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Biochemistry and N u t r i t i o n<br />

a chemical method involving the use of<br />

a - a - d i p y r i d i n e . The method evolved by<br />

Kohler et al has been Improved. The food<br />

s t u f f s analyzed were found to vary widely<br />

in percentage of t o t a l i r o n available.<br />

Leafy vegetables and condiments and spices,<br />

usually considered good source of i r o n ,<br />

show a low percentage a v a i l a b i l i t y , while<br />

the other groups of foodstuffs contain i r o n<br />

of which about 30 to 40% is available.<br />

Pigeonpea has 23.3% of t o t a l i r o n available.<br />


M. SWAMINATHAK. 1937.<br />

Survey of the n u t r i t i v e value of Indian<br />

food s t u f f s . Indian J. Med. Res.<br />

24(3):689-706. 331<br />

Pulses are a good source of p r o t e i n ,<br />

containing on an average 24.47%. They are<br />

somewhat richer than cereals in most chemical<br />

constituents and, on the average,<br />

more than twice as r i c h in proteins.<br />

Detailed analyses of various chemical<br />

constituents of d i f f e r e n t food s t u f f s are<br />

tabulated. More emphasis should be l a i d<br />

on b i o l o g i c a l value of p r o t e i n s , and on<br />

the concentrations and a v a i l a b i l i t y of<br />

mineral s a l t s .<br />

RAO, P.S. 1969.<br />

Studies on the d i g e s t i b i l i t y of carbohydrates<br />

in pulses. Indian J. Med. Res.<br />

57(11):2151-2157. 332<br />

In vitro d i g e s t i b i l i t y studies of raw and<br />

cooked Bengal gram, green gram, red gram,<br />

and black gram and their starches w i t h<br />

commercial a-amylase indicated that carbohydrates<br />

of green gram are better digested<br />

than any other pulses investigated.<br />


G.A. PALANISWAMY. 1973.<br />

Studies on red gram (Cajanus oajan (L.)<br />

M i l l s p . ) seed characters, cooking q u a l i t y<br />

and protein content. Madras Agric. J.<br />

60(6):396-398. 333<br />

An assessment was made of the seed charact<br />

e r s , cooking q u a l i t y , and protein contents<br />

of the annual and perennial types of red<br />

gram. The perennial types MS-9537,<br />

PLS-362, and PLS-363 had bigger and heavier<br />

seeds than those of the annuals and SA-1.<br />

The annual types, which were richer in<br />

protein (21.1%),also cooked more e a s i l y .<br />

ROYES, W.V., and A.C. FINCHAM. 1975.<br />

Grain q u a l i t y in Cajanus and Cioer. F i r s t<br />

International Workshop on Grain Legumes.<br />

13-16 Jan 1975. ICRISAT. Hyderabad, I n d i a .<br />

209-212. 334<br />

Means f o r estimating protein q u a l i t y , amino<br />

acid p r o f i l e s , breeding for amino acid<br />

contents, problems and other considerations<br />

of n u t r i t i o n are discussed.<br />

RUDRA, M.K., and L.M. CHOWDHURY. 1950.<br />

Methionine content of cereals and legumes.<br />

Nature 166:568. 335<br />

Methionine was estimated c o l o r i m e t r i c a l l y<br />

and the percentage value obtained for red<br />

gram was 0.15. It was considered that<br />

lathyrism in animals fed on vetch pea is<br />

connected w i t h the low methionine content<br />

of t h i s p l a n t .<br />

SANKARAN, S., and V. SRINIVASAN. 1963.<br />

Evaluation of red gram types f o r cooking<br />

q u a l i t y . Madras Agric. J. 50(1):<br />

470-472. 336<br />

The cooking q u a l i t y of nine introduced<br />

c u l t i v a r s of red gram (Cajanus aajan) was<br />

poorer than that of c u l t i v a r SA-1. Since<br />

there is evidence of a s i g n i f i c a n t negative<br />

c o r r e l a t i o n between cooking time and protein<br />

content, these types were presumably<br />

i n f e r i o r to the standard also in q u a l i t y .<br />


J.A. EUSEBIO, and R.R. GONZALES. 1968.<br />

Studies on Philippine leguminous seeds as<br />

protein foods. I. Evaluation of protein<br />

q u a l i t y in some l o c a l beans based on t h e i r<br />

amino acid patterns. P h i l i p p . Agric.<br />

52(4):211-217. 337<br />

Amino acid compositions of ( i ) mungo (Fhaeeolus<br />

aureus) ( i i ) paayap (Vigna sinensis)<br />

( i i i ) kadyos (Cajanus oajan) and ( i v )<br />

tapilan (Phaseolus oaloartus) bean determined<br />

by a modified ion-exchange method<br />

after hydrolysis were compared w i t h the<br />

amino acid composition of whole egg.<br />


J.A. EUSEBIO, and P.F. ALCANTARA. 1968.<br />

Studies on Philippine leguminous seeds as<br />

protein foods. I I . Effect of heat on the<br />

b i o l o g i c a l value of mungo, paayap, t a p i l a n ,<br />

and kadyos beans. P h i l i p p . Agric.<br />

52(4): 218-232. 338<br />

To assess the q u a l i t y of proteins in ( i )<br />

mungo (Phaseolus aureus) (11) paayap (Vigna<br />

sinensis) ( i i i ) kadyos (Cajanus oajan) and<br />

(iv) tapilan (Phaseolus oaloartus), feeding<br />


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