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Physiology<br />

KABI, J . , and UMA DEVI. 1975.<br />

I n t e r a c t i o n of coumarln and l i g h t on the<br />

germination of the seeds of Cajanus cajan.<br />

Proc. Indian S c i . Cong. 62(3):92-93<br />

(Abstract). 1166<br />

Coumarln (1.0 x 10 2 m) i n h i b i t e d germination<br />

of Cajanus oajan seeds and l i g h t had no<br />

reverse action on the i n h i b i t o r y effects of<br />

coumarln. Amino acids increased in the<br />

axis of the control up to 72 and in the<br />

cotyledons up to 48 hours a f t e r soaking,<br />

whereas in the cou-treated, s l i g h t increase<br />

was found a f t e r 24 hours, followed by<br />

decrease. Sugars increased in the axis<br />

a f t e r 48 hours in the control and decreased<br />

gradually in the treated. The r e s p i r a t i o n<br />

rate was greatly enhanced a f t e r 48 hours<br />

in the control a x i s , whereas in the coutreated<br />

ones the rate was s l i g h t l y enhanced<br />

up to 24 hours followed by a decline.<br />

Coumarln showed similar i n h i b i t i n g effects<br />

both in l i g h t and dark.<br />

KANTA KUSUM, and D. PADMANABHAN. 1964.<br />

In v i t r o culture of embryo segments of<br />

Cajanus cajan (L.) M i l l s p . Curr. Sci.<br />

33(23):704-706. 1167<br />

The responses of the r a d i c l e , the plumule,<br />

and the cotyledonary node are not i d e n t i ­<br />

c a l . The phenomenon of apical dominance<br />

prevails even in the embryonal stages. The<br />

d i f f e r e n t i a t i o n of primary xylem takes<br />

place independently in the plumule<br />

(endarch), the cotyledonary node ( t r a n s i ­<br />

t i o n ) , and the r a d i c l e (exarch). The<br />

destiny of the organs has already been<br />

determined.<br />

KATHJU, S., and M.N. TIWARI. 1968.<br />

Nuclear d i s t r i b u t i o n of acid phosphatase<br />

in Cajanus indicus Spreng. Curr. Sci.<br />

37(3):83-84. 1168<br />

The autonomous cytoplasmic inclusions,<br />

namely lysosymes and mitochondria, which<br />

were supposed to be the only centers of<br />

the enzyme a c t i v i t y did not indicate any<br />

a c t i v i t y . The reports about the d i s t r i b u ­<br />

t i o n in nucleus and n u c l e o l i appear to be<br />

more convincing f o r the c e l l s of the<br />

r a d i c l e of the seedlings of Cajanus<br />

indicus.<br />

KAUL, C.L., and S.P. SINGH. 1967.<br />

Effects of some growth regulators w i t h<br />

gametocidal properties on Cajanus cajan<br />

(L.) M i l l s p . Indian J . Agric. S c i .<br />

37:69-76. 1169<br />

Maleic hydrazide, FW-450, and coumarln,<br />

each applied as f o l i a r sprays of 0.55%, 1%,<br />

and 1.5% concentrations, induce male s t e r i ­<br />

l i t y but reduce the y i e l d . The 1% solution<br />

of FW-450 applied before f l o r a l - b u d i n i t i a ­<br />

t i o n induces 100% pollen s t e r i l i t y w i t h<br />

minimum reduction in y i e l d .<br />

KHAN, M.A., R.P. CHANDOLA, and P.C. TYAGI.<br />

1973.<br />

Laboratory germination tests on arhar<br />

(Cajanus cajan (L.) M i l l s p . ) . Raj. J.<br />

Agric. Sci. 4(1):25-27. (From Indian<br />

Science Abstracts 12,965). 1170<br />

The temperature in the germinating chambers<br />

was alternated 8 hours 20°C and 16 hours<br />

30°C. Dehradun paper and r o l l paper towel<br />

gave equal r e s u l t s , s l i g h t l y higher than in<br />

sand. Seeds were counted a f t e r 6 days and<br />

f i n a l count was a f t e r 13 days. The germination<br />

was constant at 25°C and 30°C. 35°C<br />

temperature gave s l i g h t l y higher germinat<br />

i o n .<br />

MADHAVA RAO, K.V. 1970.<br />

Some aspects of protein and nucleic acid<br />

changes during seed development and germination<br />

of pigeonpea (Cajanus indicus<br />

Spreng ). Ph.D. (1970) Thesis. S r i<br />

Venkateswara University, T i r u p a t i , Andhra<br />

Pradesh, I n d i a . 1171<br />


1974.<br />

G i b b e r e l l i n - l i k e substances in developing<br />

and germinating seeds of pigeonpea (Cajanus<br />

indicus Spreng). Indian J. P I . Physiol.<br />

17(1-2) :65-72. 1172<br />

The developing and germinating seeds of<br />

C. indioue (Cajanus cajan) contained one<br />

neutral and one acidic f r a c t i o n of gibberel<br />

l i n - l i k e substances. The low a c t i v i t y of<br />

these substances in developing seeds at<br />

10 days a f t e r anthesis increased up to 30<br />

days a f t e r anthesis and decreased therea<br />

f t e r except for the neutral e t h y l acetate<br />

f r a c t i o n (NEAF). Their high a c t i v i t y at<br />

the 4th day of germination decreased up to<br />

the 10th day a f t e r germination and increased<br />

in roots and seedlings with age; the<br />

acidic ethyl acetate and acidic chloroform<br />

fractions showed a higher g i b b e r e l l i n - l i k e<br />

a c t i v i t y than NEAF and acid butanol<br />

fractions at a l l stages of germination.<br />


1974.<br />

Protein and nucleic acid metabolism of<br />

developing and germinating seeds of pigeonpea<br />

(Cajanus indicus Spreng) . J. Indian<br />

Bot. Soc. 53(3-4):249-260. 1173<br />


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