
signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view

signal processing from power amplifier operation control point of view


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which simplifies to<br />

/<br />

oo<br />

•OO<br />

\h{t)\ 2 dt. (2.43)<br />

Output SNR. is maximized when equality is achieved, which occurs when<br />

The resulting output SNR, is<br />

f(t) = h(t). (2.44)<br />

/ \h{t)\ 2 dt. (2.45)<br />

-oo<br />

A similar analysis of QPSK would reveal that the matched filter response would<br />

be the same. In general, for an arbitrary modulation, we can define a complex<br />

decision variable z such that<br />

oo<br />

f*(t)r(t) dt. (2.46)<br />

/<br />

-oo<br />

As discussed before, we usually determine the SNR of resulting complex decision<br />

variable, rather than just the real part.<br /> Final detection Once we have the decision variable z, we need to determine<br />

the detected symbol s. Here we will consider the more general case in which s<br />

is one of M possible values, drawn from set S. With ML symbol detection (which<br />

minimizes symbol error rate), we find the hypothetical value of s, denoted Sj, that<br />

maximizes the likelihood of z given s = Sj. As z is a continuous r.v., we will use<br />

its PDF for likelihood. Mathematically,<br />

oo<br />

s = arg max Pr{z\s = Sj}, (2-47)<br />

where "arg" means taking the argument (the Sj value).<br />

We can model complex-valued z as<br />

z \= As + e, (2.48)<br />

where e is complex, Gaussian noise with PDF given in (1.27). Thus, z is complex<br />

Gaussian with mean As. While MF leads to a value for A that is purely real and<br />

positive, let's consider the general case where A is some arbitrary complex number.<br />

The likelihood of z given s — Sj is then<br />

Pr {^}^exp{^d!}. (2.49)<br />

where the real and imaginary parts of e both have variance σ\. Since the likelihood<br />

function is positive and increasing, we can maximize over its log instead and ignore<br />

terms that do not depend on Sj. As a result, (2.49) becomes<br />

s = arg max -1« - ASj\ 2 — arg min \z - ASj\ 2 . (2.50)<br />

h£S<br />


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