
signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view

signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view


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THE MATH 41<br />

Thus, in the complex plane, we want to find the possible symbol value such that<br />

ASj is closest, in Euclidean distance, to z. In general, we will denote the operation<br />

in (2.50) as<br />

s = detect(z, A), (2.51)<br />

where<br />

detect(«, A) = arg min \z - ASj\ 2 . (2.52)<br />

Thus, the detect function has two inputs: the decision variable z and the amplitude<br />

reference A.<br />

For BPSK, S = { + 1, -1}, and (2.50) simplifies to<br />

s = sign(Re{yTz}). (2.53)<br />

Multiplication by A* can be omitted if A is purely real and positive. For QPSK,<br />

the I bit can be detected using (2.53) and the Q bit is detected using<br />

For Gray-coded QAM, s can be expressed as<br />

s = sign(Im{.4*z}). (2.54)<br />

s = s¡+js Q , (2.55)<br />

where s¡ and SQ are \/M-ary ASK symbols. These can be detected separately<br />

using the real and imaginary parts of A*z. Using the complex-variable definition<br />

of output SINR. gives<br />

\h(t)\ 2 dt. (2.56)<br />

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With QAM and multiple bits per ASK symbol, ML symbol detection uses thresholds<br />

that are different than minimum-BER bit detection [Sim05]. However, the<br />

differences are only significant at low SNR, where QAM is typically not used.<br />

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2.3.5 Partial MF<br />

In practical receiver designs, it is convenient to work with a set of digital signal<br />

samples, rather than the continuous-valued, continuous-time waveform r(i). Such<br />

digital samples can be easily stored in a digital memory devices and processed using<br />

digital signal processing devices. While it is often not necessary to model the effects<br />

of digitizing the sample values, it is important to consider how often the received<br />

signal is sampled and what filtering occurs prior to sampling.<br />

In the remaining chapters, we will focus primarily on equalization designs operating<br />

on the sampled output of a front-end filter matched to the pulse shape (TDM)<br />

or chip pulse shape (CDM, OFDM). Such a front-end filter is often used in practice<br />

for a number of reasons.<br />

1. It reduces the bandwidth of the signal, reducing the sampling rate needed to<br />

meet the Nyquist criterion.<br />

2. It suppresses signals in adjacent frequency bands, sometimes called blocking<br />

signals, reducing the number of bits per sample needed.

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