rapid rate of only 3<br />

years to 266,. ThE inirease in decline would dramatically shorten the life<br />

of our well. A drop of 78' of water in 3 yearc is three times what we<br />

dectined aver a neiar 2O year period of time. (Receipts tumed in)<br />

Conespondingly STMGTD lti tocated in ctose proximity to our PDy<br />

increaid n's plumpage from approx-o-&N in zou' to pumpage of<br />

4,543,259.7O0b cubic-feet. Annual pumpage. This well was competed on<br />

Fehruary 3,20(n at a depth of 755 feet which would draw off the same<br />

water sippty. (Receipts tumed in) page 77 ot SMGID Minutes- and STMGID<br />

Map showing distance to our well.<br />

Between 2OO2 and 2OC4 Even the STMGID well had to lower its own pump due<br />

to the water declination. \Mrich shows that with all the "planningfl which goes into<br />

the production well being drilled it even did not initially account for the<br />

honendous deleterious iffed the drawdown would inflict on the aquifer' (Stated<br />

by the WG hydrologist in the STMGID Minutes.) Wfren re@mmending slowing<br />

the pumpage from this well and (rest) the well-<br />

By 7/2005 the water in our well had droppd from 266' to 285' and<br />

atditional drop of 19 feet of water over a 3 year period. This is a total<br />

dectine of 37 ieet over a 7 year period. The impact of STMGID # 6 is very<br />

clear.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 236

tn August 2(n5 we lowered the pump and notifrd wcDwR that we needd<br />

watei ln November we applied for mitigation. On December 4, 2(n5 we ran<br />

out of water comptetely. We tost our tenants that wee;k and have<br />

experienced a $i,ggO i month toss of income. We have lived without water<br />

for four months. We are being totd to turn in $8,UNt+ or we will not get<br />

water. We are paying a driltei$6,(Nn + b prepare our property for hook up'<br />

we have paid $SOO* for sand to filt a 375 foot trench required to hook up on<br />

our side-of the land, we have paid $ASO. To have that trench dug, and we<br />

have paid $145. To the hstth Department for a well abandonment permit.<br />

This is a total of $7,295 we have alrady spent out af pocket.<br />

We do not have the eash to give WCWR $8,N0+ and get reimburcd. We<br />

neexJ to have the well abandoned or we will be taken to court by the<br />

Washoe @unty Halth Dept. Please reimhurce us for what we have<br />

already outkyed and waive our fees so that we can have water today- They<br />

are taying the pipe in front of our home and we could have water by next<br />

week it your board taks emergency action-<br />

We have provided minutes which show:<br />

1. That other members of our neighborhood were hooked up without<br />

having to udo the work on their side of the hook-up" or outlaying funds.<br />

That other memher of our neighborhood was hooked up waiving any fe*.<br />

2. That other members of our neighborhood were reimbursd for all their<br />

expenses.<br />

That other memberc of our communityr were not left without water or loss<br />

of income for 4 months and hook ups were completed in a far more timely<br />

fashion.<br />

g. That the map and proposal and bidding process tor the line ertension<br />

was appnoved and on frre "books'with maps providd to us in 2002.<br />

4. We ask you to consider the financial hardship of loss of rental income<br />

totaling morc than $5,ON) as part of the '\raiving of fees"; that we have<br />

spent $l,ZgS mare out of pocket tokling cosfs of $12,295 to date.<br />

Our County requirtng an additional $8,352.80. Prior to delivering us water<br />

that is in i pipe in frant of our home is tudicraus when your production well<br />

suckd the water out of our well and you sold that water to other water<br />

users.<br />


S'NCERELY,<br />


Theresa & Richard Shannon<br />

P.O. Box 19277 Reno NV 89511<br />

5847 (Carl) Mt. Rose Hwy.<br />

849-3873<br />

Presentation to STMGID<br />

Local and Managing Board<br />

Agenda's April 16, 17, 2006.<br />

Summary lncludes:<br />

Pages 1-15 of Summary of entire process with all documents embedded.<br />

Copies of Receipts embedded.<br />

Transcription of WCBCC and STMGID "Mitigation" Board Minutes<br />

Request:<br />

We have asked that the STMGID Local and Managing Board<br />

approve our mitigation as they have the neighbors surrounding<br />


whv?<br />

Because Mitigation Board found STMGID 6 to have impacted us at 660/0.<br />

Because Seldom if ever has any mitigation request been scrutinized to the<br />

degree ours has.<br />

Noi a mitigant required to "Provide' so much proof-requested by WCWR.<br />

We have lived since 12l5t2OO5 without water due to our County's lmpact.<br />

That is:<br />

140 showers taken somewhere other than at home each person.<br />

280 times boiling water to wash and rinse dishes.<br />

20 weeks of hailing laundry and payinV $15.00; while machines sit<br />

idle.<br />

140 days of watering domestic livestock with hottled water.<br />

280 times of using bottled water to brush your teeth.<br />

Thousands of attempts to wash hands in sinks without running<br />

water,<br />

Christmas, New Years, Richard's Birthday, Grandchild Alysha's<br />

Birthday, Grandchild Angela's Birthday, GrandchildTaylor's<br />

Birthday, Daughter in Law Mollies Birthday, All fhese celebrations<br />

affected by no running water!!!<br />

The tenants moving- 3 months info a 2 year lease right before<br />

Christmas! When our next door neighbor fook less than 1 week to<br />

hook upl Why should we have expected longer time frame?

Exhibit A<br />

Fhurc ?3. Allullalhm bodd be mq/nlains d he out8b 0l<br />

stratn channeh ad contah ms1y coarPgrahed $dlnsrh<br />

3<br />

: jj ri*<br />



4<br />

o6r,"H?'li,3ri"#K#iyftttf fSSfwithout any impacr !g-oyr wer rrom Drousht, new Private Domestic wells'<br />

6 ourwell,s water level stayed atz+tfeet to 2S?feetfor more than 30 years'<br />

7I9<br />

From 1960 to 1995 "on=i"'te,ntit1<br />

we had a reliabl<br />

Water had been supplied by well on this land<br />

well agreement was filed with the County Rec<br />

10 homeJ. Obviously, since our home and the otl<br />

11 since 1960 the well existed prior to County ret<br />

12 the agreement would fall aside to allow for the<br />

13 agreJment. Cunent well2 was drilled in 1980'<br />

14 wlter levelat 248'with two homes using the u<br />

15 sustainable static water supply at time of conl<br />

16 sustainable water drawdown' This recorde d<br />

17<br />


1g<br />

20<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

32<br />


1on<br />

June 8,1971 book 549 page 104. Copy provided'<br />

2 per driller log 20853) Copy provided'<br />

3 copies provided.<br />

] copy provided.<br />

" Copy provided.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 239

I<br />

33<br />

34<br />

35<br />

36<br />

37<br />

38<br />

The Meter was instailed on our weil on grls/rggg. This meter has measured atr use of warer by both<br />

homes from that time until the well went Jry in1ztstzoos. The total use of water measured in gallons<br />

during that time is 1,461 ,5fy'.4gallons. our attoweo and allocated use per NRS is 4'599'000' 'we have<br />

used ress than 30% of the afiocated or water for both of aur homes during the lasl<br />

"iiiii<br />

seven years..<br />




EHIBIT J<br />

.*h<br />

/_-<br />

td-rl<br />

e8<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

45<br />

46<br />

47<br />

: - ,:*,<br />

I{:r.,#r-iE::-:'J-1i*<br />

i:FF:i:i::i':':i::<br />

==l=;1!r:'-!-)t=<br />

- +-:}r-:: "'t'-"'<br />

5:'--.:ij3-':--<br />

r|'<br />

ry -;-,t--f rnrnt rlmoe for 7.4 Years<br />

had suruive4 without substantive change it<br />

concurrently.<br />


ftg 50<br />

51<br />

52<br />

53<br />

g6<br />

56<br />

57<br />

58<br />

59<br />

60<br />

61<br />

62<br />

63<br />

sHows Moutrohtna wELLg KlrcHEN ts IHERE<br />

@lnqtrarce(AER,AGE')<br />

sttows onop ot JvrtQscrrrre,r, w' qed wb'^--',<br />

AND SCllltERMAwrs irofl<br />

The washoe County Commissioners were wamed by severaistudies that if they proceeded to pump<br />

in this particular area it could have n"g"tiu" impaA' Studies ordered by WCBCC'<br />

EXHlBlr P EXHlBlr " o EXHllBlr P<br />

€t;mt:E*<br />

'"' '<br />

. ir: i:<br />

:.::5+f+rE;::<br />

ai:<br />

_ '!;_:!l<br />

ii -i:; ::i:<br />

:',1,::ili:'ili:=<br />

f'.#rg::":;::r'- -:::l:i<br />

-1" ;;, :; 1"ll<br />

_ if i i'-]<br />

"ll-lai"'<br />

-':=:l<br />

-':-:l-:i:-"T=-i::':''::-'<br />

: :;r<br />

as the area of Fawn Lane"'<br />

Item 3<br />


oz+<br />

65<br />

66<br />

67<br />

68<br />

69<br />

70<br />

71<br />

72 EXHIBIT Q<br />

ffi+#Hffi*ffi -<br />

.d!s,;q-'rr..{ I -.-*rd*<br />

di.dct- E?r t<br />

'St |6.<br />


^ir#.T,:""Jffiff'fs,:g<br />

"*:'i'ffi,il'g&ffiliH#l'q<br />

ffi#ffiffii<br />

^<br />

Hi,f1#'ii*5;rn:"3.ti#;;ilx,;fi'15i9<br />

rdd!Lol<br />

llr..,';ili.i; ii.li.rii*r- - m.a t olm. I !4 h.'sr d'F@ rdd .-<br />

-{ ;;;--.r'tu'b'*m<br />

rh 4!#.r ra, s<br />

dddtd drlr '<br />

.. o.'-a ''+ dil<br />

li*aiiiiJiiii;-.u 'a risd d b tn k.-d{<br />

*-d' -!<br />

-;'*d -roE - '4urry<br />

"*'<br />

"rt<br />

t.r -Er.lq.dUb '# M<br />

t- rrd.htu.|sffililhddldt.||e'r<br />

':5C.:3"T.;UF'*-dor'dEd'lq'E<br />

11<br />

75<br />

76<br />

77<br />

78<br />

79<br />

80<br />

81<br />

82<br />

83<br />

84<br />

85<br />

86<br />

87<br />

88<br />

89<br />

90<br />

91<br />

92<br />

93<br />

94<br />

95<br />

96<br />

97<br />

98<br />

99<br />

100<br />

i;;iai.FEq'F<br />

' Tisa*:*;-<br />

{N!,'bd-sd,!.,@<br />

**;;..j.*s:.':l:;<br />


yffis;n1ffi:f#Y#R{*i's"'?f"ff#<br />

w"?Hr".ted uponumerous o"lTlion, to have the wg.)l[.l:Xq^tT'-T:$1?"s:':i'.?irKB"<br />

their monitori.g;;;g;#JG-;;iiiled to make this requestwithinmanv letters and STMGID<br />

(Local& Governing) minutes a1d ye were JeOineO by WCWR and STMGID' This is best<br />

summarized in a letter from wcwR Hydrologist responsible for the monitoring documentation'<br />

.our office is cunentry measuring n/I"riv s"n"u"*"n'" weil across the street from your home'<br />

This well provides us adequate intormition on the water level in your immediate area'" This was<br />

further substantiated on April ro, zo6'z N tn" r"tt"r when he sent ail the data thus far for the<br />

monitoring wells in our specific atea' t<br />

ln 2000 a memo to commissioners from steve Bradhurst stated, "lt is anticipated that two to three<br />

domestic wells per year will br<br />

These costs may be $5'000 to<br />

$1O,OOO pr fiscal year. lt is v€<br />

impact; however' based upon<br />

curTently available informatior<br />

ual domestic wells that may need<br />

to be deepened. sufficient fu<br />

authority exists in Key org 6737''€<br />

The washoe county commissloners asked a "Groundwater Task Force" to examine the issues<br />

about Ground water in the south r;ckd<strong>Meadows</strong>. The result was to the citizen's knowledge a<br />

Mitigation Program that was approved'<br />

One primary reason private Domestic Well owners stayed involved and kept questioning the<br />

numbers is due to what is happening tigni nowl The cost analysis w-1s s! far off it is outrageousbecause,<br />

the facts were availaOfe aiO JuUt,tt"O back in ZOOf io 2OO2' Private Domestic well<br />

owners knew the numbers were off on costs for the amount of wells projected impacted' and<br />

actual rePlacement costs.<br />



pri|16,2002.ReflededinWCBcCminutesfrom1999.2002aswe]|aswithin4<br />

rr,""ti,igi of the wc STMGID Local Board Minutes<br />

' 2001-2003.<br />

CooY of Disk Provided.<br />

I lrlemo of Oa6ber 15, 2OOO' part of STMGID Minutes'

4<br />

,, -i .L -tt-i ,lt-'!.':":'--.i".;,,,rr;.a-<br />

'!iJ<br />

'/'a:":'<br />

.-:.'i"r-':,ad;-l-g!-'t'j:L-<br />

:L*'+'<br />

{i.Irr ili rrl ltrssru.J<br />

tiLtr lrrnrK i\fi Gx: tt'?!5J f' tf I t"r d i1'r i :<br />

, -.!..1\ ?. - ! | :,r -isi ik rd ,+-- L.-' i: iJl hj." Ff c { !+!-zL- ir- --<br />

..,.,rr',t.r"l r-_1. r.al .a.kT.;gEtl:!r (,fla! '6r'Jl'rLrl:lr:lr lrr J<br />

..*:-.-.i x,sr, - | '.'. '.t l$141+rtir'rll?'r"iall it'r !'"'r<br />

itllr qr, liii;l; li t:il+ tlr r'il i' lr'l &J<br />

101<br />

102<br />

103<br />

104<br />

105<br />

106<br />

107<br />

108<br />

109<br />

-!,'alatEr)r':<br />

nlt].a-! r'<br />

:r?G7ti r: ', tf; Jrrrn' t:Y. l{! ! lli'<br />

la!iit.fsr.l..,-..<br />

1tl:<br />

|<br />

This | 1ll5 ltiLtitl letter lEclDDlJl reassured s us that we would not be held unresOonsive for a lack of "properly"<br />

documented well readings when mitigation time<br />

lcument.<br />

^<br />

1"-'.n'"<br />


'-ii<br />

r'lt'1'<br />

ia'<br />

, Jl,<br />

ffiPHAtl$ iYE$ :zmruq<br />

110<br />

111<br />

fl ltt tsri<br />

lbrt 0ll ll{hlr<br />

F20 feet over 20 Years'<br />

Item 3<br />


5<br />

112<br />

113<br />

114<br />

115<br />

116<br />

117<br />

118<br />

119<br />

120<br />

121<br />

122<br />

123<br />

124<br />

125<br />

126<br />

127<br />

128<br />

129<br />

Per the counties own reports water levels hav<br />

Hydrologists own reports there was a 10-20 foot <<br />

2001 minutesay, "...it is the domestic well owne<br />

12This is wellwithin the 2'02 AFA allocated to<br />

the property which rs a/so substantially belov<br />

of 1.12 AFA;WC calculated average usage c<br />

the hearing.<br />

ENilB'TY<br />

ras used less water than the average home<br />

t Board Heaing shows actual usage a<br />

ion makes the ictuat usage less than during<br />

13?<br />

132<br />

131<br />

1EE<br />

EXTI'B'T Z<br />

Year th. WellDePthWater Level increastECcreaseSTiIIGIP PUMPAGE<br />

{ q8n 297 248 0<br />

1988 297 248<br />

() 1,592,000.OO<br />

1994 297 248 0 50,02;t,u99.u!<br />

1995 297 248 0 97,090,000,0c<br />

1997 297 252 4 zuzr+v.},uuv'uu<br />

2001 297 252 0 592 +or.ugLr.uv<br />

2002 2s7 263 ^11 322,165,000.00<br />

2004 297 ltl9,;'/u,uuu.uu<br />

2005 297 285 -22puMpnce ururc<br />

2005 297 296 -11puMpRce urur<br />


12<br />

Meter was installed 9/8/98. There were 7 yearc of ful<br />

2005.. V\frth a reading of 1,461,564.4 gallons from the t<br />

actual usage for both homes during this time was 4.9 A<br />

7 it equals .74 fCA. And if you count recharge to the aq<br />

This uses the calculation of 43,560 cu ft. = 1 afa and thl<br />

131Final<br />

order & receipt for me{er copy provided)<br />

Item 3<br />


137<br />

138<br />

139<br />

140<br />

141<br />

142<br />

143<br />

144<br />

145<br />

146<br />

147<br />

148<br />

149<br />

150<br />

151<br />

152<br />

153<br />

154<br />

155<br />

156<br />

157<br />

We believed that WCWR and STMGID had a<br />

The chart shows that from 1980 to 1994 our t<br />

level of 24Steetover a 15 year( in drought out of<br />

sustainable water supply recharging with a -0- ra<br />

As a matter of fact, most of the increase in nt<br />

wells in our immediate area took place during tht<br />

static water level.<br />

From 1994 to 2005 our well lost a documented 48 feet of static water tevel' While during<br />

that same period of time STMGID # 6 increased their production pumpage from 50,023,000'00 to<br />

more than 373,370,000.00 a more than Z tofO increase. Tfris causeO'a rite of decline in our well<br />

of 4.8 feet annuari-ovei tne last 10 years attributable to STMGID # 6'<br />

BITAA<br />

158<br />

159<br />

160<br />

The drought was found<br />


@<br />

by your mitigation Board to play only a 10olo paft in the impact'<br />

vvAstslcDE COt N-rY<br />

'Mbotod To Etdtdco tn Pubk Ste6'<br />

\r. s.d. coh.n. CltdtF n<br />

iJ.i,''iii-.i.. il";as^ GrD I c'r Mon!€rdF Bodd<br />

Jo w""re contv fplndctr otq'rd F.euEoi<br />

4O3O f,ncry W.Y<br />

Edo. Nc'trJtr ret20<br />

R.: w$Uo. Cotnry w.lr MltlFrlon H'ctlrg Eo&rd FlDdtnB' 6f Murth t6' 206<br />

w'll MlllStlb Hqrlna B6td dthrnrdl Ur'<br />

iili"iJJi iii"";, dcri.tr.d .nd rh'; sr'arren] snaz vr' r'i'.rtq'.Fcno' N*06''<br />

on M!rcb | 6- 2fft, rh. w.ih@ Cdudv<br />

fr! tu.nr .cwlde tt'.t,tJii'-*Ji u' ,tor inl"<br />

io 'dlEcnr b thc $6vu'<br />

(sTMGD' "oc*G rvddr urllilv tcfticc @tr'<br />

TEcr* Mcdddr O""-"r wp'e"-.ii ol'r'lci<br />

trc Bod !F!dG rhc fol16{na rDdbF:<br />

t'sonrhl' lowGrDE otdro .Etc<br />

fd<br />

nr..or.t dEvdM In (h! dotdrlc e'll l! -u''-*"ql' A<br />

bwdtB lrtih'rablc ro<br />

w^'.r<br />

nsnfcro.,<br />

rp.l du. ro du'i.iD'r<br />

p6pbs !t c:MGF<br />

r",.pt'e'i'<br />

*'rt'r6<br />

i-o " ili<br />

ii'li-i-t-ri'ii of th' 6i'l l#'rnB) nDd dr'<br />

.d6lnlns 6 f.d (12% ot u'. ,arl ri-"iii'l'Jr orc"Ur e6d olr'5r donddc w(rl<br />

io<br />

Plcu @!r!d ntc 'r ts"ol? wllh noy qtr'irln'<br />

sl|'€!rclY'<br />

h< E;"+_<br />

VJts-rocmtwnlE<br />

Ro.ouEc PFI''D M'D!'rcr<br />

161<br />

Fi'hdd !d DoE! shrrunxl<br />

sruODEdof<br />

Trutt{'b<br />

tGSlonrl w'F ?ltnalni'_'6drnrin''o{<br />

Na,.d. Sh.. Enah4'<br />

stdc Brdh$nr<br />

i*?"1'l""fi,"<br />

,o Minutes provided- this caused concems for PDW whiclr is another reason the Groundwater Task Force was<br />

convened to begin to create a "neutral' system for PDW owners to follow for mitigation'<br />

Item 3<br />


I<br />

164 increase<br />

165 lt is highly distressing to have a final su<br />

166 from wells in a parameter including areas ol<br />

172 #6ll The Kitchen Well is the monitoring well<br />

173 determine our mitigation over the years"' v<br />

174 STMGID Minutes from 2001 show Mr' F<br />

175 asked for clarification regarding the waiver<br />

176 "100 feet of deepening now would not be st<br />

177 of the waiving of the hook-up fees since he<br />

178 reported that his wellwater level has been<br />

179 concem that he has been unable to obtain<br />

180 outside the 2,500 foot radius' Mr' Orphan 1<br />

181 policy only requires one bid, and that a wel<br />

182 preciude reimbursement for deepening if tf<br />

183 When Mr Rua inquired that the 50 feet<br />

184 within six months a plan for remediation wt<br />

185 govemment lots would hopefully be approt<br />

186 Construction could begin' Mr' Rua enquire<br />

187 capping ' allthe wells in the govemment lot<br />

188 The STMGID board then stated that th<br />

189 allowed by the Stiate..'" which was then pt<br />

190 filing a protest againsthe further increasir<br />

191 STMGID 6. In his letter and during his met<br />

192 Water Engineer has stated that no matter<br />

193 the water if it does not deleteriously impac<br />

194 unreasonablY.<br />

195 lt also prompted a letter from Washoe<br />

196 him to make a determination of what "reas<br />

197 declined recognizing that Private Domestir<br />

198 and each impact would be considered on<br />

199 This set of questions is why the Washr<br />

2OO determine the impact pumpage of the futu<br />

2O1 <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong>.<br />

202<br />

203<br />

204<br />

205<br />

15<br />

This criteri and issue was a primary issue risted by Private Domesticwellowners during the minutes.and<br />

tapes of the Groundwater Task Force. tt Oecame a primary reasgn for the dual recommendation of a public<br />

aooess and input data base as weil .s a miiig;iidr;;rd c'onsisting of Private domestic well owners as well as<br />

frydro4eologists.<br />

.o Map provided bywG\rvR to srMGlD Local Board -red dots and additions have been made by us of those<br />

voted to be approved in the meeting minutes of the STMGID Local Board all noted parties minutes were<br />

provided in our packet. lnclusive or tne minutet showing that the Nixon property was hooked up waiving fee's<br />

and the Copy attached.<br />

lt June 6, 2003 copy Provided. Item 3<br />


14<br />

206<br />

z86<br />

7?E<br />

dornestic wells in So. <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong><br />

ExHlBlr DD<br />

ffi<br />

xHlBlT EE<br />

*-'az*r"*r.'lFfi<br />

ffi -'i#Iil:f l"l:;Hiii'ft1#S*#i35#F'"";*ii'r"*;r*'-""'-<br />

by Eco r_"gi"<br />

"h;ffiE'ir<br />

fiE o;fru n"+! 'itlp".iii'i"t"r * wourdeteteriouslv impact all private<br />

i.T:,.$.FSJJ-<br />

711<br />

213<br />

214<br />

215<br />

216<br />

217<br />

218<br />

219<br />

220<br />

221<br />

222<br />

223<br />

F]<br />

-<br />

.';:!idrptz.<br />

) a4,a-Ftalked<br />

about in the tr/tt. Rose Hwy area that one area !<br />

with annual precipitation recharge like the ones you sl<br />

udonntn category. I thank you for this additional inform<br />

Because in that area I dont see with three wells arout<br />

that point forwad the discussion retumed to the drout<br />

deliberation and each time it was voted down''" This t<br />

EXHrBrr FF<br />

mgfl+,lg+l, "<br />

&:=riF,1'Sflir.ll'i"'iafi,is:;il'#,:fi<br />

EXHlBlr GG -<br />

G<br />

rn'#rMfrr<br />

F@rdFFq<br />

'.Jrx w,""u<br />

Lli E iil.*'-<br />

:.J-,;;---,; ,n ,it' ". *a ,; -<br />

d'<br />

,.'"-l*wir.-'-u,s<br />

*@-"!?.<br />

- ^.-.;;;-",a, i h ri F<br />

it"tr:iffik.qli'#if#u*r.<br />

EEM<br />

'|d'.fr*|rfi,d4<br />

nil,lr5t**1.g"ru*;"s":<br />

#*,ffiSf;S#,'*trlli<br />

ffi<br />

tnFn@<br />

ffi<br />

fiet!b-f<br />

.J"*rwpdd.r'.F4<br />

1r|6Mhd*ct.ld<br />

d'b'&*D<br />

fllE<br />

77t<br />


sdrFd-r*<br />

Ta=g;tH;ffi*-*'-<br />

F;ndc...wG<br />

IJF*rJr*.*"*atno<br />

'6bdF'*d<br />

ffi=";"'"*::=.:issl;r<br />

ts We have included a typed transcript of the majority of the meeting. Tape lost last fifteen minutes.<br />

le Transcribed minutes from tape provided.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 246

225<br />

227<br />

228<br />

229<br />

234<br />

231<br />

232<br />

233<br />

234<br />

235<br />

236<br />

237<br />

238<br />

239<br />

240<br />

tr,ere,vas:i,e argur'leni :'fougr,t'ciln li:ai it'* r1'&*' an lllegal seil ;ue io nevinq iwo<br />

hcmes. This was coriecte,l by bo[n a board i'nembrer in the nrinuies arrcj the appiicant'<br />

TheStateWaterEngineerhadc|arifiedthisin2002per<br />

.,NRS.<br />

534.180 Applicability of chapter to wells used for domestic FurPoses; registration and plugging cf wells<br />

used for domestic PurPoses.<br />

1. ...This chapter does not apply in the matter of oMalning permits for the developrnent and use of<br />

underground water from d w{U tor Oom"iirc purposes ivtrere the draught does not exceed a daily<br />

maximium of 1,800 gallons'"20<br />

And was not neeOiO by the Shannon'since they owned and retained both homes on<br />

one parcel and the well had serviced both those homes prior to 1984 orland the<br />

shannon ownership. Any application for a waiver would be signed between the<br />

applicant and the applicant creating a moot point.. Further several members of the<br />

mitigation board pointed out that thi metered and documented water usaoe provided<br />

substantial proof that the drawdown was not due to usage on the property:'21'<br />

EXHIB]T HH<br />

.-il<br />

TtL<br />

243<br />

244<br />

245<br />

246<br />

247<br />

248<br />

249<br />

250<br />

251<br />


for the remaining 29 unoccupied, build-able lots v<br />

$12O,OOO from hookup fees' An additional benefi<br />

flow problems in the upper ' ' zones of Saddlehom'<br />

EXHlBlr ll<br />

EXHlBlr JJ<br />

72 t 5<br />

3 4<br />

E=_r:.-<br />

\._-/l<br />

MAFFunusxED<br />

I<br />

tN 2004 sHowlNG NEW PIPE<br />


20 Februarv 12.2OO2 Letter from State Water Engineer- provided copy.<br />

2t Tapes o? the hearlng held by State Water Eng. Contain this information.<br />

Item 3<br />


10<br />

255<br />

256<br />

257<br />

258<br />

259<br />

260<br />

26;1<br />

262<br />

263<br />

264<br />

265<br />

266<br />

267<br />

268<br />

269<br />

270<br />

271<br />

272<br />

273<br />

274<br />

275<br />

276<br />

277<br />

278<br />

279<br />

280<br />

281<br />

282<br />

283<br />

284<br />

285<br />

286<br />

287<br />

288<br />

289<br />

290<br />

291<br />

292<br />

293<br />

294<br />

295<br />

296<br />

297<br />

298<br />

299<br />

300<br />

301<br />

302<br />

303<br />

The board inspected maps furnished by Paul Orp<br />

He stated that the line from the Tessa wells to the<br />

made by WCWR Hydro- Geologist Mike Widmer;<br />

could take one of three forms: 1. the pumping of t<br />

production well owner could pay the cost of deept<br />

owner could be hooked upt o a municipal system'<br />

This statement is a primary motivationalfacto<br />

<strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> to take action and prote<br />

According -and to those Minutes of the 2001 meeti<br />

construction pumping in the area in question<br />

drilled in 1964. PWo/o and PW 6 went into produt<br />

hydraulics. This included an illustration of a "con<br />

diawdown effect on domestic wells as a function<br />

stated that the prediction of drawdown effects in<br />

difficult by the geology of the area. He then shol<br />

histories of a number o f wells in the area that ha<br />

and Brokaw wells. He then reported that staff w<br />

assessing the drawdown problem in the area wit<br />

assisting owners with remediation' In contrast<<br />

mandates from the State Engineer. He stated tl<br />

have dropped three feet in one year, almost unif<br />

foot drop in the water tiable, Mr. Widmer projecte<br />

would need to be deepened within the next two<br />

$3,500. perwell each for 100 feet of deepening'<br />

23 more wells to be deepened' This would enc<<br />

Mitigation Board.<br />

oactive stance with Siena Pacific's failure to<br />

affected by one of its production wells' a position<br />

J that the domestic wellwater level declines of<br />

o extensive fracturing in the volcanic layer<br />

cussions further subitantiate the findings of your<br />

22<br />

STMGID minutes oci. 15, 2001<br />

23<br />

srMGlD minutes od. 9, 2001.<br />

24<br />

STMGID minutes Aug. 20, 2001. Item 3<br />


44 tl<br />

304 EXHIBIT KK<br />

;XHiBIT LL<br />

\<br />

305<br />

306<br />

307<br />

308<br />

309<br />

310<br />

311<br />

312<br />

List compiled by those to be mitigated with in the Government Lots'<br />

In August of 2OO4 Ms. Melarky and Mr. Meye<br />

and we stopped monitoring the mitigation progral<br />

day our well went dry. We saw the letter they se<br />

approved- it would only be logical that we would<br />

time in an appropriate mannel PRIOR TO HAVING THEIRWELLS GO DRY!!!<br />


3t AUAS 2OO4<br />

Ivk. Do DragE<br />

vGb@ coustY Dclrffi@t df sro@ Rcfficd<br />

P-o. Bor 1113O<br />

Rem N-v 4952()<br />

Mr.Dtaaa<br />

!/a .$ raqudiEg tbs ib. Cost,r ptDca.d *itb @EEEtftB oE !om€' 5849 €d-5e53<br />

M; R*. ilry., ; rto grr*oroiia lb. lbd w r@dlv @loPlct'd t+) MDtd@y<br />

way.<br />

k tEE cr r.lc STDTCIID bE @itEd b Frcpidia'Dd fidi4'l1 t5Fe4 of<br />

;#i;;iJJt--o tlo srruoo wrrcimrln avm @dtbo Pmrraabodoan@t<br />

o1 * 6;a;ng wolL d @ €d b tbd b@B iltla tu d+E6g @ @o<br />

sEUe<br />

P6 yN wrt6 @ErsIFDd@,it it or rsdffi'llE3 Dd 6q*rt6 rbd STMGID<br />

will: '--a<br />

IDrhU 6o FbtEfdf @16 Eoe tbo rrcw @ ffi G lto Gdgp of @<br />

Fofffi4EoElr@s<br />

'g-_*fv<br />

ft-<br />

ntaaobod ffi didi!8 qou! r 6tt gd6 6!d LFcal ordie€<br />

iqiiei.to toldlDa.@tq stocidod eirh tbt ddatb8 eollt ' "- -<br />

-w"rrc<br />

"- e<br />

;;* uty-"oar& A"s !Ed/s .ll @G a56d!bd witra dro o@dl@<br />

-<br />

"u<br />

.f t*- G in sralioo w eyrta od dl opao Bso€ldo t wtlh 6c<br />

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6;Fea ;i;'rrir.L t o oe* b'rr @b6d6@ mai+ drc abwo<br />

EG.<br />

Rcq'acrfdly.<br />

313<br />

314<br />

315<br />

316<br />

317<br />

318<br />

319<br />

320<br />

321<br />

322<br />

323<br />

RlgidEyMdrfc/Y<br />

5a49 LIr Ro& Hwff<br />

Ram lilV 8951I<br />

-rhoEs'y'qgil<br />


324 EXHIBIT NN<br />

Mr Oan DFqon<br />


NOV | 4 m05<br />

,*. 5i",ffiEf"'43tneerra mbpr 1 2. 2oos<br />

W C D, of WtG. Re6our*3<br />

PO Box 11130<br />

Rcno Nevada 89520<br />

Mr.<br />

OFgon,<br />

Hr"Ef"f; fi l;:iXn,llyL'+?3io"liL"fr ffi *'T,iT;"":":fg?''":!ff ;'ts?SJ'?;2""7<br />

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of codn€ctlng ou, hom-" to tto-giMoro wai -!ln<br />

snd lhc prop6r<br />

Ebdndonment ol ou. oxlBflng !;oiis -6L* coet ro ttro homeown6r6 rcther thcn<br />

"iHJ<br />

"tlen<br />

dspanlng ou. domoitlc wcl'".<br />

19gg we hovo wotkod wlth STMGIo and<br />

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;etlu. w. Flleve lhrri thtp 'l'i'ildtitiin*-i-iaeirce tnai rtre eemo lmpact rculd<br />

iitiiir-*-"-"t iowglng our aepin;culd ba q @ote of t gt€et do6l of moncv<br />

and 6tud<br />

Pcr yout wlnon corcspondoneo lt 14 our unctlrBFndln0 Bnd exFcEtlon th't<br />


pltyolc.l connodlon {ron tho ncw walcr Ineter et<br />

o tnsbll th€<br />

- FffSffiJ#iii:%""?.11"?'l'oTlii";cr art sroro and Lo@r<br />

ordin-n@6.<br />

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-*"iiJ"i.-<br />

a[ cxPanctt 's-oclalcd wlth tho ProPGr<br />

Ebchdonmonl ""a of out oxlttlng wcllB.<br />

w. ar. bdnglng lhl. man.r lo your aflorrtlon at lhlt tlmo . bFi.uto our walt''<br />

oump hat bcon lMfr to ut" J-J'w-riLiiJii'i:iliriiralt wmn tlre ItFt Mo months<br />

:;;-;;'-";;;.donclng lack of w;t.r lo out ho|ff' \A/G oro mDklns vou nwareiri"-t<br />

ir-. i" in. eo.rie anct s ar' no loneg-r ablc lo.Elt fc' your @nhcotlon'<br />

\Nc do nd balltw "r thd wo oan 'wolt for spanig'6G hoo bcsn ougc|ssted by-vour<br />

&;;n;;il we !€ con@tDc

,l .J<br />

331<br />

Iuhr. ,,* r#A. lo ilorruP (<br />

336 EXHIBIT RR<br />



rl<br />

I.<br />


1,,<br />

i<br />

337<br />

338<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 251

382<br />

383<br />

384<br />

385<br />

386<br />

387<br />

388<br />

389<br />

390<br />

391<br />

392<br />

393<br />

394<br />

9e5<br />

396<br />

397<br />

398<br />

399<br />

400<br />

401<br />

402<br />

403<br />

404<br />

405<br />

406<br />

407<br />

408<br />

409<br />

410<br />

411<br />

Our expenses are:<br />

Trenching<br />

$ 850'00?!-rXHter W<br />

sand<br />

$ 306'0027-EXHlBlr xx<br />

Refitting:Piping:Well Abondonment<br />

$4,306.0d8^-ZXUlAf ZZ<br />

Health Permit<br />

14s'Oc,9-EXHlBlr FFF<br />

Lowering of Pump 8t17l}5<br />

^<br />

132.n:.0 rxnlgtt Hnn<br />

Re-piping to home $1,600.0031 EXHIBIT \ M/<br />



33 EXHIBIT JJJ<br />

Sand to filt trench (additional)<br />

99.83 il^-EXHIBIT DDD<br />

sand to fill rrench'(additional) 99.83<br />

3S-eX-SRNKTNG Nor up yEr<br />



28'OO il -TXNIBT III<br />



3'22 3l- exnlelr GGG<br />


21O.OO € TXHIeT TEE<br />

COst of Water while Sour@ compromised 560.00 ($28'oo x 20 weeks)EAcH wK<br />


Loss of Rents<br />

Hook Up requested fees<br />

part of settlement.<br />

Liuing without water 12t4tOS<br />

6'750'oo4t- copv oF BRoKEN LEASE<br />

8,352.80-We request you waive as<br />

to 3/16/06 PRICELESS!<br />

Total: $ 25,666,80<br />

660/o= 16,940.88 Due the Shannon's<br />

credit for waiving hook-up 8,352.80 Pay direct or waive<br />

Balance due the shannon's 8,587.88 Remito shannon's<br />

Please expidite paymento the Shannon's and hook-up to water fee waived'<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Richard and Terri Shannon<br />

412 EXHIB]TW<br />


s coPY AfiAcHED<br />

s coPYAttRcHED<br />

s coPYATTAcHED<br />

s coPYRfiRcHED<br />

37 coPYATTAoHED<br />

* coPYATTAcHED<br />

o coPYATTAcHED<br />

4 copYRrrRcHED<br />

ot copy attached

4tr<br />

376 EXHIBITW<br />

R|cIUnD Sttrr{Hox<br />

TH'TES A Sr|^Nl{Or{<br />

mFhsi6<br />

?14 i@H*<br />



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3g? EXHIBIT III<br />


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385<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 253

1<br />

2<br />

345678I<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

13<br />

14<br />

15<br />

16<br />

17<br />

18<br />

19<br />

2A<br />

21<br />

22<br />

23<br />

24<br />

25<br />

26<br />

27<br />

28<br />

29<br />

30<br />

31<br />

32<br />

33<br />

34<br />

35<br />

36<br />

37<br />

38<br />

39<br />

40<br />

41<br />

42<br />

43<br />

44<br />

45<br />

46<br />

47<br />

48<br />

49<br />

50<br />

51<br />

52<br />

53<br />

54<br />

55<br />

56<br />

57<br />

58<br />

This was taken word for word from the tape made by applicant. Any loss of Names or such is unintentional as<br />

transcription is an art. The new board Member's name was not available at time of transcription.<br />

March 16, 2006 Well Mitigation Board Meeting Transcription<br />

Prepared by Applicant Terri Shannon<br />

Meeting opened at approximately 6:10 PM with the Chair and three additional members presento create a<br />

qroruli. Mr. Rhodes b.R. for Wlshoe County sat in the center to advise the panel. Mr. Smitherman and the<br />

Secretary sat at a table at the side of the panel for technical support.<br />

The following was not taped as the meeting start was abrupt and the machine was not on. lt is summarized as:<br />

1. Official opening of the meeting.<br />

2. Review and discussion regarding the acceptance of the agenda. Then a motion was made and carried to<br />

accepthe agenda.<br />

3. Review and discussion regarding the past minutes. After public comment by Mr. Michael De Martini as a<br />

private citizen making s"u"rilcorrJctions to the past minutes the board held discussion, made a motion and<br />

accepted the minutes.<br />

4. Review and discussion regarding the "Role of the Mitigation Board" paper presented by the D.A.'s office-was<br />

held. A motion to accepthiJas a jrio"tin" was made and passed. Review and discussion regarding the form,<br />

" Findings Report of the Mitigation Board" was held. There was public comment- The board held extensive<br />

discussion which inctuOeO th-e points, "lt is important to use this form as a guideline and tool not an end where<br />

;<br />

with all".(Mr. Morro Board member). lt is important to remember that we are here to look at each case<br />

individually with ail of it's 'anomalies" (board member) and the idea was expressed that it would hopefully lend<br />

to some..consistency in findings" which had been mentioned in the Public Comment.- A motion was made to<br />

use the form as a tool to report its findings in a guideline fashion and passed'<br />

5. The board called for the first applicants on the agenda who were not present. A motion to table the first<br />

mitigation for a future date was made and passed.<br />

6. Shannon Application for Mitigation'<br />

The Shartnon Apptication for Mitigation was calted and the applicants came forward- Mr. Widmere was fo<br />

representne W[ter purveyor- SiUAD. ft was explained that the summary in the packet would be<br />

piesented by Mr. Smitherman (which was prepared by WCWR);then the Water Purueyor would present<br />

their "case" and the then applicant would presentheir case'<br />

Mr. Smitherman read the Washoe County Summary of facts into the record. (Attached inseft ttem A')<br />

The remaining portion of the Shannon Mitigation Hearing is summarized from Tape:<br />

Mr. Widmer: "1 have prepared a graph model showing the drought impact on the Shannon Well. I believe that<br />

most of the decline in the Shannon well is from the drought."<br />

He then proceeds to provide three pages of graphs to the board and applicant, as well as some members of the<br />

public (attached insert item B).<br />

Mr. Widmer:..So, very good correlation between the Schuerman's water leveldecline and the water level decline<br />

in First Aid Timberline which I believe are entirely related to the drought. The final graph then is because.we<br />

didn't have determinated water level measurements from the Shannon well, but, because they are completed in<br />

fairly similar depth as the Shuerman being 40 to 50 feet deeper than the Shannon well' But, because they are<br />

Item3<br />

1<br />


J Ootn essentially drawing from the same aquifer they are comparable. So, I made some comparisons between<br />

J actual measurements in the Shannon well and the Shuerman well and then synthetically reproduced a curve<br />

1 tnat could represent a good approximation of water levels over a four or five year period of the Shannon well.<br />

2 RnO there are some yellow dots there if you see that there are three of them and those are actual<br />

3----measuremenlsjnthe-Shannotrare-il-and-(Bruce Mc Kay h a d ta ken<br />

4 basic information and there is a good basis for my first remarks that I think that most of the water level decline in<br />

5 tne Shannon well is attributable to drought. "(014)<br />

6<br />

7 From a Board Member: " Hello-Could you please show me where those are- I can't see them. Could I request<br />

I tnat in the future you not use yellow as it is not showing up. Please.'<br />

I<br />

0 Mr. Widmere: "l am sorry the machine does that automatically- lwilltry not to in the future' "<br />

1<br />

2 Board Member "Could you help me the first packet I receivedoesn't have this". And, I can't get proximity of the<br />

3 wells we are discussing. The First Aid doesn't have those Highs right? "<br />

4<br />

5 Mr. Widmere: "lf you were to look at figure 2 page2." lf you were to look at the Tessa #1 well and follow the Mt.<br />

6 Rose Highway to ihe west you can see the big well is the second blue parcel on the North side of the Highway-<br />

T . the seco-nd oitniro. The Timberline monitor well is on the North side of the highway is probably off the margin of<br />

B the map."<br />

I<br />

0 Board Member: "l see in figure 9 that on the North side of the Highway it says "monitoring well. I can't see if it is<br />

1 tne Timberline or First Aid. "<br />

2<br />

3 Mr. Widmere: "Probably the First Aid."<br />

4<br />

5 Mr. Demartini " I am having some trouble because when I look at the figure 9 you refer to I see monitoring wells-<br />

6 I can't tell if these are what you are referring to. I wonder if that is one or the other that you used the data from?<br />

7<br />

I Mr. Widmere: "Probably the first one."<br />

I<br />

rQ Mr. De Martini: Yes, well on Figure 9 neither one of those wells are showing here. However, if you look at the<br />

r1 Kitchen well you have data on ii and it paints a different picture that what you are showing us which is why I was<br />

t2 wondering?<br />

r3<br />

t4 Board Chair: "lf you look for example at the Kitchen well it is very close to where the Shannon well is located.<br />

15 Either that or the data that is missing in the one long stretch is different than the picture I am looking at with the<br />

fG Kitchen well. The data you prepared for the Kitchen well shows that if this had followed the same pattern you<br />

17 have used now you woutO have seen at least a rise in the water level during that same period of time. This data<br />

18 is complete brought up from basically 1989 to 2004. The same thing is true with the Brokaw Well it doesn't<br />

|9 show any rise.<br />

)0 So, when I look at the data you are presenting tonight I am thinking that the well in question falls into the area<br />

)1 we had classified as, " Doesn't show precip recharge area". We had classifieduring those prior meetings' As<br />

12 opposed to the ones you are showing us tonight which we clearly all agree does show the affect of recharge. I<br />

)3 nbb tnoughthat theiiwell (the Shannon's) was sitting in that area classified as, 'Doesn't show annual precip<br />

14 recharge; area. Tell me what is wrong with that assessment? I am not saying that this couldn't be the case. But,<br />

)5 it seeml like their well is sitting in the area we have talked about in the past as not showing the (with a slight<br />

)O timeline) impact of recharge.<br />

,7<br />

)8 Widmere: "The Kitchen well is significantly closer to STMGID 6 and the chances are I think that they are<br />

)g between the Kitchen and Melarky well although the Melarky well was the closesto STMGID #6.<br />

t0<br />

I 1<br />

t2<br />

l3<br />

t4<br />

Board Member: "1 am looking at figure 9 page 16 and it looks to me like Brokaw is the closesto STMGID 6.<br />

Mr. Widmere:<br />

'Give or take a bit it looks the same.<br />

Item3<br />

Page 255<br />


115 Board Member: "To me that looks the same. The Brokaw is the closest, Murry is a bit closer. In looking at the<br />

116 Kitchen, Brokaw and the Melarky well none of those show any indication of the change in water levels related to<br />

117 the precip highs and lows like you were showing us on the data from the additional handout you gave us'" (037)<br />

118 Mr. Widmere: "l think if anything you will see the Melarky hydrograph showing during the wet years showing the<br />

119 general flatness of the curve. But, it has no significant rise in water"'<br />

-12<br />

121 Mr. Widmere: "lt shows no significant rise in water levels."<br />

122 Board Member:"Like I said my initial notes on this case before I got the additional data from you indicated that I<br />

123 thoughthis was - I look at as two regimes here that we have talked about.in the Mt. Rose Hwy. area that 'one<br />

124 area where there are wells that do show a deflnite impact with annual precip recharge like the ones you show us<br />

125 versus the ones that don't. I put this well in the "don't" category. " I thank you for this additional information-<br />

126 although I am not clear how it applies exactly. Because in that area (l don't see) with three wells around it I do<br />

127 not see the same pattern as you are presenting. "<br />

128<br />

129 Mr. Widmere:" Well it is flat... look at the end of it though.."<br />

130 Board Membe/' I see that and I am wondering if you have a hydrogeoligist measuring that; that was having a<br />

131 little trouble that day. You know it is just one point. (045)<br />

132 Mr. Widmere:" Well that reading was in 1997 during a wet period.<br />

133 Board Member: The graph shows a bit of increase right after the 1996 event. But the next one really does show<br />

134 it. But, it doesn't follow through on a curve as I can see it. I am not sure I would use this when there are the<br />

135 Kitchen, Brokaw and Melarky wells that we have good readings on right before, during and after.<br />

136<br />

137 The Chair asked if there were any other questions for Mike at this time. (052).<br />

138<br />

139 Other Board member stated they would like to reserve their questions for later.<br />

140<br />

141 Board Chair: " At this time lwould like to request our applicant to make comments... Are you Theresa the one<br />

142 making comments?"<br />

143<br />

144 Applicant Theresa: " Yes, and I have written my comments as well so that in fact board members can do as they<br />

145 did with their comments and take notes and follow along. I would like to suggesthat you hold your questions<br />

146 for the end as I am nervous.<br />

147<br />

148 Board Chair: " lf it makes you feel any better I am nervous too looking at the size of this documentation.<br />

149<br />

150 Applicant Theresa:: " I hope that I have made enough for everyone to be able to read from and if there aren't<br />

151 enough for the back of the room- | would hope that perhaps Water Resources can make a few if needed'." " Um<br />

152 I would like to say that there are just a couple of weird things I take exception to in the WCWR summary and I<br />

153 hope t have addressed them in our summary (Attached item C insert). We would like to apologize for any odor<br />

154 that may prevail... however, we would like to point out that we are living without water. No Running water in our<br />

155 home. Water has been sustained in our well and on this land prior to the required recording of well in our packet<br />

156 and you will see that there is a footnote to see exactly where that is. That will be true with all the footnoteso<br />

157 that you will be able to go through your packet and find the recordedocumentso the fact that our well was<br />

158 onlyiecorded in 1980 doesn't mean the well didn't exist prior to that but the requirement for record may have<br />

159 come into existence at that time.<br />

160<br />

161 1. The agreement called for it's provision of water to several homes- the number changing as each home<br />

162 dug it's own well and became self sufficient. That was the idea of a community well. As each home<br />

163 created a water source the agreement would fall aside to allow for the remaining homes to have a water<br />

164 provision agreement. The entire agreement we were required to sign upon buying our property is<br />

165 included within our Packet.<br />

166 The Current well 1 was drilled in 1980 according to the State Water Engineers records. The depth of<br />

167 the well is 297'with water a static water level at that time of 248'with two homes using the water source<br />

168 prior to apparently the current legislation that requires one well for each home. To our understanding<br />

169 we do not need a waiver- we are not supposed to have to do that and that was clarified for us at the<br />

17O October Meeting with the State Water Engineer at the Galena High School held by STMGID when that<br />

1 per driller log 20853) Copy provided.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 256

1 issue first came up The Well had 49 feet of water sustainable static water supply at time of<br />

7 construction<br />

3+5<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9012345678901234'$<br />

r$<br />

rf<br />

r$<br />

r$<br />

r0<br />

l1<br />

t2<br />

r3<br />

t4<br />

t5<br />

l6<br />

t7<br />

t8<br />

|9<br />

2. All of the systems on the Shannon property were brought into conformance upon the Shannon's<br />

ourchase and it was approved via ti're Finai order of tne WCBC final order^July 13'<br />

provided a copy of this.' Per this a meter was on our well. a usage<br />

4This<br />

of .5g AFA since it was instatted. is well within the 2.02 AFA allocated to our property which is also<br />

substantially below the State Water Engineers average usage of 1.12 AFA; WC calculated average<br />

usage of .gi for our area and/or the Gaiena Estates exampte of .62 AFA. This meter indicates a total<br />

,r"!e of 1,146,550 gal. = to 4.09 AFA or .58 over the 7 year period for all qater used by both homes'<br />

Taking into considerltion our septic recha rye .22 that the-county allows for for our septic which<br />

indicates ari actual usage of .36 AFA takerifrom the aquifer.s. Our property with two homes has used<br />

less water than the average home county wide.<br />

3. iaiu"i"i'r uuout the resale value of the wbter when we sign our well credit formoTwhat does that really<br />

mean? . Our property has (and I included a copy of the signed and notarized well credit form'we have<br />

already done'that-provisional<br />

we are actualiy given water). Our property has 2 homes yet we are<br />

allocatld for privaie domestic use 2.02 AFA now that is tt to our understanding. This week there are<br />

some (our local CAB Rep.) that say it is actually 4.04 since there are two homes even though it is only<br />

one parcel per some one at the Siate Water Ehgineer's office which I have not had time to research'<br />

Water rights are currently selling for up to $8O,O0O and the water purveyors in our.are are buying them'<br />

lf it only takes a dedication of .62 to build a subdivision house in our hydro basin doesn'that mean that<br />

our county will be able to serve our homes and 3 more with the signing of the well credit form- when<br />

they are maxed out of their actual available water? Doesn'that mean that our county will be at the-very<br />

least an additional $1g0,000 and the hook-up fees for those homes bringing in an additional $16,000.<br />

plus the charges for the actual water used -i appto" $60.00 per month? By selling the water and<br />

hooking us up... doesn't our County stand to Uiiirg in close to $200,000. plus a monthly residual of close<br />

to $240.00 a month for water usage? | think this r"nore than covers the infrastructure costs to bring us<br />

water. That is it for moneY<br />

4. Monitoring and Wells STATS.<br />

We reouested upon numerous occasions to have the WCWR read this meter regularly as part of their<br />

rt"it"li"g ;iog;5r.ttf wittquote within many letters which have been provided to y9! in your packet and<br />

STMGTD ir-b"a] & Governing) minutes and we were declined byWCWR and STMGID. This is best<br />

summarized in a letter trom-wcwR Hydrologist responsible toi.tne monitoring documentation, "Our office is<br />

currenly measuring Marty Scheuerman's we-ll across the street from your home. .This<br />

well provides us<br />

adequaie information on ine water level in your immediate area." That letter was included in your Plcke-t'<br />

This was further substantiated on April rc,2002 in the letter when they sent us all the data thus far for the<br />

monitoring wells in our area.<br />

tt<br />

This letter reassured us that we would not be held unresponsive for a lack of "properlf' documented well<br />

t2Along<br />

readings when mitigation time Game. with Mr. Schuerman - The Stephens, Melarky, Quinn'<br />

'copy provided.<br />

t Copy of photo of meter reading provided at the end of this document.<br />

. M;[Jr;;; init"rr"o 9/8/98. There were 7 years of futt usage and 3 months in 1998 with one month less in<br />

2005.. With a reading of 1,146.550 gallons irom the time oflnstallation until the time of failure on 1213/05 our<br />

actual usage for both homes during lnis time was 4.9 AF over seven years for<br />

two homes. lf you divide tlqlOV<br />

i it equalslsg AFA. And if you recharge our usage was negligible. . This uses the calculation of 43,560<br />

cu ft. = 1 afa and that 6.428512 "ou-nt gallons equal 1 cu. Ft.<br />

s(Final<br />

order & receipt for meter copy provided)<br />

.'sig;"d frovisionatiy to be in eneit-ai time of actual water provision. Notarized copy provided.<br />

t Copy provided of ad in big nickel-<br />

I provideO copy of Lefter frorn Hugh Ricci State water eng. Citing this.<br />

t inlr" ri"ir L?" iirt"o on the (no-n tetterhead) summary ot tactJ provided by wcwR to our Mitigation packet'<br />

rc'a6t;il;tt"ir'i.r wcwR Aprit 16, zo0l. Reflected in wcBcc minutes from 1999-2002 as well as within<br />

4 meetings of the WC STMGID Local Board Minutes 2001-2003'<br />

t' Copy of Disk provided.<br />

t, wi[riin in! miiutes and tape of the wcwR and state water Engineer Meeting held at Galena High school<br />

when a member of the public asked, " What if we don't have all the documentation oJ our well?"<br />

Item 3<br />


21O Sheppard,Nixon, Hunt, Kitchen, Brokaw, Rummler,Maitozal3la We expecto be mitigated with. Per the<br />

211 counties report on page 54 (and on each one of those I included in the footnotes the dates that mitigation<br />

212 was approved) and I would assume if the County approved mitigation they proved a deleterious impact on<br />

213 those domestic wells. Later in my notes here you will see a map that shows that those wells circle my<br />

214 propertv. I would assume that our county just didn't pay people. Per the counties report on page 54 of 68<br />

215 their own report says that water ieveti nave Oedtined over 20 y_esrs 10-20 feet several other neighbors were<br />

216 on the moniioring iystem. Such as Mr. Kitchen. The August 20tn 2001 minutes of STMGID say, "...it is the<br />

217 domestic well owner's responsibility to continuously monitor their wells, but that only 10-20 percent actually<br />

218 do this." I think that you will find that since 1995 we have paid just about every other year to have our well<br />

219 monitored to come to this meeting prepared. We not only monitored our well we had a meter on it to prove<br />

220 what is used. We believed that WCWR and STMGID had an adequate sampling for our area and accepted<br />

221 the declination to monitor our well. Of these wells- all that have failed 15 of the 16 have been mitigated with<br />

222 and paid for wellfailure. Mr. Dowling was declined due to "Moving too quickly''(that is within the STMGID<br />

223 Meeiing Minutes) without following the correct st_eps to be mitigated. The STMGID minutes reflect that he<br />

224 was told he had not "waited to have his wellfail".15. Which was a raucous meeting at STMGID because<br />

225 then there was a huge discussion about wether a well owner had to wait for the well to fail before going on<br />

226 to mitigation. lt is highly distressing to have a final summary for our Mitigation Hearing which cites statistics<br />

227 from wells in a parameter including areas of our aquifer which are responding to pump-age completely<br />

228 different than our area. In the Old Government Tract there are not 530 Homes. Page 16 says " there are<br />

229 approximately 26 wells measured twice a year in the government lots." In 2001 there is a list made by the<br />

230 point person ior WCWR which shows 40 wells that were thought to need to be deepened or redrilled due to<br />

231 impact from STMGID #6. The wells and statistics that are being used in a different hydro-basin such as<br />

232 Callahan Ranch and those wells tend to be 30' deep and have a completely different reaction to the<br />

233 pumpage. lt is upsetting to see them citing those wells rather than the "agreed upon during negotiations of<br />

234 ine Mitigation Board inception" monitoring wells that ar.e in our specific area and that is reflected in the<br />

235 letters from Washoe County included in your packet.'""<br />

236<br />

237 5. Below is a diagram of our home situated in the center of the monitoring and (132-TAPE)'Wells which<br />

238<br />

have been mitigated with" allof whom were shown to have been deleteriously been impacted. ln 1991<br />

239<br />

when asked bythe STMGID Board how many "government lot homes would be affected and need to be<br />

240<br />

mitigated with WCWR compiled a list and tnat tiit is in my packetl8. This list showed 30 of the<br />

241<br />

appioximately 40 homes being affected by STMGID Well #6 pumpage. In further Minutes of Meetings it<br />

242<br />

been stated that our well situated in the middle of all these wells was left off because the Drillers log<br />

243<br />

book didn't have any record of our well. We were led to believe that after having provided all records of<br />

244<br />

our well the statistics and information used to substantiate the mitigation of our neighbors - it would be<br />

245<br />

the same statistics and information used to substantiate payment of our mitigation.<br />

246<br />

" Maitoza STMGID 12t7lO1 Page2;Sheppard 101912001 page 37; Meyers 6128120A5;HeikaTI27l20O4 Page 2;<br />

Rummler 11123120O4;Turk612512A02; Page 43 of 68 shows previous reimbursement deepenings Stephens,<br />

Brokaw, Quinn, Rua, Ronkos Page 45 of 68 Nixon, Hunt, Melarky, Kitchen. One refusal Dowling.<br />

tt" There are approximately 26 wells measured twice a year in the Government Lots." Page 55 of 68 per<br />

WCWR. Water levels generally declined in our area 10-20 feet over 20 years.<br />

ls Minutes provided- this caused concerns for PDW which is another reason the Groundwatet: Task Force was<br />

convened to begin to create a "neutral" system for PDW owners to follow for mitigation.<br />

tu This criteria and issue was a primary issue listed by Private Domestic Well owners during the minutes and<br />

tapes of the Groundwater Task Force. lt became a primary reason for the dual recommendation of a public<br />

access and input data base as well as a mitigation board consisting of Private domestic well owners as well as<br />

hydro-geologists.<br />

t7 Map-provided by WCWR to STMGID Local Board --red dots and additions have been made by us of those<br />

voted to be approved in the meeting minutes of the STMGID Local Board all noted parties minutes were<br />

provided in our packet. Inclusive of the minutes showing that the Nixon property was hooked up waiving fee's<br />

and the Copy attached.<br />

tu Copy attached.<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 258

ffi<br />

rrllffi<br />

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i5<br />

I believe that our County has made valor attempts to dealwith its budgetary/ lmpacU Administrative Crisis<br />

caused by all the pumpige in the <strong>South</strong> <strong>Truckee</strong> <strong>Meadows</strong> regarding Private Domestic Well Owners. Once<br />

they learned throughoutlhe years the actual Mitigation Policies have changed so often that there has never<br />

been a true sense of reliability of relief to an impacted PDWO. The only reason that some of us PDWO's<br />

have been able to continue to live in the area is the belief that that truth will prevail, the RIGHT will be done<br />

and there is fairness in government.<br />

The chart below shows that from 1980 to 1994 our well had a sustainable recharge and a sustainable static<br />

water level of 248 feet over a 15 year( in drought out of drought) period of time. This shows we had a<br />

sustainable water supply recharging with a -0--rate of decline in our well. Each Statistic is actually taken off<br />

a documented item in your Packet.<br />

As a matter of fact, most of the increase in new (documented by county) private domestic wells in our<br />

immediate area took place during that period of time which is also documented in the minutes from our<br />

County. With litfle or no affect on our static water level. Most of the Private domestic wells were put in prior<br />

to 1995 in this area.<br />

Item 3<br />


266 From 1gg4 to 2005 our well lost a documented 48 feet of static water level. While during that sameperiod<br />

267 of time STMGID # 6 increased their production pumpage from 50,023,000.00 to more than 373,370,000'00<br />

268 a more than 7 fold increase. This caused a rate of dectine in our well of 4.8 feet annually over the last 10<br />

269 years. We need to look at the last ten years to really see what happened. And that is attributable to<br />

zJL ____ STMGID # 9- in our-humble-o-pqlq!-<br />

271<br />

272<br />

O-la : Z-IJ\J\): 4e r t<br />

Z-t \)<br />

274 2oo5 297 296 -11<br />

275 Total level decline 48 feet of water.<br />

276<br />

277 In 2004 the budget was approved and phase 11 extension to the Government lots was approved on the<br />

ilA -genoa(which<br />

ii included in your packet) for February zlth 7091.<br />

That is.the pipe to our house' up until<br />

2Zg tnin I nao been a member oithe Groundwater Task Force that is where this board and the data center were<br />

28O incepted.<br />

281<br />

2g2 lt was our belief in 2004 when the Local Board approved the acceptance of the bid to bring the pipe to our<br />

2BA home that our job was done. That pipe was coming. The map showing the pipe is identicalto<br />

il" TnuP,1-^<br />

,g4 oeing oistributeo tnis year for the current approved oid. tnere was going to be water to our house' '" Maps<br />

2AS snoriing our hook-up were distributed. we were told there was no need to "reapply''since our county<br />

ig1 certainf knew we wanted water. I had been a pain. we would never have run out of water and lived<br />

287 without water for 5 months if this had been done when we were told it was going to be accomplished'<br />

288<br />

Zgg lncluded in your packet is a letter from Mr. widmer letting us know the bid had been approved and the pipe<br />

29O<br />

291<br />

292<br />

2g3<br />

was coming. That letter is in your packet.<br />

our out of pocket expenses are by the graciousness of Mr. Bowling only $850. because I was trying to hand<br />

igq trench the 375 feet on our side otine pfuperty line for the pipe for water. $306. for sand, although I must<br />

ZgS now order another 6 yards to sand in ihe'trench. The refitting and the well abandonment will be $6'400' We<br />

296 have already taken out tn" Health Dept. permito abandon our well for $145. There is a copy of all that in<br />

,01 your packet. Th" lo*"ring of our pump - it wasn't-lowered just once- it was lowered twice and that is why<br />

2gA *u ruy come up with a different figure as to how far our pump went_down' The loss of rent - you see we<br />

,gg p"y oui Mortgaje by renting out thl second and obviousiy on 12t4112005 by the graciousness of Water<br />

SOO iRuiour"", we lost our water and our tenants when our water went away. Realistically we never thought it<br />

301 would take this amount of time. You know our next door neighbor had water in 3 days' We never<br />

SOZ envisioned that water would be 300 feet away from my home and I would not have water within a week or<br />

303 two. Yeah. (in response to groans from the crowd and board.)<br />

304<br />

305 We are being asked by the County to pay $8,352.80 to hook up. lf this pipe had been.provided back in<br />

306 2004 when iiwas first approved tiat hboi< up fee was substantially less. The cost would be substantially<br />

307 lower. Living without water from 12t4 until March 16, 2006 | would like to tell you that is-priceless- | couldn't<br />

g0g list anything-there. The total expenses to be mitigated are $22,936.03. I have included for you what our fan<br />

30g looked like when we moved in in 1995. I have inituoeo for you that we were right below this beautiful<br />

gi O mountain with snow all year that reminded me of my family home in ltaly. And the lawn on the rental home is<br />

tt Copy of map and minutes attached. Letter from WCWR attached'<br />

Item 3<br />

Page 260

1<br />

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gone it is rock now. We haven't wasted water--- that water was taken from under us. We survive droughts<br />

for 30 years prior to #6 going in without any problem or affect on our well. The other thing to take into<br />

account is that if you look at an arial map and where our home and STMGID #6 is that the well is situated in<br />

a gully which at night I believe when the snow is melting I can actually hear the underground water running.<br />

Ihetegt !q!ha!_thq<br />

sql iq elfgqteQ!y_ST-MGID_#6_; it s_ogs |shtpgsllhe llitchels thgn qgst us to STMGID<br />

*6. So thinga aie netei Abing ib Ue'6(uai. i hope thaf my footnotes and summary hblp to make things<br />

simplier as t,o why all that paper is in our packet. lf you have any questions I would be happy to entertain<br />

them. (tape 190)<br />

Board Chair:. Thank you for your testimony. We certainly appreciate your situation here. I guess we are in<br />

a bit different situation than looking at the hook up or not hookup our charge as you saw earlier does not<br />

relate to that particular part. But it does relate to the impact from ..... what I guess I don't understand<br />

because I guess we have heard these situations come up before... is that what you are saying a lot of your<br />

neighbors were already hooked onto the system.<br />

Theresa : (interrupting) Mitigated. Deepened, they may have hooked up or they may have had to drill a new<br />

well. Mitigation has come in many forms.<br />

Chair: Okay. We don't know exactly how many were hooked up vs. deepened"<br />

Theresa: That depended on impact. We don't know if they chose to deepen...if they chose to drill a new<br />

well..or if the power lines made a situation where a new well was needed. Many times they were told a pipe<br />

would not be available prior to 2004 so people were deepening'<br />

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Chair: So the nearest pipe is about 300 feet away you say.<br />

Theresa: The letter from the county is included which shows us at about 300 feet away.<br />

Chair: So it already is running to your street...where is it exactly?<br />

Richard Shannon: lt runs up Mt. Ranch Rd. to Carl and is at the end of Carl which is one parcel away from<br />

US,<br />

Theresa: There is a map in your packet that shows it. lt is the same map that was used in 2004 to get the<br />

bid for expansion 11 of the pipeline and has gone out to bid again this year.<br />

Richard Shannon: This pipe will go from Mt Ranch along Carl to Melarky.<br />

Board member Morro: When is our next board meeting? There is a lot of information here and I am not<br />

sure we can deliberate now. Are we going to go back to the Regular Schedule?<br />

Mr. Smitherman: I think that it is three weeks.<br />

Theresa Shannon: You realize that means we would be without water for three weeks?<br />

Board Member Morro: Wellthis is a lot of information and I am seeing it for the first time tonight.<br />

Board Chair: I am concerned about delaying if we don't have to. What I am still unclear about is the<br />

procedure.<br />

Richard Shannon: We will be without water for another three weeks'<br />

Chair: I don't think what we do here will affecthat. We just make recommendations we are not in the<br />

position to tell people to hook you up.<br />

Thresa: Your decision is critical to this.<br />

Chair: I know but we don't get people hooked up.<br />

Item 3<br />


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Theresa: Well yes but your decision is critical and I would get this clear on the record. The fact is that we<br />

are being told that unless we pay $8,352.80 they are not bringing that pipe to us. And as you see in your<br />

packet we are out of money. We don't have it. That equipment is sitting at the end of the road. I find it<br />

ludicrous that in our County and that in our United States the equipment would sit at the end of the road<br />

wa,i!!r,rg fo1 your decision. In my opinion that pipe would come down the road hook us up a1d Jhen w9 would<br />

find out who needs to pay for it and settle the matter. But, The reality is that'we bre beinQ-tolil that unless<br />

we can pay the money they will bring it down the road and by pass our hook up. Unless we can prove<br />

impacthey are not going to give us water hook up. I don't have $8,350 and we have made that clear.<br />

Mr. Rhodes: They are waiting for a decision from this board. That is an entirely different matter. They are<br />

deciding the impact on your well caused by Municipal Pumpage. Then that decision - you take that to the<br />

County. There is no correlation to what the water purveyor does. This board makes recommendations to<br />

the water purveyor based on what it finds is the impact at your well.<br />

Theresa: In this case that decision determines weather or not I drink water, can do my laundry, can flush<br />

my toilet, or take a shower tomorrow. That equipment has been sitting at the end of the road for a week<br />

with the pipes waiting I believe for an answer from this board.<br />

Chair: I didn'think that we were in that position.<br />

Mr. Rhodes: " and I don't want you to think that you are."<br />

Theresa:<br />

' Well if we are not can we have clarification from staff? From the County''<br />

Chair: I understand.<br />

Mr. Rhodes: The county told you what their requirements are for Hook-up"<br />

Theresa: "$8350.80 which I do not have and which you impacted me. "<br />

Mr. Rhodes: " That may affect your ability to hook up but that has nothing to do with the equipment moving<br />

in. I don't want the issues to become confused. "<br />

Theresa: I am confused and I am not understanding your answer.<br />

(tape 214)<br />

Mr. Smitherman: Mr. Chairman. I spoke with the contractor and he says they have been on hold due to<br />

weather.<br />

Chair: So if the weather clears they will start the trench?<br />

Smitherman: I can't say that because I understand the hook up fee has not been paid.<br />

Chair: Okay. Now I am concerned.<br />

Mr. Widmere: The issue here is not politics between Mrs. Shannonand Water Resources it is simply " What<br />

has been impact if any from STMGI"D # 6 and the Shannon well?"<br />

Mr. Rhodes: " That is the issue before you tonight."<br />

Mr. Widmere: " With that all the information that I see that is related to water levels and the Shannon well.<br />

From the packethere appears to be four water levels taken. The first one when the well was drilled in 1980.<br />

Mc Kay measured three water levels in April of 2OO1 , March 2002 and July of 2005. Relating that to the<br />

Schuerman well I believe the rest of the data shows it is the drought. The question that the Chair brought<br />

up about why other wells in the area are not responding the same as the Schuerman well and I don't know<br />

why that is. That would mean it has to be related to a hard rock aquifer which I believe most of these wells<br />

in the Upper Government lots are drilled into. That is allthat I have been trying to tell you. But, the issue<br />

here is what has been the Municipal impact on the Shannon wellfrom STMGID #6 and the<br />

Drought and I believe there has been some recently. lt is our position that weather these droughts. That<br />

drought has affected wells in these upper Government Lots. Secondly, you have heard that it has been<br />

determined by this board and other wells that have gone through the mitigation process that 50% of<br />

drawdown in domestic wells is acceptable. For example the Minnibery well which you can compare to the<br />

Kitchen well helps to make a determination of impact from drawdown from STMGID #6. So, I see evidence<br />

available by comparison. I think you are in a position to make a determination tonight. (tape 232)

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Board Member: "One of the things I hadn't seen until tonight was the line by line comparison of the well<br />

reading of the Shannon well as compared to the pumpage of STMGID #6."<br />

Mr. Widmer: " I would like to see verification of those readings of the Shannon well a pump contractor has<br />

Ihe means to mdke a water level medsurement. lf they haVb to pull the pump to get past the feW feet to get<br />

a probe down because quite frankly I sent a intern out to try and measure the Shannon well a few years ago<br />

and this person mechanically inclined and could not get a measurement. I don't know the reason why. I<br />

can't tell you why that is. But, it is my feeling that there are four representative water level measurements<br />

that have been taken on that well.<br />

Board: The one that is different is the last measurement.<br />

Widmere: According to this chart. I haven't seen any. I See the very first one in 1980. Then the next one<br />

for 2001 which is in the information<br />

the packet. Then, the March 2002 is in the packethat is before a<br />

static water fevel taken before a one hour pumping test. And then another measurement in july 2005 of 285.<br />

I don't know about this other 2005 when it dropped another 11 feet in December.<br />

Theresa: That is also included in your packet showing they then lowered the pump to the "bottom" of the<br />

well. lt says bottom of the well.<br />

Mr. Widmere: And that reading was 285.<br />

Theresa: No you are looking at the one before in August of 2005. After that they came and took it to the<br />

bottom of the well. The bottom of the well is at 296 feet.<br />

Chair: So they pulled the pump.<br />

Theresa: Yes to lower it. Yes they pulled the pump every time.<br />

Chair: and there was basically no water in the hole.<br />

Theresa: yes. They lowered the pump to the bottom. Then there was no water we sucked air... dirt not<br />

water.<br />

Chair: From the pump test they did earlier at least from my notes here lt looked to me to be a fairly good.<br />

Well. There was somewhere around what 3 feet of drawdown during the pump tests. For one hour 9.55<br />

and dropped 3 feet to me at least at this area at this rate in bedrock makes it a very good well. lt was a<br />

healthy well so this well would not be like some where they were at a very low yield and they were pumping<br />

at a high rate then went dry- this well was healthy, at least at the early stages in 2002.<br />

Mr. Widmer: So I find it hard to believe that in a span of a couple of months the level dropped enough<br />

especially 11 feet - we measured the Schuerman well recently and the water level came up. I am at a loss<br />

to explain how the Shannon well could have lost 11 feet especially in the fall.<br />

Chair: That is why I was stating that this well is a healthy well. lt wasn't showing much drawdown when<br />

tested in the past.<br />

Mr. Widmere; I would suggesthat 296 feet is where the pump is at.<br />

Chair: Yes but if the well is dry and they pulled the pump out and didn't measure any water in there.<br />

Theresa: We wouldn't be living without water unless the well was dry.<br />

,2<br />

i3<br />

Chair: " There are only a certain amount of standing feet of water. lf you turn a well on very quickly it may<br />

drawdown below your pump.<br />

Theres: Yes, I understand. But, the history of our well is that it has been a healthy well not having these<br />

problems.<br />

Richard: We believed and hoped we would survive longer and prayed that the last few wet years would<br />

help us to recharge.<br />

Item3 10<br />

Page 263

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Chair: You are in an area where in my mind at least during the last few years the aquifer has ceased to<br />

replenish. And in this well I didn't see that evidence. Sometimes you can't overcome hydrology. Have<br />

any measurements been looked at since this December time frame.<br />

- Theresa: I h-Ven-t puf $300.lntoliavlng sorneb-ne eirrne-oUtErTd}-d|ETfiipafd measu-sure a drywe=ll-lf1h-A<br />

is what you are asking.<br />

Chair: That's right. Your document states that the pump is set right at the bottom.<br />

Theresa: Yeah. And, now we can't. In preparation for the pipe we have had the pressure tank removed.<br />

Richard: I have not pulled the pump. But, in hopes that perhaps there was recharge I did about four or five<br />

times go and turn on the system to see if I could get water in the tank. The pump was still sucking air. I was<br />

trying to let the well recharge naturally to see if it could recharge. My attempts over the last weeks didn't<br />

get me any water.<br />

Chair: and as far as you know the pump is set to the very bottom of the well.<br />

Richard: yes. lt think there is a short gap because you don't want to dry dirt if it works. But, clearly if there<br />

were any water in our well we would have used it prior to removing the pressure tank.<br />

Chair: We don't have our well expert here tonight. She was playing hooky so we have to pretend like we<br />

understand the operations of a well.<br />

Mr. Widmer: STMGID 6 is entirely in alluvium and the calculations on storability for alluvium are very<br />

different.<br />

New Board Member- and it looks like you are saying that these wells are mostly completed in bedrock not<br />

in any kind of an alluvium? Yet, if I look at these charts the State Water Engineer provided it appears like the<br />

well is responding the opposite.<br />

Mr. Widmer: Well I believe that is the case for most of the wells in the upper Govemment tract.<br />

Richard: I think we might have something different in our paperwork. Just one minute. (Paper shuffling).<br />

(Tape 271).<br />

Chair: The board members are asking for a short break. So let's take a five minute break. Then we will<br />

recover our thoughts and we will reconvene in 10 minutes.<br />

(Tape one ends at the break.)<br />

Meeting reconvened (Tape 221 back side).<br />

While break was still on Applicant asked the chair what the last question was to prepare for reconvening.<br />

He reminded the discussion was abouthe soil content or typography the well was drilled in. The applicant's<br />

answer is given in part as:<br />

Chair How many of the neighbors wells are no longer pumping from the aquifer in your area?<br />

Theresa: "That's a great question. lnstead of as has been claiming that the pumpage has increased by<br />

Private well's it has decreased in our particular area. There are less people pumping not more people.<br />

Look at the map here's Tessa and here's STMGID #6. Each time they began initially or increase pumpage<br />

from each of these wells there is a corresponding affect on the levels of the neighboring private wells.<br />

Chair: Can we get the meeting back to order (realizing folks are still talking in the audience and around<br />

him.)<br />

Theresa: You wanted to address the make up of the land is that corect?<br />

Item 3<br />

Page264<br />


Z<br />

]<br />

I<br />

t<br />

chair: Yes.<br />

Yes Sir. I will find the documents. That would be on the wetl drillels reports. Let me find the right one.<br />

i Chair: We left this with a question as to what the material was like where the water source is derived, I<br />

- -<br />

Z lliink on page ft-Zwha[T See Rere ir5'llie Sh-an-non-welflogWhiehaislntereSting b-Lifl-e]m-natf Suielt hrelps me<br />

3 too much. lt says brown clay and granitic boulder.<br />

I t am not sure that is representative- it appears that depending on how the driller was drilling we were getting<br />

) some granitic cuttings coming up with brown clay involved.<br />

I<br />

2 Richard: In great experience in working and digging and because our land is not flat it is sloped we have for<br />

3 instance a rock in our back that is the size of a Volkswagon. lt is pretty much granite, boulders and dirt.<br />

4 That is what lwould call it.<br />

5<br />

3 Theresa: And then in the area were the well is it goes into sand. Because the well is situated in this little<br />

7 gully it is in an almost creek like sand but of course the well is 300 feet down and things change.<br />

3<br />

9 Chair: Yes 300 feet down and it appears that you are in a more bedrock like condition at that point.<br />

D<br />

1 goard Member Morro: Let me clarify something on more than one house on a domestic well. I went back<br />

2 and did some research in my water law and in NRS 534.185 There is a waiver, the State Water Engineer<br />

3 may with a written request and receipt of a written agreement from the owners waive the requirements from<br />

4 this chapter for the use development of underground water. The well existed and was used prior to July<br />

5 1983. lt is used by and solely for the purpose of more than one but not more than three single family<br />

6 dwellings.<br />

7<br />

8 Theresa: May I respond?<br />

I Morro: (continuing) and each of those dwellings does not draw more than 18,000 gallons of water per day.<br />

0 Now I assume that under section 1 of this statue this requires an agreement. And, since you own more than<br />

1 one home you don't need an agreement. You would be making an agreement with yourself. lf you ever<br />

2 decided to sell the home; lf, you are only one of the dwellings you would need the agreement and waiver.<br />

3 So if you ever do sell you might need it. I don't know that you have to have it now since you would be both<br />

4 parties to the agreement.<br />

5 Theresa: That was addressed in the hearing we had with the State Water Engineer Hugh Ricci.<br />

6 Morro: Well, that isn't done by the State Water Engineer it is done by the Statue.534.185. lt is up to Hugh<br />

7 Riccito enforce this statue.<br />

B Theresa: Yes, we went to the hearing through the Groundwater Task Force in Oct. of 2004 because this<br />

I issue kept being bantered about, that "our well was illegal". This is not our first mitigation hearing. During<br />

0 that hearing and time I offered to go get a waiver and I was told that wasn't necessary . that I didn't need to<br />

1 tnat I was not breaking the law. I had gone through allthe proper steps to bring my home legalwhen I<br />

2 bought it in 1995. We went through all the processes. We came to Water Resources and they signed off.<br />

3 We spent a great deal of money to bring our property up to current conforming statues.<br />

4<br />

5 Morro: I understand that there is no question with that now. The reason that he probably told you what he<br />

6 did is because you have two homes and the well existed prior to 1983 and the current law. The statue is<br />

7 directed at two homes on one parcel and as long as you only draw 1,800 per day the well existed prior to<br />

B 1983.<br />

I<br />

0 Theresa: Thank you.<br />

4<br />

tl New Board Member: To go back to the issue of composition. The well logs show ... down to five feet then<br />

rl from five to I feet it's got brown clay. Then it goes to boulders. lt seems that sometimes when you are<br />

tQ drilling boulder, lt may be that when they were drilling they came to alluvial material.<br />

i5 Richard: lf you look at the geo physical studies of that area they call it the alluvial fan.<br />

rO Theresa: if you look at page 13 of our documents, when I negotiated buying the property. That is were the<br />

17 other reading or measurements of our well. The numbers have changed. This is the detail along with the<br />

rB warranty of the new pump installed- which I have with me. This is the detailthat back then when I was so<br />

t9 naive about wells I thought was very detailed that they (the prior owners) had provided at the sale. lt does<br />

12<br />

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have some notes about gravel packed entire depth and concrete seal. I don't know if this helps you. This is<br />

what we have. (tape 270)<br />

Mr. Widmer: I don't know why this the first time we see these documents.<br />

Theresa: That is not true. I actually came to Water Resources in 1996-1997 during the permit process' lt<br />

Was the firsf time f came into the-bUildin-0-' I Wbn-t-do-Wd all$e-Corriclois to a room ilack-iil th-e corner dver<br />

there and as I was being asked to get a meter and get an initialing off on it from every department in the<br />

County on my final order. I asked just that question. "How long will this water source last?" I asked that<br />

question because I still hadn't finished buying the property. So I asked the Department of Water Resources<br />

because I was under the delusion at that time that the Department of Water Resources was also sort of like<br />

there to protect Private Domestic Well owners and provide service to us... and not just to create beneficial<br />

use water. So, I asked " How do I determine how long will this depth to water last? And the answer lwas<br />

given was to look at the history of the well. And the person sat down and did figures at the desk. We<br />

looked at the readings from 30 years from 1965 to 1980 and we hadn't drawn down. So, the natural<br />

assumption was that near 50 feet of water was pretty good. We had never gone down more than 4 or 5 feet<br />

during a thirty year period. Now, how ignorant was that because the freeway ended at Pink Scolaris there<br />

was no Galena High, we had no idea all of that was coming. How ignorant was I not to be aware all of that<br />

was coming. This brought us to the whole regional plan and all the water usage development that was<br />

going to take place.<br />

New Board Member: I think that your water level should have lasted looking at the data.<br />

Theresa: Thinking about it there is actually less private domestic wells drawing from that part of the aquifer.<br />

And , they haven't put in more private domestic wells since 1995. The huge majority of development has<br />

been through water systems.<br />

New Board Member: What I am talking about is that looking at the history 50 feet is enough if you have a<br />

good producing well and the records show you did.<br />

Theresa: I know what you are saYing.<br />

Chair: I think looking at the diagram of the well is what they did was to put the pump 11 feet off the bottom.<br />

Which would mean that even though you may have a few feet of water in the bottom of the hole your pump<br />

can't reach that.<br />

New Board Member: lt may be that a dry well for you is284-286 feet as opposed to if they had set the pump<br />

another 11 feet down. lt may be that in reality there may be a little bit of water in the bottom of the hole'<br />

Buq the water is not usable to you; because, the water isn't reachable by pump. This could answer the 11<br />

foot drop all of a sudden. The driller may have realized by really pushing it down to only a few feet off the,<br />

bottom he would put you in danger of damaging your pump making it unserviceable. Have you thought of<br />

doing that?<br />

Theresa: The reason that we applied for mitigation in November prior to the well going dry was to offer the<br />

County the opportunity to ask and make any tests needed while we still had water. We were prepared to do<br />

that. Now in preparation for water pipes we have removed the pressure tank and all the equipment to test<br />

that.<br />

Chair: Well we were just trying to answer Mr. Widmer regarding that last 11 feet of water.<br />

Theresa: However, after that diagram that you are looking at the pump has been lowered. Please be sure<br />

to look at the chart provided because that reflects the readings made by Both Mc Kay's. The pump was<br />

fater lowered to "bottom" and,we had no water. We at 20A2we were at 263.<br />

Richard: I spoke to him the last time he was out and he said that the pump was set at the very bottom or<br />

about a foot above. Because he moved it down and he didn't get any good water so then he placed it at the<br />

position up just raised lt up a foot.<br />

Chair: So it may have recovered a bit but we don't know because we can't read it right now. This happens.<br />

Mr Widmere: ihairman I would like to get back. In looking at the drill logs and what the wells are drilled in<br />

the logs indicate to me that they are in fractured rock. ln view of what the drillers have written I see this.<br />

Somsof the drillers do a prefty good job of writing their detail in the drillers log. Look at Mike Dowling he<br />

redrilled and he started at 310 and mind you there are lava flows and in between the lava flows there could<br />

be several layers of material.<br />

Item 3<br />

Ptge266 13

7<br />

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01234567II0123456<br />

,7<br />

New Board Member: I am showing in the logs you mentioned there in some kind of alluvium and then they<br />

go into volcanic. Of course the Nixon well is close to the Shannon well. Their log doesn't show what you<br />

are describing Mike. In looking at the production well that you are talking about here alluvium at the bottom<br />

and this indicates to me the small producers may also be in alluvium. This well the Shannon well was a<br />

good producer- | don't think any of us have any question about that. However, Mike, it looks like there could<br />

be an iSSUO iegbiding lithology herd arid that there-might be Sorile qUdStiOn With yoUr daleulatidns hgre.<br />

Regarding your point earlier.<br />

Mr. Rhodes: I was just going to point out that perhaps this is the time to use the forms you approved earlier<br />

in your packet regarding the impact. See page 74 . This was a modeling exercise with item 13 copy on the<br />

top.<br />

Mr. Widmere: lam uncomfortable with this interpretation.<br />

Chair: This map shows drawdown potential it was done by you - is this your primary concern?<br />

Theresa: Would you explain that to us because I am not understanding what is being said-please. I<br />

always assumed that we would be compared to Kitchen and Brokaw because the County had stated that<br />

their wells were the closest to ours in proximity to STMGID 6 and composition.<br />

Chair: I think he (Mike) didn't disagree with that. I think that the (new Board Member) said that running the<br />

theis equation when you go from fractured bedrock and that the equations are not really valid when you do<br />

that. They are an approximation but you loose something and the question really is ......and you had a point<br />

....(new board member).<br />

New Board Member: lf you look at the Dowling well they went to 325 feet and they hit volcanic material. I<br />

doubt if the driller was being exact. We have a case here that is close to the shannon's.<br />

8<br />

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Chair : Let's assume that ... we are trying to look at the numbers that Greg Pohl brought up here of 20 feet<br />

being acceptable drawdown. And we will go back to that in a little bit. Let's suppose that you had alluvium<br />

through the whole thing and the other scenario you had fractured bedrock. My guess would be that the<br />

drawdown would be faster if you go across the interface. The fractured bedrock would actually show an<br />

accelerated drawdown than if you had alluvium there. But that this would be a conservative estimate of the<br />

drawdown at their well.<br />

New Board Member: Show me the alternative when you did the other calculations (directed to Mike<br />

Widmer).<br />

Mr. Widmer: I don't have that. I believe that these wells are in fractured volcanic. When I tested that on the<br />

Kitchen well your find storitivity value of 50% but.....<br />

Chair: So between those two wells there is an interface in the model that you ran? What type of lithology if<br />

any did you enter?<br />

Mr. Widmer: We take these in a case by case basis. So in the interest of moving on. They are in fractured<br />

volcanic. You could refer back to figure two page two. Look at the domestic wells that this board has made<br />

a determination on. There are three domestic wells close that are shown. Myers and Rummlers and there<br />

was 100% of drilling or hook up fees that were mitigated.<br />

Chair: I am sorry which are those?<br />

Mr. Widmer: There are three close together. From North to south they are Melarky, Myers and Nixon I think<br />

STMGID paid to hook up. Next is Minniberry where they recommended paying the drilling costs to 75%.<br />

And to the West is a lot Rummler paid 100% of drilling was reimbursed. And there is Richard and Theresa<br />

Shannon and to the right is the Winard property where there was no unreasonable drawdown attributed to<br />

that. There is that option available. I guess I am not allthat enthusiastic about using the theis equation in<br />

this particular area. By the way that equation does not account for recharge.<br />

Chair: ln my opinion that (recharge) is not what we are seeing in this area.<br />

Theresa: On this Mitigation Map I would like to include the fact and in my speech I included the Stephans<br />

have been mitigated with and they are not on this, Mr. Quinn was paid in full he is not on this.<br />

Item 8<br />

Pzge267<br />


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Chair: Did they come in front of this board.<br />

Theresa: No They were mitigated with.<br />

Chair: Do you have a copy of this?<br />

Theresa: Certainly. They are on the handout I gave you in Red.<br />

unatr: I nts ts naro to reao.<br />

Theresa: I understand these were hard to impose on the County provided map and make clear copies.<br />

Let's start on the left hand side. That would be Kitchen right there, Hunt above them, then Brokaw,<br />

Sheppard, Quinn, Shannon, Winard, Dowling. Then Stephans.<br />

Richard: Dowling was'denied not because of a mitigation problem but, he chose to drill deeper without<br />

following their system or waiting to dry up. No matter what. So he never went through the process as it<br />

were.<br />

Theresa: Melarky, Champoliever, Rua, and Ronkos, I just wanted to say that there are 14 people that have<br />

been mitigated with.<br />

Richard: They pretty much surround us.<br />

Theresa: That is right. So we never envisioned that geologically there would actually be an argument.<br />

Chair: Okay let's go back to the Shannon well. At their rate of pumping they were doing pretty well with<br />

their pumping and their drawdown up until around 1995 then the county put in the production well and<br />

increased it's pumping pretty dramatically. lt looks to me like it has stressed the aquifer in a way that it<br />

hasn't been stressed before and it went into a new regime. My concern is that that well is being pumped too<br />

hard in that particular location. lt seems clear that in your particular area although it is not being pumped<br />

too hard it is still having some impact. lt looks like from other wells there at it seems that we were granting<br />

between 75To and 100% and certainly the maps show there is a pretty good cone of depression from that<br />

well. lt encourages me to say that I would expect impact at this particular location. I don't think speculation<br />

that there is only 20 feet of drawdown at this location. In the worst situation as far as the drop in water level<br />

in your well. I realize that STMGID has a right to pump to do some drawdown. Can we take some Public<br />

Comment at this stage since we are scratching our heads anyways.<br />

My name is Mr. Bemie Gavin representing the STMGID Local Board: as to what - well it goes into great<br />

detail and anwers most of your questions on STMGID 6. I have broughthis paper from the State Water<br />

Engineer that basically goes into great detail regarding STMGID well# 6 as to what is the allowed pumpage.<br />

Chair: I am not going to read 16 pages real quick is there a quick. ls there a some help that you mn give us<br />

from this?<br />

Theresa Shannon: That letter was included in my packet.<br />

Chair: I guess we already have that. I didn't notice it in my original reading. ls there any summar you can<br />

give us on this (speaking to Mr. Cohen).<br />

Mr. Cohen: I believe the letter lets you know that STMGID is found not to be overpumping.<br />

Chair: There are two definitions of over-pumping- to my understanding. One is that you have a water right<br />

to pump a certain amount. The other one is the impacthat pumping has in the local area. Our charge is<br />

not to worry about what your pumping right is as I understand it. lt is to determine what your pumping<br />

impact is.<br />

Mr. Cohen: I understand that but I think this tells you things about what you are talking about.<br />

Theresa: Just one minute and I will find the original of that letter- it seems to look different than what is<br />

being presented.<br />

Paper shuffiing.<br />

Theresa: I had originally included the letter but this letter looks different. I apologize I must have referred to<br />

it instead since it is part of public record. lt was the response to the hearing that we had.<br />

Chair: I hadn't seen it either. Yes, that is what it does is to summarize that the pumping is at 50 feet per<br />

year. And they haven't quite made that yet - the highest I saw was 11 AFA. But, it goes on to say that there<br />

is some usage of the lateral flow of groundwater so there may be condtions here that can also affect how<br />

that flow and cone of depression works.<br />

Theresa: Are we still on public comment or should I speak?<br />

Chair: I stitl had one more public requesto speak and' I can't seem to find the card. lt got into my papers- |<br />

apologize. Ah here it is . I have two cards here. Michael De Martini.<br />

Mr. De Martini: One I would like to say that the procedure about a year ago before your.arrival Mr. Chair<br />

was determined that Mr. Smitherman would go first with the summary, then the water purveyor and then I<br />

would speak next in line as the Representative of Private Domestic Wells from the Regional Water Planning<br />

Commission- then the applicant but prior to the deliveration.<br />

Item 8<br />

Page 268<br />


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!0<br />

I have a couple of quick comments. I felt that Terri's calculations were very accurate and conservative' I<br />

want to point out that (and most people probably caught it) on paragraph two of her letter she gives a .44<br />

total calculation that would be a very small impact as far as her well as she stated. "These are the 500 foot<br />

domestic well impact numbers that staff is using are highly over stated. lf anything they would be only half<br />

that. And, if you consider the possibility those domestic wells are using much less water than the staff is<br />

SLigOeStinE. lh ieviewing the flve year moving average there are a couple of peaks in Michael Widmer's<br />

charts that I would like to point out. First it is difficult to review this material during the meeting. However<br />

looking at graph two and on that graph. He is showing the First Aid water station as the red in this graph.<br />

Well I think that during about 1983 there is a peak shown for the five year moving average and on the<br />

following graph there is a peak measured at the first aid at 1988 and the water levels seem to lag<br />

consideianly behind this.. And yet if you look at 1990 you will find a similar increase in precipitation and the<br />

water levels did not respond. And so I wonder what the cause is that the groundwater levels dropping.<br />

Chair: Yes I see that the graphs can be deceiving since the groundwate response seems to lag<br />

considerably. Theresa did you have a comment?<br />

Theresa: I am sorry | wasn't prepared. I would like to say and sum up to refocus. lt seems to me that it is<br />

important to remember that although there are statistics you are here to deal with I guess the reason I kept<br />

citing the earlier mitigations is that they included these charts. They included what we understood to be<br />

impact hydro logically. And, I would hope that you would be able to conclude your thoughts based on the<br />

fact that ihere is that history. I am encouraged by the fact that you have read the Kitchen material and in<br />

there it did say that All of these past mitigations are in the back of the packet. I would encourage that this<br />

board will find in my favor.<br />

Chair: I am at the stage where I am looking for a motion from the board'<br />

New Board Member: (to Theresa) can you expand on the letter- is it addressed to you?<br />

Theresa: I will try to respond about- to the letter presented I would like to give a little history- since that is not<br />

really hydrologically based and I tried to alleviate such in trying to limit the material I submitted from the<br />

room full of documentation I have. Other than the numbers and water I tried to stay focused. That letter was<br />

the outcome from a hearing that we had with the State Water Engineer- Hugh Ricci. Were we were, being<br />

the private domestic well owners and water resources with different points of view were both pushing for the<br />

State Water Engineer to define for us what the "reasonable lowering" of the water table was. What<br />

happened was that he declined to do that as a general rule or making any one statement that "this is what it<br />

was" and basically came back to the premises that you had to do it on a case by case one by one<br />

hydrological .<br />

Chair: Guestamate<br />

Theresa: Yes, Guess ta mate. And I believe that it must be reasonable in that particular area. He does<br />

acknowledge that in our particular area there seems to be a problem. lf you read through it, I believe that<br />

this is the letter where he does that.<br />

Chair: He does note in here one number though if you look at page five at the top. He does note that "l<br />

have concluded that recent drought cycles and groundwater development has contributed to at least 10 feet<br />

of static water level decline in the eastern Sierra Rangefront." So he does give one number there. That is<br />

highlighted in this report. He lumps things together that we as a board cannot lump together. That is pretty<br />

nice. But, he does give us that one number here to work with.<br />

Mr. Rhodes: You have a copy of this don't you.<br />

Theresa: Yes, I have it here in my binder- | have the original. I didn't think you wanted me to copy this entire<br />

binder (Huge) for youl<br />

New Board Member: Mike I see here that on this letter there is a chart with three scenarios for drawdown<br />

numbers. He gives us some samples based on ..... do you Mike know where the original input for these<br />

came from?<br />

Theresa: Who gave those numbers? That chart is not part of my letter?<br />

Those must be some addition to that letter.<br />

New Board Member: This is a seven page letter.<br />

Theresa: No. our letter ends on Page 3 and it is the original.<br />

Several Board Members at once: Yes, I do see where the page numbering is different. And then there are<br />

attachements behind it.<br />

Theresa:What date is that letter?<br />

New Board Member: I see several dates Feb. 12 and then 14th well it looks like it was redone with<br />

attachments.<br />

Theresa: No. I have the original letter hand signed and it had no changes or attachments.<br />

New Board Member: Okay- well I think that these may be valuable guidelines to use.<br />

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Theresa: That is not the letter I got and those attachments have been done at a later date- they were not<br />

part of my letter. They were done at a later date.<br />

Mr. Rhodes: Just for clariflcation those attachments were referenced in the second paragraph on page<br />

three.<br />

Theresa: I have a copy of what that pumpage data is and that pumpage data is not the charts that you are<br />

referring to. That is a different chart entirely. I have that chart in my packet. lt shows what STMGID#6<br />

pumps. lt is right there- pointing to it in the packet. That chart you are looking at is made this year.<br />

New Board Member::lt runs from 1990 to ... Can we run some numbers from this that we have.<br />

Theresa: Yes. Just so we know it is not from the letter and I don't know that it is from the State Water<br />

Engineer.<br />

Mr. Rhodes: Either way it is a piece of information.<br />

New Board Member: This is a valuable piece of information for us where they have run pumping scenarios<br />

where they show there could be quite a bit of drawdown.<br />

Mr. Morro: Weather it was attached to the letter is immaterial as long as it done honestly.<br />

New Board Member: lt shows what the pumping and the drawdown would be in different conditions over 5<br />

to 10 years I think we can utilize this tool - it goes from 20 feet to over 50,000 feet. I am assuming they ran<br />

them correctly. We can argue back and forth as to how accurate they are.<br />

Mr. Widmer: Mr. Chairman.<br />

New Board Member: I am seeing that it went over a very wide range of values.<br />

Mr. Morro: I wonder what assumptions were used.<br />

New board Member: lt seems to take in account recharge and certain conditions between the two wells.<br />

Mr. Morro: Yes, and this map here that is attached to the letter shows the location of all of those wells.<br />

Theresa: Oh, I don't have any of that since it wasn't part of the letter I got.<br />

Chair: I would like to entertain a motion from one of you guys.<br />

Mr. Rhodes: Here is where wherever you would like to on there you can use the form. You would determine<br />

weather you think there is an impact or not. Then, how many feet due to the different portions of impact.<br />

You have to say that it is... then what it is. Then we go from there.<br />

Due to some discussion between board members the Chair: You guys huddling isn't good.<br />

Mr. Morro:We are trying to form a motion for you Mr. Chairman.<br />

Greg: Can I have the floor- I don't think we can talk numbers without a motion.<br />

Chair: I think Greg is asking for the floor.<br />

Greg: I thihk we should talk numbers. I think there is 20 feet of drawdown.<br />

Chair: Do you have anything to substantiate that? I would talk about that in the abstract. But, I think first we<br />

must determine if there was an adverse impact from STMGID 6. and then what you think the impact is.<br />

Chair: Do you have something to add to that?<br />

Greg: Well I think the first thing is that there is only 2O feet of drawdown. lt is impossible to do that. I think<br />

the drought may be filtered out. I don't think there is a good representation of the drawdown without the<br />

drought.<br />

Chair; So you are saying that the 15 feet of drawdown would be normal for drought. Yet, it looks like in their<br />

welf we saw a more rapid decline after 2002. But, I hear your comment.<br />

Greg: To take that further I know that using the theis equation we would see things differently. I mean we<br />

are talking about numbers .....<br />

Chair: Precisely these drops are higher than that figure.<br />

Greg; According to the statistics they went down 20 feet.<br />

Chair: Okay let's say they have "some" drawdown.<br />

Greg;Well lam confused. Go ahead and take a motion.<br />

Richard: lsn't there a rather simple comparison from before 1995 when there wasn't any drawdown inclusive<br />

of droughts; and STMGID 6 isn't pumping at all. And then if you look at after 1996 when STMGTD 6 began<br />

to pump.<br />

Greg: Yes but the problem is that you haven't determined what the drought drawdown is.<br />

Richard: Yes we have the well went through drought and non drought and maintained sustainable water<br />

level at 248 feel.<br />

Greg: Your point is well taken but there had to be drawdown prior to STMGID 6 being turned on.<br />

Theresa: Our chart in tonight's presentation shows you the readings and there is no drawdown. Our well<br />

remains stable right up to 1997. Then when STMGID 6 pumped between 1997 and 2005 during which time<br />

we didn't loose 15 feet of water we lost at least 45 feet of water.<br />

Richard: You are trying to average something when the only affect was the last five or six years. lf I have a<br />

huge drop in a small period you can't go back over 20 years and average it.

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Theresa: Right, when you do that it belitfles the affect.<br />

Chair: We weren'trying to do that.<br />

New Board Member: That is a very important fact though that we must consider.<br />

Mr. Widmer: I don't know that there are measurements that supporthis. That data should be provided.<br />

Theresa: Each measurement is provided in our packet.<br />

Mr. Widmer: There are only four water levels in your packet. Four.<br />

Theresa: The only reason there are more than four entries on the chart is because correspondingly there<br />

were increases of pumpage on STMGID 6 so there needed to be a line for each of those. The rea-dings are<br />

accurate. The water level of our well is right there. Pointing and reading 252,252,263. lt is clear and<br />

substantiated with the receipts in the back of our packet. (tape 390)<br />

Mr. Widmer: I also wanted to recall that we have discussed some of these water levels from the drillers log.<br />

And the water level decline has been acknowledged by this board at previous hearings has been a decline<br />

of water level. In fact I have heard up to 20 feet being acceptable.<br />

The tape turned off at this point. However, the applicant does not dispute the outcome that the Mitigation<br />

Board mailed to applicant with their findings.<br />

Item 3<br />


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