
signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view

signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view


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2.3.8 The matched filter bound (MFB)<br />

For an uncoded system, a bound on equalization modem performance can be obtained<br />

by assuming ISI is absent (only one symbol was sent) and MF is used. The<br />

output SINR is an upper bound on SINR. and the probability of symbol error is<br />

a lower bound on symbol error rate (SER). Often ML symbol detection is used<br />

and the corresponding detected bits are used as a bound on bit error rate (BER).<br />

Strictly speaking, this is a pseudo-bound on BER, as SNR-dependent thresholding<br />

operations should be applied to minimize BER using the MF decision variables<br />

[Sim05]. However, the difference between the pseudo-bound and the true bound<br />

are usually small, so that the pseudo-bound is used instead. In this book, we will<br />

use the pseudo-bound.<br />

An advantage of the pseudo-bound is that often closed form expressions can be<br />

obtained. For example, for BPSK and a static one-path channel, we can use (2.42)<br />

and (2.32) to determine the BER pseudo-bound.<br />

2.3.9 MF in colored noise<br />

Sometimes we wish to considered a colored noise model, which can be used to model<br />

interfering signals. Here we simply give results without derivation.<br />

When the noise colored, the LLF becomes<br />

LLF(S,0= / / -Ut^-Sj^fWMh)]* C-\h,t 2 )<br />

J — co J — oo<br />

L<br />

x [r(i 2 ) - Sjy/Ëlhfo)] dhdt 2 . (2.61)<br />

J<br />

where C~ l {ti,t 2 )<br />

is defined by<br />

/<br />

OO /ΌΟ<br />

/ C n (í 1 ,í 2 )C- 1 (í 2 ,t :i ) dt 2 = 5 D {h - h)<br />

-oo J —oo<br />

(2.62)<br />

and Sp{x) is the Dirac delta function. Expanding the square and dropping terms<br />

unrelated to Sj in (2.61) gives<br />

LLF(Sj) = 2Re{S*z} - S(0)|S,| 2 , (2.63)<br />

where<br />

We can rewrite z as<br />

where<br />

/<br />

/<br />

oo />oo<br />

/ h*{h)C~ l {t u t 2 )r{h)dhdt 2 (2.64)<br />

-oo J —oo<br />

OO rOO<br />

j h\h)C-\h,h)h{t2+eT)dhdt 2 . (2.65)<br />

-oo J —oo<br />

/<br />

/<br />

oo<br />

-OO<br />

oo<br />

-oo<br />

f*(t)r(t) dt, (2.66)<br />

C-\t u t)h{h) dh. (2.67)

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