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131<br />

Pathology<br />

abundance at only the lowest levels<br />

(0.002 - 0.004%).<br />

PRASAD, M., and S.K. CHAUDHARY. 1967.<br />

Effect of sulfur on sporulatlon of Fusarium<br />

udum B u t l . J. Indian Bot. Soc. 46(1):<br />

45-51. 1042<br />

The s u l f u r n u t r i t i o n of Fusarium udum<br />

Butler was studied. Ten concentrations of<br />

s u l f u r , supplied as MgSO 4 7H 2 O were t r i e d<br />

for t h e i r effects on mycelial growth,<br />

conidial production, and chlamydospore<br />

formation. While 0.32% of S was optimum<br />

f o r growth and conidial production,<br />

chlamydospore formation was best at 0.008%<br />

and 0.016%. Beyond the optimum, growth<br />

as w e l l as sporulatlon declined sharply.<br />

PRASAD, M., and S.K. CHAUDHARY. 1977.<br />

Relation of pH levels and varied n u t r i e n t<br />

media to growth and sporulatlon of Fusarium<br />

oxysporum f. udum (Butler) Sn. et H. Res.<br />

J. Ranchi Univ. 13:214-222. 1043<br />

In Fusarium oxysporum f . udum best mycelial<br />

growth and sporulatlon of macroconidia and<br />

microconidia were recorded at pH l e v e l of<br />

6.0; chlamydospores, however, sporulated<br />

best at pH 3.5 and least at pH 6.0. For<br />

macroconldlal and microconldlal sporulatlon<br />

as w e l l as for mycelial accumulation, the<br />

pH l e v e l of 6.5 had a positive adverse<br />

e f f e c t . With the age of c u l t u r e , the<br />

comparative performance of the d i f f e r e n t<br />

media v a r i e d . The best growth was in<br />

Rawlin's and Richard's media, the sporulat<br />

l o n of macro and microconidia were best<br />

in potato-dextrose and Cpapeck's media<br />

respectively.<br />

PRASAD, S.N. 1965.<br />

Studies on s t e r i l i t y disease of 'rahar'<br />

(Cajanus cajan). Allahabad Fmr 39(6):<br />

235-237. 1044<br />

Symptoms of the mosaic v i r u s disease on<br />

small and chlorotic leaves and suppression<br />

of flowering are l i s t e d . F i r s t symptoms<br />

in l a t e v a r i e t i e s appeared 10th day a f t e r<br />

the date of f i r s t flowering. A l l v a r i e t i e s<br />

were more or less susceptible to the<br />

disease. At harvesting time the infected<br />

plants were 10 to 35% and 100% in semi-late<br />

v a r i e t i e s . Severely diseased branches did<br />

not form flower buds.<br />

PRESTON, N.W. 1977.<br />

Cajanone: an antifungal isoflavanone from<br />

Cajanus cajan. Phytochem. 16(1):<br />

143-144. 1045<br />

Description of molecular structure of<br />

Cajanone is given. Cajanone, isolated by<br />

TLC from a methanolic extract of d i r e c t ,<br />

milled pigeonpea r o o t s , t o t a l l y i n h i b i t e d<br />

germ tube growth of Fusarium oxysporum f.<br />

sp. udum, the pigeonpea w i l t pathogen, at<br />

50 ppm in vitro.<br />

PURKAYASTHA, R.P., and ARATI DAS. 1973.<br />

Amino acids associated with pathogenicity<br />

of UV-induced mutants of Fusarium udum.<br />

i n c i t i n g w i l t of pigeonpea. Proc. Indian<br />

Sci. Cong. Assoc. 60(3):357.<br />

(Abstract). 1046<br />

A v i r u l e n t s t r a i n (FU 13) of F. udum was<br />

subjected to UV-radiation. The 0.01% surv<br />

i v a l was most useful in producing the<br />

highest rate of mutation. Of the 400 surv<br />

i v i n g colonies studied, 8 stable amino<br />

acid-deficient mutants were isolated and<br />

characterized. Four of these mutants<br />

required methionine either singly or a l t e r ­<br />

natively while one mutant (M60 2 ) had three<br />

alternate deficiencies as methionine/<br />

c y s t e i n e / c i s t l n e . Growth responses of<br />

M60 2 and a methionine-requiring mutant<br />

(M60 7 ) were studied in vitro. The pathog<br />

e n i c i t i e s of M60 2 and M60 7 were tested on<br />

a susceptible v a r i e t y of Cajanus cajan.<br />

It was observed that inocula, supplemented<br />

with optimal concentrations of the required<br />

amino acids p a r t i a l l y restored the pathogenicity<br />

of the test mutants which were<br />

otherwise nonpathogenic. Methionine,<br />

however, appeared to have an important<br />

role in pathogenesis.<br />


1975.<br />

A n t i b i o t i c s e n s i t i v i t y of normal and amino<br />

a c i d - d e f i c i e n t mutants of Fusarium udum<br />

in r e l a t i o n to control of w i l t disease of<br />

Cajanus cajan (L.) M i l l s p . Indian J.<br />

Expl B i o l . 13(1):58-60. 1047<br />

S e n s i t i v i t y of three UV-induced amino a c i d -<br />

d e f i c i e n t mutants in F. udum and t h e i r<br />

parent s t r a i n (FU 13) to four a n t i b i o t i c s<br />

was tested in vitro, Aureofungin (100 µg/<br />

ml) most e f f e c t i v e l y i n h i b i t e d spore germination,<br />

germ tube, and mycelial growth<br />

of the test s t r a i n s . Pathogenicity tests<br />

on C. cajan revealed that FU-13 and M-802<br />

were v i r u l e n t and avirulent respectively,<br />

while M-602 and M-607 were nonpathogenic.<br />

Selective t o x i c i t y of a n t i b i o t i c s to test<br />

strains was discussed in r e l a t i o n to the<br />

control of w i l t disease of C. cajan.

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